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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Mar 1928, p. 5

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THUBRSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1928 WHITBY GAZE'1?E AND CERRONICLE PAGEFE vided by the Keystone Entertainers, gram of the evening, which followed RECEIVES HIGH HONOR FROM l known Canadian Evangelist, who i h vnn.Terglrpso o Sale comosoiofJ. . hot leder, d.deotina eerI as s olow:-THE RING waa te have charge of both services Capt. T. F. Best, is absent in Sher- BoOman, V. K. Rowe, J. R. Frost, W. Instrumental, Beth Mlntyre; read- Misa Annie Newman, head nurse of lai the Baptiot Church, Sunday, his brooke, Que., where hie s holding ce- CUT GL SS J. H. Richardson, H. L. Pringle and ing, Homard Harris; chorus, group of the London County Mental Hospital, daughter, Miss Robinson, and assint- vival services and xvilot ho in his A numher of gond fernme, aiose town Mtt. Goldhurn. boyo; readiog, Florence Underwood; Epsomn, Surrey, Englaod, o sioter ofoot, Miss Gruoert, conducted the pulpit here uotil the secood Suoday aod city houoeo. Apply to ~. ~. .U. soclo, Vivien Rice; reading, Doris Reid; Thos. Newman, Whitby, ivas recently tnorning and eveniog services on in April. Dr. Rtobinson hopes to hieE.DS V W.C T . OCET corus, groop of girlo; intrsmeotal, made the reipient of o hijgh honor as Ssoayc heionJgoevce voproetfoDtIoeSNwESody Ao xeln prograom of music and Hildegarde Goodfellow; reading and a recognitiop of her great service a aken hy Miss Grunert, who gave an ____________________________________ $1OOHifDze. redngo mas heard in the Sunday chorus, Jack Harding and group of hier profesaion. Inlise hiagu hirth- addres ona the Holy Land which h Sca'. f heUnited Chorh on boy violin solo, Jack Neakel; edu- day honors Mis0 New mon as al le visited several yearo ago. Miss Rab- onderndthe auapices of cational raig ru flvngrs nMBEa eonto fle e-isnsoeo hita iso Sharbet Glas:. Te: ogrant as g*ve1la1 yD. . Kean. devotion to duty, andl, of course, her b eenasauociated. Miss Robinson spsheAR AT TO AR FI SKN upon which the nongo and coodings AM pMental hospital with rnhich she i $2.50 laif Dozen. 'werehbased wastlsat of temperance SL EGSE connected mafia War Hospital. MissH NRO E IN< h lmns uigMrhaefo odcv eduatin.Theladesof heW.C.T.U.I1 Newmana' mark in thl, teratment o A ID E S N , h lmnsdrn ac r o odcv hod arrangeoi for the evening os the '1 JrsMental cases has attra.cteil attention Pi o M th fi rso f OaOfries ef ovents planaed to aemmng Jreys at Auction and the awarding of this lion, wa I wish toammnnone that I aon pro- to a good complexion. n .promote the cause of temperance, par- Mssloday, April 16, 1928, 2 p.m., conidered ttolhe a rerognitisa that pared te do Marcell Wavsng, Ladies' ticu t M te larly in piacing it hefore the chiid I Dolands Ferm, Don Mille Rd., mas greatly deservsil Mis Newman and Children's Hair cutting, manieur-' Soaps, Lotions, Co1d Creanîs, Powders, etc. $2.OO Hai Dozen. n and Young people. Toronto, Ont. mas sumnsoned to Rurkingham Palace