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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 3

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- 7 IL HURSDAY, JUNE lIth, 1924 to eacli member of this ring at ca mont and Greenwood last Saturday' Y T s Newsy ètter from ý,iir u', e noidu*g, eveing. The game was well contest- miss Freya Hahn spent the week- ed to be cut up. Any -animal pro- Ne sy Letes (rm ur~ed by both teams. The resuit -was 2-1 end withhber parents, Mr. and Mis. ][1ournSd diaeased is 3ondem~nedan Cpowomtai~ .ofp. e rm Ulo se il Jdl dISS r 4 L Green is visiting friends Mr. William Day, of Port Perry,twho -the staff of oflecersr are, but we ________________________________________ in London, Ontario. who is a very alert agent for Fordi feel safe -ini saying that everything The Salem Memorial anniversary is cars, was through hefe the carlier will be done on the square as usual. Clarnce urroghs~ ~ ITlVl 'being held on June 29th. Rev. Robert -part of the week, and will -no doubt 'e.M. W. Leighoupatrm- a Son.Leiace f Rogers, of Fenwick, will. be the be responsible for placing someý new .tored to Piéton on Monday ls ttO' at- Mr. Lv aky left luit week for preacher for the day. Further an- cars lu the near 'future. tend tfrie Bay of QuitCoern. a two months' visit wit, friends i~n nceetLae.Mrs. Gideon Vernon and daughter, His daugâter and Mrs. R. R. Moi- Mrs. Wlllianison, Pontypool, 11 Indiana. fMms. (Rev.) John Bunner and son Miss Mildred, who are now- residing bray acconipanied him. spending the week with Mrs. H. Jak ihth iewete we-n Dwight, of Stockdale, called on*friends near Peterboro, spent Sunday here. in the absence of the Superintend- Wan. t th e i e heaonthe fiene in the village la§t week, enroute-te The former's son, M.ý. Burwell Ver- ent of the Sunday School last Lords- mr dyad.seMs . tvic i îg hay thong iee t heirisumerrhome t Prince Albert. non, returned with thek» oremain for Day, the assistant Superintendentwas Hall, ad Mrs. Delve, Id O. L.- C. large number of Akmerican licen.se Miss daGenetrandaotalm.i hrge girls,, ttendIed the Golden- Jubilee of~ are >bserved in the'-steain of motor wnyc e sho hm nd Teyuggrs of the neighbor- Mr. John Lawton was reported con- t e ege at Whltby last week. cars. ~fed tapryls rdyee-h~ have dawned hi sotn siderabiy better at time of writing. atif ul fl oral. decorations were in: The Brooklin football teain was de-, ng. togs"' and have staîted in good and- Ris daughter, Mrs. Chas. Lidgett, of t Ydeenue o Snda i th Mthoîs fete lat hurda evnig,.n îck 1Arthur Russell and Randal Brown'livel y te practîce basebali. Greenwood, has been very attentive e deiwe oIn tSunday in theM eodist eated2-0 las tuT e enlg17 i -aea GenRvr sin~ h p the means of maling the in iooking after the- welfare of both hurh.Int~e omin Mm Dlv ein 2O.Nex Studa ee~ ;carpenter work on a barn for P.S'e- rCu. Rv H. Latimier, a very busy father dnd moter. Vie hope to so gave a very interesting ýreport of the Pickering corne here 'for tâi return "art, of- that place. man