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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 3

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TO THE! GIADbU nesday stcppcd foKwas cisto recave ther d It was a, happy mc ladies, as it lia& been j who had gone fIfty-four ycars Iti. ndmeffiai m thm hamg f out iat education and thy in thinga ways consitu will not forg to theci. G of serious satisfying To th The creaeof~ penditures tration of dollar inca thIe Oun. ty's sharel and the being laids .Ontario tercf if c courlty. price of pivog The public to, of years ago,w âIll have to pa The Cunt y perous, anclit.* n its Msiun or the, glusm~iIbmto taxtion ista be ku AN-ANNU Tht Coun1ty Tovm of Wbitby ta annuafly 50 per cent.o -the çmnty treasury on ofiaalittIso- ver $3400 At tht pre=t rate for Wriln*lt#ed torecaive lic applid tos treet ip for the y<ara 1926 and 191 moM « leus perufanent .u. ment of Provincia4l Highws wgil lbc an suet 10 the t taxation as w2i us Ilug is the oaly ~m cipslity an fifty per cent. rebate because has ever recà*ved as t»o grant to the harbor.- The County Councilon'î Ontario County boy in the at Guelph hti tta The grnts both of the Councili the promotion -of the cause of Col lege at Guelph lias for- many exponent. Lat week the Town C the Board of Education money the accomemodation .of the agri tion of the cause ofagcutr in a louser degre thn of The Young meni wbo attend in WVhitby vii lu th receive character, trinung which vil of fife whtther or not thty -cusesarec SxpleWo. of the agricultural caue. Tflere us a perai &hould be hit ecrzuý'c( bSoy promotio. The agk*kddain ofqur SDleges axe doing tlur *tib= wS*thâUt poKuo and, too. aredaing Much to 1Pve tathiere cwo LETRU LSSDRIVS TAXE WARNING The we*<ung given lait ee& hy Magiserae J. E. W""toi ùleuauwmn d v tatfi w eb inmsa d censesaucelhed aumeont i auld producc ês laà t sma*IuOffcurUâimiene ofmaay needico H'à Wl"p ~o 9ig to ped -n f ture on tht« uwu m'ia motor drl'ivavtlu t<epect for the rW i ÜMbch xWF bc mb1ted from driving A nd? xéù4gpr toU of 10 ilcd and 1 'Ttdrie wu uem wqto pmanoher car at a in bans, s hungry En consid- dvy some eared one 0ceof ni police court Other signls tmito the of these in by motorits. ening of this the Board of y~ sbould have ry to enumerate endanoe at this up which will i iterest in al 7v been in Canada' jr- Judge Thompson en mcwere able anm, without exccp- Iestablished homes dthat they intended inada needs m ore of iho corne frorn Eur- d endeavor to iînflict ntry. !thc conf ederation cc- htbig jubilc postage w to ru aWanMwpaper die co6 rt ok gis whp nd c=titi it and Ithe ci e ight weli be devoted achools. Music is an art w nuemuch ti s un- whcn pjiorrntyaffords, the for cverythng ciscwbich in- lxkesfor lappuncas anid pleasure t tht better elements ma our lives goff picasurable thîags, rather than trry. -The more muuic thet be=tec managed and tht tiobler the ideals Pl* * * Sun-Canadan who forge that thisDo- id âime of -the mma famous aimen off the' &,uld pause wo reftcuber tUit it was a Oan- é A. G. barke. VOC., -D.S.O., who vas the mahn la wiichthe Prince of Wales made tbt enemy l"îesdurlng the var. fhtt la bat lforgottaiby -moaL But vhen thunk- ~for sose airpt ce Cibler aiaticentreiu Bihp McKèevem al lof' ac fani- or s~ llrfpcup thedailpaputce daes! ; rtcoic*d an attack by mmenq r o in ejUte Canada, or ick Uùited 3tta" Mr Sun. -1iem pxwdvies t for littie mcto get otinto ialated.p"msandthen brutaffy attack dUem.. So -f w Of the =e c and peaplein a many diedncts live lx p hangung as. ,,pua1ty for SandJ'N,the only puuiichutit Ut thould Mrh f th hlia wtra-" ËI!callcd of. 'Our, heart goca out.t 0o, o sud ef " As- FenelonfsU d 0w; Pas-u The Moderathr, Rey. Gordon Hommes f LindsayinMabisaddrca.,took -for-bhis, uect "Do wc 1akborinin ?' Ar. cording te some ontside opi*i*p' the; Church was -f-adling l it i tiisipn Work on mission fields was so'ôt pro- mg as it should. GetBntu eapenthree- hundred Million pounds, for betting, and only. eleiven million for Protestant Missions. After, over a century of missionary work ta India it was reporte that not More than oe Iper cent of ber population are Christians. Social conditions are becomiýg worse. It is reported that. crime is on the increase. Marriage and the biorne are tbreatcsed.Yot L is becoming increasingly irrevereut, church going is, on the decrease.' Ac- cording te a survey carnied out by the British Weekly church attendance bas fallen off ose haif in the past ton r years, and two thirds in thepast forty years. This condition is not peculiar 'to Great Britian. The number of con- versions reported by the - hurebes is- rdecreasing. Last ycar. about 11,400 *churches in the Unted States reported -no conversions. Suggested Camse ieakdioeof-tho aseeted. causes: of the age-irreverence and love of freedom and franknessientifie con-- venences such as-radio, cinema and automobile, world pleasures on Sun- day, the number and aggrossiveness of new *sects, sêbismS in vanjousi church bodies. The ii.Churcli'sM T h chý's hopeh* ao declared, was prayer, the. study of 'the Word of God and themaietio of that Word in our daily lives. The chs i *ucton wass be ye stead-' fit unmoabe,always abounding in the oko h Lord, for as mucb as ye know that your liber is sot in vain ini tbe ILord."' Pastor Ordained On Tuesday evcning Captain T. H. Best of Wbitby Baptist- Church was formally ordained te the Baptiat Min- isry He bas been connected with th aptist Church for many ycars and a few months mgp -came .to Whit- by., The service of ordination of Bey. Mr. Best was a most impressive ose.