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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 10

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wi~#riY c~~zE~rrE !'F.TEN With Sprts,1 UiV a. FAX ;s, ,iokiIALL 1flLLP >u wibt tu hieep truck or thoe il date o! the WhhLbY "1E oin ga1uCtni you Nwlll clip la. ug aud tkce, posed. hatts !at aid onlly w'y. lie Isp liedulu:. :ly.7 - 01)cnlBng Ulgbt,- MaY~~-J.Ml. .sChoeenv Ile CCVSv F iiLb. j;ili Wiib s O.M.1.1 *Juuîlu CfSU red evs.Ap joule I -chevs. V. <jM.I. hitby l lib Y.Co Se'u2Qcho Ialf nsV Juiy 4-h vs.'s. Chose" July >-Q.l(V. vs Cheva. *Jujiy 2lt-Wlîtby vs. Co.Mea * .uly il-Choen i. s. Wl. u.July 2U-C1Cv2, vs.0Ml 1AuK l-Çbotien Erleudi vs. ,. Au& 5-Chome1I Frlcnds vu». s. 'Aug. l2-OM.l,ý vo. Whit- . Aug.i~hv. va. Choson *,-Àug. i-...vs. Chevo. . Aur. 22-Wlitby Ys. CliosOul ids. - 4- sà DKAR" 00gDe r moet or wbh tii. vorM'u rgest Importers of fine coffees are Jumty prou&. It il d»s te thbUs remod buyhng power tisat A & P foodshops cm hiitus superter rodut tM sucli a ridicu- Ieoily 1ev pries.No NATTER WflAT PRICE TOU PAY FORL COFFEE-BOKAH, CANNOT BE EXCELLED FOR LAVOR AND> QUALlTY., Aafd tbMen, . .. Bokar lhan beeji twice slgnaIly honored-first in 1M2, viien h vwas ueecte& au the. officiai cof tee e!t t. 5Brd AatePolar Expedition, andl, iatly, by beimg seicctcd by the Ramem Temple fflinu Cwuqmltt s' sthe officieh sftf e ti.ammoth iJane Shrine Convent4or. BROCK STREET NORTH' MaIvys goe4 and vhelsuoMfA & b ld efulrsi0mr ymysei kosps mestsansd Si lu tb.l, vcry besIMultoi YANCY BUGAR-CURINOR07011I> *XTA VNEQUALITY TOL'N AUflLmWjg ma,31 Loins 0 l.~250 EXTRA 8PECI!IEQAIt Drthe' PlOe . 37 centre cuts or led b TENDER, JUICY A & 'SSLECTtDEE ROUND OR SQUARE SIDE RumpROAST .l.27o. SES? QUALITY.YOUNG ROASTINO p omc Bâte MAN'~ 26a Picl IA S ae b.Is Corned Beef. C0 5IED. . Lb. 2kc M.st Loal COfc aaS........ Lb. 27c HIam, Chicken. and. Tanguer, tm'~»oîxc zL's Lb. 42e Pickles, Swc.t Mix.d ~Piut 31c and IG ABE TIN EDKW 48 .2 19 CA~5OE New Ouse z lm154 CUCUM E W MUnes h3."-P4 POTATOES New cm qui iLs.254. - - - - PHONE 481 I DOKARCOFFE SOL» IN 1-LI. AN» %,-LM. FLAVO-TIGRT TINS ~4,. Tin 25. EXTRA SPECLiL-OUR OWN NECTAR BRAN» TEA DLNDEDl. 9 Heiuz Ketchup 1 ULSRaisins >"'""ES-m6 2 Pkgs. 23c FINEST QUALITY BUTTER S~uyteldas* 2 Ib ~l.67i P U G RENS.. , . ,, . .2 r.( 41c Surprise Soap.........0Bars 47c SUGAR o0.500 Mazola 011 . Tin 3Uc CLARS LU5ORTED Potted Meats 3 Jan 25cJ Gillex . 1!-o2. lOc SO0S Cleaner -.rad Lunch RolaleU eM23 FySwatters ............. ch Caiay Soap.........3Cakes 23c Pinc apple Marmilalade.... Lîquid Waxp Jolmsoà's... JARTL ItELvEmmrE»IRSn BAUXT TO OUI STORE EU219, Vweshlylmoked FILLETSIb.19 31 I B t- Ei.ory Tues4aY' anald Oa <en- Incs nt 7.0 P.U. Alf*garnes 'Wll be played et Noter City Stiju, i except WbiLbY -home games.