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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 26 Feb 1925, p. 8

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L~ ~ j1~ ~ bee4l froo tc<qaim )ndowneuaatiy ai Kohers'*~ ~MImSSN AT ORANGELLE 'he[ were 4t mothers and dau T*8 'he Jubile cf Nipra Dioce oc- *remet.nle table idecrutions: wqt aUishiIis pement 7«er M95, and the. Ouvmiut iu the clau-coluirsiblue ad Blsiop,ý Riglit Reverend Dr. Clark, leilew.I< miiiïanuet"Wa'i'i-' kèd 'and 1lias,41[rctea tain ifions be lield served by 1membcrs 'Of tb%-.clasaS- Miet lu ail parihescfthe. Diocese. R«v. lNéiWerfoik;, president of tliq lassai T.G.A. W ngt, of Ail Saits' Chùivi, wee.ed the. gucats and prcposed the' Whltby, bas been isvited te conduct t**gt t* ýàe King. Thie was rcsonded 9 feev pi thesc, missioiis. He coin-, t. by everyone rising and singig the, mences a six days mission at Orange- NatiomalAuthem. Miss Ina MXcEon-ýville next Sunday, Mardhi lt. This sic thep propoaed a toast te "Ouril- hie third mnission, tic previens Mètheu's" te which Mrs Priest re- cnes being at Jordan and St. Thomas spcudcd in a mont suitable way, givitg Churcli, St. Catharines. 1ev. J. W., tic- girls tic motihers'sidc cf the ques- McDonald, rector of Orageville, wl tien. A toast te "'Our church and Sun- j cnduct thecsevices ini Ail Saints, day School " was Propscd by Miss Vcra1 Parisi-next.,Sunday. ,Iohnston and rcspondcd te by Mr.î itiorton Gibsen, Sundny School Super- DEPARTMENTAL EXA.MINATIO.N intendent, in a most happy manner. DATES This was followcd by a- quartette cern- poscd cf imothers and daugiters: Mnr. Prest and Miss Theo Priet, Mme. andj Miss Thomas. The speaker of the evenÎng was Miss Helen Perry, cf Toronto, wio spoke on the subject of "The Canadien Girls in Training." She urgcd that all who could would be presenit at tic sura- iner camp. Her talk was a real inspir- ation and was enthusiastically appre- ciated by the audience. Miss Worfclk extended the thsnks cf thc clasa te Miss Peryy. Miss Tico Prîest and Miss grirdie Thomas played a coûple of piano ducts. Thçy then cnlled on Mrs. MIlner, tic teacher cf the class, to speak. Sic thanked the girls who had worked-se hard bchind tic scenes to make the banquet a succese. Atter soe choruses by tie class and cvery- oe singing sonre cf tic rousing C.G. l.T. songs, one cf the mest delightful evenings ever given by the clasa was concluded. WHIST LEAGUE *feilows snd Sons cf England were vsers in thie games played ln thc Whist L.eague last Monday even- ing, tisseCamei bemng tic firat in t-be uecud half cf the sciedule. The race d.wn the home slretch promises t. be &aitereshUsg one as but oe guamepafrates tiec Brst three teame, ge.m4q". winers belng lockcd in -a tie fer secSd làlce TIhe individual scores:- Oddf.mows W. Hewloi 148 A. H[opper 178 P. Wliams 162 W. Hadicy 146 E. Guxn'ey 161- R. Mewat 161 J. Anderon 164 G. Mowat 162 J. Lundgren 153 J. Noble. 153 W..1 Wallon 156 J. Gulliver 163 1901 Sm taof Enlaad -& lu. I,.oxfix 168 P, . Bradbury160 -P,. mstfiows169 l.11raley 166 W. Wilknau 164 W. P. Brown 182 E. BradbMry162 S:' Bragg 165 Gm club G. Robb 1641 J. mitçhdll 139 W. Vattne 160 F. Lynie. 167 G. Huntley 161 F. Siater 151 W. Ellila 148 J. Willis 150 G. Anderson 159 W. Stone 159 M. Imalett 16 G. Wbitelaw 149 - 1843 J. Brooks 144 J. Sheridan 162 I. Flday 147 J. Ptailer 147 J. )(Curs 148 J. Baidwln 146 A..Mufr 158 W. IL Bhown m5 M. more-150 R.