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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 9

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WH1BY AZTREADCHOILaz THURSAY. MAY 29, 1930 ~ews.Bûgt From Gazetteý auJ Clro ônicie NIr. and Mm. Gilibert Bf'own, Mm. rid NIms, J. Croxal 'sad Mir. Now- )n Lmown vweme week-end visitera 11h ',%r. sud Mis. W. CrOXai., 'îls l3ems1p Scotand Miss Edith tott ispent the week-end with Mri. Srtt. ,i veny sad deuil ocursd on rdnesday wheu Mrs. Bruce Wil- on ()f Brooklin, passed away.. She aveu. bealdea hem husbiaud, six rnuit eblîdrptn. The WVornan'a Misioaiy Society crt (in Wednesçlay Iu thei regu- nr montbly meeting, Mis Mowbray ivo arniosi comiprehenmîvo out- ne frorn a clapter of tbe Study ýook and Mirs. F. Robinson took se3 devotional cxerciges. Mrm, (;. onP4 lad charge of the meeting ,ing tn Ilines or thmpresideut, frm. f' . LJuil. '. sud Mmm. Percy Robinson nd tnîliy of Toronto spenl the efik-èud with Mmrm. Di3 Robinson. Ni. 'WýII Taylo~r ansd Mis ee alIoi' viited lu Broolîl on Sut- ,Mr, Cirdon lHunIer sud M.Clif- ord Mutynard of ITamilton, and aýy Wilkinson ot Toronto, wcre cr. for Ibm holiday. sTiioma s! Churchî-Jlev. T. A. ilit, rector. Sunday, June lot- Prvir.p. ut 7 p.m. There will b. no nring servIce. Sunduy Sehool ut .0 P.m. Mr. undtlia Tom Thomupson, 0f oonlto, are bipeudlng a-short vît- tion with Mm. and Mme. A. Sade. Mrs. A. Coie. of Duuîsv!Ile, on- iro, was vimtlng with Mr. andt rx. A. Sade duriug the past veek. The Unitedi Church-Rev. P'. Li iii. B3A, paîtor. Sunday, Jui" lât, inday School annivemsary, Il a.- ichtldmeu'e9 service, addreis &. ev. A. L~. Richards, B.D., or Whlî- y; 7 p.nt.. Young Peopleiu ally, idremit by Rot. (Capt *) T. ri. Boit. fWhithy, jsubjeet, "The lipp» ie'A junior choir eftlwessty- ne veice4 viii leuit the musie ai oi.lu services. Plate offeingg foi 4c or oir 0fhe Suudny &Iîool. An inspirng 'Empire' Day" er- ireo was Ield lu the United Chumceh n Suuday evoning. Tho hymne u=4 choir seleclions vere, patriotto. r. C. S. Thonipsoni sang as a solo iplin1g's "Recossinal." Re. . PUL %i, spolçe ou "Our Britiah. Nemi- ie," expresaiusg the conviction. îat tbe "golden *gel'mfrtihe Brut- h Empire yet lies ahead. 11ev. 1.1,- Juil Iand' Mmi. Fred imiMisut are In Cobourg this vees tending the meeting of lbe Bay fQuinte Confereucc-. The losing meeting of t1ho Lit- ary Society vas boIt lu the As- pnibly i Hll of the Bî-ooklln Con- ritaliIon Scliooi. the preuîdout, W. ýaning In the chair. The mli: tes of tbe lait meeting vene read id iadopted. Thon toilowed a sry Inteiestlug programme. The hairuaa'î aittres. on "Empire saY"; grretingm trou, the Minuter fEducation, Honl. 6. Howard Fer- Uson. neait hi Mm. Archibaldt; the hoo paper -given by Helen- Love. hief edilor; a vIolin solo bi W, unIr, sceompalitd by F. Mev- ray; nordlug by *Roy Ormigiton, E~mpire Day"; andt the slniglng ot 0 Canada," "The . Msple LetFor- vrer." lby the whole claie accompait-_ d b! JIL Bickie, The meeting esoit by the sluging orf**CodtSave ie King." NESBITT-LADE St. Thonias -Aîîglican 'churcli, nookln, decked yulh blossonu nd Spîing floyers, vas the euse of~ a pretty wedclingz. hunsduy, Iay 22ud. whien Gladys 