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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 2

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TBURSDAY, JUNE,19th, 1924 lo Conly Counil gven beftoei ch the tinued freni last week) - luging" Au1d Lang Syne.pf irde wasin fvo on ex- A graduae o! this year declares He was positive that the thatne matter how many Jubilees uId be as good in the fali-as may be ahead of O.LC., there can now bechuse the xnoney for neyer b. another Commuencemenxt qulte itenance of the roads is al- like this bas been ýovided for.- The addiionai, Any eue whU either witnessed or oiuld be for extra work. Mr. took part iun the exercises o! beth A1 been citing the instance or1 mornîng sud' afterneu is fair te a- east of Beaverton which hl gree with ber. ' was in very badcondition, As The scàool has passed its first bal! r additional mioney. ,Mn. Mc- century, and xs lookzng foiw rd -Wt id net think that Mr- Wall' 1 another fi!ty years of! prespezxty sud 'as as dangereus as he made honorable renown. The sense o! anti- feit that the Council shouid [cipation was feit by evezyene tbrough- ack to the towuships for the eut the -Jubilee Week, but ou Coin- If miii, but should stoip their mnencement Day thé* event, the turu- k mlhen the MoneY remn Out. ing point- in tL h e I!.o! the school, 1be verv. nice to do ail the seemed actually t tàe place. - lev Wante(1 te (10, but conemY' The programme o! the me'rniug, u%à- e p)ra*ticcd some time, and ually lu the eÀands of preseut da3i-stu- a go)(îl tir-ne. The Advîsor2, dents, was given eutirely by old:ganls c ahniw %voteiI in-favor of t he o! -whom the school bas every ight ki i wW' accordingly struck Ite b. proud. . The first numben, wbicix cenaisted r re-onnendation was that of two delightful piano selections; was ~uy Cr çritc f any yean given by Miss- Meath,, a former stu-1 au}eitcirt purchese gra-I dent and present teacher. V r igary thuught that -She was'followed by Miss Dorothy ir" .-houlî be changed- to Monden,- a member o! the Senior Class tr' becauise future Ad- of '19, w-ho has lately won the Pnov- >nm -ittee miight have a mania incial- medal for L. T. C. M. vocal ex- g gravel p)its, and the Coun-J aminations and Whose voice is eue o! -ritt stpth(- in. NIr. Figary's sheer beauty. Miss Lorna Rumbali, reshiared]h%, tii-e-nia jority of jla graduate o! last year and now a ilô-,anld Nr. Figary's a-1 student at the Emerson College - of it crid Oratony at Boston, read "The Maid' o!f iiinmttve advis"] that. a grant France"p a lovely comabination o! the X) undler the Ilighw-ays lm-: pathetic and the nidiculous on the sub- it Art he nade te the ToWn ject o! the Entente Cordiale which did ige foi- the pwving of certain grea credit te hersel! and to the s (f the Cuunty llead Sys- schoo. ii> giant i.s similar tu that; Mrs. . Westley, who possesses a !'ç rt l'er-y ut the Januarylplondid contralto -v»c, an a fam-a . u-t <lts e w p r a subur- us aria from Samsoun u eian . iiesýtab)lish!iienrt of agbrt13ewsfloe yMs id 1w~ ~~ ~~ r.ety. Crae (arss, a bnilliant pianist and a grad- -shnîva * Il fa a cles-juate o! '19. -dais-e wtil Sectîon p2 of the Mrs. Craigie, who gave the next Act, i w#ij,~ti respect to number, has*a glonlous soprano voîce. ilý>les<l>, thic Council of any She sangý a beautiful portion o! "I laving a systerncf COunty Puritani," which both delighted' and pder 1he Iliglîways Improve- ainazed her audience 1 jry pl te the D-Iepant- Theprogramme was closed by -a Il ighwýay,- te havýe the hieut.