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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 15 Nov 1928, p. 7

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~O. BROOKLIN FLOU Brooklil, id 144 Is GAnR MILL8 Outerlo Red Roe rag Po 'S la clum bkdMA&uftewn 41%0 4 O -Newton and Mr. ond Mrs. . Qîiil -of Toronto; Ispent Uiholdywtlr and,. *. W. Croxall. Mn. aud 1Mis. Roy Rlckingbottom, of Toronto, 'rlsted wlth Mr. snd Mm. N. White. Mr. and Mrs. McKendry "Mpen c week eud with Mr. snd Mis. GrbUtt. Mr. snd Mn. Ellilson and sons«ad, Mr. and Mrs. Ramey spent S-unday and MAQfday wlth Mr. aud Mns. A. c. Elliott. 4r. sud Mms. Condy and Mrs. D. Gr*gg and daugbter, of. Clarcuiont, sp4t Sündaewlth )&r. sud Mna. C. ElljOtt. r4nong those who sPent thre holiday at ome were Mýës Jean Dryden, MiW Mt Grigg, Miss w. Holllday, Miss " rY Huater, Mr. Gordon,lunter, M"~ Geo. Cooper. ue ' Women's Institute bas been [Il t fortunate la securing Judgp H srkaess, of Troronto, for tueir spec- W i eeting on Friday evening, Nov. 16. T"W meeting will ho held lu thre basemeÙt of the United Church at 8 o'clock. Thre subject la "Thre League of Nations".. SIildes will ho used in con- nection wlth the lecture. *Everybody will be made welcome. Mr. Ego spent the week end ln Pet. erboro, Misff Ross ln Canningt.on, Miss Carscadden inu Lndsay and Mr. Ire- land i.fl Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Edgar Hogarthr, of Napanee, spent thre week enid wlth Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. Mrs. Tordit!' assisted moat accept- ably la the service of song at thre Unîted Churcir on Sunday moning. There was a large attendance at thre Armistice service la the United Cirurcir on Sunday cvenlng,' every available space beiag filled, sud many beiag turned away, About slxty of thre Great War Veterans paraded tu the service under the commnand o! Major Smithr, of Columbus. IMe Boy Scouts led by Mn. ,Wm. Agar, Scoutmaster, also took part lai the parade whlch wau headed by a Salvation Army iiand in charge of Mr. Graves. 11ev. ýA. L. Richards, of Whltby United Churcir, crllvered a niout Impressive address. De'sciblng incidents from bis own-cx- perîences ln the war he emphauized the herolsm and unelfisbnesa of' Uic men and urged them te manilfest thre same -pirit in the promotion of peace. SAt the morning service, which was also largely atýended, 1ev. P. L. Juil prêached on "Thankagiviag." Thre choir gave its usual inspirlng leader- sbip Jan the service of song t bath services. A vocal solo by Mr@. Tardiff, o! Myrtle, was much appreciated, as werc also the organ solos by Mrs. Pengelly. The churcir waa tsstefully decorated for thc services. "Bgetand hoat yet" was Uic ver- dict regardlng the Fo wl igupperP»4, [ l"s metoue * Wa ber hom'e1 ta pal-nygoumdon Satandy sud ospenI r. Chas. Plley a flew"day, wlth lM. rudley's wi WOhscalesbeom motirer. jcrs>Club, sud ivh Mr. KLrt Battys sW alu tTuesdy- e0e;at. 111 vas Weil attondetam ithre soc Tol biieia pupi vWeL tif, boWt a aueos Mr. Tom-nonion, .of Brookrlun. <IWN u it P9 MY' wuted frieuda borieon Monday. Mii psrtWM RayE Our dcalwnr etum ree*«fante rePrie, Marli s»d oati on Surday, but werî« rosc iclHrne-u éssaful ktheir puisat of teen. uiM »onUY HaYeg4 b sain ho »rer msw a tuer but ho Smilth. tols Tardif gWrught ire bead tieni. Detten teck thY SpOunceR, HWP se«t tinr, boys. ovine hleves, lNa' M- I mm .Totton&sMdMm Id vgitoouafetaud am- t. b1.