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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 5

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ANDO .1 AHome. 1Meal AWAY- From. HOME. HIGHIWAY CAFE A. F...5TANLIC&C t'rop. Mr. and, Mns.. red Harnlg sud ehildrnuasd Mr. and lins.A. .. Wood, Mfr. Chester Wood, sud )Mis. Zieryl et Toronto, speut lie veek- andi viti Mn. sud'Mis. IL . anding., Mr. gnd Mmi . BoWllielui amd cilrenvntpulth. eci-eIM4vili relteiln GRIL ?4r. Fred Walter% epeat a fev duym vitR iei.brother la Dotrolt over tic-vuiek.cnd. Mr. ind Mrs. Fluai. ef Torontlo, sud Ur.in.md MMs. . CroiIli Of Vabo>dge, vere vîek-4nd gueesta the. homeetfMr. sud lins.erry Mie Launa Lkrkin, murse-tu- training at sl. MiciaOIcls opitl. Torointo, tla pesu iii ohldaYm aI ier homec bers. Mr. A. L. Neaii ot Ottawa, Mesr Arthuri and Adam sKeama ef Torointo, spent the e ek-cnd with their juotier, Mr@. Joseph Seau. lire. andlins. John Me.and Gaulffers Speul Iund&Y lu Lindeay- vith Mr. sud Mr%. James Çreeeln. Mies tlorothy' Forrester #peut] thc vock-ond lu Hamilton vlithng hen aliter, Mn.. W. 0. Diokin. Mno. N. Denison. Misse. Mai' sud JIbel snd Mr. !fugh Dhnion, tAd. 'Toronto, vee sSatuiuy yilto #4a tie home of iL s. 0 Xn.r Mrn. and lUr@. 1,. U061uw' vre, ln Niagmîst iPlle, Ont.. ten a tgv isysi tii. vesi attonGling tic au- mml eêsvatien .1the Ontario Be- lail Drugîlete' Asciallen. lire. L. W. liattbcoe an dangi- ter Jean of Richmondu, tkhlferrda. arrirci la tovu on Kenda>' ovins ho lie deti uetbarci tthe, ilaIe* Mois Nlsaieli BOvuwrt. The Tovu CounemalIste. e soelil seinetMei ildai , Mon- Dmtscoff ilîcegrivel- or la ncv viii muucr, muci yen mtiliire-ý eoue. ~ 8good- Sis better" pilIowas Ad giving k go@d ien bath àe id but ne IEl out6r. MMup. - »W ge-V aauNe mmiv. toit piai, ru& M to On TeFu The »Mo91 Xut boll am cou gency Meeting "epACughs, uth$8 front et »t AllaWs te. wssMcr tii aev des i 5*PMue by es VOuS. la the show.. of »bob Dverel Wio b bête~ tavfl te- w.Js the »ew ragu1.t10.5 g@mtg th* barktag jti.itoy, GtgiUAlf wui votd te the Oéi. Whca t» ie lscm tIopca.«ose momber 81.104 1h11 Iftic offaull eXPeçte4 ilsta hq ie- bsGot up they vers haui« mg up-t#4 wnmtrou. Tt vu as- d0el 8» sifle "se.l "Net onet us m Iwld 11M lui be tIed up, h 0sskm esislcl ly. As ti* difcuautosvursed, pp It was uggeteli tbat snofficiai duig catcher uhoul1d b* appontte t g-ý ther la sU the boyw *o*e vithout taus. OITisle a satter'eutixey for -tih e v "'l t,"sm uu w» vwas oppomed te imelun debouturem te pay the catcheelg saiary revuar. ad. Everybody voffld for thli >vitb boti hindi up.- "If mny dog ever foiuid hifmsêWe tiel la the leva yard bebl * ad o. Every's offie-ho vould wory lke a tree snd lose hig burk," dan- oticier omeshr gsvely.,a ii of destruction vis thPIF giuln oute roue fflor, hie- eyeu, "Mc vould, be A vvec, If lied p- fer s' te, da"," h.remarkedf ulUvther *ud ont mia* tnervupted te Mr that If thii. bappexdi om bam'gemight bealler Ils. ,Vtrtnus fiaither emousox# pro mad jeu. ver.voleed. *.4: Ister whco, tiche etlst dJourued the. sécrtuvypouted ttus notie on, the Ro Mets Tie Comaptil Zs. 4ticoe 0te up glo bsck t. tic laid v Tt vu »stouxecd-that sext fiat- urdar evexalg asotber meeting, voiild it held. Pred Imn'esvus tnding os the eciser the other day telli abont tie loue dist4nce clatins. is radios eould Pte% up.FVraý sMe. lutyre bas aalPM oodUile sud io rcssrkcd -liatI llerf.