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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Feb 1930, p. 8

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TrE AND. CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY --6, 1:930 -[RArIE. COAL:., &W.-For ]Best Resuite. sie.-and best prices. ther as la e byeach ugteacchthe played ý s ths Wsn'tenogh an ithe ild- hte fri, aatd. 1aytisthe n e d roed Pont.itopering toethe and la5t eri-of. aeur4-1 twscon ters thth 'it Spcosofrst s deîatohoe, by ut ntouhto A. Aa e te estadthe nrs'eyad lsterfrst.' Ais riùý;s o Wbgame hende 64 u anor. of id sec) bt os. utPrt ope;andthe lgain erwas "ý a ç>i it ~ ~ ~~i »un'Aeao In ,teseand, d expessfnin. t uthr last ee e . wa a rea hockey aethe's nm th Nich wc plh ay- tators prcnt-te were aidfue- '11s-tuyileud thcyv hanîdrceihetheirdrsanys * . wot, sean t w soe utcr thel :),laco week t ll vnisitod tl e way otad een h il- yiArng daesverynee s herits d lelal nte beenon And lad. ley bu ney ou rtn peofThescore. Forthe"a i- bey Burnsd' hmslcl evcryn playert u-,à *n(rdeupresain.su ei trust see of tiseplaed a nhce'eyrard of hockey. Fo outciassed iii ssis aldcthervisitrs rosste eta K.00Wae ey gave ut thirbetatosere h bit-atcu ar sts And mettr thn tlat. hey*I wa the pcvd iprasone'th ry~ürh foofteaydeandt'th lois. heloa cs of pdaysand r yuil er'sis* thne-upolsbeotuis ng lre.lealst tat'lort- edoteo,.Mios; dheîi',-o Fhyo W lîiy l3ct- crset rya Huîchigs; ceanre, K. ry class d jack s a reth; visitôs,. Wret ad K.Wods ce thelargesit cr est we e he rmtýa, Hula isaSry. leigbcdthoiîn w ei a-o .' tis ost ondoss; et re, erta. etser a three. yleSîmitherinciackSl so forath-e gefenice, wý aC k V arv Rwice;s .areaE.dcoodts;,n, Oronc. C. lcightholni and L.McGrc,or. ilne tliat put tlis crimsp feîtdcest hope. 'Ilise qtens isad journeyed soie daye previeuisiy y -a score eti 7-6, anti ,d tlley cauld easlly icis on thieir owa tiee et se.Ti7lcy vOke rLit) t act tîmut lime getting anses: lPornt Hope sîcp- anie aItishe ver>' oitset HOCKEY NOTES Tee, bad, boysi but thcre's another hockey season coming and soînc,*ex- cellent hockey nuteriai in thse off- ing, Oh, '«cli, tîhe juniors lia-ve acoth-er cliance-tIe conteet for tise Shériff Pa,<toit Cup. Theyli givýe a- gooti -ac- cousît ef tiseteecives c-niftisey- dont 'luit., y'an good, Quality. Ldy for Stove use. Sizes ro Coke. Best ,on the market DELWERY i '~ JSW Sa do" I Oshawva Juniors came out on 'top « 'convener Miss H. Mole. Gampes wvere of the heap in'the play-o)ff erles t piayed ,during -the* evening after with Bowmanviiie Juniors winnig which refreshinents ývere served. the round 9 10 2. - j Several frons here. attended- the s' * tdraina at Moun't Zion on Friday eve- Fort - Hope and, Bowma nville lu-1 ningý last' and nal report a splendid termediates 'tied it up 2-Z on- Mon- f porgraznme. day 'evçnin g at Port Hope and7.Bow-- I.Mçssers. . Miller and W. Kerr mnrville new liook te have "the best j shipped a car load of cattie on Sat- of it"' at this writing,(Tuesday-eve-ý urday ta Toronto for the annual sale ning). The returii gaine wi11 be play-I to be held on, Wed., Feb. Sth. ed on We dnesÉday evening as we are- Ser-vices in,.Burn's ,church at I11 a. going'. te press. m.. and' 7 