ýogs O*kVIp, ot ietwtb Mn. an'! LMn. A.Of80 M their Mn...~ -'t. . .. . -mvainta .ak , AYiu,«nani, i Sim Pn.,F.Drin ntt tire I dhoiday wî*tb t*er moyn undedPermà&aw«e . ed and il waimposible fer everyomn to get ln to the church for the porm h jPageant 0h Pl E "ws' quiThe diffemet froin y proginetge and, judging from the cloe iteresi W*aWlested by the-large adecIl wus keenly enjoyed. I Barbara Lane, the elever daugbter Of a Canadian docltor, Who, witi bis Wlfe, bas spent lon eaalIda decides on -ber graduation from Col- jIege to have a cancer la Amerca. On 4 short viait to ber home inluhda, ibovever, aBbc inso laâpmsscd with thc trarle eondition oif the Rindu women, * whose caste custome Winl not saow them to amcpt Uic medical services of male doctors, that she dedicates ber lite to them and becomes a lady doc- stor In India. The last two ocenes show the Indien women comlng te ber office for treatmnent, old, blind, crippled. Ig- inorant, quarrýlsome, but patheticaily cager to fihid the Canadian Wo0man doctor. As Dr. Barbara Lane site aurs- In late at nlght, an outeaste woman, whom sqhe had cured months before, cone in to tell ber thanka. She cher- ishes very tenderly a pili bottie, whlch shc la worshipping every day. She and ber- village people have forgotten the' name of the God of their belovcd doc- tor,. but they eall hîm the God of the Pill Bottie. The pageant closes mnost irnpreaLuvely as the Hindu folk in native costume troop en the stage 3 at a time, each group singing a verse of "Just asi; 1am," and qtand with bowed heads -while the Bible woman leads .ther inl a simple prayer to the God of thé 1>111 Boule. The parts were al taken sympatheticaliy by young people. The lades of the W.M.S. are to be complimented on their first at- tempt to put on a program of this klnd. MIss Laura Mackey, of Brooklil, Mrm. Friend, and Mr. Verland, of Osh- awa, rendered v'ocal numbers between the acta, which were very greatly en- Joycd. The W.M.S. of the United Churcb are -holding a Thankofferlng meeting in the church on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at 2.30. Mrtq. (11ev.) A. L. Richards, of Whitby, will speak of ber experiences in the Home Mission Fields of the north weiit. AUl the ladies of the com- munity are invited. On Thanksqglvlng Day the Lambert family'held their annuai reunion at the home of W. T. ,Lainhrt. Forty-one guest.s sat down to a fowl dinner,, which ail enjoyed. The afternoon was spent indoors In remîniscences, after whlch pictures were taken of aIl 'presentL To the person who helped himseîf tW someone -else's overcoat, at the dahce given in the Hall Frlday alght: There lis no excuse for tic miatake as owner had bis ane-ia pocket. It takien by mistaqke pleas returu at onee w uer Mat Lawn Cemetery. 