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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 1

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C4u TUE GAZETTE WHITBY, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, J1JNE l9th., 1924 - - -- ~Whitby Public UiJliity ýJubilee Week ai Ontario Ladies College CUT0 EEA S lE P1 1 , Commission Brougbt tb a Close on Thurday Lasi SESSIONSI CIAL ! W ILL PIN . T, SURPLUS ACCORD- iiING TO .HYDRO RECOM1MEND-. Week, FuIlet Interestlng Incidents and Happy Rm m J_ PARKER AWARDED $248 ATI 1< e uli TION. UNE SESSIONS The olde Jubléecélératin ofgarDaugters in o-ig meSryo Th RIYcase of iterest oal i theïr regular meeting- on Tuesday, te naroLds'Clgeontinued Rev. J. J. Hare, M.A., Ph.D., for for- ame at tneal Suesinus f Jue1th %ith two of the members, o ensa n closed Thursday ty-one years principal of tàài College, Hb-e Ce Jugera llsions before WMessr.. Bassett and Goodfellow, ab- afternoon % following the Commence- and Mrs. Rare. - J4LO h our t os h sent, and conrsiderable business was nient Exercises. The whole week was Dfrring the presentation of gifts awek tteCor Huswath tr.naced rfavored wità beautiful June weather, field meet was ini progress on tjl case of Parker vs. Dilling. This case --tuent andfrindsof te sudens prtiipatd. he cp offa whieh to6ok place last December be- $ 2 1 9 4in the figures as shown by th'e Hdro studbets ndfenso f tothe bstudens pari ipat ed Te cp age2)tween a car owned by J 1 %Paker and LECIRICti rpot p a in nthe Mail wr bet no otebetavn Cniud ~another <>wSd and driven by Lloyd Empie sme tirn ag, ad ti taelte College grounds which were ________________ Publi Emtire somC0ineission d olc o theteiret .The Jubile w'eNek vas Dillmg, a parter nithe United Taxis. tire Whiithyv power. The ilydro Elec. ar unqualified success, crowdedl fuit ofO es~ '"~ r Bt al angdh RicP erCommission xarî written interesting incidents, and will long be Ov rsas Lile r i tecliso ad akrwa uI the Coinmiission expiaining this',ami an out.standing event in the life of the e F teo insdamagekèr asisucar -,re f111e 1An 1 Dilling for téedmg ocM a the whole miatter arousrd much dis- College ns weil as of the town. Over IlThe uiv aînounting te well over $200. ~URUING -and bssion. The Hvdro had been billing bSIXids.Tfor The s n hetw 1p11erQand ment at,-5.STheLresent, metingeoldwho was driving Parker's car, a big paymen aen$5.nnh even more were péet etn l ue 1 1924.! Studebaker, gave his story of the ac-, TR IN uN Hydro rondthat on the $29 bssof sho r (n- n ivinothys. Ern diToes arna Weekly Newspp ~hdbc~~~eC .R achiarget.1 to Whitby, so the Hdo Wednesday-Àî£ma -atrDay. they arfulfoerm ngr. trning 1next eîg4t weeks passengers. It waa Fuity Ouar<zuteed i!cîdie hsamfount t Whitby o Wednesday in Jubilée Week was 'party which will cro:ss zo Aiitwerp,' in the evening and the night was very thr'ir bos This i s$969.50 in excess -nhat inight be tem'wed an "intensive" ivisit the battlefields ami historic cities inisty. We hywr prahn -f t4 Çoilmission's own statemnent. day. Three, of thre outstanding events of Flanders andJ France, sec London, the soutà end of the town park he, It selno sthtat on an adiustment othcebatn eerodd into tour England and Scotland and spend notioed a truck approaching and a car' "po'\ýer fror'r previous years the Hy- its nil too short hours, yet despitadvin elst eadborr-foowgi. Just as they were meet- dro clairq that Wýhitb)y owes thern $2,- this, they -were among the niost mem-'Iturning to Quebec, whieh city it is cx- ing the truck this other car pulled $ 2 .1 ,34.841, ro they charge(] nterest on orable and most fully appreciated of petd.l erahdAgs t. ott pass the truck and the tw6 cars t bis arîrount and debited arnother $94.