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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 5

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wHJTBY GAZE.TTE -AMD CHRONICLE4 .,THURSDAY, FEBRUi 5INBOWLING AT A large number of supporters i - wero on baud for tise piay-offs for k thse sield at tise Ontario flosPlt*1' liii during tise veekle. xitement vii blEU t Ia higist, spectatoroi and-- players alike, being lài beat ferra ad atter a hectia evenlng for al 0 âj resulted lu thé: Beach.., ukipped- bY R. Tisorndyke earnlng thse rlist f cf cutody cf tise sield for tise Tisa Beacisés put tise osis andtzr tise Cuba, (lb-ieCuba aiseo - oi tise vorid'as ete.s) mad w te- salhed W. Hardeu'm Wanderera Whvis finiaised In seêoid 'place. Tise l1~aderCuba, led by Dr. 8. R. P. mont- $, gomery, wrere appareny oe7 trained but, set-,uP a nev record for one gamewvus tise higist gdore cf 927i A social evenlug and nit placé tisis -(Tisursdiy) evening At $50 resentation cf pîizea 1viii taise Luke's 'restaurant visere, no daubt tisia andotiser gameS -*111 h. Te- - t piaycd. nrstrator, $175.00 I H HRCHESý 0F HEITBY one24I f. Farrell, et ,adervoort, of ,ai tise home in luTa- thesa il- -ernoon, Feb. apter of tise go Aiumnaee La bridge at or -anlaunce- mng, K.C., b Mr. Alan C. scome assocla ,ter lu tise pi ltby.-- rred- on Wedi 990, ai Jo: lbuz'g, Ont., LôUlse - Hic] Hugisand Cl Deoeased v ýtantcn Baisai Club hai rhurcisedi 7.30 p.m. mes and tise progr - selçIçu re fi Fe tteuding Lo' iiso vis ai e ripeaVa [fta y la . H -re- Thse fallowing are the noctices oéf Suniday sriesadvariaus.activi' ties of .WhItbY Churches.. St. John's Port Whltby,. Rector, Rev. D. B. Langford. Feb. 9th, Anglican National .Comiession Sun- dayi il a.m.--Morning.Prayer and Sermon; 3 p.m.-Sunday 'Scisool. and Bible Classes; Iý7 pm-vn ing Prayer,- Rer, J. -W. ÇrisalI,0of, AUl Saints', Whltby, - iii preacis;- Friday, '7th, 8- p.m-Advisory Couneil meeting. at tihe rectcÈ,ry; Mionday, lOtis, 8 pn.-rAdjourned veutr>' meeting At thse S.S., Hall;' Tuesday, ll1th. 8 p.m;.-Dramna, "Kindling the Reartis Fires." Sec, speciainoie St. Andrew's Preabyterian, churcis -R ev. John Lindsay, pastor. Suri- daY, Feb. 9th, il a.m.,and 7 p.m.. --.Divine- Woruhlp conducted by thse pastor; 2.30 .m.--Sâhbath s chool and Bible Study. A., hearty-welcome im' extended to ail. WhItby Butisi Ciurch-ýT. F. Best, paRtOr. 'Sanday, 10 a.m.- nesa Bible soo*l, Mr. S. b. Wilisoim, )lIn, Bible ciaèsateaciser; , Il'a.m-D- leny, iue Worsisip, -aubjeci: "Whiter be- Tiun. Snow;" 7' p.mi.--Goapel Ser- vic, e, subjeet: "Tise Mecist Ma;" 'rsa Mcnday, 7 p.m.-Jani.or -B.Y.P.U.,; as af Monday, 8 p.m.-Sénior BYPU. h fWednesday 7.80 1).m.-Mon's Club;' Thursday, 8 .m.-Mid-veek' meet- a u-Ing for-Bible - tudy, 'prayeër and. mens praIso; <Fniday, 7.30 .M,--cisoir De- practîce. Ail vis are'not membena, oe- cftiser-cisuncises- are cordially lu- ram. vlted Ita tise services. and Tise United Churcis, MiuWser,@' ue-Rev. A. l. RIcisardà, B.D. Sunday, - tise Feb. 9, 11s a.r.