'Maud, daugh -rof Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Lade. vîli stand et 1930 ai Csesent Brooimu, fnr the soason hile home stable, -Stock Farm, DENIST .511, Mvalsg APMotUtea i Weddingz Marcb, played by Mms. IL. Canmpbell, chumch organist. Mer beau- tiful bouquet was of if huesasd fern. The bridesmaid, Mis e len Nesbitt, lister of the groom, woie.a gava of pinlk net lace with picture hat .tei miatch. Uer bouquet vas of hues and fern, Little Miss Ruth Sadier, of Oshawa. cousin of -the groom, - as Ilover girlioo100W very eet in a creani crepe-de-chine dress trimmed with lace ruffles while a iireath of roses cncimcled hem head. Mr. NoeI Lade. brother of the bride, supported the groom. The ushera -vers Mr. Douglas Nesbittî, brother of the groom and Messrs. Hurïv and Wil- liam, Lade. -brother; of the bride. Dur ing the signing of the register, lins. C. A. Glass sang "UntiL» Foilowiug the ceenony a reception was'held to about seventy-flve guests,. at the> home of the bride!s parents, Mr. and Mn. Lade, and Mr. aud Mrs. Net bâtî rcceived with the bridai party. Inxmediateiv after the reception thê bride andi groomi left on -a notor ho- neynioon. The bride travelling in a blue and grey ensemble. She also wore -the it of the ïro6m -a red fox ifur. On tiieir return lMr. and birs. Nesbitt wili -resicle near Brook-' lin.ý Oit. Outstanding among the gueits W~ere the grandmothers of the groom, Mn. J1. Sadler, Brooklin, and Mrns J. Nrsbitt, of Oshawa, also a greal aunt and uncle. Miss Susie.aund Mr. Will Sadier, of* Kinsale. Ontamio. Mr. sud Mmi. Robert Day et Tor- auto. vlsiied the holiday homre with theIr son, Richard Day. Mr. Bell, auiynsan, et Toronto, dellvered a vory fine address on Sunday éventitg on Prohibition. .Mr. aud Mis. Cocu J3oues visiied with Altona frIends -on Sunday. .Mm., and lrs. Corrn, et Toronto,. vislted the week-end wlth hem müot)er. Mm.. J. Proet.... Mr. Wilson 0f Brougham, vlsited the Sunday Sohool here. on Bunday sund gave a' tory Iuteretln., talk ou temporane Sevemal tram hors attended 'the Victoria Day sports, In Uxbrldge ou* Faturday. Mm.,Davld Joines -lest bisý valuabte driver "Dobbin" ané day lmut veek. RAGLAN Som@ bôllday vsiters. Mn. Gem- don and Miss Violet Thompten of Toronto, with their tather, Mr. J. Thompson. Mi. Arthur Ormisten and Miss Gertrude Kemnp eo!Torosco,*'nib rm. aud Mr. J. Ormisten.' Mr. and Mns. E., Reeàon 'and son, oif Part Pemry. Mr. aud Mms L. MeXos suad daughter et Manchester- ai Mu'. F. Mmi. R. Way ef Oshsawa, wlth ber r. rank sud Min% liasel Quose«, of lr*oronto., *itb their parents. Mr. sud Mmi. A. J. Giese. Miss Mary Wales ef'QOhawa, wlth Mm. sud -M. D. Lày4o. Mr. Chas. Hamnden et Teronto, v'Islted yulh bis* - moiler, Mis, . Haruden. 1Miss Hamel Piorson oet Toreuto,. at hem home here. 1 The mouîhly meeting ef tbe La. dieu Aid vas heul Ibte ehuris on -Wednesday lami. Quito a numbes. vere promeut.