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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jan 1925, p. 6

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1$jj.. 4 H 1*: Baume' area, let t. Oawa Higli SebooVby liaisgoals,-the m» etb.- lut' U.4 TuSaminsw*. tt amd a- citig «d >Pt ta. tans k.yedUP te alig tuw tkuaboul. Ml4 .M-ê avf e iiftvntoi zbebldnd sa mo LACOP 0FEFMF0T INTWO PM-. ions LOST GAxlE FO9 WJI1TDY Steglng a senuaonal come-back la thie final peried, vb.nthreeaiës ver. scored la qulok succession, Wlt- by Juniors il u an-Ã".H. A. gem0lest Frldey eveùng wlLb Oshawa seved theinselves frem what would -hae been the vorsi defcat oet h. seaon. And had thc local. dlsPiayed th. saie ectlvlty lu the flrst and seond par- lods, duriug whkh they faled t. score, as they dld lu Lbe third, tLb.>' vould'have applied e fiue ceat ef wbltewaah te Lias Moter City puck chaser. Withy, iu Lb. opinion of Lb. fans, lied a good chance Lte vin, but'dld net seem te -resut IL until tho final gong vas sounded and 64 ln Oshawas tavor wau chalkeil up on the boards. Ne Scoring Flrst Perled. There wassne scorl9 ng uthé fn period, se close!>' vas the gaine con-r nlueia second perlod Miner for Ou- aaescored alone after five minutes play-, Atkinsôn securlng four more là quick urucosion eue asiensd tires ou rebounda.. emade sevenal nM_ ~stol rushes dovu L.the sUd shot twlcs lu the saie perlOd, but fsllod te laU>'. -Wbltby'as en.stloual Finish. Wiaeu tbe final perloil st&rt eb- fore Oshawa could geL tiie "bang" et thunge, Whitby had made tb. se 5-8 sud threateusd Liaeen mtter. Sklrmnsheza arund tb. note ceaI Oui- awe Lwo goals sud J. Slelghtiaelm "ge Lb. otiier on a rebound off Smlit's siiot. ILvas a vell-esrned goal. Ir- win sud Cormack geL Ltieotiier Pair for Wbltby. The eains rushed bard sud Smth tlmed bimmeit out. Bentely's vok lu goal vas fine and earned a big bsud. Lowe slaoved Lb. players soins neat stick hsndlug vlilcb va wel1 wvortb oteig. Near the close O! thé gaine J. Slelghhoem, et Wlby- geL a bard bump vben us tel! snd bit his he in lutnylng ote the.rubbor ave>' frein Coulin. Haves sPlled -Ceullu wben h. broke hrougb hot defeuce sud was lu a fine position te score. Lowe and Cenlun had eom- blned and Whltby playing fAve insu upj bhad ne defeuce. The. gaine ended wltb Wbltby ail playlng et -contre leo -andl Oshava playlng a purel>' defence1 gaine. Oshawa atnxply could net 'keep up i vlUthLe.pace set b>' their eppon- ente iu tht. perlod aud saveil thelri facos oui>' by their leud oetheic se- ond perlod. Good Relief Work. For WhlLby Smith and J. Slelgb- tholin vere the best players, and1 nerer gave up trying. Tbe former skated hlmself ver>' visibl>' tîred lu the iual.determined effort te vin and lied te b. reileved ber. the pemlod euded. Slighthelm wus givon several bard buinps wblcb curbed bs PWe considerehl>', but bis ce*kscrew rush- es vers elways mystltylag. Coult» id Love fer Oshawa vers flueqsp- ý,-porta toe'.Batl*Y lunquel, ab n> pei d hlnnerable shote a= 0 ly Wblt * b>' b> haudlng eut stlff bodY checha, several et vblcb ver. rewardeil b> a rest period lu the penalty box. Tii. old zest sud spfl d ullu betvsen Lb. Ivo tbains vas Où* spiecus b>' ls absence. Altbough Lias eains declded te mlx t on seveal occasions, Retersee Smith kept -h. baIlle wvdIn lubaud snd tb. Play=r * kept te LbeIr keltting. -Both ouls used thoir substitutes wit eguar Methiadit