p.m. A cordial *invitation is C '~'extended to êveryen-e to attend. Arce'«e down-hearted? W e'ii1 say Miss' Laura McClintock- spent the "Xlx"week end at the home-of Mr. ýand - Mrs. -Win. Summerviiie' W.M.S. and -Women's Guild Y;iii ASH.BURN meet .at the home of Mrs. J. Mililer, Mrs A. C. Carruthers spent 'a few a n Friday, February l4th, at 2.30 in d ays luet veek in Toronto.. Mise -E. Andersen.and Mies Emma Fic 'her ýspent the '«eis end- at the heome oath ie lattcr's'.mnititer, Mes. M. Fisher. Mr. ansd Mes. W. Tenulund tam- ilyspent' Sùday- in Tocante. Mcc. R. Doubt. returned lta Peter- bore on -Sunday lasi. - Youing peeplc's- meeting.- last week '«as under -tisedirec.tio'ný of the social gregatien are -urged_ ta attend. Il isss't - nccessary for a. girl ta be patriotic ta answec a eau te ur1ns.- Port. Arthur. Newýs-Chronicle. Ottuwa ies-sending- eu t cn editerials, whicb lei anetiser sigi of a.n election.-St. Catharjîses, Stan,- dard.- Hmere Are GRÉATý Foods ot n latiossally hnown excellence at Pricesý made possible *by A & P's-poliey of sefling thse best of foo8is at thse lECONOMYýRULE~j lws rcs aeoty shopping list now, and make your food budget go ftrtser- by bmingng ,your list to A & p. . where savlngs are -worthwlslle. - BROCK SRETNORTH,:WHITBY,ONÏT. IUALITY ML42S great values are ready for you the fîrst thing in the~ morn- *..be sure to buy where you're ure et qualty. * Thqrida>' Fida>' <and Saturday' SMOKED BRÈ1IAKFAST A CON -Pi ,celb.30 HOLLY FARX SAUSAGE te Beaklast rk lb.25 & -Powk and Reef lb.22 FRESHI YOUNG ROASIING Roaut Roaut k Roast R Steak 1 Roast Steak Hidi. lb. 32é lb. 22e lb. 320 lb. 280 SE lb.1 Bluepoint.....-,Glass 'Ji h-.Winter Caught.....I )n1 CHOICE Pe l SILVER BRIGHT Steak lb. a Ingredieut in"l A & P produet wblh is market mau Iwovlde. .Jiut faste as up dlor Ul. better ort. lige Wbkte t 10 TmGàiEA Aii Finest flavored teas direct from plantation t. ymu We have .a te te uto every taste. ASSAM & INDIA INDIA CEYLON ORANGE PEKOR, 0 lb490 0 0 lb.63o e lb.5 S.O0.S. CLEANSERI MAGIO *-PAD 30 MRAGIC DAKING POWDERt 16-oi. TIUn34e ANf EXCEPZIONAL GROUP 0F.VALUES ALWAYS A FAVORITE H.ý P. SAUC E* Dottle 22o Np.2!/2Tin 130 a UNIVERSAL FAVORITE LUX Toilet Soap ý3-cakes 190 lfilADEOF TME FIEST FRUIT HEINZTomato ]Ketchup à'2 BTY A CASE TOI>AY AT THIS LOW FRIC! Soup CampbellesTO oo2Tin 9 AYMRGR EIlâAlm TAM ftaweny40u.oz.Dotte 37i Jelly PoWdera 5 kgs 5 POST BRAN FLAKES..*....2Pkgs.,23e. HARD CANDY CI3C RNMUI L.46c PICKLES vIcTORT -3-oz. ar 43 FLAKE BUTTERS ' - 2 Pkgs. 17c IVORY SOAP F~.KS.....Pkg.-9c TODDY ....../Z-lTin 3lc lb. Tin5lc JLJNKET POWDERS . ... Pkg. lic LYON'S TEA Uitm /-b.Pg 2 SHIRRIFF'S x~ 16-oz. -Jar 21c »-UIVTO».OUR ITomS FEUEDAI mWr ..2 Bnces 27 TEST,.zaD Interesting- Reports Publish-. ed at An.nual Meeting i Oshawa Tise Children's , A-id Society, orý Ontaria Caunty experlenced iAn 1919 the nsost active year- that It hue lu musy. yeurs, it was repaort- ed at, the annunal meetinr ao the6 organfzution. heid lainthe- new sisel. ter, Centre St., Thursday nig-ht.