-a_ a esiite.Tire commencement fthe trip has crashed frito one another, badly dam- I racr irton tlntc, f he ï>ssugrsinia al av ______________ 19'. Tis,' arorntedl for the- whoie dis- *:-The flay began'propitiously with the been mo-st auspicious. Rteal si1mmer aging both cars. N6oene-wa.s hurt, îr nel mItir difference betwen nsu entain for whihIwather iras prevailed, and *hile we as toth cars were travelling at a mod- i i.Ilvyro report iend the Commis- gtî asiol hden rarinfor i lcare promnised cooler breezes whe nwe eratre rýate of spced. horýw eeks. -It inciuded rmucirof the po-)50 r1Te . egsi tecar algv fThe-question xwas dis cussied at con--l- amme,,given on May-Da, pus!oe1passage down tire St. T-awrence River evidence, on the wholecocrroborating J,ýi1týrb1elengil.1 interesting features sucir as rythmmcal has been one of enchaiitibg beautY. that of the first witness. Paul In- De'ugglst and _- Rports were retturnefl frorn theI marching, Tire Melita sailed frein Montreal at goldsby, *ho had been driving the Statlonep les of %vater NýiJ a been submit- whole school on thre campus in front first ciass passengers, aimong who'J.Prkrer, th1intretldteÃœ ledl to lhem foi. arralysis. Thre reports of the loggia wirich wns followed by wr 7 e rdwmno h rs age donc te tthe car. The -radiatoi wiItITBV, ONTAIRMO al s6 e the water to ire of a véry dances, wand exercises, apparat .us and paity. Tire warmn sunisirirre and balmy was smashed, lcft fender erumpled, good tluait\. 'a ok iedmntaii xa breezes have afforded us an oppoIr- left front wheel destroyed, and axle - M ~r.. F. Augustrîs petitioned for an winse1~ arennbro l tunity of getting our fil of fresh air bent, cogting i ail $212.15. Fpt:e -- - - -extension of t:w water service to servegilanvstrs houte-ncn and-.admiring tire beauty of thre scen-tiearwsntbleebeuefo Fer newv hou. e on Giibert Street, wirich grntuiating Miss Snyder and hier 'u- e ry ot sds fsix ier weeks afterwards.: When asked - s n i e css of erection.Té TinsVitoiaBrdg. sthe y r Sasnw - - r qun e xvs rantonedhispils on a physical culture exhibition Tr aosVcoi 3dews b r wn o howas acting for 're he f Offier o Iealrfr n which tliey -declnred to be unequalled1 first interesting sight to present itsei Dilling as te thre condition of tire1 TheChif Oficr o RelthforOn-inI to -view as we were towe u nto elbrtak hltes o fotca, r akewre ste taro rpored avoabl ont e~~~r- n teir experience. After luncireon 1 stream froi tire -docks atM M entra tatnwhi thefootMrakeserene ta ri fepr fvr abl ontheh' 1or teguests foregatirered in the gym- Frhra gwsS.Hln' s rin1 1 onwae upl.I nasiuin to witness th\-- presentation ofFuteraogwsS.HlnsI- in first clasa condition tie- erergency rq beirrg properly and efficientlv done . . io and, and at thre wharf was te, be seen rk would stop the zcar withith * t'~t~~4IK oiso glftsterescirool froinivarîous groups aindf thentiefom.fte rk l PAEH t pw" dcha e ,e supply of e_sîcrcof listd- adfo idvd anls steam eriauden Cthcfor oyte reuired distance. In fact they to urhae he uýPl o eectclntrete inth-cnter.stamrstidenCiinvv tirer eas eeollege. te* wasrvius TAXI SERVICE i laps for flext year from thie Hydro. Mmer ftieBorMis aso tire vessel -which tojk the old 34t1hbennsete itifdaypse,ns d campSER ICt eNiagafrthaBordoiss'.Midetca hisclosed te. anif' ae n Il1oMir qluot tiorrs altogetirer were con- wvell andi'Mr. Farewell, witir sorne of 0tpa igrnwe iv tir tereupon Mr. Swansort