î eehe io bue beeci gotllma*fat' svay cIi- Sous, viti tend rcOption, ho put lits h,04oeut of tie vlndov ' the cther anigit te lock aI big SIl'l51 ,and gutQh1y A group stood ln. front of tie i oit Office Menday moralng dis- uming the election prospecta'for thilesummer .1It struci. twleo'. ,cock andoe*ardent Torr vio null.d out',blis vît4l and, tounid tuat It d1<1 mot, tally vlth the Post Office elock reuiarked- that thc big tlnieplee hallneyer io£b u t mince the King Gomm nt camec Nov fuit vatch Chiot G-unso armed vltb:.thée mcv, dorbylav passed Ibis wvek bly' thie ouuot4- pay a Vieil te Mayor l3«visalw40d- miclle te aucertalu If Hie Wormitpls deg la rounlugetlarge,, or hau falled t e l a tsre FAR* NOTE TI4ftZKlà4pOalANT: FACTOS 1The thre'fmportant factorsin-thie. ceut of producine, cropisar i RanG, la. The 'h4*w an sd 'hucketer" vwii shart interest with modçmn arketing niethods vhich vii liebca MâetureCdii-' cumsisn aI, the Confcrcnem of -tic Fourth Werld's Poultry Congreis lun the Ctymtal Palace, London, Enç., next July. Tihis 19,anether 1field n- wiich Canada, tuer the pioncer,-,vill ho a cetre of luterest., .Tiche n cgg sud poultry grading syitcmi ad- ministeredby the Poutry Divisienof the Dominion Departmeient. of Agri- culture l is heoiuly ose in op«rationw toilay wvli hcaruies baçkto-,thepro-ý duver tic direct hatei of gaite pic mium niltunr lWales, the qc ÃŽvho ha«us lg it -the '¶tawif e loÈ a faithlug orha penny profit ona, do- uen of onu, sud the old 'famuliar hocksteî o-tblmcontinent vho relaye' hlm purchase hrough muy chaituel tue cUlttit< oUser, Wytl stand out iu slnlldugCoetrul viti tic benefiti qftie Canadiagraded pay. mient systen BREF SAbIIG EximAI<DS Six nubin sopuration fAnGe the Beef Grad4gPdof the)oino* Departmffltof Aptcult* se __ 9 rapidly f vowwsee tà coO t OIIy arc ail th trf: pockîng m esd ?ýOR SUMMER COOKING îwPow tunBt&"iS.d"E bcRai . $85j$3 Coiosn.nAbi4"R.0.s. Rangu &., jitUî ht type. 3 Buirnr.............$Me N.wPerecton011 Stov.s, tii.wor1Js best. -2 Burner, $MM8; 3 BumnO., $»9-509 Burners, $37.0&. FeIctric ilg.os(Tudhopc)'#with Oven. .....$930, $39, $4Ã" HotPlt, 2 ~me ...3U $4@25, $7*50 Toater,-Irns,*fCurlu MudGenud~ ,W. A,'HOLLID AY & CO*. Brock. Strect South FOR EPRTATION' 5fr Mfrd C"» nhulsl Aboe* -Cam&Ada Mhr Tour Hve Loudo.-"It la onlrenuly coin- feorliug te au Kuilliman te ftnd a C ot aim t s consma80oInter- eeca s u bhoy tilugs are proîreas- tms oe MY,.aide md as te ov ve w are puilai oet our'dtfflculhiesP» sid SinredCOuipe.rer und mer =crcit or- Irelaz n derLloyd Geresd oniaer principal enin-. lier:o etbhe Lberal Parti', lu an lu. torutcw on bils arrivail I usand aller ivi s de a vliil o Que. bc. Muarasl, rvete. Bnatoq aun 14ev Y-err Jw lu i aiys. 