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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 3

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wMY wrnE AND MoM Ontai Cama# i. od W0107 Publish.d everyThumlay mornine bpTIrma Ulb., ib ng Compay of Oshawa. lmteds C. IL. um8D4,ý Presideuaî-, A. P. Alloway. Vce-President; Graydoa M. Copdteliow Director. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywb-eothi .Canada, *2.00a year ini adraùce:..30 a year to subscriber.s i he.United Stateï or otue foreigu countrics. The datt to wbicb thu subscrp. tion i3 paid la indicatcd ounithe addrua ,labeL J. 1-r 0RM ISTON. Editor and Business uanager. Todepltouesa;Bell, 24 and M7ý1; udeuc, Ilcmber of Canadian WeekIy ftewspapcrs Association W}IITBY#-TIIURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 TRAFFIC CONGESTION SOLUTIONS The Honorable George S. Henry, minister ol Highways, promLised adeputatien repre-, sentlug ail municipalitiMes betweeu Toronto and Oshawa wbidu waited upon lIiim s few weeks ago that he was considering the widening ef the Kingston Highway te u t least terty feet as a means ef partially selv-. ing the traffic congestion problem which'is year by y.ar, becoming more acute. The inister's ides le that two lhues of cars mhould be able te pass each way along. the highway, S'o that traffie could move quickly snd, it le hoed, more sately. A wider high- way- should reduce the "cutting lu" menace to a minimum, sudut the smre.time take, cure et a larger volume et traffic. Anothet suggestion made by the uinister, and one wbich shouid b. given the serieus eonsideration of every motoriat, was that people should learu, particuiarly on Sundays and holidays, te travel on alternate routes. Until they learned te do this, he sad, they would have te put. up with thé congestion on the highwsys. It was the policy of the 111g.- ways Department. the minieter said,. te pro-.- vide these alternate routes, particulariy i city suburban areas. with the sole ides ef -rclleving congestion on the main travelled highwasewhich uppulentl>' niotorist a seem- - ed te want te dlîigte. Iu our ýopinion this- was a very valuable suggestion, iu view eof the tact that ut heast eue hait et the motor- its who take a jaunt out en Sunday do se, inerely for pleasure, sud that there Ws as much pleasure, if net more, -te b. had,1$, using rosds which are nettcougested- but where the scenery i8njust, us good sud, in many cases1 a great deal better. Roads lu the. suburban sud ruA areas today are far better th an they -wera tew Years ago. As, a matter et fact, ail. roads -today are built te take cure' et môtor traffie. The Minister et Highrays couid see littie- hope in a second highway along the. hake-ý shore trom Toronto te Oshawa beiug' buit, because ef the many .difficulties, many ef thein encouutered ysara ,fly tht rtailway cempanies. With ait, duse '.spect te lie min- -ister's opinion, there are many who ,,belleve. that lu the final anahysis-tis propoed iigh- way or another -one will hav-e te b. buit aud exteud .ed net only te Osheawa but right through te otreal. Automobile. traffic - rnay uot bning about thîs necessity, but' the. inçreasing use-etbusesasd- rucks will. The announcement by tht ministér that, his departinent was.conaiderini tue stipula-,ý tien ef certain heurs. fer trucks te- use the higiway for commercial pqrpese& Was a .