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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1924, p. 3

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____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ _-------____T HURSD ÂY, )A 1CH 6,1924 people over the Toronto EAtern.nd neetl tinegorgdohepoy IAtt5BP< ai~~~~od Cânàdian N9ortheraUlne, but thissuprthsognajo ,New y WUters front our Corresnm nts c a o,.ded ilumore ways than oe, ei. u elkonCoa oit ili ad one would b h o e o t e gi u 'W fll ongieamscl oc n nsd Eastern from mwmanu I'SfliL Soon of n fl f m t a r m a o W hitby and then oe north -a couple__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h ________________________________________of miles on the Whitby Lindsayv ro W r P yu 4 url.i a dru teto h esn and.lu to Toronto over: the CanadisufYeaaueme ihwa- C was decided to çret other talent and -Orthern Une and also operate frôm W$ Miester BIIO<KI[N j pvo a mînstrel show later. miglit have been a fatalpeccident lat Miss Amy Corner, of Toronto, apent There la some consolation te le March came in like a lamb go bwe-6orna h sho rons g th eek-end at the home of ier Parr, Who have to work eleven and ev Wr o=oe ite ethrye#W have a SPeCLU4 Market for Special Brand of Butter. hl lmig alfneh ens here. hours a day to make ends mneet,, stMs The Dramay- "Cranberry Corners" ACr o doeiesav h rve alfryoi ran Miss - Dorothy Vipond, of Toronto, btter to wear out thUiz mast gt.", given by Alrnonds Young people on--wo nissd. rmtatnino M.and Mrs. John Vlpoud. 9 gmy squirrels in this neighborhood The crowd was small qwlng te inclem- I M ..Mr. Elwood Stevenson of Toronto#,jthiwnter.- They- are practieally the enqy of the! weathdr but te audionce j__ 1701 B3rookil,. amesa< eidnslvn o iePt 8spent the week-end with hie parents. only fur beaing animals left and are was a Most appr.ecjative one. Every 3 od r aigdffclyt rvlTr 1Mr. Wm. Arnold, who bias lieen at- Protected-by the game Iaws.- character took bis or lier part most ____________________________teedy. W hn h od tending Dental College in Toronto, Mr. Eari Lawrence, of Toronto, admirably sud the esult was verysZlIeoee bte o hm a spent the week-end with bis father,; spent the week-end at lhe home ofis satisfactomy.- Those who did flot hear words lu esponse te this toast, as al- of Oshawa, Visited on Sunday with -T Mr. Win. Arnold. WïlI Jr. le leavIng larents, Earl lu now with the Over- "Craiiberry Corners" nussed a rare go did W. Waddel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ashby. C L M tS-Tu forWe.emnCanda horlyand Sales 'Departmient inthcty teat. Following this toast the niedals won M s.s Hannah Long, of Toronto, Some of the fa ped hi t eir Rev. Prof. Childs, of Trinity Col- ?la~~pr ~ t d t, ~ îy r ar r ~ ~ T ro t p n h spen -th wee -end at t e ho e ofcae d ood rntce s owng -sud e- lege, Tor6nto, will conduct-tbe service ers by M rs. A. Cook sud M rs. E. E R E W O u d y a s h m ee e set-tewe-netthhoeo evdgo rcs wn othe snow in St. Thomnas' Churci, Brooklin, next PRatterson. r.To. Coo ad is ora n-sie hMis pr. .ofOsw i storm and liglt receipts of live stock. 'Sunday, Mardi 9th, at 4.30 p.m, the Th'ades were eclipresented withFiA seveigh-laden te Pitke ratert bu 5o hi inst h Miss LonoraInnisof Osaa, Miss Laura Mackey spent the week-1 rector, Rev. Mr. Wright, being absent a carnation at this junction and Mr . eennadejodthFi- -spent the week-end at the home of edwt isMrae ilr ht t eeotoo i a e' ocr ntetw al her mother here. edwt isMrae ilr ht a eeot na sixdy'mission. 