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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1924, p. 5

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TRURSD4Y, MÂRCU el 19? Watoh Re pairs ýWE ARE GIVIF4G very speclel attentlon to Repairing of -Watches. -Now Is the time to give y satisfe Ail w< premls skllled Estiml -Whou Vour wath put fi shape. We can vou prompt and actory secr vi1ce.u rk dont on the ses by Our two 1 workmen, iates Furnishod i Desirede and ail iiuruiaranieeu. Je- M IIick] JEWELER -I Flrst CLass Watch Repatring. 13ROCK STREETr WIIITBV - Mr-.John 'I Il________________________ ret Mng- ing. Studio at residence of Mrs. G. M. Wallace, Green Street. Phone 86, McLaren je visiting in'Ã"r write P. O. Box .159.-tf. i- utnîîuîes or miss u5~..oiweii, mVissi Hall and -Miss Alioway, who received examination marks of 87, 91 and 95, percent., respcctively, were, it was an-, j 5~ nounced, entered fer the medal cn VL~wa.On Tuesday night the young people X- test among ail the Diocese. Dr. Crawford, of the Ontario Hos- of AIl Saints' Church, held a very suc- jnadiin-te thesewetoqls pital, le in North Bay. csfLbeap-Year Social in the Par- addecon r s ter holaokrs dt, 'Mrs. bouisa Thomnas and child ist e o h îall Contrrue hepYusleo-, very weîî. Ir. the Senior advanced for bondon, Eng., Saturday nlhgeft etnge, in ttue be-estylcassHarld gg teok first chass hon- morniiLnr-gntna.ý tùý n the laiebr ought themofgo. ors, Edwin Wilson second class honors, by Snar biei- Antnla" tbn~g an thelades ough thin.and Charles P irr hird ciass bonors. Mrs. W.- J. Kim ,of insyiss- This aused much fun and al had a Te#.,'rp re iltrind iting ber miece, Mr;s. .W u y ood time. Games and a program j.n4_7 o r tu j i 'wfllt frendmplet__d"the r v ers afor-ctModoOI' PIumbi-ng 3~lnth g ki~ ~ .1. Miss Coilp..' 5.innings spent the week- opetdteen.gsr.igbs -nhr. Tue t,.Patlcks ~b l- te Witb -Ir. and Ir. ýVeter* are spendingj Th t arc' e yteTrfl ui alo fdyeyening,_March ai -êk sotvcaina PetnSringe, gar Daughters at the Coflege onSat- 7th. Moins @UiUaII.EUUl H IshortU vnario. ' Prsto- urday the lSth, promises te be a very A eenngwih . . arie Rv deightful affair. A veigwihJ.M.ari.'Rv ~ris Bettiger of ylmr, nt. isDr. MacMillan, of Toi-onto, wil give a - BoetiigrofAyler Ot. i; iterary lecture on "J. M. Barrie," as- Let~ us bring your plumb- WHIST LEAGUE. assisting Ms Davey in her miiinery sisted by local musical talent in St. . Gun Cluband Sons of England werc store this seascin.- Andrew's churcb, Tuesday, March 11, iI1g UJ to a& modern state of winncrs in their respective beague; MILLINERZY -Announciag tflic dies' Aid Society. Admission 25cLa- repa gamTes ndModaycoees: at. Spring Opening, Mai-chlS th at Ms t8pmudrasie fte ~ .Teidvda crs Davèy's. Very e\clusi;ve and up-te- jRv .G .Wigt f i ans The best time isright-now. unCbOdfeliows dlate styles; are beùîg prepared. Church, Whitby, will conduct a six ~ W.Ricbardson 122 ýýT. Waltcrs 1701 1 daye' Mission 1at St. Marks qîurch, F. Sînter 173 R. Mowat 129i the meetings cf the Courty Judges Ma-h9hadedngFiaMajh*4 CU IV . Gimblett 144 E. Gurney. 168 Jude . . M cilivry ttndc, esroa th, conening next Sunayh io M cIN Ebyd 16 H.ugy 14 behl in Toi-ento la-st week.,lt.Alhs oa -r-frta ek W.