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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Mar 1924, p. 7

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the boaL ir@. Tuy I True ]Romances- Barrod, We regret very- mucli to lnform our Canadian frienda that oùr magazine, TRUE ROMANCES, lias been barred by the custom or post-ofilce ofllcI&s Magazines are barred froin Canada becus»e oin- plaints registered against -thein. We Iimd, bowever, tbat adveree critica of our publications rarely read thein Frein the titi. and aunerai, thq .sometum e aasthem with publications.,w depead entlrely uffl tbêfr la" throuh lasclvious ahipeal. As a reader of this publea*u& you kéow that them" azieswe pbUab are not oftta character. We would b. gready please, tbmrfore,,if you would ln- dicate your frlen4djy feeing toward TRUZ ROMA)WES and your confidence ln It by petltloniug the Oomisiloner of CuF8toms;, OttawaC40&&a, that suct reinsta1swsnt b. nma&- At the foot of tils annoumcemmit jesa brie! tare of petition provlded for your convenlen*. mgnes it to-day- aud mal It to E. J. Blackley, 130 It7cIIÉmd OL West, Toronto, who wil present It together with the. larg number of simiarpetitiona te the Commisuioner of Cuatome as soon as they are ail in.. MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS, Ince 1,h. Honorabie Commiseloner of CustomsN Ottawa, -Canada i believe that TRUE ROMANCIS lae magacine of Igood morai tons and high Idemis and th at it li. h~nsty entied te se. Instatement upun the, ilat of magazines eligibie fer *irculatien throughoÏut the -Dominion of Canada. Aocordingly 1i nspeetfuliy pettion you to make sùeh reinstatement. Nome ... 1..................................... Adires ........................... Mali ta E. .J.BLCLV,10iamn tretWeat, Trento cIl!Ieelled Advevt FOR SALE WV 00LGROWERSO ed for ysrn or blanke >1111e, Georgetown, Ont. YOUR OWs-li dor exchan- t& WoolenFWC L ADIES WANTED TO DO PLAINj find li htscing at homne, whoieý or spare Lime; gond psy, work sent anly diFtance, charges paid. Send stamp frparticulais, Naional' Maiiufactunlng Co., Montroal. They are neyer alune that are nc- -iipinied with noble btouC1htà. Ask for Minard'. and taesn6 other. War is tie child of pride, and pride the daughter of riches. ýTiret! EYea hk«e.sforEvC&euaUndr ettb u aumal ela mta fp- tios tt w.abmw u *to.uaflu tzeetta tw mu andml -a 0w Iu "wsr*8 m-u.If eifiot.4, write au a- plenIg M» bd> tiI. W. .1.0 t aet ia Plulaa lotchu e& &b.e4. and oOter imm- Mutes. W tt. ..wqmàeuiw eetcal Write fer Seokiet "Foy Hlsott Institut. Llmlted 1iecett aide. Need bon~i Tle iiow- to-.bfake the Test That*Tle A &ALE fac3, >a uer-rous, Irritable ~dispo1lion, 'a lack ut strengli and endursnce--these are tie warning sig- nais that Nature gives 'when your blood lo getting thin, pale. watery and Star-ring for fron. Iron le c onstant!> ioavlng the. body, espoclally towar& the.perlod, ut middle age and yoU must mnale up foriý-bis Iron dlciemcy If youý, want to escape dieease andi b. ctrong j I anxd well. ( -When the trou i le ur blod ýruas lowsins f ldage creep imb your I aystemh. In uci cases ordlnary Iron- I contalnlng toodo seldomsuppi>' a sut- /-ficient quantîty u fthIis important ele- /1,1,4 .nient to malte np for thie waste. There- Thiclc Lutro sH like the ironIn your blood. Kept So By Cuticura t tako, go l ur odocntor' d ehl ma At :night touch spots Ofdrf il lie toillowing test yourselt: Sue ho>w rnd i tching witl CuticumOintinnt long >-ou cia work or lie-w far you