* The June nieetincg l te be'heidAi the home et Mis. Wm. Mr. aud Mis. L. Woods of Tom- onto, are vlsiting withMr. sud Mmm. J. ]Rambly. Miss Florenee Hicks sponi the WeelI:-end yu tiitrends lu Oshawa. Mmý. John ý Moie sports a îow Poutia'. coupe. Mi. Wm. Bidcek ti, Improving bis bouse with a froîl eait paint Mr. Wm. Ormision spent a few Mr. fBen Davidie n ad lus mou. ot Brooklin. -have been filliug Iu tle cracks ln' îlee sment along île hlglway wyul tan. ibug pmeentlng île Man ad wuther from breakiag Up the. patement. ,Mr. .John G. Laiboue vishted bis son-In Uidsay over tise week-end. Mr. Madie, of Oshawa. lias imev- ed Int îte bouse reeoully vaeied by Mn. Nersuan Sceot. Ur.- Pherrli, etf Toronto. visit6d blm »xn Ur. Pore! Plorrill last week. Ur. WIII J. Cokvas a prise wia.. VAaISWANW wdts, Phm or 8s 37~s1WO6WA OF-,BUSY IROOKLI nephews: Bort, and WillI Horot.- o! Wiek; Wmü. Heron, et Brolin Edgar Ileron, Jas.. and Msrk DuÏi etM>rtle. We extend oui heaiteoi myVmpathy 4to relative_ý,lunthêir mmd beroavoeflet. Mr. and Mis. A. C. Carruthers atieuded the funeral eft îlefort»- er's, brcther at Cobourg on Tues. day, te wheun ve extend our syt»- patby. COLUMUS Mis. John*Brout and dauighex't, Marion aid Ruth, Port Penny. sptt the week-end with Mr. and Mms J.nS.e-s. Mils moxime Perreluan and girl friend, Toronio, spent -the holiday ai home. Mr. Roe Muirson. St. Thomas,' vialted ai bome over the week-end, Mm. WM4 Robson and daughter,ý Palma, Tornto, speni Suaday -ai Ur. jSi Mn. John Dyer ad iss Kialo >Dymi, and Mis MM vyer, Oshsswa, vialisi et Mr. Wm. Dygr's on ud. Mmm. J. -Rolmuan d Mr. Chanlit *Ipet thse holiday yul relatives et Miss Marjerie Ashton -and'Mr. luirt, Toronto, spent Suuiday vith MM s. iAshton. Me. --Tftu spent a day la tise vilage luti voI. The dra.me 'Strictly Buins pr«esinmby the Alberti St Clureis .N[ NSw ier at Broohlin Fair ou Saturdgy vith his team of draught hors. Robert Vernon and sou wero almo notiosi going home wlth the roi rtbbons ou theiz team, and Mr. M1I mer Johnston captured tint on bis Io a go"d showint for ibis part sud goes to- show - that Au spite of thse great meter Power, jean luterest, l% stIli belng taken in stock, on the Mr. Tom Lambert, et- Drooklla, bad hie teanad m a o~g ig t- tint the graus aieug. h," UIuldmr ef the Hlghway during the 'Wek. - Mr. D. Leury ha. boeu puttini a nev, roof on part of Mrs. Peey Pherrill's bouse. Mn .Bateman vwhe basbemu contlned to lier bed at her brother's Mr. Frank BrIggs, minte last tan, vas removo! to, the Ouhava Gen- oral REmpitlon Moaday. Holiday visiton:*. Mr. And MMs Wmn. SNgbwandor snd famlly, of 'Toronto, at the home et Mns. M. Fisher. Miss Martha Pearson, Mr. A. Brown, Of GuelPb, vith their Master, Mrs. Wni. BEhl. Misse Ethel aud RUth Stuttaford, of To- ronto and ClrTemont, Mr. Gordon Stuttaford, of Brlghten, with their !ather here. Miss Ltura MeCIn-. teck, of Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.-W. Summerville. Mis-Mar- jery Wilson, ef StOuifvllle, vitjb lier parents. Mr. Bd. Tarves, of Columibus, at bis home bore. Mr., and 'Mrs. Richards, ef Teronto, aît- tbe homeofetMr. G. Mole. Mrs. p,. Doubt,'of Peterboro, yulh her par' ents, Mr. and Mirs. Robt. Hjeron. Mr' Jas. Handley and Miss Rutis Taylor, 0 f Toronto, at' the home of Mr. sud Mr@. Wmn. Hopkin. Severai froin here attenided' the SPriug Faims ai Brooklin aud lji- bridge on May 24thi. Mr, Francis Wlllame spent ihe week-end at R1 ley, Ont. Mr. sud Mrs. John Fanaing, of Toronto, Mr. sud, mig. C. A. Lynde, of Bagg0osville, vlslted on