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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1928, p. 2

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- ~-'--'1'- PWdjàiïeàjime auc *ith Smachgr-c xNatons idea whereby natio *e 1IlBYPAYS the,<~~niue »i~ o x the nationx, t tet herdifrecstbroujff tMe, #ýbe j- ' y tpait cfrt ege.b itration, sndlut. Ootlnued from page 1)1 ut SM th îà »ie faitl * *ytjp pealn'c -?liet for- çfflt cf fellure lu t swey, te sagree Dwidas Streets to tI toewhodi 1- 41= a4l"- so~w.~ piiatUct.hreebold nt t otewar until thre monthe wieéa iat wasmawde for sit* < g p t ted *tetu tés. of theservce. 1 At dje= of-& lpntowt a u-ltr i.pse tesdti ette pmresive -andti - hèi wi.ne teeito-be-forélo* _tbe two mluUtOV agIence wO6i, w. dediàxto e Ivaedor uS years e rte~wrdbs îerýiéé"duïjng whieipel luedt&eor saSe sudteir me-s îý aiottith ctes fpac o* g7ymo se#e, urn wlhhud~d 10< sgbut the maost buportat 1 @ -i.J8i5à 4 h otne fpe oy there lied been -only27ymo t. ~~~~ ~~ ~ b reeec lhbwdheaýr ~so 3JybalgTeJMI fKlb b@g utc. nee ehethird great date was june IlwMosRewmIbere4 - testlmony to ýChrwua ,deatii abti a Où-I the. cf thtrin~lt%.PrOgm fit of the pictige followed 2ëe1919, wien 15',nations signcd the Wreatiis placcd upon the. base cf thi e sud rpresaigGods'slove amd .used -fer->thê service m» ethe-naomes anl 1popriae.aMitice sermon bY covenait of the Lieegue of Nations, memrll drig te rvle her slvalo fê mnk1~dthromgi Christ. ii koloing who died Il tii. s:t r~ e4.L Richards, B.D., the signatures liaving now grown te er:"Citizens cf LtheTownlc bt-"i.wa fti 1oalad oe AMRanBath, Normnan Bley, redI- bsdn tiie tot, Lake 1, 19-19. T1%e 6, with GeYmany the. lest nation te weserheteelen te na, i epi-îit 1 ewputn IuaUJhu Imiiter spoke 0f'tii.neeti for se- sign. Tiie fourth date of importance byui," dp ostibympaYR0t e gi- slz*e& stnNelsn enny, DavitiMclie Îo-DOlýént ofour debt te tthe Men wus August 27, 1928, which maiket ment, Whitby; Post 112,* Canadian Le- Âfter the benedictie, prelouhiced james IrvineM Ciclean, Charles AUM-, who had giI Ilicar lis a ttle for- Lh. signing of the peace pact cf Paris, ginc i.BilhEmpire Service by thecaratepaaew e eIlivray, Yrenk KcGrcttYp lie *xipls of peece, aid stressed outiawing wer. Fifteen nations, in- Leaue Witb; InmcmrYcfOur *agai Ued up and the visitors frmHarvey Palmer, Victor Pogacu, Wil-1 how pigyer bat be.iiSanipotant ClUduig Canada, lied signet the pact faiie, lrlvte J. «'Iness;" o myoawosfrefor home, while others aamm Starkfder theicsuecs of Uic Alleti se- et liaI Urne, asti now 42 nations, in- paswofeul," Sergeahit J. Rings 5,4eit'to Oroekuinto essiat lhe war cet- Ulada" a nie ur te~ie t lmes viien defcat seemed lu- clu"ig Uic United States, liedsigned. Royal Engifleers; Ladiee' Aid, Wbitby erans tiiere lui a service. prepartry <~"ier Name. Uveth For Ever-, evfteble. _-Re.. r. icehards peintei, Tii. minister felt~ that the signing cf UnietiChueii "Iioingme o , the corganization of-a& egOi oe.out tuaIthere wm efour outtstanding tuÙs pact nsrkcdtheUicbeginning cf a WhiLby Pire Brigade; Whitby Bgpistibrandi. fThc anthem by-the choir was Kip d ate uthe. world's strinc-tnw Churli; asse Lcge, ens f Elg- . - - Unges Recessional,"LestW Forger~ nection witli lhe cause of world peace. i h greatest date cf ail. It àntroduccti stiute; SPortxWitby BosotoEpLâO SATH M ldanum<u.duhnee sudilpir- Tii. irfit as Novcmbr 11it, M98ea ncw ere in humen - hitory. It was stitte;Por Whtby oy cou TrOP;ing feature cf lthe service was tUi, *ben thce rnistice was signeti, brinÎ- Uic greetest day sixice Penlecost. Post ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ peg ofat ais.Axiay aa thtg ~e congregation, standine ng u n ndcatour years f terrible