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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 5

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cp- on RRIE PICKTHALL, the WVane e cool weather or pmarked de- tituber ef bathers Macdonald Park. nen of tRie most clty aRR summer 1a wand excellent been greatly en- il uy and Iron Rt . pr<es, paid ARKER 1y Street IOGON utbrized dispeti' rOn eîîses. Voin n. to the edge of Cali or phaite for )KE, Opt.D. UKE. R.O. Sst. Toronto iposite mscm &y',. drlnkiîg s rn 11k.' ilîlk tg fuel T f. I HERE- can for ces lrve ASES, ments for vih lles"edd Rh ~ems,"t t Constipation orpul tro bles, hipres- sure, anamnia, goitre and varwice IRADIO 'tsFer-free deinonuattou and liter- Reel-St. Southi, Whltby. Poo32 SPEIALBELIEVE IyyRECK. 2 only0F- NOTED VESE[ Rogers iHASRHFFN1 IOCATFR Model 420 Complete witb speakei Original price $180.00 Now $8700O0 Terma Arranged AIE.STANLICK The Week in Whtby Mr. TOd Brant, of Montreal, was ;j ýitOr at hliý hom-, h<re over the ýý ,rk tii, -tuirng to Montrral on ýýia i ght. sone choice furnhtui-ç at, Innes' i( (n Wcd., 17th. Trent St. D r.lForster, of Oakville. formnerly Mvdîcal ,supeint.endent iit the On- tariu I((..flitalI '.nd Forster £f u Su1 u igEFda5 1 LJ55.U Invcaiigtors Positive That La SsIIesS4ipHas Been Fouad Litle Current. Ont.-Thie niemnber Of the expedition which arrxs'ed .3 Manitoulin Iland a few ssCeks% ag te anvestigate the dlaimis of the ol, Shmpwrecl<en Miesissagi Str.,ýt Io h that of the explorer La Salir> (ri fon", %vrecked in 1679, hast tîrdiv-d uaiiv expressed the "pcrsv.n. celiS c tion' i hat tht isrtck his fî.. (4 Lý Salle', ili-fated s'esso-I and 0thi has- recomnîended that 'teps bc tikrrflit îiw authufrîtts mn proet f re itatit fI(n 'andals. TIhe Part v underto.ck à r r ii ai (x anmuation ot all the k iosmi rr oi t lir w rck and of thet:\ klet tonîs tud A careful m a mtadc of all authcntic descr î intrî> the sýhip built b'V La SalçiC7'rd and a council of deliberati-n %%a callcd to corisider the pros a-iif con, of the "Gri ff on'&*' identit \ '1hi c 'unicil w-as conîpved of T 1. Bate mariii, (J. il. Agmew and Roy V- Flern ,rîg. the expedition inenbr 'The authorities corsulted wrr l- flir Louis 1hlennepin's -'V %ag ei (t riux us' jont-l. La ai ' Prký ilaii, £crejîsFather l~fieneniri % i. ssrote à detailed na'»ratlse rf th- building and the saîlinc of tht ri According ti these act uîthel Gri foil w.> butit ! hî1ât iireek nea rser -- î-..aîa.lu - f-, n -A fi-' vi sito rs at the Thirti Annual thet iintcr and -%pring of lo,'79 La SprtsDay heldmnt the H-osptal on Salt 'nt%%as In rolleet s'al Tups(la3'atteinooni. fur, bY uradiug wîth Indians and Ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ll . r l shr tilte îrrceeds qto Pay off itînporî. 1, t B (rite unâte errdit' ' ln NIont1re ai. H iHslop) andti 1o children, TIh esok %w a s siîîervised b'- the Nîîrah andl Douglas arrived in town r1î'înddatid lheroac Henri de 1 ast wPek froin #Ïorntosa, Japan, I:-ti A 1 - U 11%%t v rex peritenetd w %ht-e Dr. McClurme iii engaged in carienterN andi helpers guded by Meilical missionary work at McKay Mîvcilîtret. rntastcr shît"-bulder, Mepmorial Hogpital. Dr. McClure '8 il ~li>rought fmonuFrance. rî>nstruel' at present Lstudying in Scotiand,. 1, et «i.-, rbrii 1< îîî nriglhhrhoaid NIile Mr.g. McClure is residing inl tituber and itrotl-%% rk ai ttîmnîs NI r. Piersol's house <n John St. dur. hnrotîght irrnîl France iiiý their furlough. Dr. Mc-Clure w% aherloiiilnilins h as Jon his famil),litre ater. tht residetît Rerr' l1et priest ss'th the lurilrs %anichi'fr'nesîoar'nar- B. 1'. P. V. RE(>RGANIZE iitor nt tlIr t(,rtfT' i Strstells îhst There ssas a large'tumnout cf thet44th s a>îs... trti- tIve .W'eight. young people of tht Baptiet Church antj%% i a qted %%101 i mall brais nn Monday evening la.s, on tht Spa- rAM1ts ' iî ltnrpiti, drass-tn ofthtie clous lam-n of 'Killrîrn.'y Green," for ' 1îîcîort îlauri-ng shou-s it 10 devotional e\ercises, election of of- bc abotut sevent%- tir cighiv firet loni. fice'rs, anti a bon tre anticorn roat, Latt Se'" b,' hijas et.'