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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 1

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q.. N - - - - ______________ .2 - WHITBYONTARI ANADA, WE8DAYFEBRU - P A ±511 __ a - - - £3.. 'JUUUIOJAOW e ~0fl,-k'ubiishers Xo ow Nearing Completion WI ho Entirey New, andl Bgmed on New Asseâment Iai>of Whitby just Coni Pleted ln January-AR 4weoentesare Equalized and Exact Value i Shown InStead oI set ont in Even' Figures on Old %Bi-Expert Figures That Reduction lu General Tax Rate is Possib-Delay in- Returu of Roll Due to Order of 1924 Assesuent qommlsimers1 to Rave Same Conform With Assement Map-tol Ready ini Few Days. * When the assessment roll on whlch ý- the taxces of, 1925 will b. based ini m-,O0 0 turncd by "sessor J. E. WilIis about, 0 *March l1st, the. grand tetal of the gen-! 0 eral asseament will probably show an 0 incease éver lat and previous years. 0 The roll, Will be -an cntirely new 0 cme, as it will b. baaed on the new-as- 0 ii scHornent ap c f Uic Town of Whitby 0 ti whlch was authorized by the 0 Vl of 1923, anti completeti early Ini Janu- O 1. ary cf this ycar, cntailing a great deaf tI o f work. According Wtictheassessor,, 0 t the delayin th retnnof the roll las 0O been caused by the fact that it had to 0O-s be entirely reconstructed Wo conform 0Oi with the new map, the Assesment 0 pl Coimniasioners cf isat year having de- 0 O cideti on this atep after a consider- O fe able portio of theeld rollhad been O gx completed. Work on the new rol vas O0 I. mot startet u.ntil early this year, but O na when in the course of a few days it la O St handeti over tW the Town Clcrk, i Il l! Ofo lman accurate andi up-to-date asseau- O av ment record, O Shouli Redue. Tai Rate 0O0O Aaeording Wo a preâlxnnary report -- Made tui December, by A. B. Silco tMUA the Couacil dealing wIihUicequestin of .anssesament equallsation, baseti on fiueworked eut by H. O. Jeinston, F Chif Asesorcf Toronto, the gala In Fi thc asseasment through equalization shoulti b. about ixtecu per cent, wixlch znght allow for a reduction i the. tax rate of frein 4 te 5 tuilas, pro- videdtheii general rate cf 38 mille of lui> lust year la flot lncreased this year. Included Inlxthe new roll wfll be a ed number cf preperties heretofore unas- sesseti and dlscovered by M. X. Gîli- son and Herbert Pringle, who niade thc nev assemisment map. The InlU- A rsu sioa of lies. properties alene flI cation me an a~ Increase in tax revenue for specter the tlowa. Some prcperties weueaio Lçund W be too hlghly assessoti, whle ment others were found W ,bu the. very op- &&s, poet, sad .atjustinents have been a Actual Vaue Ww'*n 1W ' j- Anotiier change matie la that while uif on the eld -roi) for yeazrs ail pmportie.»lOP tg were assesseti oneven figure,, on thebnd n«wroll thcre wilbeshown pxecisly the value of ecd property, be il large9=t1 *- or simail, woried eut on a unit busits g r along the in. cf ruiez adopted and followcd by ail progressive centres. P&K ci Hlow Equalizathin W e Ont1 76new roi) will show the accuratO p n mesw'cment of 'the fronlage and &bolgd depthh 0fal] properties. Suppoulg &« nt last yar's asessment on a certain bsu property wau aItthe rate of, $10 ber tory.as foot, It mlght on equalizatlon -b.madti IN $15,0, w"le would mean an Inerease w«k î lu taxes tW the owaer. On Ithe otier band, supposng lthe two adjotnlng The properties ere formiry assessedtitetw _açi at $20, sud on eqnlzationRU rois i t duSti to $15.00, lies. ovuersvoul pay Iwo-taxes, taMît for grante& cd. be Hat * In order togettb ew roll In the- in.P -Clerks handsaàa quiekly as possible, Um addUtio"alhep bcd tW busecnud >y n.a the assestor, sud for seveid weks 0 for - four have buen ,engaged theitib = nybg task 0 Mnr.Albert S. Sox, Mr. IL Pringl anti Misa Margarct Mathson are wlth-Mr. WIU hô hmhshatto (Contiau.d on page, 2) vooau ""to »M lu Mei fi 11 E NEW SCOOL TO TAKE TII! PLAC Trus1of&o o taaN. 54 dy e <ldroye>t i 00.00 010000000 0 POOR CHILDREN TO BE 0 GIEN A- SIPPER 0 0 TiceSavation Army la ar- O ianging Wc give a supper for 0 the beoeit' of poor ciuidre in 0 Whtty, on Wédaestay, March O litI4 being "datesnounceti O this weck- Admission W O0 the supper wlU lx. by ticket O only, aMt It la expecleti that O about 100 vil b. provideti for. 0 Tie ofliersInacharge vil) bu 0, pleasedt W recelve donations O af food for the zupper, and in- O rormationeam bu *secueti by 0 MWtng lan touch vith Capt. Q0 Langford or Lieut McGllv- O ay at tie local citadel, Brock O treet South. Arrangements 0 r a almular supper at Oeh- O ews are aise tnter way. 000000000000 ARN - ECJNIM AT HIGH SCHOOL rovementsReoms- 1 by Inspector to Edu- sport miade le tbe Boarti«pi Li- recexatly by Albem H. 1.48k., in- >r or' xmal la ln r On- andi nov befoim the -Manage- wltlt coodilion»s -ouai lu the. )I«ukâdeàrL9 tof ie &Uni ws ltb ntieân to bu 8-. tociroo-, 8;bl- s ; llglutlug,.2; buatlug 'anti ktion & AU ies. emrold bav* te "0e lor Iv lo rt tC«g a for *0 Vp.a,tmF. Tmsda r~~~h maya liul. o d la xt M 4dt sunIFMWAsud MUl de -putfetly .aliafaery for lie d ru-arrange& Ie stocireois t peutalt Us vori.Tlu d tiss not -r, ~te b. sautlafa- wuamod to aIIovte boys nlpmajut ceuW t e bu tanet tbe nr s êvullbMle ia t bu imuet for m»neyeauu anti i- somne sUgit addtions bave be &0s aseclo a mam absoult ted wfti the 'vaineatt*cie i t Det eut fIlier liat tle .- lu Mot lu go" ~C"niton. Too min îrel M antlaepis. uni % mnt 1.1go liaIa rns olt m at 6m s teewLe MI&k am-'g#boa t e s orI, Tl w la *lm pdIncipa IL , .cope aMd ie mobjecta tent am viking ti f a 0 lie la- mr msu titet . aebag emli 0 pwwd aiUl"I m vu tft Wr theioys te o wSkmat1. ed *ia t" tmeshevu mgr tau »Ml îoevu asbai .Oum i leli1 1m N e foudt li Ilyr - m wmmg or*atuiI am m Mttha s Vs v vomi40 u e n. A dem kWflaI (CeMMItIusticm Page 8 auW1!IL VAY~~ ~w~uwp a su v vw -lu RbS*~ or AppEls 1ftG.vuamo.tb VMSv~va c.~ tui~* * uscaSus, ~ « ~ la lis p~<, - lbM~~ a~n SEE FRIE OINSTALA- MODERN GAS PLANT IN 'wUIB Representative of Firu Operaing Plants in Inghtnd and Canada was Here on Tuesday and Inter*lwed Mou- bers of -Town Council, Agreeing ta Sub Wit ProposaI ia Writiug-Want Franchise for 25 Yeaiý, Fixed As- sessuent of $1.00 per Year But no Cad Bonus or Free Site. JWjth a proposai to establish in Whitby a COal gas plant slznilar te that now in use li Beleville andi ap.- proveti of by the To o f Oakville, provideti that the. town will gnt an exclusive franchise for f rom 2$ tW 30 Yera, John Ayres, of the. firmuof Strathy Agenciez IÂmiteti, Teironto, Canadian agents for an Engllah firm no'w operating 500 shuilar gaz plants li England, came Wo Whitby Tuesday morumng and interviewed Mayor Burna, Reeve Jackson andi other mcm- bens of Uie Town Councl._ It vas pointed ont by Mr. Ayres thaI isfirm vouit ask thc Tovn ut Whltby for'ne concesions. sncb as a cash bonus, or free site, but voulti requesst a fixed aessment cf $1.00 a year, aLbu a 25-year franchis%, lie latter, it vas claimnc, being neces- sary owing tote large inestment th.at weuiti have to be mati- The firmi, he stateti, voniti al gas et nol more lien $12M per cubl feet, Y#"c, Il w»s claimneti, as mci lovertien i many plaoes n Canada whenecu or coke plants are in oporation. A oenat oru Plantal in Whltby, local labor voulti bu em- ployeti, anti if a franchise vas grant- ed construction work voulti commetc« very siiortly. In B.ellc, Il vas utateti, a similar plant, aithoui on a xnuch larger ucai., vas in