subniitted rèr4ed. tire guests, occupied thre platform. trnfr-dt e prr fa ittrre was no case because tire hont 29, WI 11V i Sefi< tendiers for tire suppiyofa M~r.IlHamilton, Presid'e-nt of tire Coi- iy. dw ie ie attr Motor Veiices Act had been brokenf <h rical closet at tire waterworkg eeBad id .sotairs f- Pr-,igdw hsrvrps h by the plaintiff when ire haddfeter - ~~pur rrr p house were opened ns folo:l g 1adqad hr ddesa-(uaint French-Canâc"Wian farmn houses bkend conseq (. M. I'ýice. $138 f.rr.h. Whitby; J.IMc- trwrc ito rsaint- and tire littie villages, one Ses them unl a e di lu rsi:v fo.r.Wiitv.J cm getâer witir their donors, wvas read fri lfeetan a oecm en tire car witir the utmost car e.H Meln" y ir. tFareweli.- The beautiful Per-Mr o- submitted tirat there was no évidence RINC Jl0UnI CARS îr-stnerienih lws r a ruigs iwhicir wercplnced in tire fprehiensive viewpoint tiran when go- at ail tha ilnhdbe ulyo ru ar-redth ie contract.-1 ing tirrougir by train. Thre miles upon - A v-lwwsitoue Main 1Hall sirortlv nuten Easter, were miles of rail fences, clustering se c had al ed. M r. an s hèe pead-e oeOvrauo trttrh t vreu eaig n ptforalypresenited 6ni tis occasion by! tiicklv tegetirer in tire dstance, makt e hdfie.M.Sasnped auth . Perny., on bebaîf of tire Toronto itire -lilds look like hutge cireeker- e ogaderetyl nedao f rrzig ir eçtnsonoftie eage Cirapter «f'Trafalgar Daugirter1s. bad n n lc w a n ot-persuade Ris Honor tirat ire wasi Iytn nGletS. osreMs bads Intonenc ,ýsaatintol Au Mr.ht,-b ut !is Hor told hMm that ire i. Agus;tus' house. Mr G. D. Atkinson spoke delight.- 1uteir wmndmill, tr nnedita fully for tire Alumnae, of Toronto, in newer world, and lifting its huge w ouid net re -graited non-suit if-lie Th pe Cnrsedwî ithoneswre e dipgCo- 1 ddnating te tie shool a library Of upward. We pass vii]i- -e alter vil-t1slked al day, se the, case continued.f Pau- In oids y 1 k peasenBd i th ir okmens Cern- bookS wiricSwill prove a source of'age; cach withir ts ot*m.L4.nhg feat- The- defendant Dilling tOnk thr P a u i I n g l d b y~h ir e ~ m i i s tr .. o r e a n s t o e r n e A t tir e c l o e o fr e s r t a n d . H tt e c d e n t h a d o cth e i r ado pnsa inein Bcor fe"h the aii t J1Otple:sure and utility te t*'u7tudÉents lune in tire formn of single or twin sad osae httr iito AT TIS GARAGES tio of workinen's compensation dlaims churcir spirs in tire Watpr anmI Ligit Department s eenaioMsWilasth We had a splendid view of TireePe danip and foggy. He was dniv- i _tit iree va sufiiet monv e-su ccessor te Mrs. Atkinson, as Presi-1 Rivers, frem tire boat. It is one of ing iris car, a McLaughiin six, slowly I11 Work (iuarant.ed funded on tire 1923 amntop dent oftire Alumnae, -was called to tire big, thriving industrial tewns-of Southr on Brock Street, going te tire the frst sx paymenf 9 t4. aly tire paf and introduced to tireas-tire Province of Quéeoc. Its spîondi(î station. He saw a car ceming and -Theie nucir discussed 1923 surplus _enbd uss. water power tacilities make it 'an before ire could meet it ire hd caugirt - aaî cae e fretir Cmmisin. Tire Whitby Chapter of tire Trafai- ideal location fer industries, and it ap- up to a truck and ire iad to pull in gar Daugirters presented, tirrougir pears te ire a real, live community. beind 4- to let tire car go by. As soon, pjR"O*wAtsnteutt'ri te ite tiretaHyro iss Powell, tireir President, a beau- Hene is situated tire big plant of thl-as -lie irad passed tis car':ie pulled eut Jra rMnfentric Powe ~ r Commrission of On>jtario tiful portrait of Miss Adams, oue of- Wayagamack Pulp and paper