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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 2

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FINE N4EW BAI friture. of the bank luterler. The finish lu oro«k througout, wth fttinge te match. The premusare commodieu and vel l flgted. The* fittup .are et theuMont moderm tylpe and vould do credft te àa large City offic. The. bau provides for its Patrons stety deposi box«. eoitainec ia a eburghir-pro@f. nuit. aiseý primate rooms, furaisbel for tho convenseuce of safetyio--qltý rustomsers. 2be plans for the buhld Iag vers preprel and thse epeefi- cations mad. .by- HerberA - Humer, aerehiteet, et Toronto. as oug bluter>' beeau uggeated and 5* .NIIUiii extolled by mit aid sculpture, the JAL F STIVlie deal woman should be grâclousà. JnU. ILiIIifU4l et IrOae from pret:nse, SFINE SUCCESS fort otf ohers, honest true aid transparent In ail thinge-sud sen- sitive t ail lite ar ound lier. She tillLtdi rePage 1) shouid seek after the btter thingu of tihe weatlier lad chang- lu life, be pouseseed et an holiety vogramaues, vitis thse resuit ot Purpese, strivng ever te. be or :eh ia capital letterà vas help te ailiaround her and te et- oiu tise days' procoodilias. tain to the highest hoeo! Chriu. 0 tisthe renoQu the tianliving sud citlzenehip. "Youî ,grammne ôpened, thse musie Iîdeal vommi exista la You and ideal ig illedto teUe doore. Tise voman eilots i me, thon give ber 1, 1ev. Dr. C. 1R. Cîrecal- a chance to Ilie more treely," de. 1011e ts tudeuts and vie-. cired Ms Rutherford l insa d expresaed regret tisat tise On behaît et thse studoents the ii et t ise 1oar d et Dlrectors, chalirran thunked Miss Rutherford ivaek F. ,McGjjlivraty, vas un. for bier îluipri»g addroîs.. y absent; PleaSUre WaS c!- The lection et Ma>' Queeu an< lsowever, tbat G. M. Uo!-, Coungeellors toilowed -the slngind i mçwber ot the Board and, Of ise eOlhpge -soisg, "4Deur 01< a~V eslc~t lid cqssseute Trafalga>r.4.? The QaWn vuss chose, ýct n.8 chIai'bgt(i T!he h* h e 1-l' bUe'j&t ittAb Fqesed tîsat the 4ay vei)àd tisree b 0-s0 deterMize vi i. b et joy nsu ucesfer ail. copusellorWs houli hO. hairhnan, G. M, Goodfeliow, After the coronation th. tolsuw prussIng regret tht Dr. lutg Programme Of' exorcises val ny roulti net be preseut, earried eut hlntise Queena henor:* to the. fact tlat thse, May Eiriy Enlisi Minuot (ae dus Cilv! id long pen' one ced on Xat -Day betoro Qu* tnîglit daym lu the coliegd Jhizabth):-' Plammhorougl< Svord day te *lsich tise stildents Vaise.,Polk Dance Group-. rlrwarcl eagerly. As '- luusSweet IXte;,B, tovq l a;C p rogram hdbe ilu:ai'- Wavlsg -Dinces;D.,Dutcli-Coîc andi lie wasixepetul that E.', Roemya: F, My-Pole;a The' lunchleoit Iahonor oftht May' Queeu *us oeefetthe oui a piann solo bY Ml~s'th standing eveuts oeýthéiday's prc ftNI,£TM, tise eliiging oetgramume.