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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jun 1924, p. 5

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TURDAY, JUNEI2h 24___ Wodding Gfe of $ulvorwaro, Chinma and, Cut Glass.éý New and distinctive patterns' and -deslqns - that make most artlstic and useful WEDDIr14G Tea Sets, $21.0Oupj Sandwich Pl ates, 5.00Oup Pie PIates, 5.00- up Cut Glais Bowls, 5.50 up Cream and - Sugars, 5.00 up Many other us-eful articles Corne te the Town Park on July ist -WVhitby's Big celèbrati... - P. J. Sullivan, fcewed pluMbersu tinsmlth, Brock atreet uortb WMhy, ,phono 117-tf. About $37,OWof et he first instal- ment of taxes haqai>een collectedUp te date, which is a quite satisfactory shong $36,312.67 bas been paid in.- to the tLx oeelector's, office by the,7rate payers before June 7th when tht-pen- alty- was imposed. e fÎ have been caused wliile the plant was bie mleted.- 1h is their intention 'Lot, DalýQuoto Yo u on- Rosfn ofoue9âa atuie - uumlk, with troehihest butter fat test We- have Just a'ecelVed te dèliver to their patrons before a car Ioad of breakfast each'-norning. The dair>' door are always Open g,~~mm"oet durmg pasteurization opemains u r' nIN LE &f4~ ailame welcome ho enter. Proa ROLL ROOFIN6 Îmspection will bo appreciated. For the coneninceo! customers the daim>' of the best quallty and f be oPen foale of! mik from 4.30 Mr. M. W. Collins is excavating for a Aew house on'his recently purchased W l I property on Kent St. A number of Whithy young people1 were present ut the Wednesday ses-.. tofo the Whitby-Lindsay -%aptîsti Ajssociat1on meeting at Fenelon Falli ,ast week, thrë sessions being given- leover to B.Y.P.J. work. Anong those 1 Everything In Hardware 'present were Misses V. ahd I. McKen- at the Lowest Prices. zie, C. Parrott, L. and V. Johnston ,L.j emmerson, and G. and H. Rogers. JMr. and Mrs. Dan Reburn and Mr. CONCERT GIVEIN BY B.Y.P.TJ. and Mrî- Luckman, of Toronto, spent On Monday, at 8 p.m., in -the Bap- the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James tist Church. Moving pictures,-In- Il ancock. structive and amusing, also music byi On Mndaye~enng anumbr o!local talent. Admission 25c and 15c. the Town Councillors and prominent "e' o iz. citizens of the town conferred with ai '1 1ýgentleman who ha,? an îndustry which 1 BUSINESS MEN'S BIBLE CLASS > le wishes toe etablish in Whitby. Ai The Business Men's Bible Class of ec'minittee. consisting of Messr.s. C. E. the Ijxbridge Methodst- church wlir Hlarper, G. W P. Every, Wm. Davi d- hold their annual Men's Day, Sunday, oî,E. R. Blowv and F. H, Annes wvere June 22nd, in the Methodist Church. uppointed te gG to Toronto and look Inspiring add-resses by prominent lay- i nto the matter further. It is expect- 1 men, men's choir. Services at il a.m. ecd that there will be further develop- î 2.30- and 7 p.m. The services are ment.z in the ýmatter wîthin the. next especially interestîng to teachers and, 1;few (lays. mnenbers of the Aduit Bible Classes. W. Il. Kennedy, Barristr. etc. Of An invitation is extended te any from 1 fice ont loor west of lPost Offize,I Whitby Who care te attend. wouid be glad to n Te wagons go on ever>' street, sud have.vou calle f-1 Pass practically every house în town. il We also stock ai 8PRAYING ftIATERIALS at lowest prices. Geo.NM. RiOCe, rented a cottage at Washago Beach, and leaves this week te take charge. SPECIAL BARGAIN Special bargain in Bananas Friday and, Saturday. Con-e in and see. T. Calderone, Fruit Store. NOTICE Mr. R. Gimblett has purchased the 3-year-old registered Percheron Stal- lion "Nestor" froin C. Davies, ef the Thormnciff stock farmn. The stallion will stand at- Mr. Fraiik Mackie's, one mile west of Whitby, ever>' Tuesday night throughout. the season. -52 BAPT[ST CV~URCH iroîn $1.0 l3. - 'undas Street, Whitby. H Don't be a. gi-and-stand spectator' winows Mm Jaes . Hlde, vce.resde TH LUCILLEHAIRDRESSING 1 get into the game!