Tii. -Delikieus Rayer GRLEEN 'TLA. 194 h".> won, It wnIllios of usors. SoId by a.1 rr. Bu và p.ck.tO todav. VlESAM£ Isi BREFN IFA wuIPOI fS. "SAlABA." ISMUTS 9 1 Tii.Coiniclece f tu Vs~es¶ The llght frOm the If-opened deor Ile oîn &Mé.0fthe U«.felonuvhat seemod to b. porcelain Most persona caan remember. at leait from thefamous set. WbIle the man oe estartling coueldioe lu thoir qx- walted Mr. Morgan rushed upitairs te perience. The eider.J. Pierpont Mbr- compare mrs hysee h fsanie, but- It waan't posIvable!1 grn likod te tell o! oie lncky encçun-: i 'How much do you vaut for tbem?" ter lie b.d vhi1e ho vas seekî apair he demanded vwhoi ho came dowu. üf vases te Cemplete a set o evres The man asked a ammiii irice. took hable decoratioiis ou vhlch b. bad set Il meey and melted avay ite tho ]lus heart.. Collectrs h"d been ra.nsack- The neit day all the Leondon cou- Ing Europe for theux lu Mr. Morga's unoeseurs 'were at Morguil'. ouse, cx- bebaîf. and thon oie storxny nîglitlue Iclalmig,- "It'is Impossible but truc!" Krrived lu Louden freux Liverpool, hav-- The vases mu5tchOtl, and the elt vas Ing coune f rom Amxirivavithout varn- pricelesa., lu g the servants when ho oxpect hlm. "11au't expeeted inlu oidon," said As ho rau up the stops aid put his Mr. Morgan. "The mnaidl4n't knov lat0it key te the ticor a oshverluig figure vh.at Sevres vas verth. I nover conld in the vestibule drew two vases freux trace him. ýHew did It bappen? Out unIder a -torn cat and-mnrmnured. a'vsetofail London te corne te my 'bous. at bear u gong from houba te hanswe ahl thait mOmut!" day; won't you buy these, sir? My' -ChllIjr'ý-aie starvtng." Mînard'a Liniment for Dîstemper. f;. J M Odd Or Even? Âslé a. spectator te hold ber handu, tiugers extended, behlnd her back. Ask ber to close lnto tbe palm an even numnber of ingera lu one baud and an odd number lu the other. Amk ber te multiply the number of lingers cdonte ln tbe rlght band by any odd number. Âsk ber to muültivly the nimber cloue ln the left band by any even number. She la now to add iaid te tell you J he rlgbt hand figure ot the total. lùi. medliatel7 you vîli know lu whlch, band the. odd numbér cf ingera la cloue.: If the- zumnber given in even, the odd number o! lingers cloied wIlll be ln the rlght band. If the num- ber gîven la odd the odd number wlll b. lu the loft band. (Clip thfa oeut and puste t oih other of te serf es. in a scrapboo&'.> Self-Pity. Self-Puty how cgme yen Inside MY d oor? l'y. glveu yen the gate ofttimues be- fore! Who let my dýQor ajar ansd ltl ou la Wlth crlnging mien and sycophautiC < ru? Honest emotions I admit at fhues Aid count theux rather heueîed gueste than crimes; But youi-Lool tGads'tool in MfY, muUI- room bed!- Are even worse. than ail your foes have sald. While you are here my virtuieq couflt for naugbt; t While you are liere useleiss. the good I've wrought; While you are hiere rny striving Is ln vain. To raise iiecourage that eau siiile thr-oug h-pain; While you arc lhere contempt muqt bP My meeti Even frorn friends If they Bhould shrewdly hee-d UntIl your loathsoine presence 1 eg- chew 1 anlu sore dlsgrace- ottide with you!