Sqund:ay wilh Mr. and Mns. W., Trul,'. Misis Marie West attendai ile graduation exercisos at Sf. Jobu Hospital on Thursday lait, Miss Irene -Spencer, bei;g oneO 0f 'the graduates. Service in eurn's Church on Suuday. June lot, -at Il a.m. and 7.30 p.m., taken by the pasior, Rey. Tt. . Stevenson. Sabbath' Sehool *at 10 a.m. A ýhêarty Invitation le extended to everyone -lu attend. Please note ýthe change eoftUme ot. erenl.ng service for summer Young People beld'their lasi meiýctJug of the seasen ou Tuesdér- <eveniing lat, taking the faim of a social gatheng. Most<lnieresting Item on the Programme being an lm.pronmptu debate -'Resolved that ,busses -and trucks vere helpin4& the -rxalvay rather than a dete'r- ment" Mr. G. Barton anid Mr. H. Dobson'upheld tleaffirmative. ana. :'m.<Bhiges ai-Mrd.* N. Ash- tOn île negattyt. bMiss L Linion. Mrs.'7'. Ashton aud Miss H. Mo'et acting go Judu'es gave their deelsion lu fav>-jr or the negative. Plans art being made ta build. a tennis court lu the neai, future. M4rz. E. Starkreýturned borne on .Friday atter upending' the, pait nionih lthilihem soa iu Indiania. Cominunity meeting annouuced on Sunday te meet ai D'., Parrottm ,wilI e ho ld lu th£ church bi#e-m ment on 'mlday, May SOili,- t 8 A gcod attendance la r*qlzsted as wo viLqh ta diseuue the report of the.- Athietie Cornrittee. sec. 1Wm. Burgess. iies h Atteà a&- brit0doatb.. À LII- D-ROWN LABELS AT -AIL ROCER Y STORE Young People, was welt given. bins. MeGee sud sou, Jade-, from Toronto visited for a veek with hen parnts, Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Snuddon.' Mi. Mervin Perreman sports 8n new car. Mn. Fred Goodman, the iier, mter lat Juneý, Juil voiklnluftre- neon inthil. li.. % Miss LU Gilbert, Toranto, iiif yul 'frIenits. -A. numben frein home attendeit the funoral of Mn. Sonley near Whithy on Mouday. We are sormy- te report that brue GrillsvhIle ridiug a viieei luit veel, tel-I off il anitbrokie bis shouldor houe. .Mucl îympatbyiy laextendeit te lins. J. Neabihi.sud tamuly and lier son#e lu tle losu 0f ileir inother. GRENWOOD Several ationdot tuhe Broollin SPring Pair on Victoria Day anit report a goot slow of live stock ani lniemestiug sports. - 1. B. Penlin sund' tnieni of Tor- ente visîted it ulMm. J. Ddyen on île -holiday. Miss Doris Gee drives a - ncw Whippet. Win. Ormerod of Tomeutto,--"Wài borne oven île week-end. Phil Willows ipeut tbe holiday lu, Uzbrldge. Hemb Middtctn Is able te beoeut ugaie>afttnbis necent iluness. 'N. Ble bas huit lis bouse vired and h- nhov euJeying olectrie ligbt and power. Tise-Gresuiburu Sand undt Gmavel Couipany lave completed t heré- ofuidnge their plant ani 'are : t ngaithese umfue's vomI cf. lermung the various grades of - sanit an4.gravel. -P. P. Smih oet Oshawa, visiteit a fëw day,- mut weelc yul bis sis- J.