- suite for two pianos by Arensky, play- d uirect that a sub- ed hi Miss Merchant and Miss John- s-a coinînittc be selec-ted a.q ston.- l 17 cf this Af-t l>lcvifid. 1 is Honor the Lieutenant-Governor crefornt. re-onîyiîend 'that ap- PanrFMrs. Cockshutt, w' ho had gracieus- fie ina<fr- to the -Ieiatmnt ly cons'ented to be preseut, received lu -ayýs te have, a subunhan are a: the,.dra-wing-room at noon, aftez which o:.s i sî ire cwunty noads ad- the entire compauy adjourned te the tyi ert <f',9).slwa. lawn for luncheon. ay 1 Muii1irîg was takeýn UP lii two o'clock the great zoom, cre- roc ~ 'ýr hu.n- F.M.iîgary "' f ated -bv the union o! the concert hall a fIi(05501()f pedhrrs' licen- wscrwe Il c4ol or -one îm anI-and the dining zoomn, wscoddte jî ic-td fo sone trnesudover-fiowving witb old students, guests rake ecar \\ lra.t regul-ations of the Jubilee- Committee and !niends il them lun th-e county.- The of the êraduates. Wil l'r- ien Reortwas The Lieutenant-Governor snd Mrs. gilry ijflt-oslUcefi a by-law Cockshutt, MIr. and Mrs. R. C. Ham- ýgi-sutte tort Pesrry i Ew ilton, Principal Farewell sud Miss \\!Ill the action of, îast ses Maxwell, occupied the platform. Be- insu - ind thoîn were anranged seats fori marceUvrnîttî-reýpented,ljthe -graduates and the Faculty. j rdirg the jpa.ymcnt cf ac- The assembled people remaiued. Hf i furthen titaI the (?ouncilisjtaflfiflg until the graduates, thirty-i criutprsertin i-egand, one in- nuimber, Ieokxng very love ly-in pit- t hti-- their white gowns sud with exquis- eft uts- csîintv i-ate foi, tlrçe -car S< onl tic -i;uiized s( cssnet,1 LirE c(0[21 indu. <ver ilast f s-at. 0rw-tc i-r rpez-tir. a-ri<ing Uîiiriitee 011 liducaî rr.tI!d asrfliî M-cknowlt'dg#- thie reccipt of aý Uni tlie Or-illa Ilourr of *du- tatinig that Ilic 'ýUuntv of On- pflir ývuii ire admîltted t,, the clcugiîrte llistitiute aftvr Jue, of - l<I a-k cf* accorlinisda- eIOPII( A-<urnurltaitthe ('ienk culs:- \w it the ,sirid board îîith lo «Ii Viîugiiig iitia(Colflmroda-J utjiýiIs fi-4ni M ara anid Raial ps. - - F il Uic ciiiii-.foi, the propor- 'e-t Ç tq~tv 'LIIilS for tire Iliglir -iii - Uôntinuàîtionî uniM rco:siîîîin tlat thbe fol- ou- bela-sillr.- y <sîlvgiate, $700.61l;, Beav- itiiiartioir, $17(k2 1icker-- t-î;-". 1; 'Iieiuioîrt C, S. NIt. Aihei-t C. S. 2s:; -C.S. $ 170-.10; Bi-osrkliii I'l tprt -,vas adopt%ýçI.- j 10!-r-t cf 'thle Boad a iîd DJiige ('o \au - uiîîe. Il Ccofi- is-pu iret i f a nîuîîîber of-, on- ouit ' t i-iiges-, anid, ru-rr-ItluI:t cowi(liderable C rkhv doie ut scert.ain Points. IIàýlI ' es itinît iw a0t unr ho tak- 1 :arII0 Itii ii-siiuiiiig the: Vi-î n i'ckvr-ilig tov -ihi, a- al rdge. - r îii~ i ~ '\ *i ttithe~ 'nrius lili ionsiirp, ti Whîtîy Twn-lijîcounicil toi epfi-siiatvefi- the'î-î ivrîirt utthe lur-idgc tîiui- ;1 - il ar-larrgelyiV4i- ruuttts-i-s:oninr&nleilthat îrCrn <reek BIi-ilre 0i1 the lt I I t lhe tsuvnshrîr cf1 il Tinorah lue luilt oni a fiftv > iî hl