-0 Stlcklaud Gillilaui ln Stccems."1 A ýý W END1D LIXATIVE FOR THIE BBIY MotherAsgliould constantly be on guar<l ta keep baby's bowels working freely and hIs stomach sweet, foi n1ne-teuthe of the aliments fronm fwhlch littie ones sutfier are caused by derangements of the stomach and b owels. Baby's Own Tablets area eplendi< lglxative for the baby. They are iild but thoroÈ1gh; contain-neith. er oplates uer iarcotîi5t, and are ab suol utely guaran teeti to be ýýafe and ieffieient for elther the newljorn babE or tuicý growing chilti. iy their actioai on thie boNwels and ~oîahth; tri out constipation end indigeitiu, break tmp colis amid simple revers arn nuake the- dreaded teething perio( fe0,sy. The Tablets are sold by medi cine dealers ort by mail at 2ý cents ;box (rouit The Dr. Wtiliauus' Nedictint ,(o.,, jrockville. Ont. iA Bas que Heart and Soul. l'itiii tire littie towu. near t1lo Spar iuh trofl iie ot1lie iuût Utali ' i %ta+ not nmert, t bars tiirt v Li1oeteue. bu the n uutor diligence t1hat nuits Ietwp,- tliow takéeý a wbole da,ýy for tUxe tn 'whiu b is net aSteus)1iiug. if y ou Co1 1stuler x's at au ona7iil ei the e triveýr Is. To please a pvczstiuge Fa h tl -Lendoltu Tiintes-, hf- wilu tmp atwliaiI,t lie th:nks Ls Ilbe l'.ne-1 peU of VlCw 'o that a phaotograph unuay 1, taken. antd lie is flattet"d xwhêti tn lxutr tu'ned efil iuu Iund ihis-ti lie Is isl M1!qu" lies ru n o1a iIl t grews elcî;uCtt about the scaruery. wiIii. sa on u etbîe !uumllta Ille aiy 'l'lie gai1 :i n'ar,, fi un. ledu'i. tint-t- i p t. 'I bu astit heuluts an(, 1),I 1 tIl' .a;ý 1 t-- ftî'1- 1r î - aui l e wi1inug t tok T"fit.-ý v.:1 te ilit i tue I.týqi1v cctut'zrt- the tmi' ba litilult*nrn it.:x ~L-re 1-ne l1x -i .'ui i t ittt b îag fîîiin.antd their sorte, c!.gue , iigrate, uhozxxgh only xnuney anti 'rina lit back 1to t ovn veillag4-,ue -they zPend nt h' ttl nLey love.. heî i te-pec are tix'-d Off'a'Ilug uhey aing Basqu*e f<t:k soflgci wlîh a lveiy ll'u e'stry tir. Tbzîî, noutîtainr ar4ý fol tn a purpis' robe; nhe evening5 ioonies tit. and froni the shere, as dIlig.-rce'near5i the town. comeîs logsiio ,h 'lilafltic break The rnoon appe-ars- Theela IL bu t f Ua0f à 4, *èas eomdy 1» lb. st07 tbgit u lb. ?aps. try of Liue r. R.yumo"d Blatliay tell of a Young man -Who aller yearu et poverty and mlssty fimIJy emerged a a peet of the htghest'ordr. A certain llteraryducheus who had-beeu gretly fasclnated by the. chli an ad beautyl et hie verse gave an aiternoon tea lu hie houer.- Poor fellow, ho est In apeechl-ess -agony, snrreuùded by his admirers, well reallzlng that as the star of the occasion he was expected to twinkle at least once durlng the afternoon. At lait an Inspiration came te hlm. Ha ta.rted te apeak,-ahd dead silece feU upon the room. Thils la what ho sald: "Have yen n-notledt, d-d.duichess, il a El d j' I s 0 ,ie t ild t n te i ei illn 1n- The best Tob)a <cco pipe '"s'e, niller; iiey ca(.t8u1',,- of tinte uîx'er. -11uu dreaçdtitt Antd w'y <la rhey I Cl l yo tliit Minards Liniment for Aches and Pains 'Cauîseluit xx'wkiuv$ ut tIc fuoot (ef tWhetu u-aitarru <lotil is threuudbare the tI" it is ea-s& Io pick a helf- iluitI. Lae e s t& S1rgit adstson th CÇO!nç1 be wf thrft fI ca ý, l eUTaii wn the (] Oh etpsk ]1ý.a iIusi.sa on ce- Jlfter every meal >euelll 1. AERO CUSHION INNER TI RES eeth, brealh i 3corposed of Pure Para, Rub- end digestion. e <hyPru Mlakes 1the laste better. O P NO U E èRicies Eaq as Air.Doublecs Miljeâge of Ud'-îngs. s 'eWRITE FOR PARTiCULARS. Aero Cushion Inner Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. Wi 'ngham - Ont. Next time trY the finest gradie- RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE o, DUV'~ '~AA~f 1let yaur ui1ruggî Bit ici-Ilhosephtste, Intreasue wçighi ,store euurgy, v t lrice $silier Pl I l'e 25 Frunu st. ~,if.. 