Tabernacle, mnw e blg St. Mldgets frin haIn lu uexiai- biLlon gUmm, ud hsuded a blov te lte Oshawa boys te lie tan. of44. fliis Whltby lins up vaassm flovs.Gol Oscar Moore; -defnS., Robert Blow sud Dean Irwlu; centre, Modq 1a11; wigs, Rareld Tachr drd MWatts; subs, Ross Mowbmay suM lm>~ Vn INTER BIGE CROOL HOCKEY 8CHEDIJLE Counai Ontenlo Roc-.EI0 key Union, la vallWbtby 115h Sciiooi learepmeuentdb feme ..: zou. 24-Port PW" A tOsiieva 24-Wbitby et Bowmavl 26-JOshea e t Bowusmavll 20-Port PeM~Y t WIb 81-Bomvtlle t Poe rt Fi 31-Wh.flby et I)Ù"WfL P4li. 1-$ovmaiyl11e et Whllby played la W1ý tly may ft uoce, Oshaw& wbdtbxg 174. FotT l?=Y. wD<Suf Wbtly m 1 oa1do b" lest ýhem ecod aû -t bbw day .venlng *viii îm W Wob.d deanCu ad ami dmir li>'wu. mle& u 9"""17ia"s to «boeî quulfyeg s leca eutà OM oi~1c.W Ing and mechanil de* tsry; state rente, Ont TOWN 0F WHITBV ueil>' ret the. Thwa trWiiutb>' vS bo-beId lli a ndi Cco a aiubeet lObU*St l. let ft«noWà la the hrmomu. la can lOU rnm.t u w bu am& aÃŽmet of bole48d1s. Ivwu *dm ot Wh e»it wby. Oàb*w...41,Buzr; left dotons., i WMZTY NEIT 'WEDNSA Oarver, -rtkt doence, -Smilh; centre, om . aketenl Penney; hftwlnig, &R. uanz3,ig1NmmnA.Flnetu ving, IL bowden; subi., Arcand, Rare1 legged sater ln the wvend,' viii b and 1j>Wbltby on Wednesdey next, Jen - P -Wh 28tb »,and viii 1e anadded ettrac -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a -R'ec-Ge 'Cn ,Wlb. aBurns, Arena in the evcnngi WEITIW INTERMEDIATES 108te e. iliibe the regeler skating, 1ý0 IRENfQ-IN CLO8E GAM " 1 tbeOshawa band ln attendance. P Inithe fasteàt and cleet gai,ne ur i eiknwàemayi pityeil W Buus', Arena this seabon being conftned to the Mlitary Ho1 whltby intermodietes vere defeated, al after the war, in which he losi MXoadayeventg by, Trenton by Liasleg. He vill giVe an exhbitOIc couea -coreoet &-ZThe icure indicatea skating. forward and lbackvard, fi very znStei play, IL vas e neck and skating and dance mnovemnents.3 nec raC. romn tart te finish, usesne stck, no >cruches or "artil and the'penalties vers kept down te Ùmb, and an opportuuity te Set tiarge, hoe beng for miner offences1 should net b. lssd- oui>'. - The Fort william Tmes-Joui Trenton players came te Whitby ini commentiug on an exhibition givM té»s ole of an. unddeemd tee., hav- Mn. F'ohner in Itatà Y SAYS:« ins five previous victorles tucked away ,ýbellef vas changed te vondenin under them bots, and therefore thcetthe marveilous performanceOe tact tbae the locale vire able te keep one-legged ukater,. vhlle the Ual th. score down teo oe goal of e lead Eeradsfya that "aIl exhibitions " wlebhheùyumahined by piaYig, a! peforuued wlth the greatest skdUi strie<ûy -defnsive gme durlng the, accuracy." 39r. Falkner v'as lin lafttarportion ot the, fin elm OG, aereentiy when, ho szniaW speakahgbly of their vork. Bumdy *dreda o! people viLla bis ukill. of Whltby hadan off ultgiat, net beung,------- hPt M i sulma&k H nR TrsntoXxdrow Sat blood sliertly! after L4. garnicommuSod and Wblt- U M nud Wis-W Wn, Of!'y by evenéd-tMangs up tianaugi a ver>' nlpeg, Mani., arc vislting relative edoyen unlbitiou etfstick bandllng on i i. vîcWtIy. the. part of Ries who made e Bose-j Mr. and Mms.Nelson Ashiton tionel <bh dean acros Lb. les rlhtjiteil et R. G. Heron's ounSunday. tiaruglitho Trenton dolonc. and Tii. soci andtee htld iluthLb BSreL - ment of Lhe chursia on frida> e Iu tio-eeond period Trenton ooudb~léest wvWiil attende.