C.. frein behmnd tire truck again to pasa anda~kthi rrecmmndaionas the most esteenied and beloved Lady where tire. huge piles of pulp woed it and thon ire saw vtire little iigirts'on TAXI SERVICE P netn i 93srls ieca rnincipals of tire Coilego. This gift Itirat tower fan above tire water's edge anether car about a car iength in j ttanan( trasrerwer auîm rized "s graciousy received by Mrs. Wirit- are tunued -into news pnint and otirer (Continued on page 6) hone290, Whlty cary et t re rcommrrdaiort of ire Mrs. Feston, reprcsenting a grenp Tire fields along tire river are beau- u lfg o na e iI -~-Prvnca ormslo.of Harnilton students, denated a.fine tifully green and verdant, and tireW T i ______________ Tire -of tirefirst resident of ieC ee we pass iîmouSii early te-morrew i were un fine shape,t thehmno ____________ president- said tire main itmmJms odn a uvie y rnnng, wiren tire mail il etkeItrengîbfeemking tMei just1 (fbusiness was tire election of offi- o n.w il tno" - cors and ire discusson of ~ i son, Mn. James Holden, of Kansasofanwe ilirabetsede -gt.Paoendatnecuc n ceînaar angem t e. icsinosu c y adrciedb ilamRsafurtirer lettons until we reacir Seuthr- 1thre mreing ani it was late lart night MisIrhle nvîe eak tion . eries were played. Most of tire SELDO i ncssacdny te oaliefoanecect, mmero ir ord apo. aig i-a rva n swere final gaines fir osoa itHOI.SON SEO ' hch codn t I vde-a aiable portrait of Mms. Rare, executed board. and as we are travelling east- gieweevr cleafir, tire! rotN DvryEanRntir fuurf by3Miss Ingle, tâe presont Art instruc- w ard w o will have te advance our fia bew n G. Ml ns ik f U - ~ ER A ER S - . i-refered te tire- announcement1 ton, on beiraîf of tire Ottawa Cirapter 1watchos, from time te tirne, as per a bridge and A. EIIiot's beiug decided U n. aaWU!TY ttî ered intire rnrning papers 0 alnDugtrsarchedule outlined for us, te aecount for at tire lazt ondthtie final score being i legislation of Goerrenotrita!cardt-ween Canada and England.f These two rinks easily disposed of SWhmchir any ef tire- coustituencies-speaking likeness, mill irang oppïosite Se many of oun frienâs in Wiritby ltiroir opperents in the sei-final.s,.and - were beîng carved up beyond ail pus- te tirat of Dr. ïirae in tire Main Hall. wvere kind enougir te express interest it was liard te pick tire favorite for' subie ecUgnitieni. Tire Ottawa Cirapter alsq pnesosnted in our trip overe,àut.. tirat durng tire tire tropiry. Tiere nk. were: It is intiimated tint Uxbridge vil.-asiasi- frgnrl rfcec ,t few days of c-hip life, 1 shail on- Uxbridge-Miller, sk.; Tunstel Dr. IXEO W OD - lugeami tonshipsud tre tŽWn- te be called tire Haro se.iolarsirip. deaver te write another letter te ~rMlo n aqi MIXE WO D shp o Sctt ae t betake frriTire unveiling 'of tire Entrance ppsted at Soutirampton, Enrlamd, ai-;t Bowmannviiîle-Alex Elliot, sk.; Mac- 'Nortir Ontario, and added te South4 Gates, erected by tire order of Trafai- thoug± cf coursze we expcct tire really Deugali, Logan and Densem.r "e' oodqüaalty, cut- Onrtarie, and tire balance of tire nortir rgar Daugirtena, was an'iinpressive and intereztinz part ef our irolda toecern- Bow-manvllie got away te a goed >~I tOOU r ing illdisapea in uskoka. ýdignified ceremony. It was perforin- ne o ria t r.ter Stijl, lead, leading G-1 at tire end of tireI n Stove Iengtbs. Astins distribution question is net cd by 3mrs Riches, of Toronto. The;hrowever tireoma'ir e sometiring et sixtir nd, but %ffller caine iracksrn de înittely setied, it was decided after flag having ireen w-itirawztîe tablet sufficiont intenest in tis panty on and at tire end of tire twelfth end Ux-- Pr'ompt deîlvery. t discuss wn tu doter tie ciectien et Ot- diSclosed was seen te ire ,iuscnibe hprev.emkei-otiye od-big ere qM t p tr0cr ie SCoi'ds oq hand. f1cers until it 1ud been determined wîtir tiese words:-"ý1874 Gld n -ig by our friends. ug9 r. Fo last six ends excite- ;j w-'iat tire.censtituency would cortss ttbilec -1924, presented by tire Trs.fal- G.. M. Goodfellow. mentru and- nenched fever For~am f.