- Spener 147 lus LeagueStng PI*,d.Won liAdI on GuliClub 7 5 21 10 8.;0. E. -.. 7 4 8 S L0.0.FP. 7 4 8 S Veberans 7 1 2 Trim muinesusI oimDsy eýda: -L O. O. F. ah S. 0. E.; W. V. C. ah GUU CIpb. GAVE FPNECONCEWFT Ia thc auditorium of liii oaha4o Ladies' C".le oi. et ths. nu»t concerts oe! tie-sesoW vas i*spd Uta. der the.directon of ft Lr.' .>.Athn- sou;. director of!u ataue 1t4~@l and ose of Toreatcs bW nùmus Theartiat-woeremusmar»dolawP#b mia elen Jolmtoat « Odlsu, Plau- Its, and UmsJane iuiiasiW@Uit aaalahby , ýlm. 8.h, OM984o, and route. Tho P7pr6rm vas voDNto and eefllly «euetd by thIlra amat arllaI, md lise Iaxgsdi tlioroumby eajed m uw mg% - ttalnmemt il bas bien ,*s41u the prograinWvu#ti*e#fIbu bu1ha ever bées put «ona hi tii. h t t lb coilsqeand wll eib. 2qfed la lie nri fture la liiOu*6*o PLANT *ou8 1u6 ow ié à b hmf ile teiS. l girontuou"# lan*#q . Tb*~ of'n&rm4ýl Although tic period for depart- Imental examiriatioss ini Whitby 111gb Scheel is some mentis distant, thc tiunc table ia been issued by tic De- partinent of Educatien. The examin- atione fr ,entrance te higi sehool will be ield. this year on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 24, 25 and 26, while middle and upper scicol ex- aie. wll commence on Mondny, June 22, contlsuing until Tuesdny, July 7. The Lower Sceeol exams. etarty'on Tuesday, lune 23, and lest until Fni- day, lune 26. The prograni for cnt- -rance exains. je. as follows: Wednesdny, Jane z4-9. aim., Gramn-. mar; 11.10 te 12.00, Writing; 1.»0te 3.30 p.m., .Geegrapiy. Thursday, Jane 25, 9 te 11i.30, Arithmetic; 1.30 te 4 p.m., Ilterature. F'riday, Jane 26, 9 te Il s.ni., Composition; 11.16 te 12, Spelling; 1.30 te 3.30, History. Tic Engisi French Model Entrance is listcd as follows: Wcdnesday, Jane 24, 9 te 11.30, Granunar; 1.30 te 4, Gecrgrapiy; Thursday, Jane 26, 9 te 11.30, Arithmetic; 1.3 te 4, UÀtera- ture; Friday, June 26, 9 to il, Com- position; 11.15 te 12, Spelling; 1.30 te 4, French Composition. Lower Sehool exazns., arc: Tiars- day, Jane 23, 9 te 11.30, Canadian Ris- tery; 1.30 te 4, Englisi Graismar and "Ltin Gramm#r; Wedueeday, lune ?4, 9 te 11.30, Physlegraphy; 1M8 te 4, Geography; Thursday, Jus, 26. 9 te 11-80, Aritimetié; 1M0 tô 4. Zeelogy and Agriculture (2nd >ear); Fmrîday, lune 26 9 te 11.30, Art; 1.30 te 4, Bot. any and Agriculture (lot year). Middle and Upper Sehool exama are listed as foliows: M'onday, lune 22, 9 te 11.80, Chemlstry for beth and Ag- riculture <2nd year) for Middle School; 1.30 te 4, Composition; Tuesday, lune 23, 9 te 11.30, latin Authors; 1.30 te 4. Latin Composition; Wcdnesday, lune 24, 9 te 11.3, Germas Aut.ors; 1.30 te 4, Germas Composition; Tiare- day, lune 26, 9 te11 .30, TrIgoiiemet- ry; 1.80 te 4, Zoology (Upper Sehool osly); Friday, lune 2, 9 te, 11.30, Plày- aice (Upper ,Scicol); 1.30 te 4; Bot- any (Uppet«Scicel); Mendky, Jane 29, 9 te 11.80, Geemetry; 1.80te 4, British IlStory (Middle) Ristory, (Lover);* Tuesday, lune 30,9!Wto 11»3, Algebra; 1.30 te 4, Mîclent Bllstory (MIddle); Thursday, luly 2, 9 te 11.80, French Authorp; 1,80 le 4, -Tr«nch ýComposi- tion; FIIday, J'oly, 9to 11.0, Phy*- ins and Agicuturi (W t701); <Nfid- dig Schcol) Prohiema, (llpper Sehool)', 1.80 te 4. Literatmr; Monday, luly6. 