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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 1

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D lion WH[BYONTAIO,_G4iNA,1 ýýAY, MARCHrath, 1925 L . 0@ -Ot Asseasmnt houfort-1925 X as Noties are Being Sent sSq Hàéson PublicLii euM onday Evening %« 1fan mmu. .Amcrdng te a atter read aitii 1Çeuncil meeting freon the o enAd- itOrI, A. ILSilcox and Assoclates, the rep> o te isurey -of ,the tova, wicinclus.e a statuulunt ou -the 'tih. Cuncl'a banda by lMondayinéit Marei 9th. - The. rdtors ,vers lier. Practicaly tire.menths, snd uthesur- vvei icl ude s complote utatoemi deallng viti aU i e ô eperimts. ln addition, Ih la udrs 'dthat Mr. ý SU. cox iliipr a areport, dqolInt Specifically vwih the. *ova 'agses- ânent departraut, oew t b tiroqgi analysuais mbon -made. 1xn i Idaletter to Couichl Mr., Sifox stated tbat the. mwoth me sud attention requred tu brhe.g t ». ase ,sessmleut for MS2 te Its Présentuit hâd in4%idthe. typlng oethfe z»Port se that It wau net no* la sae o preseniatleu to thé. CouriL 'Me rb.- port is nov belng typ.d la TmToute AMWMessmon BellPelsyc A letter was read frein Assosarot Commuiexier J. E. Wfl lsstatiguba ho regretted that ho could smt e<uuply wth Couned's roquest tg, rat Wh i-cil by Feb. 28tii. He sated tâM tbomre vas about two day.s' voiton the. roip~ and that lie, antlclputsd th sas- sesment notices wôuld b. finisad by the sud oft bis 'week sud weuld hade- llvered *ut once. The -verk vas boins forwarded aisoon as possible. ResmeJwakssated tbat ba dld net desfre te unduly urge or hamiper the agsumor ln bis vank, but b.ofMithtat tue Céunch should by reWoutlon In-I presupox i hlm tat the rol.vas re- qulr.d as qlcldy*oai possible.Ho d- clared that the Assoasor ad ne busi- ne" kespig .the roll eut t te sthu of tii year. lni view oetthe ASSesspz'sletter hf did not appear te Cew>DIi th"t any- I tiua furtier oud.dueaaes-M 1 O~y B. -i e 1, b ti~o» UiW--ne Address S mttWho ou Tnasday as added te the Ex- ecutive getthe amanaian atsona Exhibiton, sm Chaurmofet UneAr seP-raenattvoe ;fiew0e ricultural Section. ,ifll5IWi57ergs lsn Whitby, ohatV~gyIw8Ifi mOns Day e b a'hs ui Ied laut Fnid*ay ater-W MoM ln ii uth e d Church Tabernacle 1WA D m u - abrSd aigit ie blessd anev efGod F R N R E ,I sud prosper éws rer betore. It wai a sphdx msUAg the. principal test- TAU XINIl OSH&VA utbding an Isspirlng message brought thie ltrsi NuiMs- slosmswy Confep o. iied ai Wwsuing- Pror. Constable Taylor, ef ton" by lMu sE- *Mutcl.h PId-: Whitby, MAsista Amnerica rotai~ for âtia Woera.na Mlusionary Sodoiy et the- ProubytrianChurci la Off icer. CaadaM.- IbTe vWu a large attend- una duspt. wnavuérabIeweauer, snd ail pioea uâter.d -fUly linoe ti. mJrvlcial Constable H. 0. Taylor, spirit « theo auiug, vilc vas pre-o-feMWlitby, in company vith Detoctive sided'ovp by Mr.(Re«.