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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1930, p. 8

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Itti Bay. etQumtÈeI3uterience1 roim for Cuesta; A 11,1' conratu)te yon tom the ianuDb3IBFor Accoin' betih 01 my hokmrt .m bavln Modmtion fPmJ.4 termiuatlon,.» Dr. efleaueul'edth the, visitore. "Wken I wa nrdaftn- M ____ .4about.25 'YesagO, 1 thouglit wbi SACRAMENT TAKEN 1t ldaccomPUsb- s uni.o cf AT, OPtNING SESSION 1'ihave never givou, up thotiuntenmItY C ül doutre. 1 nvy O lu 'the w0rk .3£& you bavé doue. May yeu strive and~ Dine..Prevents Attenà m cotu further the oÉInsOII o. S Kingc- lu1 9b 1 . 1 ed; of Rt. Rer. W* T., Gin, don. T 6wa u e Por M.drtor-boeP. Spîrît- b Rev -ctulaLu co8fesedlati! ual Note Struck delelatu. but .sbowed horielf mil- and trM Our:othe. situatici when ahe told 'Cal the gathpriuE ut."nh1ti1f ni ye Warniiy welcomed to Cobourg bY 'lt esplendid, ubstantîai. women *of iII .vie and chureh leaders. the Bay t he Tovu of Cobourg 1I vant tô say of Cf Quinte Coîferenceêof the United ho,# happy they are te me* e many Bal r'hurcii wasa asiilously opened aut handmomîe mon coule te town." 'Iwhi ruesday. lRegistration of etlegate. *'The townls yours." Mrs. Mac- moc *as stai'ted on Moitday# but the donald concluded Ila serlous-veln. 1 firet eUsslOU 'Vas opeled Ou Tues- "Coule back &gain lu thee summer. hlm day. - ou- will enjey lit and- be happy Smi Rev. A. J. WilUon, pautor of 8te bore." ifti Andrew's «United Chuich, %5pSueO, 'The. tMk of. - he . hrlftian., el was eiocted preidoîit on the fl'8t Ohurch today le to prooido a *odY. Pri ballot, drawing 167 votes$tm the au organ.. forthe Spirit ot 0ur agr total cast of 27 (. A vote. of 136 Lord." Roev. Dr. C. A. Myers told iras zioooeesry'foi'au electiou 'Rey. the delegates duning hlm addreues on Mr. Wilson succeeds Rev. J. U. Religiqos Education. "W. are an iLobbius. pastor ciJlowfInurllC ýorgan today, but onîy, .l as ag United Oihrchp. to th l o fi c montary way. Christianity muet prednt.. fight a single front, Efumanlsm. Ualtous re-eiection OU thoe"sypeople 'are seelng tv.1 nt her oefficers of the conterênce WSithe e efforts te; mers a warless. inade by the, doiegates. Rey. G.> C. swonld. That là -aa oample of' the il. NlQuade la sécretary, Rov.i .change ln fundamiental tbîthinlg. T. Richarde la treasurer, iBei'.. andIlite whlch la occUi'nlà- ngIUtusa rTylor luesticticlau, and Rev. 0. age.-Tho thange til -grcati - thatl F'. Dickson la prese reproseiitative. et 5*)' ure mnce thbe fourtii century A mucli rogretted fostUre of thÇ and"t laup te the Church to plurnb conference to date le the Inabiity the, fundarnentale of, thought,"' the or Rt. flot. W. T. Gunn, M.A., D.Dý.. speaker àlVimed. 10. b#resent, Rey. Dr.,Guitu Imo 1 11 ev. Dr.- Erneat Thom"as poke in hospitai and le facinlK the pro- about Evangellom and Social Ser- bshilty of a posilbly serlous opera,: vice,.