- mhsi Crcls BapttChuch D.ing Good Work Reports* Presented at-An- nual Meeting-Address by Former Whitby Girl« What was freely spoken of as the] most interesting session of the Women's Organization of the WhMtby- Lindsay Baptist Association was héld Tuesday afternoon ini the Whitby Baptist Church under the presideney of Mrs. M. ?ugh of Claremont. Reports were submitted fron ail the Ladies Mission Cireles, aU of wbich were exceedingly good, more espec- ially in view of prevalent unreSt. ThIe per capita giving.. was jxceedingly good, Lindsay. reporting over $13.0 per member, with others apprabn that"standard. The numberotmm bers taing the irnissionary paper wus reotdas being muc hbigher.than in formeryar with the Oshawa aCoe 1eadig with 34 subscribers SA conference on Circle and Sand work was conducted by Mr. .G.* K Holmes, of Lndsay, in the courue of lIN-E OUAkSEL? Whi "ot h a sueeffl-we "W.,the way t@ WUs pa euoelpu Etrsgood mla" mas . lor mechauc, battery weidlag, vuleaaliug, henrholdwýebu6fthm b»M cutr Bwâ.Smmioeldum luw fosuige tolacod b. eç rnm myom ers. latuts catalcoueirm-.Write or «UcmaiNmPE TRAMU SOI& . ..King st. wut. i. esch pay-day slips by. hfi mm . littie to a man's h. -fails to Put amide a amnd osîtsadteachpay-4ay wO m oo pw Into a substanta amut t owr4 intemot. rate on If you bave aa account with UsN besitgroin;ïf you havent, deter. mineta> start .one. netpydy ($ Uoesanacout. 0O9HA wA go SIMoeE ST. NRTHw which a suniber 'o! questions were submitted -for consideration, lneludlng a qucry-aste wbctbcr or. sot mon ougbt tebivitcd te bocomo bosnor- ary. members of Uic cclos, and if it woold be an- advantago for Uic circle ±ê- tako Uic Chiurch -prayer mcetrng'at statcd intervals. Inàtanccs:in wbicb both- thinga had becs donc with dis- tinct advantage were cited, and it was évident: that Uic delegates for Uic most part favorcd.tUic suggestions.' - A piper for circulation among Uic Russian and Polish peoples is publish- cd under the auspices. of Uic Womcn's Board, and *hile, it proves o! very great valuec it is dificuit te. bring out Uic issues regulaily -on' account of ice very considerable. expense With a« UttiUe- more fînasncial support it would b. possible to «issue 1,000 copies reg- ulsry evory monUi. Ofi-en.Elcctcd, The report o! Uic Nominating Cern- mittee, wbich was adopiod, without arndment or alteratios was. as fol- lows:-.PreIsident. irâ. (Bev.) G. M. Holmes, Lindsay; Vice-Preuident, Mn.ý (Rer.> J. . Bildwis; Directer o! -Cir- clos, Miess S. E. Evans, C-laromont;. OpeasdUaoOvmmmt Ihume= Dircctor of bands,' Mr.m-Geo. Lee, or. Thic s StouffvMfe. ~.taken ove Spoe clm Belivia dtri Mn. W-Int«mUte, Mlssidonary. frmliniit of vé Bolivia, and former.Wbitby girl g9- -Itedo. Mu an account of cbild: ife in BoliviaLON'Up which tacluded -many details of a ~w stnkig haacertodig t eepen ildO' Uic Convictio &t isionary. efortmoit11 was uretl Ialed for. in Bosivia babies are earred about by thc vome Msaion ovesn Wben doing ard. manualwok n5 o Wben a*. woman i. brqugbt into a i à mn S bouse te do'bousework i. sebringa al Uic worl ber blîdren witb ber sud Uic cmploy-ithoult 'or bas -no option but te feed-tUicàboleÎs al family. Tubbéeular trouble is -very showing commoôn, there bcisg no precaution dld sot r takén agaist its spread -little cid- Uic work renbeing put te sleep i mmy 1th- extent ain stances with older popein Uic ad- people ai vancied -ýstages o! this. disoase. encourà,10 4uhhr dship. is involveêd for thecand i pi children on:account'o! Uicé laxvicws bec, dciîi on Uich matter o! marriage, mothers, rendeninj and fathers s ekisg mta' t ,a aoid. "d: by,1 their 9obligations te .provido f or -Uictwelve , little oses. bnstances -o! ,extrmé Pbstm bardsbip mad. sufferi* wce gven to! Ui wbich greatly impressed. every -bear-, Bible anW m "Rlght o. CoeretDudas. West en. Kiag Sts., ~-OURSERVIENMRACI OiligGrçaingo Washing. British American Wel Known Pre ~-Refreshiment Department -in, Coni Rcst ResusForLaies. Cmecmces, for Ladlies m fine Wlde Drleand Exits. ~- andingGood Used'Cars- f -Now O ponfor R Os0110dSevc WHIIBY' MOST MODERN -DEPOT FOR Cooke'8sService Dundas. and. King Ste.,up fils p

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