'The poi ~ere: Mosan.T. e. isdu i e, C. Stenhouse, sam e_ s. The ,sympatby of the cOur.. la extcnded to Mma Smith asud MACKEY-MICHELL f vsitedý ber brother, Mr. A. Slute, here The home cf Mr. sud Mms John H. On Sunday- Micireh, Green River, on Saturday, We had an unusual visitor for Nor. Srd, was Uic scene cf a prettY hmsvîg-ltledi.twa weddiug, wbcn thirer daughtcr, Ada t acc comimE froin Uic norti ronite way Rowena, becaine tire bride cf Mn. Ev- W tire twn o! Raglan- "Boys take erett Pascoe Mackey, ycuagest son o! notIce." Mr. sud Mmii Chas. Mackey, Brooklil. jMn. sud Mm. MOlVile X1111131),sud The homne wus beautifuliy decomated jfamliy spent Sunday at IÊr. Lorne with roses. 11ev. W. Auid, of Mark- Kuappas bain, offlciated. The wedding musie Mn. Chas. Fox, of Toronto, Mn., sud was playcd by tire brid'. cousin, Misa Mun. Ry B r.ancs.lrawa, spenât Vera Turner. Thre bride, wlio was udya nxCa.Bans givea la marriage by ber father, wr Extensive road work iIn great pro. a beautiful gown cf pink georgette, gress west of tire village. Judgxug.by aven pink satin, and carrled a ishcwcr Uic extensive equiptelit emiployed let bouquet cf Columabia Roses, UlIy of tire work, aur rosd shouIklho e atly tire vaiiey sud fera. Misa Hilda Mac- improvcd. key, sister cf Uic groom. was brides- Mr. and Mis. T. McKee, Ucyd and maid, and was gowned ia pink taffeta, EdilS, cf Manceseter, Mr. and MMIa wiLir gold lace trimmi1nga, sund carried Clarence Cook, MM$; Ionia Stanley, a bouquet of roses. Tire groom wasaof Prospect, ireid ThsnkttMvng at tire supported by tire bride's brother, Mr., formen's daughteeË r'h iS.. Evana, on Hugir G. Micireil. Durnrg Uice igng Mondsy. of tiere egister music was rendercd by Mma Maye, of Greenwocd, labai- Misa Turner, aftén wilch a weddinst dayaag- wli ber daugirteis, Mma.WII- dianer waz served Wtirte immediate liani Kcliîngton sud Mim A. Pîie. relatives. Laten the happy couple left fMr. Arthur Ormiston a;ihe hoit- for an extensive motor trip tirte day at bis fatirrs, Mr. Trin Onnus-1 States. Thre bride travciicd ln blue ton. n fr.D bl georgette sud velvet, sa avy clotir coat M. dM me.. 1lopaon &W witir oppoasum trimmingsansd a amaIl family are holidaying la- Toronto wltb bat Wo match. On their retunn they wiî n .Goe reside ia Brooklia. Misa Mary Wales was a Sunday guest cf Mr. MD Lyle's. jA canr eavily ladeà, fine deer on MYRTLE Icithen tender, was ecrcogtered on its, Miss Nellile Harper, of Whltby, vis-' way citywards on tire '-. igway be- Ited Miss M. Hawley lait week. tween Myrdtl and Brookil. A numben of deer have been notlced Mr.sud Mm. Carl Âvey sud daugb- goia sotir onUicaId cfcar d erng speat ThauksgiVîný T>ay at thre tie psothfew he day ofcm..r home of Mr. sud Mis. Chris.Wilson thepas fe das.Depite tire unpleasaitwcaber cou> Miss Dorcas MeFarian, accompafied dtosfrTak eUil by Mn. sud Mm .Rosaweli Dobson, cf w- ditîca forthskg. efaiUe Oshawa, mctored tW Tillsonburg on wcM revl ant. ç,l sedn Saturday and apettthe hoiday wltiw it j n. i Blanhar,'d la spenlea. tire fommer's parents. a1wceof Wiirothe, nsC.Bluc1 Mr. Thoamas Duif returncd on Sat- 1 aroufWhitby. obae hrh urday trom Shirley, wirceire hebasbel aicsfaier h1.2~iUrele vlsitig bis ou LonIn. j e cviclnity repor~tâtegrain ýieldU Mn. William Tamvis, wiro waa tki a god treatmpnts ii ic he Taranto e Cn IMudMe CI eral Hospital.,iras returned o hi bus, spent Sunday ut bojet tire home here and 1lac! the opinion uratil iîtarntM00 f4 Mn G