-Come to ehuc. 'Ie' disýplay in our wno-i <nM. Jhe assFS outen vipeidea, iofPARLORS i Sunday, Julie 22, 1924. rh KassCty, Mr. R. A. Holden, eof 23~ Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, BbeSho at 10 a.m.-"'The bible Preston, Ont., and, Mrs. Jo1ýn Norton Shampooing, Scalp Treatments, Hairliiv ie wof a Nilatio n." -obbingaCurlingMarcel Wving, Dinwohpilamad 7 p.m. IllJerann(l ity frhree Glde Juldren sagnganf Calgary, or p'aAlta.eechi__Sermons,, urlia,.arcl :-* Theonsaun:-ofe un if htht - f eî- inWhiby or he-oldn Jbile MasagngandMancurng.Forap-eousness"; p.m..--2"The Tragedy o! a pointinent phone- 815. Open Monday,1Ls jof the Ontario Ladies' College, when ededy n ria eeigs-f Opportunity." a portait of their f ather, the late Mr.i dedyadFia vns-i. Monday, June 23-Junior B.Y.Pý. James Holde î, a 'former prominent -- at 4.15. p.m. "Chalk Talk"-Rewards. je - M - H 1,8 kcitizëen lof tle town and the first pei A NEW HOME-MADE CANDY 7.30Op.m.-Singing School-led by R. JE E ER-dent (i! the College, Board wvas un- STORE E. Nicholson. AUl the S. S. children J.M . L f 'veiled ln the college, and t a visit ightYi h soejs d of 10 e7sandI up and ail members of Flrs Ciss Wach Rpairng. te their mother, Mms. James Holden, i A new candy store. has been o Curhan onrgain nitd fis ls ac earn will î-erhain in town for a couple of ip Godfmey's-, and is conducted by' 81'pm-eir ...."ats ~~ STREET months. -. ~~Mm. and Mrs. Charles 'Hays, speciali -H' 1 Jn ~t Pae n Arthust-class homeh rofcandes -Prase -service. "Christian St ategy.' Arttur . Lydeteaci~rof m g-Mr. Hays is areturned soldier and WHITBYing. sttdi0î at residence of M ra. G. candy maker o! many years' expert-1 Everyon.e welcome. M. Wallace, Green Street. Phone 86. ence; and for -the past year has been I.~- or write P. O. Box 159.-tf. candy maker for the Savoy store, Ogh- TETBR CL (ehoit --Mrs. Madill, of Peterborough, a for- awa. Mm. and Mms. Ilays wilI alsot merî- esident of! Whit1&v, was in town open an ice cream parlor as soon asi! Rev. F. H. How-ard, Pastor last .week foir the College Jubilee. the necessamy arrangements have been I Sunday, June 22nd. Mrs. Har-vey, Black, o! Montreal, at- completetl. Ail the candy sold in the! 10.00 a.in.--Suiiday School. teuedth Juile ! te ntrieL tstore is m,,ad(e in their own kitchens. il a.m.-Morning M'irs-iip. Subjeet LOCAL 'HAPPENINGS I*k a-diy Thstrwllaneaspcial "Church at Philadelphia." j oleehre(1twe line'o! high grade chocolates. 7 p.m.-Evening Worship. "Ma- hiMirsJ. M cntyr, o n Mon - ea - - -te sortic &Srvice," Composite and Sister hssseMsJ.MltoMo- Lodges in attendance. B ure an)d attend the big Julylst dy GET READY FOR THE FLIES. Thursday, 8 p.ni., Young People's-; - h u Brghe am\,I tP i ptzn' Tlenm !Mss(aaFy ag- Semeen Windows and Scregn doors meeting, Wedinesd'ay, 8 p.iii., Prayer- j~~ nd. - *~~~tel- o! Mms. Wm. Foy, o! Toronto, and ~itt re-ul ols.Gla.srie Xlv am Ms. uîrii Wiliinsani fno-nwiiv o! Whitby, w-as among the ized screenîng used. B. W. Haynes,!