'd' true, - lu and brainbl"-dw, the e-stragb*, a bi Min >r, tire; nild noer tire, vil @tir, S eri >mrade, wtt.s, t through lite, eu1-free, ce for ert Louis Stevouison. - lav%better health If 2231 br'attheir ttolu-- em, and ret a play .1h, ti Pl ti p it>at tais year'e jmwn tuvaeiu zam ai ________ plnk?" mm____&Mm -Ses.of Obligtion. <My N DLAITfIT(' There la nothing at ail attractiveSla- th NL YLthe Idea of oblIgatiLn No (me *.«»oYs»Wlth ee of gold 1 A RM ~being under an obligation, neoeu11k..1 BtOel4nio aiad blae te assume îew obligations; and a per The great artificer [o a Bo0untiful SupplY Of Rich soi vue la roally klnd and 'weU .dis- Made;ny mate. posed does net anjoy feeling thal be Health-GivIfg Blood. bas put another persen under obluga. Ijoosu ger, valez Sufferers front llat -medîcal 'mens tiens, however mueh ho may have esu A louve that lhfe ce apeak of as nervous debillty alnd them- ioyed' doeg the klndusmetuat bU s dDeath quentch or-ev selea 1~d, orse,îo.sprîod idthat practlcal effeet u-pen their rela- The ml<hty master unae t kep tei mîda n ay-tienghip. Tet, If to Inctir obligations, Gave te lier. thing Any udde nois kart l t a lwa.ys more or Issu uîpleasait, te thIn. Ay sdde no». urt lie afuSill them la one of the more bueyant Teaeber, tender ce blow. Tbey are full or groundis expériences of lité, and perbapa we A fellow4farer truc feara and cainet elleep at night. Their aiuouîd be phîlosophical enough te wel- Hsart-whele and mu banda tremble, the legs f sel as If they coeethem for the sake ofe! tis The au.guat father will give away followlng a 'walk or' faction vo »hall feel when wo <et rît! Gave te me. any exertion, and thé mind la greatly et them. >' -Robei disturbed by the uxoot trivial Incidents. -Çertalnîy among people wiue do net Doctoring the nervea wlth poison- permît themeselvéete be oppressed by People would ho ois' sedatîves ta a terrible mietake. the sense of tîxeir obligations we usual- they would rouxeni The only réal nerve o hoicja a goot! ly find those. who are meat successful lu aeh is a work roc tsl no, rich, eblood seeD. wîîîama'settling the account. Thore are me o ue Phisnw Pusrich havd ue aDr.iretatio of course 1wbo. light-beartedly or cal- Pin Pllswhch av adirctac dniouply refuse te mest obligations tiuat wuJ on the blood and through it stimulate they con legally evade, but they rnay every nerve and orgRn lu the body. a .lb 'cue rmorcnîe gives lier expatience ihti ei to, vo do not recognize our I PARTS am gîve s flo -lrertia d aths edi- sse- Ys belonging to tha *t conipany. AutoStrean due s folowst --1 lid a ervo s t of ausiprobably inaStarter anak breakdown and, was in the Welland Corr h-ounty Hospital for somne tim'e. As I oi leting obligations wetghi too iueavlly 5A*og St vas net luiprovlng my huusband tooktupon our splits-obligations of alU 'me ut ad lok re upto y moh-!sorte, scial and moral. large and trif- me~~~~~~~~~ eu nito neu em oit-lg, obligations te chturch aud state,: er's. I doctored iluere but 1h did net heip me. Then t retirued honte, and comnîîuity and family; If we ]et our-; Government vas again under a tiector's caro, but savsbcmIereadl ohm unicipat wi* nobeter emuts.I wuldtreix-platingthem. we are pretty sure ho, flnd orpoweror satisfactorilineot- Idsra bie and, gel n'unub ail