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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Mar 1924, p. 1

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WRIITBY, < 'MARtCH 20,-1924 ____ ~Pioneer of Womn's Suffrage Gives AUdress Tai Raie for -Curen Year Fixed l a 38 MIlis 4% Us« Pankliursi ai hntari o Ladies Loflege DM of 7 Mif14 Amnonced 10 Mre on.e Ou tihe accasi-n el a Mock Parlia-- Followm a leugthy dieeussion of ment al" the Onlario> Ladies' Coll the budgeor 1924 on Monday niglit, u L luat Friday n Mrs. IA k orRiulu On the Town Caundil finally adoi*.ed kt asilmUV . Pankgur t, onfote 011amu estimated by the Treasurer, and the .- neia Pam nkh o a e n s amous et 0 wae1ntewrdgv drss 1,ù,fsupfls tax rate for 1924 waÈ Atruck et 38 h h ~~ on Citizenship, and be r %worda gripped iispiji»:l is aitee ~~Li V.oôI OeLit b1 ler audience as only a great speaker's a drap in thi7 town revenue By econ-- WESELL AND ican fmraygte cmp tin ai the Last year, for the- first time mn the;amy the cauncil expeet to finish tIIh Sxcnesat o hejno rz woe' sfrgemvmnti ng fte oa Pbi tiity: year in gaad financial condîiklLSicoesatfrhejnr iz .M IRECOMMEND 1 ]and, Mrs. Pankh-urst is now working histary o h oa ule and two for the senior prize took part raet' f in th interents aithe Nationalo mmission, the waterw rks and the: The rate for each idividual item l h i a a by rz o t s 3 am ne' xgen on1li aadadj electric light departmeflts were oper- was nkot presented in the report ad- at the open meeting ai the HighJ rý M gîing her whole time and energies in ated with separate sets af boarks, and apted by the Coundil,'but -wil be set -Sc-hal Literari Society on. Fndayj S',M the promotion ofi ks great waork. lt it. was possible ta, definitely de-j out this week. The requirements for evening last in the music hall. The L1LILL47 %as largely along the line7 at the termine the resuits ai th~e year's ac-î the- coming year, on wphielr the ttalcontest, which took the form ai or- C d L er ork done-hy the Councîil that'Mrs. tivity with respect ta, each. The re-1 rate was based are as eollows: ations, was the third ai the series in Cod Lierport ai the Secretary-Treasure,~ since >Etection and Municipal Govern- which the pupils comipete for -the two Th O. Tnc ~ oreul~audited and approved by the tawn's ment expenses ..... .. .. $ t0.00 prizes. the other two conteets having <»,~FUI ai suggestions ad i - l a udiîgt orsunte ther a aturepletifo lrie.... .....70JO.00 been held at the 111gb School previou inalabe igthccun hee asa urlu fr Postage, Printing and Adver- Iy. The judges, in making their finalj .,LZY I~flunza aduGripe , he address contain3d a wealth the year amountÎng actually,* after tisig...........70.0decsoweegerebytetad IriueraandGrpp O idezast which wîll be rf incaculable alîawing for depreclation, etc., ta a- Town Property..... ....00.00 ing taken inu ah three contests. r- IS tr than ordinarycough benefit ta an audience aif oung wOflh- bout $1200. On the waterworks oper- Fire and Light....... .. ... 5400.00 The orations last F'riday evening meii ,for it reache-s the seat - en, who in the course of a few year-s. atian there was adeficit, ai a some- Streets....... .... .. ..... 