the -< 'cuuxity cf Ontari o oor-i f 1Ilrrck ainsiThor- r.y to thle genieral custon the' ontliiruvd late Saturday after-i le e i repurt cf the' Road Lýt Cor1inmittee authori-zinig the of accounts w-as passed ansi -V 1' y-iaws fori- ear neceived 1isus reiing-ir. Sînecial grants le- to the touti cf 1UNin*îsge - -iIînge o! Caniniugt(on for the, remt o! cenne-çtin-g links in the1 1,0aW 1syste-ni' withirr theirî lion the rcunicil adcjc)urnled to i -qs eciai adjounned -ession aU nt June 24th. nJublee ai O. L.Cj ptinuted'frornpage 1) Adelie Mcbennan, a student -car, Wo the great elation of ent -school, who were mueh Pgt ber eider sisters sbould frein thein.- ay Culnrated iu the grand which was held i the diuing- n et slx-thlrty.Thé. guast ibered six hulded, were seat- cades from 1874 to 1924. It nteresting te note tl1tat o ut 'ho] of1874 were present at rer,' Aien a delicieus dinner Pany settled te the. serlous of the ev-enlig, tfat ettoast», t-maklng. Mr. Hamilton an# ývelwere joint toastmasters ZL71ir direction six or o ite bouquets of roses, teck their placsà 1good lively sessions xeld there o The women's session Wednesday Dinner and supper were furnished Lindsay Association. behind the làeue atGoverrin. Wedm-esday. It took Moderator Me-, aftbernoon was a splendid success, inu the basement cof the thuzrch and fioers are: Bey. Mr. Euntçr opened tfie oere- Donald al bis time Wo keep tb'em ';and there was a larger number out the ladfies-of ,the chureh were ex-t Moderator-Rev. J. L wony with prayer. Miss Miriam Bek- within bouunds, 'wbjlle the rela±ionship W h- ear the splendid addresses' given tremnely kind and attentive Wo the 1 awe. ert then presented an address to, Ris existing between McMaster Univer-1 by Miss, Janet Robinson, India, and vast crowds that gathçred arounù ic-oeàrD. Hionour and Mm. Coekshutt, who! slty and the Associatîon are friendlY Miss Olive Copp, Tinimixis. thie festive board. The service, the Ve-oeao-r also reeived a beautifut bouquet, of tliie .wa a resolution Passdalxnostý Mrs. (Rev.) J. T. Priest, Whitby, cooking and the menu were ail thatFeeoFa1. flowers. After a brief speech by Mr.1 unanimouzly that li future the Senate presided over the meeting, and Mrs. couid b. desired, and the visitors wili Vice-Clerk-Rev. J. Hamilton, Mrs Cockshutt awarded' of that institution are warned not tW (Dr.) White gave an address of not soon forget the kînd- hospitality Whitby. the diplomas- to each- gradiate ini. <,nfer degrees on mnen whose doc- 'lelcome, which was responded to of the Fenelan Falls church people ' Ciairman of the loc turn Ris ilonor tben spoke a fewltrinal views were net in accordance'bv Mrs. (Rev.) J. L. Harton, Osh- Mr. R. P.-Suggitt was re electeu sion Board- Mr. A. impressive words Wo both the audience1 witil th.at contained within the char- awa. One delightful feature 'of the clerk and treasierer of the Whitby- Lindsay, and the graduates. He. congtatulated, ter of thàt, institution. wonien's session was the singing __________________ the College Board upon this turning- The publication. Board of the' and exercises given by Cie Fenelon -___________________ point li the history of the Coilege, and a CÇanadian Baptist" -were also scored -Falls Mission Band. expressed his good wishes for its con- for net publishing both sides of any The lastse"ion was; -given over I M IB nounced'that henceforth a medal is W sde whichi they favored .wscode oisutotcp- UNDS1T ETES be granted each year in the namne of The pricipal addresses were given. citv. The .address of the evenngi the Lieutenant-Gevernor. lUs Ronor by Rey. Mr. Hohnes, Lindsay;' Rev.