iog, at rny home, John Street, tmo Ltu upyyu ees n ac id PRev John Lindsay, of St. Andrew's Having sotofur milk reste to tht anai received berhec lsratiîon, at the blocks nisrth ofKnso od. will lose their terror. Pr8yeinChurch, acteai as chair-,Acme Dairy, me milI offer foor ehoice handsofetHis Majesty King George. Phone 41 or an appointreent. ______________________________ Nicelynan, an ari ,ansmed up the thought oflyoung coma of excellent type, and MS P -aL 1 the prograre in a rief hut iteresîlngIbreediag, sorti of themn fresh, othees LADIES TOOK CHIlîCyl SERVICEI Whithy - - Ont.i Good Quallty Glass. addrss aet the conclosion. The pro- Iheavyincl.As six two yar nid 1 h nvial bei f1e.PASL '7 ý 1 eifer freshning m______________Inthe___________abenceo____.E. R. H ewson __________________________ Iwo extra geed puce hced Molstein F. A. Robinson, of TIoronto, a moîl DuaadSaInr w i milk. lncluded will ho an out- Alinfw(successor to R. J. Leach) WITU THE CIIURCIIES staxliitg Young bull. Bord unuer se- Birt,a Marriages, Deatha igiUUi Jaekso7 WHITBY, ONT. Brock St. S. creditation. Write for catalogue. L. E. UN _________________________ Franklin actieneer. R. Russell Flem- BIRTHS S.S.Whb 'J' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "ina, Donlande Farmi, Don Mille Rd., PA1tROTT-In Oshawao (eneral Hua- Brooke ___St.______Soi,___________________ J. M ilC S Tht United Church-Sunday, March Toronte. -42 pital, on March 151h, 1928, le Me. J M .H c s 25, 1928. 11 arn., mecrning worohip,ý andi Mes. Harold Paraatt snec Viola IE ELR the Poster, Rom. A. M. Irwin; 3 p.m. Fridoy, March 23-Auction sale of MeKenzie) a daughîtr r(IElizabeth Sunîlay Sehool and Bihle Clauses; er tckadimlmntto pp Lrna). jE tt tteR Y L T A R 7 pam., evoning worshlp, the Pastor. ty ofi Frank Fisher, lot 25, con. 8, DEATIla FiratCia..WatchRcpallng 'ue. eds edy, 7 .30eung Pepl t fine o'clock sharp. Goo. Jachson& BALSDON-On We<ln,.alay, March 21,WITV TRU BROCK STREET Seoe onsiy 73 aPa-In, auctioneers. at hiec latte rosualenrp, Doadas St'l MY LISTINGS CONtER WII NAI te meeting. Thursday, 8 p.a., Choir West, Whitby, As sua, Eliza Reesen, Pesctire. Friday, 7.30 sharp) Taxis Tuesdsy, March 27th-Auction noie belovea i mie et W, H.Badon, jn 30 to 40 fine Residential Tint MrCoy an "TUE FRONTIFIR7aiAN", ane of Mr(oy's hest WHITBY Boys. Note-Special Sunday Sehool of fora stock, inpeatets said fursi- hiec 62nd yt ar. Poprties in the Town of pitures nom ahqmisg torethe lest lime te-diay. Day, ith special music hy tht achool tuce, tht peoperty of F. E. French , lot IN MENHIRIe at aarniag anti evtnong servicesoan 16, caoe. 2, Tp. of Whithy (Thficntfine JANES- MOInon iAMaaryof MY Whitby. Friday and Saturday, March 23, 24 April lot. Cornera).ISle at fote oeieck sharp. Jdeor fathier, M pHar ocwe Ci n e eI ýUTmTyo Ail Saints' Church (Anglican) - Ses bille. Wm. Rase, auctioneer. - p9sea ay on Mr. Hrh,iry ilie, waI a ndse.me IfORNTo a TTLEi ~ Ilinn~nnn~ Sedoy Majh Ith, 8 ama., Hoy Fi aMcch 30-Auctioa sle of Whitby. Lm Ypp u 'ngs Cormunon; ~5a.m., Morning Prayer faure, tht pcopecty of Gee. Ha- Doerfather, hem 