- a bob odn theLb.WhiLbY go0M. An excellent progroin vas givel O'Oomuor standing up Wieli vider th«local talent. Mr. R. A"ton and1 atta& MaRi work vhroughout the ga«»: 'Iron Spencer rendered several v vas very cmanenabe. Both teerNa seections; Mrn. N. White sud1 acored lanLiis perloil mekUng tb. tally P. )L Luke, vocal mSeîtîofs; pieu 2-2 whcu Lb. bell rang. a r «etais by Alfred Moles; r Ini the. &bWd 1>01101both tLOO nlgs by Mr. <G. W. West; XMissP stemted la vitia Lb. do Or die spIrit, Stuttaford and Mary Kerr; A q and until the, end et tb. gaine 1t Bp-itette cousgttng ot F. Steplien, pearsd te ho either team's victor>'. lmN. White, and 'H. Asiiton, ci Trenton got tLbsl- thlrd geai etthe @ d to teaudienein their usflal1 middle ef-t is perlod aud from theu py manner by Lb. favorite eld thi on played a defensive gaine, aud the"Carry Ne Bacli te Oid Virgin werk of hheir goalle undoubtedly sav- and "Beautiullae of Somevls ed thoir face,. as Wlxtby dellvered J&MMlia7 K spent thew a veritable main of abois on their gol.en with ber parents. Several clever pieces o! play on the Mm. sud Mm. Bert Duff. My parte et ot.h teains wers wltnessed by vlaitod viLli Mr. andMrs Wxu. - Lbe exclted tans ln 11118 perÃŽod. Ior on Sunday. The IUne-up: Mrn. Peter Heren sud daugite, Wbitby-.Goal, O'Conor; defence, T. Emprigh5in, et Serboro, vi Ries sud S. Hall; centre, Sleightbolnx; viti Mr. and 1fr,. R. Mclntyrs mlght wiug, Bundy; left wlng, Cheri- ek ton; subi, Hall and Rogers. Broklin met Auliburu *on Lb. Trenton- ýGoal, Brown; defence, et Auliburu on Saturday afteri Shannon sud Burns; centre, Shaniker; and defeated Lb. home team t ieft wlug, Therrel: riit wîng, Wells; frisudlly gaine by a score o! 7-8. subs. * Bulford and A. -Rowke. Mns. E. T. Fiuher h uspendini Refree-Jacobl, Toronto. couple of wceks witb ber daugl Trenton's rictor>' undeubtedly n oono places thern In the lead of the chain- suTernte -plonship race. Oshawa and Bowmian- ville might have a chance but itL Is Loonard Neal, of Pickerng, ver>' doubtfül. been appoînted a&seasr for PI OSHLAWA KING ST. MIDGET~S VS.ing Townshipi. WHITBY TUXIS BOYS Ou Tnesday night at 6.30 e'clo& edWre Lb. TuxisClam. Hockey Tes. of!he M e W a.e The309 s ityely je ne Scott 30 miles to the- galion 50 miles pet'bout' 5 to 25 miles ln 8 seconds For th set Lopl0f mobs w>ewif ~>verauI ur ret. l editosver rffeuir ices. C«» là mad lei » . qusoe youa« our W. waris prepared to do Ltveuy WorkL (bdcowfot*bieCars.Short or Jos trps. Is.now* w na ld in the ~4ep~apj~ Wtb~,v~ ~ - i~yae r.j mont on2 aim lut ."y. who uva - m have ~~ ~~ i~~I12g ~wo d # bik bWtft a.... 8 a ei an e wonderig IboV eswt b oI m ~'5~Q *o~k ~ 11108 -et ptuom ild Wbilie »ngOrganle Union et 'the Churebos "*Mi> nov retxined berne te aofa ~ £ ~ bu been tpm~oble, w.ne *u01~wt rm. s, M sU ho alte '~InaeWmn~IsiuSW one <Y0QIgPBPO <> te 'get them home and stabled.