-44 missionl ten cents.t bT. GREGOIIWIN OnENI FIXOM WiIITBY,- The flloWlflvlg accouut o! the game was takea frein the Ouhawa Dally Timnes; The Oshava City !ndgstriai 3ev- enfle LeCogue -had the 114 ýofficS.lly pried, off Iast nigbt et >Cowan's Parkj wbeeu the St. Gregory'a met and de- feated the WhItby Tuxis teani, la the opening gante o! the Juvenile seasen, by a score. of 10 ýta 7. ,The St. Gregory's Juyeniies playlng thelr irst gaine laorganiz- ed- ,oftbail took severai innhngs. to lit their sitride but aflcv the lftftb inulugs tbey had the, game well in band. ,The Wbltby Tuxis team, -ai- se a new entry to tbe Leagme, grah- licd off five rune ln their li! t thse thIrd but after that they wecre only aliowed two ruas, oaesIla the 1111h -and another Ia the seventh. None of the players made au in- presslve showiuig with thse willow, slthougti NiCnl, lead off man for thle Saints gathered twe safeties out e! 1fvq trips to thse plate. DeLong was lnclined te be a lîttie 100 iib- eral vwiltiste free passes but 1Èe ai. se struck out more mon. than ôid hie, ri-val.' Tihe ame vais very good considerlng the factt hat It vas thic finI appoarance for botis teains and' thse players sisowed plonty r *proni- Ise.- A good crowd attcnded the gamfe. The teami: St. Gregory 1 Poslion Whlt.by T. Decng ý Pitcer NMayne Dvyer Catcher Wilson iilin lst Base Brown McAdamn Znd Base Newman Kearney 3rd Base Cook Payiez Short Sto? Augustus cenfall Left Field Bakêr Davis Centre Fiold Clements Marks Rithi Fild Gordoit Norniyle aud German g'ot .lntc ,the ganse la the sevenlis and elgsti 3 ~j~ p ANIURAC7I COAU D. 1..;& 'i-For lea - Reub W o !Dry a.ndgood Quality. zi4 - e Co e! OTO Coke. Beston th 'r ifkog -T te ott PHONE 182 WM Janmes Salw<d«on score by inn~ Ernest Nortbam, foi the S&a FIéas. M. Totax The veteran, Newt. Joynt. w* j 1Z34672 backin lathe -ganeand playedstî. st. GregorYs O005 O0-10 ar bail. Another old-hald wbG pu Whitby Tuxis O O 5.Oi iOj - 7 ini an appearante wvus ack SleIgh.- Umpires -Joyt anid Childer- forim, wht o emtpthe ;bi hortepastw yaa;-the * *The score was 13-$, ln favor eti'T ýSEA-FLEAS STILL WINN-N Sea Fw as.a row The following write-up appeared Ter asafair. c- w for týh In the *"Whltby NewËs' columa Of opener and the Leaguegae th sawa Daiiy Tirnes: promise to furnhsh- morne. goo& The Town League was formallY sport during the summter montha.Di opQuied for lîo seas wtion Coun. Mr-ntrs as eshowli. tht1q flobby Rieid pitchied the first bal ya y h ongrbysoàh la gae btwen te Estrditown tha as been lin evid.ëcd In gae btweu te. astadsfor a numbor o! year. fromn.uptown, anid th~e Sa Fleair atastugsj0 $ot ( sote on'r y W Bil l Patpes 'A s-at Jont. S. Yacabosky., L Davey,, XiL socitio enty. ih atsOl ~batNeskel, Stein, Bernes. A. Seott took a %iid swing at it. It migbt Seo, FIeas.mThnmpson. Hark-. be said that Bobby Reid has a fade noss. T. Northarn. H. Neal. P. Neai', away bail liee Howard Ferguson. R.>îidy . ori. W. 