1H. Mackey proposed a toast. to "The mnsConerltions the townhaapay isrFiayngi.gii Mr. Cha.Bli3ght bas rentedt y arae ee A Mission Baud Bazaant wll ho beld; Ladies." He sald lie had neyer Cogauainsadmn Terasl om at ftu is-Ms Mse agetan ee Hu-in the Methodist Church, Brooklin, on! a model at proposing te the lades Iut I5n to R. R. and Mrs- Mowbmay, of QUea5niho-Su Hart farm. at present occupied by Mr. son, of Whltby, spent the week-end Thursday, Mardi 13th, omnin oflti oplmn e aeteiLnsale, who celebrated the fiftietihoo teddM.Fe lmn'ph Hugw ratrdley hrIN hag ithas omn ghonor ropa osin atatto hvthe, HuoBa tey ug a phs i hmiss.LWhite. at 3 o'clock.1 Sale of home-made hnrof rpslgatstoth la- anmiversary of their marriage lastsaetsee.Po ne rco n hn uftr- Mss K. White entertained a num- candy, bakiug, fancy articles, quilts, des of Brooklil sud vlcinity. Tis l Mnay dr cently. ber of ber friends from both Whltby also fiaiPond. Lunch wlll ho served an age, ho said, -wlen woman is tak- Bob sud Mrs. Harvey and littlefao The egz.4 prodlucëd ut the two GOV- n rooklun last Wednesday night.,lu the tea, room. Programme by the îng lier place beside man in m nd Mer-Bts H ae layswek ernn'ent stations for bred-to-lay PIy- An meeting of the Booklin Tennis 'chidrenin the evening. "Y Ber Bett spetare ays w it1 MY TE T TINti ways, and the mon were realizing thatMisCtrieownapplo mouth Rock chiekens in tuis. vicmnity Club ia called foi'Thursday evening, Chas. Bligit lias rented. the Dehart tliey couldn't get along without themn, Mrs. J. Harlock speut several days Ms .Trlf a ucsfll uht ndMthe C.upervision of ars. n o -ngt)l he0holose ilw ofarmn, ow ocupied by Mr. H. Brad- even on' the sports field, or at a ban- last week with heÈ daughter, Mrs. W. pa Whcite r rad rs .L acleyor areinow are contemplatig playing tennis thisj ley, for a termn of two years, unexpired1 quet. Last yeam thee hîtd been no Richardson, of the ings1ton Road sn e xmnto uEeet i'eciviv~ rea y sle or h tcing ear are invted to, core out teoor- on present lease, and will move there ladies allowed but it wasn't a banquet West. m in ed a te O tno L de' S purpo.s.es at remunèrative prices. Co. . anize sud siga up. fombr sciats.- DV.oknfTonopet Wty.'fr Miller, of 4"The Grange", Wbltby, 's A number of people Keith awrenco aud familysk ingD.V. sold oth&ote pet h taklng rnost of them at presout. XihLwecan mly avIn epni te this toast Mr. week-end at Mis home.-A onoly f weha at Tebsnspepeof rolnaewent over te Kinsale on Monday even- purchased a bouge lu Whitby sud ýwll1 Gorge Brown lianded around some- A number fmom Greenwood attend-famntMrA.Jhso.i; losing imoney the past two moufis by jngvmsro he ? maqrae o! Mr. hand tb moeter. ererto 'oe! cOrmuulty sone shoots and the gati- ed the social evening lu the town hall Alodfouyonpolewttop. the large number of young ipeople who M ivrs R . owbemra eo ad. eing eujyd a aîng-song for a timo, _at Claremont last'Fiday night. go te 1Whitby te skate. Saturdy he Yugpol e nali Our commuiywssdee atrwlieîMr. Brown. congrauîated 'Bort aud Mrs. Harvey spent yg lit ilnz la 4 the village was deserted and daho Mrd pry o pOpeawet on a eigidat. o F<aY of Rev. Roger Allin,; the ladies on thçir splendidý efforts.i the week-end with Toronto frienda.on îs j rid part to Oiawa his wek lu most beloved resident of our village. * Mr. H. L. Barton said a few flatter- jJonraed ______________ ovrfi ftyý Brooklimites were in Wbitby Mr. and Mrs. W. Waddell- and fam- The funeral service was held in the fina eg od -OÎng wpeiiyws oetedtergaiue oomds about Brooklin when ho said ae n