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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 Apr 1927, p. 6

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wmbi' ID ~EONICLE TH'URSDAY. JCT MI ISTER aldng buggies in a smail building on Swarda moving to Oahaàwa iWhere the IIfIfllibusiessa-grew stcaily year by year. SHBUR CHOR IHI Theni as now, zrit was the 'corner-> SUDUIUI IUKUI1 tone'of th:ebusness structure, and'it Wm .Mitchell is ladoubtful if aay. produet cver enjpy Iained-Gift of $500,[for umy ye-ars by McLaugblin bug- For Church. - Igies aund:carmages. L t ila upon that * -~ Ifoundation so well and'. truly laid by two'generations ofMcLaughlins.,that mnection, with Burna' Prcsby- 1 the present magnificent industry. has ' hurch at Ashburn, 'à very im-,jbeen: built.- Wheu "one considers the event took place last Frida'y tremendous deNvclopment that han tak- on, when Mr. Wm. B. Mitchell, ýen place la connection wlth this Mi- D.,a rcen grduae c Knicdustry dur'n the past slxty ýycars,ý Toronito, was -ordained' to the ýwho can ac curately Predict-what won- y~ of the Preshyterian Church1 derful pà es.wiil ho maàde -iiithe nada, and laducted iotehi /X --.î, - --1 -..ifuture? rge at Ashburn. Revi. John Ln&- 1,of Whltby, who has been lanteim enator sice the charge becamel ont; took part in the service, and te a number went out from i tby the service. le church was well filled when the resentatives of Torontx Pneshytery k their places. The devotional ex- ses were coîducted by Rev. A. C. vas, cf Oshawa, who preaehed on e Eternal. and Unchangeable mit. Th hir of the. church ren- ed an appropriate 'anthem. ThebIduction Ifter the sermon, the actig Mod- tor of the Presby'tery, 11ev. W.' dy Andnews, of' Toronto,* took ,rge of proceedings. 11ev. Geo.--M. rii, donc cof the Presbytery, nar-1 id the stepa leading te the caîl of1 Mitchell, and preached the sermon the day, lhe usual questions wene put to 'Mr. ;cheli, and oatisfaztorily. aîswenred,' r which by solema prayer by the deator-thé -candidate knee ling,- 1with'the laying on ûo'f banda by brethren present, the Young mai s set apart for the'work cf the min- ýy and laducted ito the new ,rge. cv.,John Lindsay, cf Whitby, then [reased the m ' iand the. con- ýgation la turn,-4mpressing upon m, the thought cf faithfulness la charge of their mutual duties:aad igations. Lftcr the singing cf a hyma, the vice was brouglit te a close with the ýediction. Aftenwarda, the .newly ucted *minister was formnlly intro- cd to the people. Gift of $500-00 Ldjounment was then made 'te 'the, mnsara where, a sumptueus SUp- lied been pnovided by the ladies1 ho congregation. Towards'the close Le supper Mr. Kerr made a inter-ý Lng announcement' of 119 gift te Ashhurn churcli cf $500 by Mr. A. Ilenderson, formerly a resident cf lburn,. but aow ln Toroate. Theý reciation, cf' the coîgircgation to Rendersoawnas shown -by, a hearty gr. Hendersen, who was 'preseit, s cabled upoî,and in a brief spee -ch, ýted that t-le gift was one, wMh qHenderson lied latended-fortheý hburni dlunch, but ohé was' called ay before lier intention was carried 0 effect.. Knowing her-wish,,Mn. nderson ýsaiCT thnt he lad' eîdeav- -d te -carry it eut... 1 rhle prospects ire biglit for- this gregation under t-he aiinist-ry cf v. Mr. Mitchell. The church.offens stipend cf $1800, mnanse, and a nth's hloidays. Hugeé Addition to Plant (Continued fnomn page 1) fuily ar'nnged achedule. This dule cails for completion_ cf the ýre work aid installaion Of equip-_ it by July lat. la f nt, it is con- atly expected t-lit cars .wilhe, ied eut from tha ncw plant t-he. Sweek la June. thon construction work includes addition cf two soeys te the rear. c f the former Çlievrolet assembly ing on William street-, bringing entiro building up te the ,aime ht. This contniet has been let te Gay 'Company, iÀmited and wezlc already beca commience&. New La Salie Car ncw aosembby lUne *111l ho mat-a- n-Uice ncw building on Division St.