*~ Ellis .147 - 4. Bannister 165E Mi-. and Mi-..lfred Harrîis, cf Porýt is caricelled bei-e. Rcv. Professer Phonoe 60, - WHUTB[Vf M. Mallett 17 G.oat 38 Wýhitbyý, have mînved into tieir home Cbilds of Trinity Coliege, Toronto, wilh G. Anderson 164 N. Williams 1481 Chiurch and St. Tboriias' Cburc J. Gray 157 B. Bryan 155, The Misse - Ldîa and Lau t-u HiYde, Brookin, next Sunday, Mai-ch 9th.' REMEMNBERS FIRST ISSUE 0F J. Mitchell 161 W. Hadhcy 151î of Toi-ente, %'isitedj last wNeek witb ijà GLOBE. W. Stone ' 150 J. Brooks 162; thei r paren tý trMi.anM ms J. C. Hyde. J. - F. Adrsn licensed plumber, Wcdnesday, March 5, was the eight-j G. Robb 173 W. Hewsen 139ý IreI ii t- cakb -Henry St.., Whitby. 1 t.it niesr o h salsf'etJ. Moore 147 McCullough 1651 p)er Ilb. at 1% P wie'ts h Remember the King Street School cof t]e Toi-ente, Globe as a wéeklyR. cine 16 G.Wtea 14 Prigles.home-made vooking sale in the Coun- newspaper. Remembering the Globe i-. -nd M s. Thos. Henderson Ieft cili Chamber on Frday, March l4th, at fi-on early girlbood w-hen ber father, 92226 21421 onWenda last for Toi-onte ýv\-bere -3 o'clock. The Club is asking ail the! Erastus Nathan Howard, pioncer gsett- Sons of EngÃŽand Veterans thy '-llteie a utre-parents te belp the . members make i1 er on the Kingston Roud, subsci-ibed W. Wilkinson 166 J. McClurg 14r) 'NI a i-~ aph Vntn this a ,'zuccess. Donations of home- for the paper fi-en its fi-st issue as a F. Matthew-s 170 A. 'Bruce 14*2 an meR ~ eapi-tiatoeer made coeking,- fruit and candy ma 'w-eekhy, !vlrs. Henry Warren Annes, J. Isaacs 164 E. Noona-n 148 Mcnye' ard;r soe be sent te Counci' Chamber or left mother cf F. Howar-d Annes and Miss J. Ceux 152 J. A-. Wilson 16() 1with Mrs,. R. A. Hutchison. Afterno'on MJaude Annes, is still a diligent i-ead- A. Moore 144 R. Spencer 168 KepSattui-da -. Mai-ch lSth, fer the tea sei-ved for 15c- -88 er of w-bat she believes te be the nost: G. Sterricker 163 T. Richardson 149 Tra1fala-lauhe- St. iatriek' ivrBih amowhl rhî powerfuh influence foir goed un the! P. Bradbury 66 W. Bunn 146 T 1;e attCollege. 1 growth of Cana4a. EM ea 7 .Pna 3 Flic her c the vthedst Tar-fi sh, 17îe. per lb.. at W. B. Pri ngle's.I- ___ etietertaitwd lh,v Nt-s. Joh)In The annual meeting of the Board of 1 MRS. JACK BOLTON, A.LC M,.e1301nding fl1 ier iý,ita'enthe lill, (In'lues- jTrade -will be beld on Friday evenng,1 - ssociate of bondon Coll j , The League tadng: s Pit da~ evniug, " a t~t-xMai-ch 7,"1n the Counicil Chamber. A < ee lyd o etPit ii .1u iti cjybejfuil atteridance is - equested as there England) 1G Gun Club Il il' 0O 92 1 - h important bus'ine-,te be considei-ed. TEzICHER f0F SING«L Oddfeilows il 6 5 _ 12 Studio: Keîtb Street Veterans il 3 8 6 'nie l1untal 0trice-, (IfPDrs Beitoni Don't fail te bear Re . Dr. Macl-ï P. 0. Box 36 Phone 337J Sons of Erg. il 2' 9 4 Hu-cîatnd Si%-e î ilibe clesediau's lecture o 'J. NM. Brre ,W -if. jevhng arh10h ev- ~-Weineda~aftî acuuntil tui-- Tuesday.e onn, Barrh ie" oin -- t etModyevnn, a-h Oh tlýer- notice.eennMihltiS. ... the final leagu e gaines. of the season Andriew%,s Churcb. 