-Morung Wors3hlp., tesermon tiame: «"Tise -Preseut GOp- Isàed Portunity for' Evangelisin" -2.15-- e of Sabisatis School; 3 pm,-Afionnoon. . Wrgsiip ai- Aimogda;7pm-2v enlng Worahip, sermons tiemes " Fniend cf Jeas;o,"- Monday; 9ain. -Tise -Young- Peoplo'. Feilowsi- tis A ValeitIne pmr;ty, vwit-h spqCii-lis.mr enc- vitation te visitora. Reffasiments. foi- Wednosday, 8 pm-i mnid-weeis be a service. Thse boak et tise montS, ne la "Adveontu'ins là istation v- sung geuiýsm.,a by Kernu.iin;, Fniduy. will 6.46-TrafL -Rangera; 7.45-uxis. tis" fr corembulo9 lln re proud ta gay- present hie owvn bath mani and f orget te be ai Tisursday, Fois- rhlmn, and bring save some clean, Lnment. ns"-tbe anis' Englisi amy- ,e as veli. Tis ry and sang ha w soldiors. Al bau fought and and Rraund hlm or of ver and lmrr an cutstund- nocie proportions. al tise romnan"a ho la soèn lu a pleture ut thse igis, Tisarsday, Tomsmy Atis" youhigas le feels, te doesni't aiways e boys would ra- de iii their road- Stiudies. und no eub- for conscien-' taking- care, s for which ia famous are taince.d. Sof t soap, -many no rubhung areý utili thse ra in prolu C- hof - 'farnily deligisi Our 3y custornera. five cffferent zsdry- service IInly wagh." lerately prkceç Y or coeuul Ur courteous RECIPES Tie SPRING SCARFS Tetie-scarf is spring's favorite. If ane is very young and peit, shei tics it in a big bow under- the cisin and increases hÉr charni. If one is- aIder, it iay be worn like an Ascot. RIBEON HATS Thse ribbon'beret is onc of'spring's Most sprightly contributions to fass- ion. A trown anc js tnsade.of tva- anch grosgrain ribson, hand- fastersed, in a square patternthat is very dis- Tngfimbeir Up, Nov you knovwiss-aItt0do vison- pain. tortures your joints and they are Influnxed, avoilen and slf Here'.- a sooising . - pain sau-uý lng ,emolient,- callcd Joint-Base tht is lemade, i ghti iere lu Canadia and soid: by every druggisinlutise Ieminfon. Rub It on that stIff joint toiiiglt -tsa one thiacauses You sa mueS agony and ls of timoe-r'ub Ihlu good.and away lh gaes througi tise skIn, and flash rigisi dovu ta thse tendons and ligaments oaI - tise. jonts- Irîgisi viere al tise troubli starte. Joint-Ease limubers thom, u- tisat's- viai it'a madefor-lt bringa tisem, bacS ta - normna-lt, pene- truies and out, cames the sorenesÉ., -tiq pain.ceses-tise sweing le down-you're Immeuseiy*pieaed- a goed Job dône and,.dona .viftiy. 60 cents' a tube et ail1 drugglcts ev- eryvisore vush a positive gueran-. tece of satiafactIfn or meney back Here's eometisung. ion-,put Jôclut-Base ta vanS on tisai Çîr, lame, achIsng bacS.,-al Setter bY-. mornlag!, NEARLY KILLIEB BY GAý- "Gis on my stomacis vas se b! It neaany khiled me. My drugta told Mse about Adienika. Thue *4, - la tene uov and I beel fliî.."-*M, A.. Adameis. Simaple glycerin, buekilsorai-w lue. etc , as uslad lun-Adier14 ýelps GAS ou stomacis la - It itou7 Most rebsedies aet on -&éî - owel oily, but Âdlrika.. Cà Ȕ IOTII, upper and lover bovel,- mo iv isonous vaste you. k-uew nastisos. Relieves C "Ce $y the. I Sisuda! Iaît vws Canîllemas Day, and- trize te tradition - tise ,bear, cam.eout, 41<1 net se. tisesiadaw et Bill EBuis andI811A r ttheIr cottage at tise'lake, and vent bacli aglata Its don, for six veeku. Toe SI# Bearuhip tiss ould, have. been a m aign of approachingapring.., Sfncee- At. Luise?,. discarded the garage* attire-r7and: donned