- One- table lu tb. lurg lolyi Antisem and-' "0 Cen- dlning.hill vus. most pictureequel e jhalr3nan . calieti uPUI decorsted vt apple blossome an mi'teude IRutherford, toada- otbor sprint fiovers.'ITtvas-iL ti hoe Studeoîs. liem subject table thut thse Queenwand hi * Ideat Womianý" and ber court st; tise qusen ocecupying th prevrd an Inspiration. In large thtone comPletoly corn t tise idea tisut tise Ideai vhth biossouis, at tue bead et il aisoulti pesecas mercI> an. table. Beldes lier court, - diéti orti and teatutres, wear goeoI gualei- ueite etftthe dey. whe si andi 1,0popular wth hemr a ut thedtlh oe isHlnS iMiss Ruthserford stremzed t tveU tale, eTron. ite M. 8 htle ilsse wPrc wrrthy ofai Quclén, lu orbte. aidMis Ja ent andi bad al down Mottmt, et Veston, vise *as Quii last yemr. lu 'iie afttrnoon the uti dents, vient d ho anumipion and. refumned !ei* tho evening- tho ftor -tîenexcellent displi>1 'FAIR'ONIVORA, nl1V 1110 l1'('I'V lua h houselh enra, Peace ilsp iterruptei rest for lwdropsaýpr te oue bick te ulsop a. upst insg h L 'y te do vithout ris1 t li ist fur teý ýt mM"es tblugd ad at give Baby mnedi- e.nI awy ot& tas Pite* or a arotis, Il lYsio fflnta pfflly lA Webmrr theesa HAl WIW Ã"IIau4tta (Cloatlftuod trorn Page 1) in the fluais, lu the open tourai ment L. Hooper and . Davey, wl mad put up a strenuous fight la t] varleus rounds, elimlnated 0. VI tue and T. McNelll ln the finals am rompsd away wlwthetii.priseo. The sports cormltiteo comprilu G. P. Ege, S. G. Ireland, Roy. P.1 Juil, H, Mack*y. C. R. -mana J, Cook. J. MaoDur, C. Elliott,1 Ariýhb&ld and W$Uham Iade. Durig tho !atternooitrefrai ment. were servéd on the. grouai and-tiie booth did a laid office hi Amongt theproiasît ristorsg the, grouindu woeoW. E. N. Saindu K.C., M.P.P.. W. H. M ]OOM t, o mau et the Dominon Tarif Bom George. W' UcLugillu, Ouhaw Drai. James aid John Moom re.or lin. aud mueraI othors, TiierW no apechuàlklng, as the. progr arranged for Aile FuIr 'took every minutt of the attmuoou. K-C., Railt Mr. Ji Cross W. D. Treal son, Myroi Graui Fred John Ratel Au c. R~ 1. Cc MaçI W. AL Drille L Webk a&,- MOie. mark' Dur. E. G. R.L IL Webber. ProsMet- *Thouo M.; lut Vice-Preuldet st; Morl;Seud a<Vic-Preul- -Chs. eues; Becretuly4 Win. Arloil.Win. morrlseil 5' Vipoi. . ,DoWMo. Chas. 0. Cha. Res14 J. J. Thomv- W. -&. Cr"nIl, Mes. macDut,. Ormiton. James Dior. W. J. ~t, Jýob WIto log. Gerbutt., ,Graham. Robt. Grandy. Wm- .lige, R. R. Mowbray, J. S. Jep- Chas. Wilson. uoclate Directors -Re.P. G. p. £go,.Samuet Irel"id. Raina, C. S. Thempion; A. ,ok.- Geo. rowne. Howard key. John MaeDuif. Wmi. .Lade. Vieli, Perce' Steve?, Chas. El- F. &lrchibald.- rus lié I la th~e veuing lthe Toagip- Hlai vas erovîgi for t'hoconert givon b>' u.l! kuovu s.rtiats, imoud- lteey David. comeian; Miss blat, xtbUlnlt4 aidl VIL 1H oM~ - mpt L Te protra. - wu qualat, luuuorous and refuai, as vas motaceptahlo te the 1"e ,The foUowiii# are the prîse vn ners liî ail events: lae1, Pure Bred Clydeodaet Secion1.1 Stallion 3 yearu old ndi oer-lut, R. Dut & Soi,; 2nd, W. F. ýBatty, Brolin.11 Section -2, Stallion,;1928-R., Duff Section 3,,Stallion 1929-is, C. G. Valentine, Myrtie Station. Se-tion 4, Broed Mare ln foui or wlth foal at foot-lst, Jas. White, Section 0# Filly, 1927-lut, Myron Vipond; 