11eod mus ical pro- RAD'SIL RUG. u be played mhen the Vets meet the W.H. KennedyI Barrister, etc. of-gr-am.n. Admission 25c. RODSILRUH - lb n h dflosaeu fice one dci- west of Post Office, * Traffic can nom- get through te To-! home te the Sons of England. Duxîdas' Stt-eet, Whitby. cUSOSREE DCE rente on the Kingston Road, but thej - TM EEIT ERASE. rond is excediagiy rough, and few', The Custoins Leceipts fer the înionthi trucks are rnakîag the trip as yet.* Be-:i DEATH 0F NMRS. CORRELL of Februai-\ý show a decided slump. ,tweile Oshawa and Whitby traffic is- The death occurred on Sundav, - JCollections arnounteà to $1618.90" or passîng daiiy, but driving is far freom Mai-ch 2, 1924, of Hannah Willis, aged I ~ ~~~~~$1625.M$less ba Jn.ry n ý es.Th ist breaking tbroughon 75 years, widow of the ' late Reber-t H-umrn-ing *6~4 less than Februai-y, 1.92,, -tielthiszt rond was accçnmphshed, net- bvi Correli, at ber residence at Port Whit- I -total for which was $3244.33. It is ex- Oshaw-a jitney drivers as at fi-st i-- by, following a'lengtby ilaess Iasting Ye-thiat's the word-busi- pected that March wihI be a' record Ipcrted, but by the staff of the Uni-' over a year. Mrs. Correil was taken« nesais unîing. Geos a ' îont. -- jversaI garage of Wbitby, driving their serioushy ilL about a year ago and was mode rato 's&l vrtewrecking crane, and armed with snowI- - shoels.They alec, made the frest ~sto,. __________ 8~KW&~~~ NGUTBALL! breaýc througb te Pickeruz. 1on sale To.uiay sua Neru'Iag, pop lb.' -108, Master um'gbt White FIsh, 18@ BiatishbGkilmbia Slouulié Every article in this s tore le sold at the righ$ pri. Pm Lawr Wb. ils hWh Wuu. Meokem wb-Y eta jUndei-the auspices cf the Whitby iBasebail Club in the Townu Hall and Council Chunbei-, Monday evening, 'Mai-eh 17, St. Patr-ick's Bail, wist and ruML8K V 1 oI EaJUVII L m111t zorgest te date and plan te ho there.. NOTICE Owîng te the xild weather, prop- otherwlaeiu t 'vail *doûe by the tcwn without further notice; and oat IZagqpd t'> the 1iver.dly f Chalrman Streoa Commattee. SUNDAY SCROOL HJA» SLEIGlg- RIDE The ithalau of the BapttSunday &choot b.d tèuWr sauuai a 1eghrlde lat Wednesday. In the afterueo, short- 1 - ater ooek, the iaernben of od by the tem mSad théla«o ST. .ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. Turkington, Minister - unday, Mardi 9th. il a.m.-MorTning service. Subjeet, "Rvangelistic'Work in the Philistines' Land." Acts VIII 26-28. 3 p.m.-Sunday Sehoot and Wc-t men's Bible C4ass. 7 pxm.-Eveninz Service. Subject:"«David, a Mau o«Cour-t age-' The ftrat>of aseries of Sndayl evenug~salernu..on Old Testa- ,=tI = r S muçW i b the corne and bring a friend. Frida~a-htt3pm.iiAl service. Tuenaya,1Lareh ith, Be«. Dr. Alex- andr UeMilan ofToronto, wll give a lecture. om the Author, SUr James IL Sunday, *an*i 9th 8Sia..-Holyonmuin 1-AMrn-Morwng tprayer and ser- a PML-B-me -c u chureh. S. 9.Vl PadhztZ - - 4M .