>)EXTurk- 1O'ara, et New Bitaîn, con», on ington md .i (Rev.) A. -IL lnwln. puly ev.nlng limt vent teosiav For- theovrket oielutiton luAad&Wareted an UIta aiesd QI. a&H ias durerontforem;for- theeduov jusaniVetturiî, who i. wsxted iu tii ttona lnst1,mtof etti land hakvixig1 American city on a charge of murder- iu hud htmw',,bxwn, .ofie yoqgl lug J. C. lYAngisIe sid eosl 1er aildoou" tng*W*Mlaa#m *- J vundlng LM u.cota and killse7a lug te S pj a d.at~ lte u - uniornchil.lb. vbe ai, hov.ve,H «rY tasi; fr t home rzoeverod, wite the- ma died utiUn SUd ahroad m £rthi.e se t ofai,- 10hure at« t« lot abet Ti.m I Bt PresbytcrY âàles That Rev. Mr. T%"kil', At the. spring rueOtii of the Pi-es- bytery of Wbitby held ln Oabawa on TuesdY, the reaignticà et Rev. Ed- yaàrd Tunkuugtun, 11551er of Whjt- by lrebytorlai Churcli for the ps six years, aud w'hich a feu weeks tg gave a maJoritY vee 4aiistenter mng the. United Churdi of Canada, vas Iftd, sud wus tb. sajet cf dim- camion for ever t"O houri before ai docWuon vas rached. A deputation f rom St. Andrewls Church#, cmpruung Dr. maCLaren, John Thomnson and D sibratb, ap.. poiawtd amt Simdy b# the. congrega. 'îon, app"xard befoi" Nntbytryand pressod for reoiutlon ef an agre ment s4gned en Februtry bith, b. tunn ispr.otatve fetthe eWho left thé. churth atter tiie vote and theas vho remalned, à hi it wu as sot forth that Rev. Mit. Turklngton would have uudisturbed poseslo, of the mne, rent free, iUhtil Juzie 10; that the. Unionlst mertibers of the Board of Managers and Sesson, vuWd rearvx. ,rthvth; tth"theii. U iiomt truste«s vould b. equested te resigu forthwith; that the. non-concurring mebrs Of the cougregation b. re- lieved of ail respnsubuhty for Mr. Turklngton% s4iend, anid that the. non-cencurring mmierswold hae undiitrbedposuouuon ci hechurch uritil Juno iOth, and furnîsh tudr owu pulpit aupply and ithe funds for! urne. j Auked by the koderator viien the. reagution wurend If ho had any-I thlng furtiierte add, Rer. Mr. Tark- I Iutton repl.d i th~ e gative. SSpaalig fer the . doptatioxi Mr. Thomuon, poMWtout tbat repret- *Uw*eOfet tiseWhoi.bad loftithe . duciapmmld the. xio-oeucurng MerisiM. iiithe. preood agre- nupt vbkleu slatier. uignodby rep- $bo*'.'Psfllp. Ht -m, tf . fuin4 0 EARTHQUAKE SHOCK -0ow RANNO By RE 0 0VBIUVENILE CURT IUDGE 0 The earthquake which for a 0 __ 110 few mnueslat atrdyev- g Morneis GretetIns iitution i teWorld, ireciares .uug ening rmcked a considerable rt tngte e 0 Portion of Eastern Canada and 0 H. S. Mott, in Addres at Men's Banquet in UInited 0 te Unîted States, did net pass 0 Cuc-ayOhrFn drs tMs n 0 uroticed by the people of 0 hrhMn te ie drse tMs n o~~~~~~~~ Whty ayo w etO spiring and Suct:essfuI Gathering of 140 Men. 10 0the readjustment of OId Moth- 0 o0 er Earth. The earthquake, 0 0 which caused no damage or 0 FullY 140 men responde& Iast Fr1- ý coento n in Whitby, asg day evenîig to the invitation sent o ut 'lu(f ULA~ far as can b. larnd, as 9by the Men's Bible Gla&ss of the'Unt I FUlIIL ILIL .10 general topie of conversation 0 cd Church to attend the second ban- .1 on Sunday, but its seios o s0quet of the p".sent e-,( son, at which " E~ 1 0 was net realizeci until the 0 Judge H. S. Mot, of tje Toronto Ju- D TA&IIC -0 11d'1M 0 morming papr arrived o veuille Court, delivereci one c«f the best D fDaA 0 Monday morning. Aoeording 0 addresses on thç problem of boy train- 0 to reports the shock was fait o ing heard in Whitby for ma*xy a day P M P O OA 0 about 9.25 in t.he evenlng and 0 In addition there were Inant ifine ad-1 oonly lasted a few seconds, long 0 dressýes by local speakers,.t0 unique PatWudCs 100O. ,0 enough, however. te cause in 0 feature of the progTre bei 1Pang theot$1000- 0ene home at least a va.se orÀ a 0 toast to 'T'he United Churrl o f Cani-I Will Consider PropoSa 1o table te rock. Ii one store, Q ada." the first toast of its kind to bel 0 where t.here were quit. a f ew 0 Propesed and responded te stince the in Wriang. 