- aIe cire of thc production cf the r 'La Salle car aid yeliow buscs coaches, beth of whidh are being ed tha ycar te Uthc Genenal -Me-I ocf Canada fimily. The new bulld- 3 ad re-arnangement of dopart- ts will aise provide additional fa- les for Cadillae and G.M.C. truick vmbiy, and mudli needed expansion machine shop, body ohop, ýý»icef fing, r4diator manufacturizig, wir- hînness departmcnt and body mill n. 4,600 Ethployeffl lie company now bas 4,600 cm- rocs. on t-he pay rollinl Oshawa aid numbor will bu increaaed graduai- s additlonal hlp can bu abserbed when increuscd facilitie*s'now u way ame avallabbo. lprecedentod sales of Genrai Mo- i camsbot-h in Uic domestic and cx- nimarkets, la direct4y reaposble thé expansion- cf buildings and, it t-bat bas been deelded upon. Thtis Cgreat. tribut-o not. only to tho s and dealer -organizatiôèn e tho cLpany but t-o t-ho quality cf Generai ,ors preduct8. The spioidid repu-. on~ which la now enjoyed by ail «al Mot-ors cmn should ho, and doubt- la, a. veat soWSo f -ai- ion. t-o everv wonbnan who- bas 8 Robert Thompson Writes From- California. (Continued from, page 3) companed - with by-gone days. -Will these- brlagý forth -happlen' lives and* homes, aid a bettcr.world in Which te .live? Churches Flac churches are huilt and are he- iîg bult, a 'good :indication: cf the higlien thinka lin'the life cf the people. These churchesas, far as it has corne under. ourý observation, are well at-1 tended.- Rev. John MacNeil, formerly of Toronto, has a churcli with * sent- ing capacity cf four *thousandf -t-le av- eràge conigregation la weib over. three thousnnd.. Henry Van Dyke preached te nearly three thousand, the chunch was filedi an heur, before ýtime and about as * nany more went àay; unfontunately for us, we were with the latter crowd. NO, It dees net bock'as. if ail -cf, Califonnia has goné cempletely te, the "«,Bow-wows." Deity ëily ca answer. It la truc that. Sunday la net , kept as carefully as in Canada.* We mnust, remnember that evanin'ii Canada S abbath observ- ance 1 a àsipping, at too rapid a pacq,. The divorce laws are venyAax; per- haps inviting _disasterte home and se- cict y. -We have heard the preachers: earnestly pead, for Holiywoodtl' home cf the rich la panticilar. -What arc t-leresuits.cf prohibition? We are delighted te report that thene' are ne out-ward signa cf liquor, none whntever.. There la the usualý stock talk about bootlcggiig, etc. -We went te .,a bank manager, put, the matter squareby, up te hM, lie was thou ghtful, for a moment, t-ben sad, IIhave had a1 number cf frienda wcandenfuily help- cdý , I kaow tha." Agaihe paused, tlien said, " 'If yen woubdIimediately put' back, conditions as they .wcre, hé- fore prohjibition, there would. be a re- beblion." He said, "'Neyer again nmust these c onditions be.".. I. - i - A WORTh ILE RISK. Vegetable seeds coat but ýa few, cents. t is a, good plan to plant a few short rows of the hardy varieties, such as'spiach, radislý, ettuce,, car- rots, and' beets,- as soon as possible. If they- corne through a« considerahie gain has been seeured jan earliness; if frost cutà thèm.Idown, ýthe bass is, really trivial. The La"w Lawn work should he done early. Trhis isthe only time.of the year.to use a roller on the- ordiaary- plot of grass.. Later on it doesmoehr than -good. A goodi rolling in the spring, however, ia of- great value, às it, firms the earth, pushes the, plants bick into the soil, and smooths out un- even placesB. -A roller is a' fairly, ex- Iy lýe rented -from. the nearest hard- ware store or two or three neighbors can club »tgether to make a purchase. ItI lase a good P'là~ at this tueI to New headquarters for.-salesmùen I many of, our offices, Cus-- -tomera' oomalike the one.- idctdabove,, are piaced at hedisos c f teLcmg Distance user. Writing ma-' teiai,.maps,rat-e schedules,- direct-cries, - timetables, calendars,etc.,- ârc provided. Here, in privacy'andcm-, fort, the çjdesman receives his .calîs as the oôperator complètes t-Iemn, writes up tuis orders,. or makes re- ports. -> Whcro enstomero' roomo do net -exist, thé Manager effera t-le- visitig salesaianthc use cf bis office, and is rei t-o give him -advioe about- aumrunding- terri- tory, clascf aervce to use, etc- qW. hoeeth<t thse additiwnsal facilitiesw ill tmake 0K7 servilce uaoe ivaluable toe . Wge bodyv ?f tp vUig altesmen wo use at Bo' iIteI5%eIItlij You -~ŽI14 - --- - 5»RELN w A" T70 go over the lawn, with a rake. Wher - ameter, until, a killing