-w-as given by iRev. G. M. Holm-es, of Are prepared to supply ail kinds of hoùse trim, closed his remaarksi by addressing a' J* H. Boy-d, Toronto; Mr. R. D. War- jLindsay, and Rey. J. .Bod ro shingles, lath, isash, doors, moulding. Cali and~ few kindly and dignîfied words Wo the zen, Toronto; Prof. R. C. Curr, of Mc-! Toronto. Rfi Boyd, of Fams.Yo wllree graduating class. Owing Wo an en- Master University; Mr. Jos. Wearing, -1ne 1aie r owds that came te oro idwFao. Yuwl ee gagement xi Toronto, Ris Hlonor and of Peterboro. 'Fenelon. Falls during Tuesday and ci ean maierial and work from us at the lowest pr Mrs. Cockshutt were then dblig ed t I'Mr. RM E. MçDonald was modera-1 Wednesd&y motored or came by train First class workrnanýhip is the cheapest. withdraw. I Wr, Mr. P. Suggitt, Clerk, and Treas- from Whitby, Toronto, Stouffille, Before the*awarding of trile medals jurer, and Rev. J.. T. Priest, of Whit-, Uxbridge, Siinderland, Canningtoni, and prizes, Mr. Arthur Blight, former- by, was vice-clerk. Manilla, Bobcaygeon, Reaboro, Hall- John N b eS n hn a spocendi soo h olee gv Those who contributed' towards the burton, and other places. Al thevi- ah sprnizesowrl dsro.e hruh musical part o! the programme were'iting delegates w'ere extremely de-; nut thrieus classstof techool is oy fTooto rs .M.; iighted at the reception given them___________________________ out jhensten BlalasaterofandeMiss Olive by tfie people of Fenelon Falls and a goodly number falling to thelo ïJintn lkvaeadMs l nme fthFnlnFlsBp' the seniors. S ggi, Ln sa .tist Church. LI EN ED AU TI NE R N The exercises -were closed by an- _______________________________________AND"___ other solo from Mr. Blight, and ashort V - - - --O address by Dr. CÃ"aroline Brown, o! the de IN ER&P P Ontario Board o! Education, Toronto JIAil kindi o! sales promptly attend. A TR&PP reprçsenting the Premier. I to.e~ i y . . Arraig-ements for sales can b. o l ,,,Howvever impressive the ceremonies I I eferai AgentL - jjfl eU ;made St the Gazette Office. Tens Bx2 o! the afternoon had been, the- hour jOraoal.Poe 7 n 8.- WHlTBDV, 01 or so that followed, crowded full o!fUIIB .O T _________ good-byes and -good-wishes, laukhter THE CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has an opening for W T Y T and tears, will bïe remenibered perhapz, an ambitious and aggressive man to act as its General __________ .H W R more clearly than any other txrough- Agent in this district. Office suipervision and assist- H W R eut the Jubilee week. Huxdres o gils nd ome gah- ance will be given. To a man with abiiity who can getRelsat -hsu ardtoeh rt hnor Wo a com- resuits thig offers a splendid opportunity for financial TR I-IE T BE Appoiatments at Mr. K mntaiinsattdonce more Wo success and advancement. TR I IET B Next l)oor Post Office their: various places in the world, klers3dnewl