'amd'wui uI! 0f catiulaMsfer Canada su, tt 1Awmpd 4Toura &Iibougtit bas mot bean the a] Ansir visil of Sir Alfred tb taisV ceunr' having accomipanied Lloyd r' I>eoantt arraissed fer is an- adian heur lu 1J22 amd'made sev-t- anltrips ho Canada oimceta 'ia year, ha sittd liaIis bnief visit 'juil coneludad iad omly servea to turtie ,stîbllii hlmis mimd lhe lipniselome 1 iad'airoadi' ormedl ,wi regard tote,'.buolqpis-IX umne uwblob,, lie pefle -et o calsas, sud, thc UuIIted> Ihitea ýas, watts- %ariedsi m eiraffare. -, a» ouimpuiliigcenilions lu Englamd vili044 Cand theuni i ted States. Z2n tncd vas Meut'positive lu ilsï "laAmariahoi.declmn.d, 111I ,Rud liaI Il lu mot culvthie eier1 montucalausea. vie uehem f abs . -4o serlousIy. but lie yeuiger Miend as 4810 Asatmuoipera o çeu tnbareet, ami oompellîlom preVails cv7vm ud au a gemenal nuis ti e la no h or tplessure mand veifeihlonautii.helait Ien t cfhié "'day' von tlisbeen eoncluded. lu Oauýl nla IIacsesle ome Iii' ho, suci'liouîiî durin thie office i i@uiis le givon Ie footbiall matches1 tai olier torms et sport, sudthie1 »««uimer gllimen resUs. Ibie tact sud geldeva Id roseaal eaet-busi- eaf, lie fauter tici'Wvtt, pull ouI et thein pr*vMUlig difflaulties. -_lu chor iti Sudtel ituour aide oethle Voter a 11111e -vork la tie rehixation. for pleauu, '.lauofeta 11111e plee ois#kiwghic elaxation fer sud at Clempan> :Sir Attrai oe'e.. Wvi, e ra f -runi pelillas 1la 1922, aid wvie dat- cI d that ho iad n. intestiloAoe. ne- turnlait ho liaI profceson bease lbelI.vci 1h*1 tiMen ar lemani' 'Poltiolamm"d hoo muci poulleolu- Groal Iuitatn. ai. l iI Englamd nccdqd "a- bit -et a rost front ligis- isa," -Wa. thie prèeot .hime. macaringdin.clor etfthie Amaga- mated Anhirseite- Colleries nifLon- andi Suwfiansea. Hoelias been Aoitî te Çîmnada sudthie United States ioee- year since bie retire- meuh Ires ýpolihi.an. md bas fuel eoacludei arrangements forthie ÇUaadIsn lMPOtOntaotcfWelsi an- liraile, items ahrnosl undar. vay1 for the Importation O et Wclan m-î thhaiste.," ha declared,- "for .,ulke lIel yean, ovlmg le the diffîculli' et oeaurlng sipu ou accounî cf >tic grain situation,tlis Yu eftnvebava uulee for-tha couuyance et our etL, ciefli' bécause sipplng au-t tti iae eXpecling graIn vnve- Phone 25- nbtaining, viat. lu prarticaîlly the entire hast value froin 'ie ceal. Canada, la my opinion, bas pro- gressed lu. fuel technicalliti' more fiai anyviere es that I habve been> te.» The rason for thils 1 b.- lieve is liaIt the heads of the var. loua companies 'seein te taie 80 close an Intereit ln lie iManage- ment of their heating InstallatIeÏs. which luteremb hIl erlously lnii ln 9Great-,Britala wviee Iis obvions, ly important factor Ie dedlcst.d le tic attention ofethle maid." Prineci iiltan In conclusion Mr.Alred Copo ad. mlilled. tlaIthe famous Irish Irealy ich vas concluded under the te- gime et David Lloyd George, 1usd. accordtng tgthieiormer Primeo Mhn- ister, licou frummed -sud ssuctUlli launchei by OSIrAltred bimulste .11,AI bhal tIme." ho stalai. "I vuas yl one might cmi lie principal c1,villan official ln Ineland. and 81v Samsr Greenwood. now Lord Greenvood. the Cabinet Minuster, in charge ot Irish affairs."1 110USD COMVENRECGS Invention Io adding mev deices to make *our homes mone cenlien- lent and attractive. Amoîg these are thie ncv creens wbich roll and niai' le made ho fit any window. TenlllatinIr systeme are. nov belmg nade ili tupçtIon lu summner as weil as in wialor amd are a pa.t <of the coollug steut. Tleis ay CLASSIFIE, For Ut im udTo a 165 acres, lot 13,8.1.,Pi$os Tovnehip, la M 04 i t 40fcuil- vallon l0ogi~uupe o dairy orgacrns.hsda stables vii vatoe r sO'tem "uni Ivo silos. Tien. are 150 acrs t vark-" able land. bolug viii undcîêrain-d' sud- 15 acre et DasturO. JfOr prva, and partîculans apply sI,»thle Pict.: emlng Baker'., M i, FLaT FOR 9MD$T. A4"L OYIN iences. Imnediatç epstssion. A>- pli' U. . Bandel, WbiIbY. If FOR RENT-STORE -WITWý aparînient. recantly ocupied 127' Samll. Schvartz. .