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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 5

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lwolmm Iw SO -At pý WâItby, adysi Viola lsrry As ,h Orange i., enl Fob. pburn,. bru- Ross, of orcnto, on- 'iliam Ed- iusband of i gear, fo&- 6 Teaspoons, . . regular Sale Price $2.l10 Descrt Spoons, regular Sale PNice $410 Table Spoons, regular Sale Price $4.25 Sugar Spoons, regular Sale Price 7'5c. Knives, Pecksud other et corresponding rcduc rpiecesj Sec Dispiay ini oer Window J. M. flcks JEWELER First C lass Watch Repalrig. BÉOOK STREET WHUTva Miss Myrtle Hamilton, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home "May:- ifield Faim." Misse Caldwell and Dandie, Millin- ers, ivill have their store on Brock St. open for business on Thursday, March Sth. in. Ceci Richardzon, of Toronto, vialted lest week at the homie of Mr., and Mrs. Geo. M. Rice. Mms Roland Tipper and children, of Huntsville, Were vlstlng wlth frienda ln town. MLiss Janet ThompeeN, f ToS«nto, spent les week et the boi, ef Mr. and Mms. W. E. Thompuon. Mr. Melvin IL Kenny, ot Victoria Collage, Toronto, who han been 111 -or the past two weeks, spent th. ee end wlth hie parents here.E Mr. and Mns. Alexandra Howatt au- nounco the engagement of ther eldest daughter, Ivali Mao,4 to Mr. Ardagh Brown, son of Mr. .sad Mrs. J. L. Brown, of Starr Avenue, Toronto. Tl: marriage wlll talcs place ln April. ArUn W. Lynde, tohoe . s0 Mafi. Studio at vosideuc et mus.tG ML Wsaos, Grom otole$, Plas or write P. 0. Bo« 169. - No mmsutom afford to "miss kr Judge Ilott on FW"ldalght. R.,. Joseph Lswreno, of Whltby conducted services lu the Presbyterisu Church-at Port Perry lant Suudsy. 4 Mm. Browuell, et Winnipeg. sud Mns. Shoots, of Detroit, daugliter et Mr. and Mim T. Desmond; aue t*lng the Mediteranean.Crase, .alM*g New'Yorlc ThursdaY et this vsk, Mo the "Adrlatlc" sud wilil bé away about three menths. B" sse Rudney, puU ofet E u* F i g w lth honore, the l iu ci piano (funl co»Ws) Ex 'Danti@i t the Toronto, CenuvMrofuy et Musk held remettly. , J Helen Quinn, a towu pupil et1IU Wlnnifred Scott, hm ebom M Ueesets ln asigthe. Primauy PianoczUi ination wlth hmonp et Mk. ,4wl* tei exalnatleus o e i. Tonto cés oervatery of mugie hemd eet the. Ontwal adiesCote.. A u~ t fsteve eaiexpsed la a f ew dayu, $14»50Peton er' et the O.Bnvln lïse1 w a hu svY soeeegmnjbox O"-ial.-thelb.Otugm ai8lust Ftday Every inM,,sud oldei'boy SbMIld ha .O uls lhut t ,Um seim Ve" ckte Mu.mdMr&A.EBannlstza ofu Wbltby for the p &* te& yeare, arm leaVing thue wek fer 'Percute, wbero Mr. Bauniterbas purcbaed&sres- taurant whlchha»wlIl cduet. The regelr ai stily meetng oetthic V.O.N. WM ble beld at the Uibrar on' Menday, Mareb 2nd at 8pm A cor-1 dial invitatien te al ladies te attend. W. EL Kuasdy, Barrloterg, etc.0-- fie euedoor west of post Ore,, Dundas Steet, Wbiaby. --4L Neil Yeflowýlees, piano tuner, la maldug regue*ai913enlI uWhItby. Or- ders left. t -tA. H. Allln's drug store will be promptly attended te. At the mid-wiu$erTronto Conzer- vatery exainuations the toilewing pu- plis ot Mies Rate Wright wce suc- cemaul: Pull Primary-Dougîas Mac- Laren, houer.; Pull Elenientary - John Dryden, Brooklun, Ont., honorem BiMr. Di)uPeu Doble, et Draper Dobie &Go., 14 King Street Eat, Toronto. One et thc Most exPcrlenced and con- servative mlning brokera in Canada, lias rcceutJY COntrlbuted te the- press some- very Wlumiuatung articles or Noutheru Otnie. His latest corn- parison et "Pulp sud Paper with GoId' published lu thc Canadian bfining Journal et October 246h. and repro- duoed in the Januauy numnber et thc Canadian Club,-. Magazine, "The Maple Lest", graphically preseutç soe interestinp aspectsq of Ontario'q minerai resources. THE LUCILLE HAIRDRESSING PA&RLORS 28Sinxlmce Street North, Osbawo Senpoolpg, Salp Trestuents, Usan Bbilng. Curing Mareel Wavlng. Massaging. and Mauicuniug. For ap- pelutrent phone 816. Business heurs 9 te 6.30. Open Monday, Wednesday aud Fulday eveniug.-tt. CASTLE CHAPTER IIIETING POSTIPONED Due te the inclemeut weatheu on Monday, the Castle Chapter meeting wlllb hleld next Monday atternoon. bOrch 2nd, iu the College drawlung GIVEN PURSE 0F GOLD At Ouilla on Monday evonlug the congregatien ef the Preabyterian Church presented tbe paster, Rer. N. H. NcGlllvry, w-lUi a purse et gold and granted litr two veeks' leaveofe abece. Io address read t. hlm ex- presed appreclatien et hie valuable oervJces te Us chureli. 1rAKING A TRIP WrEST M-r. A. J. MeeDougail, teuy of Beaverton sud Whltby, wbo, lusb..' In Toronto ainces esly nlu«ay un- dergolug truent for thrcat sud nerves, loft February 16h for Western Canada wblen hoe expocts to spepd about six weeke or two rmthe. HELD SUCCESSFUL SALE On Fu$day etternoon lmIe i1"Ldis Aid etfthe Baptlst Chutà sbeld a meet succemmtl se e of mmd. coooklug sad usaMul atdule a l 6h Coum Chanaber . 71The letables w-e en- tluely clurd, wbll a leigenumber =,,e4. In durlug tàm attormoon for tes lou 60wus r.sllm CA» 0F TRAMI xKpgrustb*krheb6<et limais te the m-mauy114b"ietswb.syin sa-Ass wius âmMd 1<imeà I 1mnoe laà mw y uys -tb tu*sent b.. uoaVuafL lOu for. J il 8-as ofF. Mm S.md.w.MWr* -loamU ,m..-.-ia" Shol aa - b&y, &E.P.U. Invta es 4J6 -Juo&is. u .aoev. oe" 1.1 îM. nm al<ub.o, atSpi Z ont$% at a nS - mh~-.s 44sWuig-.We. - vous.. uWomn Uute rayer Mxeeting or West It ma&, Iit* dhff-Penos, ys f fo Misin uMteibo enm4 Oshwa Tel.ram lDtely It bus4»me WFrIdy, Februry- 27ti, ii P.L- omewhtat dIfe=>t a5d inY eat- W. . L moebts esctory this wu* 1rendlng -cas » e r beOd, 'fre on ïria.-- where a husband wl~51i Ci idren DIVISION 0COURT- Division Cotrt Willb. IieindhW b by on Wednesdy etMh dtb. fflarday, Febuuauy zaul, s P.m. " au caze for, lan z u w--ra a- Confmuation Claie at Rectery. dred or se niles seekiiig ezuPloyment IN MEMORIAX lu order that ho malfeed bis faily, FtMERSON-Iu îoeig memory eo ur te the youth W>1o j5torted into the . *r wit and mother, MMs.John ST. ANDREW'8 PRESRYTERLAN Umn.e izeunstom s jar as flndiug Enunerson, Wbo <eu aalcp in Jesus, CEWRCH 1 eiployment le eenSoed lu ordor that Fcb. 2rà, 1924. il an.