Re. Mr. Richards recalicti the pro- dia Lêion Ohaw' Otaro egi 1 o gveallgcf cete Canada in its Pur- carnu4 e i.seond wes April 28th pliecy mati. 160 ycars ago by Josephi mient. The. wreaths wihu exception jl service unter t"er auspicesaj>eiig suit cf peece, seying these wortis: 1918p wlien preident W-ilson, cf 1the Ccook, an, American missionary, that w.re bqutiul to th eiemeantistrlking anti conclusivee WO<fs cf th 1"We Uic people of Uiis cengrege- Unitedi States, ijja gzýeat hanet Paris, Uic l9tii Century would make Lhe tiiey looktetieven more beaLutiful ini thcfa&i.AUll tat vasnecessary forthe. tien offer prelse t. AImlghty -Goti Inîrotiacet by motion ofthe League cf'i world e neigiborocti asdtihUic201h artificiel liglit after IL was turncd on. Legioui te do to ebtain public support .__.......___________a________________This___________ wes te mention Uic objeet- He wisli- m.anshcfinrdationaoftraserto, n, T N oening prees cifere for by thes as an ognietiy osscfble sue-by Uicofintrdutionacftradsoain, Th pNcw Flaeag l oered bycd fors ane Legion er ossibe UC s ad Uic signing of peace agreements Rer. john Lintisay, pres pn O teics who lied serred their countr rcy bcèng fhe finati.fte at a WWitby Mlnisterial AssociaLi . o iC.li ntruiy sud well. ueybigulie. tiiere was introduceti a new anti rery Tii. subjectl cf the sermon was At the. Baptist Clwrch pîcasant feature cf such Gd s memnoheriel ap- es Reference totee vcning service in cfvi Misa M . . prs, nteti fpointing eut many positive anti trk-th atsCura wi hep- Raypreentd -o te -g Insacs oficw the prayers cf posf, tc lcWityLeimCp ic G peue' ~1-tOr Presetnted Lwo flags, appears cise- John meClellanti, a vcry beautiful sltionaUbttefrontrL. Gdthe~.-f weeitise,. tSion ,Jack, whih ves runi5UP a stee' heerer anti answcrer cf prayer, hadj pont-to the cast of the. memaoual by coe uc nar on many occasions Ii I_~ Hard-boiled Riegimdentai -Bandi plày e cNational prayer the titi. cf battle for the allieszae ontd . AMihhem. !.Two "ClComnpany buglers, iiatibee turnet. tiw t rwtd . ARMISTICE DAY WELL OBSERVED (Continuet i-frm page 1) clare t thle pIrt isaufest by the men wlio bat leld. domn hir lives la the. gfft ver vasthé !spirit that Wb& needed thlupbaulltlg cf Canaida todey in thinga matelal and spIritual. He polted oeut thet tii, day callet to rerncmbrauie ite ys cf Uic war, but the. entiig cf hostilties andthle usi- erlng la cf a MW era cf Peace. BR.- Mr. Crisnli pinedthliatasnatonsegel tegetier sud ceemore ln contact with cahi cher by transportatin&Mu cther mementi hope cf a perlmet intenietLàd - peece vouit b..omc brigliter 'ai niore reel. Thi. specllmusi ncuid e &,"l, "Tliere la no, DeaU," by l(ra.C. P. Lyn , andt Io orgen nambers for tie offertory, 011m eStilhiessof 1(gW' sud beauiumedleY omtdbug "o Got Our "feP I flu A e Fst 'qp y Goti t. Thee," aMti"-it WII1I by thei. organdLt, Misa2 jo*pwSu At Ithe umwtedCÈlus&i Stli th onula, se )à >*O 1eUnit- N. m rmak t kt A Àwq .-- ve, wkhtis hba" l H OMEs - clothing- education -even pleasures and iiuxuis-are bought on theéns -1met plan; but few people realze that mnoncy -the force=' behind al buying-can itself b. tueýby - instal- mnunt. By makig paWrmtnU Of $4-52 a week you can buy $1,,MO ifour years. Asic our Maniager' about it- 'Whikb h .yMsuqw .. .'. Evrywadropof is scent sinl oftened. It mua sitbei order stat.it cmut bnorlyde- hwth h i cnathepre e op we ue, and loohe pr i dirtse, nd ml wse u the dihe n you openyour bu-*nde you en ycoen y he fat iii stu any tht he ave dine- Spalndid jbe vethn 1a cspyfresh an--vethiedlnt of cleinfesan.dW hede fv difeantfem ily have» ser- vifee, cailrcedashor-n tieshe ameunt -of wcordose. t oue yung la wkdy expa them te yeu. Phoe.now. We are Calling et, Our <menra homes until a locageucy la etab-. PHONE 316, WHITBY Sergeant Wlid and Prîrete ïBartlett, scUicti"T-Me Lest l'ost," anti "R.