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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 2

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- ~r-~-.- w -t..- ---s .~ I WHITBY GAZ:E1T AND CI-RONICLE. THURSDAY. -SEI'TEMBER 11'. 1930 PAGF TWO PARTY 0F DUTEB' -BUSINESS MEN VISIT OSHAWA inspect 'Generai Motors Piant-Are on Tour of Can- &da, and Status Oýshs-wa was bonored Saturday býy a visit from a party of o4% busineas men from HolIund Who are on a buoiness trIp to Canada lni connection with a tour arrsnged by "The Business; World'. the largest magazine of its kind li Holland. The tour Includes Eng- land, Canada and the United States and Io under tbe personai direction of Mr. Wn¶. Van Ark, -Canadian Pacifie Railway agent at RotterdamD, Rolland. The party stayod nt the Genoaha Motel yesterday and during the. morning !napectcd the plant of (;eneral Mlotors -of Canada Ltd.. bere. Àlthough Hîollabd boits ey- ,ral automobile factories noue cf t hem are on tbe pretentious. scalp ,f the local Industry. Mr. Van Ark 147ienFood Sours Ut&s of folks Who thlnk they' have lIndgetioe" have only an adim eon- diinwhe ould ha eorret.d iu live or ten MiauteS. An oeeetire sati.mcid 1k. Philpi Milk ef Mmg.- teoi& wuonreterasdiîpeto ;enra. Phillips due* awsY with mal t]a soumatu a ud gas rlght ulter ml& 16 pi-avmethe diatres a pt ta es- cur t,. heurs mter sstiug. Whs* a hmCc urth i u tUn- like a buraing dose et soda-wblch à. but mipotryrelit Mbst'-Pblipm bu* o ra«eaie ali a U" iz tsvolume lua bd Naztiniahs-tymes!, orto rieh a dieta ha u h esalb* aMe pRILPSI 'i - 4 A Public Boeit LFYFAKS IN Remmable Record là Mad!e by Cape Breton Officiai haulcd in drydock for -omnPlete rc- pairs. The 2M0 sacks of mail. personal luggagc cf the Passengeni. and thxe greater part of the f reight have been salvaged. The Caribou v~as a steamer( 2,225 tons. and cost ovcr $2500W0 b buiid in 1925.I Bock Tahen Out Kingsto.-The lait of the rock li the bihU et ftho Flugef hourd hkaIt way between Kingstonl an., Gananegue vas broken eut Thurs- day aud the suriface In this sec- tion la now i-eady for paving viten the operatJons reach this point Tbe hills bave -been cut down and tue maten a in ut--------- lu; the hasard ut Ibis point by allowing a clean vision. James MeDougali. postmaster at ChristmassIsland, Cape Breton, bas a most remarkabie record lnthie RAJLWAY TIM£ TABLES postal service of Canada.- On the lit. day of September. Railway tirne tables for the Ur. MeD)ougail enters upon the Cndm ainlsdCnda 9Oth year of his age. having been Cnda ainladCnda -bora Septemnber 1. IS51. aud onI'adf-ic Ralvways, showlng trains *that very day 5 1 years &go (1879 arrtvlng at and departing frein he entered upoIX the duties of post- Whitby stationis are as tollowis: master and bas held that oflice ever Ail trains run on standard turne. Ince. Whou ho took office the Cadien Pmclfic - Cape Breton Railway had not been ongws.56am dlyX.- built aud the western mails came aGoin-daly wct .Suam.day. 3g11t te o lsu by the Oranugedale routea.,dalecptSny. 2 from Pont Hastings, and Mr. Mc- Going ast-9 .42 ar.. dam. whie .Cabe Slicr W A-stubs nd igDougmîl for souxe years carrled the 2.55 p.rn.. auls. 45 p., deiiy. belper, Rose W. StuM.or the Bell Telephonemail to and f rom the Grand Nar- ô.m diy .4 mdal Compny ,er woringat maholeat he owsferry, a distance of three rXcept Sunday. IlI p.m.. dailv. cerner cf King and CearW Streets. Kitehener, they mites. Later theoHastings route t..o l off pasacugn (sfopsodo aaw a man knoeked of a birycle by an utornobde. was ext ended b North