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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 4

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I.." *rHIBY GAZETTE AMI '1 Ltle oxpape atl d e velopee-.-four colon t ba. box. -139cI ELeODLUM Phne 184 Wldtbp liv, ~ T,~*111iii suelln tiss anui*fOslV et tlése uay Scbool of Ugoohuta UItesi Qilurcis ou Sun- day soit. lv; P. 1U.,juil, e! Brook. ie, viii pruInas u.WbIstbY BaPtîsi Churei &t'tise *,veulug service. Dr . . Btevesson, superluten' deoit o!t te onltate .xoapltal, anc D>r C. r. MoOtGiYW" are spending a, RiBUAy ln- ea Theiese laiut Miss Helena RitRi bards«. f" *r lis, aoffice staff, vise bua te& uit* lle11i utber hou' for &atein wooe, vIRlibe pleasai to ler*t aise*k t provint. *aui. o6moevm &Il placse- et nV5IGOr "X uniA Tise Ut tbakeOftOgttiug out tRie* lix bUI lg Iiu oon, be vider vay &t tise Town Mifl. TRie tols are nov belug e,,tered uP ad lu a fair sieka thse atfpayeva vii i e la-. Vijes le n4ke theirannul ent*l bations toe ltoex«eboquer.'Tise tinat ingtalUiDt viiib. due sam*. treli u se.sudtRie aecond lu Ne- nebr ie rolR thi, ieur total, 011990o. -Tise- armors ce . lat résa artre till te h. celloted and vRille ty are ontataadlng are e- tumulablog tlatereit for thie tovu. U> TO ]MET Tii. fuserai eot the. lite Mena ligsbetis Stewart, beloves daughe- t«r ofet nsd Mns. Jamels Stewart'. Wlaut Otreet, and' pepu- ian ,Whitby girl, viso passedl away vithier saddenly -on .Weduaudaj' or. lait«t e,vu Riil ou- Suturday norulun, ven saeie vas ilai t et. horuard'a Cisurch. wils a large aiber, ctftriands la attendance. 111gb Requiemù Maiss vas sung by the. Rer. Father RYîn. Thrie. er. aan floral andi spiritual ofteriligs sent by'relutres a. t riue uetat@e d.emaar]. istermentlvse madie la tRie 1.C.- Coettry. Qulte a nunber tnem Wlb wili attend tise aunual openlust bowling tournanient et tise Port Penny Bowling Club te Rie heisi on Wednesduy mn1ext ut thît village. Local heviors are gtting the greens ln shape and regular Ëamels Il iiRe -resumedsi eeu. Plans are aio uder vay for tise annuai* tournîmeata cf tise lulb. fiuImlDNt- NIW APAIRTMENTS Mr. R. N. Buaett., wbo toe l time'ugo purehasesi fnem thei ich- ýardses Estate thie business blocki la wislçb the Bell Telephone Compu' *offices are nov lecaitoi, -lu baving tsou'. modern apantmtut bulît on the, Ivo upper, tlooîes. Those viii ho ftte i vtR I al uiern-conven- -lences andsi vii be steum heîted, li Thee coLin. bulding from'top te bot. 9 toms bas been eernplètely renovat. od. andi Mr. Eissett, vho la speud- Ing a lot of money on the *onk, lo doservinjg of much 'eredit. e NEr, loba Colâne, et tise Ontanieý Motert«esWRility. accompauled by hie vite, left n eusWduosday on a trio Le montreuR. Mm.Johnu li'e ans i ss *A. A. Ball. bols former veli knovun e- aidents et Wbitby, vîited for hie week-end wltis frieais st tise OU.- tarie Ladies' Coiiege. Tise regulin meeting cf the Vim- torian Ordeu, of Nurses Witt h. held la lise llbrary auditîem n osMôn- dey, J'ose Sud, et 3 p.u'. Thse WM.S. efthtie United Cisurcis vilii iols tiseir nogular uieetiut ntt 3.30*o'.leck on Tuesday, Jue 3, lit tise Sehool rouMa. Prouamnsu Charg ethf IeS 4Gqidteflêowe gmup. viii give a revlev of 'tlWWI~hisssbook $'g#ieidour of Go4" <Riy Mrnevl. Ordes fotonlie anuial lapont (25c) 'viii Rieta%«e. WiIl marnbers pieus e ueer o'thse reamuigtis1-1. A fu attendance lu souDUA1S TO VISIi?