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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 8

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KING STgEW FSROOL Sr V-ýRalph lrwln, Audrey Du- per, Ruth Park, Nton Burt, 'Màgu.r- ite Thorudyke, Florence Symorna, Drury Ridgiey, CUiford RnB" ea Quinn. Jack Neskle, Marnrz He*- son, Bobby Hlliday,- Mabel Fisher, Charles Robertson, Howard - L"vin, Murray Neskel, Ernest Silghtholm. Jr. IV.-ýGeorge Scott, Kenneth l,*- max, Roy Gt;rney, Fred Newman, Gordon Bradley, Roy Hall, Vermi Harris, Douglas Turner, Garnet Rob- erts. R. A. Sennett, Principal. Jr. IV.-Kathryn Thompson, Betty Odium, Phyllis Ward, Verna Huntley and Sheila Lawler, equal, Dorothy Hadley, Dick Bassett, Constance Rain- ie,'Orville Dowland, Harold Haiiday, Frank Clarke, Stanley Ward, Orville Gillespie. Absent fromn one or more tests: 'Rena Hall, Ns.ster Dennîs, Sid- ney Correli, Joshua Clarke. Sr. IIL-Harold Elms, Margaret Mowat, William Baker, Donald Prin. gle, Marie Mayne, Kathleen Wood, Lillian Underwood, Doris Reid, Betty Lawler, William Butn, Clifford Mayne, Edith Wright. Boyd Johnson, Bernice Wilkinson, Ada Jubb, Emma Gillespie, Edith Newman, Editb Wil- s~on, Earle Johnson. .Abent froin one or more test:- (:eorge Newton, Wallis Bruce, Jack Symons, Ancel Shepherd, Percy Price Isobel Tucker, Christina Anderson. 0. A. Blanchard. Teacher. ir. II.-Elsie Normnan, Mack Bas- .sett, Ethel Threadgold, Bobble Camp- bell and Stanley Jones, equal; Sidney Wilson, Herbert Roser, Jason ed- ding, Clifton Maundreli, Norma Poul- ton, Fred Harris, Billy Fenemore, Stewart Sleemnan, Florence Campbell Jr. lfl.-Alice Threadgold, Dorothy Rice, Maud Park, George 1Hl1 and Arthur Moore, equal, Bilhy1 Ruddy, -Isabel Grills, Jimmy Dundas, Clarence Sleep, Hilda Burt, Marjorie Heard, Metro- Mudrey, Jean Mathison, Nellie Green, Qd. King, Ian Davey, Ruby War&l, Purcell Rod¶, Stella Dennis, George Bedding, Tom Anderson, Irene Hartrick. Absent frin exam.-Florine Camp- bell, George Bedding, Tom Anderson, Stella Dennis, rene. Hartrick, Jean Mathison, Metro Mudrey. M~. K. -Barr, Teacher. Jr. H. <onorn)-Alex. Scott, An- nie Toffan, Ruth Hadley, Kathleen Hieard, Wilma Lavery (equal), Molly 'McKenzie, Elsie Butin, Ronald Dew- land, (equal), Wyanda Goldring, EarI B3ryant, Donald Hodge (equal), Mary Dennis, Craig Hutchison, Dorcthy1 Sheard, Donald Bell (equal). Pas&-Charles Greci>, William Pou)- ton, Grace Grills, Edna Davideon, Annie Mudrey, Robert Mtioa Ralph Collins, Wralter Ward, Âtliu HM11, stephen Baacom, Betty Fmune- more, Elwood Ward, Eugoe Hiuatky, Edna Mayne. Tho» absent from one or more ex- ams.-Stephêbi Bascoin, Aithur Rut, Edna Mayne, Asun1e Mudrey. Jr. I.-<Houors) - Teddy Baet Herbert HRue ,Jane sccottt Boy wr win, Elmo MâHs. aAif le.tn Pau -Graoec aoge.ie1s Halllday, Hunau wr rpbll mnaisCampbell, Glidys Hunt ,Adm son, Bud BEtud, MU& da by , Ucoyd Daiby. Absent£mmeno»ne et re b "Adam SmuewwskfflysPuk a Heard, RMda TObylAy*_U"&!' Bah MtialIia DODeM Td UBaff per. Abe sq ioeoe EIaUde 8 au tw wEr1~DrGAZNFIIA MD'..ONcL È.i.n Anderson and IoUle Biksner equaL Pasu-Doris Howard, Julia Neukel sd Liszie Sawdon, equal. Royi ,Brsdleyt Janet Hegg and Mary Thy uovltoh equal; John Watts, Elme 1kw.., JackHarding, Nesi Wikn-1 soii,'Below pass.