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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 4

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WHITBY AND CHRONICLE THURSL TOUR itrof Ground Hogs ca do jg widi CYanOgS A-'1 j.t ap ly a tleOoanfi àe mouth of each butrow. ioas A.Dust givei oIfa POisol ýha: resches eve7fyat Of dle o ad kilh the rufdhog Iaak.Theydôuli have to' t-ore-v ortouch k.t KMl them with les he az hatkilsdu. u effecve agaibiat rau,4 moles mofm le, h:*"d QDLUM t and Stationer WHITBY i Happenings i SPORTS WHITBY BOWLERS RE-ORGAN- IZE FOR SEASON Enthusiasm was much. in, evidence,- and -plans were la4id, for. a -successfuf- 'season, at the, annuai meeting of the Whitby. Lawin BôW1ix4g Club heid on. 1 jTuesday evening in the Highway Cafe, wýhen nineteen members, the iargest- att an y annu 'al meeting'of years, turned out, including -Levi Dudley, J. Stan- lick and Wm. . orrell, A. Sturgess, ? Pringie, H. Webster Wm. Cooke, W.! Vanstone, George Anýderson,, J. M. Ilicks,ý E. ý-Evans, Rev.. John- Lindsay, J. -D. FlukerC. Barton N. Thomas, A. G.Browni*ng, C.- S. Trueman andi Jblm A. Hlay. The foiiowing officers were eiected: ýPresident-A1bert Sturgess. .Vice-Presidnt-Wm. Vanstone. Secretary-Treasurer-Johfl A. Hay. A maýnagement committee was ap- poin ted comprîsing -the president, vice- pre.sidefit, secretary, A. -G..-Browning. Honorary presidents iiamed were Judge ,Ruddy, Judge Thompson, Fred Hatch, Dr. MacLaren,_ R. N. Bassett, Theodore Kiùg and Mayor Bateman. TÉhe Green. Committee is - Geo rge1 Anderson, Levi Dudiey,. E. Evans, W. J. Correli and -W. Vanstone. The d ate for th. annuai tournament was fixed*for June 29th. A vote of thgnks was passed to the secretary-treasurer, John Hay,.for his many years of -faithfu.1 and: untiring seMvice.rendered te. the club; aiso to Mr., Stanllck for'the' use of a room. IANNOUNCEMENTS. WORTH of thé lest Enamelware McClarýy Electric. ~ Range, GW. !.-Me>Rice Eeythlng -in.Hardware _____ ____ _____ ____ - . of 1 rThe ais Aid, of the United * lie Gazette and Chronicie had: the Church. wiii hoid a Rummage. sale iwéin' ioi* N sure of a brief visit on Monday the Council Chàamb'ro April 30th., Over in Oshawa they arebging Juiy 9-Broùgham at. Brookila; No n M. . O Bittnpubiser mfbegnnng t l ocico a ppreciate -Fred Maundrell. as one Goodwood at Cherrywood;, Claremonti Gananoque Reporter. * T BnvolentRe becca Lwho s - keniyinterstedin sots, at Green aRer. ttBruhm Tho.Bee len and one who hias done a great dealt- Ji 6Caeota ruhm [rs. Frank Alaway, hier daughter cial has been postponed, from V~ed- wards promoting deéan,-athietic sports Green .River at Goodwood; Brookiin at el and son. Frank have been iii nesday evening, April 27th, to, Fr- in Whitby Fred has -been eiected pres- Cherrywo'od. h diphtheria, but are now recover- day. eveninig, April 29th., Oddfeiio)ws ident of. the, Intermediate Lacrosse' July: 28--Goodw',od at CIaremont;ý satisfactorily. and their families invited. * JClub,. known as the General- Motors GrenRvra roh Cerwo ir. and Mrs. A. W. Crawforth and Plumbi ng a ntI heati ng are our spec- Po ntiacb, which wiil seek- to put la- at Brougham. ghters, Grace and Eleanor, of Till- lalties. K. W. South weii, hont -228J. crseo h a n Oshawa this Juiy 30-Br<loklin ai odQd Lburg, spçnt Easter holidays:,with Brock, Sret NorthI. -tf.1 summer. Brougham at GCU River; Claremont and Mrs. John Ard, Mr. and- Mrs. 5 ar mnsbos dofrs Officersý of the junior BasebaîL team at ,Cherrywýood. jk Crawforth, and other relatives, pirs me's oaoeards, which tMs year wil play in the Osh- The .first game, of the uxifinished F J.F odelw r.brown, ad lé af.Goya et.awa District-League have been eiected jSinclirp aes froi 1- t year wil y air. fMlad anndMMs. and szes.9. *Reglls ar $4.50 t ore.0. O sflos rsnFacs J M-b'piayed at Brougham. on May 7 be- ~' ag, f idan, nd L Si sle$298 Cllis'Cah ~ie toe.intyre; Managerý, R. 