&T. JOIWS 'CUVICII Woiiowiflg tise usuil custer tise gruduates ofthLie Ontînlo Ladies' Colège ton Ibis tbran viii ttendi ini a body the merning ser*ice i St, John's Chinois, Port Wiitby, ni* Bundur. Tise simesewIî Rie tivea by thse 'roctor, Itev. D. 'B, ,auagterd, andi for tRie oacasion tbie. ili be,speclal m»uit by tRe onguliit asnd eRfol'. Thse tolloWlng Suuday evening tise Baccalauréate meinonuviilb. preucisetiKt thse UýnîteS.Churcis vien al tise stusi- ota will attend la a body. MflIDAV *AB Th, deati occurred at tise Osis- Mvi Hospîtal Mouday attenlsoen. UY 19, 1930, et jape C.litron. lie- ieved Witetet Jobs Leuuk. ansisec- ond daugister ofttbb- lite Jobin ansi Mavy itergin, ustivei et &berdeeu. i7cethand. Tise deceaeesi was.hlghly ne- -hpcted by ail wviknew hon, ati steariy *,-3oved by lier brettions nud) subers. slieva Waninieces. Shea vas a taitul nember cf Bunn's T>rebytelian Cisunch ansi even viii;- kng te give oebrnbeat to etisers, .,be ,wis bora ýWitre #,er grand- fatiieî' sottiesi la tiioariy days visen lie came trou'Setïaîni,. visio tis cou;ntry 'nas cli busis*-lien fatisen 1gter clearing tise-f mu Whiich toda)r le itililantise poscs- Mien oetlie finiilY and- ent et tbe Ounest in. Onaio. z Rer. R. 1B. stenesion, oft 4mb- buru,, assiste& hy i1cv, A. Haig, fA Agt»luciabonducted funeral ser- vices ln humn'. Chorch, visere a lange î,umber nt relatives au-I friands gathenesi to puy the last tïbutq of respect. Six nephews 4et d a uell beur. -Iigtermeit tOuS place at AuRiura Cerneteny Thse Eeeged la esuryino! by bhel irusbauîf, isuve *rotes. and thr*3 sisters, 1te.whions. tRis vhei cet- vaaunty **end deepeet syu'pathy. Williait C. Sonley, a vel known' and populan young resident of Wiltel'Tewnship. diei at tiseGOs- awa General Hospital on Fuiduy meruing, May 23rd. ifter a vee icp ilanesa eith bloosi polsouîing. ifë vas lia -bils 29th yeur. Tise letoased was born on bis panents taris.on bthe 4th conceu- sioi et Whltby -Townsip, vheve ho IveS untît lise time of hic deatis. Ho was educatelu t sinclair';# Éli «" ý*Q__êxt ontis Rho Th'e E'oqls hach o! l. WA. [,vîîl PreiaPy c u 54.7Jlv* las" May Dotb, lu Tb*rioPrlis Malt, et I BSSIw Cburcx. Tie pury -Tb* SisnlgSWx"'là unde the direetimm ot Mm,. F. G. fikt. Doa't mfISlt-I's ood. Artiios W. Lyud.. Tqmchp os Smg, Stuo. outre ,. ll blooRi. ortts et bhwa. -Pbms Cou'. samd ur thse 'cea Six" achane et AiU sains,'ParaR Rail, Frlduyî May SOtRi. andi timaiu. toc k e.11%torti. 371.6or B« lit. WisItisr. Whibr.Viss.417. Square dancu gvery Friday sigRit et Suet Pavillon, two milIes «et of Whitby. if you Want a good laugh, Corne and heur tie, "Sciierijt Six" at Ail Saints' Parish Oail, FridaT. May 30th ut a o'clock. Orchardi sprayed, bouse and barns Painted » stables and. cellars white wasbed -Phone 139$J Oshawa. Orders left with UTr. Wi. ut-W. wii reeive prompt attention. Cornlug-ffld&Y Jie 27th -,a -big gurden purty -on beautiful iawn of Rev. T. FP. Nest. Kindi reserve the date. FQiLMM l1WarITB MAN PAS»" Thse