tise: kit- .chen aeron, ho-bas been doing ýcon- alderable cooking. Here Is-'his va- elpe, for toast: " 'Y6nt t on tise tire- and- buru IL then taise It to- tise ais and ucrape -it.' Canningtou bridge caretakeér ge a salary of- $5 a. year. If he vas - u ý'Whitby, "Rab" Pringle. vôuld be quite'Jîstfied lu- going. atter- hlm for, Income tax.. Lejt's - hope tise caretaleer's hand' doea n t shake visenhe taises'tise money. A ratepayer *hé fell fuit lengtis ln front cf a storetise otiser> day, remarked thaât visil e he wanted ta' sec thse farmers, get a fair. asses- ment, lie vas opposed ta tise suld- Ing $calé.' Consternation vas tisrawu liûta tise ranis cf Whltby'sa unemployed citizens vho are -sisveiiing snov tisis wéeIr for the. tçwa by -the an- nouzicement, that George Aluin is. applyling for -a. patent on~ a newv plougis vhlich acrapes tise snow cf f tise streets and -sidewaiks vitra anc operation after every -stormI. Thse pieugh. la operated witis gas. Tihe -foiiowing -la dedicated' ta tise -mn on. i on thse Post Office staeaon Sunday nigisa waciing tise ladies gai home frdm'charcis: Tise saddost varda of tangue or "*Tiey're. vearlng thoiie long gkints again. Asure aigu of Spning çvas ob- served ou tise streets this 'vei, I visn Cisairman -Davlidsdil, af tise Streets Cominittee, dlrected snov sisovelling vcaring a nev bowler Sut. As, Cisalie Lavery rem arleed wSen Se sa* l, "Tise memory ling-,. George Every-bas a look af ex- peciancy, on hie face. theqe days, and muSes, 1:rgular I.trIpe ftor- the mail. -lïe la iooking for'tise* am- oua "tisinteenti -bih." Tise Hydro- auditor atter hiea visit ta -WiubY. Sa'i n npected. tise P.U.C. bocks, taises up -hi. pen, and periasap, avay- vaniahes a surplus. 1fr o'Cannor, tise genial - BrocS - street acutis blacksmiis,. Sas, it la underatood. requeated a local .quAr-ý: tots e t tseAnvil Cisonus: at- tienzi adconce rt lu tise Tovul -ThiIs astattin -WFC (-WhlibY Floutr Cornerg) ýtise voice af Wiitbr, slgnlisg off, to -retura ta thse-air neiThursday. RABNINGS RE.ACHRA- NEW PEAXK Tise SOh A nnual Statementcf Tise Don"Oxi Bank Current Loans lis ~Canada Tucrease Total Assets Langeait in Bunk's Histony Xi la. aun occasion of considerabie satisfaction* te Canada tisai Our Banks, came :tiroagi tise cisangling conditions cf business and finance' &Ã" evideni during »1929 ---u .strong. condition vus Incr eased assois., and Iu a iigh is iuid position. TiseShAnnail Siaiemeni aI Tise Domninion Bank nef lacis tis la a marised degree.> Tise -Net: Eanalugef or tise _yearý ansi clased vere tise iigist lutise Banis's - history, alhioating . ta $1,522,00 au ý,Increase of $116e,- 000. ovor 1928, and 2g.42 per cent. I bisplay ànd Pricpan e Cards. on Many, Othér ISnes now srîecially pniced. W. A.ioilday &C.a ou. tise average Paid-Up Capital. cf' tise BanSk for thse. yar. Afien p.aying tise usual dividende and i bonus'af anc per cent, total- ling $885,000. tise .iiank reserved $185.000 ta -caver Dominion and ProvIncial'.Goverument Taxation. Tise Officers' Fension Fund re- ceived a contribution of $50,000 -isile an appropriat Ion of $100,00.0 ývus«*m.ace against 'Bank Prcnuises Account. Tiss vas $50,000, greater. than a: year aga. Au. addition af $102,000 vas madeo taProfit &, Lass.Aecouni and $374,50 0 earried forvard. Thse St4iement :siova, Cash As- setsat a$26,852.000 g t 20.27. per- esut. of Publie Liabilities, vitix îmrnàedlately Avallablo. Assets of $67,774,000 being 51.15 per cent. of Llabilities te tise pqblic. ,A nev hlgh record. vas establisis- -cd ,lu .Total 'Assets. visicis amount> ITise Bauk's close. association ýwit!