Sydney. oltffpsegraorLnn Both Memir. Stubbs and Sturm are graduaIs of Whou the postai service of Cape and the west i. the, Telephone Companys ainirt Aid dlasme. They Breton was taken over on the I.C.R. - Canadian Nloa ru.shcd te the &id o! he injured ni and spplied about f orty years &go. Mr. McDou- fintsî&id tretment. gali îbek the contract of carrying Going Weqt-4..36 sam . dailY. Their knowledge cf what to do in the enter- Iemis1 u ru Ietaa539.. ali.54 i. al- the dcoavemmedlate crlte h cylit. men on iorning and evening. sud during 8.13 a.m., daiiy except sundav. the~'ctorn1IVd hacous~îtdaed bth ~ail these yesns. even whcn trains 2.19 pin . daily excp Snd. the Intelligent way iu wbich they haiidled 11 eldhteydfrhouby 6r6pe. mly .t in.,day situation. c-MuoPoni toes M.M- xet udy -Oner 80 pet cent of the Bell Telophone ie- eri nwadri trs r e ecp udy Mel, n. Ilers. Switch'board meni and others havp aleadytaen adivaztage of the facilities offered bày Dougall as nover known te fail Coing East-9.10 arn.. dm11! ex- theComipany tolcre a finit aid training. The abiliiy cf these men ho rinder heip n ime of nged à lu delivery and recelvlig the. mails cept Sunday. 12.44 p. dall- ovriy day proving a boon not ouly to their fellow workers but te the public whoin the Cnmnhln'ies" m the mail car. e1cept Sunday. 1.48 p.m.. dm117. . . . . . t te.. ... .l i i e . i I ' o a I u U " î I e t o t i e p l i h r t N o t h w i t h s t a d i n g b i s y e a r s , . M n . 15 2 9 p i nm . . d a l y e x c e p t S u n d y . 9 owhdTe ires'len inter- Il. deLeur. J. Il. deWilde and Nr sage. '*Lif! rr' your hearts,- snd àmI)U 91 asean tday. a ctrfieand 19.37 p.m . dlly. 1.8pmdly viewed t the otel. arlingr. allof mho Irc pulu- ctako, t t40t14.n Popstanding at 40 tets. railinsid theoillgaiorth-n No2ths.m6 &m a an Thoeevisitons front thé, N\cliefI hent lwine-obmpti. j renîendou3 t&sk,*, hg awniting lte arrival of lte C*.R. 5.Ã"0 pin.. dmily oxcept Suuday. lnehv eu fvrbv.lm- ;rdtrain nt Chrittua Island mmlxnii Arrive freon!'Nrtb-7.50 arn.. presed ith anaa an alo wil ad eveniug te perform bis duty &&an ad 1.2S pi. the sered w id anadaemCdahna-ibNI I Tremtxg by Rev. Dr. a faithful public servant. Arrive (rom Oroue.-8ýs S.Mar.. h.a servic ro'ded y The rCaNa rgr rdU Aý i;zaie Jcn of Muhe ter.f His father bad' an equally re- %tondaY. Wednesda and Fridai-. ri î glInd. on countstytoe power etmankuble riareer lu the service. The 10.30 &amn, Tuenday. Tbursday and 29tix ou board the C.P.t. liner. te. Flf "o d unto slite NîaîCrisefoolm MeDougal, estmblisedSsurmy Elucheas o Athol. [ln Olu IfI~ e'crtbody-"and the living Christ IL mercantil bsies aB_________________ loi înid titasimuxeusanesbackgrounlelland 101 ysaru aga, wheu bc, was te i onds the usines s u1 their round table planning for if, years cf mge. and that business loa tIn HohsyN. lie iou and 0)e closiîig tnnth3 of 1930 lu the hall contiuued ever Ince witbout C&NADI& ANrcffl V iV r. hatc bat tbey or lit-ti ud I- n&pu*Irsg Mesagwe ai tie effort ho seeure support for thelir su>' Intermission and Is today con- RAonne cti s w TbmI Eaivs ba hrewsv~r îtI fiCfimiionaries and other field werk. ducted by bis son. James IMiDou- nocns1t l a M îloyrnt. }lolland. the>' aaid. is Close of Conference rs. roilegeq. social centres, peu- ghland osisen om 0 r tm or l lnbht orm, Canada sud they polnted oui thai in A* ytonn and general cburçb work. more Yea s go s Poil oflice w«a sce.Fraltfrun st the Dresent tinie Holland _buya-.---.