-Msire Davis, Theima CM* , sola Vrgin, Ruge Fewler. Ab- aeM*t tm one or more examinations: Maurte Littie, Dorothy Hawley. Jri ML-Henors-Harry Goodmami, Allan Hopper, Joe Goodman, Bernice HRewson, Evelyn Virgin. Joseph Le- vine. PasaBetrce Virgin, Betty Gibson, Wllie Rewson Lorne BradleY, Otevé Yababo*y equal, Berthe Har- low, Jack Neill and Ronald Gibson equal. Beiow pass-Stella bapock, Albert Stein. Absent from one or more exsminatlons--Rayiflond Ander- son, Dolly Neskel, Margaret UÀttle, Mark Cornlsh. F. M. Hourd, Teacher. Sr. 1, - Dorothy Bukaner, Lizzhe Hegg, Virgie Bromoîl, RusselI"ew- 1er, David Duncan, Derothy Hewson. Jr. L.-Maggie Gammon, John Dal- by, Arthur Bradley, Will Harris. Sr. Pvle-,Daisy Gammeil, Walter Uhrynovltch. Arthur Virgin. Dick Col- lins, Allan Bradley. Jr. Prmer-Ollver Rodd. Jinmmy Neil snd Billie Luke, Uoyd Augustus, Mary Sawvden, Allan Anderson, Birge Fowler. H. J. MacLare», Teacher. BROCK STREET SCHOOL Sr. IV.-Herbert Nos), Gladys Me- baren, Dorothy Southw,,%ll, John Gray, Theima. Kennedy, Ernest Northam- Kenuetb Southwell and Marjory Pindlar, absent for tests. Zr. KV.-Isabclla Brawley and ze Arnott, both absent for tests. Sr. KL-Helen banine, Norgrove Clemence, Phyllis Lafete, Gordon Thomnson, James Grant. Edlth Neal, absent for test. Jr. III.-Johpi Lundgren, Mike [ha- tchuk, Elizabeth Lundgren, Elva Bird, Agnes Forester, Pat -Nes.I sud John Harkmn (equai, Ehontia MeMahon, Thos. Rae sud Beatrie.Howett,, ab- sent for examn. MX Kennedy, Teacher. No report for Junior RýpoM, as the. tisacher, Miss Sleep, la il. FEBRUARY REPORT 0F Il. S. S. No. i Number on roll, 43. plike, 85, Donald QlbIt 8 by Gibere, 60j Jimm Athinsoja4& clan 1-Evélyn Eaul, Gorge Shar- man, Wllma Richarduon (a), JJCk Jr.. Pr.-Bertha Kennedy, Dme Le., Charlotte Brown (a), Hanson Richards (a). Mary Bltge, Teacher. MARGH ENTERED LIKE A LION March came in "lice a lion" alright and if the weatherman lives np te the old-time belief it ought te go out peaceful and lamblike. Sunday, March ist, ws a stormny 'ay, one of the heaviest snowfails of the wlnter taking place. 1heire was alse heavy winds and in generalthr weathesrman showfed thiit he wu8 still in good con- dition and could stage a "comebaek". Townrds evening it grew much corder and the soft srow whicb feUl duringi the day was frozen sud ps>.ked down.1 I FOR SALE Six-roomned, solid brick house, ail convenîinces, brick garage 14x20, on Pine Street, Wbitby. Oak flors down sts.irs, Decor- ations good. Wl!) be sold on eury terms Apply to J. En ire 351 King Street Est OSHAWA, ONT. CHU ROPRACTIC Tb* foflowlng are à few of tho nian ali- ments chiropractir adJuatingsanar eficiet ta overoig- AUl forme ofs» nremtrouolh. h.aach.a. par- alysié. "irai troubles. tliroat and Iuns uuak- aaa. rrhaumatiam and oehiemý. digmate. dia- orda.'a.hlgh blood pruumand aIl circula tory trouble.. heari alibmend goitre. DR. DURWIN L STECKLEY (a) absent for ue or more exams. ..iI 75% honora, 60% pas.. , K.n-1 < ropra Ue C" W it7 g wuJjn>a , -I B r. IV,-flikAdamsi, 92% rouKen- ".gsutrkcs uosisy, rai,ý, ndM neth L*e, 91, Jean MeGregor 78 (fail- 5'turday fOoroma, FSo» a Pentomt eaU phone 141, Downmianll or have word wMt ed in history). ..nyom auingtzuatnwnth..Cola Irt. IV.