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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 4

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THIJRDAYt MINE l9th, 1924, itby lost another -of its old resi- ini the passing of Thomas itholm, who died on Frlday last e residence of bis son, Mfr. John elghtholm, Burns- St., in his 81st min Yor3rÉhire, Éugland, Mr. hthoim came to Canada at an age and spent the- last sixty of his life in this town. He ju:t nineteen when he left Eng- ani Iocated near Sheiburne, On- where he liýéed for two years ýfinally coming to Whitby. 1570 he married. Miss Emnily inzin of Pot Whitby, who died BY some twenty yoars q. The union greatly interested in the Clizsens was blessed with six Mblidros. of whoni 'Baud, and aithougli le did not play an three surviW-J@bn W.,' of 'Whity, instrument lie nçver missed a practice James W., of Whitbyo and Aloi T., of and lie was always welcorned. $hoot- Oshawa. The famlly lived at Ham- ing and hunting were favorite pasa- aga when Mr. Sleightholm moved to Gun Club, with whieh organization nle Green St., later moving to Burii St. also did some trap-shooting. with his son, 1Mr. John Slelghthoim, The deeeased. enjoyed excellent. with whomn le lias lived for years past. liealth until four years ago when he The late Mr. Sleightholim wuas - suffered a bad attack of rheinnatism, ýsessed of a very Uàndly nature, a4 which confined hin te bis home for a cheerful and weIl-Uiked by everyonel Year. Since- then lie bas gradualiy He was a staundli ConServative ini pot- failed in health, and was confined te 'ics, and was a member of Ail S*nts' his bed for twelve weeks before. the' Churcli. For twenty years lie sang in end came. Ait Saints'- choir, onty retiring The funerai was held on Sunday, some six months ago' when he was no June lSth. There was service at thex longer able te attend., The choir was house conducted by Rev. D. B.Ang- one of the organizations in which he ford, followed by service at the church 1was most interested. He was also ai which PRev. Jos. Fletcher and 11ev. D. B. IÀangford officiated in the ab- Ssence of- the recter. Rev. Jos. Fletcher took the service at the grave. Inter- ment was made at the Union Cerne- -jtery. It was a very targely attended ifuneral, the church being filted for the VZCPW « service and a large number going to 'the cemetery to pay their tast respects to the deçeased. The palt bearers were T. G. Devereil, Wm. Ellis,«W. J. H. Richardson, George Sterricker,. R. A. Hutchison and Wm. Ayres. The floral tributes from friends were numerous and beautifut, and- among them were wreaths from Al Saints,' choir and the Whitby Citizens' Among those present for the funer- - alIlf rom out of town were Mr. J. and .Miss J. Sleightholm, of Sheiburne, nephew and niece of the deceased, Madirey and family, Lindsay; Mr. and ,,~'Mrs. Duncan, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. tC. Blanchard, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. C. ~ ~ ~.Sturgess, Oshawa; Mr. Riiey and Mrs. Enson eLLina comfu.rtahlm. deck chair àXixoriatinz iii the beauti- ftfl'. fuirisfied 1oun{..ý-stroling i the spâciout, décks - or (lioel,.tothe entrancing music ~?fLi aI1)Sorchestra, you speed srnoothly along this Ocean High- way towards the Old Land. lrom the moment you -step aboard the-Shipý you arc dei;hted with the handsome appoint m-llý the unsur- pas"ed-cuisine and t'à--, attentive ser- vice whîch bas made the Canadian Pacific Justly celebrated as The Per- fe*tHost.