onatrywhnehaocs-babeorprtennti eoor recent B., y cf Quinte Conferenoe gaine, and home gr'ound ýand ple1ty 1 nmerfrmthsneUf on t urte in t h e hol 'ods- of Cl re Rt edmanentsposedof hy held at P'icton, Mrs. N. White sang of cheerig hould turn-the tables8. Qyattenddtegre at-a!inntehl bnso lrneRda ipsdo i pleasing ýoio. At night the sermon' i The farmers have ail been bus y rogatt-eledthWesard en pa iatrimony Mr. Oliver Graham, of motor cycle te Fred Spencer.. on "Flowers" was greatiy enjoyed by'seeding corn, but are neo* iniished Yroian'atWenedy vng Î Myrtie Statin, te Miss Thompson, of BnlyBo. freinth front road, all-' and t1,.ý choir cotributMrs.w GarraadlycfoThointon'sr aanchesdtre, heManshednrgeltestcfuMm.ervisit. v dstheirtparentsenta tstSabbath. ail ai ershr ntibtentwta-aairy oo tuneafer ilansat es pen afewidyslaandekwih ad rs JoJà Thmpsn.Th oter Th Pot eryhCeaer ar end pr9prriate inth(,mns. ,sowing buckwheat and çvaiting -TailPortr' sister Mrs. JosepheHarloc Mips. W. Roberùson, cf Ottawa, an(, ready for hoeing and lxayin g. The hay -wsMs te ae onetduh ing a truck down here gathering the MIrs 1_IZo)(rý;o, 6 Pary ound crp pomies ell ý 0 -- iter cf Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lane. - We crearn, and the Bowes Co., Of Toronto, spent Thursday at th'e parsonage. Miss Jean Dryden arrived home iast, - ihv en nbet seti h r lo etn ra rudh week for the sunimer vacatiIon. RAGL.AN name of the fort&inate geiitleman, but for shipinent- te Toronto, but with ail' Mr. ýM. Keat, Winnipeg, visitC(i Rev. J. R. Fraser occupied ihis pul-> the commaunity 'ýomn in - wishing thie the competition for this standard ar- Wýrn. AiJains last wciegani tePesyeia.uc Corne to the "Oid Boys' Reunion" at: happy couples the heartiest cengrat- ticle, the price rangesteaiewt Mr. and -NIr,2. J. ,Bkly and a ser- Raglan on Saturday and Sunday, June; ulations.aicoptor.S hneptr- and Sundy preachd ~ood 28th and 29th. The :-oung ladies cf Mis Mabel Tordifi' visited in the iz or oecraey '1y, (>rono, speCnt SUfina bit is sis- mon on "The Charitable Spirit., fRglnaîd yti 'îi îy aie vr h wek.ud heef Rn iegi oertin ter,~~~~~~~~~~ lroieqR .leie etWdedy feq~,Jn f soft bail.- Plans for football are i'Mr. George W. Rodd hias been vis- for the season next week. We under- Congatuatins e Mr. nd 5s.G. th, Dr. James Moore wll 'address Iaise bei ngý made. Tea. will be served iigOhwafins H. Vi ,rkati ltionsarrivair.fadaught.ithe meeting cf the Women's inst .tute in Sthe evening, foliowed by a splen(U1iti Ohaa ued.sad th Fr ed Gib s wil's.a te gladdcrn their homne. Rin the Tesip Hal. 5t' o the program. Mr. Joseph *Steil, the caretaker cf 'Jii iaii-or wna eciedvit R eseg Grdeesayr. y t~ o cs Special services will be........ , neth eheld on Sun- j1 S L Salem Cenietery, bas been o-ver the The Bclielr won a eqdad vi of i Garsen Lay, urthe auspkin, een. earyivtain The egular meeting ef the Kinsale ground twice with the iawn mewer. ovr iht îene ws an Benjbal e ' cf theehte o r.WChrcDrydken, extended to ail te attend the Oid OYS 1Wonen's Institute iîll be held ýn The greund is said to be iooking-good. gamebý,'lu t tiie ritumn match mnay telli "Maple Shade."