1I sis, you, There's a ilt of oaa Irish song running throgh il. it's the hest adSecmoa; 3 p11. S. S. in ]Parish ilin t MayfiellidFora, lot 25, con. 2, Mias you in a thaauasad ays. Albert W. us ATINER AT f 3 Psc i.ansHa i iioe Mr. Fed LalI ba disps Hall, Beibl rer CloSe ehmon.p. , Whity Tp. aletai1.309 o'clock sharp. Only those mho liais lovse A bytouJaks Me. Fed Li&t9 basdispsoti f HvniagFrayr an Sermn ttSe bis. Wm. Ram, auctioneer. -39 Thiak cof yen, dent failipr, to-day. is electelcai business ta M. S. A. nesday, 8 pam., weekiy service in thte__7 Flube, whe bas be mth hlm for Eectoey. Thaesday, I3p1m1 W. A. at Saturday, Mocch 31-Auctifie sale Sadly aisseai by l.ailian and sos in- Phone--Res. 15. Office 335 Monday and Tuesday, March 26, 2 soinse ime, anai aho mas focaoriy te Mes, Dowaes bouse; 4 p.m.iaad 8 of fueniture, tht prsporty of Frank lam. Noîrmian Korry and Claire Winadsorin Oshama. Mr. Laro sl cotisuing p.na., Confirmation Classes ait tht Henstock, cor. Dundas oaid Perry Sta. THE CLAW for tht pressent is radio and vie- Rector ; 8 pam., choir practice. Withy. Termo cash. Soit aI 1.30 a' This 10 si myslerisaus pactare et docheet Afeaaa that illhicrp sala trois business in the -ame stand on St. Johns Chueeh, Port Whit.y- ock. Set hbis. Wm. Maw, auctios- Brock Street north. Recior, Mev. D. . Langfoetl. Ian-ter-4 SPECIAL day, March îbth, serviceo nt Il a. .Tueoday, Apeil Ird-Auctios sale Wdaf NenF WTdaMach282 Mr. J.FrankBootheis cofined e d 7p.m., reaWedn tsdayctand3 TbursdafyhocMaîach 28, i29 ls led tisresgh i:5es. BiscondL-adp .ora'rttEe ~~e hie or amipe T ilLAN i" 1TÇ L.John Barrymore ia lio ~areoetd ednsdy bhopari., Sanday Seheol aid Womnens monts, ed geais, timothy and ciover tevilsrpre enda oleBile Ciaso, Fiday, 23rd, 4.159 pa. seoti and hay, ai fit 7, rear of con.6, DON JUAN murch Insproveai. Junior W.A.; 7.30 p.rn., Choie prc- Pickering, tht peoperty of W. H. Cor- This la youor chance tauoe the greoteot acîse îaf ourt tlan hi., Tht Whitby Pool of tht Canadien tice. Wednesday, 28th, 8 pam., Len- son. Ns resersat. Sait at onae harp. etpcue Leglon iii holda business meeting ten service, adreas on the Sunday Set his. Wa. Mam, auctloneer. Regular Prîces 15c. and 25c. ansd social i' their clubhmoians os Sehool Lesson. i.- Hvn lsoe forGrg n aibs-CMNARL t-B N H R Wednesday evesdeg, March 2th, ai St. Andrews Preshyterian Church Hvn ipsdo u aaeadTx ui O IG PI-6h iB NH R eight to'cloch. -11ev. Juhn Lindisay, pastor. Son- ns oAf ue ews otakormn Tht Samaritain Comtit et the V. day, March 25th, 13 aam., Four Pie-nsst Af.lueWP ihto hak urmn ON.ar mkin tei anua ~ tares et Christ fereilse. 1503 flO., u f ~ customeis foii their patronage for the past four _________________________ for fanais ai their teet and sole se Fri- Sam, hbat sessaePai Ribl ety CLM I FIEU years, ani lu solicit a eontinuance of the samne for day, Rarch lIed, la tht CoonciliChore.pmCrst esgs Fae et ber. As tht colle for help have been ig, Wesinesday à p.m. Choir pear-orSCC,,OS rnany anai continuoua ibis yeae the tc, Frielay 8 p11 A hoaeîy ml- ADVERTISING orScooos comatttee hope ibsi tht publie lcouse tenaitaito ail.