-aud lu a. etlrring volce tolci 1 ion. ofý the work of Siunday Schooie. t5et- Appreclatl@it V@olcd tioment sciioo/e aud othor churci. On retiring tram office Rev. Mr. work, and of the work wiiich must ftobblî's volced bis ýaPPreciatiOu ut be doue by, th. Church.. the kindness and co-operatien Commusilou Service tuhowu hlm during hie torm ln offce. TiieConterence bogan Its organ- nie teiidCted a tI'ibIite tu the $ocre- IzatiS on Mondait. Lut the deoper tai'y of the couZrenco on the la.t- _note-bf Res wonk and dlilboratlona ter'u wonlc durlng his regîme, sund wasounded at- the 4 p.uu.. servce oxlpreaieed the. uorrow et the eouti' oa Tuesday -wheneaCfier O de- once at the inability fRr r gaies tu the Conference. ininisteriai nanin to attend. but temperod tis and lajuon, ineikcding worn edle- with the glad noirs tuat ReY. Dr.' gates, took Roiy Commeusonfol- l'rncar t ofPorntosa iiad accePtèd îowing s sermon e orvIug esrnest- tie. is.t-minuto. invitation tei ýad -sa fronu Rer. J..C. Robins, preel- dreus tne gatherng on the. 0cV5 dent et the Coaferenie. on the mae- slous Rev. Dr. Gunu bad been ex- ted ymblilum ofet tcrmnt. pected. Re-,Mr.,Mn. obins ezpressed bhie lu veicomingtho Bay 'Dr QuintOelfcai -regret and deep pereonal an- C ' 3ferouce ounlichalt et the Town xioty, eiiared by the -Conforo.nc?, of*Vobourg, Mayor A. R. Willirntt ln the nei tuat Rt. Roi'. W. Tr. ,st.nded uuquallfied sud w5flhieJiSgurnu. D.D. Moderatoi ot the. lt- greetinge to the. tow"a guelte, snd cd Church of Canada, im vereill ini drew atteniïton tii the lact that Troreuto. ..11 iay perlons proiuinent Ini United The or rthis no urm icu Churah mark were forn e ol ormvm compoeed entirlliof Bsay of îuew eonocted witii Cobourg. -lu iilInte paston. snd- Rev. Aedrew tbis' cttegory h. placed Rev. Dr. McLaughIan of Gratton -scled*as William Thouas O-nu, who spent orgaiaîst and dlrector. ls boybdcod ln Cobourg-, Roi. Dr. Praise ArrangementS Edward Wilsoa Wallace. lateiy &aP-. Dlegates have uutintod, praue Poiutod Chancellornor. Vitoria for the officient arrangements made, College, ubo tiensent his boy- for the entertalumialut by Trlni<.i' -hood in Cobourg, aud Rev. Dr. UnitedChurcbl. The Suuday Sool Rtobrt Cochranie, secrotary of the buîldïingou CÇhallel Street hbu beon Nomte Misions Board, asu uucle trsnsformed Into &s Delegatcm Club. of Archie Cochrane, ebairmn of tlu, one room ail deiegtee are regit-; th BorofIte!Stewards of the bo3t *red for billets, church o! the Conteroflce. Devoted, yoing mutn, iiAn- * Womien Eiders otker apartmont, set as ceorks et Iitcrring t'O the whole-beanted.a fiin'tjrilu uei melconie heing oxtendod by ail citiz.