- Be surme to keep.the MR. io r.\W.Aeyadauh Thuirsçlay, June 2th, at the home cf -Vie commend the care the trustees cf anothersttry.date. trAlevst~ reisi iteBi-M rs. M. Gorinley. Tbý paper for the tMas sacmed ground are bestow'n p M(2thodisýt sînul(a Sch4dol anniver-: ain recentiy. fday will be "The Power of Influence" on it. - It will compare very favorab- ýauî. an<I7 pns. ns- th 11ev rhr M RT ESA INMr. and Mrs. J. T. Evans and child. by Mrs. R. R.- Mcwbray. Roll Cail ly wvîth any of the larger cemeteris* a,ýai f 7 s Ir.raii. ); SeuRmons chei fren LlydLoreTnTIdnON'eeSn'"Proverbs." Music, -Niss Violet Sad- threughout the country. 'Ne trust i t Wnl-e,.ATol'ronto, Music in tlie Mr. D. Luery left last week for Re, iav guests cf hel- parents, Mr. and,: 1er. The new programmes wiil be nmay alwvays be kept in this condition. mo i z. s: choir, aînd at 'night gina f with a car load of Governinent Mr.,,. Thos. MfèKee cf.Manchester. ré"dy by that meeting. Well, after a prolon1ged delay, ow- by Iocu. t 111 cou On Moiiday , tock. 'Mrs. J. R. Brent and daugbters Mai-- M r. anI Mrs. John lawton- were Tig. te wet unseasonabie weather the evilngsupewili lie s 'e nteIM.amiMs ar uh Oncf ici- and Ruth spent the week end with1 both confinte terbd heg farmems were vcry late. finishingthi churchilawn fi oi.30) to 8 o'clock, te j Oakvillc are -spendîng two weéks hoUi- the foýmer's bro0ther, Mr. R. Coates, cf iliness at tisne of writing. Dr. Joh.n seeding, but we are safe .in saying al be 1o)we y tcnnJt-rt in Town9hip day-s %itlî his father her-e. - Shirlet.i Moore is in attendlane. Mrs. Chas. are eûniffeted nowe but sonie only lifail, we t1ie League i)arnatic Cub Mr. 'R. J. Grahamn, of Toronto, was r ndMs . uker fOi-Ldet hi luh'ii atgo very recently, while otliers have their, wit dye e~îastti- -ad evra wddngcfhishioter iîMr. o unday .Bcleo ýh, igtery. ainîst lookig roundfor wook wiilîîr'sen thidauîu "Bar H-aven" bei-e last Satum-day attending the nwa, vîited friends in the neighbor- ý thenm 'Ne hope for a :zpeedy recov- mangeisadci lne m r Adnsismt,, t-tt andI cOCi-ett Aduits week-endl wth e hr.M.T. R. Goodwoo<l weî-e îecent guests cf Mrs. hma Irst since Ieaving Mr. Mow- A J'R r(kcîlin2 . Ta alorme or con-, Price.. - 7 -t Wm-Kellington. -b-i-seniploym4n-t, l~s 'ia iPae Iheing written titis 'week-edi wt iiting withi ited hislornk bre on Sun<la; wc1, visitetl the iattr's aunts heme heldon Sunslay'and uI dyJunef \\-eU-k in 01u1, :0Iool b.v schoiars in botà lersl The Sunday School is *holding the1 last Sunlax-.- - and 24th. Rex-.Mr-. Thoiey, cf Foi-t - Congratulations to Mr-. and Mrs. anulpci-tOh" n au-a- oe isenr. oit ito ry, xviii take charge cf bot"sser- tlCi5i YAlen1vces41 Sundfay. Splendid talent has -nii-tn- dpulccicl Oliver Graham (nec Miss,:ýAiei Juste 2lst. iTuesday lawit i fiJîN This societyvieo ninT homp-oîs> on tliei recent-mammiage. Mi- Ada Brent is spending a twc f as done a sr)Pendid x- since its in- heen obtained for Tuesday night's en- Mm ad n l.WIit f('atan, Ami-angei5Cs, .ie being made to weeks' vacation at ber. homebei-e. auguratîon. NTrs.'M( ,.