- '- corne eue. Rigit uow there la a measure of truck traffic regulation, but. it will have te, b.e extended. Andwhist applies -te previne--- l highways iu tuis respt should be ex- tended te county sud ruillroada. LESSENI~G THE ROAD TAXATIO4N .Although the minioter et highways didt! tiot take very kindly oteh suggestion et a Whitby Town Couudil . deputation -whichý awaited upon hlm hast Frldsy that the,ýtown because et ils remeitenes'frein couuty roadi ohouid b. exempt frein countYmoud levies,, the town nevertheleas buaajusl dlaim for relief frein part efthle county taxation with w11lch it la today heavilY burdeuedî it la truc, as the. minister pointéd eut, that tihe- twn iwelserved by tWO .provincia hlghways passing threugh îl, aisetiga good portion of the. ceaIoet these higiiways wlthiu lhe towzu limita wa Pald for eut. ef the. provincial treas=r. It Ia llkewise true, however* that tbe gov- erninent today paya llbersly towards 7tue, ceaI et permanent rmd and bridlge c<nstrue- tien iu the county, but the. Tewni ef Wbtby- benefits very little, If aiiy, <rmiithie epsn- diture oft tus money. 0f course, it muât b. adzittod'that inu tus respect conditions are muci botter todar tha~ they were some yeara ago, inaamuch as tic towu recelves e rebate eofltity per cent. efthle total- amount il Pays int the 4ouitï for moad purposes. At tiat, howevei the temn coutributes ove thrsetiouamnd)a- nzaDy for' county rouds,- while its locallU for -streot maintenance essies tic seveu thousaud mark. THE PICE 0F FAIM *PEODUCTS Discumaln n t u la it issue the reported lover, vitit iouch 5fermera are net a alud et Ithe a tamer âe F ba4 'offed bis reàWU - .tock-ot G çreat Booê.ptos at ten shimns 1to. o1 h liad to cart tlum twouilhs to the station but bedi not Cdetba eit the vce ofeére d. 0* aat -eek 4t, a fana sale lu the Se»Y distriet a pile of potatoos 60 yards long, four Y"swide,'tand estimated to, contgin 70 tons 'Of ware potatoes wasWMuidby auction and reaiized only seen pounds. . The first named farier when aaked wby b. offored Mhs po- tatoes no, low ,repled, "Weil, rve got to, get a few shlllipgstowards the rent."' In comparion with the facts here enumer- ated, the farmers of Onu'tarie are not suifer- ing very muèh.. In thi country there is hope of an early improvement. ln Get .Britain conditions are such that it will take a. long turne before things returu to any- thing like xnormal. A CLEAN ELELWIMOX CAMPAIGN Inl a rece nt issue, the Toronto Saturday- Night expressed the hope that the forth- coming élection campai gn, despite the diver- sity of views on. the tarit and other ques- tions of the day which -are bound to be dis.- cusscd on eévèry platform, will be kept dlean, The view of- Saturday Night, thus ex- pressed, wilIl be received withi favor and ap- proval by àlmost every fair mindêd citizen in this ridinggnd throughout Ontario: ' "However, fiscal iquestions like these (bud- get items) a;re a matter for legitimate and highbrcd discussion.