-Regular service,.ho iMay obtaiu a jjilug. \Athough P;;cfuiY sleeping, resting et lait, 8 p.n-Sunday School sudRMbe, manY charitable orghsiz5ti nsUare do- Le'weytransd sufferinge Classe&. iug aUintheir poweto tîeVo sch 1>556, '7 p.rn.-Rtgular service, cases there are mauy %rho wl 1 net ap- InI silence se u éed Allare ord y Inite. pel fr al.lu patience she bore Ail re cudluly livied. eal or ad. iL11 <3dcailed hon home -1<~ WORK 0F WOME"f INSTITIJTE1 To suifer neoruer. TE SALVATION ARMY APPJLECIMD Ever remembered by husband sud Gospe services every night durlg At the. regulai meeting et Whitby fam"'y. this week. Wouieu's Instituto ho PF>iday aiter- Wm* End Services noon ir the UÀbrary Board -Rooi, a To e Stra,8 p.ss letter was read trois thc Childrcn's T et Foir Sale Etc. Ceint and sec 10 atones rolled away. Aid- Society expresslng thsnks fou the. -1d inUi tsk Oshawa Shelter. Au Oppeal was rad FOR SALE edi h ai.Suada: for clothig for poor familic at Por-1 Store and dwellig, or. Dundas St. Iam.-Holiuess service quis Junetion, Ncw Oiarie, sud a sup. .sdHIkryS. .tlyocPied liy i -Sna ilhol ply w-il be torwarded shortiY% Toplc1Rosa Smuith. Apply M. A. Elliott, op- ap.m.-sevuendrdisysioScheourntl.ntotposite pemisea. - -7 p.m-Special EnÏolliuent srie<o'icsso a OietE ins,-f when several et our citjzenas jlffl b papera being read by MiSS Fletcher, FOR SALE received as members ef the Ary.Mm. Erakine sud Mr& Desiuond. A resoutin ws pssed whch as ?en Boston Bull sud Fox Terrier, seven This is the irst enrolsent snete ete Preiler Ferguen, cxpressing1 months old pup, kind sud wcll traiucd. Arnmy's return te Whitby. Special' pl oBx2,GzteadCrn music by Oshawa Boys' Rand. Come disapproval et the proosd anend-ApyteBx2,aetesdCen early sd secure a seat. met te the O.T.A., whieh wil allow'ice. Weck Night&--Tuesday, 'rl1ýsd5Jy beer et gi-eater alcoholic strcngth te ____ and Saturdays at 8 o'clock hoe sold. The meeting was largely at -_______________ "Cme whlere they makc wclcome." teuded, andIn the absenice ofthe pres- N tP WA T O -ident Miss Annes was un the chair. ýjH IL jID ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WHIT19Y HIGB SCHOOL An Alumni Association ut Whitby -Righ Sehool whiéh has been tallced et for a number et years, w-as recently organized ln Toronte at a social gath- eriug whlch w-as atterided by, some *twenty fourner puplis, înany et w-bon eumolied ln the new- organization, the officera et w-htch armas tollows: Hon. President-Du. Chas. F. Me- Gillivray. Hon. Vice-Preeldents-- Mma.