frost. They ever patches of bare ground are shoiv- need* stakihi,-99-theSr become- top- ing -the soil should be loosened With heavy. The Mfrîean marigolds should, the rake -and grass seed sown thick- be planted weilbc i h oreo ly. Cover -thèse, re-seeded spots with wUll ikeavry suitable hedge for a Pièce of poultry netting or, rough .dividing lawns., The French are'imore trellis work. to keep lw& h pr raetlfonTe individual fioW.er rows. It is also advisable to feed the standpo1nt and- can, be procured in a grass with a good fertilizer early, in. wide range. of sizes. There is'also ani the spiing. Many- exjerts, ddvocate . English, marigold known also as the pulverized sheep manure, although the calendula.,ot pot niarigold. This has dlaimi is ýsometimes made that this in- pretty, -ý-hick Môliage,, grows about troduces -'weed seeds. An applicationi eight ic hes high; is an everlastingr of nitrate of Soda; one ounce dis-, blomr from- 4early. sununer until fail, solved in a gallon of water and sprink- an - w en once 'established, will seed led with the, ordinary watering can is. lit eeysr~ i h aiod sufficient' for four square. yards, will m e sown ýjùst -as sooný as, the givýe the Iawn'.a good start and the. ground is ready or can be planted in-* grass that dark green color which is- doors and transjilanted(. so desirable. Repeat every ten days &eeti- and Carrots early ia the season. It, is very import- ant to keep thé sward in healthycnI No garden is - complete. without a dition as vigorousîy, gro wing. grass few rows of theseold standbys, beets will crowd put most weeds. and carrots. 41niés. may be had ina'a variety ofý styles, to suit different pur- Indude Marigoldsposes. Thus for eanning tesil Not-only do niarigolds make a won-1 round, beets are1ýonsidered the hest. derful .showving during the early sum- and for early baby carrots the shorter nier ani lathe faîl, but, they will types of this vegetable are advisable. bloom, right- through the hottest Both cean. be sown justas- soon as the weather in August, when many of thje ground is readly,ind further plafitings other plants droop and .wither. They for later use put in at intervals of two require very little care whea *once es- weeks up to the lst of July. They tab-lished, only asking the gardener to . should be sown in rows froni twelve remove ail fading ,bloom. -It'is a very to sixteen inhea,.apart-and ah9 ut one useful family of fiowýers, easily grown inch apart, in the row. Wen the and a whole gardea could be planted plants are up well, thin toAhv'inches witÈ it alone. -The different'varieties apart,- and later ýtee ut -every other of niarigolds range from six laches one of thesefor., _ y use.; the beets to four feet or more in height -and run for greens or pickling and the car- thé, entire scale of yellows, from sul- rots to he used in theordinary wa'Yi phurto'.the.ichest oranges,'and in ad- Soakiag the seed over night before diti'on have wonderful velvety'shades pàlanting will hasten griation.-.laI of -scarlet, maroon, crimson, mahog- planting, do not- cover .ith more than any, and hroWn in the French section., about one-haif inch of soil. The Inter Most. imposing, p erhap s, are the- taîl plnntlngs can often. follow suc.h early Africani sorts.; These grow rapidly, c sa etosiahadrdse. nialcing fine well-hraached plants afsso-a h atrcer ter the llrst terminal bloomi has ap- Js peared, and- produce a succession of awny, ,get the sweet peas in. Plant huge halls four anad five inches i di- them in a shalow trench. Varicose Veins Reduced:oýr Moneyý Back, SaysE. L Odlum This Simnple ffokne Trcatrnt Giviag AmaziîgResulte. The ',World progresses. To-day ail- ments that. teck weeks t-o treat'- can now hé ended inan few days.. If yo'u have- vanicose veina or bunches -yeu ena a-t-art te-day te bring them back te normai size, and if -you a re wse you 'will do.se. Just- get1 an original bottle of Meone's Emerald Ou at any dispens-ý iîg phinmaciotand'-apply,.it' niglit and mornilag te -the. eîlarged veina. t is;very powerful and penetrating, and, enlyn ittle is nequined. Aften » a few days' treatmeat the veini will-.hegin. te grow sialler and hy 'reglai use il soon reduce t-ô normal Mooine's Elnerald 011 is aise