* It- is sincerely te be hoped. that the campaigu will be condùcted on. these Uines sud net on those suggested by a back-beucher, Mitehell Hepburn, who sits lu the House of Commions for the riding ýof -West Elgin. Who and' what Mr. Hlepbàurn _may b. wheni he is at home we do flot know, - but his speech at Ottawa the other day was worthy only of aý political- guttersuipe. H1e attacked R. B. Bennett because he is a ma n ef, large wealth sund suggestedthgt since he is -abarrister he probably "keptwithin thé law" - in acqulriug. it. Ini other. words Mr. Hîepburn tried- te intirnate that if. a mnn possesses ,considérable wealtb he is necessar- ily s crook who has been clever ýenough. te keep eut of jail. iu Toronto we enceunter s good deal ef mischievus neulsense of. this kind iu the,utterances -of fourth rate muni- cipal. politiciaus; sud it has iujured and re- tarded our pubi evl Ient. It is et the saine low sud unfair character as the mc Conserv-atives used- te paseut wth regard te the. failute of Mr. Kiug te enlist as a sel- dier, at a turne wheu he vas carrying se heavy a -family .responsibility .that. sucli a course would have been selflsh sud- inhuman. A public mn si&not the lessa honorable, use- fui or patriotie because, he is the fortunate possessor of wcalth., There are such men iu the ranks- of both the historie parties. SuM relizw Hepburn wouid nu.t- intimate that the late'Hon. P. C. Larkin w" a crook be- cause -be yas umply pmsslssed -of thils woÏtdý'.' od, 'or thit ftienf"like ýHon.W.t McDougad or Hou. Vincent- M-asey are-un-- worthy of -publie tcônfideÙte beause-ýthey are, men of wealth.. It la to b. hope that lead-. ers on, beth aides wil put the lid on derna-, gogues like Mitchell: Hepburn and screw, it down. Whit the,"deceuýjpéopie etthis ceuni- try moat desirée laaa cu ncampaigu."t "STOCKTAKING >IN THE CHURCH These are tfie days of church -stocktaking, wheu Synotis,.Conferences' Assemblies, and Presbyteries are meeting- to. review the work -aecomplished durng the pastý twelve menths for the extension of tihe Kingdem et Gtod* at home sud abrad, te make 'plans for the future, sud te discus moral -issues of the, daywith which the. church lias teý do. It is well that sucli gatherings should be held annually. They serve a useful -purpese, ani,.'i& fact, they are very esseutial. . The - church *reqünste talcs stock te ascertain if itîi,going. backwýard. or forward, sund te coi»ider -what eauý be doue toestimuiate -what sheuld always b. -for- the church a iuarch. of progresinlu thblugm spiritual. Budgets, allocations, filliug of_- pulpits, study of nmssion eports sud neede, suatd E.D1TRIAL NOTEM Empire Day, observed las4 Friday iu Whi t- by -Sehoole, as a sehool funciftion was inaug- urated by the laIe 8fr George Boass viezih "as mhnatr ef eduaction for tepoic et Otare ince thien ilhas spread te an, parts efthle British Empfire and la observed lu, the'sehools.- "'fie freuént meetings efthte Vilageý- CQuncil cot b. smd, toe b uld 'for mer- cenryPllý e 5" amathe -MarkhaÉs Sun whlch adds. '?heir salaries romnîlite Sam -a whether -thy met-or ' »t. 'It isdoubtful If the rmidents of the town fully appr"ite the sacri8ces made by membersof Couneti. 