-:C. Bel et Torouto,, gave a tory-lntenesiing- and' ffeclàve adt- dx'es.in.tîs-interesîs <of prdWhibitiou lait'Suuùday- moriug. Thle Sunday Sceeol fjmaining" &Ï1hee.1teld a Brougam lat week - vas .au Inspirauion sund a belp to al those able1te attend*, M T - MYTESTATION Mr. unit Mme. Roy Spencer anui famiy. et mnian River. inotoreit bei.e- ton the boliduy and- viiiteit yul Mn. and lins. J. E. Bcck The Young Womenî' Bible chas ef- the Sunday Sceeol xt ut the home ef Mrs. A. Rose a r Wednes- day evosslng. Afier ibm usuai rou- tineofe business, Mme. J. Binketi vas presenteit- yul a muyoaà boit epieait by the mombers et- tle clatsMis. mBit lestes, shortiy ta lite lu Port Penny. Mr. L. L. Resuef Ternuto. spènt Suaday vihhbimbrothèî tore. -Mies Boern muiad -Blemu EBirt speut the holidayin Cluremont. -Mis. Ueo. Cbrlisholm unit chut- oe t Toronto, were ut R. C-hie- solm's luti veek. Mr, Frank, Parler, et Engleisari. Ne* Ontario. vas7 visiting wlibhlis ilsîsi. Mn. Clarence garrison, lait - A uimlbor frorn bore 'attendait Breoblu - -Fair . lait Saiunduy .aud report a gboc imre; Mn. aud Mni. Frank Diebson t TenontS. vete ai Jas. - Dlcksan'i r thm boU1da', Mis. -? y, M14s. O. H. Devney, Miss rneIPilanM. M Dovi.y, aid lMr. Gardon- ?ilkeY. voe n luToronto lut- Monda>' ai- toa4ing a banquet at the Rayal Yônb - put on by thse radio' coin- pany Thse -LadIO' Aid- are holding a- social atteobu non roui Fday, ai Mmî W. Grahant. A -%»od proîcrun lu belng given b! tise Graidinethers Ofthîe Aid tmllowmd -by- retroulh- monts,. KINSALE Mn. fil.frein Toronto. lad charge of the ieivi-e hoee mi. Bab- bath. He gave a mout intereit- iug anud instructive talle ou "The Eviha of Temperance." Mn. BSmart vas present unit ussistei lu tise service. A aubicniption vas takesn ta amalil. thse temperauce voîl Iu Ontario. Rot. Walter Smart la in atîIrt- anco ai. Conféenmce ni. Cobourg. Ibis vomI, but 'viI hoan duty -on lis avis circuit as usul ni Londs day ut ibe usual houns oet-service. Miss Susie Sadien las been cou-~ finei t 0lhem'bitd for soins lime wvo regret te report. The Warnen'a Missiouary Sa- clety efthîe Oshawa Pnesbytery lu a convention ni. Mynile on Tuosdiayofthiis veel.Bomne' tront ouir -circuit jattended aniteuJoyed. tlle sessions very mucb. Dm. Van Wyel. et Whiiby, aid vite called ai. C. J., Stevensen'à lait Sabbatl moruhng on route for 'Brougham . H-lu repaotdmuels liciter, Iaiel,. able te dri.ve bie car. Hlm vitfe la a niece etfC. J. Si-evea' sou anit bau mauy fnieuds and rela- tIves eut this wny. We lape le May. ýie-to eimprove.. TîBe>frest1dein- tle tovu et Whitbiy vlenm llcy ovu a fine borne. M.auy trom bore attendei thîe SqVrlag.Faim ai. Brtoobliaou Sut. unday, May 24tb. The exhibliion li 1eporteit goot witl. a v'ory- langa attenitauee. The raceipis arç - ne ponteit uesnly $200 botter i.hau last yeaî. This sheuhd anuitnedoubt la a vemy ellceura,ýIug- thing for tle elomcters ot <lis annuai faim. Miss Thomfas vho bias beon su charge eor i sclixopisoin&« tîre years las resigueit. The pupils laves suait. excellent pregnoîs and.thlb scbool -v ili he o!ud lasplendid shape ton ber succoason. ' The farmons are busy gettlng cern inuit lu shape for thimsoasou's cnap. Seeing ha. entirelî empletoit here. Sou!o mixei tr~ops,.et buel- vheat > nitbanley villi-beL sevu later as tle farmers are iv#ii pleased itwh tleirexpenience viih Ibis enop. .Our cdurch .conigregatieu bave decite t b- give the persoual cui- tasand 'tle envêloeosystom 5a tain trialiun aur cliuncb-goiiig coin- munity. -We believe systomatie giving la île ozuiy correct vay ta do thingi aid âve hope ibis nMW iteparturo muy