-- veile," Uic band playeti ,Abde With Me," andthUi brief, sciemu serivce was caded. Tihe parade was egain lincti Up anti proccedt t the Town Hall for_ the annuel memorîIsi ervice. The Tewn Hall was packcdt tee doors, orne being ebligedt t-stand, for tiie memeriel service, ustier thc aus- pices cf Whitby Leglon, whlci ves le charge, cf t<e Ministeril Associaticfl Rev. John Lintisay presitict. A prit-ý ed order cf service. wes -?liowed throughout. Rer. John Lindisay led lu the. invocation; Uic audience sang, wlth th. Regimental Bandi eccoinpanyý Ing, "FPigit Lh. Gooti Figit;" 1crv. A. L. Richards, of the Unitedi Churcli, led ln lthe responisive scripture Icasos and, offereti a prayer for King anti Country anti ail who sercd in Lb. Great War; Mr. C. C. Watkina, representing Rev. D. B. Langford, of St. John's Churcli, Port Whitby, readth Le scrlpture read- lng; Mr.,, John Parkcer sang, very et- feclireiy "Tiere is No Deatit," Mr. Robin Nicholson accompanyit hlm ou th1epiano; Two inutes5' silence la commemoration cf Lb. f allen vas teç observeti as ail stocti w4th ii oet op s, the b.Regimentel Bandi play- th le Deeti Mardi ln, Seul sud lie* P>inlAntiiem. Rer. J. M. Criss», f Ail Sainte, Churcli, ofer th11e rayer cf ommenoratod d uwtngý ~~~~rcss o the. day vs ez'dehv th le B&ptist ChurcIh* iesui.Jee lie ln g"Crcsse." Thc uhaging etf'%0Got Our Iielp lu ages *tat am theUi-pro- - , nounclug of lie UBencdtoet by 11v. 1Er. Lladsy, brougithle servi* sud titsthelicfellen ho a close 44*ukicac of thecCross Captais Beat ilais etdresa on "4Croaesstetet that tlie crss vas peulip i te mcml familier word ln ail islory, and ti I ld erer beenlte symbol of sacrifice. Ail rekonlug of turne begm atet icCross snt wnUt book irm thler.. 4Thp cross-of Chist of Calvary vai as t.vere 1he pivot et ail rekoningw-the cross vas a uni- versai *ord. Wihlte pasalg of Uié ages ec»ar edeeper latmeat antib preter k.vpguoefor lie cross. Sqe matie more of tliecrosstitnetm s àà 8omecIuces ~Il vwumou-t. i for. Fortb. " CapI.Be a id verds cf vnW' cupsamiê a le rgot -thet i -teplacetinus mône prmine plaetia eel ite future. The. cros va uuvuaal-il hlonaWt te COLt,.BesIpolited ontu-"t~e b#Ue gpeun4a ba4iIvpi *sMysoit- a psmter asawoe cdar o» - <lio te «m o f Caivay. iBoldier more dehut cnes ola tli1 1'* -. l5ti, I92& f Here are a few of the thiýgs that justify us ini claiming to have the best "FUEL SERVICE" in the Town of Whitby. Fourteen complete sheds, with solid dry floors, so0 that every pound of coal and coke, and every stick of wood is under cover. No dirt in your coal and coke,, and no moisture ini the wood. Ample storage room to provideý against ghortages. A delivery service that meets your needs promùptly arid.ef- ficiently and courteously.' An up-to-date accouzting seevice to ,keep you advised in a considerate and busmnesslike wa>ý of your obligations. A reliable connection witl thippers of the eEST fuels on the maket-D. L. & W. SCýANTON COAL. and. HAMIL- TON BY-PRODUCT COKE. The discriminating buyer gc>-s where he can get the best SERVICE. Your patronage wvifi bc welcbme here. John'MCCIelland Cor. Brock &Duniop4 (IcQPOATDm54 ?4W JER3Y> BROWN, FL'EMING M-. 315 'inora jÇt 9'ronto TILIPRONI AD. lm XURAYP LEIN IUUMacSlEXrNHoe ADVERTISING Gazette and Chronicle Bringor God Resuits HEARDS w bed, 4 tStlong; -h" Mon»su, awl p by rq9u mviqp fuxS PU s b ir a deinof for foubd. TAXI SEvicIE to andkt.. ail btuh5 W.lèl B.PRINQ Baud - ntu&0 sui F IOWARD ANNES ITAR0 i~ad~ataa Is*sc~~Loan euat Mr. oo ffc Jos. St. ~, -m *hW~ J' 'i --J t- Phone 397, Whitby ý

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