esrel ofdnil bt'aring witfr them memories o! their Aima Mater, renewed and strength- Apply tri J. S. STEVENS, Supt., 59 Yonge St., Toronto. M ened by the love expressed by .ier j - -WN1 daughters during this wonderfuî l _____________________________W . . week sud facing hopefully and cour- Teacher o! Si ageously a fresh page o! life on which - C~. N. IL Studio--DundaaS the history o! another fifty years more.glorlous, it is'hoped, even thanWtJucin Phene-21 -the past, is to be written. A~ GOING WEST-*4.52 a.ni., *5.17 a. -I------------.M *5.36 a.m., t7.35 a.xn.,jt10.25 a. I IUM UEMM ~UImAUUMMm., t2.32 p.ni.,-t7.36 p.m., *8.55 p.ni. Wi - nu PSt l e t .3aC s nGOING EAST-*8.1O a.m., *Pulm3ras Ilea emeh a EA S A EM., j4.03 p.m., t"~7 p.m., f6.19 p m.,W Meetai Fnela Fals -REA EST TEt6.55 p.m., *9.30 p.m. *10.58 p.m., Bey J L Hrtnpato o Oh-Insur'ince, General Sales-Agent, ¶11.38 p.m. - HARD, SOFT AND N awa Baptist Churcà was elected I Adent for R.(ioldring, IlD.L. & W" Scranton Coal.i U OW ST O. Orders left at Maund Moderator o! Whitby-Lindsay Bap- I D*b GOING NORTH-t.8.31 a.mn., t3.40 p. will receive prompt at tist Association at the thirty-seventh Hewis Block, Brock Street, Wbitby 1Mt.0pm annual meeting held last week inm_________________________ GOING SOUTH-t7.2.6 a.m., f 1.50p. ~ Phone 1 Fenelon Falls. - IIm., 'f5.15 DJf. *It was eue o! the best, most inter- esting and liveliest meetings ever held Within this association. The democracy o! the Baptist c hurch govrnent gives- the -x1um- ,blest member the same privilege o! debating, criticizing "and airing his views ou auy questione that may be brought before the meeting as the Chancellor o! MeMaster Universi- ty, any professez ou the staff, or any minister o! the Gospel within the association. - There were some To Everywoman o MAYwomen lack ý'savinga accounts, thinking amnounts, accumulated gradualfy, are your stre'ngtli in an enmecy. Standard Service welcomes smail as weII as large TUE #STANDARD BANK Whitby Branch, Brooklin Branch, - -- -C. A. McClellan, M4angw - C. S. Thompson, Manaer Umm WHOWVOULD Rlm" MUST soir Deposit Tour Savinesin lECÂMADI&N BÂNK or IoeMMEPcE Respecing Exchane Ratest N ailmateof foegn exchangt a rrag usfor keepimg76 * ~touch wthti.world's xchange umr kets asure you proetservioe. Die wime conectm ion te flefluas- clalc~Ses abi. us to quo the cloeutodsbIe ratIs The foilowing, valuable properties are offered for immediate sale. $1200.00-Brock St. north, solid brick;> single stozy, 2 zooms and woodshed, 2 closets, oak floons, electric iights, town water. Rai! cash. Balanceanranged on mortgage 6 per cent. $4800.00,--Brock St., nonth of C. P. R., solid brick, 2 stories and attic, 7 zooms, 3 piece bath, pinse finish, bot air !l4rnace. $1,200 cash will handie this prperty, balance arranged. $7,000--Brock St. south, frame house, 2 stonies and attic, 9 roorns, 3 piece bath (bathnoom finished in white tile), oak floorg first flat[-hot air furnvr'--r, 2 fire places, garage and stable, chicken bouse, 3 lots with cherry and apple trees. $4,000 cash, balance arranged. - $2800.O0-Brock St., Centre Ward, -frarne house, 11/'2 stonies,, -7 zooms, bath roorn, 2. piece, good location, all kInds cffi-uit trees. $1800.00 cash,, balance arrange. $3100.0O--Euclid St. north, brick vene-er,41/2 stonies, 8 rooms, hot air furnace, electric light fixtunes, town water, chicken bouse, fruit trees. $1700 cash, balance arranged.