______________________________ mar eeosrsos. The vtio .1iPuiFANCY CATTLE makea gnecos rsPonie. Lieut. Leach. Sunday, Maech 21tb FOR SALE ADT E Tht WhIb Oratorio Socety concret il a.a., Moliness meeting; 3 pam., i__________________ give ail the concerte put on in Whit- Sunday Scbsoli 7 pam., Crat Salve- IFOR~ SALE, O8iO5OM BIHOiC S 05 - sy ahya, teeoo hygveclytaon meeting. Monday, 251h. cottage Osai utbsud ultreîîs , a an , atw fureish osertoaat beet, tht bet, "Tht Yokohanaa Raid," Town ineetin at thtebhome of Mcrosit Mesrsa,,, .lue hss. , a. os.m,, ,,Thteketee os Hdil, -Xun*r ÇI III 28dSJth.- i AdaYÙ'Uamley. Ash St. If you arc ,I,ý I nthbs ssassofPitt ad ing antigrain ted, theysit Tht montly meeting of the Womn- hungering aid thiceling atfter marc St.. Aisints,,a sssea o, bus, ply the fincut beet an tht W ens Institute willlho helin atht Cousrt- fGoti, Iomet boseourTutmlay oasand ub, h«b,sn,. touo4aOpon. App c il Chamber Priday, March 80, t 8 o,- Thursday night meetingsata 8 p.n. cDican. 41ty.At orlm dock, when Dr. Stevenson, of tht On- Ail mebcorme. LoTs FUR SALE A CHOiSiS LOCATION ______ s tht ceai thasg. Not tarte t{ôspital, mii givs a tallitosn____h._________________ _boit______f_______t__on____th.____..,th-______ yearling tuif solt os Ian b "Mental Heath". A cordial invitation S,66 irntssi{a 132isfi. i, adosedsh.bteilrn,1tetep is given tcal te attend thia meetig. A"ON1CEMENTS Dosisat itb, lýWiioeilfians-h-, yo thank such choire Mes. J. E. Wllis, convenez of commit- Appio ts D. R. H. r-,i,6 I.ue CoS, *AI MUDR te ncharge. Miss Anses, Pros.; Mies Concert by Knox Churrh Choie, ot -- -U l IlVuOlSrta are higb prisell I McClellan, Sec. Ohm s~Aarm hehs O .~W hit y'UUJ o tes Vau e Ucoresana ltare cf yoa Lisser prices on Wire Pence et AIl &leLde.r r Rictas Mardwmare. An estes 5 per cent. PogFsieORhr nb Oanepi ALDEMOCRAT (50 SALE. AP- off Farm, Gardes anti Poîîey Fence Hall on Friday, Match 23rd. atiasCsbmi s5so O ORoO DDde~a I /~ ~ a for 20 tisys, Everything in Hardwartplt.fehe nt.Ataoo .HATCHINO aixis cOla SALE B5000 TO E R LMO RS W D ai Rice'a.le . Demos, eaher t bso byh usid. s, i son ,oerîo SCRAP WOOD, per Truck Load, $4.50 ilel-pi W Vi~lon Tht pretty Japanese Msicsl Corn- Pianoforte. Breck St. N., Phone 326. to, bri ta. 250 Ut 000 Tise NslOssi srly "Tht Yokhohama Muid" ia t fin- t.Ais, oses iebsta Gcnbesiafur -le. HARO WOOD, per Truck Load, $8.50 MEAT MARKET, Phone 169, Nigt 21, WHIIBV, ONT. est offeriisg yettattempteai by tht toSAi,. Ossa. HOsSai aSoING I a,,,,ODpe Waots, $.5 Whitby Os'a nio Soiety. Tht stage Coming! E. M. Brown oI oil e]ai an Fo00c 1 iEHREasîo0V AOW O, e ao od 45 settuqgmeohs costumea, tht plot, tht tonly date a large stock of sali papers ,,a a osnd oa, ,oss qai, scus musiýaie sao arrangeai te theceoghly at prices heiom coot. Ailftecsh gtoats. 