can -Nei mort¶g sampo vthu~ walîk witbout becozninÉ tireti; next ef Cuticura Suap and bot w*er îIontree Urneia per day atter niemis scalp dvth ea d wtr Keep your for _îo weeks. Then test your sclpdeilànb'ealby lad -ow st'elgtlî again and Bseshow nai o hait iIl o luxrian, htve gainixd. ÀAigooti drugglsîii senl eql.OtmfiUadw TI5kTl, Sold i Nuxatfîtl Ir<an, on tha, dietinet under- ihrotîgbiot lheflominion. Canadlanllepoc iIi -uacnt2Ltsld 'Ciçw5eSoiaeveewh ue* vf "ur ntney wl.1 i teffurtideîj. WOMANSUFFEREOD ASPIRIN FO~ ONI'S ieware of Imitations! Weak and, Ncrvous.-Made> Well by LydieýE. PinIdim'a lL m Veu-etabl« CompouM d * Wehvr (-) nt-" I vws ina vr A ~ Ç weuk snd run-duwn nervouâ conditionl, siwmys tired fa-arn the tirm 1 igui up until 1 went to le.Seep did mot rust nie rit il. Nly sister recornmended R Lydiu i-.. li'arn'âVegetable Corn- fuund tqe Otte A~e others told-Me about- tbtit w'am ftrmm nter*a ad VIoIE Uiit~ 1I1 t ti t i. Il tiZ ot take i1 Uinîtil 1t it ronger, besdaes lUntij -1'l u1d ant n appetite came baci la me. 1 ui i farmers v if, sud -be .uMny rUniesô you ae e emame -Bayer. th.,, ' Y u he. ftsw eroas-' on package or un tablets 700 u;zao-r chûires. i beartily recommend the Ore 'mut gettÙug ttie geuitcneý Bayer As- Nve .ble Cou pundiomil&Hviohbave the pirlai provet! ate by mJ'àiIofl!and pre- "nie trouble 1I td for it la àiS e dl- 1 scrlbed b>' physîclana over tvesty-I tino for wome.-Idre LoinsF. isas- tire year3 for buta Ulçre.Fanai. Webbvood, Ont. < îC , emici Ans"ik. s w ...ý Fm& R"dd TeoibgaeL&bg Port Hum,. wc i. --l ere4 NSTitholnls ~>tvoearavth lMy". am Neuragia Pals, .Paàlb tri ever mmcii I wus srvm a Accepi Dai# r Tble t AspeAa" and ustu tWd i th mSmng ca l>. Dacii mnbroken Parkage con- 1 Jwettla e d fl& athestalas proves dieti=oua, Rasi>boa«s addi t ed e d a n oivelve tablais oui 1e oesta. Drea- waseuome«voslw gl*t aaise el bottlas of 4 adléi stelle. One eofmy tniecids tild meabôut. Lydis E I' f aWon Vetdh Casa. ÀA "Iv n e b*talemark<rlaei Poib.am ai t Ia"d M» BDeý& t 15 < -a-a>f81) et M»ssfmcteb .Ci j 11» .Fouat of Youdm. The. fruât of youtb dImovêgi b7 car modern Pouce de LeoosAMo« tumbis at ail cloaely the bage la the Mfl dof thi.e euly spaulsh mvi- gator. Iatead of b.izag a'pure etream et wate fflaingIMMroatbe bovula 09 the.eartii, tb*7iiy havokm"i iL labe wbte strueam, 511.47 thauith nutrients uffeed 4to Si. e* 7«t. everY tsU.e of the, bàdW. Tbey Ooe.tramý thie aider of theluemble datry 40w. The. discovery o1 Moderna ectatist does mot brlmg the. MWflb u ts ub Ow tS Ianlard hopc,m" la thea foeu. ttaan h. searciie4fer, but thbSIdo-kmow" tisat tii, regular us. of the ld trow the udder of the liOthy dairy cow la a real elfzir of Youthftltiess.Net omly, due.s esant une keeP thel body funmatg tti the vigor o! youth, but It reetord vltallty ta thome vione energies have been wauted, an& Jlnvarfmbly vithi sucb restoratlonhope and courage creep back Into tihelines of worried faces., CII'nILDIIOO1N01GE$1101 ? Nou là amorecommun t lu cM- hood thas luetlo. Nttgla More datterous la proper growth, maureweak.almg lathe onstluta «or More Ilkely la paye t44 way t. dan- meous dise... ully mie-entha of thefr root la Iudlgbstou.Tiere la au mmeiclue for Uitte one, toou equal Dabye Ola Tablets là roulieving tis trouble. Tiie have proved of bemefit tu tho.sadautorihomes. CoiiCerng thea Mun. JO&. Lunette,- Immaelte Conception, Que-, Irites: .