- 4,000-Smith Block, Brock St., east side, 2 stores, ý living apart- meuts, é5ýrage, large yard at zean; tIre best meal estate pro- position offered in Whitby at this time. For immediate sale, $1000 cash-, balance arnanged. $8300O0-Solid Brick House, 2 stonies, good lot, Byron and -Col- borne Sts. Nine zooms, 3-piece bath, bot water heatiug, oak floors up-stairs. Beautiful rugs and electric fixtunes ail includ- ed in pnice. One o! the very finest nesidences in. town. Rai! cash will handle this property. $540.00-Solid, Brick House, 2 stories, large lot, -Gilbert sud Green Streets, 15 zooms, 3-piece bath.- frame garage for two cars. Easy tenms. $65O.0Z-Solid Brick Rouse, 2 stozies, uorth, 7 zooms, bpt air furnace, 3-piece basement, hardwood floors throughout. 20. Part cash, balance arzanged. corner lot, Brock Street bath, iaundry tubs in the Solid brick garage 1ýx $3700.0O-Brick veneer.-2nd story asphalt shingled.- Walnut St., 6 rooms,3-piece bath, bot air furniace, B. C. Fir floors, Fin trim. Ail newly decorated. Kitchen addition 8x10. Lot 48xl98 ft. Part cash, balance arrnged. $300.00-Gypsum Block Cottage, new, Byron Street south, 5 z-ooms, 3-piece bath, hot air furnace, oak floors, electric fixtures,_ wined for electric steve. Terms-$1000.00 cash-$800.00 in 6 mes. Balance arranged Wo suit purchasen. $7000-Frame Rouse.-Brock and Keith streets, 8 roonis. lange, -3-piece bath zoom, large sleeping porch glassed in, large veran- dah, and lawn. Hlouse all newly zemodelled sud decozated. Oak flibrs. New bot air furnace. 21/ lots, 10 bearing fruit trees. $?000.00 cash; balance ariranged 6% per cent. $4,OO-Frame flouse, 2 stories, Greeni bath, hot air -furuace, garage, chickeu veraudah, yak libers first fiat. An ideal Byve minutes' waîk frein Post Office. range-d. $U500.O0-Brick Venter, 2 atonies, new, six zooms, oak libers, 3 piece bath, hol Birst-ciass home. Part cash. Ternis ar Street, 9 zooms, 3 pece bouse, nice lawn, !anç up-Wo-date home. Within Rai! Cash, balance ar- Euciid sud Walnut Ste., st air funnace, a strictly ranged for balance. $$M-00O -Cottage, Byron St.. South, aolid brick, 7 zooms, 3- piece bath, hot air furnace,_ electic ftxtures, aun roomn, thzee- quartera acre good beauing fruit trees. $2000 cash. Balance 83500--Cottage, Byron St. South, new, 1% stories, stucco ised on metal iath, 6 rooms, 3-piece bath, oak floors first flat, hot air furnace, brick fireplace, eiectric fixtures, wired for electrié steve. $1000.00 cash, balance arzanged.. Ç0500-Pine Street, solid brick, 2 stories,_-6 rooms, 3 piece bath, extra fine; bot air furnace, double cellar, hardwood floors first flat, window shades and electzic fixtures included. Brick garage 14x20. $2000 cash, balance arranged.- $2800-3yron St. South, fraxue, bungalow, 1 % stories, 6 rooms, 3 piece.bath. fraine garage and chicken house, small fruits bear- ing. $1000 cash wil handle this'pzoperty. P3500-Kent St North, franre cottage, 5 zooms, 3 piece bath, oak floors, hot air furnaoe, electric range and electric heater for boi- ez included. Ail in excellent repair. $2500 cash, balanceaz- range&~ $1800-Perry St.,frame roughcast dwelling, 1% atonies, 6 roonms and sumnmer kitchen, stool, sink,-aud electric fixtuzes. $800ecah will mecure this propezty. 