*,Tisel number of chiidreu coming- undç,r. the cure-. af the, soeilety: .as very higu,, and the saciety .oerated thegotthe year withouta de-, ficit In' cimrent finances. T4 meeting was madethd occa- sIon aI an Informai iýnsDectîoU at the new -shelter by members of thse soclety and the gernerul public. Ail of the.e members: of the, exe-. cuti *ve, 'witli.ane - excepIfÎon, weére re-eiected at the sneettn". wn ia his removul 'frein thé clty,,tise - resIguatian of Fredi Bull asan'e of the trusteesaI these ociçty was ac- cePted, and H. P. Schell was U*1- unîmouisly chosen in. hfýs-place. Thse othdr trustees, who were re-ected* were .G, W. MeLaughlin anifJ.. D. Exécutive Commîlttee.ý The executive cemngsttee mnm- bers 'were re-electeci as.--f'oil-ows: isoftorary ineebers, F., L. Fowke, J. D. Storie, G. W. -McLuughlin;- ex-officie memsiers, ceunty- warden Saines Red, county clerk A.' E Christian, chairnian af.-thse cunty.- finance cammitte Gordon Mcean,ý mnayor T. B. Mitchell. and 0. M., Alger, superintendant of -the Cu dresi's Aid Society; honorary. soi- citer, W. zE'. N.Sinclairî Messrs. J. A. Biekeli, - D. H1aversan,- T. H. Eversen, George Hart, Alex.- Stadeé, Charles. Schofield, H.> P. Seheli, E. C. Uodgins,' Dr. T. W. G. McKay, and -the resident ministere. and Mesdames .E. W. Drew, W. Luke F. Rabson, C. Rabsen,.C. Sclsofield,ý W. ýR. GcI'io, H. P. Sciseil, -J.*- F. Griersen,.H. C. Lander, T. H. Ev. ersen, J. -C. Yeuug, ýR..B. - Beunett and.F. W., Cowan. Th~e executive, will ineet on i Thursday,» Feb. -6, te ecleet the, t-. -icers for teé year.- President's, Address- In a briet uddress,- the president,,, H. P. *Seheil,. reviewed th8 work- et the, society' for the -year.. and unssounced. that ,a- new systein of Ainancing thse- Saciety was being* cansidreed. lInsteud oet payiug thse saciety ut a.certaii sumn per'head- for children in thse shelter, tise City colincil andcounty council were te be ased 'ta consîder ,tuklng -thse full responsibilityfor tise-finaucial epération ,ofthté,einstitution, ijn- -sedfony partial ..obligation as Au the, pa. Thse societywould, then net have ta >depend- on thse uncer- tainty-ecf public subseription and a eicit eneis year as iu the Past four yéaars, Mt-. Seheli said. Tise county couacil had lent--a fa-?orabi eue ta th e'scîetyls. propos- i,- -and It was ta.. be piaced bef -re' City cauncil, wlth -the hope that ,the *finance committees oaI bath bediles weuid get.together und dis- cusÈ tise problein, Mr. Sehel l ni- ntated. The. New Slselter The president- dwelt ut cansid-- erabie lengti ou -thse new shelter. Tise aid ene had been overcr owded 'Tisere Ie a danger, that chl-- dren'e shelters iu tise provinco may became o&Phsan asyluns* rather than clearlng1 ,hanses for childreaf, uniss tise provincial gavernmnt taises e'peedy action," declared Mr. Seheil. -Th4e ehelter wae bnrdened. withunupiaceable, chlld en, and a special institution shauld be ýpro- vided for these. by tise province withant delay. "'No chlld shaould, remain 1la nthe sheiter mare than; six usontis before golng. lutocorne- Iprivute lmome,'" he d.ad. A resaintion- af thanke was. xe- .tend ed 'ta the shelter bnelding coin- ittee, whieh co sled T. H. Ev- erson,, Mayor mitchiell, H. P.* Schell, C. Schofield, A. G. -- Stoýrie,-* J.1 A. Bielaîlusd Dr. T. W. G. McKay. -Society Agefat's Report. Tise cep-, t of h -prtccn, 0. M.f Alger, read as feliows: ."