eto oset n-~~ ol a . ei h 0 'd oy oi n e p e iy w s e o t n h i r tt d o M ethodist hu c b On M onda y after- 1it 'as the m ost public spiited sm a l n f w f iends last F iday evening te a fromNI Myrtle.and Kinsale' The hand theý people of Booklin for alI their noon, a large Cogeaiobenprs village lie bad ever been iu. Ho also1 party. i smoattacio intb.Cunt twnkindness iu their recent loss b y fi me. on.1e.R .DIve bdcagadwsagetsot nhsatadwsI1 ~ i but to itizenq here are still talking,-This formlntc an tfly ex- 55W.A Il a hagan aagetsprsenhsat n a rifa notchand. fuvex wns assistod by Revs. F. 1H> Howamd,1riy ovneth o alfte The ont rtaintnient -commnittee o prese; tbe appreciatîon feit by theni. ,of Whitby, M. W. Leigb, Gr*e 'od (ucatioual trainin.g o cildmon was . -O ý imycnice htfo I !teTIORNTON'S CORNERS G n rlIs Tepastor preached on "Hope"in>H F. Latimer, Mytl, n R.F-, in tho school roora but partly on the The mild woather will taw imue of thle Sprinm Fair Boardl was c n11- Mthe Prndo.sb.Fte-iianfieChurciecheonheIfl1Hho ti MntrlshwýtePrsytnn hrc nSunday ser, Columbus. On Tuesday momnin-gspor ld.I tatheh yug o snow and as Spring is so near we ~lnnr otin u aMistrl hO 'fternoon. Messrs. C. -S. Tb onpson te body was taken to Picton Cerne- ttkeaoo"iki"an rieoxpect a few davso mdy eth'~ for thrb-~nn conresrt of the 24th of tC n- alras IK mntw May. h1t owing 10Ia fi tn jds .Wbe an iedOih oyfor huril. The flor'al tributose rads tart o.ga the evening Mm. and Mrs. J. Elliott and iMis th -ar f ,orne- citizens interested, it l--,eb etnteoms s ifa ntmesv w'ei'e beautiful. including one froni the 1Iîîtemvening througot h d'ntyh BokChOru ~r rnerd~Eolth visited recen tly witb Mm.Ca d " ~ e l o b e w e e t u t o u a c o n r > C h r c h ' B o r d . T h e p a î - b o r e r ' a r e c e lle n t m u s ic . M r s . H . L . B a r to n s a n g E ll o t t in C o b o u r g . hi oProf. C. D. Allun, Minnea- iMi - - poli _JS;Pofi.E oes oot;a solo "Spring is Curning" and Mes- aMr. Fr'ank Lukie-blas been spending ITITRBFS V~ED M esr.~-. Goderham an Weir, T ron- s olomon, Bestoi, and Thompson fe wefcks with relativ'es and fîiend.:h3m ta Lf ssrn ilcà n-oro sang a trio and Mrs. E. C. Cross sangI Snudei'land, Lindsay and other* _k R .and C has. Grass, Brooklin. Pastor i"one, Sing to'Me'". The very fine plae e ____________Club_______________<___ O r R O. aUac \ui orde thruh DIve aid lvingtribte t the orthevenng ws endd bysingng "sil<l The drme's' lub bs reentl ne Delans pI worko nthi goo hewortas Lang Syne." 0rLanî7ed and already bas severa, UEL UUA. N Adodrtruhyour club, n - fI sgo mn hows1me'br. twilbe to the'farmers'PrftAltdtoPIch (Rriît~eIoyal (?ollege o! and __ it will iflake yobu, money. beloved by al]. Ij T Mrs. E. MNaynard visited Oshawa R G A J--Al L ts etrs Ihlital Sutrgeons and Ors-lrs mustbenr before buyinig, relatives Iast w'eek. lafoIastiseN Urieo oîyi c UivIesiyno Trool until a ýstorehouse is avai.lable. Mrs. C. Grass spent the week-end Miss or te Luo of Torotossue)~. AI wJ11 be In 131rooklIn ~~w-th ber ?laughter at Bma to issBri ueo ooti M A speWsledStvgnsa ' iOnwiti rela- LC J every Wednesdey and 1PoeteSce ry ed Stvson has beon appoint-1 LCEU AUT NER-N i edChevrolet agent for this section. tives in the village. VALIJATOR ___ ______ Thursday ,*,onlng î roio " " Ihmur boys' and girls' choir didfot WarsoyorertttMr. kd fslsatedd_ ______ Brokli» FPMOS' llj màteinlize on Sunday- owing to tbe J.Groso has been on the sick list the p' id f ae rmn'ptly __________ ____ 0Oli ce ()ver Ormiston's S'to ree epidemie of influenza and colds. The past week. Hem many .friends are te. Arrangements for salett =,- be ________ Wm. Arksey, Wmi. Cooper, meuachisnadthrates anxious for a specdy ecovery. made et the Gazette Offiee. Terme!. - - '- -- -~~ Presidefit Sec.