> post oilice 'ls beng run -, a peclal @ne of Cobourg, Mn. Willraottt re- telepiiene, lIno bas beonInta9 ol f crred to the contribution by Rey. sud card lndez"Xe ilnquirenm «Im- Dr. Boyle sud the. mnrdens 'of-St.. mediate Information >.about sny reter's Angicanu Chuncit of that dolegate reglmtoned. Chur'm banuenih ura or tii Cdbourg business strete- hare Mr. W b ttpeanq o iidsy nîglirte-been decorated Inihonor eti the Con- inc. lusiottf sppss edeo ain the ference sud more wouid. hare boer InluIo e mnin e ldjului _douelu thât regard, includlutg a the greaest 4.40 onu. 15> 15Q > . >3 .30 >.. Mrv. McArthr direit for a M'Ofl- 4.s jn 5.5 SX .0ps .5. ent on thei beauty. riches sud iprs ,..u.. ,. ._m .. -,perlty of Ontario and dreir a pins- p.i. 01 psoe. 30 p.rn tu sd spt allegory between the 'ASpi% ,1&0.0p.mn. la n 1.1P.. unatertal rithes ot the provincee and CAM Pi I 4 j~su theq spiritualrto et 0fthe Church [Lui* Le.j. Arrie- Ansu ot whuIh thedeiosate. vere mcm- Hsu#5a1 Wihb' O*as'wu wuuill bon. et .tiy hiuîatug theopur- 6.si . 50casi m in. u pontoftte tewu'u <tests snd mluh- *.m 8.1, IF» lns for thout morul succensesnd TLOca. 10.20 a;9..to1055 su splritua; pr101t.sU-6.. 1130 a.mu. 12.05 >«À.12A pa. , Re. Dr. Boyle, rector -of St.LW DU. 1.15 PA". UQ %3..2.0006as PelerêsAnglican Chutel'vasegla2-k 43 2-4 4. 3, .0 sK toiiave been giron the very attrac- 435P 06 4.45 p.oa. à&05 pi.- 5.4 pi. tive ututy of extendluaot only 1 a S jc. 5. OS u..6.4 $à& forai mwelcoine te the 'nUitors, M8.00...900a,%. M but a vtayeirful moloome. Dr. UO P.... 10.10 0.0. ,14PýM. ..& .. MS me . y11-Mnosa Uess Proud te be melcowlng 5the <ele- whihlbsigtlou.L gae Ubelalt et the Durhaan ad MIUAirA»41 IouDAy OCSIDULI &thdwh*15.5& KunitetialAssoci- Gm « *tlon, ta* Cobourg *tputenlal Aà-*' 4'm QpOshwa-îb 12.Sp..17-1 Pq.Us. I. 5__5pIr. 5.13 pu. 3.3 po Yord bas beS nceired bor tl do 4ath et John Pick Bglil Sterey, Calîfonla. on May 2Zud. to woUld - bave ibeon-elgbty-oa the. 28tblit. Mr. Bielow,.-one? o! -thirtesi [lIre.., mas hem at Ijnduay. Onti, e 26, 1849. the son et xrawbru d Mary.Armstnoug Bigeleir,-sud bis early manod mie assoclat- lu, the. mercantile business lu St Penny mitii his brotber, tic le Joseph- Bigeleir. na 1870. 'M. John PIi Bigoloi A is mbrothbr Palmer, ment te ifomla. wmboe. ton -a numbo r et a. ho mas engaged lu the- hank- gbusiness, tlslug'te thre position-, vie-prosidout -o! ýthe Nevada nk et Sans'Francisco, a position ieh .be belIt for sge otwenty", on. 'te yoars. Mdr. Bigeloir mas twico . marnlod. afiret mIte hein; MisAnus' ltb, or Port Hope. mie disIt moon ter marris;. sud hIls second ife 4ng mise Emma 'Ruieffien. et San. racîcco. who died tureo, yoare In bis Immediate farnily 31n. ~I Attamit t. Snwggl6 in P àah.Uof sidy Dýuni LenOn- Th ucts tsu droes lu nýParle by IAOY Dunu. mife et Sir James Dunu. e o change, et.attompt5hd-,,Mpg 14-,_b i lng brougitaggnsnt tiro ïôf bey' sot- TheacuesrrnsotHay Herbet -nt ie.,butierý, and Ethel- Susie -Harris. 15dY' m1sd. ýet jon- wi cli ouse, Nertolk-street w. sud the treblo value et the dees,:sud bas o0-n iici. dUty shouid,- bave boon palid. as $7,7f0. -Thoy ploacld I t llty 'sudbeth' more fiued - $ 47eO- or . defanit tno go ta' Prison fer ton. weeks lu the~ eeod divisfi. , 1ý-ý Mn. R.' k 'isk.on ýtbe Excise authoritles. sald on ýýNqVomber ,. Lady Dunil, having bou!ght a cer- tasîl - iidres lunPatie. returueci te Eugiand, aïd thé" déeeduit -Miss Ou mi tvt Dt. Et-'Aged Man and OId5Lambeth. ris totItthe-mekPt ae i' pcesof Had Meanabut, Il: ::~ bj-age s8te9 h ined'.muraer J A.bank bc A- iin&t1cný h sade ana - the. Omfcer fouitd 8aw*Oa k drews LeUdoan.