'Quinton; Secre- tween Ciaremont and Chérrywôod1 and Ct ,s. John, Seager, of Oriilia, were' eH Loy.AnH.ctie ~sso r.C. A. and MisA . Hv'd Kennedy, Barrister, bis tary-treasureH iy. neeuivehe ' final , game, wiil be played at esso r. .Ms . .mvdacros .the svreet from -his for- will be elected iat*er. GenRve a 4 îdfllw oerthewek ed. merofie one door east -of Publice h Suh0 naroFootball Asso- A, number of Whitby,.peopie were Library.. Money to boan OI mortgages, ciatien held meeting-ia Brookilin on Toronto on Saturday last attend- at bowest rates* of interest. Coilce- Wednesday evening. Mr. Jas. ýPal- DON'T 'GAMBLE ýWITH DEATH reeeptiofl given by Mrs.E k incneancing and winding UP mrwsapitdmme te ' Bytrying te drive your motor car ( to, orery f hi twn i hn-of estates a specialty. . coun1i and Mr. W. J. Turner was ap- iwith a -storým-burred windshield.i of dayea clera r.til er',Sh Te ho tre iclose on Wed- one oteOF.A., Six teams.en- Avoid accidents. Drive In. safety and I nesday wafternoons-commencing5May-tered for the season and unly one -di- comfortb sngteMsie Wind-j -thday. 1 th, until furtier notice.Vision will comprise thzitit.I hed Cleaner. RubonDrvof.Aj The annual Ladies' Night of Cm was decided that the first and seèond pliéd -instantiy. . One swipea assures sieLog ashi l h Cn- Dont forget the Surprise Packages. teams play, the championshi - of the clear. vision, for heurs in rain, r.uw, sit Loge as eldin heMasoni Every one Worth thie- 25e -at the St. association at the end of the season sleet. or fog. No pastes. -No trouble.. )li iast evening. Reference -in detai thi een wllbe ad i n~tAndrews': Ladies'. Aid .Bazaar on Ap- home and home games total goals toij Won't'soil hands or gloves nor injure. - ru 29th. l e ad. n* ex .4 count. The entries for th e Connaughti lass or auto fns.N o.N ek's issue.Ibuasrpypeecetpfcty Sale 6f Home made cooking -and ai- Cup-The Ontario Cup and the Sin- btasml efc,ýtpret Commencing on Monday next,thtennteinte ouclCabrjcarcpnuteinyMy the 14th. simple, handy det,îce buiît to do. onej eénoo association'was idealof whb.t*aclanr hfeIdmcleane moea h to ffienm n 'i,'a th ne upce h ctino @Rl@ bgr è es mate Pieribuiss eesl smiae. Odtm ac ebeh atei h ce mrnt is en gatd Folw years. Without feen« deutai hing cn-r cd a haîf instad of an heura-daday, Apri 29th ta disin thstit itk a eur Comi unitY Hall, Port Whitby, Fasfor1927. ree uate r s aestpresent teeg 25e, with refreshment. - May 21 laremeaita BreokliiW ont ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Whtb t Troto r m a ladie'traps aldnd xfrds Ged. «O),at Bouigha;Greiivrs -,eariet ofckeaher, lsizes, rgular aedherryood-con .1..May 21-CherrYeod at GeWO Lreequaresale -tpeGreonwRiverat Clgaenien Riv B1AR $3,50 te $5.00. On sl $2.*9.. Collans' a 3ý ALL READY FOR BZA re ie tCaeot The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew!5sh heSoe May .26-Brooklin at Brougham..fI1I lE u r le tt u c e J u n e 4o lB r e U g h a m a t aCda r e m n t ; resbyterian Church have ever th iug, jOurlettu e stii soimby M .