-Jif kt t have a. placeofworablp 1bers. 1_If m aï etthe home ef MIS. iPaln giu b heyug OPI f b.home on gnow shoes.Zrlfo ~Y llethodis ~ coiigh ~ The JMuaxy Clearance Sale at Dew- fit for' public worslp in- the cold win ftr home-MaikrS?" IMu . ag whl eotin OS« lind's storeWhltby. vili attraet quite trmnl ohgh endn . ednMi m uilb rpitdi our nuldet lu est ý ù a ma e frm h ..veiit wo r ward montbs u m oi ngbs en o. -Bedug is en adler uCf te jiZOVUt ra un re b>ng tkniookhig for firt class g,0ods et 1evwar uliga nionbben pend-, Vlctrbla. WUil' ' hem< lt t, PrVtatte pedo t prises The sale str Saturday and Jiïig. Un r blocks ldndly brhng or send thmt ,"l> r d *Wpey recelvd a car continus for seven dan ~ Lest Monday evenung a perty vas tlis Meeting. e IL R 1.Mêwbray, t*bWaif c ttle lest veek vblch he, pur- A car cme through frm i h1y a given by Viola Lewis ini honor of her pres.; Mmra C. -Lawtef, Ser. ,n f 909" Ilttlng ujifor sprint disposai. few day. ago as far sKnabutg___________________ guare ýMis Beatrice Ballard sPent the the driver found it very heavy goîng. Ho week-end WUthOshawe friends. ___________ fiil 1fr. James licKenitie ahlpped e hum «u" ofohoga from -LheC. N. I R. Eflý5 ïc The. une odhem. an te Iay ee., and. beas vuaýp-oeitîvely lay M«r e naMr..Johini O'oyle, o! f o ville, GAATE-f>pt~rli 'SholryRgltratu ia ailSed on bis uncles, LtheO'Boyle W*1adevoey dyour a te gfre, bac our OUf g it fle "Un- bom, recutly. a?. O'BoyIe WU i t at enrouLe tb Port Perry, vhere lie sold the a fine apgnmefArabian hersestte B f ry ServiceA PN 1 J è I4 f MIfa Fare, Dairy for a fancy figure. L T.MO0, vere Tho C. N.l.moringtrain freiom maiWfso R~ o> 'AT 010.?(A<f& I>,TaOT and Lindaay, ba islhsfrt delay for gmcv d G ih.U5W o n - o nda xorzilzg, when .it wv a - ________ ____________________________ hIUfl about half an heur late i ardrMng herm.This a quite tomne te wbat it Undor New Management. (maY have bofore the good old mmI- Open for ait kinds of rpaire mer ime - ~and overhaulg-on ail makes vin- - of oar, s ~ KINSALE EXPERT MECtAIAC E IG vs- Ueral from bore attended the . IN8.RÃœ .Convention lest Thursday heldet t HRI l -igt. Zlon and from anlreporwa wenu 0F ALL-WORK.AR A001PRC NO. AETu or IL vWMo»e ci the. butt onven-EAGODPIENW.MK H tiens beld I Ibis district for yeara stuatsgivfen.HES A BY EENO R ALPR E WU byite pf45preuident.POUT.- iolin Mi' redM lauten, vlio basbhein PRasonable Prices leu isarIi1t~ is Marelatives lier.for a copl Carge d. LVN EL 0 I- of weeks, returned te bms Western LVN EL ead- home InWnipg POILTRV SPECIFICI PU-evri rdyouughein the U. UL8 illard Sattou'y Seri. RtOUP cumE, W.are wdlena lUn Bll îamiy seuth of the village"a t ufîh COUGUO CURE, ae-have'been M Iwttbthe Measies. 333 LO.SbatILLER, mers Mm ichgzdson, -who heu beenPhn33 OS KILR mesTI for ermreUie, lu reporteil beL-DI tir *gain and "ahe tii tin bai>îes. Near Up-Town Station. DINFECTANT, W* are surprlsed te hear that C. J. ITadOiTRSEL ~~ AreYu Saflsfei with YoorlKM..1A0LE rink A T AL nmo, Why not give us a- trial ? We have had ex. HOME 0F 600t) GROCERIES. na perience and know holv te please our customers. Prompt Del .lvery. Phonue 47. q a PasteurIzed or Unpalâeurized Mik or Cream., Don'*t forget to ask the. driver for Whipping ______________________ 20 Pint Tickets for$1.0 TIIURDA New,, Mfr. Perc ]E. Jakemaj day. Mfr. Wall tune ta io8( -Mr. Ego home in, PE x;B. F. 1 to- the You Friday eve: Old Land.- Mr. Ben Mfan., has ,Mr. lames -A numnbe Sunday Sci Myrtie last Mrs. Gec 1£ visiting Burns. Mr. and Greenbank, home of M, Misses J( Brien, of T, here. The Wor Farmiers, C ments for t uJanuary ing, Conoer be held in the intentic flity event, Provincial I be prÉsent clergymen' local music provide. 2 Club memb the annt called for 'I o'clock shar ung officerç business. Some S% taxi for onc an>' 3Oth, à inake this a of wcalth i resolution I 1

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