*To the Presîdleîil and -Board èf Management: Ladiýesand-Gentl'cee: An ainsost. centinueus :streaïu of'lu- formiation coince t-e us from < -public officiais, social organiizatienis ai --Çri- ous kindis;snpatlict:c cbservers., fnçighbors, relatives and friends -dir- cctîng aur thouglit- and aàttc*îstian .to, c-onditions iisinsicai ta tise lives of scores af childre.1 throughout oùr county and tibis cts. - -1 . ..- "MNany of*thes_îc matters rcferred to, us ifor'investigation' andi aion -arc ofa niost serious nature Those of. Our Cîitizens. ',vhof olow closely -tiý aiyrudof. hotischold, office -and-- business duties' are- qite unicon1sctons af the conditions ta which w'ir have referred. they haveè been braughtîface -ta lace with certain tacts, i hat they. never, dreatsse4 thàt sncb conditions m'jdst hi their resp>ective coQ'mmunities. .- It le diffienît for those neot ini Close tou ch with the - work "of aur -SocietY te realiz'e the extent aIofthe bape4l recuits following - parental --negcet - ' i. Lad ,ies Crepe -In, ail the new shades and style$. for Spring. - --$90 to '1 Cood5he Val.ue. Pi Ladies' Chamoisette Values to 79c -pair. 'Ail colora - Price 50C ,R-AYON -GIN( New Patterns, 32 inch - Fe-r Yard LADIES' PLAIN & RIBBED MERE. HOSE-Values to 69c, Price, pair.......... i......... -CASH- 29c. CHILDREN'S FANCY ýILK & WOOL' HOSE-Sand shades. Values ta o $100par.Price, pair.........JV Visit Our R emuant'Counter-Oddments .of ýail Kinde LADIES' FLEECED UNDER. White. Regular $ 1.00 value Pruce,,Garment .. ...... MENS WEA R SPECI MEgN'S FLEECED UNDER Regular 85c'valiue. Price, garment. ......... ýW A. MEN Regul Price, MEN'S FI] .WEAR alue $1U, 69c BYS I IA LS Reg. 95e ,WEAR*- BOYS' Fi 6c Regular 65 DE' LI iii treatnient and irrespeonsibility. -ai Graiss ignerasc e, ineanniess,. neglect v aînd immeralîty prevail te a most la- ci nsentable', degree, yct, I ýarn pleased ai te dtate -tiat 1I*believe*tise cases oetd, utter and- abject wret'chedisess - arecic grewing fé.wcr,. an inidicatioDn, I uni sYi hoping,-that a better day le lu tise v; mIuwning. t "'In thse great majeerity' ef.t te cases i. w*ith which we bave, to, deul, we flnd tisaI aur -scarch for causes af tise de-- linquen'cies and 'tise bitter. wretched- ti ness bringe us right bac:k ta tise hoiesuep, Failure of Parents c:ý "Tie rezcords et aur- Police an d y jùvenile Courts' show tha;t scores of b -paentss utterly lau luintdr' parental b ,responsibillitieës. -Tiscv do-ine ut- ci tempt -to .mn'ake their homies.lunux'iy ai meaýsure attractive fer tiseir cisildeen. eS' Childeen aie uilawed te run.upen-tise f( streets at aIl houes oathtie night;-:the' ci parente 'ceawd thse. picture shows -andi s, I have had. people say ta me,. whien .àn d tino.rali support but, have: made VI generous "Contributions oet-niency,- ci .ciotlsing and foed fer the carrying- on.. ti cf the work. - - k - "Several, citizens hav-e previded .ti handsofnic bequeste theougis . tieir n wiiis, atîd Ibis rnney bas-h.elped,,very CI materiaily,lu tise building ef eue .-ucw' -anti .splendid- Chidren's. Home. - Tiséa -six, acre site forý this flne struicture ý n'as tise gene>rous gitt of, Me., Ji .' P Storie: asd tise endles.>not yet, for weý - believe,' that, other gecicrous hear -ted and fair visioneti seule w-ifii sctisaI ail thel.work.thus uus pic.