'who find--it necessary te -wreale îVith dit- fouut probluijs vieilon lIth th.letigit sud for many uights of the year." Tu -l7haitby tbis yeem numerous àpcia meetinigs bave been heg an etbers -of -Counel have. Pv- on f"rofÏh*irtime lu the town's inter-- ÈÀIFROZ[ m~ bn~ Efectng StoadyReoUi.cs, Obui Marketing OfFihre m hhlg msir - ibis t istiat. b bc considered an OPPOrtune urn o Diel tO try 8m4c assenasthe BIloegieSi Bor'a _«i- miiit- a " p"atment produciun aid maiol- ils von o fig -rspidly frezen fii, iiOW titth'eo more. tisa a vear bas elapisol-saite thIgéaBoula vor it began,", dejiares Dr. A- G. -unts- for the. industry ma, drec tor ektseathe nFs- Telop* ie:mt eries Biolegical station. taI n-£?mp u teppea nuits bave greatiy exceedéd l taaw en.pee'U expectatieus, and are Mest promis. fIg fer thee future Of thei. Idstzyý Nsturally tiser. bas net DeM jus- qcatien of the 'extrayfgait ioe SAVES L entertalned by seme peeple titiik rsiuid freezing procelf-I vas.teb ia somze sort of Alsddii's LaLmp UtDL retty ail the disabilitlef ' uder wbieh the ils]' indust4 elabors- Nevertb.eiesi the, newer Metiiodsof Hungp n ratieration and the neWer meth- ods of pepaiug snd packÎigiÉg f4isi ee are effecting a- slow and sBaCi evolutien, if net a revelUtion, lu tise tndustry, and are beilsg extend- cd te ithe meat trade. Tise demen- Birnungiiam, stratien la a Most important- oue herolsi ye a lie that vitb thse use of proper mietisods tii. iiciTrM£ Ssii and meats can be keot for 'six marques - accoMm mentis. e! a Year in first- class frear MO Circus ýat IB condition and ready -f or cookinx St Eight ions..tr a moment's notice.' , cage, vers in "It sould'be realized that rabp:J Togarý, tise .E freeziug'neitiser maies bad fiais rusbed to- their good, nom prevents damage frous Stepa. whlch und< subsequent misha4dligs. ýJ- t s' animais trous merely tluq best -way of -f.reesig, 'Tise- circuà wi aud tiscre must b.e proper, refrigerýa- days. "revlously tien- both bef ore sud alter thse freez- of the: marqu.ee, ing procesa if higis quality la to b et âow but w maintalued.. Unfortuustely very t emporary b much cf tiie preseut erigeratioc -4,000 peopli of -bth unfrozen' aud*frozen' lhthe seatlug- an< la vry f ar frein' ideal, lsnd wheu ayasvere dest -coupled vitii rapid freezing dees f1'ie tire vas net give a produet et tis-e 4sgiest quality. This must be reM ireredbysoerbi lu connection witiu sny paxu tIcar eruemi exPerlence vith.rapidly-frojeà'A3t- irn at eria. . S.-' it lmmediatelyc "Tise prýsduct introduced by tiese o tiiàt OflO *d Bilogicai Board: aud :s~&Ice tfll nI'rds. Fillets la net merely rapidly-frozen t urnes,, but, lai filletn. The filuets are of aiaa *,,the cauvas quit shape. snd weight. and, sanitarliy At :le monei packagcd. sund are, te be ccoked bors anilsa a while' stili fTozen, whicii -la the. ug lu tise. circu proper way for f rozen miateriai. Thse 't rush, eut as a experiment was, thercfOre,..s test Tri broie nto. of thse saleability not ierrely ef rap- bouas; - ldly-frozexi fia. is.-'t o!frexh fish i,nem$h's fil in a state decidedly unfamilliar te.thse uatety.oet t tise housewife or Cook: sud habits witb teair, and snd prejudices are chauged 'onl tise outrance.' -witis great dilfficulty. "Final!>' the test.has beeui made a ver>' rimononee by puttihg tise roa!prIce e! tise frozen uis dis- tiuctly aboya that of, unfrozone as sometising. preiousi>' unheard ot. The, chie! aofIlfug-experiment bas been in Torono aû in la sdM i& abt city duminguha. sûd, beglnnlüg et tise et (Jauiuary 1929 te, 3snuarY 1930.) over ISfty tous ot Ice 'fileta verse spld. Thse prfuciqal ba& beau had- . ock, et vicb thfrty-flve tous vers 'fsaudled. Unfrozetn haddock filUets. ,retalled at trom 18 te 25 cents p4r Peund, thée prevalUnt-prie. bl' 20 cents. - lce fillets eof haddoek ere seld at 28 cents par pund il tise beglnnlug. viien- tisa uuýreo fillets vies- 23 cents.,3but tise pies was sbertly sîauacel te. Se cents, visera it bas remalued. 