2000.00 were ai an exceptionally high stand- oittuulerelevs te cugh-~will be the leaders in thougbt and ac- what larger amoutit, and it was fur- Relief .............7000adanreececoseaberdt "upp1îes, conitinija1 t4éatment ic pnm aaian womanbaad, the that tb te waterworks Law Costs and Salaries , 200.00 on the contestants, who were requir-' ré 1t the. A seiandd blod an<l the begusiaRture, the town during 1923, about $1700 had Board ai Education (H.S.).. 8000.00 judging being based bath on substance irey sruildingtoid lo at in the greater Canada of the near fuý flot as- .yet been hantd aeo ateBada dcto P... 60.0adsyea every. g and oid who talcs it regular»j ue niemn paeso i. Public -Librar ... .... ....1300.00 The six junior contestants made a similar subject, Mrs. PanllhursBt gave The disposition ai the surplus -on Board af Hearth..... .2W.00 splendid shawing, and most undoubt- Price, ei aunience something tangible- electric light account hadl been- dis- Miscellaneous....... .. .... 2000.00 edly bave given the judges somel ai;)nehnd that woulrl be readlv cussed at previous meetings ai the Farniers' Exemption.....1000.00 trouble in awarding pae.Te graspedd put ta jn'actical use; and Public Utility Commission, and at the Interest on Loans........ 2000.00 were as ioilows:: plcs hy the thoughts she expressed supported February meeting the opiniOofaithe Sewer P. U. Commission . 2400.00. Miss Welda Cox, who spoke an and emphasized'by the depths Of her Town Solicitor was asked. Ris letter County Rate (approximatelyj 1000000O "The Influence ai Foreigners lh Can- cnitions and the force ai ber com-inl reply 4Was readý last Wednesday Oigt te civte çigo ada."1 Le O d IU M that wilnesly Ietan r ession evening when the Commission met in the Council Chamber1 the > t-nà Miss Dorotby Fîsher--"The Inter- Mr.Pakutwa nrodway. for tbe regular monthly meeting. Ia was held lun the Glerk's office,1. h ainlStato n h hita uruggigt and çMs akus wsrtoue y brief, it was ta the effect that it ap- cuclosecp r alsabigIdeitl." Princpal arewel, imediae by ared, from à reading of tbe law, on h4nd. The mieetng was a lengthy MaJoe-TeOinadD- the Mock Parliament, etigaged iter peJns-Te rg ndD thSsudnt aiheColee.l that thé Commission is gaveraed by one, adjournment taking place at 11.30 velopment of Hydro Electrie in On- 8tatlo n er - me ted th rn on their S e h H dr letrc Po er C mmission but most ai the time was taken up by ta a"- - oplmutdthmPal-Act, whicb definitely sets out certain the discussion ai the budget lucom- Miss Margaret Miller -'The Can*- Tev, - ONTARUO'mentary manner and their asîsurance, definîte purposes -to which. a surplus, m itewo da ainlEhbto. bu <epecte teiat ha ee hlgobtained on distribution ai electric I Miss Joi Priest -I-low Lly ________________was lacking iroin the whale praceeci- liglit and power. iy be dervoted., Mr. Communications were received fro eog Won the War."Lly - ings--namély, that a discussion by Chritate 0iio, xrse i h rmeMnse akoldi G eog you:g wmennotuin ai soial a- istan, he oliçtor exressd i~ I he rim MinsMiss kowldgig 0f Mis Marel avae-"KngTu-- tugc,- îî,othing orfcuasilnae- as bis opinion that the surplus could ýreceipt. ai the resolution re Toronto tankharnen." women, and their probîems was touch- not legally be turned into the general Easera cil hsetpased h beteTn - The senior contestants wveye stuarti Puruig tisuneaith uglt ods ai the towa, except la strictCoci.Tslestedhdenha- Grigg, who spokê an "Interplanetar cnformity with the Act for a