14000-Dufferin St., South Wazd, brick veneer, new, 2 atories, 6 zooms and summer kitcheix, oak floors irst fBat, basu wood trum, hot air furnaoe, brick mantel sud electrie fire Place, electrie ix- tures, combination suik and laundry tub, 8 piece bath, closet o# every bedroom. $2500 cash. Balance arranged. ffoSGreen Street Southi, fraine -liuse, uinge story, new, 5 zooms, cellar under kitchen. $1000 eah; balance arrange&. 9I500--CentreSt. Northt smlù-detached, soUdbick, 8 zooms, 8 piece bath, Mot air furnace, verandah and lawn, amail ehieke house. 2MOO 0 csh. Balanceazraged. - -'A. three 0" ho ea lm b heeIlote&. IO-2 Lots, Souili Ward, cor.- Base Une and Byron St, $5 cash, balance $600 per monîth. UU-llot, BZock St., west aide, north o! Mary St., 57%150, ft., choi. bildng ite, »Me entre o! town. 1 Lot, Brock St. SentI., eset ide, ffl grown cedar hodge acres. - front. Beanig puar orchard. 80 ft. front. $10.00 per foot Woux Msn 50 ft. Off ibis lot. Toerme ash 1 Âere r BOà St adBase.lino, aorth West eoruo, $<UM» If yS tae Intueiail e la aud l1« us haue-a tek about tus. proputsL 1'ay ame ail ood valus. REAL ESTATE. WNITSY9 ONT. -C.P. R. JH. PALMER, GOING WEST-~.*6.19 a t. 8.50a.,- - *5.06 p.m., 17.30 p.m. -. _ GOING EAST--9.51 a.m., 11.35 p.mn., t8.37 p.m., 11.01 p.m. (daîy except Saturday), 11.59 p.m. (Saturday., only). 'Daily. t Daily except Sunday. MAILS CLOSE 1Fer West-At 7 a.m., 12-30 p.m., 7.30 p.m., 8.20 p.m. For North-7 a&m. For &eat-7.30 sam., 8.20 p.m -For Port Whltby-7.30 ai.., 7.30 p. M. For Ouhawa-i.45 v.m. OIIDiI dts TrAKEN For' 01 &-W. Scranton. Coal N ut, Stove and Pea Sizes. Phone 70 PORT WHUTBY M. Tonofsky JUIK SCRAP MRON a.nd, POULTRY, PAPER, BOULES and RAGS diUCHT. Phone 236*w, Whîtby A SOMMER SESSION 1 ie held in the Touge and Charlft MSreeta, Torouta 'fromu now until Sept. 2nid when our Fai Term opens. *Superior * Instrucetion in aIl depariments. Enter any time. -. Write for -catalogue, VETERIN Henor Graà Afi'iliated with Tenez Ex-Govenment Veteni: Animai Coutagieus 'Affiliated with Dr. S VS., e! Port Hlope, sp ~geny.- IAddrese-56 Bond St.: jOSHAWA, CHIROPRA O.DuPwinIE. i Hoer Graduate I org tic College, will be in day, Tbursday and Sa 1488J, Oshawa, ferene, -A. E. CHRU! Bannister, Solicitor,- etc. Office in soutb Hlouse. Money te boai W.H1. Barnister, Sol! Court, Notai WH] Officê-Dundas of! A. .H,.C. -Barnister, 'Solicitor, Office,- Mathisort Blau WRITBY, NRTON DM Outanie sud Dorninlei and Civil a Successoz te at ' Ontanio Land Surveyý Phone day or Hlopkins St. '&P, Ti.a Cor. Brocki W. 3. ELLiOTr. Pviacip4. M EEM E Phyidcianà ABOUT YOIIR E YES e.ofStndrd iat Au He Alungs Oriig ItoN Tla WUUTBY ONT.DE TUESDAY, J U N-E.17 &B, Bt.. Graduai. of g Dental S FLL.ko Ud OpUula.Toronto. fiL >m 8u1.u's> PHONE 2=0 ne Doble Tma& oi ]W" Batwm r MONTERAI, aMd CHICAGO Uumdhdd lgcma uvim. Slsza cr o ih w m -u - jd9tndpàl dMy taswos Tumk llÊue tmgfor W. J. MKst, DigbW Psuemie Ag*.TozSot. 4LDa LUKKR ' iWhitby Phono ILW au qj

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