opera"io ani lvng complets satisfaction. Mr. A.yres stateti that tii. proceasof man- ufacture vas on.ie! hîc at beaueue- cesafuly adoptet inla500 planta la- stallcd lu Engîlulu cities anti tov.s. Ic ira operating them,, Il vas steti vas capitailse t a sveral million pounda. Romv Jackson lavIteti Mr. Ayrn to pot hbsProposition before tue Tovu Coundi lIwrletln, promisint hlm tbat It vom tremiethtj eful ce«0- aldegelon oet tintbody. It les guost aIthé pes Ote supptled 'from lteé proposetiplan' veultib. landey for «oue mganti but- ing psoua mSna 1 aidnt y m M, aeeut d le - cLOa ehp »M- er oeWk* CLAMS COUNCI FOR SIEIALIS Abdd oilk f Icai Improve mont Syutm WId b. Durtuing4sdlwàat I Kmdy lio to ho preseaeto te liedgalat- $i frag te caM Usegoat. i =Mcat*e a t alang ebit Maor Sumua f«r Us aood m td Isslia eu, tie firut oomensieS in la bit"nu unda*m - ItlAte tba t ii yea it vasMO» propo edo av"yviti Use Local om #srauut= tmla Us»con- abotem of &aIdmvsi paylag ftrrIbis Wè gofpue Rao =e. 1 Mai0 4b Ia p e e s t a t I l t sffl expo0sse bouUsd Wm ut fo ordtvalks vomtâmle rnu j 'fle Mago W epie i e ime Ce ni vosit bavte talm dél alft teg anvW81 tba ds VIltua vest svm liaI ommewdlglsete iule Us <anmai ais gol oeta CAOUEJ FOODINC Etrances to Catch Basin Frozen Caused Trouble- Many Ceflars Flooded The hea'iy rai sand thaw of Mon- ___ daY, the equal of which for the. month - of February lhasngt been witnessed ln WhItby for many years, cansed &#R on lanYiy lood in varÏous parts of the. WOR[ SUBJECT 0Ã"F extgesldedo tet h h A FINE ADDRESS boinmotcas romCh - Hall, and several men worloed li the 1 lalaternoon endeavoring to open Miffsiola rY TeleOf WOIk Of <drains and finti outiets for rushing tor- I»ve n 13Dffe tit rents of water. In some cases floodi- 1ing was causeti by the stom sewemn CountrieS being unable to mamrythewater away quickly enough, se rapîdly and stead- ily didtheUi raîn fail and huge piles Miw.ionary -ork am~ng the lepers of snow meat. in thirteen ýfr.,met contries, at aine. Evm n IRthe.business section along ty-five different statios, Ma nii co-op- Brock Street nouuli, several cellar eration wlth thlrty-thtee missionary were flooded, whule mimerous houa.- socictes, wua demîrbed aImd ustrat- holders lI differemnt parts of Uic towni ed witlantern alitez by R«. H. N. found their cellars full of watcr. Oldq Konkie, Wo a good-srned audence in residents cannot remenber "ech mIld1 the Sunday School rocm of the Meh'weather andi so heavy a rahifali for odIst Tabernacle Wedaesday eveningt uhs time of thc year. Of asat week. »ow' on Dundas Street mat andti Bey. Mir. Konkie roelved syp- sUeetS rwmdulg off the iiighway the1 thetie attention as he told how get fioodig wa particularty bati, eausing( andi lovig men andi wner i ati gism es âBlIOO8 fiialin<oIWUlIflCS. The their lifes in »Serieto> th ini try ateh Property on the north aide et of lepers, hungeriag for aoeng the street wau a vex*tabb, lak., the they knew fot what, "ha would soothe cek wbich turing tii. »um«erdi e the. sou) but findlng satisfactin ath* icP lajUP oly Muiday moruilng( G« of JsusChrist, nDe , «Iandi ovcrfowlnt IW buis. The.water( 1i onres alse attenedt Wtbelr w& " &fo0t Over theIi.dmlk.