«My-baby vaS a great sufferer trou Indigestion. but the. Tablets boon §et her rlght, "md nov 1 woould mot be - ithout them.", Babys Own Tabiets are. muid by mcdl- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cente-a bol[ trou The Dr. Wllliams' Medicine Co.. ]Brockylîle, Ont. Deapair an oldenç;ýoth banlsh The ate ay ltuaend money by Mal le by Dominion Vapress Mouey order. iCeep Minard's Liniment in the houa. WOMEN!1DME FADED THINGS'NEW AGAI Dye or tint Any Worn, Shab. by Gainent or Drapery. Eacb 15-cent package or "IMamond IDyesl.' contai»s directIons so simple that amy vumuan can dye uir tint any uld, worm, faded thing new, ever- If eh@ hau neyer dyed before. Chouse amy color mt drug stor. MotLIt Cive Sick Baby "Califoma- Fig Symup turmles Laxa*tIve te Cita Livel'Md ~,billons, lever- - *4 lah, or &lck, colle Babies and Child* 1- -ren love to take genuine "Califor- No other atv regulates tbe ten- der littie buvels m0 mlcely. lu Aý vestens thcestOmach and !5tarts the. lver and. bouela acting vithoLt gtri> lng. CunDtaim mu marcotiu, orsooti- lug mrugi. Say &W UWtu your drugist and avoîd counterfeft ila- siat ;ýupon genuine "Californie Fig la Idm f 41 1iOa" loi. WARNERS SA s ,n4 I- as,,. AI. 4-k ut a . »dr 5 c~-».P '0 J.at-l r direc WARNERS SAPE REME0IES Go. Tabrent.,ont Smet iDe Cam IW Xv be, ido,, Adl* itbe 1%e trAýtuutConstae lrgeur ln muti.recremtlom and the uis. t is ternue uch as Dr. Wuihlw 'Pink P"ll. in addition, tic patieut abhoila foliou' a csrcful diet, and avold CORee aa stIiulantar, tiese being unsultable lt flervous people. As onc's mrves rely for nouriment upon the* bl<4od, the latter muet b.- bulit np Mmd Mmdc rici and pure, vilci le lusi vbat DrL WI- l&=" Pink Plla do. if th**e la los of veigit aud psllor., Dr. -Wifllam" Pink Pilla are espclally ielptm. Mn. Adolpius Villeneuve, R. No. 2, Apple nul, 'teoue as follovu boysic obtalued'relM-'î v as eb.d vîti amrous .luiigestiornthat I Could mot diget. aytitl1took., and as a con- àequencýe aa geat suffeter. I dom- torcd for tour mentba, but sccmed ta be gettlng vorse letead of botter. I lest t« streagi la u ex ctent that i could hirdly go about.\ Tien my motburomime to ses, me, sau wed me to try Dr. Wllllams' INk Pilla, mmad 1 follousi butadylus *ad gel a supery ai one&. Aftér tmklag a -1ev boxes I felt mi stremgub aetralog, and I con-' timued their use, lamuI .ai the end et a fev montia I could est amytiin4g I de- slred, haît regalmed my ol Urne bealth sud atrength, and va. lu every way a vlil woman. I amrno 0thmmkful for viat Dr. WlUiams' Pink Puil did, for me tiat I lvays advise tisir Înme vien any of my frienda are run dovu or miltn. Tou eau Cet tiese pis atrom amyi medicime dealer or b>' mail at 50e a box trou Tic Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvflle, Ont. Noted inventor, receutly celebrai bis iseventy-seventh birthdsy. In h or of the occasIon he took tvo ho, at miid-day trou work lu bis New sey laboratorlea. V/bat thie Package Do.. Tea growera have found trom, expf once that it la necossary lmunediai, to pack tea lI -igtmetal-Il, cliests, te preserve the flavor and go, nous of tic lest. Equaliy go la an tight package nmgary for the am lots ut tea for individuai consumptil Bulk_tcm la always Inferior tes becst l is exposed lu air. Thïi "SALAlI alr-tight alumInum package is1 luosl efficient way ut preserving1 known. Your happiness dcpends, flot what thore le in your pocketbook,1 on what there la In you. Minard'a Liniment for Dendruff. mted bon- Jer- ldi or Girad b "The i Graduate of National Temper- mS Hoepmtal teli of r. cakbeaesWhar.Tan. lac Ha. Prove EctIw. The