êpp'ly W. ji. Hevis. Whitby. tf FUR RENT---eTOI410, UN MÇLIJ1 street seti, nrceuli>' uiupIed,'bY Royal Bank. Posseaulea Maerch UL.t Apply L. 9? Baîdel, Whby Route. white brick bonte on ktCeat itrët Ail cenveniences, u.icely sud con-. venientli' flnlshéd, -brick 555540. chIcke» bouse, geed gardon. T4iUis arranged. Apply liral. Vaintoue, 3U SI. Joseph St., eote .1 FOR RENT-TVo- 6 ROOMED- bouses on Centre.-folicet. Uneu eces. 1Good condithi. -Aýp#ui Browning -anda lide, _UaMrltens W hilby. FOR RENT-BUNGÂLOW, NZW. Ail conveniences. Posessiuon lily' lsI. Garage. Âpply W. Bunu. Pioîl#, 395, Wbitby. t? FUR RENT-.FIVt ROOMk npartuient. Convenieaeès.-A#PlY.-ý Bandai. Whitbyi t FOR RENT-SI>ÂACE ýFOR AUTO. la Ivoe eut-garage, centrat; loca,' tien, clos, te hlgb*àay. Phina oS Whitby. - FUÃŽrÃŽT..-IIQ SF. COF-VMNr encos.Apptl ire. james -Charters,' Centre St. S. 1___(t por mcmii. A4bly F. Li eccroft,, Wh bty. Phoe M~ Adi d'W for an 4 aniick. Pý ppyGeo.. A repau WM4 hbogactus, APp'Y Wate j v, - t. rdou U-.0. mIN. cap. 150. sec. . )S&TA1T8 0P WM. IIUooKWNG decieeud. 1 AUl PuionS hîvlig dasa.plst, thi. &mg1. et Willhu= H. Brook-_ tmgr 11; it. the Tevnsip et-Whitby. ln the io Vunty of Ontario#. Genhie- Mns, deeed, vb# died -ou, or about tuse tventy-eltl, ;y otf.àprtlî- AiU, 19309 are hereby natitod te Ile vili lis understgned, on.or lie- fore th , 0 p uitJj day ef ,TlO $se, 02. full particulzurs..0f thir clj~.ismediately after Said date. the apestof the 1deceused 'will lie dwsrlbuled amongstthles, en- 1111d . threto. b.avimng regard oply te dIaims se flled. SDated aI osbav;. btie Twenty.-1 seveuli day of May'. A.D., 193M.. W. E. N.ý filuclair, Ki.C., 20 Simece St. -North,_ Osbawàa. On- tario. TENDERS FOR INTERIOR DEC- ORATýNG ONTA4RIO COUNTY IWGISTRT ('FICBÃŽ. Seaîcd tende rs. plaJnly raarked s te contents- ad addresscd. te the: IInêerstgned; ilil be racanved un Mi 12 o'elocii nOOD, Daylight savlag Tiwe* on, thee 2nd day of .Iune. .18,for painting.arid decorating. tho Intetior of the County Registry Office. SIMeiflcattons covering the w.ork te lie doue niay be..obtalîîed at the Reglîtîy Ottice. The loweât or ail' tender fbut mecessauily nccepte.d. Dated at Whitby, Ibis 20th day ot May, 390. R.M. PDEVERELL, *Acting Chairman, Couly -Properte'-Commite. Whitby. * 49, ber" property oft Iti êOtSi31t, Ostava. eeaÊba 19 0. vt , l hoet- S'taim eaga j il otiuiet- Tioorn's Corners euery KUtiuday Frank Mackeye ,1%A males VOlt et Whitby, fer utiht.*te ROY 1011 mttas, Cerbetre Point.*' u& nooiý -tusevu'stable Ties$ lt for balane et weck hirougbout m season. TInersWMWh * TOWIN 0F W JI TENDERS TOUt CO"J Tenders 111 ho e flvicd At the office etf-the Tewni Oluiniup usal noon on Monday. June lnd.,1M3, for tie suppli' et54 touse£uiTeov and six tons ofetestut, <eul, UiOi* or__4çes. lecoter hue seaqoin'se amp- ply, dehivery .te -be uieeutM hie municipal buildingsu and50 vies requred. *Al leatder UiW uniekd "tender" sund mddnuee4. te tie ebairinan of tlie Tovn' Prop- . ertr- Comnmittee. The Iewest or iany bander met Inecessarily accepted. FRED T. ROWE, Chairmian-et thq ýTovn Proerti' Comrnittee. APPLICATIONS FOU TIM1IPOSI!