'Esîdeci, therefore, bave been -eIlingisi-Cô- siderabis quantifiesl in terme! Eof Ice Fillets. at-a prie. et -50.perceist bigiser tissu viu Iw the ùitroin- state, -ad tha gîales ,continue. Tbus la a fulffieut demouut 1tien et tise Marketability et -raeldly-froien j material., If preperly:baîdiel oh- ervîse, It la efthte bfghest -qualitt' and command . the- bigiseat: price. te be, greater tisane tie ver>'lited supplies ubat bie far. beau ni- L abls ail for tI-M mut rtavafisise only-f rom tise Doul'o atins. It N -la quit«,u!Llfkel>' tiat r 0 promsut dumaul fer uiese -Jhi gret n te warrant prodàetleon arae A la every lulleati. bevever, tisat vlth prepàete'msuel a-1larg tà*ae i-tho ý v b klde¶b FUt ff eau b, ail vIli e UIt-ý proe-el tisebgbquaht etrpsz' frosensufais ailthie Y., b ofi overcomini prejuiiea»gulut I- fq eu ia, but, t bas ase oreealS mauy etle»tiesi tiewrt Inetbofs or pffluelt g Mr - fng troua tais. - Tg glive lye> mam ple, tire ares extremel>' w 0 seop5 of-thes expeelment "dalî velay~ al ~pnIm tà& es e ls raeasb>'vUMl- et an>' smllar preluct2 WêIval piL adtla. any:ei »tu uietai" qeffl Ireesling Wm oas aUi<i> frii Isah te trocte, ail-nuilueb vw aaurel t ropetteltuMe«, distibutiandailmarketingtb*pr» --ùL, & la I. mt iurdt for pst ll4k o)Iy -la it g iam n - fthieet. man toe onsumàer e - . nmu:a thes7,Buim' inust b. troeg 1! tisons h to ho aaceasul.r MsuLt, - rid to bringtis a volt &à lou, tii. SsbÎermassto, The future eot,,thû -depeuds upeaILý al Boat*dhbastrI"i ai&" bas ýde monst- be- doue. Il ipro Lektunter OIpýri- mem lesirable,' but qely got. rWben on bas isem-made. ifsj over, and if la to, carry, on, to, de- tir thereâlter, 1te tunities that have sTpped ra aoy. Engand- -Great [on-tailler mark.ed. a anti> - destro>'ed thse àmedatlng- the Car-j rapped- lu a wooden grave danger, wvien [ungarisu 'traîner. ruscue'aud took Loubtedly> saved the destruction. vas reopened tw-) atter tise collaps;e due te a iseavy f at) within tive minutes building, vbich bell vas wrecked. Ait ,d a aumxer oft Car- tro'yed. 9 -app.irently «cauaed mii ratcising aligit -entmance. BnIant vbo detected cnttise guide repes, de o! tiie buge teut airay f rom tise annsd by tise vlnd, ickly became, aligbt. unt*,. tri;ck>ridcr, is proisat vere rebeargâ a ring, aimi thcy ihad s great aheet ot can- ).flantes above thýî.r rst tisougbt vas- for. b.e behrse. .It snobrtedl 1 backed sa>' tfroms E' ntually,--th-y. rmuet Wouu~t, te U.UAUO VC"e aCorcbing its Bile. Tggre;' ,ýia U as iaiiediaie li'ded s1.r thiege *otaiii! hkg.tie eight lioni, and altisougui ltbej rusiied ut biza,,iie naage4ra te drIve tbem :nta an a4oIntu rage, wbkth vas Ucetlin50 .mucb danger et catchung aligiit. As Togare was enering the. ea&O a f eman puiled lrhi away. but ho shouted 'Il muot Save sMy lions." The threman caugbit him by the, ne&, but 'Togare paahed hlm back aud. once. In the'cage, wiiich vis. <al of emohe-, managed t,t, PaciIv Six euglues troms variouns Bir- mingh2us stations vere ecalled in .lu cope v'itb the tire, but they tould do nethng except play on" tbc s!nealderiflg mus. Wben tise tir- men were able te,' jet .near,:t-e lions' -.cage they ivund pleces. or horse flesh v "1ut w oul. have. I1een given1 te the animals roasdi on"the greund., ~AN BE MADE FRON 1' Ordiuary eCCei.Sugar.Cini Also beUsed toMakej Artificial ai, il is sai, eau- be -made .frem, carbon. diexi1de asobtalued frein burkg coul, as water. delegates toei 3th 'apnýUOI Canadian Cheisccal Couveution hèere' - were' told by, Dr. Harold - Hib- bert.