0 customers, It was generauly O the cons.ununalion ofthob United - 0 agreed Uiat an earthquake 0 Church in Whitby. Furtiier detaul- uere uubmitted te 0 had t*ken place and it wus 0 The gatherlng was indeed ýn inspir- the Tomm Counal on Monday evenlng 0 felt quit. cistÏnctly by all. i~ ng sight, and from every angle wus ef the c"a gai pilant which an Enig 00000000000000 Q s Th ý%as -re liah firri, wlth an agency IToronto, 0(0 00 0 00_0_______temebrso teWoel propomsto eatablsh lu Wbitby, pro- Mlssionary Society, uas, in ý word, et vlded a franchise for a number ol dopî IM Pthe. hghest order. The 10'" tables, yunr and a ftexd assessmont of one ORE 'I'EREST decorated withi 1evers, dollar per year eu ho secured. Twe Statistics Tahled at Whitbi - - tedMt J dhn ze tan 0urt f JUDGocae hv Mr.D athtii. copoti onl l)eleates amedeh. Tory outo Juvuli. Cou n cil opaiigth onui-vi in suuu- 0 f r t u a t e p o i t i n . nt i se ria l . b tq u e tiop ut t p o Ing et tG Pesy ErkyNtof Whitby b14 hm t he.aome mobe Ity tat iiU lxi1% banaqaeotTu»sdayshowed a 1n4 «- ant vould c m rpo«te t oo- cample efT%1hatlcantbe totallinumberInout tvii eubnat oy s a tha tipo youngte peop le edg htii. youha"o.1ma"u b.th tekorporaion tha chie t r sbYerY. T4 u b1Y JUdenh deEuIL asS.aced Itva lu tentmoagrate r INe t tpinad eutby th Mayet that tha ti at tyoxg vna h pooi u t qutte e tlt .Comsn a et- o the Phre. Tiirêpto s itb bth*iM semd a' ouftdyhat.the iOhaao Suuday Seool atten i a ann4'emt d- pove to «Mha ex-a yion popleagl nngvlaltia the n paotl mly imotant-.cash bouu utionls Se tiindgthtae vasu ub mo h ombS n ah f h sljgtbIn t7. ARTisprt ua ditm eba wu rcnei pâdf. u le ae om n rxe ok9d otb b 'X w t a b atuad in th* Tov#n Pa&rk fohs MfJ. i. m un u w US - i U5 mer menths, agreelg te oep u ~UMM O, mt- 1Atd tdh8 e - mmdd he-hul, aer et* park ln good uhap, Inludng t»WeMUi..omi.m..vrbprsu"i86.I. iIodwUde-te ro reftth tbe ork'Thepdmm W«a4mittud ibu dm- ing t tuenirua sudlOkD Wt" vne ref«elsatou os *int tY and wv a oc lup ina fie osiaw str Tonvonentycs, s icarleon là varions cnMes, and pollca station uhoraha vas doaey tic li Tou a rop ty rCom m... tib ge t M ud fer W«& = 5Y YP Suarcied, boiut aiesto Tonu M t- In compliarice wiili Cousdils roquait dalegteso, villehi us trased 'fredje ornuée i aid e am h. Mr. W. J. H. ichardsoxi vrote -(pot-'teday -as nvr ef. hs ore j wjvde Xkumadith Md t. flom h ing the rate snd inhxntq preriuan verk vas te the fore.