- T ON F: HIEF COiSTAMLI TOWN 9 WÃŽUTBY A4pplieýtiou$s'for lt-e: position >cf Chie! Constable for lia Tovn ct Wtritby wiii- ho recelvdu ni ne.on oü ' Mondai', June 2n4. 1930. Applicants..mu atItélaIe ae, on- perieuce,. salary. exPocted andi-en- close ,cnpy et - rofareîces, amd photograpi 'vill application. AI] applications must bo adiremesi te, John- R.Prost, clerk e o ef ov of WhiIibe, and auvelopes inuit le plainiy zmarkad "ApplItation, JOHN R. FROST. Clark, Teva et .Wiltby." 9! -DaiIy Coachi S Fare, 70c *.v7.10 1.40 8 .40 2.40 9.40 * 5.4o 10.406 6.40 1.0 7.40 * Pf. z8.40 1.2A 0 9.40 v..--Sunday cmli'. v-Da z--Satrdam'.Bandai' sud1 coach cémuctlons aI.1 *Bramupton. Sciembeni. Il Falls, Buffale anii lu **Coaci conUections il polis. Tickets and GRAY CÃ"J KING or. we i atBURNS', CASH G FriaySaturdayauJ ICINDLY ORDER BY NMP -7Ibe. Grsnulated Sugar snd 2 lbs 3ugar For .............. -Rposmde Durns E-B Tea, regular 59r< For .................... z............. 3.-Z.lis Dates, 1I L Apnicets, 3 Ibo. Rail - bs<Pws, reg. $1.24 For......... i-I< Zê'Ibbat Kieuimi Fleursud'i 25c beon n ifi Pur. Leoa Extrset, reg. $125 For "- b.boit Ricq, 2 lbo. Potor Peomli 8.4 ost.sansd 116. Ceylon lack Tee, reg. 1 6-i. .Tin -Maxwell HoueÇCoffoe snd 1 Baker Coco& For .................. 7-Cnosmer y lut.,, &.- Jins, in 3u For .......... .......... .......... 8-Fue' Roses Flour, 24 lb bois, for bi Featri'........................... 9 .- 1 b. -baga 22 1-9 Il.b 11-1 pckg. Prince"s Soap lhs- 1 PC k. Oxydol ige., imeo............. 14 lbarsP & Gor PerlNaptm*Soxp. 12-1 25tu lin Heies Bsked -Issus....... 1 15c'.lift Heinz spaghetti ........... 1 30e inHein, Picleso............. 1Iige. bottle, Hein: Ketchup,. .... '1 ian Hein, Muatard ....... ..... 13-1 No.. É PA -of Pure Clouer Hou.y and Tin Jant. reg. 51.15 Fer ...... -...... 14I35c boulte Plain Olives '....... I 23è bottie. SIuffad olives ......... I -4k jar Mustard or Saur Pickls » c boule Aylmner"Ketchup. .. 15!3 - e.Chsina Omti............ 1Rcpckg. Whcatena ........... 2 pekii. of Cern Flakes............. ipaisi.-.cf Bran Flakes.. ....... 1"- cakes, Lux Treilet Soap'....... 4 cakes Pain Olive SOap .......... 4 *cakes Bath eap .................. I- long. bar" Castill.Soap ........... 17-I Asc fin Haves Wax.............. Il'2tk bettle Haves LamaitQil .... 1linu Zeins Store Peich . ..;....... ýS,*pclig. Haudi' AMuonia......... 18-1 I lb. We Cola.. freai gnound ........ 3lb. lin Baker'sCoco&............ 14 lb. Red Rosele ..T....n..... 19-1 40 az.ar Marmalade....... 1* 14,ocz. jar- am.any Ind...... 1 de O. Jan Jeu, ...... -......... 29-Z tins Te.n..................... 2 tins .0eas. Ayimar......... ....... z tins- Coru . ...................... 2 tins Ponk sud Beaus ........... 21-4 lin'Rasphernies............. 1 fin, Pineapple ............ . I...in...ueb......... 1 lin Fruits fer Saa ............. Z I-tins Ay6erin.................... i unlin Godnwax Beaus . *....... I lb. un Cora 5jrup ..... ........... 