prove.,abunitauthi successîtul. Mins. Lawreuce, wlio donemaa*goo deal cf practical uuriing, vas at- la:me lmît -Sabbatb. Mir. und itrsn. James Richardson et Osbnvà, - upent Snbbath bore vitl lins. Haîbomu whem, tbmi brougît bomne atter a pralangeit siay iu Oshawu. , M4r. IOy aîid daugîter are bath assthng- lu our chair i làte menvIcO ot- sang ton l h durci. - Mr.. Lav sau.abenutiful solo mustSundar, "fheeIs My Wanderlng Boy, Te- gt - Ih vas Most aprepriate 10 tlii temupérance addrms given, .N.Stephenson und. staff have put Cbloride ou ibhe road, te allay :tbe dusi, and it cmrtahuly doosibhe tek. W. tink-ti hpmfonblê te thé> oiIlug sysieuu ef liai year aid, vse fancy, - les expensive. -Bürnus' grocîmi truck., et Whit- b!.m cam e ut ivice a.,Veok alang tie bIiglway ae-fari-as Stevenaffn's Corner.-hi -s a-tory.- easy -thing nov te stock uip wtl tva or tîrse buicees and. ut muny groceni and bubons going hy your taon - tvice on tiree Urnes a wveel. EverYbcedY .-mbeuld lie sup0led - at i ôdete prss aeespecially' if cumzpeti- te 4ht ut le sai. te o, Our, blmamritb Mm. -Lai-, iruns ait "tx" u is bu.sinless SeM-. 3fr. and Mrs.'.E. BtorTY, the former chief rate, clerk of the C.N.R., Loutrmal, spat Vtorli DayaE.teys Mr. sud Mni. WIU. PonT. Of Toronto. and Wm Colimuon, ot Toronte,veehldyvser . E.tory's. lir. .1. W. Wilson celebrated'bis Sàth birthday on tue Zlthr. W. "bvisthm mnay happy, returus.-:-_ Memrs W. -Elll, Harry Themp-ý son, Slelïhtholm Bros., and, Wm Ayera speut a testive turne at the Lake Show. fouse lat Frtduiy Mr."Milton-Story and Jack voe i-istors- at the bomestead Sundar. Many permons vfifted the Liake Shere on the 24th. There vas some *good catches eft pike .and perch by the tiishermen." >MaeDonald's dredge aud zmows left «W.bltby harbçur laist week for Toronto. We regret to lear of. the accl- dent to- Mr. Clatworthy aud hope ho, may be restored agaln to healtli and istrength. On Sunday,. M r25h, the annual Free Witt Cffering wiii be held in Mancuhester Chunch. with a syomu- ing and. cveuing arvicc ai .. Il a.m. and 7. p.m. Rev. J. R. Bick, B. A., of Hampton, chairmn-ioOshàa Presbytery, vili. be the speaker for the day. Music by the Bethesda iquar-, tette and the Utica orchestra., Mnr. and -Mns. Dumward Lamsb, of Toronto. vwere visitons on Sunday ai the- home of *Mr. Chanles LLamb. Mr. Vyffle Crozier, of, Tononto, spent the week end with bis.parents, Mr. anit lin&Right Crozien. Mn. and Mrs. Tayion and daugh-. ter, Annie. o f Toronto, spent.Sunday .with -fnieuds here. Mir. and lins. Gordon Flewell ami chidren. of Scugog. -wcre visitons ai the home 'of M.and -lirs.. joseph Fleweilt Miss'-Jean Funguson, of Toonto spentithl e ek.cnid ai the home cof ber father. Mr.- *Arthur Funguson. -Mn. Joseph' Baird -ýis1tcd- Mr. Mc- Culiough of'Blackwatetr, ou Monday. Mn. Russell Lamb. Mm. and lins W.. McClintock. of Lindsay, and lits. Malissa lrcCiitock.ý of oPni Penny.« wene Sunday visitons ai the home et- Mn. and Mns.. Fmanké Lauîb. .Mn-s. Pcuuock. - Mns. Robinsons and son Douglas, of 'Toronto, were-,vi*sit- ons-.on Sunday at the home of Miss A. Rees. - Miss EldeneRcss. daughter>of the !ate. Ah. Rees. .vas visiting At flic home -of Miss A. Rets..