deati econrved aI Rus home ln Chicago, atter -an fliness cover- lng a Penlosi of Iiree ycars, on Fr1- day, May 22nd, 1930, ot Alfredi Southweil, son of tise lite Mn. andi Mru. Ge. Southwel, etofWitb.. Deceaaed vis a ubis, Srd. îe#r vue bu>ru andi educated -la Whtby ani eri dthe pnlitîn busineàîà In Tie.Gazette Office. HeRelott Wbitiiy about 30 youru ago asd lved- tornoume time ln the Wet, rnonlng- te Cicago seneral vears ego, viser. ho veut imb the builsi-1 ing business. Ie leaves bis vidov and grovu up !aiuily ef tive sous jandi tvo diuugSbters, ui o ur broth" enu, Arthsur andi Oscar oft Oshava, Emery et Touoto, and George OC Guelph, - and ine setero, Mms. Arthsur Hoiliday, andi Mru. TRies. Stingenu of Wisitby, Mns. P. Brod-. R'ey et Brooklu, bEns. eo. Walters and MisseIFlorence Seutbwell et Toronto" Intermentvais made lu Chicago: CASTLE CIIAPTEJI CELEI3ITES The lut regulir m oatily- meet- ing fon-tise. Collage year et tise Ontario Lidles' ColleesAI11lumis Association vus heisi lu thse Con- cert Rail Monday attomnoon. TiseAlumuso enteututsedamre 30 'grucluates viso gave tise pro- gramme. Thene vas aise a large numben etf nienda et tise-Cohiege present. _Mn. Cansacalien au# Mvi. Maxwell pouned tea. Tise table vwu centenssi vtis a ciner basket- e!i besotiful spring flowers -auirOUns- ed vitb itcplul ole., rose çuidleg In cliver stteka. Tise f*eity usslstas in-lepassiir sandwicbes, cake and itm .Tise follovIns; programme vue Piano Solo, Air deBlot01P nlakd6,)ltrgaret clale;Laulu Art. Euli URichardison,' 'eading. "Yiette andi Yvonne,"- (Wilsotn Mationaldll mene -Haut; Expeni- ment lu Ciemistry, Jacqueline Mc- Grogor*. ,Vltamin.g. Aura Brooks; Scene trou' "Tie Piper", Josepisne Preston ]Peabody, Eleanor, and Ra- ton Crcuk, Introductiow byý Fern $wssstojn; Vocal solo, (selectesi), Prances Crace. GAVE CONCERT AT TM HOSPITAL On FrisRay evenlng tise Barmon Symplîeny Orchsestra, et Toronto, ene et tise Ducat musical enganiza- tiens ef'tht icty, gave a meuot sde- llgistful coucent forLisheisieit lof tise patientt and stafefthtie' Ou-' tarie Hospisit Tise' Aeuuieiiet Hall vas wviii lhiedi on tise Coi and Lh is. lstgmuselaus veeuin- en a waroi, welconeTise priy- gramme lut!for aeiy vhur sud eneny suiuier lm vehiveCoty-- .d. Tise conductor, M.Art u E.I 8ernple, Mus. Bac., L.R.A.M., lea anusielan, o! OraL uank..[Hia, ability a" a tiutlmt la veil kuovu to Can- adia, as lie ha apeareti fre- quently lu isolo., conet andi nsto' esguernenle, * lue taiâuéaI 411 lty i a cudu@tad lise oreisis fra of laa- te .80 nuat a .wtt- voIre IÇOQUov a ZWltSr a C'taier c.utrRiulmo eMuUY iea4ut Cas- adim an ansiArnvus 7euip»aý -Tise *reased bti Ms. Stoem '.P lettrin 'l t.Âdre's Cisurois. MIb 328 Ee;sr.May 3se*,bona, l . privaI. resisieuce: C srselue I.: shleuy; lu e 7 hme 1M. A privaIs rWadoee. WiltRy ogmu'et meetr ingvii e beld'- Jne, 13, ut tise bome of Mrs. rerry uani viii l4ve Mus."Sbearr, eêt Poolq, Out. le lhe addreas, On Monday'evening tihe hicers andi merniirs of Lebsuen MuauiË. IAde«. Qiava; »saiXi -u ÇeMaî At tise reUI? optb!y~ fiu viion the Oshawa vlsitOr' ù,Çtr ter, -occuplesitisé-@Ulej aChairs, and exeiupllfid lt eg worK, Aten -the meeting- an enjoya'ble banquet vas hel4 ut v)iich W, vo 4be, V. 