defi- edt o.M.HnyadSrHny Communication as a Possibility,"p and the speaker was digappointed that sa nite purpose prescribed iferin. Thoraton. The Public Utility Cam- Miss Ruth Stuttaford, whose *subject PA RK ER ~ cil meauresi h orqes ton ssonesstatTuin Srplus Over teta tthe A.tecnlso iteeei GAK R dy hai h rhbonerues te-, vst-TruSrl vrt ow o 20,te mutncsa was Northem Ontario" shudbcm o,,e omere party ToWD.. for sewer aperation necessary in 1924. prAme the o n ausin temen i te TAX SE VIC <jestons whn tey houd tan Maar assttwhe th siuaton The Canadian, National Railways awards was made by Mr. A. T. Law- TA IS R IEout alone enbove ail else. was'being, discussed, idh consid- wrote asking for a map ai the town lier, who stated that the» judges had Wome InPubic ifeere, hwevr, hatthe supuscud la order ta aid industries Iaoldngfo awarded the sentior prize ta Miss mono 20, WHITBV Tt' spaker wnt anta poit outbe turned axer ta the tawu, in view a' location, and incidentally the town. IRt ttaodadteJno rz haw ia Great Britain, the iew wvoren ai19,thefctthat for saneyeas prert napicto received 'romi ta Miss Marvel Sàvage, whobnci-won ho now- sit la thvc Hour-e o i a 92,tetapyeal gnra e certain. rasideuts aleag Iirock Street, by a close margin over Miss Margaret rros,,an wh ae biriin if th the waterworks and electric ligbt de-, narth ai the C.P.R: tracks, réquestingi Miller. Mr. Lawier presented - the iros, nt wh ae biqgngun uebentures as'they fr11 I due out af ca-r- that a street light be plàcf-dnorth aiof ie gh re cialroins eptd issipte yrent account, and bad not at any time the existing Une aiflHg his l s 1 p Ahetis.a~ Peetd ~ I"' lU CA S te'o reai otnaa aaayf the flouse, and she was sure that since been reimbursed ina iny waY. referred ta the Fire ai-ni Liglit Comi- tli 'lea Psned whn nyon a tes winn raeHe believed that the surplus for 1923'mte.-- The vnn as macle the accas-j oo hoO ahùldt peak an expectânt thriul rau could be'paid into thtai 'r*iuy Àlt iwsrcief y ofa the presentation ai medaïs- through the members, because thev y moa uprtrpyen iin A etteras ruceiefo i-am th Fîrend shields won by the athietic (,iifumper, twomehnewiBaa thkschend'ilddring the past year. The Fieia ta hdsoehigdifret' nthigesav nfre er,- n eî- hief, sg oa liretrcDay medal s were -presented by. Mr. J. a-ide iran the' aId party br-somne- ta lu vr u xîgihrae oe'e t e-MHcs sfios 'altli*g eabout huium.-1 ie#- -huaitalrcisysnmasthealu i ÇM icks b asfC- - ,aà n od b tGtiLhad o ee embre b o teb i nte ac'e,'- » i~~Ntc Awr a,~atu~~te ieI~1 nlSOl h upui ad4 h irlBos Jr. Chamipiansbip Medlal ntefr vteer- w -hveJninrtudhept et hsaout ocrtrcnly nfe ,ùstalRBy r CaposhpM i q l)iheoeia, ifrc iiehe asb ad vr h T e ntwsalue dctionai ipur ob icadsnJc Bo. lunian lire Treas-esposes.d On motionrai Messrs.y te n yKaTropn hite aiat Hctoberat he j.., PARrER w tevranequo: - e û pdon urer. IVild GeltOpnon ettai ydr o. ndcertere iuidy, n ts egrà ant Boyser-sChooamphieticr eetetwe_ TTnkOeMtter. 