-on- Sunday.. lins. John Moore lu spen~dinà a few davs iu Oïhuaaut the--hoie of lien -daughter. Mmm. Ralplî Buit. .ho -la quite ill. Wvo are. sorny te- report. *Sorvy to 1heur* thai lins. Norman Gilbert. of OsbaWa, la ill. Mn. William Thonpson las- puÈý chased.a new Pontiac car. -HORNTON'SCORNERS 13sbheep are dond asreauît 0fan atiack b! doga on a fiock owued by -Edgan Pascoe, thinitr councesîlon, Bami. Whitby iovnship, laie Fiday. *nlght or eunly Saturdmy morniug. Tva dogs worm seen. but. îlean1-, mals eucaped betfore tley could- be -cmptuned or idenifed.. Thiero vers 28 Sbeep Il M, Pus- cee's flock andit h h -tbought that tle itog& *vemmied thein for sevenal hýouri as.ihey yen etteredIn l mny 4imectious -aid ven e found at sevemal differeni. points."- AIl-but ivo sheer' lad bec» Iu- j ureitby Itmeitogis ud vîcuThos. - Hall, county valuatoar, ammrived ai thé farm-on Satutrday iii.il vas found zsecessary ta 'klti 10 an ne- ceint of - their serious - v.oundts. Thîce more had to be despai chel ibis mrnming. Mm. . Pascoe bas sustalueit alheavi. los auit aiseîle coùnty, vicliwviii hoe toned to re-imburso him f rom ils tieasury ugcceiding iote s ci- mate s.ubmitted by the valuator:. Dags vhlch vorry sheep are be- comiug a'eniaus menaeunit those' wIe vish te keep their -dagia eout: of - muiche! voulit be veil aitvised tô loch tbem up ni nigbit. INIKEASE FORFSTS. ROTARI IS UVRfIED Professr. Reynold of Port Hope Addrcses SrVice. Club at, Luncheon - "There are -thousandu ef acres ot landin:luthoeeUnited l counties vlicl slnculd - nover have . been cleamed sud vhielu should nov be eforeated.. Theme lhi1net suffient support Ilu,île laindau aitpresent tllled aid conditions are leadingta Maie Duty - "Tbo Bitateini the only* baty> vhich eau afford ta referez. on a Ile seule. Sous counties lave gene aiai»d .appropriaimi.prop- a 1ym-et ,t miruse.ad a»a .ne- £ gelig to brins thni in large re- News2 taia at later perlods. doubtlesu 11z~oiue 0f thaeider countries. ans vhs' reeue to the !téte ach year Is YBU. C&uada. h» nt :b:caruyinereua lI onthliwork long .euouh to qu eaiedelpite pr6atse" th $Pak-washing, or 'POlInted oqt. -Port A -1;' VETERAN. NOVELIST CELEBRATES c-r Sir Hall Caine, veteran, novelist -ani draxnatist. =td -pxanyv other- worl.d. farious*,works. celebrated hi Hanips 'tead home, rccntly. i.heiin any noted persc formna1 l-uncheon party t; o congratulate hitii. I1NOUIRANCI M Wen you needi Inurance witli companies, se« ~B EDbDW * Phono 275w YOUQ vALUAI Fre# hmfîtidc M-,lmess. Tour vluables ai dxcii-merc A feydepglîboxcou@ tUno one need taesthea Iosing bond, stock cerifia* trbct4,WiHleoroîlgr valuable 4Akus about ibis service - - THE DOMI~184Ne -J. H.; PERRY, Mana -Whitby. Brancha Doubling. Arguments for A-L i au canbcsaid iiu laverofcf ,(&,nsaccount in the Canadian B ud - msay blc repeated with greater empi a- joint sa.-inga accounlt. -Joint accoulits for conven'sencc ofý despositor!z, but »'bic are bound fogether hi common iutcrcSss vs»l as -flic practical value of vorking- t niing their fiiancial-bettermnt witl tthe -batik account- h cîcanît evident. Thse C oif CommCrCC solîci ts your joint savingi -2 0IF COMMEB Sre TANDArýD ANiç op r' c ý t !

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