'W. Bue. (Ge. flfý«rt ,W. roH.A.. S#undens. W.- Duo. T. c. MfGIII and OtRiera vre speaker& W. Bro. M. M. Qi)bsen, of Compe. site Lodge. presided. IN THE CURMHE AI) Suiat'q Churcb.,.Sunday atter Ascension, iunday Scboo,-10 a.m., Hoiy Commuuna,i-11 ureEvon- lng vrayer,-7. p.o., 'sermon St. Andrew's Presbyteirian. Ciliurch, 1Rey. John Linidsay,:Pastor. Ssnd&Y, lune lat, .10 a.rsl., $abbatii Sohool and ]Bible study, Il u.in. Sojbj@et-"'The ýOffene e ofthe Cross,"b Gal. 6: 11: 7 m. sub- Ject:-"«The Believer's ýLit.." Gai. 2ý 20. St. ÂndreWsé ChUrch ex-* tends a hearty welcorne to al, * "#The Lord shall ye feur, sud Hlm. ah eWasl"IlKnsi7 St. John's, Port Whltby, rector, Bon. D. B. laulgfevd. 'Asmfnsion Day, Thursday- (today), 8 p.m.. mfoly Communion service ansi uer- pin. Suliday *tter Asicension Day. Julie rtI. 10 a.rn.. Soinduy Sohool anti Young 'People's Bible claie. iseo viI b. Riltiat t14s hour during tRie summer. Il aun., tise Ontanlo lAdies' Collogo ;ruduatlng -casesVihiattend service 7.;Q p.m, ivenis; service MQzd4y Junç 3nid. 4.e Junior W. A.. 7 V.pm.W Cubs-ZEvening .Y.P.Â. ut tht' Richard Pluder taru'.1 1 HptcIWiUNot Be Foclgthe rapid . develop- ment et bRie -urban part etý $eiubore"duin i liat tes -yeu uoveral m-proporticu aitoue l -th Re serts setio bav ne ebdng- eS issuS,. Eanly tIisyeu a -lange deaI vas coaunfunaîteti ln the neliblsbpcd 0 Mliicu, ere* oue of tieplnr ouobusvs lDaceS oOn the Maiet and-. Inaiiy selS tor s$Ob division. DnniiagtRie paut 1ev tisYs 1h.olsi Muaoneute. isorderiag. on Daves louai, anti saituate In la vit, hlu bt coame. - icwn as thie "Muhonairel Vuleyj' libas boeenselsi to 3Mu,.-El- zen O'Sulllvan, wvis o swçeu. i c- coydlns te puesept Judicuticus,' blas se int*ntio etf cutting up tise pro- perty, but 'vIii continue iLs opera-. T?4,e Ruai coveru oee Isdiei acres, -auA adjoint tRie. palpugesC- taLOet cf ary Ratei-endi, on-the -portis,- tht et Frnk. O'COnnoný nlexîte whiecis f Senator W. il. ma- suine'it pnoperty. A,,CroUe the roasi vas once bbe famsouc Sullivan*& RotaI, Whiech for docadea vwas a vbil-kuovn landi- mark lu Scaubene,' serviux asisead-. quartera tor sportsmen- andi notesi for its tuadîtonul Sunday dinner toe vhîcis members et that tratennity came fer miles anond. IL lu underuteesi that Lb. tanm vilii be eper4Iei by Murs.' O'SUili-- Vau't, son, Peter O'Suliivan, In the transaction, ber nepisev, Thsomas Phe laus. actesi 1dm s.o'ullivan, -isile Senalon Maguine actasi for IRe vendons, the D. A. Maon- Es- tatos. FASHION NOUES Nov andi thon a trulyditniv bat appears among tise loiiesi brima andi peie.bonuet etfects. An Engliis duchesa vone il te& the other day avery cloae-fittlug tur- ban et ribbon-,bandit, in toues ef violet., Hels itih off the foneiseasi ou tise left by a jeweliesi clasp, It aiantesi'acrosa tise right temple te eud ln a large boy ou tbe uight ear. Ears andi rm ere.invisible, en dai lai 'li'h.Unted isi'", Minister, gn 11ev. A. L. lhiq«isei D., Suu4ay C. r Xu$1j.. aI.. "., r#ornlug ver- aI, preeosr, 3*. JS. Fergusons iers.7 m e.. ùugý or, f !Osi&hwa. Tuqù«hy 3.