-Treas. aud soloi m.Bronwr pr- Mms. F. Dring and Miss Pearl Brout roasouable: Phonos 17ad28 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _Mr.___have rgaveeduh me afte speudighW HveT Y. O N T._______ _______ _______ ______ d ic a t e M m . D e l v e sa ' e s i n e e t i g I t h e p a s t w e k l u t h e c i t y . ________________________________________________ ouse o uesa" a d "Lot's The Lauies' Aid Tea which wb d t- ________________________ ______ Misses G. Argeil and E. Morris, ofi1 ed for Weduesdp- _.PP-- 0thy was- j ' Osawa viito Mrs A.C. llitt'matpostponed on account o! the stommy I w week. weatle. The date 'la uncertain wen Q V L W Miss Eývelyn Allumr i spé'udiug the it will ho held OWing to the ilîness o! Do >'~~ -week witl Osbawa fiends. the Preside t Mrs. A. J. G ose.IS T EX M N TH knewuawder Ohhawaircuenstan4- o! the tlea, aa as aon r.tadIpes Jr. m . - Jenb foroh Br azVilt_ seuted toeoaci lady. Mucl-i the sucerson k, csad other novelty:effects of Grntthe ~T his Ne entertaiument commlttee, which re. man Wilson. ceived msuy congratulations.J.I-OiTmpo. GENER L M T R r .< 4 The Teain and Executive sat at the I.-Harold Bray, George Ormisten, head table at the foot o! the stage Inez Wilson. in the body o! the Hall. After ail had Pr. A.-Bruce Garrett. 4* Partaken o! a very, doUdcous meal, E. M. Fergumon, teacher. ~ dantily served by the ladies, the gati-- S ermng was called to omder by the Preai- dent, Rev. J. . P nson, sud the elec- ]B U L U S tion of officers for the, coniing yearM r.BAoSE N wh a beST an onsued. Rev. J. R. Fraser, in bis agiug the dairy departmnt at the pîidetial address, spoke o! the work Hospital Fann, moved on Satunday te i onnection with tic com lotion o! the farm nho bas rented ou the Base S tie Community Park snd saithe ParkLUe, Pickering, wbere ho wi11 farm was not only for footbal but ailkinds for hinisel!. We wisl-i-Mm every suc- $ 1 o! gaines. Ho thougli there had been loess. ~.'.¾'~ two great outrances iu the world pro- Mn. H. Ross has been laid up for a - vioua te the Broku1>Park outrance, week with injuries- reeived- from a -ad now there vere three, thauks te krick from one of the Hospital farm our public spinited citizens. Ho hopedj horses.- He hopes t e o on duty again te have anothen tree plautirug bee sud soon. make the Park a village green for aIl As a farmer who often crosses the Mr. E. E. Patterson, Manager of nailway on the Base Lino oast wo the Football Tearn, was called on for1 know something of its incouvenieuce a few words sud'said that the Brook- ansd danger and nothing woe au c S ln Teamn was the besttiluthe. bague w il remedy it but building a sub- and ho could nover figure out whyit way. Anyoue who would consent to * was that tie boys loat out lu the final.' have the road diverted Up the north A ll C lea Ho _said the Football Club contributed 1 aide o! the track would mnake a big $100 towards the erection o! the club niistake that in couiing years tiey . h ouse lu the Part lwould lament. We- think our Town- & Off a e U nsmThe Treasurer-s report §howed a! slip council would be. justifieti in mak- <JM4 U lSeeflbalane: f44.5~. 'ina:grant towardsa:ubway.buw \ .,.icer elected vre.-rn. Jam es M Leod have âàJLlst Vice- Presl-Rev. R. JA Delve are gladti t learn boti are consider- 80~::.. 2nd Vice Pres.-Fned rstn ably botter. 