- Dr. Hibbert is professer -cf lulustrial sud celihilose chemister lu éharge et scieutifie vworkon pUIlp and paper ch6mistry. lu-tise institiilté founudltwro yesrs ago by, tise Cani- adian Pule sud Paper. Association andl affiliated - vitis McGillCUniver- sity.: the diserery was 4egcrIb.ýd as.most Important lu thse fiel of chèisecal researchs vomi. Dr. Hibbert»s vom-Kinlucenncctiosî witi he discevery vas tise fuinipg ofe a methel tom rnmaig -,cellulose from augar. Te. Dr., E. C.1Balle.., etf Liverpool - Cuiüvelrsity, Euglasd .gees credît for maiing a suzar by mixîug carbon diexide -sud vater. Tise discovery voçul appear te be tise, irst step toward realizatioun ef tise bellet-o! Dr.. L. Levinso n, for- cr presideut ofthtie British, Society of Clie mical Induatry and.,venrdme nounel chxemist, vsercetlhope dîcted that ieoerany yeas1 t - woull be possible te maie palier aud, artificial silk vitsout tise- use.j ot cotton -plant or tise apruce tree. F.shion's IsI.t cecre- DoadbI. y«V'j fiIHosiea-.. is mt, iiiCénade by sart, new, IPeaa Double Mccl oshcis made under spcial ýretsugriaucd is us in Cada. Péamans Double ""tir se!Woicry is the exact ,r eplica of thse famo- Gordçoa, "V,,-ine hoslry gid in thse bestsIioja of Lon"onPaiis andNew York. It kas thse skdrza biows on Lods sid" of the ake xactiy, wlserenàure Yu atgcethns mathmesscIsion~ hosieýry l ilethe ne«West sbadlîi match dustmeas' color notes a: any of lie dealeid cow. in siu nre vwa anbt, wilb tt esow aH, ML , iomiar Pgne dr Pimais No. iD f&fil&Itop) Mdam . 88)vi 4 i. heu(d I &) htb ha,.rthe awtcurvedl FrsCIJ Wi le she: sud#Ibk for edrict tami ening mit. P!NMAI4S LIMITEDs PParu. Ontavi -FOR, SALE 1 A. DEWLMI WIIITBY, Iy: S LER 0-OTOR r': Di PR 3F N!». u ( NEW PLYMOV UH4-DOOR SEDAN, 3WNW,$7.Cai 4*FrCaaadôm.- ArSPEED- NEW POWERJ SMARTER LA] &S IN MHE LOWEST- PRICED FIELD .. SAFETY- I ' Tu tie ,wwfiner Pymouth, Thbecn ew, fnPurouth »i tie 'FEKTURES JCryhc, metore ýscintifsc olfuls arin-thse lowcst-prc o f newswoVqs enineering and, precisien ýfield Evïcry huemphasizcs'bigucas and #6Wddaqw cr lénaispbae cneated as, it swceps- graceflybckfo , udsti lue meut enkah moto r car in - vide -ancà h -h adiator. SE£RUi 7 m mAMrïpnpf4 io e~guc teceujarPymuth newsturdinesandquietin'its-Safet- , ,. l 50 àueromslltcrcaîsOf thisp *ric Steel body. A Frencis-yproofcas , ou.Thâaperfbrmnauccisdeliver- the.cffcct o oniena aar a * qsring Am d *t~hth unâdesaofcam of Lez ittod.-Ask for'adenuisbra « Wiglie price.-ôuh economy of tien. Ayelook a-dçd Sdas i)eation mm upinten U mmu- keep rerning. yOoure htu $735'-,R"ak usediy cars Ofny pr=ce. arazingly b gsdheaoole Di LUXè C ot Beuks ar h~~rmiic--ntemaI, with its pheniomeaerfomac i !~*hcrrof al~ways sai-. oncof thewo 5d'loweu~piced cars! ,/aeuyq&d*. DESOODEALEWW & V-EwiLYWU 1 1 ý - 'N li

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