-- ,NIi. an M.s.Mumi Wilinisan ýgi-aduates o! the Weston Hospital îast Oshawa. Phone Office 481, Oshawa. ST. Â4NDREW'S'PRESHYTERIAN hildm-en hiavu goile foi' a holiday to isFygautdwt Residencè 180r2 Harnipny. -1 CHURCH. Por-t Iboîster, the surimîeî' home o! Dr. v y'hg tnig and MNiu. Williaîns-.veyig stnn.-'-- Rev. E. Turkingtou, Minister, 1U r. Jamiies Jewell, o! Grand Rapids, 1 The following town pupils o! Miss ' CARD 0F THANKS SnaJn 2d Nich., ha.' beeii visiting hier :ister-in-lIWinni!i-edl Scott were succeÏssul in The !amily o! the late Thomas; il a.m.-Morning service. Subject, a;r,.Cephlas Seldon.f the Tôî-onto Conservatomy o! Music Sleightholm desire to thank ail their "The Marred Vessel" Jer. 18 :4. - - I ~~Piano Examinations heid recently at f rieuds for their kindness during the'~pr.Sna eho n oe' MNiss E. Giib.suîiianîd Mrs. Newtoti,!tire Ontario Laies' College. illness and death o! their father. i Bible Class. >!f Toronto, w-ho were here attending Elemientamv Grade- Florence Sy-___ 7 p.m.-E«vening Servrce. #Subject, Lhe ollge ubMe, wre uests o ý"The Finished Work of Christ." Jôhn Le Cltege Jox uie, wer usts et -in ,FrtCasioos osa c OMING EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 119 :30. heMs .Fx uin hirsayijRainnie, Honors. pil'uc 0W11. -, lu~~~It roductory Grale-Dorethy Clarke Dr. F. E. Luke, optoifetrist, 1671Seilmscb 1~cor Mr. nd rs.SamHo-e, c Lid-lHonrs;MargietIngisHonrsYonge St., Toronto, at A. H. Allins! - Strangers welco-me. ,a- ipent Sunday afternoon with his Vera Richardson, Honiors. drug store, Whitby, Tuesday, June Frdy ti we)1.0p..1mnh 1 l7th. Glasses, if required, at right!ly meeting of the Women's- Mission- 4 -ster, MIs. Sain Slater. - On Fiday eveîîing, June th, the prices. . aySoie."Te tagesWhn r. Glmou Graam -f th S Lad iýtles' Bible Class! the Methodist1 Mm.~~~~~ GimurUaaîiofteSt1d Our Gates," Mrs. Beal, o! Whitby, ard B&uiik . talf us on hils holidays. Chut-ch enjoyed aW social evenîiig at '.', am "The Diamond Jubilee Me-eting the home o! Mliss Good!ellow, when At the recent convocation o! Brandon' o! the W. M. S., at Montreai1" Mrs. 11ev, ai d Mrs. J.- T. Priest sud f an- Mms. F. H. Howard, who has been a ýCollege the degmee o! Doctes o!f Div.- Tumkington. ly spnt 'Tuesdi(ay anîd Wednesday o!fj most capable and beloved teac e1hei', was i nity was bestowed upon the popular f AIl ladies are cordially invited to lat week ilu attendance ait tlhe Whit pi'esented with an Eversharp pendi. pastor of the First Church, Calgary,,attend this meeting. Bq.in aylati.st As.sociation mieet-IDainty e!ieshments were semved-ana Alta. The "Albertan" o! that citv:- 4 ig at Fenelon laft-ta very pleiisant evenîng spent.« says: "The degree o! Doctor o! Div-1 Mr.Jas S.Maccy îî hi inthe Th moth metin o!theWo inity, which enables a ministei' to! WHITBY WAR MEMORIAL SUB- ntMe( romJaL.nsacy n hsunaytoer Tsemonary SQmetngo! the WMeth place Dr. before his naine, or D.D. tSCRTPTION LIST. rted iJie !uindsayon u naMm. tons is huiaSohetd in the MChchaiter his name, is an honorary de-; Mms. W. C. Powell (nee Minnie attnd he îliera ' f M. T-os ofistChuch as eldin he hurh 1gree, given on menit for good work I - buck) Toronto .... . ... $25.00 ~lîhhl.parlors on Monda>' aftemnoon. Miss1 done. One cluirch college has confer-!- St. John's R. C. Church ....... 4.65 Iliil ele(Ili(l aie i te Drhm thelistriceCnention and rsport ofred the degmee upon H. H. Binghani. Previously acimowiedged ..