0IO ILf V.Shidole. ~"~" SEcretarY---Gera1d Solonon. Our sympathies go out to the fan- ...~.L. .LL i'~ Treasuren-C. S. Thonipson. fil y sud relatives o! Mme.- R. Corroîl iu puzu w u t mlury to Tan Manage-R. Bosse. their beneaverneut. Sic was a kin .~d ..v, th.Assiat. Manager-C. W. Elfiott. motion anti sympathetie fniend. lier ë W o &bia iti wA toaIst was'tien proposeci te u~ nemory will not soon lie forgotten.-WïibyCmaio garmnt thru R -ae in" and responded- to by singing Dr. Jas. Moore proope- a toast to A W N) brvrtenwOdmbleSxSot wclnccltiui "74re Teami" lu whichhoenelogizeti Mr. sud Mrs W. Kemp vislted on Tai p~ epesy~loaa er uprwnsi spot sd te Bookin ean. He was - Monday with Mm. sud Mns. J. Draper, ~ ~ cs elee 2O.Cran7n lts rntukr gladti teannounce ta noifo o lkeig hati been signeti up te make a 9oo0d Mr. Norman Tursey, o! Oshawa, x-yidratmblf- %nmteaitilla yean. Atlleties, he saîd, -spent Sunday wîtl Mn. Fred lee-. bas evrabw1ableuadfrail, nickl rad are associateti wîth the physical anti'-Mr. Arthur. Pascoe, o! Pickernug, 'fr~lti oiy yerdao le mental developuigut o! mai*intiand d mas blred with Mn. IM. Atklusou for CoUsider wbat thmbns<eSot wpr amreecessary, but slould not lie car- tie summer. nié tt extremnes. Sport dates back ln;'Mr. T. morcombe sud family are ToUnîng offer you -six -clne e- ~ oirlo)Irfa oun anclent history when the Romans! busy this week moving- inte their foimnce, wng, Iow bocyhedic Te eeme h e AT T H1E. GRIST MILL, W HITBY aud. Greeks bullt their great amphi- ý home reeently vacated by lins. W. _ ârsfrgaeadteBriisher :Oke. had slwaya lad the sanie desire for' Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Mce ne-Toaring $109, Raitr$05 pr ong$25 a 19 Cu thein. There now are numnemous Parka 'ýtaineti a large number o! their fnientis TeG .%C 1 have lu stock for the Spring trade a full lino o! Seed- suci as this one lu Brookhn., through- 'ýte a dance on Fniday evening Ist. -TcGMAC xcddie'en lnmkbyaey i ,csL.. , Timthy Rd Cove.-Alflfa, nd ll ins o Gaen inspecter hati tolt i m hles somerlvWstlg her tiaughter, Kra. W. Rîci-1 -Seeda. Seeti Corn, Bran, Shorts. and White Middlings. that tuis one la second to noue, Beiardson 1j Bread F'lours ini 98'o and 24's-PuritY. Royal Household, raid t h ad been plauneti deeply and!' Mr. C..rtnée Àtkinsoa, o! Rions, Creain of the West, Five Crowus, 14onaroh and Manuel well, sud lad cat $562.He vantetwinvs uWhltby tus week unloadlg I ?astry, Graham and Whole Wheat Flour. Purmna Chovi- some gardons uM;tSecierk sud ei'ose Mme..ainou i follow borl. ' 'L thme rordeTite 'Pa* ety cf= 'Mmt ticir soti oulltune. Mn. sud j or. Blatchford's EUg Mash, Scratch Feedsand all ide o! bis stitreas by an appealfor Brookilu Mr.insd Mm. W. Brown entertain-j Whèl. Grains. Tankage and Be.! Scrap. Preaaed Hqay terni anti fans. te Plarthe gaine al--lid s large auiner of their frieuds on andSal. W deive to&H arte o th ton. ayslu the gootiold-'Britisçb W"-. Fda evm.n* at&, ube svery en- s u d S a t. W . d e lî v r t e il p a ts o ! tii. o u n . p n d tio y uth e v a - ; Z y i m e va s sp e t.g , h s e n til . l ~ m x t v fer hent year, & F. Patterson, Aveye- sat I a q to udthey luteudedti teplay the WeduesdJy evomgug st wlen thei et' «V O M' an ee ip 0te0thlUg ua- Lageelti s sating party te Ic N eF. MWacK-INNEY 1» th voul"»t ofwdjnor n MWÂT tWIA1ItU8& tA-lbCo* .oid dn'Mttalk thsocial ho« ur »Ms tttor. the. blggup.abut 1hey voleet bisma- - Mr. sMd Mms.W- Dinguan, Mm. andi hUffeta. R.LEentl" alssi> mas kvMrx. Wlbur Dbfg...,asd suOrvet

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