4 y.r, g seai.prtes.ue asor , , a ii______ thmevas~Wateh for toriber parti colora. "n erpl x9,G-e 3 rc Load prxmtl One od pIeuse those whe avaltaa yac. tpy oah.bsis s ruofppoxmaeîlCrd tht opportunity tor iait tht tome hall, You iii be deigbted mth "Yoko-j aaSALE--THOROUGHB5RED ONiiONA WgnLodA rxîae ai od Murch 27th anti 28th. With Arthur berna Raid" in tht Tome Hall Moreh FORoWagon ostinu ,tissaiid souss os P P Y Lysait as Musical Direcer aid "Buti" 27th anti 28th. -39 76 , ,ottimi. Mr. A. Noble. Purt Wbi, ____________________________ Harper as Stage Manager this Oper- S ThtRKHIESNIamarites' AS G OG R e tta o i h o U tsh e b ig fe a tu re o f th e O N . m iiih e l a a n mithe a n le of at e V of th pi .. - b o .t y peoi ., u .11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __-K --._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GyMNASIUM EXHIBITION feons 4 tu 6 o'ciock. Tee 25. 5 FOR - ATHi'dbic;. 1,Ol<Ph..ones-Office 34, Residence 345 Ta y BaeedGRock. yr.-eciaI-lh invitations home bec en sntout by "oeaeRid Pn) 5 i maseioteiatu haisi asi, tht Pkulty anti Studente of tht On- Hall, Tussday anti Wetineday, Marehholug moits~. ti -te ssu ,n2i~j WeeSrie uît n rcsAeRgt tario Laies' Colege for a gym 27th anti 28th, given hy Whithy 0Ors ib nia.Co.i0siii ngu x i P ___b_)i________________Socety.i1INFANTS' DELi(.HT SOAP 4 for 2J5c. da+;n.n f h~ k, I. tht gY1-Me. W. B. Kennedy, borrna e, as, F5 OR E.IHE 6 0 E;;liai. O.iOAANSONLSSD TS2 ks.1 naaium t ight soCe kmoveti is office front Dundas sreet c,.is atubea itu Oa,,tr aL.C ui _____________________________3. SK ARNCSOELERN.S lIA SJ plgc.1 meat, ts Brock Street north, eat aide, Cssi m eis s asuk .5.LWRC .RNSIA4SI a CARI) OF THANKS oedoor north of Bemu' hutahet shop. FR sALE. A eoov GRAND TOIaa NC4. B"'ngyoue Dundeer.Marnoalade Couponslaer oadget a Mes. F. N. Harvey ishes te tbanh ctntraily locateti for the convenience F Cae. snagond cundiins, rne u 60011joie for JJ2c. tht neighbouar od friendo, aise tht, of bis patrons. o ie..Aeein, ebons 327W. MWbisbe5 APBL' OAT O Pi m o H.L.nirrbesfo te loer t epbiic cngussth fneete- o de1 sl a , s tb o. AIs, A Ilnounceinent 6. SLICED PINEAPPLE J fisc for J"c. during lber receat iliness. tinent istore fer them m hen me Tisobfachr. 50 ut1.aor bans. Auauais- - -- uytht Th Yhoam M iSt am as iosl,o.hitby. -' SWANSDOWN CAKE FikLlR Oc(lI.pg ST. BERNARD'S ELII'RE AND costing more in tht a of stage 8 R5LEOLOWSLNUT Dni ohr aaosua bicba ti 8. CIIRISTIES or McCORMICKS SODAS J2p11 c. DANCE settisg, coistumes, etc., thnalaohr .i elbl.Ap>tFi-1-OSo IEUHLCF thoa asW.. Wal.-,m .. iOboas9. DAVN o EUALlCFFaa Ili.htisSic St.Bensuti' Ctb eit s ee su jconcerta corebtasti anthe t bt ire hmb.y cessful tuchres si atinces os Rarch ysee, given by the Whtby Oratorio « AE-TOICBTR.ALOiWr haIse iebaak, Rock anti Whracsno.-th ilcalth Foossa iGU teSt.Berard Bal ati ehol.Society. Dont torget tht dates, Tues. FO0sAI Bu.Tfiog NCoode ATOppH vnldsoedoym lctWa 16t inSt.Berard& Hll nd ehol. anti Wd., Marcb 27th anti 251h in tht Sli, uaisdOeeoS t. E. Wibt There vrers eightefin tables of tach.se. i Tomn Hall. Plan ut Tallings store. Rte-_Business______S._A.______ Tihe prise muruers morea Ladies, fii'at,1 serve scats 50c. Genersi stimission e5.fcI5T0AS000011 Mueqn haridan. butter tilob; sc 5,,

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