-Vlolet Hall, 74%, Charlie f Roberts 72 (a2), Dorothy Brown, 62 (failedil arith. aud hist.). ' Or. KL- Myrtie Richards, 85%, Margaret Maddaford 82, Mary Mab erts 82, (a2), BiB AdaniN 82 (al), Robert Gale 76, May Richards, 72 (ai>, Dais Richard. 68, (e2), George Stafoud,62.IFYUM " " 3r. KIL-ZthelFowler 81%0 Kelth MeGnsgbr 79, Miean Webter, 77, Bob RA U Adam#s,46, Dorotby Richarde 41, lunme AV W.bduer41o (*Mled la bUdft im- ________ my Baron(et>, Bob Devreil(a0>. 8,~ I-CethrIM Mddatoed, 87%. Dorotà Kenne-& ore prices. etthe litBros. Dadas St. West Nit door go Wlutby itoum Garage -and Superlor , Tai Service Day and Nlght Gond ami Opu CamL Pbonc 330 durlng the season. TRY SOME 0F THESE tlelnz Spaghetti wltf Tomato Sauce Hlelnz Baked Beans wlth Tomato Sauce Heinz Creamn of Tomato Soup Canned Salmon and Lobster Tuna Flsh, Sardines, Pilchards Klppered HierrIng, Chlcken Haddie Fresh Salmon, Samon Snacks Haddle, Fillets, Ciscoes, Cod Fish. T A. Lawl'er HOME 0F GOOD GROCERIES. Prompt Delivery. I W.A. Phone 479b Our Spu1 a new suîi these, a.nd we the values. - s - jyou be -judge as t'O *h ae, the best w. There la good slelghlng as racult eorj ganzatin uthe lei u sncb a i- anofai IdIee Ld'Soclebee, Hospita) Aufi The Oshawa brandi eft*the LocalI iary, lied Cross, Homne and School Gounci of Women h u ibanded W. ClubS, etc., etc. The Meinb6ra of the cause of theïrir Labity te smeure s L oa ofileWomeu found that Preadent who had the neeesssry thme the duties conuected wlth the primary te look stter the rmay actvities of orgaiatlons took up se munis of t"ri the organisation. The LoWa Couneil tinse tisat It was impossble te give ef Wonsen is composed ef represent. the tii». whlci tise "parent organisa-j atives from the varions women's or- tien" descrved. - MOUEGGSfromEaci He9 The. use of homailu te jrI a m hm, dbosva ipodtlvely lyb ai GUARANTED-if you pt a de of Pimits Peultsy Regul4toe hin. OVey day. Yoar denierin'authoadud to give bu* your mone" it faIb Wrei. fer IRIR Moo. uMnAru woD O O e 0CANAMMA. LTD, TMOoN LENT 1925 With the comlng of Lent* Meatless Dishes figure on the menu for the mnany Fast Days A SPECIAL ÉUY FOR, OUR BOY'S oenablýs us W o ffer 25 Boy'Suitu $S.50,$1O.5Q, $12.50 DEPT. -Good St rdy Tweeds. lb the New Shades. Soin. have pitWpookets, and mont of thein with tso , ir of bloomers. MADE Tio' MEASUJRE-,CLOTHIINO sommin ouprefer -" d. b toMeasure,, Somns mon Irequire "'Made to Meamure." Our New 8pring gamvIes are here.- The prices are more reasonable this season.. Out absolute guarantee of satis- faotiozA goes witb o ery nuit sold. * J. FrankBoothe CLOTQ»NG FURNISIINGS Brook St.Solo*, PMome 259 WbltbyOut.e Dew diuck, fr116f New-,,Spring Merchi -You will.find tnany items here t habit SPE"VVIR MONEV IN~ YOU wil fndYour Dollar willRetwr New York- Bats PWAT *. s cto000 j Whltby, Outari. Jol,' Dorilu zzmý have had. - Plain Sergos -andl Worsteds Ilerringbonies.'- 'Tweeds Teyare Ali ol Homespuns- Indigo dye ýýand $1500 this seakon% p-..ricýe $18,,50 $25OQ 0"$25,00 A SPECIAL i SPRIMG AND FALI OT GabeidIuîes or Tweed Slip-on, ilthîecistyle, $17-50.

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