tire treaturent wli ho gratly benc- ore, 0 BurketMuý ' ticlai. f ~Glad to hear thaï t.G.,Rbi Tire Wcmeu'a Missioeary SocletY dl mronjl~ are holding their iegular- meeting st the home of Mmi. Williain Hoar, on .i.i.iTLESATO T7huvsday cf this week MMssThoreton;, )trme h, b ou Preparatlomns aibens made te 1vitfu #kM1.Jb bave thehl rl p, at'1 W rhp Afatc ee's« Ë o- &ta *P Ilas olt oif Qsbà#u, Greînwce'dc, was at Mrougham Drdio ay uvc uteTb"- Over tIbs-week end with Kitchenier heWomue'sMlssonary Society cf réxenwood clawnlt met at thre home of mms Vlictor fPans last Tuesday af- tsrnooeý Mc JanXWhlter visited witb hér Pereuta at Colbcck over the holi- day. A immber attended Uic concert sud box social at the Stone Scbool near Highland Creck laat Thursday even- lng. Mis Edna Grees, tbe teacher, la te Lbe congratulated on Uic splendid sbowmng ber pupils made. COLtJIIUS Mms J. James and Mrs. L L Guy are spendlag a few days liuk Oshawa. Mr. and Un. 0. Chapinan, of Orono, apent *Saturday afternoon wli Mr. and Mms Thos. Cook. A few from here attended Uic dance at Brookila Prîday aigirt jast. SWe are expectlng Uic huntera, John Sesbitt and Stewart Murlson, back thila week wlth lots cf deer. Mr. Rosa A. Murison, cf Madoc, apent thc holiday. at Uic home cf bis parents, Mr. snd Mrs. A. Murison. Mr. J. Tarves spent Sunday at Ash- bure -Miss E. Holman, cf Toronto, spent a few days with her aunt, Mm. J Holman. Miss B. Rosa visitcd at Brooklila tvlth Mr. and Mms M. Rosa. Mr. sud Mms.WWm. Robinson, of Teo- ronto, visltcd during Tbanksgiviag wUbr. sud Mrs.Ellens Mfr. Rlob GîIl»y, «i Toronto, Miss D>. Gilroy sud frlend, vlstted at Wnr. El- Mr. sud Mrs. Fred Wilson, of Osh- awa, spent Uiheoliday with Bi. snd Mris. B. Wilson. Miss Jessie Met=ai, of Churehl, vluited a !ew days at Mir. sud Mn. L T. Cook's. -Mr. Foàter, of Belleville, vIsited at Mv. ad min T. Peremaws. Mr. aIld *Mms. red Turya spen$ thre holIdy at Elackutok witb Mr. and ?tehome of -Ur. sud Mn.Cordon Riet ws tre éene of a happy gath- erln onFrIe venlnc wben a lerp nuebr eMdte give a mdiel- laneoùns sbower t I àielywda. la tuila wayie'muny Columbus friends of the. bride jhadsta >- opportuuity -t.- meet E ln u er new home sud-kt" t4 usneetinie emn"y.to her tbMr ré- gret at ber - *tano d-te aglan. '['ho bride anmd g ffîome e redcpibuaof #nany ueanbft~uifu1 laf rom 1tbcivfriend*, toe wblhIwfflattacbed ~rd Par. îtby tribu- Puflty s. jfor at.i fn tu j't At, W. 5.11- t!lundred.e"rySese The Qiualîty -I. the*.-thte (t U la tëe. -Odd.size PIpý10 este.od TapMe" d.t. order. IIW. aise aof eupStea.d a<fi1ck MuW Look usspi 4~snon o! Hday wtth ber V PTSIfll. Mn. Newman iywlitbe west ,5WH~I Wo Oahawa on Tuesday. Mn. sud Mm W. Wilseon mioved on Ihd. Monday to Atirens, where Uiey pur- Cryfor. chaaed a faim a few niantuis ago. Lust Thuroday evening the Baptint- congregaton gathered at thre churcirh ut u alymvdli sud gave thein a farewell party, IlwEd. int tban- n hMom ut i aenting Mmi.Wuihson wlitai"nleuavillage. steel kulÀves, Mn. Wllson ,wlUi anl Mrs John Wbltsoe dled ut, ber home auto mugand John wltb a fountale n n.a tielteono ieB.