9 te 11.30, Greek Aufthors; 1.80 te 4, Greck Accidenc (MM*dl)# Gree Compoaition <Upper);- Tuesday. ly 1, 930 te 11.80, Spaulai Millirs; 1.3 te 4, Spa"la Compositlon. Mir. Chas.WilSnUnl.sd4 q a listing ltîstleda mv Boutmli"Ibi week T'he. m liM A hs a y 3% large tdtraUt , vil lm u aisI t t.i made 'a i bu»for #Mea 4" EOoblis, Phd »_ dout aU tii"mmulmty vii do ia but te .oeooesp tla uuJbe lndusty hbu& lit, Wafitso ens*ug ln bisbrther Km"nstl o mi f« CountyinbW Wbm tii Ualted -Cur4t M& - kIm MI.-àala. e .*9la- n Osa Pur um4yý w«la i. DeeseSiast of E J. L t aaw 'TRAIN T -M FINE GATHERING AT OSBAWAI Oshawa Scarlet Ciapter cf thec1- O. Association spent a meut ecnjoy- able cventing at Oshawa, F'riday the 20ti. Visiters frein Bowmanville, Whitby, and Belleville fraternized with thc local cempanlons te the nuni- ber cf about sixty. Tic degiee was cxempllfled by Comp. Batemni and hie degree tenni ln a most satisfactery nmser, and explalned by as illus- trated lecture, given by P.ev. Comp. A. L. Grees, cf Belleville District, Scarlet Chapter. wie ia a Past Master of the. Hddle, Fiiietsq Ciscots, Cod Fish. ATc Lawler HOME 0F GOOD GROCERIES. Prýtmpt Dellvery. Phone 4 7. promised to ail wbo oud IOGo.be *~8~OU "edC1hG.p b UT&~ ati S let Assocation. BMs Sehool sae, as beeim M for the st the ~ ~ WIUl rem, tX~was MIost 1n ý ndin-ew days a" iueable to tead.b ferrm o ïW8 týM r.'s- bye=- -~ ndejydby ail preàýent ITbee îin siderable siekeess a- jan Ohahur mutil 'nlo.ucorné, itt- ..Alter)uutiùn m. as ew'mong the people of tiseutin týeL 't.. - the. <UPter ajourned t h te lb.. dhning egaI At the Iast meetingotth&exrlgroomn,,nd the refreshment comm tee thcs -weeh Township CounCilthe tovoint re- spared no painste carry. out their solution deahIng wut eôetto parn d the programn Sohpg, speeches was pasaed:,-"That any pesn in- and fn~ternntY conchided a very cnjoy- KINSALIs terested in *eforestation in the Town- lable eveflflg. e.W eghto h eo .qbip of Uxbridgej-and .w1ablng to, 'the services on the Wbltcvale charge sesy have trePORT WthIIITBYr De last Sunday owing te thc iliness cf the W. Gltu t te aon fSpMi-,c*arpastor. A young man froin Toronto trees freé,apply to W .JI ld Many PrOPerties wcre floWded m, teck the servic4 hmr and gave a very man of Reforestation COnunttee, Or tuis port cf tic town on Monday On'interesting and forceful sermon. any member of- the Cotindil." account cf thc rain and thaw. The The roads here are almost impass- Thc labor situation in Oshawa isiMarti rcPresented s lake, whilc _ice able at time cf writing owing ticth improving according te, C. J. Wilcox, in the creek broke up and moved Out, heavy rains and general thaw. representative for the Emplqyment the ernk overflowuvg its bsc r ico aknha eue i service of Canadai at Oshawa. Mr. The rmen who have beeh workting services cf a young man te help hlm Wilcox states that not only is there! on the sewcr have left thc uidewalk on thc farm. more work amcng tic local industries,' on Brock, Street covered with mud,, The Womcen's Institute were te meet, but thnt a nuraber cf orders9 have becs much te thc annoyance of pedestrians. here tbis Thursday evcning. A goodI received for farm labor. The uim- Miss Ada Sleep, cf tic Brock St. programme and picasant time Wvere picyment list registered at thc Osh-. awa enipîcyment office is about tiche - - - same ini number, but titis is due to tic town laylng off a number cf mcin that wrere on relief work. The obtaiiaing cf moter car licenses y- is an annual event ghd there is litde LIEN T 92 diversion from thc usual number of questions contained ln the certificate, but ublikel