- g cusly started will be- carri.edonou eat ùcsccesstlrconclusion. --Ci -Te- menu ca.mpris-ing, aur County e ~sdCit Coseis hve albeén de- V relict luhir dies ansd obligations. 1< la ,this -regard and have stood behind c aur wark. 0 ' h Services Freely Givee lw > Th edical mes ôf bothr C-ounty-. ind -City have - given- fre'ely oai_1 -ttrservice*s in £oncinwihteý shrlter m ls n cases bt-oughîta op tiseir .attention throughout the, Coun- ii ty4 ~Thme dentists and public healtis nurses have aiso Ibad a -large share v ini thi5 milistr-y.. -t Tsh e - var1ans officials -of Coun:fy and 1 City~, the 'magistrales, lawyýers and ~: Séres of others bave also givesi val- b ýuablessistàsée ,iakîng fosr, fficiçn- f tli4irt tlge, Wnineý' and, servicein be-m i1 bhalf .of'-the ibrk -of the -Children's h Ai4 Socitties of, the- Province -and -v thro~hu theUic1)<hiion, but there h are soêctmny more, h, z sure. s ~tu-y..riily. Uzdcrptod tesocial sd moral conidition ciic niidý,st - hichi they live that thex c wu Vrme forward and helpl, ma dircc idd persoial way. Ili tuls gre.ït u11- lrtaking.-. The- Childreli's Ai'd iety le -reniderng aninlvaluable seri 1ce to this Counity alid Citi'. 1b ilue in the devclopnicnit cf eharac er ýcanneî bcecstiiamted Ili nr Giateful for' Aid "eare very grateful indcd o he, m1any w Iay'S iiwhich the , e )copie et beîb County' audeCs hv ,tended not oniy thlcir~ssîah îounig Canada. If %wefaliitlîth4 ioys, and girls tliat are now nen )rs of our hontecs and citizens of ju utrhow xiiay we hc,3 to sur-ýViv Ls a truc Canadian people when thou ;nde inore frons lands ard countrwc oreigsi te ours ln lanIguag(e, ha1bits astonis, sueotives, sueorais and ideal >vell Qur numibers? 46I want to a right hiere, t1ia, cry -larv;e nunîber of~ our yýerv bes îtizens are giving i unstiin11iy e0 seir childreii are also induiged M 21a cinds et skehein)es te) gain adsîsissioîî ier eto. There is aý-pirit of ifh cèsS On the part (Àt the. parents w n iicontact v',-ih, 2an unw'iiing esso (ilîlcir j)ýrt t l ike or eve' rknoewiedge- aîiy sacrifice sôca, vith p)arenthiood . and w-ith the pro )er rcarinig cf chîldresî. Supervisi on Needed I ;m convinced that what we nie' s this cousîtry is nut se nmiich *a lar er .increase et.. oueroultc Jirough ininigr-atios -bu greate -aie and supervision bS' parents genl Irliy-isi their homeas and by ail tii ;aried ergainzaticîts engaged- ini th saching, traininîg and leadership ýv ini the applications aisd çorkn1ý utit ofail mecasures gevernirsg tii xork ef, the Secicty. Crow AttrneyJ.A.M ibo as beei mnist genereus of bis t:inu zounsci, synsipathy anîd practicai sup port, taking a deep persenaliiercs iail departin-enîs ot our rk We arc net uiinusdful. toe cf th ery kindiy and synpathetie inteies taken in eur werk by _Nfajer- A. r Iinids,. wio lhas bcei- incap-acitate, ýroui discharging bis duties on tih ench because cf physical dilsabilitie lling, his patrietie participate; ýn. that last great world struggIe c orribie, yet in'rniortal nîemnory. an, me ail wi.sh Ihum a speedy retu-rn t home and bcnch, lis consplctely re tored heaith. Wré 'eiavereccived nîuch assîstanc or ROi Roaat ider Roa8t Rutt Roast A&P QUIALITY BEF' and Sek

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