ï,tise bus inest çetiges a large: Increase In,,Carrent ina\ýi whlcis bave reached a total of $73,- ~693,000 Up $10500as, cam- .pared v'Iti tise figures at thse close aftise previous year, as compared Notwithstanding tise increased requireients for maney tisat hoe- came se noticeabie durlng thse pai year, deposits vere weil main- tal1ned at a total of $113,352,000. Tise Pald Up Capitaliincreased. durlng tise yoar by $1.000.000 and tise Reserve Fund by a lse- amount. TiseF shareholders' Investinent in tise Bank now tatàls $16,367,000- Well, the bachelor who cudi't find a girl wortisy of 1dmh savez some woain from a lifé of slavery.-Rýo- bert Quillmn Hovever; it vouldn't be 50 bad if oniyr impassible streets were nam- cd after'.impossible counciimn.-De- troit,, Newa. - A MISSION 0F ROMANCE Lady IleriÃŽon-e. Lyitonithé lo0velY daughter of Lord and Lady Lytton, hias ies't. Englaod on a romantic mis- sien' for Switzerland, wherehcr pair- ecnts are enjeying *inter sports. But- Lady Hiermione is net making the j-îifrney with tise sole abject..of. ski- ing 'or skating. At Lord Lyttonl's> .conftry house at JCnebworth, -Hcrt- fordshire, it Was stated- that- it Wa4 understood. tiai Lady .Hernlione'sý- purpose ila geing to Switzerland Was ta, ask. her parents' consent ta ler marriage.. It ià beli 'evedth at thee mai whom, she vishes te marry is a f rieîid whonî she met in India*,w1hen lier father was Geverner of Bengai. -Thse -veung, Man recently returncd frein India and thse friendshire'was rene-w- RIBBED JERSEY Stocking- ribbed jersey is premnin- cnt lu saits.- Prints arc as geod ibis . ycar as last, but they arc sinaller gnd l ess 'garisis. Ligisi bine afid- briglit Irast are geod-*spring colorâa. Sîceves are ,more- important. Thse )12'19Orut- fton sîceve and tise bel ceî- are returning. Bad, Legs Can Nw Be Treated At Home 'A ucv itreaiment -vueS hreliev es bad legs witisout siaylug lu. bed muait b1esomeuiing aut of thseor- dinary. This new treaiment le knovn ns. Mýoone's Emerald 011. Vaics.a- cers yIeId toltiss poverfaul, pere- tratIng- ail and. togetiser -iii Tani- coco velus disappear. . Svollen and painfa- l legs are reduced -and i~ f lamniation and Irritation become tingscf the:pasi., Tisousand caàn iesiify ta tise ienefi tisheyhave Ti- ceived Every sufferer sisouid- get a bottle of -Moone's Emerald .0u1 and start tise reaimeni ut 'once. Ail good, druggiss have It. VICTOR REC'ORI5Sl - Il or. rSellilng ,at ,.75c -E'ach. .ncludes, La test Song, and. Trot, Hits- They a re. SeWllng Fast Holida'sHardware FEBRUARY Rare B gin--mUnbeatable Values'. Canadian.mad-e Goodî, First Quality, Fresh fr.om lthe Factory - White Enameled Water Pai, $1.25 value for, l Each ............................... ....... Grey Euameled Potato Pot' with le.d Regular $1.25. Each .................. Hot Galvanized Tub, large size worth $1.35, for98 E c . .................................m... Ga)ivanized. Boler, Noa ' size. Rega.lar price $2.25' for, each ............. ....... 