&E.M. Brow-n. W. EF. N. Sinclair, K-C., M.?P. P.,. Mr. Gunydon M. Goedfellow. Presidnt-George Robertaun Vlee-Predent--Jeanlce MacLarv. Secretary-Marion Bravener. Treasurer--Edgar Rouisten. The organisation gatheuing w-as a brigbt social affair. the programme in- cludlng a supper, cardes ad dancing. wtb Mus. George Cormack, a former Whltby lady, as chaperone. Plans fer Uic future et the Association were discusscd, sud tuither activities vWll bc duly repouted ln these coluruns. TIie memnbership et Uic Association la open to al trer pupils et Wbity Rigli Scboel. Naines or Baets et former pu- pile wlll bo thaukfuUy received by the secretauy, Marlon S. Bravner, WIlI- ard Hall, 20 Gerrard Street East, Tor- ente. Tisse naines sbould be for- warde<I'as soon as possble. PUIRASE PROPERTY FORL lu COui!! gstleuet tJolns Chuck, Po#5 Wbitbr, hu-m rbmd en t»ii v aid4.e ofDaffib Sbtces on W" hletue à$ à modeabrel "mns«thomasOftsix bOnis, utW"h wa wlllbeumd M a retuy f« n"e. anM M LsmgfoeL lisepuopsu*y lia a freutuge etoSftUstMS Incl sud a deptof2l0eet.Mm price palS, It la unusstood, vus $M70 Ib. porches. W"m b ia.threitW. Ax W. Jaclismi.verIgatt eluSt I4OT TR»iPS BUT JOBLES FATRES A tuw Y*a=ano<0 t wuastii eut-sud-eut tremp t"at med the foot nieuxod oet trusportatueu and 1» baSrne pIMlau asnsobjective' otber tissu to tuPvu,. Ato atriag 0"i aonmma*y -fe &afmida". h., wou b. grippeS by tuewaadouat spIt~ miS Mov n twNiait frul tt MUST P4Y 1)00 AXES Chief of Police Chas. F. Lavery has:, served notice on ail dog ownMr in, Whltby that prompt pa)ment be made.: Judging <rom the number of doge seen çW]ly on t.he streets, the Chief shc>uld get a few hundred dollars in licenses. SALE REGISTER e Tucsday. March Srd-Auction sule of tarmin stock and iinplefients. the1 property 'W 3. J. Fitzpatiék, lot 22, rear cmn 2, Whitby, one mile east of mice's 11111. As Mr. FltzpatrlCk 19 giv- lng up farming there wrill be ne te- berve. Saet one e'clock sharp. W. Maw, auctienee. Wednesday, March 4-Auctiexi sae of fresh cows, springers and stuers, the property of Oliver Deniiy, lot 24,1 con. 4, Whftby Township. Soe very choice cows. Sale at one o'clock sharp. See bis. Wm. )&aw, suc- 'FISH!1 Tmi watersof omr eceens, la" u ri"er.fur"leàa vet amounOte. inot p"M"ta" sd=="lsingtood et oomparatly lmw puces W. ha" JSit weeve a geoi W> Iey eft"6h.choleet prodmes *a thes wateu afm . BILVURImam SA"ON hwi Me. Paclie OMM al«esa dees d i n e r ,9ht h e t i ff, o a . o e m e t Pa9 hMbm MWAsag for bous- hUm »W. .NOTICEý-Aether bmaofi et .4- lautre OceSai t Heurlag, aui wu Ba PRINCLE 8aBe Hesdqusters for ~wBrwn'sStîcàèry Stoo e 3 faim $1.OS 1 Aar Vooailon, Apex or G.nntt Record inutok Corne ., for a g.od seletion,. On. Record gLvua aay witb evry punchme ot 400 or E. mea WANTED Capable rellable girlfor housework. Âpply Mms W. A. Dewlaud, Whltbty. FOIR SALE 1 billard table, 8 pool tables aud anl *equipment Rlght prie for quick sae. Apply -Royal Hotel. CARETAKE WA2NTED For the Higli Sebool, dutiet te coin- mepce on Apri lst next. Applicationa r;cialved by the undcrsigned. Appli- cents pleasestato sslsry. Chas. F. McGillnray, Sec. Board ot Education.-6. FOR SALE Wbite Blos*ein Ne. 1 Sweet Clover Soed, $5M6 per bushel. Seed pot.atoes, Irish Cobliler, Green MounWon, Bavics Warrier, $1.26 per bag. Reraittance wlth orders. Oweunl>avies, ex-Reeve, Uxbridge, &R R No. 1.