'Thorn- The- S ea Fleasi wiuners Of 'the dyke, and J. Sleigltholrn. game, traiied untIl. the seventh in- Mi* ning, when they scorcd au elght- GA31E Lrua' spree. The features of the LDE P~1( AI game werc the piaying.of YOUng .As usuai. the "Chevs." -yull meeti Stev Yaabolcy t 2d bse for the "Rover-s' In the openlng an the Eastrads, and the hittineg oC at the town. park nonxt Tuesdayev-j -PMM-,GA=. &ie -home@ game orthe. Wldt- -mupie L- IA 1 mtakS p1oe ai tovf parl tbi (Traday). IL bee called atý 7 oe1k-abirp. there. s..,.jouriil e ,te Norto-' t&aa - o* MondaY-- 0WDnng and iyed a game ll' K-thstue pfOoeD IveS of- ,that -burigéWhltby won' riMe WbdtbYit- I30.-UP vas Rs fo- fl anas.; Worreater l3b., ÂAd tey do mY " erb e" vas ' -1. fine. feulie. <' Tii.BaptistY'INK 6-gMen's Club la te Jatosýt ntrvIn .lthe Whitby' ovn Longue. Penlapt lboy'll be ble te -stop tSe& Fines' -Wlnng xeak. AUl The Tuxi.B@3i. have been lvt a, te partictpate-lu a Tuxis Boys 4stýiet League. Perhaps îlm'ey v ii Yar sept, perbapa tliey von'l. , 0_ Another Shipment of .F Por1>Dresses Smnocks, etc. .3 DaY Sixes u Softb ll1Le gue Sale Pnice, .$16î. 1930 Sci- duleEach, $ -69 PriceL __________________Meu's Balbniggan ay 2-WhtbY vas. orth Oshawa Shirts anmd Drawers WAýTe 26-ThoritOwl' Corners vs., Reg. 50Oc value. 3 Day -Tannery. Sle'Ves, tel 2 6-Bell Telphone vs. Chosen G-mn pi.3 Friends. Gret.... Duco Boys, bye..-, Per. Gan~ 28-North Oshawa vs Thora- Mc' o itShe>e2 tona-Cornera. SweaterCot 28-TannèTer v.. Whilby. .Reg. $2.M8 value.:,- F 2 -Chosen Frinds vs. Duco DySl b1l EI Boys; i Bell'T--Ieehene e. Pnice ........ . $19H1 ue 2-Torntoa . Corners Vs. colaia Bell-'relepuone, BOYS' PRINT - or at ch, 4-Whtby vs. Choen :BLOUSES: ueu .te Fniends. :Rg,-0 value. 3 Day dày S 2-Duco BBýY-&, Tainery.SalePn1C&e North Oshava, bye.LFC 5-Bell Teléphone va. - Du-Co Each c Boys.__________ __ 5-Cisosen FrlendsYs.- Thora- toa's Corners. 5-Tiuaery- vs. North. Osh- s-wa. Whltby,; bye. 1O-Duco Boys vs. WhltbY. o 9-Chosia' Friends vs. TeÙ-ý * !-NorO shava vs. Boell Telopmouo. Phone 3 '-a L Trhornton's -Corners, bye. 13-Whlty vs.. Thonni'a _________________ Corners. Mm. 12-Bell, Telephone- vs. Tan- -nery. *-Corners-- * er Ir6 12-rorts Oshava vs. Duce 5-Bell Telphoneo vs. Nort lb fln * oy. .Osha a. - dr seà * . iosea Frinds, bye. . Dace-Boys, bYe. - phom*ed lgîWltby v. ]elTiephone- The South Ontanlo Stoftball' Lea- i ifi-_Duco Boys, vs. 'YTornton's gue lhas the permission o!1the. pawks Tli Corner. - Bourd for thÎe nortli diamond tAI- conëeh 18-N.- Oshawvav., Chosen exandra Park for Mo0dny, lV daes. ambla Friends. day sud Thursday.-sadi Ta.nnery, bye. - 19-ornçrY v. Tort.'. FAA . JAQlai Bell FA IIL T 10K, DÜC'e -oys bye. Corners87 -IN MIRROR ENflEO el 2 3.-Whltby vs., Tubler. fRI radiat' 23-Duco -Boya vs., * Chosen ý ": Frendi. - a acatlz o iy Bell Telophoue, bye. cl 2 6-Bell Telephae - vs. -Th.ora- ton's Corners. 'Choruis Girtl Burned in Stud- 26.-CoeFnedv.Wbt-- o Whe n Flimnsy 2 6--Tannry vs.u. éBoys.DrsFu North Oshawa: bye.- lO-Duco Boys !Lvm. Bell Tele- phono. 