- 6,644.40 nMI Qitarîo IBasebaîl Longue yester- theidsarc vng, ioin anich a 50m.1raised against the bonomar>' degree." j, a>' aftenooni, at the tuwn Park, Port Héad sngfol<wig wicha stha ecclesiastical and political, were con- f Balance ..$6,674.05 rIupe beat Wliîtby b>' the one sided houî n-as enijoy cd. On hafof .Oheerred. with as good cause as that giv- i R. McNEEý, Sec.-Treas. ut' 19- ~Th Witby 'niedl Society Mirs. W. J. H. Richardson pre- on to Dr. Bingham, no voice would be NOE-esu o!$595iyt iNelt o pece, inderrns anfitel seuted Mrs. F. H. Howard, president ' se aginst the honorary degree." to be raised te, realize the amount. re- îeit tr iecs, min-os pve th -o! the Auxiliar>' for the past year and v mwsa n im urd-.MNe h-av fo; the defeat. ,aîlvays a great heîp in the work, with . troftBpiam c hean Mr.i-. m. Newport, ut' Toronto, was a gold wrist watch. Mrs. T. G. Whit- pstforme o! theatit Chach ere and:i nin this ýýeek, calîing on old field, the -president, spoke a !ew wordsmayon!edswlbegateha Hillcrest Dairy wish te thank their rîns prcation of Mrs. Howard's IliOlp. mJo! tow hnofrins be towedupon M. Bing man>' patrons in Whitby for c o-oper- Re. lihu Hrdnfomelyco-~Rev. and Mrs. Howard -leave for their lm ating with them in making pasteur- ]ev.~ withiu tHenoun eple's o- wcag toward the end of the ' - .Ic.I ized milk a success, and they are sor- iety o! thé Methodist . hurch, and l nnh. -m TENDERS FOR COAL yfoan inconvenience which ma>' well known home, peached atthe ev-!. Mrs. W. F. Geok, daughter o! Mr. Tenders will be received at the mling svieah the Tabernacle un and Mrs. Richard Richardson, sud tw'o Town Clerk's office up te noon on Sunday. Mr. Alex Wilsn also sang daàughters, o! Denver, Colorado, are na u> t, o upyo i slo.spending the week. in Whitby having coal for -the Corporation Building for M ~ ' .N- Jaimes W. Ayres, o! Toronto' corne for the-Golden Jubiloe celebma- the Town o! Whitby censisting o! 20 * M M tion of the Cellege. They lbave at the W N E toans eliveend te thnegsaisacdtons o 'as1 ilt i N tl o sun'lay iitteiidjngi end[ of the week for New York-by wayossee u 0tn egad6tn ,Nr. Thos. Sîeighitholin's funeral. utf the St. Lawrence, tô particîpatein1o hsutAlca obeernd Excaivatioi has sýtamited for the new the golden wedding o! the formier's' Chaimman of Town Property. m nw oîw î n a house tit the lot on ilie corner o! Mary parent.Teoes r n' ede etnce-orby-nwnU W ib 1d Thyronet ortsytener-etneestly by urch n Wsed all ron C ý. ier, o! Lindas by' Buy ail building nmaterials. deers, t saril> acceýted.an vcnly fo sle NIr.\Ç. C. Mildr, o Linsay sash, fraînes, floering, etc.. -ut Johnlf W. D. Dykes, Town Clerk-52 ad vcnt- o ae Mr. aniMR.I-. S. Gilc'hrist and Nbl & Son's, manufactuind"in yeur 'Work.' Apply by letter to ocîîvr 'Collotitrgspqin t Sundayî owa hctwn ah Iess TKotey. - CRD0-521 j H . aOO A O wit Mm an Mr. Jhnson,,Vanut Mr. Geo. Bedding, Blacêsmith, 'i TePeietad ertrso h t fstilli doing business north » h reietad rtr f tehres1îAlger Bldg, O ha MNr. ;ud Mrs-. W'nr. Mann o! Cali- Garage, Brock St. North. -1 Board o! Directors oP the O. L. Col -_______________ lege, the Principal, Lady Principal, frmis, are visiting withhthe -later's i ni- Allan Adan-Qandgis sisctpr, thochara !tebiltn on with friends in howu. -i paliuszt (lad>. who tuas read the'______________ A gang e!. imen froni the INWncxn' hands ef many distinguished people;'-!t ýBitUmn us wýPavînl gCo. %wexrein town Miss AMille Mahthews was hi lBmant- 'aise for hospitais, aud sealists.1 un Mendlay repairing the few crack:, ford Tuesday and Wednesday attend- f Home Monday, June 23rd 8 or îa few wh ch hiave show-n iu the' pavement on ing Grand Lodge, as a delegate froni days only. Heurs 10 amn. ho 9 pan. the. Kingston Road through town înce 'the - aughters of England Prirýe-u, Whitby House Reom. Tenus$1.00. 