1Rgnl crhr rhrAns fua i tïg sienc'. G. nd M. t Geodfeiiow expra esurphlste Annvitation as romeetra the1IBiys Srchsweeprensent edaby r. TA I ER IC T o ciag l Hygiree Moveetase- desirous ai aking an aeuTo n t'reaepers naioeoutheWards.kenng . Maui n last iollows: the Explinigl+the Council ta attend a meeting la thet' Senior Medals-J. Blow and R. ~~ the Social Hlygiene (Continued on page 2)ComayHlPrtWibads- Richardson (equal). lione 2909 Whl1tby movement ane ai the' great number Com___ tyHlPr ht o-ds 1 cuss the a- Junior Medal (held aver fron192 oi movements in the world todayvet Of 17* s Ibarandquestion ai the' Wbîfby Ha ___R Bi 1922 the ont' which, if successiul, would lS ut i -R.a unheBtelntowtsa - ---- -~____________ mke a great many ai the athers un- P3Ii j. 'town iu that regard. On motion it wsýSno Shield- R. Richardson, T. ssary, Ms. Pankur.,:ýtstated hat , iBruton, H. Rice, R.BlwadJ o noccssaî-y, Mrs# Pank1urst stat4cM that. £ decided that tht' communication fran BowanW .w ---int-y -e _«cr'in 'fo -sane1trend, - pointing out -that _t-s-howeèd The oeIl as it is nt present, could belaalu iy jcuvu . POQRT -WIIITBV tirne past. Toy 'iht ~~ that the whoie student body wanteduý;ed all night in the' event ai a firet,-that Idunp. tht' e h r te ont GCiJatt,orTn Brown a i sbta t have a gYmnasium.. Ht' stnted that îbut it cannat swing. It w-as iound on tht w i nusuhelly busy ontlan ifre _______________________ tcî'knawn n Wbiby, wa la tc- em-as itwas atpresetidivied, 1pintot the iatellthatst nobel was lot tt' golen juilet' i othtpCo nseefor, _____________________Plüof S. Trees & Co. in tht' factorT littie roanis whicb were nat hein hung true, and this was causing ail dnn hesme oth e x-and here. The police received information used, hence it- was no use te, anyane, tht' trouble. Ht' thought that M r. pected ta be out of tow-n. Therefoe _____________________thal Brown had been stealîng this nia-'and had not been for a number ai: Bedding would make a permanent job lie thought that, ln the' interests of- tei al and at 4acako odya-yaspr. Ht' -tbought, to,, t.hat. i tt tpann.-tht' Board, anather shouild be ltte Itet noon, armed with a senrch warrant. as it was, it took up valuable space A letten was- rend irani tht' manu- to tht' office. Mr. Farew-eil said MIL~ & LON tht' two afficers entert'd tht' bousze ai needed for tht' playing field. Physical facturers ai tht' present bell towen, howt'ver, that be was gneatly inter-' P. S. Vhrvnovitcb, in tht' South. Wara, culture was needed in the coo n who lad seat' a representative dawn ested in municipal matters, and hope'1 f N D~R AKERS here Brown lived, and searched it. at preseat it bad ta be carried an n!ato look aven tht' bell. Tht' letter madie ta be able ta take sanie uset'ui part In he tti beinda Iockeci door the ; tht' halls, and tht' space was restrict-î several reconimeadations'and enciosed irani tue ta tire ilasitnina- dîs-cHIBY tht a number af boxes, su Yt ed lanaddition', to thene being great 'an accaunt for tht' inspector's tume, a- tivities cnlculated ta asseistinge lan- _____________jcz-.cs and truaks, whicb when apenetîi danger ai damagijig tht' plaster and, maunting to, $12.39 ion ten hours. The, and lie was prepaned ta lend any ain _______________u ert, inundti t contai-i a miszcellaneouzz walls.