-BrookIin servie. - etc., the property of W. J. Hallett, lot 30, con. 2, Whitby Tp. Sale at 12. o'clock sharp. See bis. Wnm. Maw, auctioneer. -38 Saturday, March 15-Aucton sal >e of house, four haîf-acre lots. and fur- 1 niture, the property of W. D. Agg. Dufferin St., Whîtby. Sale at one o - dlock shàrp. See bills. Wrn. Maw, aué- tioneer. -38 Thursday, Marc h ý0--Auction sale] of farm stock and impfements, the pr',Prty ni' H. C. B3radley, lot 231 con. 7, Whitby Township, one mfie iîorth of Brooklin. Sale at e.30 o'clock shar.p.f See bills. Win. Maw, auctioneer. ---38 Wednesday, March 19--Auction sale of Clydesdale Horses, high grade Shorthorn cattie, Yorkshire Hogs, lIn- plements, hay, grain and roots, the property of S. H. Cossins, lot 20, con. B.F., Base Line, Whitby Township. Sale at 12.30 o'clock sharp. See bills. No. reserve. Wm. Maw, auctioneer.- 36. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the- Estate of Charles B. Ballard, late of the Town-- ship of Whitby, in the County of On- tario, Fariner, deceased. Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of section 56 of the Trustees Act, R. S. O. 1914, Chapter 121, that ail cred-1 itors and others having dlaims' or de- niands against the estate of the said Charles B. Ballard, who died on or. about the second day of February, 1924, at the Township of Whitby, in11 the County of Ontario, are requirea on or before the 25th day of March, 1924, to send by post prepaid or (le- 1 liver to the undersigned Administra- tor, or his Solicitor, their Christianî naine and surnfames, address;es and de- scription, the full particulars in wit- ing of their dlaimis, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the t security, if any, held by thein, verified by aff'idavit. Ind take notice that 'after the- salt, 25th 4ay of March, 1924, the saidA- riinistrator will proceed to, distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the -daims of whifch he shail then have notice, and th-àt the said Administrator will not belliablej for the- assets or any part thereof , tO any person or persons of whose claims Palmor's VWo od Yard 1IARD, 50FT AND -MMXD WOOD. Orde rs left at Maundreil'a Ehadware. wi recerve prompt .attenton Phoute 25 J. EL PALMER, VWHITBONT. HEMLOCK hIS CPRESS SPRIJCE $395 Cas g R HARD WOOD and SOffFI WOOD@ We are clearing out our odda and ends of Paint Grade D@EISav L@W POUCES F 9 Phe 12, L.Beecroft WhtI-by Lamuber.andWood Yard j Herb- WiI Proprietor of the business formerhy oarried ni Bur ns' Cash SPECIALS-F'OR 1 1 COCOA FREE-Wîýth every order exceptc(I> weiwiIl give Nu Je11, the perfect Jolly powder,'n Heinz'Chili Sauce Gr Tciîmat'O Chut Her-ings in tomato sauce, reg. 25c, Tiger Red Salmon, large 1 lb. tins, 1 j ,,acLaren's Peanut Butter, i to y J Ipthe best hand' cleanerknownrel P Id Monte Seedless Rais-ins, 1923c Laundy -'15C p c-r l LudySoap, -any kînd, Shirriff's Pure OrangeMai-malade, -Wateh oui- windows Saturday Satturday night Extra special. We ai-e Sole Agents for N ut j We wilh 'carry a fuhil une, cf Dougli and Cakes. Also Nut Krust Bread at Burs'Ca Brook St. g-mBrown's Stati Issibei kte BuffetSeto, anlp mu Newl E.M.-B~ have~ Mr. R. E.- Gosuell, Of Ottawa was a INTERNATIONAL DAY 0F, J 7 p.w.