1h wýas laid two years ago. May o, Wb.tby. H Mi'ss Meath and M i WddUPO -!the I Mr. Victer Toms bas i'turnedtd o A-N ADDITION TO THE LIBRARY iR N S _(L;C.- are Ieaving on Sahurday fr Toronto after holidayug ini Hilton!"Tou N. , eyScut, av md Fuirope by thet-S. S. Regina. -!and Rocheester, N .Y.. accompauied bya ve>'fNe.1Boti biadcoruthe Pab- Miss E. A. Cossins -left for Uver.11 ohe u str ' J .Tms ý ie Ubrar>'. luis is a splendid woîkIAM '0W RE I pool lest Saturday by 8. S. Megantie.sdMs i. of SSrutcraft sud a muidi appreciated Miss Clara Jackson, B.A.,cf Toron- T'he Dundas St. Home a&M iS<cioo ansd noeded addition for 11brary ser- RPiU O SW L to, -epent the. week-end widî ber par- Clb "II old their salual i lec for -___ -RNGA W IL * 1f,-r. and is. A. W. Jackson., h~b~7a rdy- Mr.-.D daof Toront~o, and p4mundâAil Wnts are cawdly h. in- aur Is ase . »W. "repwdthat .T i are tlstig teir brotber, Mr. H.Mil- Corn snd em>oy a - idOoai th»mer hti in l *êa ahiwhch we Shee lmeipatip W<wlw fae'~!w dsys. wlth â 'fmidis. errer. Kv,.M cQuajy bas manent age~ exl Apy Ib FORUR j WvitKiil New six roomed house with al cen- veniences. -Apply 1Mr. G. Sturgess, In cor. Euclid andl Walnut strets.j rooi -FOR SALE premIi1i Upholatered Setee, i first-class1 condition, resi bargain. Also plat- - A g( form rocker. Apjily. Gazette office. f d, A FOR SALE tuberuo lar ted. pure J. K. hep. À Dtbraîr of iilk ronpure breK. herd, f herd, Twin Streamn Farm. -1 easy r The chàoir of the Baptist Church 1I1 . FOa cr SALE odtuk held a ver>' successful- and -delightful eLCaughlin- r, ae ngood'truck; n song service at the Church on SundayMcuglnrdte noornnn evening. The, choir gave special aum- order, cheap; -1 Iight democrat wag- bers and the pastor, Rev. J. T. Priest r gon, goed as new, cheap. AlSO 1Y>o,t delivered an appropriate talk on theljof automobile tools. Apply to Wm. 'lCeronation Hymn", "AIl Hal 'the 1 Potter, Blacksmith, Dundas St., Whit- Power of Jesus' Naine." lie told of 1,by the composer and how it carne to be' FOR SALE written, and of how it had been such Silver huli Buckwheat for see(l. a power for Christian influence during $1.25 per bushed. -ApI> E. J. Long, the ages in the mission fields, and in ]Brooklin.-1 the churches at home and abroad. The following special numbers were FOR SALE- given by the choir under the leader- Harley Davidson twin cylinder! ship of Mr. R. Nicholson :-Anthem,ïmotor cycle with side car. In good, "Abide With Me" (Liddle); Soprano r condition. Price $200. Apply to Edlw. Solo, "Now the Day is Over," (Marks) -Bic, hal! mile east of Greeîiv'ood.2 Mrs. J. T. Priest; Male--Chorus, "Over 1FRSL the Garden of Eden," (Sankey.,)-;, Ten-JFRSL or Duett, "Hold Thou My Had Three humner coal oul stoe in fir-ý_ (Briggs), R. Nicholson -and L. Par- class condition. Apl r.Kih rott; Anthem, "Bow Down Thine Ear," Lawrence, Brock St. (Maunder), (Soprano Solo and Chor- WNE us;Organ March, "The Pilgrims' W NE ' us); (Wgner).Girl wanited at once, highest wgs (JhouS. Apply Whitby HOuse, Whitby. Fa blood shap( en ç,( Weil. Tp. Ces, posse Whit 1Ior rent jply R. 1 Coinp) ings at 'GARDEN PARTY AT ALL SAINTS BAG FOUND- -r-ne S On Monday evening, the first Gar- A knitted hand b'ag found.