-bray lias been tertainment, consisting cf 11ev. Ed- ht--ea ewl~- istWeek. useNt Satus'lay after-itoou, Juste 21st. at liiitise city last -week. fit-lnt sttfrf cf rier speak isVcoiaMleTmn M .~Msjî~Allisius, sut Toronsto;, Osbaxs a-omsî-t li- Lake. Motors wil A iiunîibet- fîomi lies-e attcimded the! Miss Flett is xc<uu-î-ng- over time -peaker, Miss Victoria Mulien, 'eu-on- sînis- te -s- - isdx ilis-slrI)as-ents. b-ave tise chuirch at omie o'ciock. Couic iiivii- a eiilýrsîwau -ihhu t 'ýs \ e Ie to,,clocutionis't; Miss Jean Haig, Tor-- -NI s.andîI S.1to -î Fi sk ami t *tt1l-and h ein giv'e thtildr'na goos1 Moî,iday \-eniug. 1 -l~- utîiaistand s&îe xxiiist-sid&< îtppl onto, solist Mr-. Paul Hahin, Tes-oit- cffoei Me-iW~- 'ts-Iover -and isue . s.and Mis, evle Ki>l)iadanti w, ctrust th, (- ma- ie t pw-it(le-to, .%ho will render a nusnbr of sle ~jeisi -tftxt xs"r xitl t1lie isiî-uis-î' -1<hildi-er, 'Malj.of-ceandiNouina, 1'ts- sAe s1pl55i-t en n si neanîlI cele nth' aî-tMrs. alidsi i5.' l:tiisiuil Tiusk. GRIEENIVOOD st-cet tvi-itors xxith î-elatives iinOs Th,- ss-l-'-sdiiswix-ei-tr Of bite has Aslni e xi e'exeIiitt Mis arart s-aeof Irsxk- West, of Ashisu-m, occu pied the Ms .Hglýoais te \exfxorit 's-tel es-sbaed.rst fsoC in. tlail a5-e iau Yx o:ui usi's - M. -. 'Njr. unds . .Hgioadsîdutn ntercer- n otco --isulîit last sueîuîînoriiijý. -fx': ptii htj o i rotcop . Niss ýFlorence Luke spesut Sunduav - 'l'Iue ~uius1 l.lsvd. ofToi-onto, \ eeSurulay-gu-est. s ---- oeo -s sbigSoWiixxihb-paetatedon - brs-anii tse~oIee tets-it IIih cb>o îuils ai-e home of il. \VUu. Bi-mit. hg- nssv.itb-lOerSa s-tait l-eus- ossu i lie x-s-e-emud"x't'v.uifobi, t--i _ihrts.. i'. D rothy Leigitis x-eiting wit1ilinonie stifs-lu-nl- itthe xicimstx- o Mm .Iîusar sî-s1sn ~5it-usl uTents av e. - s is ii x'. -(.ne -afterntoek.'2 th, i b ean' x ing. atSrmns te eedtus-u gsîi î llby eapns s if Ui îs ivings Nldluv ii - ; Dorokti iti . Wai uujii iusRaln o uthe 2inth -a, rterc iSdRers f ngh1at hA~ho i'eme.ut i> istalii' t iIun-c n îb .11 ftiu ntI W n orno . Bron wî-e y . ei e- om em *jessuts uit Ha-tmanlad Suda~ atendisg -~ ecent, h oe f orcii byla, hdRanbertaii Fr ond ere thne 1neo.\,-1S. luaif~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~Ll cfteGonyisstrsiitst owfuea f Toros.,- <e eus- sumreîfrateind be0 1-e ottendetl-ersman go enilnf Ab lfdRhges.dx' esoet 5 jbt ta nIi Ji ti cnî î i' ~ ~ nae b - îrs. is hewees-. end. Ris .W, an nioensyat aglanon on un theyand thiliate ant friens lpe ill bmae -ta p aredtoe i-ct ast h wvs-,r (gtusisl g*o-uof foot-bail assoplay-Mndav evening andboreport I h-car bis message.d - city ond MFî-iday anddMiaturtiay. - tanounsesentonet we ek.Pan tbe amlîsslecgin e fch -ange tgoal- oiw- ohaea lii(utrl4I-- ad i. an Ming bnwee is hhoe m rcnly xendw-be w-as luerý o herel-anhti p ce. laind n1iý oth. lata ls un.,atnig n u lUNE IIv,*I- UbdLS - -. - inlt-lForamcodrboasticfa exvo gol- R. waf tllabo o-.ti- Mi-.terassd ,-',t(N« tAn mbrfohrs. teuf lni- -he e ost fnbds ifebue utsnc S ieat eutAh nx on, sec- Mo funr oof rderwo, bus, nnvirsitedat MiK.JR. rnt'S a-td inadewasdsroel elreh h:52.Ts e ither enl andt -it fiii îiîwîne needed. ver pleseek-Zis hom ndfeind'C iu-miien. t- al~mii essAhu- isiî -iiatos tthead es liO II eg,ýMnugsactiingadseor a .,ag:o on rteslmes- sagoel. Nt eaSes ie aht-eabxl ae.flexicr, t)tgi A Su~un n i vrody iewopnice. ay oklisFegsni rauiu pug aorin ant i 6t ea.Jae x't atcehii ak1taipaàîs - niurît e tnoto ksin re ndpl w ns playclas fo thtiEntanchthSenens.r'NtlS -ciland enni.' ad vey plase ____________________ ___________Mrs. Tink and sons Etimuni ansi Ev- - J.mi. Honie in- readiness for the- ciilsînenf Ierett anti Mis Mumiel, cf Menrili, 'NIs., The Sait-m anni-eu-sarx- wili be bt-luI1w-hem tht-y expect shortil'. are reuemiug olti acîiuaintances heit-.'on Surrday, June 29tlî. whbtn Rex-.]Rob- IMi--. E. N. Granger, of Scai-bo-of - Mr. Frei Bcy-ntcn is erectissg a nexx't--trtgis, of Feiilck, wiil preaeb at Jet..,x-sited at Mr. V. M. Smith's this home in the village. 230ati 7 p.m. Ail sther services on lm-et-k. Do yu knw uner w at crcum tancg- -building a ncxx- barn. Mn. Jas. Lyons, (e aefr atwe-) envy Miss B. Waram, cf Whitby, w-ith bas the- contraet for the carpesitei-ing. lier littie son Donaldi, is visiting at tht- VOU>R FILOU R US IADIE P- Tht- Methodists art- pmepauing for a.Oigt ofrne-en o- home cf Ns.asnd]Mu-s. F. Goldring. veneti at Pcoadls abt 'Nger unetntl Panicular this bin itn niis abt Miss Liiiian Hess antifienti, cf Tor- ant ou blcksitblu-ne eiconet-eo-r tndan, tht- wS.. asry ~ ~ ~ ~ ya than ee-i. Pri îlr ateriCusene' na, hr -sente, au-e xisitisîg at Mn. Wm. Mur- - e nîs .dou ba sm.hinat- 10 o'clock. Isals -is nanfactîrti uxuer he estsantar ctend-,s byte close up un tht- utau future. M sle f Nrs. John Wilson, who bail tht-mis-t -- - s -fortune te fail anti facture several cf -the mnost up")-t i-date niîliîng proùeFs yet inventeti. Net the - boots ansi shees Wr argely attendes j bei- ribs, is still -es-y poou-iy. systein where your tieur iýs beaten around a long chaîn cf btntna : tt tc u n Mu-s. James Smith, w-ho is iiting miarhinery- as in most of theFe country mis, but where -- THOR1NTON'SCORNER.S the counterfosaewsdipe]o,:tronNI.VM.mihbilh- f the wh-eat is eonverted unto Hlhcst Grade Flour in This favor-able w'eather this week nie thtfporesMifr- s] wt-me sne lvi iftneefaInsijueh-rit tecouirsi of a few min rtes . e yu cen will help tht- fau-iers odrfl ,andsi PI5fr ak eth-Ians-vert-W. As a consetsuence she W, e teinvite Lou cm;andu ,,rp il on"cthu. calleti bfkand tht - balance cf the ' tock ill be confines] 'te tht- bouse for a view aur plant any timoe TuesdayLq, Thur.