- Moneover,i-classes wt're inter-: thauglit was expressed that tht' coni- possible ta tht' officers ai tht' Board .1,:sortrnent ai plunder. . There w'ere rupted by the' activities in the' halls. pany who put up the bell ishould -look who should be elected. places ai blanket nMaterial, ilinings, H-e thought that the' -public schools - aiten tanad Mn. Kenny wanted ta Thase rsnwe akdtex- large sheet.s ai leathen, raIls and roîTs4 had mare amusement facilities 'than kuiow if it taok ten hours te, look the! preseatwers kevd a ex-I ai heavy thread al similar ta that, the Higli School, which was hardly bell aven, how long would it take to fîx'press their vesidvdai.I uvr maa~n - a anuactninat ht S ren fan it. Tht' bell wouid have te be rebored eveny-case, Mn. Fareweii's election to used inmnfcuig a h . T -- ai. the presidency was advacated, and the- MIXEU WOOD factarv, anti identified.- Much ai thi-, Miss Làndan added a iew wands, ex-, and rehung; n h'Fn i-dLgtbat support ai the,- Board prom- matenial bad bren made into suits, ýpressing tht' girls point ai view. 'Conmmittee was autborized ta bave edlannoeincvcdac- il good qu 4lity, Ciat trousens, avencoats and shirts lv: Favored the' Requesi.. tht' work doue immediately. men. Same inteiesting and valuablë iStoVe Iengthg*. sanie tailon, but there was a greatda iitt ntuhdstt. Te Mr. Dowait' spoke aiten thedet'- In regard ta tht' nequisition fnom,:ideas were given utterance during romptdellvry. déalith ole utio ds taken The'gtonld ins1 terpea t:tht' Pblic Utîlity Commission ion $2,-. tht' discussion. Tht' dominant note Ibro pt eltvtwha cllecand tt'as treun t'dtae.caasidt'rtd 4that a gymuasaurn whlch 1400 tfoan sewer aperation, Mn. KennY seemed to be that Whitby now, if ever, Cord ou had. retonlawnd they ffinally. faurnd hm audbeus'!sa thought tht' Cauncil should be guven lu on the' venge ai betten things and hiding behlnd tht' b=arnad arrested neesar.He' emarked tbat hà soi-e idea ai how the' money wuaste o a mare napid growth, and that a hlm, brniging hlm ta tt > opt'ty Camimittee ladtakd thef sPent. Ht' fiually drafted a m-otion ta goad live Beard ai Trade, judiciously lsd Straw For Sais, lock-up where h: spent tht' night. M1nýedu'p a '53 uakedi rcon. the efet ththe CSunci intendantbe anofntlgret ly adentrt dened he adstatu ont'ne roon, except ion thet'ar detalleti account ai the' estimastesfan IlMn. Farewell, "thbereupon agreeti god.declarinz that he had bought ersaoni t , 'thmfron i hry-noviteh. &own stat- igtt etad, hc ;h eoe zoni~t 2400. Tht"'if k'were stili the' Wish that lie accýpt. he had onght iryn.vgct'hemin a a ade , om orclannoomTe-Mayor, however, aId not set'how th' tht' office ai President te do g, pro-. mo mangus, g~ heu,"' and the' goois vert' in the' bouqe ýPurpelo& Howveri, in spite of theth e e-' ii5iflcoil en ul88vided a Vice-Presideut wene electcd 19_ .gÇ wht'n e nurchased I. This h yz-rtcarmendatou Oi the' cOmiuittee, -the Szu asonly an estimato. Tbt' wha would consent ta shoulder tht' ne- chickema. vitch denied. B ioard had decided not to go on wth matter irasd. I sponsiblit aitht' pneident's position. I-nT addition ta thse ticks, wlifr-thewQIr1L flIt did not alter Mr. Tht' Streets =inittee, Pir Mdfer tht"e i six montha. Ht' thanked Rthe ' %j@ ron ht uln lu a car, the MI_- *;It"es opinion, 'and -ie Vas SMtlll tCOmmfttte, Relief C r , orne present for thein expression ai OAS - Ipetlon epm nletel i in g g th jaci.sue that the work sheald be don. iTown Property Committeet' sud Fin- 1tconftdénce aud good vili, and hoped ta SELU AT jte- t he rn, ot "stgý ther wsUy bta it vas ueeded at the, Mm Caminttes ailpresoted thdein ne- be af some rmi use z ainpshn is~chô fohrso u> oetmbrî ~ s, ph sîa ulture.m ports, wbich verteoezived thiugs for tht' town, along wlth tht' tdO ts araia. Plankg