2ad, M. Vpond; 3rd, R. Dut Section S~ i, ly, 1928-lut, F. Bat- t,'; 2ud, . Dutf & Son. -Section 7, Puay, 1929-lst, F. Bat- ty; U& :K '.Batty; Srd, Jas. W".te. 3Stion S, Heavy Draught Mare or Geldln laraea- let, Im. croft ]Pazïn; 2nd, W. J. Cook; Srd, W. J. Cook Section9, havv Drauùgkt Teai in- Huruese, sultaly 'hitehed-lut, Elm- croft Tama; 2nd, W. J. Coo. CLÂSS Z AGEICIJLTUEAL ROUSES Dranght Type Ijder 150 W e Sec. 1, Brood Mare -in Foa, or foi! at foot-lat, -Ehncroft Farm, Ouhavu. 1Sec. 2, Fi11>'eor Colt, 1927-lot, Ronald Johnto.' Sec. 2, FIUy o; Colt, 1928- lutl Elmer Deflmt. 1Sec. 4, Puly or Colt,, 1929-No.-on Sec.5,'Rare or Golding in Har- nu-uN. J. Wbiti; Zndo M. Du; rd, I. Vernon à Son. - Sec. 6, Tein ÃœaHrnes, suitably P btbMd-lt, & Vernon & Son; 2adi :* N. J -White- Zr tuD, E. &f Son. Se?, dimp Poip piefor rboit inlarorç mmnu mvr ?cuP, 1 valuê- $12.5O naur N.' .V hite. r-CLAU.SI UGciï ROUES $.Sec. 5, Sine ere a Huues, over l4 na-is %Rx Cochrane. èBurletonJtàtiofl. d Sec. 6, Expreus Horse,- sultably hitched-lmt, UtOXi JebWai; 2ud, àElrncrofFirni; *4,FranjýU- - Sec. -lut, Norma- item, 0 ', 1Zphtll'M 'tM R gVG. Locki...- + - Se. 2f Pouy,12* bandsannd index 18 à-lit,' -eta Parlul; ud, CeciliDis- ney-, Srd,, Alla Woi. 1- 1 CATrLE1 F» Se.-,, e yers- roe- ýI W.' A. Dryde Iroolli ;2nd, W CI IL BOIle4on, Whltby. ] 11- uilCalf, over B months- I iai ld,, W. A.Dryden; 3ri 14 N. .white. it Sec. 4, Cv, 3 peari or-over-let La IW. A. Dry1len.. 0- sé. ms.e0inr, 2j year-4t, W st Dryden Ir Sec. 6& Boier one ya?-lst, W id A. Dryden-, Znds W. A. Dr>*dezi, 4a Soc. 71 Heife#, Caf-itW.--A ®r DÇryden. ài Sec. 8, TIÉe .Animaicet of on Bd sire-lut,.W. A. Dryde.. hoC"au.6 est Grades..' ji- Sec. i. 90w Sa 70.?, or o-er-lud 't ,W. H. Balodon î-Sec. 4,Bster or Hefer CÇaif, u LT. der iy.F .HUdy en sc.1, Pémllv C9w-lat, W.1 »ý "mon*? l* lhHutr le elea eaem Egie') uSéec.-2i Bull, 1. yearlit, F. il ýliolida>., Sée. 81Bullc# lfer, B menthe- lit undud, la41#h unàter.é Sec. ,4i ý Cow, p yeur and o-rer lu, ra. Arei; 2ud, .MRo lut,-1 Sjphe nRter 1~aplt Boec 7, RHeier Caf-let, Fe Ottawa, 0Ont., marIsa-supplo- ew,3 l er - b:"tdss inl Ottaw-a, oi 'Ma* bP tie. "a»ets uaier -aMd ioda>' I iitbr , jour, Million -5111be Di le - t ue rovi e n ruha lu? . iii pass Dml"inntmhstuatiOi. a4at 7011 be ttal eti5Uiés main estimates veTo .$399,353,li«3l j and' suppleiientarleis $11-632,301, ,making an eatliiiit.id expenditure so fer forI.130-3.1 .of 4099.It 402. When te thia la added ;,00t, e 000 for pension èxl)tne'itýure unet the îev blegielatiofi, there ilcb an Inrease et .$10,000,000 ov d the expendituire et asat year. wiîn, revenue taliing et 'ie-rate et $0,- 00Q,Q00 a .sOuth. I Ontario provision in the supple- mientii'y estiites ir clude: Lin'-_ say-1lublc building, imnproveý- moents te beatlng $1,700. Owsj. c Sound-Publie bulldinugs. impr ove- f tuents to .igbting $2,300. sydethaîm-Public building $11,-I 000. Wallaceburg-Public buildin- Ontatho barbera- and rivers: Baytleld-ýRepiira to pie.