over,and the îng then iipaireti. Sonee oflluem' are ~~ leasçt noise would affect une' 1 vas constant, b h e hermlnated onl viien tUs'endy quie uabl todo ny ongwor an lie closes; if we are harassed by an 7 per Cent. Pli was in a terriblm condition. Fiually 1 igain- t sorsfr ie, are you under ne was advised te try lDr. Williamns' Pinsk algtio htisor1 Plusant anstiîsnkfi tat dd 1 uiuikeiy to fuîfili 1h adequately anud te l ever. Write fo get f relu'tue continiots fulillmuent of as afuer taking about a dzers boxes i a tis iiel that it miglîlyielti. wa aai leaty omn 1haeit the Daifclo minion iS vas gai a îealhy omau. Ihav In every 'responaible hunien being 81FEE used the pillas sne whle nursing mv the e i obligation te inboru. lHe -82jF baby, wlth equialiy good resusîts,' aad .. a en.se uhat he must makesome-, TORONTO i strongly ativisà chier aliig women higc ie11 hth. engvi te ty tein" -hlm. tnder that rsensofo!obligationi You cari get tubese pilla tbroîugb anyhonentche.t oudepr deaer in nîujîi.i.t or by mail ah 60;dutive not of utuhappinees, but of hap-DITE cent« a box from The Dr. Williiams' pî. Th;sns c oilalot t MedilueCe. i'rot-vlie, nt.reaily the greatestforce lun'tue wenisI. A t ahiespoQu 0 & 1 4-of niola.sses un' GRE EN TEA IMPORTS usastu 'i 111give I - LARGE R.- 1923, 553.977 poutsds mor-e Greeit Tea wore buought luto C'anada titan ln' 1921. ani 906,728 pottids mnie than un 1922. The ressors given Ila hsal the r fln(- q-fialluy (Green Teaix of Idita ansd )"Vn have dilaplacedi the luferior Correct. Japati and tI <'lua Greens,.whie-h, dut(, t' *"WVhuueito i usesofOur t raffllr diffi- ltlipir low prire. vere iniportE'<l luesu iiy cultit- eriginiale., Cyiîtw ?' ente ea usago. Salada Tea ('ompatnyt letit. i ihl"aîeai'k.'gvet i eWotr of India and - -.1-----i <' ltn Gr'eîi Teas.T Nasty Nicknamnes. 1i I iee Mu y uluf gvemylitî boy 'Waýueof weal]h i- -omtine-r -S'-t fbtlf ednwse are FoIksH v-ijd, vtpl ou xiIiij It 1,gt tnef te i tgu r uti ut'iie f r kig- t twhînta No wonbder Sima,4igXowero are go popular!rl ieyrig ýt s<' and wiih sueh 1I)il JAT EVCRI . D^A p 17 CORNS Lift Off-No Paint Dqesu't bon ao bitI Dropa à MW Irr.emone oa am .oblg coM ,lu- b stantly 1ha& corn sto>ps hurtlng, tjiu ga..ortly you lft it rlght off WUh ige~rs. Youz druggt els a tUnyv hotUe o -Yre«onW* for a fev oentsu c»9n' to remove every bard corn, sct cra. or corn betweeu the toes. andthe t00j <alus vtiisorean rl-rltlUoiL1 BSTER IETOS tnd SERVICE id Gencrat or Repai;r npariy. - Toronto SMfP Enameled War a the smooth surface and polish of fine crockery-without the break- age. And it is se very easy to clean é--just like china, and therefore i enakes light work of eit washing. Try this test. Take an SMP Enamèled Ware sauce pan and- ân ail-metal sauce pan of- equal size. hîito each pour a quart of cold w-ater.- Put on the fire at the same tinîe. The SM P sauce pan wiil be boiiing merril, when, the water in the other is just bcginning to A Fce of POsecain and a Hcart of tel" Sf4 ~ et" eosueluci ade &ad ct.-*Dimontl Wasgotee couSu. Lght bloc &and n ot. uteide. whltc hitrui. Cr,'atlW arf. threî i)à at. tare white !it =a4 'A iths Ilsy2mIe Ordr!tg. < 'wÎ""'S EEl METAL PRODUCTS CO.t JubAdi? 110*47SRCAL 7CF4NTO WINNIPEG '~It *t~0~JVAC$»vR CAL.GARYV a BONDS ,u ci rcular "" lu& c.afety--placfff Obligation what rit ta day. Brokernae Co. ýAL BUILDING ONTARIO ~1P fMsnsrdsaup ixed vi-thtuhle brin Squick rolief.