15 Good Quality Milk Pails, haif pr ceè.98 2 for .... .... ....................... Eight Quart Galvanized P,*il, Alunmum Sauce Pan, 3 pint,,, size, ea 29 LaeWhite Wasb Bowl. Coru Brooms, regular 51Oc for .39;65C for ....555c CLSSIýFIED ADVERTISING- For Sale and To Rent FO4 REN<T -EIGHT RO H1oose on .Kent 'Street. 1 ' blocks f roin1.i main tret.App IV oA l del,. Whitbv. Ont. FAR'M rFon s, ~-FCOmPR1SING 165 acres,, lot 1.lPPiekeri-, Tôwnship. -.an good sctte of -eu ti. vation thoroug-biy"equippd fo1x1 da iry or . grain. farming,'.Mûe stables with nater s. -tem and LWo silos. There are 150 acresý,pf work- I able land, beliagwall:underdrained and 15 acres of pastufe.. For price and particulaes- âpply -at tha Picli- ering Bakery.(t FLAT FOR RENT.- ALL CONVEN- iences., Iýrnediate, poÉsiession. AP- plyý L. -S.. Bandel, Whitby. if TOR. RENT-STbÉ,E IT I apartmcnit recently *, occupiel - Sain!. Schwartz. Apply W. E. Rfevis, Whitby. i APARTMENT FOR RENT-FIVE rooxns. Ail conveniences over Wi-' §on's Butcher Shop. Possessi0ni f irst dbf February. Appiy A. a- del, Whiiby. . ff FOR RENT- FOUR ROOMED fiat. ý Ail convéniences. Centrai Phone No. 2 Whitbr. FOR RENT-STORE,, ON BROCK stroet soutlit -now occuipied hby Royal Bank, Possessioin March l st.. Appiy. L. q.'flandel,,Whitby fHousm; TO RENT-TWO UNFURNISHED troomis, itis ciectrie iight -and-f ite, n se of ceiiar. Appiy f phane 409.:W TO lIENT - ACCOMmoDATIO.Nf for ýone 'car lun tw.n car gara ge. Convenlcnt to iighway. Good loca- tion.iPhone 58, WIitby.' Articles -for Salet F-OR SALE-TWO REGISTERED Berkshire Soôws. ,Nine rnonths oici1. Appiy S. Tisorndike, Port Wisitby, Ont. APPLES FOR SAJýE-I $TILLý Ihave ,a few -bàrre-]s o Toiman Sweets at $ 0.and, tw7o of Gold- len Ru ssets-at $2.50. AlSo 5ýfe7 bushels of good Spies at $1.0 0 per bse.ilpried wiotith con- taîner. A. A ngt.Ahun ont. '4 f "OR SL-EVENJN RES pale green'Georgette, sze 6, 0n' wora nce.Sacrifice _$12. Appl IGazette, Office.t Work Wanted WANTE--BY A CAPABLE WO mani ,work by the day. Phone 347 pr appiy Gazette Office. -Wanted-To Rent WANTED TO lIENT -IN WHITBY-, for adult family, s,Èeven 'or eighit roomed zuodern house. Occuratioli 1 t -Mayist. Repiy t6i Box 50 -Ga- zette and Chroniicle Officee Whitby. I LOST-A SUM 0OF MONEY - twveen. Davidson's. Garage- and Dr, Nlc Gillvrays resideuce. Finder please -retura to "ý,Working -Girl", care- Pf Gazette Office. 'LOST-SATURDÂY NIGHT,, BE- 1 tl!eeZ Meelver's store, and aile bIîàloe_,È0otis, -edîcjather- plXrse cou-, ~hI1hIf fr4L e. vadi, itéturu te kNDON COFFEE NUT FUDGE ,-Three-quarter cup inilk n 2tablec spoons of grouind cofec, 2cuips of i sl*ugar, 2 tablespoons ai butter, 1i ponof vanilla, ½ 'cup Ofnt' anc Bringe the- inilk just Iu the bi point, tumi off the hecat, stir in coffee and let stand over hot wVý for several minutes. Then dsrain thc :grounds tlirough a fine sic Add sugar,-stiriog ntil it dissel àn4 cook to 240 degrees F., or c aI foriftns afirni bail in coid water. butter and cool to 110 degrees ori tii it is i4cýewarin ttO teucis. Béat tii