-sàd vas reteiv- ensute the train and lofti for tii UM*td for a pellcy te proteet the tovusl.lsgmresnetemieao. Stt lesree Daci O r. bility te the public for accidents vis.INa hcl ote i drs WtI 4husatrlalg)e tained as the. resuit cf tihe _use or gI&W by" a tive prgdof esserfren la- Bi24loum ,e5 ftfle ail ls tenance cf streets, sldewalke a i, vii. rafarued Pte le lflueuIn-e etai h mr go " and parkp, excludlng ithe ope=aiU wloiaf < «rr othe sud pof nt- automobiles, tennis sud euher veblolads yj. jWMap-usWi a yeer *80 and extensive road rplso u ~etfa builing Theinsramrp" at MOf t40003sChrist vws fenbd- buldn. i. n .nncit vas pint m ha em.utiorud la pubUlc î (KSOIAL FA TR cd eut, wouldI protact thb tovu for 11PÎt,WU-te ing u*dACTORS limiti of $6,000 fer injuries or-d. aî viii<roeot. a 4d«i.' IA«!t( U~ toe fd lÀrsof wth Baimaxinmm « athIggj ji t . o*th&. pe odeol TA $10,000 for an y -on ~ ie nt, y.W . c Isr' 1a belng $600 per 100 ef poppuaon, i ortronal ta.. hrist »me- LLI imum premlum $100. -The letton 50<- a< o.resllsalon e gcsted that thus matter b. <lvi. lu' h. fautint o a tiepuucslaido mediate attention due tote ha e t l,~byJ Cg*9 017 teould MIe Jads bad experlence on thus clasa eft *UMM- Xt .1. .dm_ i u. .the t of &PegVsLe- reported by thei naurauc ommsa.mll.e odaveuIlv ii os u WYounDéat. at« The. cules etofOn Sound, Stiatord, 7 31 ,to,.o sck an «. » . g» sur-- Peterboro, Bellevilleansd mauy othUi, 4 pe.e_.n.W j» Q Pka &ulgt li wus pelnted eut, carryt. u texa c P 1ud.'ia protection, vhleh lau saitbte b.grow t 1 pmmdo int very pepula.__ _ 25bdt rprap.te .*briyPia e. u »ýtira Wiiiout comment the ltt -p u t- u' bn eu$ nla AMameu Bt awo etahe'Wbmtem Tremly tarr.d by. the lMayor tote Md tal e Codadyis- &~s j«.WilUq eatglba CommitiS. a- I utatel th t tiarew Loersaivu vepsyi To tih. Public Utilty. Conmlad.màmuhnes t» outm ot t I vsrêatr e a atter ttia Wu&my heluau- a dMoi e la o lpth > ~ . e e l. - tien loe amutina t ha &Maas u gi b ga ge msinhm anit ue a section etftam Auneios siWb nê .e as 4 ~taa '4.mo te .*l » eb 'Association to e a M 00ut li Wa OU AMW ~ f«,'Taa * ntteplmordxlw. X" 'M tieStpi **atanst*a luth ii.sost.et ý É' < MUug wStz 1"114 , 1wnat*0la! varia reb1ea~ Cim il E!&IUI mânuiiewàa. ni sa tue1is, Md fia 'n oatmi-t' uwbI mm Ipowpt uPPIY lutmu lof ii1k b"lg upplled by Ma "ii TharaT D. Gaiy ou" .nd.tia T ' va-yt; « t malnag mmie.et, tir bunci 88ly 1« CI dashig to b. aIlved tell»mlaltu 14 m " pmSon ad qulotuesa.tiuulyth ML TU* iroduced a omtentoesmotIm onte e fvtMrew efaci htitithe. Proytevrj igIu ,a Wbuuy ddlogu. sdtit ert g- t at =dm .et Eau. Mn. Twkuuhugleima- au"&adte taes a"ee n Juiv» iala *Mt. Rer. MLMaiveliatt4 ia uaâjM bi m.Igiisato bumou mm- r âmSc vomi b. <oued to hirah'At iii villa îu veuld, as b"d bus mgmled teunmm tha Ch" ieCmut atm ei Te "el rtioa ML Thommon é> beud elatlig lsa o uh Preubytery M4au neoi V mLTaiik- A Iat.. ulaio be . Uvomit o«. t *vu et ta boeneb aeeMaleg a - le aasWed pedsd It vee lul* (Cemibeul on b - Ih ldn Ad 98ViM >It bihs a ev ern m ag ve" w mamie uis a tbat pt evý Iicton, ta Whibyt ratexun te la mza" asevierela fils WhT SPeut Penny ii. Unlenlsbu ratter threvoitr f»MIa oaM.eh r, iid mScple a hm ivttl*U q 1Maethodis te uor*Ip viii1ta la Jusa 110h, 1am. Wr ,Th=. amll lolg sasocata ps.lJr tiare elgavenylsr in a ~svas 411 by Rv. fât ofur WulWIe y, v wmvsWu lé* yuetothianko. bu LAST CALL TAI=S Es zý- Org"iza. 1

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