-31 W. 1.S., Mrs. Dir. Bascom viii review "4The Splendeur et Geod." Saturday Youug People's *Society outing ýto j Hampton. Cars start from Pars*n-ý Wh4tby ]Wetat uîch, T. F. Boit., store fSsudiA74-j0a.m.Bible Tise Pator lit chatocÏÏaunîou i the laouig. 7'p"U à.14Y. Mr. JoMli of *rookllu vil preucis. Monday 7 P.rn.,YPÂ. Jnii'. Pï' B.Y.P.Â., seniors.,- Thursday, 8 p.m., prayer meeting. Fniday 8 p.m. Choir Dractie Saturday 3 P.m,, S, J. tuhers - ad officers 'Motbly sjid tlÀat the home et Mra. C. X Ub~qffellow, Athol andi Trent aîreets. -Black ti i lver muse -s loIvely OoMbinatioa for evenlng wear fo r tise wernal withigray hair. Re'-Invest A ir TaiwÉ L nevemal siniset Stspl in ndlotus ehow irou tb. iamI l 0 1 liai catchlnuui"l e Cbave eaur ehovn. New baba, rode., plus% atlffiat balts, h0oks -.Joint. i Wmtivas a member of Jtrbokliul UistediCbuumcisansi a negUlir at- tendant., Tisetuergi on monday vall VeCI largeiy uttendesi. Ron.,P L.Jols, oftq is tntesi Vsu(cih ad chae, aud Rig qpoke vry isigilycf tise decaisi st vrdi et -cesfout te tRie isrevesi, Ron. Mr. P.lcisini of Wbitby assîctesi. loterment ves adesi.tluonvuide- eesetery. Tiet, ,were rnanr beautifol floral tris- :Deticsesiaves to meurs bis Iou hie viteid- litthogirl,, bia pareuls andi Ive sieters. na u- hoîsi 3tcAliieter, Teoonte, ïansi us. William Simish,oet Biase-tint, Mr. arne a asvuieSomMaRn -by Mien ihitaun-Webb. -asd chueS ter songe by Mn. IFred -East. Sommzer zmeetins tftise Seul Qntarlo Wonie'i Inatitute viii- b addreased by Mmetr. Laura Re; l3levns, tise, fint lady. Institut lecturer - lu the- Dorninien eof Cai LOVZLL- At Whitby on. Wedaus day. Ma! 218t, 1930, te Mr. ans Mr.,Lvia sou. Card Of Thuks DISMT 1&tNUTNOM. Jolis Leusk andti tii. erea ThDisritulel Uuui meeting 01ftn%ÏIlY vlis te expreuss Ilsir sbwce. tise Souths ntri Womee nsmti- appreclateon fon tise khu4nees sus Lite- vii bh - u heîhUited SY'rpatLY sov5 them la ,thier ne- Cisureis, Kinlea)4 rldayJuue .j aent Riereaemet. eomrneelua 5 le i.m. (Standiard mi. andmEns.W. H. $uley d 'rife) * 'Tb4.ternoon sessier, viii EuaM W. C. Sonley v s l tiss 00"s ut 1.30. D)r. O. J. Stevenua, tler neighbckrs ans fin foriee Oéparlanent orf4lgliai, Onlaio. rnuy epreMWlo f sympathy Agrkcustural Collage, Guelph. viii ahovu thseuiatise'reeont bores,,. ,Uries tRie ranlu. lra, J. M. ment, afso for bise' beautlful ilrai Arnold, SephYr, Qu., PedéemhIon tniue an thase vise sut 1ev- Rapre.etall've. viii h. presout andi ers te lsheeopital. emis on lustitute WorRi. AUil ________ Dut. Thec Vorperatiem et-,the h- Tevnu et Wbitby ieab t be fierWli ai asesusiand. salcie luvntent tRie foflev- 1 lo Ic t s »exli ebea- 8 irs Iyuw 3a--Wa$zoo SyIw13», Dana B4w1346 &d "M le ulu arn tu r*ung *" bei fat et -the0 rate et S6pur cent. pér an- Thie Prim.lla'Pur a"naic- Peachea' pestienlars -lma. Rie ebbdaaItihe oftice et thse Te,, Tmeusure Le vii b 'MRi ut 4 p ring. 1oorn. XANTE.-JAIRVIE A veny qui et wedding, vas soiem- zes at Simeoe St. Unlted Chunca arsonage, Oshawa,' Satunday e"- ing, Muy 2ith, vhen Rey. E. aàtou uUnited Ilu-inarriage Eliza- lis' Smiths Jaunie, et Oshawa, augliten et Mu. ansiMrs. James arie ansi John Oscar Ranie. or ubuva, son ot Mn. . andi Mus. James tsie. Tise Atteuduints etftRio bride nd xroom vene B oui-ma lizabeth ray andlunMomieEdvand Gr4y. Phono 410 a" of thse -100, Bvitattt% bute alrlizier. 