zreamyi, stirin nut meàts andv iiAvBI UI II AT TEIKfospITAL I "4iQuriq }Hospit.al'Aerembly Ra1~wa~IIe&to » thse doors -On ý'i ùer. tisadirecftiou- cf Ar- b~piPleMÙs. Bac.', 'LR.L, gae. ~v one of the. tinest con- certa iseard ln .tise osiital Hall. lu n.recet'years Mr. Semple has de- vélope&. a vonderful -orchest ra, and the performance 'on thus .c- casteru vas ,mast ecýcellent. ')i .e-. musiei.ans, vire given a goad re- -cetiou' and attentive isearing and every nuinber semed ta be en- Joyed- by the. large audience. - Tu addition ta the orchestra Mr. PFred A. East, a inember. of tise archies- tra, ,and'a vauderful entertainer,. vWas -heard lu acTerai cissracter- songs. -Tise.-visîtors vwere warmiy 'ecmdaud tha , ked by-' tise ,medicat- superlutouident, Dr. G. M. Stývenson. Tise comnplete prograin vas as. follaOws: - ' TieKing";marci1,eh "Corona- tion" (Le aPropisete),, Mceyerber.. (1794-1,864); Barcarolle (Taies of 'eoffinan), _ Off eabacis, -(8 1880); Overture,- "Flgaro', _Mo- zart, (17.56-1M791. violin- s0oo. -"Frasquita", Kreisler, Miss F'lor- enrce Montague;, M\arcie -Sýlave. Tschaikowsky, (8i01 3 u cracker Suit-e (a*),,Chinese. Dance,- (b)- Dane, 1c f *the. Flutes. Tschiai-,j kowsy, 1S4-LS3);selection, 'Cavalieria - Rùstîcan a",%Mascagni, (1863); entertnindr, ceharaciter, songs, Mr. ,Fied A. Ea4t; MNarcho hongroise, "La.- Damnatibii. de FauÉt", B 1erlio z. (80-86) selection, "Carmei17.iot lSh 1875);màr-b1,."H. S.0."..Senmple. VEG ETABIJE DISR A. single vegetable, served en - asserole, wlith cheese sauce,.prs leyý -sauce or soine other t'-sty sauce, makes anée-cellent uncheon with a* saiad and stewed fýruiit. Hicks I Dundas Street East I Travel DAILY WHIT Leave Whitby d7.10 d7.40 8.40 u.rn. a.rn. 'FAI 2.40 3.40 10.40 a.m. 8.40 11.'40 a m. 9.4p -12.40 p 104 1.40 p.. cll.25 d-Daiiy. xccpt Su Coachi conne tons -rie, Onillia, Mid: Or4ngevili Hami1t Niagara Falls, BuffE Coach connectionsi * -Tickete GRAY 'i Dundas St. - Burnsý Ca sh Jams, Marmalad< New Government regulations f creuse ceet frorn 5C to 15c.jar. chance to secure a supply cf Jay at tise prices. 1. Apple and Sirawbem'ry Jarn, 4-lb. tins wîilbe 50Oc. Spe -2.- Pare Raspbcrry La, m, - 40 aoz. jar will bc 49c. Sp 3.- Pure Orange Marrualade, 4 lb. tins 'wilIbe 55c. SP -4. -Pure Crabapple jelIy, -* 40 oz. jar wilIl be 45c.' S 5. Pure Sirawberry J am, - -.40 oz. jar will be 55c. -SF 6. Apple and Raspberry Jam, -4-lb., tins -will be 50c. Spe 7. Pure Orange Marmalude, 40 -oz. jar will be 40c. -Sp 8& Pincupple Jarn, 40 oz, jarN -9. Parc Red Cherry Jarn, -'- 40 oz. jar will be 40c. S t10. Pure Black Currant Jars, V.40oz. jar will1bc49c. ,Sp -.40 oz. jar, regalar 49c. 12. Pure Plurs Jam, 40 oz.,jar Put in a good stock Don't forget-the Big Doinigsaut -Buy yeur Lettuce,-Celery, Caulil -Turnips, Cabbage, Onion EBUTCJIER- DEI OnIJy the Best Quality Becf,,Vei 1. -Freshi sliced Park ..... 2. Ste1wing Veal. very besi. 3. Rouets of Milk Fed Veal'. -4. Home-made - ausage..... -5. Froýen Salmuon, haif or whc 6. SalMon Steaks ........... Ail kinds of Cooked ai Phone Us We Eurne' Cast, ýA.ý No SUPI Servic Casoline and Oils Hcated Storage ood both See Window ý-- i 1. q 0

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