a man-- velous healing agent. One application for- instance stopis the itching cf eczemna, and a few.ap- plications cause the. enuptions te dry up, scale off -aid conipleteby disappean. t.la equally as-effeéctive-in - Barber's tdh, Sait Rheum, redacas and îinfiam- matory skia. trouble. People who waat te, reduce-vanicose- veins or.get id cf-'eczema, ulcers, or pilies la a. few days shouid net hesi- tate te, geta bottie at once. t inse powerfui that a sipali bottie lasts a long..time;. Any pharmnacy c an, sup- pby you. E. -L. Odluni selbs lots cf ~,peadio, cl-ldref SYRUP - T!!! CANADA ST bROu CO.. LIMITED, MOMT~8AL s * GENUINESOLVAT OK G*eneipal,.Motoï»s'Woodý. 4-B ...-$ .00-appoxm eya fuitcord SOFT- .00- aproximatlyafuliod LONG~-45O-aprÈxiaWey affl cord. Toarrive Maày lot a liarge sbipment Of Scrantonl Coal. phone yoSr.order early and we wfll garantee ff ie ight for quiîck- TO 'THE FARuMIS We wM ideliveç o4.t1 e lo-out of Give ua irjdw.' iw~pnices. _Heaviy day sous can be loosened up hy heavy applications of strawy mai- ure aid the digging in of -a few asies, and plenty of garden'.refuise. Most gardens, especinlby'those whiich receive. heavy applications..o f commercial fertîlizers' every ..year, should be sweetened: up with à dose of hiydrated lime. -About one epound to every two squar e yards is sufficient., >MADE BIG BEER SEIZURE. Acting on 'a tip, Liceiise In specteri J. A. Darrach, St.-Thomas, and Pro- vincial Constable 1Taylor, formerly ôf Whitby, seized: a freighit car. contain- ing 130 000 bottles of 9 per cent. aie àt. port Sitnnbey. The beer'was consign ed as contractors' equipment to "J. S, Layman," ia Port. Stanley, The ,seiz- ure: is the bargest ever made la. that district., An investigation islikely tg. be made.into the condnuct of certain railway o'fficiali l connectio'n with the I case.. It ýis belie vêd that.thé eheer was shipped to Port1 Stanley for the pur- pose- of loading it on boats, and con- veying it to distribution cenitres' on the south 'side- of the la<e.. The beer was s.hipped 'direct, it..is alleged, froin toYOU on thiis 8exsatIonal new (5'tube) One:Dilal Control. Vîctor, Radio set. Avast panoramai of enter- tainment la at your. cen- mand-ranging _from, the -cla ssics to thé latestvogue in jazz-ail in. one-eveniag.- * Each station cornes in with à aremarkable purity of tone and richness of vol1Ume. Disfance plus qudlity! F. LANDON' - -Electric Supplies -and Battery.-Service a W aterloo, Ont., brewery. Lt la pack- ed lai5n lrgbarrels, 120 bottbes te the barrel, and is labeled "9 per cent. - i r FIRE I.NSý -Automobile insurai Representlng the B Our -Service floes r4ot St of the Pr( Ed. Bowman V- 'V'W7V 'T' V The Bes are Low- Toda O0need t( for ex] rnenting m v cheap, unknovf brands 'of tir', ju-st- because y( your tire. co, low. When ru beY r was higli price perhapsY( But lookat Goc) year prices noý No more th, you were payi- fo r 4"cheap". tiri ~Th-ey are fu Go od, y e quality. THE DAVIDSON MOTOI Phone 147 -WHITBY - When, tire troDuble cor .customer ofc p Bal Plee Wluuaete lt.nturweof FI.hI7 *fthJ vIbe sd WGI Dathe in the Pal BRITISH Co1umbîa's coast line -la mdE beaut-iful.baya and inlets, rimmed li. beaches, where happy bàthers splash in nratiag surf cf-t-he, Pacifie. You can spendý a woaderf ul vacation Columbia'; motcning in privatecar, or inexpen *mot-or -buses, over miles and miles cf mountain highways;-fishuag teemiag trout and salmon ai la kes; huntiag meese, caribou, grizzly, goat- sheep, and et-len bFg gamùe; or, eijoyiag t-heo scenery of Britishi Columbia's coat lin--mor( t-han t-le fjords of Norway-on luxunlieus, buti steamers. * You'l see and feel t-le great pulse cf throbbing.thnough Britishi Columbia. -,-You wî iiàtereat ts -great- and -diversified' niatural. res( stàbilize aid ensuethle prospenity -yf BnitisI icitizens. -Wo'll be glad t-o give ypu detailed:i rogardiag Canada's "Evongreen Playground wonderful resources. Clip and mail thle cou BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLICITY COMM] 438 PENDER STREET WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. - ilCAIADA'S,ý EVERGREEN PL. .l, e, an hall Win" WD- TH-URSDAYe" 1 ý til :..àiàà à

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