-36 MAID WANTED For geuernl housework. amail tain- iIY. APPly NMis G. M. Goodtellow. WANTED At once, for a taxuily of three, an experlonced maid. Apply te Mrs. W. P. Chowu, R. . No. 1, Whitby. -ms. FIOR SALE. Thr.e apriglug cows, aIse one teain good yeung mares. Apply to W, J. WilsoR . &&NO. 1, Whltby. ' Tele- -dlonû -kk,. . - con 1 "'me. persoSSto grow Mugwoog» w s Ua 1 Gilwunteê St once for house work. pîae pin mdSm« IeSai n. Apply it Whltby House. -tt. peuC» i n oui-boums.. mdi. ba-an., OO-bO'U oet ceUmw& LâCiplniant woek for ailierm ftIl wbm er orprt...ai flifzy Demini.. Muabhom Coiy.Toe. Parske, Davis & Co. CoUd C'a 0 Vauushbisng Cram, 50. Tooth Pastet, SOc Shavlng Crmeam, 5»c Almend Cream, S»c ONE FREE Ask lUse I I il eloyal 4741 R ESTUATS08VEN for *Il hindas of work la mli buanobes of theBuildinag LMSE OR SDWALL ORDERS , fond puetoS.dr»auof a Meglt futow. for th«jeýlr h tk.i wII oouwt. t PAGE VIVE - 91 SL Ã" NN B. Kennedy, BarristerWbitby.-i FOR RamW FiatteetM4wtth modenm uven- Imms, beu.ApplY te 'j. Meluty FOR SALE Oig TO lENT TIie Pelto Restaurat, om Dundas St. West wltb threestory blding. Wiilig te base or s»Il outright. Cash or ternis J. H. Belton, Box. 36, Wblt- by. -6<. FOR RElI FIve rooni cottage, ou Gilbert, St., ucar Ring Street Scliool, newly decor- ated. Apply Threadgold Bru. -t<. FOR SALE A nuzuber eofbouses, several cows, duc te fueshon; and two youug bulle. Aise 1 Dcering Bindet, good as uew. S. C. Bunker, Phono 5204 Pickering, 4_%' miles west et Whltby. --40 FOR REMI Bouse on lCelth Street, six roems, ail couvenienes. Immodlate posses- sion, $25 per mnth. Apply Boltou'st restaurant. -tf. FOR RElIT Pramne bouse, cerner -Mary and %ie street; aise a iali bouse on Dundas St; sWisbuck home on GyeenStre4t ail cownles. Apply ta Rig Bros.-Whuty-t FOR RElIT. Sm spartinet over BellTel. bOffice. Rent ,wltb wster m1 outh. 4pply RPLN.Bamoae-4i Mauodrell's Haîdwari BIJEKEVE Incubators and OBrpodé -i rs We are agents Un th4s district fer thse Buck. eye incubators ad rerfs* Ut1Us thse chikes you 0 l'se that pay the pro-fit. Thot Ua wluy tise first stcea toward bigger poultri Profits lies Un chooshg tthe rlght Incubators and Brooders, and we beileve that the most suçcess. fui pultry reiera are usine Buckcye incub tor andBrodessthse resi money makers that safeguord'youe. 1I E" yincubçator aie B,1roodeu soid wlth an- absoIuto guariote« Oroncy chcerfy rot und- - ed wikot any argumsent. iwa PheumRS (Sm e.... - e.'., F New Lmaid 13ime P41 Plesie N F~n Senwên F~mvI v....., i~ ~Mes4 ~~I' WUtC ~eSW. SpeokS~ Obu.T~'s e1 ta 's Dy. Worhe asd BUT SI atL~ BrIe. Qu4ty Peu eus,' mies, &ade~ as a dollar, 81.15 Plats Patirictan, Sheraton mamd Gieorgian Patterns ilis- cOntlnUed, s0 we are closlng out Our entire stock of these lovely patterns at haif price or less. SPOONS .pecîal c ~U1tS y wcar. klip pos, sto mer$ wcek. $4.00 rything ord

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