-Tod anD Au Ig . u f -readiness fer their annual b azaar I ýat the greenheuse. Now is.the time toie ododà re ie-hry 3be held in the Council Chamber-o order, yourý hanging. baskets and te odod at ren RvrChr niday afters'eon. There wil,"be booths have yeu r own re-fihied. We have a weod t Breolin. f oeaeco ing ady and fan- variety «. perennial planýts now ready. Jyne i11.a4Jrartmcent at GoodWOOd, -o vaiceand teei will be 1served, Floral ahd funeral designs te erde:B elna(GenIerr; Breham Tak noticethat4hà Counil o9 y rmtes 'Ioc-Teewill aise ýWhitby Greneue.J. C.'ý Fletcher, at CherrywOtde 18 roe t sever l O . h er en o .J June 18.--GodWOOd. at Breoklla; Mo ay th lS h d'o Ari, 1 lesvrlnovel features. Phone 234.GrnRir at Breugham; Cherry- "htDyih ~igtiesa -.--The High Sehoel pupils.of St. Ber- Wood at Claremont. ROAD COMITTR MT ~ard'5 School wil present apay 'Teà ue 3Boel!ia laremfont; o'clock a. m.onS.n* ay lst,a A. meeting of the County Ro.ads, Oxford Affair" iàthee acts-in S Broughaim at GoedWOOd. 1 'lc ifihbdy h 5 iomitee f heCounty Coucl a erads Hall, on Friday evenxag, Jn 25ýCherryweed at Green -1 cokmcngt nate2 eld at the Court Hiouse on Tuesday! May 6th. Talent -front Oshawa - and River,. xhnanumber of accountÉ were Pass- Mr. and Mrs. A. W., Lynde, wiiamsit J10N *R. FI ~dadohrbusiness transacted. The, on the- program* Admission,, Adults, ccý Io nd o seerabrdes ia hel' ec15; lr ommittee afterwards made an enPç 2c hÎldren 15c.________________ tid atteJnefsi~ seve ral brdge CntTeIZENys 0F WRITB'Y, help beau-_______________ and t th Jun sesionseveal'e- tify your beme-.towiI by joiniiïg the commnendations wili be made..te the MWitby Hqortcultural Society. Fi11 Council. eu er Option List at once and mail - - -te the ecretay or phone your order Ain-K EGl. Time is- getting short and the M.Bob Harding, "The Evergrecns" Society -is desirous of haviag a la ger C e ne s4 b o t T Chronicle an egg which deserv'ês a ntfrget. W. G. Augusts ecy., promn lnt place in the galleryl'et phone 303. lyet uit er i.mrso freaks. The eggi laid by a bred-to-f o r an artist's brush in tii. form, of what aUNDITEDo r V iu looks 1k a email shrub on one side, lTmaues eU eut into, the shel, and on the otler A hstm fya aitq aie ars pparthtlook 1k the n. -ie m r s ap e rt a fed frcsh meats are m a4ed for r wbich weuld indicate that'th. egg 18 Ibtle. lnc n ~ho i let e LL.B.,» ýtS ste.c.dgiée at ~~~~~ ~0 ùitlgl.ua ndifro qualities4rketedà GARAGES BRo]KEN- NTO , auTes lw4e e3s nM cafia Duriiig the. past few *eelc5 a- n1I]i1- The u et iaso lyf ber ef citizens have reported that thefr(f àé Poe16-oru pt-ndË garages have been brcken des.nd -né te cars tàuiPered With-- liv. Fed rery Poe19frou rtat T. Rowe had bis garage w t etthe The basise aeyeancyodr. issue oet FIrut mortgage Bonds f..n town broken - jute and bis car swas 1vaiv stm talcen 'out sud bauked ilinte ththe. value ofthte property that tii cupri Ievig it theré and mak- secures ,the issue. M i i thgIe cp e t long cgthe rgar- Hoete euli sse earn. 1 MU e .,PbflW i - T40TICZ 'Bank- .uru IrY a.ar.,nnd and re'- IP 11 E Ew1Il__________à." awuAanI I sdered, the most stisfactory wind- jshield wiper 'onthe maket. You'll gt; a. Mystic soinetime, somewhere.ý Bètter do, so- now -and be prepared for. the rainy. days to èorne. Price $1.00 by, mail, prepaid. Printed matter free, on requeft. Write fuli. address plainh- Lly to avoid deiays or*errors in mailing. 1 R. G.JohnsÀon'. Box 592, Whitby, .Ont. t] 77 wdeceased. )tice 'is hereby givan pu rsuant, th. Mixed, irst claksmixed wood nd f ine dry pine slabs,. uùt in stove Ienqthsý.. i 1, ine p>a"ir of ýgood w o rk , ýorses a n d ..harness,, L:heap. TAXI SERVICE te. and fromralLtrains. b s. e rd & Sn BrockSt. N.