-Evening prayer and se in-the Oshawa Hospital, but she re- e viaftor in town last week at the home iFRYRMRU t Io.coVered and during the's in i-J of Mr-. and 1175. -Wm. Dowie. M.!NetFlday, March 7th, -isto ho ob- TeW W i-qiýaygceisProved sufficieftly to ho able to iveT Gosnell, who is a writer of some note, ser'ved in Canada and the United ocf Whitby hold their Annual combin- around. During the winter, however,, was-a oe Uneedto ofth PrtStates, by woinen of ail denominations ed meeting for prayer î& Ail Saints' she failed and death occurred aftra JHope Guide, and bas hSLI an extensive, as a daY of prayer for missions. It is PSLIIRo o rday, Mard.h 7th -tlngering illness. f nwsapr xprinc ohewie. verY desirable that the women of ail P' -Mis. Correil was the daughter of1 (Fred W. o Remember'the open mee;tizig of the churches -should keep the day for this The preacher next Sunday is Rev. Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, being born _______________ jHigh Sehool Literary Society in the service of Intercession, believing that' Professor Chid, of Trinity College, on her father's farm, now. part of the ,S p.mn. Tamblyn 1fiie orations wili' ho llim if* we keep His Comindments- there until. her marriage to Mr. Rob-1 given.Furthe notic later in Iert Correli. Following ber mnarrnage I II gîe. uthrntielae.and do those things that are pleasing1 THE TABERNACLE (Methodist) seeived in PortWhbyndrmn-ii j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M Mr n rs .AbynocfEoa i e gt.he meetl Singtsor Whit- Rev."F. H. Hc>ward, Pastor Ied there until her death. She was very . Onti.,te be heid in Ail Saints'as.ndy SnayJ ch9 12greatly interested in Church workno a e Y u Ont. wh recntlypurcasedMr. School room at three o'ckýQck,. FridaySuayMah9,12h j ooe's otag o oiore t. 110-afternoon. All o nar-odaly i ..-oni worship. and in her passin.Z St. John's Cuc ed to town this wekl. invited,,to ho present. 3 i.i.-Sunday - col loses a 111-long neinber, always very Be -sure you see "Cranberry Cot, 7 pa.m.-Evening, worship. t active and devoted to its interests.t ners" in the Music Hall, Whitby, o 'ORNEE EDSCA Monday, 8 p.m--Tuxis- Square. 'The various branches of the Women'si W e can do the. work o FJ da eve'ning, Mac 7th. arhiRNEENBL OIL Tuesday, 8 p.m.-Epworth League IAuxillary to, Missions felt Mrs.- Cor- FridayUnder the auspices of Vimny Ridge -Wednesday, 8 pin.-Prayer service, rell's influence most, and hier presence ji j The regular nionthly meeting of the L.O.L. a very enjoyable social evening. b Friday eveing (this weeic) -Cran-- will be sadly inissed. For tw*elve years allu at a mouderate re IOntario County Old Girls' Association was held in the Council Chamber hast berrY Corners" at the Music Hall..1 sice its organization she was the Su- 4r Iwiii meet in the auditorium of thej Wednesday evening. About one .hun- I'perintendent of the Junior W.A., re- - -f IPublic Lîbrary on Tuesday, Mardii de ndtetyfv1wr1nUn..BPIS HJRH - tiring te' Assistant -Superintendenti ga ogv o atead lydWhs n 4 p.ni. two yeas go, wenshe was unabie! Theregla metin o th Kig:t.,anocte fnd partyed Whst an EuanhrP Everyone welcome-J. T. Priest, !to take such an active part. Since the Heegud oo larbeeing ofthedngt othe firsdteart oft eelent aa aster. jorganization of the Girls' W.A. three COSi>. vve g a Hom ad cholClb iilbehed r hç dncd atewadstoexelen Sunday, Mar. 9-'-«Portraits of Christ". years ago she was honorarv rsdn, u rn e Tuesday, March llth. A large meet- ni usîc su-pplied by Ciarke's five-piece' shedht ing is (Ie'ired to complete arrange- 'orchestra. The prize winners at cards il a..