- If it is t be eularged it was read- f_____________________ pitcir wien tire fil e wa reached iIs Sra admiitte-d by ail thnt every local, 1witir Uxiridge eue peint airead. At tshots and th omnil kip ryt Mes&R .P.tesn .p ,Iclever bowling rau tire kiddîe irnck and4 1T.LStinsoni &C:, James'Boxali and mngât ettoso tu ÃŽ.n klo ngl gC- J. Frost, ef Lindsay, weve pres- O I IN.. E E R T O r ing tire game and tire trophyby oee % @@anqlg-IO d etad mith Hon. William Smnth and sirot. It was anret finish Follow- P <chlckens. Mr. J. C.,Iiodgins, of Brampton, were U E DA J L y ls -tire score byends Mn. Stinson spoke briefty of thre' l194 fUxbridge 001000103103010110-12~ *oranzaio for this district as plan-! Four Wbitby rinks were entered inj SEEO OAIS the petrr cîemarON PA K NTB tn ies, J. D.F"iukr, A. E.1j MOêbhshela of ide*.1 i tien, Ontariote b. thec. fbattle FSturges, an. Vanstone'sadtire ed OatE4 Cauadiao. grnd at iralnxt eneral ecPaty ndr upie oniy one tesurvive tire first round. mnust cs tare seven or mnore P ~WHUTBV CITIZENS' BAND and FIluker lest te thre winner of -tir tro- 1 ftts e advised tli<rough organiza- . T E W U B IE B IA E phy by four points. Greenwood lest'j tion als tha eny atentia ad MI 'WîllrB FOE BRGADE toSwanson by five sirots; tre1 iistaice b give the "e& H wassnowed under by Purdy MVn IseiOW a s betw, ha te e md etet- stene defeted Oke of Port Hope. Van- mid8014 t4,aad the ladim b ouid aaei luzon, engbatn2 P kSt o Ite eea vaiain DANCE ON TOWN HAILL -AT, NIGUST. J. Di, Fluker won bis firat" game i As M. Hoshuw» free te atehRemWATC FO lmS u o Oshawa. 19-14, but went out intire pqe 6)(Continued on pa.ge 8) Our Shoe VaIlues this seesÉoni lEver bn Style, Materlal and WE REPAIR SIIOES ON SFIC PEEL'8 SHOE Retallers of Good Phone 151 -W.éroGk.St. Sc OlFIEN ITHiE cHiE&PE&S - ALWJ SPECIAL >FOR- 1900 Cataract Electnie Washing- Machine, Reg. $171 Lawn Mowers, LawnHose, Nozzlee, Verandai Chair With Canopy Top Pata, Oua and Glass New,,Perfection (Ml .StO'es ShInjgie Stain, grown and Green $1.50 per gallon. Electric Hot, Plates $6.00esir Phone 25 (Successw'te W. li. Pu'lngle) P Goods dellvered te ail pa.rts of Uthe tOIu EATON'S- GROCER 1 lb. tiff Chase & Sanborn Coffee 63c-, bulk.... Borden'a Reindeer Coffee, large ..... .......... . Heintz Spaghetti, ..............arge 23c. Pure GoÃ"ld Salad Dressing Powder..... ....... . Horns' Pudding Powders ............... -Harry Horns' Duble Cream Custard ..... Haif lb. tins Ànchor Cocoa-..... ...... ....... . 1 lb. tins Corn Beef .... ....... ...... Clark Cbup Beef in slices.......... Cookin g Dates ...... ..... ......... ..2 New England Ham ...... ............. [ Lemonade, Orangeade, Raspberry Vinegar . 25( Choice Lemons ........... ...... ...... ...... . Oranges............ ...........25., 40c., l a.W u E A T O N , l un WSSwI' BlCk, Brook Stres.t NoU'tII TESTED SE-ED Comptons Earoy,, geimInatIng Nopth Dakota, gdermlnatîng te Wlsconsin No*-?, Prîdeo Improved Leaming, Gold Mangel Oîant Vellow. inter Test100per oentL Jumlio Saga,' Beet. Levlatban Beet A . 1 OME OFJ9000 6,No., 52 Fred, 0. M, LA'

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