- ~4sandontm Oftheý Caadiai ".4,.Omo M on Savings- Accounts Cbe dollar opens an account, and depoeIt or wÎthdrawals may be-nade bymiaiL. CEN TII.,AL CANADA VAN £0A114RêIGSCOMIfJ4Y 3$UOOE owr.auA ceased arnong ýthe persons thereto,-liaving regard oly clainis of whichi it shalh then ceived notice. beloved wife oe W. EL James. Fi- eMa to-day, (Thursday) £rom her late resÏdence, EucUid St., at 2 o'- dock Interment at Groveside Cern- etery. NOTICE 0F REGISTRATION 0F BY-LAW taw wa pas ed by gtheCnit ftheb Municipal Corporation of the Countyt of Ontario, on the 7th day of June, 1924, *rovding for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of $164,000, for the purpose of. paying the cost of con ,struction of Provincial llighways in the- years 1922 and 1923, apportionod td the couaty of Oatario, and that such by-taw was registered in -the! registry office for the Registry Divi- sion of the County of Ontario on the*,- 18th day of June, -1924. Any motion to qudsh or set aside the! saine or any part thereof, miust be' made within three months after the flrst publication of titis notice, and cannot be mnade thereatter. Dated the lSth day of June, ,192-1. A. E. Christian, County Clerk.; NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND - OTHERS. Ini the Estate of Mary Jane ýSmith, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of -Ontario, S inster, de- ceased. Section 56, R.S.O. 1914, Chapber 121,1 that al creditors and othors having dlaims or dernands agaiùst the Estate, of the said Mary Jane Smith, who died at the Town of Whidtby in the County' of Ontario, un or about the llth day; of April, 1924, are required on or be-. fore the l5th day ýôf July, 1r924, toj send by post prepaid, or.to deliver to! The Gardon Provin the undersigned Executor of- the Es- i Udward Island has 1 tate of the, said Mary Jane Smith,t Charlottetown,'a ciiix A nc ..-lin articla~ r In wnriin .t ft .AoA - ca.rnt. i- h The regular nmeeting or tl-e BoarddecUUVeay UIP -LLu al 'à£-- -- --ees,-u cfEdctinonWerega of their dlaims duly. vei-ified, and the Wend'id public butkd îast M'as aîmost entirely taeveîrgnaueo tescriy(fnn)h homes. - Being situate( wi ouin usnes ndntlen UP by thern. dian National Railwa îvi.h outne usiessandnotiri of And that after the lasi mentioned extraordinary interesi took place. daetesi Eeuo ilpbe o nto ftherv The iligh School- report for May aetesi xctrwl roedto Jnto ftrod was received and read.and among.the communications were applications frorn Miss Louise McIntosh and H. J. Case in regard to salary. A further lettor was received f rom the Provin- cial Treasurer in regard to -the grant.A ,The School Management report was lire.sente(l by Mr. Lawier, it recom- W Barr, Miss Johnst-on and Miss Hart- iley, ait Public School Teachers, shouid beiraised to $900 per year. t -Miz-, l<ennedy wvas given authoril.y Le' havp the lot 'ot Port Whitby which is used for' a -sehool garcien for the'I Brock St. (Sehool ploughed, and the matter of gradl irgand t eeeing tlip playground at the same school was refered to the School Property Com-i, mittee as per' wîesolut-îon at a former' meeting. ' Ail applications; for an increase in salary veî'e referred to the Sehool Management committee.:11 On motion the secretary M'as in- structed to notif y Mr. E. R. Blow of some pipes ai the King St. Sch.ool, -O peni Everi broken by bis teainsters ini a recent delivery of coal, and that the same ho, repaired by hini, the cheque f or coa! being tenîporarily withhetd. IThe following accounts were anth-M orizeil to ho paid: Wm. Scully ........... .... 