-"The Eternai 'I AM'y" and h was always a inember of the mnents for the afternoon tea and sale were: Whist-Ladies' Mrs. Wilkinson; ..--anth oy. ' SnolW.. hchsehl h oo , Bible~ School at 10 a.'I Lssons o er aealiemnbrb e of home-made ecookin;r to be held on Gents', Walter Buun; Lucky Number,!ofbigmda fe ebrbylr Fridaq the îth. R.McKinley- Euce, aisMs o Saul. Classes for ail. . felIow nien-bers iast year, in apprecia- -Poo 3w tnadBn ul Edie;Gents', E. Spencer; Lucky Monday, Mar.,10- B.Y.P.U. invite tien of her efforts -in its interests. P. J. Sulivan, lceîised plumber And Number, George Gillespie. . <Sewspdeae fuyarag tnmtBrockc street north, Wkitby', Thursday, Mar. l3--Praver and by ber- husband, but is survived by j phne m 1th, ,raise service, 7.30 pm'Topic-Sett-'three daughters and one son, al of pe 17tf POSTAGE RATESi ling Down in Christ." :Whitby:-Mrs. E. R. Blow, Mrs. Sey-J Specai addesweiht bou t ; The postage rate on letters weigh- To-night, (Thurs., Mar. 6)-Prayer mour Whitney, Mrs. Hugh Draperaintc hhnthv enrcie ~ pounds, 12½,'.. per lb. at W.B. Pringle's. igoeoneo esadadesdt service, topic: "The Garment of the Mr. William Correll. g_ m atnthe t vbeofshstrivbuo. nT The following pupils of Kate A.' pinces in Canada, the United States or Spirit." Ail welcome. The funeral took place on Tuesday G eoreBairdW.HKneyBl u Wright, passed their conservatory ex.- Mexico is three cents. Letters which ..*~. afternoon. There was a service a t brIadW .Kney anmnation held at the college hast, are addresEed to places in the British :ST. JOHIN'S SU'NDAY SCHOOL' late -resi-,dence, an(l a service at, the Myrtle, Ont. Whitby, Ont. lmaï 1 church, conducted by Rev. J. H. Poý diitrtr dmnsrtr' e.R week: Nliss Laura Fraser, B.A., Prim- Empire (Great Britain, Ireland, New- SCHOLARS WIN PRIZES son anl iterentwasmad inSt.icitt'el ary Rudimients, lst class honors; MNas-1 foundian , Australia, New Zealand, t Right Rev. James F. SweenyJonsCmtrPtWht..T aedaWibyOttisltdy ter~~~~~ Jon!yeBokifh nr- ot f-cec) utb rpi Bishop of the Diocese, presided on the: funeral was very largely attended.j of February, 1924. -38's rr ductor, piano. four cents for thefirst ounce, andb. trecnsfrec diinlone occasion of the mass meeting Of Ang- The pall-bearers- were two sons-in-law,pe ti One very highly appreciated gift, adtoahoxc.lican children and young peopleheld Mr. Seymour Whitney and Mr. Hugli________ which was omitted fromi the iist of j*< on Saturday- afternoon in St. James'Daetre rnsnsào iw 'donations te' the Public Lbb-ai-y Iast: NTHRFILRj parish hall, Toronto, under the aus- Robert Blow and Frank Correli, and< oRnFrSl.Ec op wewsttofteLno iil onmnîe a enratheý badly pices of the Sunda-y Schooh Associa-- Mi-. Wm. Balmer.at Sketch, wbich w-as made by MissTay- bit through failures durlng thé past, tion of the Deanery of Toronto for the i O Ai: loi-. This paper is always appreciated: fewv montChs. Shortly bfr Crs-pre-sentation of -prizes and diplomas;Cw -ihcîthe every week. mas the Thompson Knittiný Ce. failed'w-on in recent Sunîlay s-chool'examin-! The Ladiesý' Aid of' St. An(drew 1 ,dysodb i~~ ationsý held throujeffiut the- Diocese. 'Churchh elli a succsfu ae fb in-sde. Ayrshire, good iniîker. Geo (eox, Sxr and a large numbeî' of citizens w-ho Rvc.huo ixe ertr fTe al okn ntesulsaofi Char-R..2,Wtb.