vere identilfed as belus the Mad ovdthat tt' je tir on- i Sait&rY Ares bremh .other mendmofait'eBoard. W onety aitht ate),Mfn G , attee be authorized t1lOOOVer the'1 Cfo > l,~itouea JF. D. Kaundrell irmrPesdn 1for thp manufacture of haine. whfle biei iiig, out wbi iottiuw» hvserre agn ht othor limher vaq foumd ta have Innd ti;c st a" ares, lu inWhich out"uid e ot. are. pro ..nsmWhitbyîo takon fmitf-w the' WitIiy Lumber an-dotneUlr meeting Of -the ord iited. The ares inov litnited yT»emn mfrSatbty 4 U d SW"xlI Yard. j . t- me~', 8al» txp11C55d h ]i~Enciýed sud Ring Streets om tht' West Fallowlng tht' electbon of ofleers a on$ Thewt' t va aiseont' gold Wa>tbaa self' as beng very mucb ln favon ot comneneing at Caiborne St &M m- iresolutia simalar.:te the ont' pBt'd by lleau"dth of onshlm rt, hfnntthe'gynmni mrenewed. He. u,dn"ort o he rse - aar the' TovuCounaidesling vidth teTe- M .ae.39 14 r 7*. ememah.hd.-had been on tht' Board wheu it wvaJO" IL. stronta Eastera siuatbocý wvasadopted ok ~ ~ ~ rw Snn.wh(b s, vîi. rv«t4g i th* ' j, tk uansd t' an .c ii__ Faim..,andgrdom«-onved.themeeting ithout discussion, "ans.da uttCtet _sd Mn. Aunes pnaposed a firther de- tht' vira fntl"e' '1%@epolire.are Iookthoiught at the tinte i tatsU"'ti lm ht'Fariner' PAgreeimt vw»thon -velopmmet @f the' movement of uiting - ~ ~ l"q op hi« rvu'e.w (Coctiuued on page 2) (C.otinuelo te2 <otued on page28 Aftr tock We find- we have i of broken luni Bo'ots and Hsavy Ruiler; Si Which, Wil 1be Greatly to Make Room fo S.-PIRI N-G PEEL'S88110E ST' Rletallers- of Good Shoes. REPAURING. Phonel181 W Brock st. South, OF TEN THE CHEAPEST, - ALWAVS -iE BFE Agent for Ihickeye Incubatars Mrtin Senour Paints, Chinamel Varnishes X complete stock -of Alahastine, ail colors. Kirsch Curtain Rod, ail si8zes. Gillettle's Lye, Chioride of Limie, Liquid Ammi Bonnie Bright Kitchen Cleaner, Steel Wool O'Cedar Mops and Ojis, Sani-Flush Martin Senaur Floor Wax, Johnson's Floor Wa Aero Floor W'Irx, C'han Floor Wax OldOIdFn glish ?I!oor, Wax, Floor Waxers and'.Pol I-Hoover EIectric eaner and Attachment . for r Broorno, S crub Brushes, Wall Brushes. IVe have a compftee stock of everything whic help ta mak' hausecleaning easy. Fred D. Maun.dre Phone 25 (Successor te W. NI. Priagle> P.9 Goods dellvered to ail par'ts of the town. CHANGE 0F OWNERSHI Having purcbased Mr. W. J. Patton's business, whii take over Thursday, March 2Oth, it is aur abject ta g patrons the best scrvice we passibly can with reamonâ For opening we offer thew following specials: Creamery Butter ......... ........ .. . Pea Meal Back Bacon .............. .... 3 -Boxes Matches................ Black Tea, direct from India .......... Fray Bentos Corned. Beef... .................. Pure Maple Syrup, ... ..ý. ....... . pints 35c.,i BuIk Sweet ixed Pickles, per jeint ............... Dingman's XXX Soap Flakes, per lh. ....;. ....... Lipton's Breakfast Cýocoa, per haif pound package' Fresh Canada Bread each marning. Bu W. EATON, >o~ IIewlis Bloçk, Brook '%treet North The seaion of bent- is now hepre, and hand always a full stock of Fresti and Smoked - Thisus also the season for M 1A RMALADJE We expeot our first shipment -of Oru4nges 1this week. whioh we loan our A*' HOMIE 0IF 0001 Prompt IOeIheryo (LA. ce A., that we bave an 4 Lý a es N Don't forget

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