2.49mM JStandard Bank..... .... .... 14.89 O R BYi IBell Tel. Co.. ... .... ...... 1006 JGeo. M.Hendry............. wcl 5.5 J. ear &Son .... ....... 4.00 our doors will be thrown open to the publii WJ.H adRichardson...... 9000 Nig W.J.1I .... ............36400 past six weeks. It will pay you to see'-otïri B. J. Anderson ..... .... .... 36.00 derwear, Prints and Gîngh«,lns, Toweliig,, E. R. Blow-<...... .... 744.66 Suits, and Caps. Don't forget the date. I tThose present- ai the meeting were fo1lfw a-w-redig in regard ti 1 W. M. vanVa1kenburgh, chairman; fo yoursel htw r oi Miss Sleep, and Messrs. Bascom, Jer- X opposite the goods you need and we wil] mvn_ King, Lawler, Odtum, Richard- son, Rcss andI Mathison. i. BAN NATIVE WINE LADIES DEPARTMENT .S carf The Laymen's Association at île Hamilton. Methodist Confereni'ce -meet- 5 SpFring Coats to clear at $8.98, in tNiaar Falls , lasi week dis- 9.98, $15.499 $19.98. If they suit cingadthetario meac c nyuteyai elbran*H1 reolthe 9.ntri e A biogte a~a el agan resluionexrOSln îl cnvictO~ 4 Suits, Navy and Sand, beautifully Abi drunkenieýss, and while complirnentingiI the Ontario Governmnt on the en-,J foroement of the law, v. :ged stitl strict- 1 or enforcemerit. Thie resolution ex- 'pressed lnability in >see the necessity of spendîng hunduc. of thousands of dollars in -submitting another plebis-! cite, and hope that tle Government!i Jwill yet decide not te pitoceed witb- the 1 voie.- If, lowever, the Government, deeided to procoed, taie Layrnen calleî on "the mien md womien of every cir- 1 cuit of île Hianilton conference t-o: spring to anms like- Christian soldiers and 101(1 what we have." I furîbor urged that "when and if the govern-: Iment considiers t-be change and. a-! mendinents of île O. T. A., that strokg native wine,. whictà is manufactured, bought and sold freely and legally, s hol b banned, and that the pros-. ent maximum of' alcohol- as. supplied1 té beerle, also appiied to native;, wine." The Met-hodist Laymen lave! showed good strategy, in that, usual- iy. the 1eet sort of defense is 'attack.t The real cure £or the violations of île Ontario Aci, us" of ail temperance 1 laws,' is stronger Iaws, and stricter enforcenielit. 'Eie permission of the, sale of "Inttive wine" in Ontario has been frein île beginning an anonialy in îhe ac I was a concession. to the' supposed interests of the Niagara grape-groW1&es. We are gtad to see 'this demand for uts removal coming: .1frein the Niagara c9untry;-_The ne- Itention of île Ontario. Temperance Act and tle improvemient and strengîlen- ing of all'its provisions is the nosi- important Social and legistative issue, that a engage the energies of île t j j-opte of Ontaro. I A BRIUITAT STIJDENT Herbert N. CouBA, who las,1 jusi graduated ai Toronto University winning île gold medal in classies., is a son of 11ev. Isaac Coud., M.A, B.D.,.ý of Stratlroy, Ont. He gnaduteýd frorn Ottawa Collegiât'i Institute In, 1919, winning île general proficiency. gotd inedal and a lest of ethens. In 1920 le won îhe Governor-GenerT5l5 mnedal at 1J.T.S9., and eniered the uni- v.ersiàty of Torento witl benors in' classics, mathematidts,, modemns and science. obîaining two Blike scholar- shipts. In Otober of this year, he wil prtee toJohns Hopkin-c Uni-,, versity te specialize ini classical anti- geology in the, departnent~ of Pnrofe- sor David Robinson, île distingiiisledji Americali archaeologisi- He îs.abro- i then of J. Harold CoucIs, B.A., whot after a sfmitar acadeuile careen, wonl île gold mnedal in medical science iu 1922ai the %amuunkvenulty. JAMES-- e Aity o Ted82 u Reg, $25 ...........for ~7.9 8 50 Dresses, made of French Ratine Fancy Voile and French ('ç,pe. On sale at $6.69 to $12.49 If you require one for the summner- corne in and look' them over. You will agree* with us -that they are cheap. 