-ne-;ee vith al den Pamty of the season was held un-i may have saine by proving poet o r14 der the auspices. of AllfSaints' Church adaYi.ng for this advt. St., or phone A.Y.P.A.,ý on the Chumch lawns. it - - was held to celebrate the arrivaI of _________________________ the United Empire Loyalists in'Can-! ada, and Mr. R. A. Hutchison gave a A W ~ R D A B Ç very appropriate and instructive adl-' -) (lress on the United Empire Loyalists. The address was gmeatly enjoyed andP ES R PT was well delivered. At its close a hearty vote of thanks, on motion of, Mr. Wm. Downie, seconded by Rev. D. B. Langford, was extended to Mm. Hut- chison for his educative and interest - Prescriptions are written to suit i ing address, by the chaimman, Mm. A.' ns ecmondeeypecit W. Jackson. The remainder of the progrminwa- and individual way., That's why YOU gel given býy the Hottentot Entertainci ffil1 th em. - fmom Toronto, consisting o! three' comedians, two colored and one white,'--- who amused the audience with- jokçes f1 and songs. the L e9' A booth was in opemation on te e c grouncls andI <ld a good busine,ýs in ice!DUNDSAINR cream and soft drinks. htilsOdSan Tc, Pccnt, For Sile, Etc. WHII'BY, - ON] -- - - -- - Sole agents for Butterick Piitterns. SUMM.ýER BOARDERS _______________________ Accommodation for summier guests on lake front, safe, sand y beach, elec-- tricity, screened verandas, good meals . Aduits twelve dollars; children uTider twelve eight dollars per wveek. Box O "t M E I BOY WANTED - Boy wanted, for grocery store. Per- Yes4 BUILDERS TRV OUJR NEW ELECTRUO FLOOR SANDER OId Floors Made like New. New Floors Made Like- Glass. B. W. Haynes Oshawa, Ont@ 1 Phone, Office 481, Oshawa Residence 180 r'2, Harmony GIRIS WANMTED!B Girls to learn on pow- or sewlng machines ln Glove Department, S., Treos& Co. Liîmi tod Sosi Corn La.st season, e introduced a new Silo Cern, whieh la ea1l'and producps two immense cob& oneach tal, yield- ing more fodder than any other var- iety. We alse introdnced a new variety of Flint Corn, which in aise early anai produces larger ears than any other variety ef Flint Corn. StalIr arm net large but each staIk bearu two- ver large ears of cern. We have these choice varletie again this season, and ail the ordinazy: varieties of ensilage corn at CLOSE PRICES w. Bu PRIIGLE&CO.' PHONE 34 Headqna"rtrsfor Choite (roerîeo WIIITBY, ONTARIO RED TO DO MAR14ESS A3 SHOE REPAIRINO. are mw quaii ty The fI al1wa ys e 1 gýt lie, 1 ad-wl -ýmBrown's'Stationer- WITH FE We have a Latge Assortment1 FOR EVERY ROOM IN TH And the Prices are,-Rlqht. Gel Ait Boxer paner reduced 4c- Nwis your chance- while. our.stock 1 E.M. Bro wn, hs Burns' Cash 6 H SP'ECIALS FOR O1 inginan's-Pure atle Soap, reg. i. eat,> N efteperfect jeIly powder, reg. l1e., s Kellogg's Waxtite London Corn Flakes, reg. Iavi es Pure Lard, 3 lb. pails, reg. -55c-, spec Extra Special on Beintz Pork and Beau-hl special»for 25c., mediumn, reg. 20e., speci rg. 15c., speciaI 2 for 25c. Tiger Catsup, large bottIffs, reg. 30c., extra Liptoo's Red Label Tea, reg. 75e.- per lb.-' Extra Special-lO lbars Surprise Soap for We are agents for O'Keefrs beverages il ger BeWer, Cream SodaLeçaon Sour, etc., tles, al»o Imperial Ale and Stout in larl A nMW stock of Marak't Grape Juice and just arrived. We deliver auy qnantity of these wefl knoi your order. Watch our windows Saturday niglit for night Exrtra speciala. W.- are Soie Agents for Nu: Iri We w 'crry lelime of Desghmuu m coma litAlm e ro Bra tS Burns" aI t, 1 1

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