-The hear.ded meaithi o! sstR icit' appesred'te hO nem. This two pepelvn ehml he rooms 'wi rw35 »W.omteMisnX5rl nd site cuintanýes maýs rcrea1ed at , n-bisAi. aùd av .«pressdemt Sand saldthtere queutfi in Lôndon, E&eglaudý. w st ai wete.-ne <thete. -hB, fimaltor- 'he mronst .remanhýable-case '¶at--ê"pe wards 'fouùd ZOTOR.ihk dreisesana that of John -Stewart',aged -g8S acaugiit tire, f o u r m li i b a s, h T k U J Y e i , m Y s tc r v u a n , w 'o d od t a b o u s e - tht t, stage mdded. cetusol. In Cowley-read, Brixton H aI Miss Marris saIci the, zarnti 4IIt wafllt eontainiu pO ubs io- uot 1eloflg te.o rbut te Lady sio.W. H. H ornbv-eter. e tï Dut... addiug; "L bai'. sMade -8a ;VeUue-roid, -St.-'Johu s Wood. t d D dfdut mitike; Lady Duzin mUl bth-,bmewclcrnr'ia b. ,disaPPoiltIt"ycars ugo. bis father tho 'Rev Wý Mime- zarris tben7 salidt Skinnee H onySerree c nuu- to tolIt hon net te deelare thenu. Skie- tesIemMr irrrtsei ., o. oer.- denied , tiis. lMr. oman or wealth and a. relative l~ Fléh ad~ ia le.msn of tue dead man. te pay hteWart' $5 gostou ~15e0 r'aIn5t Sir JamestawcIf Sho. diedi later, e1iugrami~ihI o f h. d u n .e e r f o r t u n e tb o t h e C b i r c k . t rIy,' > . 1I .i Mi ,C - a Mir. - stuart J.Bores (dofendlug) whiçli increased -tewart's- ai;krw- I forw.rd sadiseHrzimhadt oollsh1y macl e to o$15iln we"ký-. - I .te' statèeint Uttthe ttrunks wee 'rhTe Coroner: T4e Church Army's Rltv brpo&tY. and lunBiothern tol>- gefleroislty 1séemis to have tboen EyT 1sh moment shé ntoe by- Skinnen-. uch misplared. Seatfi lIpositiOn v-as il crent, for he It ws stated-that S ad Fa km:ew there. enýég odq to b de-. the-ci-age -pensioii ili addition. _ï J. 1 clared.- Ho; hoievor .-ne. /Dr., E-V 'ofI(ing's Colle- gos.-j Dit [atte-mptte detud uis ompin -itai, saici the'body was -in a nie- j. Cam,"ZE Th 'ho nistrate.<(Mr,. Boy'dl snid' glectc-d condltirn _The or REof-' ho aepted-,ti. staitomont that de-1 death mes'hoartdiseaee. E NI fondant. geiiiiioyers>-d-l their but ' ho coroner dirccted that -tho te see that thie goda.-weno cleaned. fmoncY.-should, ho handei it the~ BRITISHERS1 vid ay'now brng thbe i rFamilies, es and Frienda on t ?!L Reg*-&y, Tsruto BRITSH ON -ASSOCIATION * >5 i Virnt with owverT'~V1tcri off àt the B1 away.iii fro-nt!t McColl.Frop~tenac products whisk you upa grade. with. 1p#1ring, ease. - And when vou te (No.Knock) -Motor ýud, iU's quiet on the motorng j- '4 wfth Motor Oil and Mar 5. mrnk case. with vg us cea' thnbi.etGasoli fe)l-, Ao, HTes mGasln) rous MCCOILV Cr dollar : md per ca - i-s z' -N -Ifront witkÀ RE» INDIAN ~Power * j Indîaýs - OOW-MW

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