--estîbliuhed St Chtristmas Island mua sîeîiveif I es1e muc moe-rom the Do itnonBarr icid Cut Naloltin eDouga l hame the e V nu th ml rin io Doys in i on Q cfteour.a dig piliser, ret postm .aster. He co uti ued l uDrock ~ S uh baulb Dmiio bysfrnilir.of the tnited Church hoard mt the l.nbtoîx-The work on Barriît.ffic unil 175.whenforDollfrS Th prt' ef litnihtfo T-Conference et clergz sud laymnen f'eid arut is romintg loti ln aplea- raosP iea gvrmu a- F.4 ox <03b. iOt 43 ortnt sud atte, itiez ter 1 which .closed nt the Coller. latt dld elîape.' The men are workcln Dgu corne loto power lu 1874. the .4Bx0. bn43 citatheCaorder cllt hevwihi Tluursdmy ras 11ey. Dr. George S. every daN lu au effort 10 bavs thtis ofice was transferred te s uoigbbor nomste rder to the t uited Clendinueui. of Sarnia. section et the road ready ton pa! who held il until 1the retun eta lIses.neurungte their own .je ministers w. inust be lug before lteensd cf the nionîLCueviiegrenotlu-88 ounlry before the end o! the prep e rpiesta a.and administra- 'The ao aet cto te CII on Sleutoermbe ln SIS. tors.uecsreu ,. a neuS 8btIng b4reves .do anad dnonth. . C' -'--oi.enhsdm uaed t tl 4"ue f.the *L '-c*came be- The memubers à fthe party ha. a clo Iu; word. "0ur rusponsibli- mixture ofpavement goint ou thet . m 'e SAil hosn t4 Ides ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l or a ikicuddMsr.le r* dItficit eneuth, but e-c i-eU about tweir l tm.oai,- i-ra peslmafften. rV. fleentr, H. W. V. Vur..ILh. ave receved dlean cut tia sn- Kingston. cj ___________________________________________________________________ msfwai mnfi aum I!I _______ W__________ t r i c E c I s J WHIBY GAZEllFE .AND CHidRONICLE .Ontario County's Leading Weekly" Prints for 52 weeks in the year all the news off the County Town and the rich fanming district -surrounding it. Hundrisds off people read the Gazette and Chronicle week- ]y to keep infornmd on local and district matten. it isbett«t than a letter froUS homec. 'AU Home Print. Maeny intoestig Departmeats. WHITBY GAZETIE ANI)CIODL mga Ad.tus ag omaL . aavd. oa and satsfCtory rmila H1UI' u âALYAI1L1 WRECKED STEAMER ExpouErt £aiintig Strand .d Nm fodSmd kif ,nodersieweather vii pake pots- sible. il fa beleved, an auttnpt le alvace the it.umer Caribov4 11w whïerc the pff4 UV in s-dcole feig j idtubl«t ms on the mortdiui~ mriw t îWho bwh ave viîm- ed the ed steamer bInaos ovard uh e pos.bamiy ofsal- t,, hallwof et ii mip proym. 1b u*& eaw wa4 d'petM b î t't u wd»~ gwh.bem iremnsaifi= AtheaCfflrtj.- S .o h.j Mau eh etu~ wpa 14l".8& D- 1lemo Ah. "ï hoe iïh.M» - I.M am A» Ls Iu.Uwum Sos, rit&.-, te Md N ÃŽ% bah s ~24. e * e. * <~: not too Monr to th ink of Fu pte îsnw n aCoi&ataeo sme Fl p e s nrmmwean sael1 hitg-ge oale onIy. John McClelland NEW liighway Trafic 'Act Reqirements NOW IN FORCE (a) Legal Liabiiity for Bodiiy Injuries or Deatb to the PubIk,. Others. Ava"Ibe Obtaht.d. L.eW. Dudley GenerstiInsarance Fb, Lf BUSINES AND PROFESIONAL -CARDS Ax A. ROBINON l,'m e o DtecurA-r a i un ture rho No. 2S400 -Bokllmn. Ont. We ce TOWN àa*m bulmsutte L RN. bINs PAMM ~AMD DECOAOR »*W ý m atwo s u UsuI.toe sàelWtola the Ouo Fi . . M. RUN - yddNa -*O*éùwu css~ Sont. W»4~ i- ONLY -$2*00 PER YEA TIn tario to ai have Iarg( awa terni agai. 't whie whic time says by t prov Exai presi fil were worl théri adva Tt Mort suBi] ion pubi it. subi, rath, hant mer isiat, favo in, - iighi L- àba - Phone 397 Property of WH pubu ing1 Presi M. c Anyi a yfe for-ci on I Me= n ew refei renci t'hey cial Col. was prou( of G a I*ei -F« Cana paigi deve' this he fî MeatI work hand joint projE Cana 'how term Th and Cîome speci wilI 1 abou Whitby

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