10111b. biudewdtUthrougi- ont Osud a"utb*e Unite ebMs by tie va ItheauAMU - Be.11 « CCou a msi .tise l< tma. Irou -- uoucment rceUX =mie, ip e W. As hcro4, *auager 0f t" tomrrni wc i nlude ti. biv t . alil andi atteudat ceoulea wlm Rie Canfled&rM out b meaut 0tf tuie bdsiule sr tRî iei ue propruuno1Rruoau t umbtpsrna aesf sytnet t» ecans"- 1%là the Canaian fice alwp' fi..tet o 19 - leéie yesei océes d oeut~ri elu. Ev tel Co>lunilbua, Va.ouIMer« receatti oengrulto tRite r4aliway: os ls, ,Iuitiative andi toreuslKhtla bufihuug Uns tise veut cout of Cano"a - seryjw ecus dtg noue. om tRie C. cas«e he , .arrivul of tlis"r- com Elizabeth" ilt, flPacifie. port amfvod ut Victoria the.. toltRu day. Thse "M" ushi" vas wevi- comesi by tiseMauer et Vabouver. Markung flie passagsf sabliher1 milestoe la inthe. huatory of tthe I compuy, thse reeesly oot'ueM.si CaadaJ Pcîi busisli.trou Wlhliagdon' to VerevliUe, a dis- tance etf about 20 miles, vas. de- cl3red opea for trutific recmUr tly l thse arrivai oftbe tint paup"r train. ut thse Verevill. station.4 WUtisa record i roemtios liI l ndicating a U;nrî- buey seasen' abed& . tRe aff Sprin umotel weicoined its tirat gusts oz, the, year MXay' 15. Couaiderubl. 1w-. .provement -von hî bas i sdoue -on tie -j8 lole, golf* courseait sicRi vasl virtually ready for play.o euO -U 'Develoient eto fruit grovlug ou~ the. prairies .hîm b~os metOC-tise features of Mnlcultural presrm la meent yuars i lu s Çam<uada. lPatcois f native toSâeborz'Ie, cor-* vmuta sud. raspberies bave evolved into orchards containumasy varietie& et *plumaeherniapples snd. mauilfl'uiti, Th*: larges gçreu;o ar. efletg t sUsviiqr- riei and raspenis AL ment 0offlcial co Spilation shows that f.arm live stock lu Ciii ada lu 1929 vas !alubd st $864,187'- tion la 1929 nuipbered 60,399,782i. vaiued aI $638,864,000, tGARBAGE* ETC. CARTED 5 Ail ktindis of work dons 1Pevry Ste Whitby Wbitby INUIlMR Forget .Baking Worries Cali Up Sturgess-Bakjng etlrbusnssadQuality ie their motte. A. . TUGIESS Baker- and Confectienen BUTTERMIL FOR SALE" in lote o SiliQmniis-.AwasFr ORDERNOW CrITrI Z NSP DAIRY, LTD. PHfONE i -wnr New tc DRY PINEý, NiS AmasM SPRtUCE SHiEETIÏNG A AND, TWO4INC1H Foi, eombttctionwok. 2 z 4, F.LBEE PHONE. 12 I - liii - We -.Alre PLANTSe,FL4 arnd VEGETAI Your b, 'Vines Friend, William]- Whtb'swe]l-known gardoner, hadlngat lus store a fuli stock -an d vegetaàble in season;- Tomi asters,:petunias, lobelia, Russian etc. *PROMPT DELIN To Our Cus, W. wo0aRd advie. you te .Iay in 1 of groceuý«ive-'iw of the api Colaventio - in Toronto,'whcu sud: hurd te get ddphvery on »ring.- us your la NOWO YOUr Busmes Phuc94 -m ., Âd~en~~ I 'IfanyOuietlsinks 1 ah't ec If.-you 4oin't drink 1 pract know tp1 drink iotsand Accoring bo Irving Fichel OssY cIYale University qeusî for milk as for -meati j Woodworkirs - Dundas S te:. Eait Saab, oors, Frames, Lumber sud'Mouldis. AU hindi of Repair Worh JOHN NOBLE Mur. -phone 3079 Whtby ILEFRIGERATORS. Nowiàthetius.to buyOn. Wehav.e*m.frm AM&d- à"7sve you. money nm food. FREE - 150 pouad Of lewith cvery-Refrieao od W.-C. TOW N Fursturo snd Fumer Srvce,

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