-Alcov j The h)amatic ChuÈ of Almonds. wi,, hd inevd nony.inthe rojctofst R HiA d gi -tuur ia "raberyo rndy ers ily.Dioces-an Sunday School Committee, ber- on Friday.l'ast. The 'zale was wel EGS ORSL in the Music Hall, -WhltbFon ridaE March 7th, 'at 8 p.m. Now it is announced that the Ross3 assisted the Bishcp inl maklng the pre- patronized. Afternoon tea 'vassevd Barred Rock eggs, brèd te- lay, $i.00( Can Ce., Ltcl., bas gene into liquida- jsentations. Theî-e wvas a good attend-, A travelogue, "Across Canada, was inh oprtino h on~ an'ëe, the halh being filled by the cbild- -. etn.Aprjoe20 3 oî 'given in St. Andrew's Church on Tues- o- vil wsth ulin n ien, their teachers and parents. DEATHS j FRSL RT IN ~nc day evciiing, under the auspices of the the lanxd and gave the Ross Co. a fi-an-1 The special winner in the advane ALNAîBokio rdav, Feb- Thuneine-asfral - GirJs,' Auxiliary. Mr. E. P. Stewart, chîse by which it had a lease of- the'Suny.vSchool scholars xmnto uiy2,12,Rv oe lio -n os11t -6icuiestît Mag~iesh~e n- uidig ad an fr enyersfrrnw-as Miss Minnie Caldw-ell, -of Dixie,,!the Bay of Quinte Conference, in. en onts 1to s ide c roksiv utet cf the Canadian MOnt. inu ihisl nSIndlan year. yer' abmout thewo. blocks of rtn Si the Fur Svn fil-usshde ad in o vew fon te etofJauay,1919, at a rentai of Winners in senior uniforni grade; ab'- ornrsithe Tbocksnoof, he ot.i-cn.A variou. Parts of Canada, and accom- I$1.0,per year. The machinery, fui-ni- Sunraersscnooheseholars' examination. 'pani d thein with an interesting tahk. turc and stock in trade amount te First prize, Miès Dorothy Hall, t.1 SALE REGISTER. There, is a good coinfortable bric 'Iî,t.' Whtb'soles rsien, rs Lg-$16",000. These assets are being Of- John's Church, Pt. Whitby, Ont.; sec- Saturday, Mar'ch 22nd.-Credit auc- house on thp, premises with, ail mccl- 33-,b' ton ceebrte be 92d irtda fredforsae. on pize, Alan Wilson, -St. John's tien sale of farn stock ani impie- ern conveniences, and goond stable. toclbae ir9n idyeon1odp The land is. planted with bei-ries gnd TuesýIay, Mai-ch 4th, when -many oft ________ _______ Port Whitby; third prize, Miss Gladys nments, the property. cf the estate of thr Ieago ocado h w ber fr iends calhed on bier te wish bier Somerset, Church of the Good Sbiep- the late Chas. B. Ballard, lot 32, con.te i asagodrcr oth many more. happy returnès of the day. 1 herd, Mt. Dennis. ý8, Wbitby Tp. Sale at one o'clock' premises. Foi- particulars appily teo C Mrs. ugto stih ba theuse f ah ~ II I~ U~Winners ln junior. grade Sunday sharp. 5ee buis. Wm. .Mawy, aucW.H.enéy hêr ~ ~ ~ i fctiswih srmikben M U Schod scholars' examinations: Fi-st tioneer. -39] Wh~it-isOt. a perison bier age. ÉU prize, Miss Helen Alloway, St. mJo18Dspriohucn's~ Wiby nt ria Por Whtby seondprie, is Ad-! i, Soicior orAdministratrixQee' Fresb Sea Herrings, 10c. pei- lb at Pr W'b; eon -ze is d -.ï s~ a1 cf i -rcvatereo Clydesdale i of the James Miller Estate. yeai 3 W.B.PrlaesiI de Taylor, St. Bari-abas' Churcb.; horses, high grade. Shorthorn tle -fca.A A*L.~ ~ .ChIester. ' Yorkshi-e hogs, inilemnt, furnitule, .1 il

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