'od n rgd ,c me-t h juiy 0-Thoratou'* .Corners vs. -Lndn-Tgdcaehtth Ciosa nhnd.make-beiovo life, et talklne pîctur *- june 30_-n.oris Oshava vs. Tan-osatieTltehmFmStds z - non - - visn. prctty gôdea-hared .Anita Whlty', ye. Fsy Tipper. a twenty-,year-old:cher- Juy3Whitbi, vu.Du-o os. u gr l Mre Cornes théeBride" --Tani7 -- v. C Oen t thee 1'lccadilly tiseatre, and deanc- Friendu.ry- T5-C or I nov film, "Spauish Eyos;' r-BGIIs.Telephône v.North wam 50 severely burnod after ber ' flimsy gownu eaught--fire agahast an Oshava. electrIc radiator lu a drosshng roomn Chosen Firi.endg., bye. aItiseb studios, that she dtod lu 15e isitby. - -. -- nr'V. oyal Hospital, Richmond-. 7- a n r --v, B l- T el s - T ie lire iocciirred a I o ne o doôck -z-aner T.laj-tise mrin atisedressling room, - pisene.' * 0mboe Donald Calthrop, oe of tishri l0-Thorfýnlntisv-Corers s. , Ablaze In a Momen Friudi mie heard tse cal a.nd glanced té- - WitbT, bmE ses tisathon mako-umi ad *ber hair f 4-Tanner.'vs.m-Witb!'. vers asthey. should be., As sho 5-North -(Wb5aW S- Thom- bent- ,dovn te look Ifate iglass- toa's COrner. 4 he surIcame fate -dontacl - vils. 1 - 4 )Dco BOYS vsg-- seltlie -gîvîng ires of, lhe.'radis-tor. IFIeni. . - - Sho vasaslaz. in a-mom)ienÏtThe- Bell TésphoùIe, bis. lams enfolded, ber 11ke àagarmentý 2 s-T . aleT vs. -DUea XBOY . Oaîtbrop-isantly selzed hi ,evYv- 3 ;C....iolilPs. orne s . iltk dreuslna-govu, aad vnabPpd il t BelTepb«Ole. < round. &the- siriekie; ýgirl, try ing 10i 28WhtT v. otiCshW..another lie-ýfine. - l Cisoseui Fr055i.Cal -10forflelp I I~-Iqértb'QsXbava.-va. Tanner reoin, ealliag for aid, and Use. elierF .3lCb~e Fnous s.Benl smbfrfor tichel" mn, t ortnsCorners, bye. TlieY pis-cd the.gil ie Aug. i-Whtb s. C mssao!'-tise stage on Vislich- mimevas te 5,T ai? vs homtelià.'a ha appearod. Only hmfaeam L~' Sik Gloves New uliadea; Reg. 95c. value., 3 Day Se, -.9 p>air ....7 c 3 6 in. 39c yu Yard, GIRLS' ÇOATS FLR te: 14 yas. -ale o 3 Dy Sle 75 Pure, . .. . $ ýg. 79C. Bloomners, reg. 9 Day Sale, 5S ruet........... GaMeýnts for $1.00. ITS cd. Val- $1.95. 3: COTTONADE PANTS E . .0.val- Pair' $2.2 J1 Service w $1.50 va ing shade 3 Day* Whitl IDeàn. hair' had escaped the Some one brought Doh and_ d tho humna. 1Some OTlonetels f',or an ambulaince. film .idancing.. girl- was stili ôus as fhey carrled ber to the aue. nt. worry,"sho 'lcan't bo *holped. it, la r't -fault." Carter,1 manager of. the &t.udi- Id. Whon I was called and Wn; the girl Wa .lying cover-ý ;hi oh Nobody knows boy s- started. -,it must have been, by ber drosa touch.ing4jà ,or. te va s in .Calt*hroe's rô1Onm for af ew miinutes, avaltlng ber HM ade a-Most piucky at- ltemptÜteliai on tise arm tise fuames, bnows wero MOUl, Mr.- and -Mm. E Malda Vale, W, Mfr. Edelsten trate wlhgrief presontatîve cii "MIýy, busbansi whelmed'by the IlAnita vas a hW threshold of vi slgn of bâlpx5 a the. stage. I Real "BEAUT -color to the checks andeprig to the movements of the bod' cornes from the right kind -Shredded.Wheat with mi, Health Food suprcme-coi theî y vtalizing elements of 't wheat grain ini a digestible fo for. the- blood, calcium- for t teethand proteins for buildir tissue.7 Delicious with fruts. lbo Tin 9 Ansmc aPACOW II À .. h..ursda antd. Scstur *inted Rayon aiid Crayshenê I dom 47e 43c

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