-s Kinesrdine-1Harbor repaira au d împrovements-further .amouna required, $32,000, Kingston-Dredgit.g Cataraqtu Bay-Further amount required Merimeras Point--To take over* Gni ropair wharf., $1,500. Owen Sound-Harbor itaprove- inents *urther- amount required - Oshaa- Break" ater -iepairs an4, Improvenients -- Furtht.r ramount requiresi 25,000- Port Maitland-Ilarbor improve-i mente turtiier amount requireti MOTORTOURINi IN Of. Tourist Ottawa -ViLli the Lonague et! NurtlOns spensorig a' mvemnent tà abohisi tmxp. " outurlst, autemeb- , - A.Junel Dsudaa hooWbty Pics. 69; Eveimbup5alo0 bie'atal Fr ntioenlefoit rs, and tae ownacc or omodi t pUb t systn acordtaxtonmotor travrel ehutgh fereiogtxin, may orDtaye b.e iieved of!-one of7 'iLs .chie! drawbacks, according to,*the Ca- gdian Automobile Association,, in wiiich the motor leagues of alt the provinces arc féderated. "Dispatches from Genera," Baya. the national metoii bodY, "idi- caLe that plans -are well under way for the issue o! a draft treaty elim- inating tbe tax fee. the treaty j» b. open for the signatures etal ýna- tiiàns whether they are -members o! the league or net. Only eiliens of. signatory states wolild benefit by tke proposed legislatie"n. "The tax on touriet automobiles, receutly has beexn- the- subject et- exhaustive study by the fiscal ýcom- mlittee o! the LeagueetfN7tions,,as. well as by the Leatue road traffic committee and -the transit cu- mittee. "on the application otftthe auto- mobile clubs and et the Alliance Internationale de Tourismle, the road traffic commuttee drew Up, To- ominendatiofla te the league to tu* .efiect that foreigli moter itebicleis should be exeMlpted during the first Lwo mnths ot their stay ina an7 country, that the, collection et taxes' shoulti be simplified, and that taxes.1 should nef be levied when a' moter driver applies to a frontici' cub- toms bouse for a license visa. dations, tihe fiscal coaMmitte un- dertook furtiser luvestigathon, 9L- aily agreeiug upen thé morew libermi. provision for comjplotie exempt-lii wfttout lime limit toi' private cars. -inl tise meuntinie France lbas aP- nounced ber intention et Moditylisif ti lav -that, nov requîmes i-meery toùmist te indicate, upon cati'>', thé ~smber et imays lieviii eipend lz tse, -motor- cars- going Lo Faie ar taxedi-vietiier theyýstay,;o$ia _dar, a- mntl or a- yea-r, but- tider thse- pro- sent statute- if a touriet taioWAut a tax card: foi' ton, imysthon ro- mains la the countr' 'longer- ho ha, subJeet te a,âne upon loi-ring. àake Tp Is Deliglitful. FIVE DAY CRUISE Georgian Bay Manitoulin Island Sault Ste Marie via S. S. &Mnitouln RO..i~$32 BrZ ldeL - There's no more delightf ni linte -for a- lako trip than thoý tilorlous, month et June-the ucenery ma at itrs beat and thoertas *otLi great crowd. -Tie ht trip et aIl is- a five diys riete Manitoulia Island peinte aid SuulL Ste. Marie on tise splendid stool &eue-s - ehp/~maituit.~IBret stops at, ail tue-Anterotlnt Porte- KXlhÃŽrne,mitdning, Ragawl>ng, Gare Bay..hesloBrc M#M l ýuansd mmi>'-other lnterestiùg places on tise 'MiulLtlii lslaud and. Nort.h Shsore. Tisen up tho st. Mary'u River and a full dayi a the Sea, vbere tise steamer is yout Ibotel. , - Th SA t X~~~ anitoulia i. ltse-largest sud m-est modern ahi» cold runining rater. Observation saloon ou the.