«. Wlitby )f th é, To ,\n . of W hitby en ý7, enacted as follows: W take effect in Whitby at 1 ad continue in effe.& until th day of Septeniber, 1927. ROST,* k.Town of Whi1tby" Doînner! uality of grain fattened stal. retailing by tihe expeined [1i convince you. ind a premium= over the r eg- end retailed.. r your inspection., courteous attention on- deliw jgýt à 0, WHIBVON1 . :I~CAL tSizes In. Stock. WHMI MEN'S KHAKI TROUSERS Satin F.inish, regular -quality. O0w' special per- pair, $1,895 $2.50, price, R. W.: Tai PhSn"e 361, Whitb Cothinig, Furnishings, Boot FOR, RE1N Sumier Home on Lai Between C'-.c and Sclig< 17rooMS irst flit. Seodfiat, i ltgc erooin, spalce -fori01 Scrcnd i vranah. tonc ifpace: well of pureCsprîng acr:rac * Good -bath Ingplac. 27) et f clea * Houisecfiully furnishcd houhu Will be leased atr rsnbeprice fors ALBERT W.JACK! REAL ESTATE AGENT Phone 335 Ç TheMenW', McLa ughlirn isfri the man behind j[McLaughlin-Buick that thE pressions-of 'appreciatien con! experience and the judgmcuit o: Mcbaughlih-Bùick that thisc standard by which al ether cý thé literaI basis of cemparisen Qc Year after year, by dint of cer in detail, yet upon the unchar McLaughlin-Builk' cehstructio Laughlin-Buick maintains and- 'puteà leadership ameing quali' the numnbers of those who ne Buick because they have-. knc ience ef McLaughlin-Buick co forniance and endurance. Uponthe verdict of the McLao McLaughlinEuick cenfiAentlyi Dealers fer MeLaughli Oidsmobile and G. Moffatt 'Motor Sales L MÇLAU G WkIN &STT51. AUTOMNOlILfS AP.I E. L Druggis Section 56, R.S.O., 1914, Chapter 121, And that aft hatal creditors and others having date the said clainma or. demands against the estat t itibt i Sceased, among 6£ the said M'artha Aima, Richardson, thereto havin vvho died on or abo'ut the l4th day of I cdaims of whic- MIarch, 1927, at the Town of Wliitby, recexved notice aforesaid, are required on or beforç TDa the 25th day of May, 1927,-to send b of Xpiil 1927 post prepaid or deliver to the 'under jAi sigried: Solicitor for the Executors of Ai the Estate of the said deceased fui lA ýpaticulars of their dlaims and the utc riatùr4 of the security, if aniyý held býý E.» them. t Hores a Sý OC Monls- Suits, We are offering you the advýantage -of a special pur. 1 châse of Men's- Fine Blue 'ý SegeSu'ts, Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, at "e price y -Friday and Saturday, T iSuit Special cornes at a whnyou rnay require a jnwsuitifor Spring wear. "di 1 NI THURSID 1 297 Bay- S-t- -tf.i1 T'REAS'URER'S' SALE 0F;L ANDS FOR TAXES' 1Corporation of The .City.of Oshaàwa ()ounty of. Ontario To Wit: By virtue, of a warrant issued by the Mayor'of the City of Oshawa, bear-* ing date the l2th day of April, 1927, a 'sale -of lands in a rrears for taxes *in the City of Oshawa, wifil be held at *the- Assembiy.H. 11, Centre St.. Pub- lic gcol saw, at the hour of ten. oIcIock in, the ~orning on. Monday,' the l8th day of. Juiy, 192rt; :and -upon: the faliowing day or days, until the' s ale. is compie ted, unless the taxesand! costs are sooner paid. Notice is here"{ by given that the lists of. lands for lihdin the-'Ontario Gazette on--thej l6th, 23rd and Oth. days o f Apfil, andi the 7th day of May, 1927. Copfies o f the said lists mhay be had lt mry* offie P. A. Biackburn City Tresurer. Dated at Oshawa this l2th day of. April, ,1927. . - OTHERS la the matter of the estaite of MarI +1.., Alma RP hà i an. late of thle Town

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