50- Gingham Dresses in différent shades, made of Aniderson's ging- harns. Range in- prices from $1.49 up to $5.50 cost yunot lohig. er 50s Slevees ,weter ticea a $1.98 to $6.98 Skirts, made of wool crepe,- pleated all shades.... .... On sale $3.49 Waists made of English broadcloth guaranteed to wash...... On sale i3j 9 Voile Blouses. fully made. n IsaeI aebautî we entitled day of June, 1924. decei to the have re-, The Trorouto General Trusts Corpora-1 - tien, Toronto, Ont., Executor af the Legisiative. Halle- of Prince Edwi tice of Prince borougli Bay, iL lias fine facilties by ta a large for its capital -rail and water for the transportation to that pot ç%orld atmf yof wide. tree of the produots of Its Industries. 1 ndu 3auifut parles, Thora la about the City a moat lhome- Preas As; ings and fine like, attractive appoarance. In front ,iait ed on the Cana- of the . eglsiative Buildings, whieh photograph ,ys and at. the are grouped with admirable taste ln Buildings m *vers a nd Hile- the park.h1ke heart of th e ctty th rA tiful park 1, SE Sings untîl 8 o'cioelk IE2Oth, atai *cl- 'nd stay open until 12 o'dock S,-turday night, forced to cFut our prices on accour-ýt of wveither c ix;; nge "--nd prices in DresseSts, Blouses, Co.- Cottons, Overalis, Shirtls,. Men's, and ' .Boys' .Ut It wil p'ayyeu to t-2ke -ciholiday î Ille 1afternoor [o pviccs andttuality. Look througli thie items bel Ildeo the rest w hen you corne. -Renr-ýiet The Ecc On sale $1.75 ý;(ŽSERY -DEPARTMENT g lne of hosiery ranging in ce f rom 69eC. to $2.00, and, sy def.y competition oï-themn. - On Sale 19. UNIJERWEAR DEPT. 10 doz.- vests ...... A... 3c. 5 doz. vest-S ..... .. .. ...3 5 doz. vestS ........... .... 55c. Blooiners and Stepins ........49. Bloomers.............40. CHIL DREN'IS DEPT. 50 doz. stockings on sale 4 pr. $1.00 10 doz. bloomers on sale ....9 é. 3 doz. Gingham Dresses ranging from....... ....81.50 to$23 Pant*v Diresses .... 95c. up to $1.49 STAPLE DEPARTMENT 32-in. Irish Gingham, 4 yds. $1.00 Bleached Cotton .. 5 yds. for $1.00 Bleached Cotton ..4 yds. for $1.00'. Print ........ 5Y En1 V lannellette, for S'1.00, 932-in. 4 y Curtain S," i lim MEN,1'S I)EPARI 10 do z. Ruhhei Beltgs0o 10 (khZ. cotton SOX 10 doz. Chambray Sb It's a good heavy qi stitc'h and voke. 10 doz. Ikhaki (luck par 10 doz. khuaki (11-11 i do. en's ,work pari 20 doz. B-alh)riggan sÎ, ers ...... ..... 20 suits to'cleai' at re Sa-,,. how ab)out a < Wýe have a line f i-rm and we guarantee thi are very lowx. Boys' Jerseys.... Boys' Balbriggan Goi THESE PRICES ARE GOOD FROM FRIDAY, 8.30 arn. TO SATURDAY, 12 (midnight), J VIOLL HOLD ANYTRING ON DEPOSIT.- You have seen our prices on the above goods,,but we have hundreds of other articles wh mention on account of lack of space. So corne early Wo the ECONOM-y IY> I .WtI-HTBY,9 GOODS ONTARIO Brief Meeting of the Board of Education RD BROCK ST. -,NORTH Next Door to Rice's Hardware Store it Wili On saleJ3.00 ana býs.z-a 1

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