1. ýMeaty Pot Rouesc 2. *Haanbung.Steak .. 3. Boiscleu Veul toia 4. RoeuÇ Brand! Lard, 5. Rouets of Young]F TO' ý DOC OWNERS ToWN0FWITBY The Town. Councîl by bylnw% passed ou lihe36thk day -of- May, 1930, 'ha enacted the followiug regulaIiois regardiug the kaapiug end. harbourlnÊ of dloge ia tic hTowu -e? Whltlir. DOG OWNERS TO SECURE TAGS Everi' person shahl,:on' or.before -lteéfinal dayet. April lu cach year, procure trom »Le Cleni or. Treasurer, a tag for eaci Oçg,-'OYited or harboured b ii'hm, and uhpIl ke e ho lg securehy fted ou lite dog ut-ll imes <durtithie year, snd , nutl >ui rocresa tag. for. tie folliwlng year, provlIded,.hbey- item, lia.gt tmtg may lie removcd vile.,lie deg ,lu hein- lavfuhiy uaed for l.uuting lun tié bush.' xvim PM5065U.NDE CO.NTROL Everi' 46g vh li efound off (the premiséeupea vici. il lis bitualli' kept.withiont a tag, aid net under tic, centre!- ofe amy poison lii'means of a lemeli mai'.lie kIlled. TmE UP 15065 FOUR 1MO0NTIIS The ovner oriarbourer of ani' dog skaIï keep tlie saidý dog liedup on is premises-DURING THE MONTHS0F AY JUNE, JULY and AUGUST. prov!ded. koWever. thnt thc dog- ma'be laken upon lhe stre if under couîrol. by theowover or ami' poison -hé may' authorize, if under control lii' mens IMOUNDING 0F' DOGS -Wiere thie- Constable or hie dpputy- or ani' parson- be ayui oea filleiappolint,, finis a.dogrunning ut- lange durlng ,hie Mhule etMai'., une,' July. and:'ugusI iewlho vitieul a, tag. ha shahl ie liaédog' or cause Il tte o laken te lie reareoft he Mncploffice amd. shalmseliaI lie Gog - la securely i' ld'p., Ho ýshah tihen maie e veri' eudcavor te ýauçerlaluthie ovuer oflte dog aund shall motIf>' hlm and: lu -case tie dog le met rernoved within 48_ heure 'Il shah l e' thie. du1' of lie ÇilefComatable or is deputi' or.mu>' porgon *be Msy ."'e lit le appoint. Io destnoy lie dog lu buam muinn, undlie ovuer, shah be requùired te -pay. ami' aI etialug froni thc detroying of tie- sai dogi nrovldcdY boy- eiaen,thiat suci ceaIe shfah uot lie morethau $2.00. PENAIM..TSFORU NFR7IONS For c onhravenof et. ami.0ftic provisions of thie h'- liv, ~ aitltq.ncuding a fine- of not more than M5.009- en. Inj lhe suent e!t tere being. ne atatutory. memnè -et ýcolladllon *.1said fine leuied by a justice of -tie Peace on M agIstrale.: lhapnfsouMeint fon a penici. net cxcecdimg. 31*days. vlhli or 'vltieut bard Imbor l In, hé-cemmon gaol. et lia coun* of, -Ontario. Ail des ov norsor istieuners are, icrebr 'requested ho: 'beod tie provisions cf tbie bylav. ]iavie Tou Purchas**0 Tour D.g Tag.? bmtlng la-ebangsd« oven thteusv.m-[i of buekvidat ceal 'lu bluiver Ille 1 wtulahts,, viohre ovlng bto tè fi chîscterlulas -t hieWebb an- f tireelte lise teluperature le seocas-1s 117 ceuînoUed tlaenmstatlvaily, tiLns 1. Re VROSTr the Town cf Whitbi'. ROSS' COAL W. bave.lageehpments of Codaiarrîving -do!y-Ausuru cite, ail sies, Canne! Codan sd Pocahoita Coi!.Onde no w whie sumýmer prices are pîevamotu. Summa.pue Winl b. over June lut. WOOD,.0F ALL KINDS,' On hund!. Tnucking of all kindsi. Loin for -Liwns Plougb.ing, etc, T. -W 9SSC4,.SN. Srock Steet.Norffh Te-,l OWfko--3;ROI, 45 NOTICE

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