-risilcAfe- dee£. Steam beatini tismougisout.- Round trip trous Owen Soundi to Saisit Ste. Marie, Ont..- aid return, - lnludini; meal:sa antibei u-vhiie on- tise'tnlp und vlle i teamer J4 ut the. Sea, enly . .......... * steamer lbaves Owsn ScUeeom Thursda>' erOliné duriur June ut 11.15, arriniu- bick eirlY TÙud&Y. Stop over ut an> ot if You 14h.- Sam&. 7 ~~~first-ciisa service as dn.gIuru season. - Dùring Jul>' and &imuit *tO seheeulès are cisangeti .ad inelud!e Mackiame Iad, J0111 D, tntrê, ;IU * For tarvatioIis and ttT iOr Smatiea asic railW<5y or stealuhp -agents;, or Writs r' 'Owen Seuad luvu, alwayi u e'ot n ojytcMATSI -1 boe.IdVhe y..-te thp WUdSOtrS -ALUO. xia«atùOn.-Wllllam Eury jaci- son, aelvnd -um yenr IM lnstuntly Muai et Inteptiie. ebout tirty mue S tbweet or hro. The bois vUli U. usdr- .Iug ~ an to~fituiraî av.Mu Jcsnvus thron eut: o!t tc bugbut vasuunWuVeL Phulpt at Yolvertoue vas buena 10te Droci St.3,itb Reol.Estate, MyLjiâtip.Cover 30 to 40 fine reaidsta prpriuni the Town S« malad eeIif Yoaore W, Ji" SAND. and GRA VEL Jrat.au - aIa" oham ea" fe ocrets o*. poufse- Vove tes t u d LOAN UXW AND LOAI TAXI'sEUVCGE- té md fha aIl tams. JetHuih to Sd Ir T es a>xktb to- »iI 15155u1 afr bca04 et rm e t sa=*pya leat tbl mehd tsuma T ow, litIntene, a te ema amMd ommîD oui-tehay it "ta:l l'have bets appoilatol Ea8tera OmiaileSa for 4he Delaware, LaukawmSa,&, WueotU Duriug m eem aam r B.R low bus kImdJy tus tl teimk ian tal of the. coulbwiam e e inuWhitby here willi be no intmwjtiloa a UtO. IL basbeen l themy f thiyaId t>ha thý BM8Tfuels Obtluoile, md Pone Sly ' U: u & WAéTRÂCME. Baipiltas By-Produict coke DRYRD AND 80?! WOOD Ph ,ne -397 - L.W.DUDL G.n.rluIsuraaoe FRE WhItbyr Ont@ fia6 o ted "to Ponqy,= ASt DoteFau etfIWOllcdiAccli.mt IF INS1rANUgCE SME- SUDLI Nicholson,& Solda- ÙNDERTAKRS privai. Ambulance IPhooe-35W @%MWYmera Drt, F«Wt Daltur. ued. For ml informaatton.l DUoe, write or> caiL iiTketu Ji . BLOW,Ï Agent, Brocik> Streot Soutb, whltib>'. ont. P.O Bo 50. Pono434 COALe cornwe empty.- Phonie n usfr ioeD. IL.& .Coai ýCoke - TwoSie iPORT WHITY phone 70 PAeN- M DDECORATOR. OREO. MIL Pal MWermd P»« r Haw Val Paen a in 140NUMNTS .W.Stafford Douer la Importaied-mati Cane. 1 dieu -Granites pirst cimes vorn iL moderato prices iphono 463 hl ImmTBOOOW I sas o Otbegon lesae.To. t -di-vWtsl. o tii.e dP" Oe! b 515 - 08or'pI for un '-B. r £lu Md Cu mdsCain Bys Sùnala POdk 151n r * -N tbovc lm the ift. new huai- ie-u orthé,s Rft3îaBanik er in Whitb-i. Tise bulding, ýo n'est modem lainWlsitby"ç s4ection, la beautîful trousI idpelat ot exterior andinl- "Iish.The çiteior lu et ns andstone 91141red itressuci foi wvindo% illa of stç)ae. It itoreys lài heiglit, the ilroît >ntaislag the baaking pre.- a4id 'the Second the spart. wcd b)y he manager. are. several oettandlng W..f Ihm WF.M, H. qAut mou" os Rul uIset o DR Brook Al p ~.1 IFMM MI - 1

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