«days, Saturcin.ayr. - lt ucswliso cth-w-ill be disposed (,.' pivately. Mark -Lie What might bave been a st-nous ac- -îl carnies quýite a. large stock anti]meh NIA O cident last Saturday happen-s on tht-'e l-a-Eîgt members cf St. John*s CHAS. YW ILSON1 road near Matn's hernesteati w-hile '&c ted ett-m-Churcb w;lre in 'Uxbritlge ia.st Wed- Mms. Jas. Preston andi Ruby w-ers me-,qieet f in-aycutres esslay attentîln a Rural I3eanerx- The Brooklln MI,-N111lO t.t10g ri Olaa iha es WhItem Hanc-ock bas left the- efi- W. A. meeting. Tht-rt- wa. a very _______________________________________Ont,_____ ninbggy. Oawooar in a thors e cf Roy Mew-bray and at time cf large, attensInce andi a mc.t interest- andquitea pes]esAshei to tht-rveicî t,witing was open for empicmet.ing ,meeting. Mrs. Win. Do.wnie, cf; _____________________________________________________ Any pt-mon icoking fer a geo imnAil Saints' Cburcb was re-electesI jus gazîs tt-whtel. oruntey ad better set- hum. Puesitient for another year. ne t-izenwasinjret bu th bugy it regret very mut-h te report t.îat- Mrs. Berbeck, who bas bt-en un O- b w-asdanagel cnsiemaIy. Moi Master Ralph M-Nowbray, eldest son cf u awa -Hospital, is seme botter andi ex- itar-finivin en et- par cf at- R.V. M«wbray. 1sd tht- nisfortune t0 pects te be home in a feu, days. - ist i nt-tt-] s -e ftn t-a c a--fail off his pony iast Saturday and Mm. St-ymoeur Whitney w-as caile'l te ~pj"- -citdents mith careless drivers wm-ht-e brea iarn Dr. onMoebn-Chset n MniyJunt- 2nd, to ~~~ ~tht-rt- is ne possible excuse fer it. tt-cs nhn] .y N7~AJynItn uetligtt adva theageinhad attend hbis sister, Mrs. EIettiMar- cf corniir up the sitie roadîs at a latt- LatSabthor . .deiet e at Murphy, wife cf Mr. J. F. '. -~ - ~ heur latelv. andi last Montîay nighthold their annual picnic at Oshawa- Murphy, who dit-s tht- followinZ lay, ( they w-ee,ery busy, andi neisx- w-k- 1on-the-Lake, on or about Jure 25 next,, June 3rtI. in her 4.3md year. Mmii. \ ~imi i in th- tres u-sidntsailaI n te -A goodti tnt may be looked forwarti Murphy w-as iii only a, few tiss, 'anti là -atiw ib waJ ound4i ikea-<a, : te by ail w-h.o t-an attend, and special -ht-r îeath caine as- a gmt-at hock te mai" t-hpeth-,wî nt&eea, arrangements wiU be matie later ant i ber man - frientis. She spent tht-é - t. d sue anti tiinely notice ývl be given eaniy veau-s cf hem life 'n IPort Whit- *IArt- you inviting yeur fmiends anti al interested. hy anti Port Perry. Tht- deceaszed roundng cuntr fer id one V t-tk'1visit ber daughter who bas settiedti otredaughtbns atisx'sens, aise two-4 -~ ~ ater'. o-irrstetsc s at-cr r.JonDn a et -es _le erseundhemls e ubi - Get busy ans] do se te-day, if you have:i eut tht-ne some t-..vo or three years brethers, Seymour, of Whitby, anti" ilYnet tbought about it. age. William, cf Owen Soundi. -W e ndY u NT& tMr. E. B. Fart-wet-l anti Miss Milti- 1Mr. anti. Mrs. Wagg. were in tht- The- many florai tributesz anti otheri o~ verge iteat eas on hor ared Mus. . Mrph ani M. ~ Mm -Que-en City last Saturday. u17an expressions cf sympathy testified te On any tarinUr Y=3 J. F. MeouIt, al cf Orilka, rere vist- --To~Binl a pnt h-hg respect in which she was held-, ten heur workIiig-dayrs a yecar---arc spent in t he irkSctme tois last'Sunday mt tht- home of ýMm. F. ice t-rt-ar parier in part of Jamk's in th~e community. EFI-t-T-,ch. <shot- store. We de net know how ______________ wearying task of pumping watt-r. 362 clays which oneC Mn. antiMu-s Gîlchmtîç' anti Miss many nughiis tat-h w-et-k il, will be open - - of o'My Toronto Windmnills will give you for prof ltable work, Ruby and -Mr. Neil Gilchrist, of Tor"AtO tht- Public. We suppose that wiIi rcst or recreation---bcsides supplying running water Jo. n ltj nti ihM. egvmnt ytt arng wherever yeu want it. Mm. G.H. Robinsen visiîteti wlthî Fred Ste phenson, Brougham, spent The- one- bot.hersomne taik., that ofoliing the- wixdmn;tl iial~~ i fin in Tote eumigbyicter'Suntiay at his unce's, C. J. Steven- weahé. evrcrn anth- ou-u-~oSei-Oie, wac *with Mm. andi Mr. Thompson of tht- sons.lag cél only "s rrcnc in a soiowýc rqimfe anie City. iMiss Flett is preparing quite alag ydol n e a c", Fnictis' namd wear are ptâctically abohihed. Miqs Maudit-. Cornwall anti Misst-lais for the- Entrant-e exams. Wt- Toronto w*ndm'Ils. teec, caýtn t id houey frpai~. Dom-thy Cammuthers, of Oshawa, irere Ilwz tht-m suicerIi opvisito-. lazt Saturtiay with MIs-s Bettyl Tht- Bt-tf Ring killietis irsI beef wiJ san fr ~~ietmeb.t~>e ~ t- Robinscun. -last week &nti wiil continue to kl The Toronto" Tower w tn o ieiebcuei îteMisq Lt-ta PaseS islarecelvtnç tht- an animailt-sdi andi evemy week for EYESIHT SPECIALI$T. IWViet. stsrcugest aad best-6waced Orrb1t fr any wimidniiL congratulatlons of ber many frientis 1twecty weeks. This organization is L*, <pi#i ~I' Ibelev tu.Iom ofc the- bâgut coyn s for pasinç with honora the- examia-, purely a farinera' undertaking, a&M you c- bave. tiorsof to no, Jimor grade, f the ýha& bt-vee ï-y" suoesflfly operted MUS=LEANOMALIS -Woroto o@E Uaoryof usi, - d 1 fr -nearly 30 yea!m Now do". thât EEiITa4CASS L 4ihO& y . __t" s M ooto brthe -Parmera' Governmneat- One UtPhone 11 37w go om rs es Uaplld GadTheatre' Oshawa i FIR5T AID CABIIIET Boys' Outlng Boots of brown carn% White rubber soles, sizes 1Ito.5, Same as above in Oxford sty:e, Chlldren's White Canvas Sllppers, rubber sole An E. STANUICKOOT1 To Inasure or Not to -that is NOT the ques, in thiese days of -iffilithhnnment, recognized îiece ssity. The question is Hi( Jtojuse. A, very importan t ir t,(of uiur I inspection of individiu,ý propertyý-r il the vari-)us a,ýai1ahIe olices h oii.l them a&i.ýquatt'Iy. S Ask i. HOVV to i n s iir-. (i ir a 4 our polici-es are sonnd. W. i. H. RICHARD.' Reprenting thü IN&SURANt E COMPANV OF "T-he CÇI(kst AP'ier ir m,1 NMar'n-e i wm F ;nd ed 1792 Campbell & Successors to H. F. MIcIin AUl the Best Grades of 11fgl liard Wheat Flour, Monarch Flour for Pi. Also Marvel Flour Bran and Shorts, Chop Feeds an, Poultry Feeds of ail k BiNÙÎ)ER TWINIE. L. W. FIRE General -Insur- Whitby, 0O DISTRICT REPRESENTý T heàMutual Lufe Assurance PURELY MUTUAL NO ST( ,Profits Alloted to Policyholder! Ail Latest Features.- Tota Double Face of Pollcy if Acciden OIUIRANCE SEE 01 OUR' BUSIF IS TO EXAMINE THE E) Supply Classes That Will Corrn WE DO NOTHING E - but WC do it Scientificaly and EYK$IGMT SPCAL dm#*SWibN- - um. st Umi Dt

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