~ . FrIday, Nov. 9q» afler sfew day, P. h aterwi o ea t he B.l 'Y. P. U , Ilîncs.S h ir a survlved by bmW iu band werespl el citiz nsd actiîvewrk suod twom daxlte r Tire nvl". ors ln thre shurcb. bi oeielt eiec uIa We ane uorM Wknow Mm Iicrhard i S udoa fteý àiamo Wand la agale coniffeed Wo ber b.d. ~Jh isn ftne Is We hope ah. will son reover. sr1eny atAhusdy. jlr fnes Soute holiday vistons were: -Mn.sdeA at IUey MÎ sud Mms John Casger, Tononto, at thewu %iýed&Wavday frein bis Mt e !oiflei'5puren.; Vola eoe service h n4rcdvW bygv forwrMIsses Vila n Mr. caellon licnUhebLy e4, Geov1~raFo .. an~d MissesMlldW dInternent, wuimade Wlu Claro1 sud Lois BrOode f Oshawa, at union cmetr.lc s M rohro G.1-sud Mms.Foreytb's; Misa» alM d.GleoeeryRe> wbo inbath MecCeuen, Rleiuond HIJI, at ber par-'smptryc-Uccomnly omit; RubensudMmi Beuirsud On Frday aflerooca, 1fov lethi the ofniyetStayner, Clgfodand-Mis. wn,«& of tihe apêgcoesa Pllhy, Trcee, ad M .IL and of ý *kus schéol tains _Uiroughout Toreté,at- os.Evaa; -W. '~ tire county o! Ontarlo, wMLU pea lu» Mn. Eron Où*uwa., sudWà. and the Couneil Chainberï 1Wbltby. A cor-" NMv Wurd Ous"**, at eB iw. dial invitatio#n la oxteedd to ail Mr. sud Mn.- Dixon, a*Mi SIIIIy, cf A. largo cwd pawdtiroir respects le Buffalo, Iut v. h. Triots. âci nreoyc iofle a tedgtr Cooper, et Tarento, wltrh W Parentiymnolu evcel i Mr.- uM-Mn. E. Chmm, ' Meke * ý 1uait on SuMay .teveou at. Uc.', I lpg, st G. -M. ~ ~[ansythepW.,0 Past ploçeti s wvostlr at tire base Mn. MeMiurbY left lait week on bher r»turettip te threwet Mfr. sud. Mm .Wllker spent Uice weck Med wlth [Menton fiiends. MIES. E. Evans vlsited. moat of 14laieek wlih1ev. suad Mis. Chas. Kin&, St. Thoum, formenly of Claie- mont.' Mfr. sud Mns. Melatyne are visitlng1 fnienda lu western Qptanio. D>. M. Morgan ha< a business trip te Columbus oit Saturday. Mn. and Mis Jas. Evans are spend- IDg a couple Of weeks with relatives ln Toronto. The 'Ntomen's Auxiliary held a mneeting In Uic United churcir lait Thursay afternoon. Mr. and Mm. E. Bryan ar enter- taleng relatives from Toronto. Misa Clava Neailai witb fi-jend.«tla Toronto this week. Sev%,eral o! tire Baptist youag people atteaded tire Young Peopic's RpaJly la 'Oshawa on Monday afternooià and ev- enlng. Several relatives atteaded tue fun- eral of Mms C. C. McAvoy et StouiT- ville on Monday afternoon. LieSnc to nk Mav voti Stock itby 'ARbNM WANTED'! - GOGO MILLIMO FALL- WHEAT WILL PAY IIEST PRICE. ALSO A FEW LADOF 0 IXED GRAIN. Charles Wilson --I oNIgIff. 1hm aré inwba ail amothers kmv oe't *wonth a fretfül baby. Ni" s 09 tilgjUst wbst's wrongw yet wme- thiruglrust b. dosw. (asto l it elÀ Ïew »M & Bab basdzeppod ouf te Ùm> se. ~tZs rvius Mes»s of qul.utluga Toutim@s nfant la tel 4=10hm. There lI& Dot oengrodient btw ailsudoctors kuow sAMapproyq Md4 Iw lm fi?. 70? La .ve psray seg.ts.peodant. Oaapains,. oastpatio, e0ondlarrha a ub. dis- rled la tuil a mceranUMr. astnal aà od r tia y o= mrebut phy a u.n stlu »aY notlieg bitter foi, bics.5 AA old-faMllon.d remcdy IU youcotant 1Wycare, but parents arm old4aahloned wiro aUlI mrise bables wltheut 1h aldi Abrd at bast Ave Milîlion miod*M raimtircw *;pIt bantly day and ulgbt efor tweety. -1.million bottica were bouRht ltut «TrI Ruj youre aowî don't ,aMl until Toroutoe

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