gr«t 'Tram MY long expérience M-a1 plain of the. obatructiona that makeamy I cossider TANLAC the uMont success bard than out the. Iron vaRescgIn anatural tomach nmuk Of te l u vhwilcb hinder the chat.trOummd toutto abe had. Xi ,luaunote scatoelg-Emrmo, INature',Mont -pcnfcot remcdy,40 ta ftr reaChlmgs tatement glven e«t Mla.i'Linimsnt HMsab Cula. publicatnrently by Mrs. L àA. 1 Idem, SeatieWaah., a graduate of "Wloevr dos a une! ul th1ng -and INatlosal Tempérance -CMPRItu dome il nmad cbeerfuily. leaomn - hiA" butlngte Ui wori's hapîneslsaventeusei TANLÂC Ottn ln tn buti g t the word"a appness an m t o my patients ad my exp oe.ha& becun lt Mfor lssepiug a somacb, liver, kidmeysan o se ecis for Sale ftcîonîug ProperîY, mnd for ton Puai coum# la a.oted ter un bhts-ouala* sol" Pma saiuad.hmm t Ont. ale to& làe 9M ent tre<rd u la. Ilhbulais teaqutitt var" raa aa v@" Speaua IW~5 Abiha SD&ewmCIOMVinea lmàj. etc..wu&j ae am diu«ite tamoisau M01.t bewuire l@W iVta ettu o ass uet. GIRLS!1ÀAGIEAMY MASS 0F BEAUTIL HAIR 35-Cent <'Danderin." So I-. proves Lfele8s, Neglected Ifair. enjluxuriant bain Nul teiy et lose, glealas md 4lite miort1y Dod. toluvs a gemulme air- toning up ut Det- nmil lected scalps vîti Ion. dependable "Dam- ,use dcrine." - >A" Falling bairT, the itching scalp and tee tii. daudruf aIo correc-ted lmuediatély-, Thua;dry. wi spy or fading baîr le quickly iuvîgor- on, tcd, taking ounmew strengti, color butý andi youtiful beaut>'. "Dmntierftt- le Ideligilful on the halr; a refrouhimg, mtlmulatlmg tonte - mot stluky or drugstore. Q. "<SHUT Mm~Z'~'Po~ *' MOI<TREAI. tOAONTO I <DI¶ONTOI VANCOIDVSI ait "vs.'1 j 1 Ace Our Ipart oflt the leaut I face won'telp, fi the wnar there la la Thiere ls the . e w ortlls ln SMP Pea a44*4k for MP Pear'l1 HEDOFFICE -*MONTREAL' T7he.Record of a Great Year Simïply AT DECEMBER 31&4, 1923 The. Compauy had asseta, Invested iu th. beat classes of securitiel, Of........... ........ (An Increas. for the yesr of $33916,M@) The total liabiity of the Companiy (incuding reserves and other liabilities to policyholderts of $185,U86,000) amounted toet*......bo*...... The Company ha& set aside for unforeseencoatingencles tiesuznof----------------- Leaving a surplus o ver_ ail liabilities and co nîngency funds of (Anjincresu for the year of 53,663,WS> ., The cash income for the- yea; frein premihas' interest, *ieuts.etc.,,was ............ (Au Incisas for the yeea of $109714ifWS) Total payments to policy holders or their represen- tatives for death daims, maturing ipolcies and other benefjits, in; 1923 aunouted to . . . . ....0 e*toe ***. N4ew paid assurances ù 9sued during the. year totakd. (Au Inacae forthse year of $16,593,MW) ToId- $209,4 $187, $3,500,000 $17,872000O $22, The. Company Lad assurances i force (net) auunting to. '$703,765,U( (Au IMacasefor du esr 0 5et 6,5 Tho. 318,443 grdiuary poliio f &ai Company protect hoesn..sd busiu.se at homo and abroad, wiJin l additon 22,731 commercial aud industulal emploesare prot.cteodunder $un Lif* greup a«mera MSpoliciea Divid ead . policyholdursagin materially increased Every figue u hi stàtement sets a -NEW HIGH RECORD in Cnda Lf nurance history -C- c lets. « a ld *111 Ne. 9-..4j , w -you have Fr.sh, fral SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CC 0F CANADA, For Invalids Deicîoua, strengthenmg beef4tea. mmnd dozens of coller tasty and nouuishing clices may be ýeasaly ,and quidkly prepared with armeun, octAtu z

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