Boucklcy, Oshawa, issuer of markers,- had a new one sprung on With the comlng of Lent, Meatless Dishes hlm Saturday, wien a number of rei-' dents of Thornten's Corners asked figure on the menu for the many Fast DaYS tint their license numbera be ieaued drngtesesn in a serles. As they #ere ail togeti- cm, the request W"s grantéd. Tiere'T YS M O H S were nine ini lie pate' snd muawR O E F IIS friendly rivalry resulted from wîom HeInz Spaghetti wlth Tomato Sauce wsto obtain thec fret marloer. Thc Helnz Baked Beans wlth Tomato Sauce luck however, feU te W. L. and H. E. Pie.rson who obtained license nain- Heloz Cream of Tomato Soup ber 216-670- Tic cthers who ebtain- Canned Salmon and Lobster ced their markers , i rotation werc: Eertt W. Jackson, Elmer Lick and Tuna Fish, Sardines, Pilchards son, E. A. Pascoe, John Eiiott, W. perdN rigC cknH dl A_ Scott, Harold E. Lick, F. H. MKilresrlg Clke adl A. J. Jaskson.1 Fresh Salmon, Salmon Snacks UAmm !MCEIJD S OMM Là makeChic cloth D clsseo* atu$1 2.95 OOf o ~uao m bêmpwrha swe have ever ma&l..Juâta ~esao of tha y=isr drossesmmwIUbc.greaty in vogue fo rmretw=a, oenuoeY= l îav dolam mouyoSr i i&We have 15 anal *0 two ýi h o iuesfom 16- to 20 Ma 36 to 42 womcn's Tieclôdis are cocosand bou Thse stylu esre peut '.111 ol D y Regeu dmos SPBC1AL O frrF TABLE t u oPm-ret twulsd satin charmene cothlin lnayy. bLack thse very lateatsç>ing faalioua, and trimmig 1htbedpr V"ua dresa wh na atmcofan sd wois.CFrami ihr *-r .-,ratig clcskx&it viib. erd S ' ~.te'om tiies vato p"c .or Meut s ise vahm same Mseai"~ mudbe fro= p210 o $31-OO$009 FBRIO0F NEW SPRING ILI4 ERY DUT and SATURDA- t539 sud Sstrg" iulng.Md th" ey a = ue q"kl la PîDA AN> SAURDY $95' NNOU N Y y' '4 t- j I dom met the rs -r I i c cietyub liollbAnMrsU ngti>w---; yi ~'~lY OaS ad iasdo. Is harecf lately. W lope lier recovrlmybe connendable work. piiiaiisud- The Ladies' Aid of Our iY e M.lin towstke U ii the Township Haln ursdayof den-1 i ith Dfumlecz e ssitatng lestwee. Atertic egiariee-g Dr. Moore's attention.,- a well filled box of p.e1Nr1ec± ruit 1¶iose Whohave JjpII as d io teut- was packed and taken aw, , for ship'. fitsaran very '&àeilpleas d thtlei ment to the Pred Victor MsIn Tor- invedtment.and the neighbOrhOdf4 onto. it a great Pleasure to drop-iii and- Mrs. P. R. Mowbray is recovered hear a concert or a real good sermn.R from her recent Severe cl .Tii.Younlg -PeOple's League vill> Mr. and Mme Stephenso*, whO e niv mt heme on pliday evening &sBnasal been living in Mr. Clare± p ichard- Ail welcome.'- son's house west of tevlae have TeeI somne ta]k of prepariflg a left here, Mr. Stephensoneehaving se- draina by ourt Young people for the cured steady employaientw with Oliver benefit Of th' Sabbath Sho FEBR(JARV Usod Car Spocial We have on our floor nowa few excellent values in 600D used carsî which muet be moved this month to make room for our new cars ooming in. Our prices are rigbt and every car la worth the money asked. Â partial list of our offerings are- Stu.debakeu' Tourlng, Speclal 60 Metauaghlln Tourlng, K 45. Ford. Toisrlng, 1923« Overland 4 TourlIng, 1922. Overland (Red Bird>, 1923. e BIJY NOW These cars are ail reoonditioned and in AI condition. Buy now and save money, as prices are lower than in the Spring. Easy terme. Payments being oxtended to 12 moutheanad yôur present car taken as part payment. JSvidonMotor Do. t

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