& budily suffetinga. Qver en the otisi ade of thehblgway1 lu 13 Dhereat ~on the Wilsn property lier. was au- Tht~ ~ ~ ~~ý misin e eer, e, water «e"" dngover, Loch!., ws remie50 f>lz air, (Continuet en paou 2) andi during tbjü tulne il 1sbasa ah- undaxitly blaed et Go&Ti.fday vomi in belug carriedo«uin 1tlffeet c0uzires, at 95 differcn( st*tiona, an In co-operaton vitht 8 mlwtoar - cieties. Tht mission vas luterteaom- inatiena" ati uassupporte &bout cn1Mlrce ou ntary gl$ap. - Te prayer vu sam thon e vitalvtul st- UM tigde *gespe i«tmJe~u=gt cbiluipUs ill etucf q"suspm>. iai laàU the lc 'es. I's tome fins Usfr - teun11* Fun imet gI4a ' mt belnq Ria - ~ b &uiaintb uag vas &IV=n te wvu 10M00lepere ve DMr. zoo.mtle POlaedt m ie Brt tiocgt d Lismlslo-, h wm u e r o*U ud*gt b. IaaIy vuhihu. euat auffeut0g a»t matioa ma.tt la dcubsln aa mrmgMWpuelvsmt for upwwlualmppotsogiUs tinma etompe, nt as **0 i~s MiWm i.. a<iga mdvo, EuOV '-A REnIDIS PO AWAY Il TORONto TOWNAPPLIES FOR SPECUAL.C TO CONSOATE' FLOATING DT Total Amount is $3l5,OOIncurred lu Past Few Years by Reason of Insufficient Levies to Pay for Permanent. Improvements, gidewalks, Meinorial Site, etý., Amount Now Covered by Notes i Bank Included lu the $359OO -Isqsues Debentures to Pay Total Amount Off--Seek Power td Aboish Local Ixprovement Sys- tem in Sidewalk Construction and Charging Same to General Rate for WIdh Yearly Provision Must be Made. The Towni Coundil viji, at the- pres- O O O OO O O OO O O ent session cf thc Ontario Legisla- 0 EDME 0O turc, apply for a bill W consolidat. 0 S E N W HMTNYFHO N 0 a f o t i g d e b t c f $ 3 8 W w h i c b a u 0 W H TBY UNGl Y 0 arsen during the past fcw years by 0 0 r e a 9 o n f i s u i c i e n t l e ve s t o , p s y 0 No longer wili knights o f O fer permanent iraprovements, tie con- 0 tic roati, vie seek permission 0 struction of sidewalke, the purchas. 0 from Night Constable John 0of iefraWrVtrn'Nm 0 Thoma.s tW layIhefr wia y0,ofiland the r uWar. efldo 0 heatis on woden belene in 0 c Iai, a or orse n àaexpeadi 0 Whthbya gaci turing Uihe urs 0 ~ 1 rPstibisetbn O of darkncss go forth ia the 0 t 10 ocome a perl of 20 year o mmnig, ed ntirefeaht 1> j te, pay off "bi amount. Tii.Act, ) oni. for Usndxt tovu. 'eiu.o 0vle!> lie Town Councli at aapecla 0 hi e f r th ne t t w n . h e m étln g on M on tiay eve slng lnstruct- o Town Council Monday enfl 0O d Tow Solcitor A. E. Christiaji 1 O lng passed a resolution that 0O aS*pýnfowl e ot 0 tie practâce of yers of pr- 0 pplcato o 0 vicilga niorning meai for 0O j ltepaý? off the sait d IdW 3 O pts.Uy l li depia f Uc ~carrent annuel expes% w oulti bu un- O munal il te bu dis of the 0 . buuiesoume on tie ratepayer 0 The. action wau taies vian 0 CUsTou. fBnkNtn O Carut.im ,anti FrIand 0ci Chr R emiNo O Frientlea Fýred 1411e Preseat- 0 In ued inatb Ic PS000of ludteti- O eti a billfor licenmorinous sumn0Omnoh la au aonu f *17,91.60, bMWn O of $V6S for provldUng brogi- O moulu expedtislnc 1918 tu the O fusafor biseguetsa. ft a 0conatruetion 0f aldevetiS under tUs 0 growing te bu a "habitWIIy O Local ImroVumntAct, for wtilh 0 vas belat Icoieti upoc as a O tebenturu bave mot but wvici Ohoedt 0 ventail. ereat fer Uh l. 0 bave bes med, hadti icprovinion 0 ry-an oass la te deseutriv 00f tUs Aertboucarrleiout1 Tis 0 yoot , rule tbe ei clu fth- 0 am=naInow carrieti by notes lu Usé O ex% no0 buneefrti haunym eQ Standard Banik;vasfrecly efeieti o vil vfttai.tofohtroisWhhY O t. laut nomintm aingit 0 1to ae te ie of MMM Oe Amtbrltel i tpOof« a wu 0 day unte.Omeelatati *77089 uozupec O 0orc tlâ UuIn o 1so~ bi 000000000000000 lhîm la altà an Itema otabout $10,06 Matie, fo dm tint » 1tit li uest 1, i -bt ta, no thiaItbulmmt- aho unie of, au m ffles be et e U.amàew 1,a nd *0r% PM seesi as. s i& à nd lI L cms>S Sbe tat TMi. Ket nme . OaaDO&Ca.I pas si Kou as ting u ln&, II. lib L ente Mdere tau*mti t»aa n eCUd O Use Iumup te Ivo yee me *rd at, c. E. o» e.1 ils rom t uie la I. 1W. W. nsrsg Wb" be ld boum au citer fer m~e ma etmune !Z et Us St .Amdrevr"'so doly, et v4bb wu*vastO ss r to mum* ie g7 y«M Md ntiet » u Ye DrnW -J .Nt i mm uý apk Rfi.ih Oah Sf)& i sou lime~ *m oiessia;Dr. Villu!&,&l~ 1M - -de NSw tum a - 1 1 it a t 0 t t il (>XTAPJÃ",, fBRU

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