. . Aitersaiîinig tif) tilt akes ta Greec Officers elo-cted 'sert a 'is . Ba, the sç%,t-I sasl oadeti ssîth iuri ilion. Presîens- Miss M. Ra%, ainng w tlii ni-m mnenchandise toc Mr. S. L. Wilheîltii, dtffýcult in îratispurt in anoes. also Piesident-Mr. Ben Dalib»î,t niiîii..n."a ea e \icePreiden----M . S>dtî> P r reurn -t's'aige tciNiagara -n Sept, 18, rot t.160 *il ii e driiha sn e Secretary-Mrs. Frain-is Wilson. C l.nîkn - h"'tir i ti-a s aingl Treasurer-Mr. I)eliiiar Butler. tralîh%- ehn lite b' i' wàas) agia- Pianist-Miss Birdie Thom&a. aii r iitl al 1Iabes- Social Committee-Mîa-.-S . Wi Dnish 'ta"ring iîate-(t r e blts" ca-h helm. t ,att en tbei, thr -barrs).Thti l)evotional Comrnitte,---Mr. Len sNi"s C vliPrakamj 1.terary Committee- Mie!c Char'- îati h ~uoa ae i e lotte Worfolk.harciagt Miâsionary Conrnmittee-Mi:aa Con' -La Sali,- s-1 tl-t- (Chapelle stance Parroît. attd 1 r Bi.tt' i t-,c.rcumnavigate Physical Commnitee-Miis, Eunice I-akrc.flukot' i, itht> ' Nf Iind ne trace A ndenson. ,f th o5it -s i 'lic followinit .unior B.Y.P.U.-MisOlive Wil iPritîr'-a Sa*it 1, un.! s î,w Ritis cf 0b).ler is reckagr uN àitIi'îiknale The young people iqnjoyed s Ver) ati.ablutîdir ('t turs. àbsteh. s pitasant evening. Votes et thanks le tahinl door, andi a fiagpe'.Ie La Salle ifrv. and Mrs. Heat sud the singinit b'eliesed Cartt(sn Ltc )atl destroyed of familian hyna brought a happy the s'essel and tritri in y>n Dutjhut. ratherinw Zte, a cRose. Henuepin sass. «'%%e do nôt ktow whaî route tht" toRcbut4!lohut h ELECTRO MAGNETISM boat ha% perisheti "NWha i -happened Thousanda cf sutleren. are regaIn- te the sessel has leen às n's'sterv Of ng hesîth by meana etftRiirwon-thie lake% ,,,r itwo and1 ont ia i t ou derful nom appl"ace. tunies. Tahks on electro lUstiom Lt-nt -sA Coempanfees zi vein over CKCL suddIF . Ll#ton hfany ,./eaturrts..f tihe \(tisiue for Ihese taika and, ecru mhatlal St!'ait wl<rek wee iuound bvei'sl s 't o d 'e .1 c o s r lteîns done for virious ailments. TRie l-larmiony- electro mamute>elIt ,la- mtade ln Canadaaad là attaied 'aI much leus cost than tUie Amorlca Theronold. Following are a inuniber of a&H- c iiS( ITBY Â--------- -----L~T- .RMDAY. SEPTEMBER 111, 1930 a, On to tally with toeu h rf . The heavy type of construction se=$ sconsistent wn thtRe mark uf French oçean ship- buldtns. Z. The site and weigbt, twenty-fout beam. smventy-foot length. forty-five ton veaght. 3. The lead caiki? of thie Missisi- agi boast woud uicate gm-ctal ge. 4. The , presence cf gui swabs %hows that the boat was armned wvt cannion. 5. The nunîber of skeletons found corresponds eractJy mith the numuben of navigators un thie Griffon. 6. Thbc giant's sknull f ound cornes- r nds te the description gis-en c.. iotLuc. 7. The loction af jhe wrec ould scarce hae been tnorie conistent m-'mh the course of t -ie rifon wich might have stnscï the magnetic shoal or sought the'shelttr of Cock- hurn Island. The Iollowinc recotsunendations co procedure werc recotumiended by the innestigating party in order 10 oin= phete the proof or refute the theony that the Mississagi wreck is tRiaicM the Griffon. i. Hâve th tiron bolistsested in realurgical laboratorles for probable ag C. 2. Excai ste with a dredgc where the msrek is in the hope of finding brass cannon or the large anthur. 3. Examine thse Magnetic reef ssitl glass-bottorncd c' lindrrs for w-reck. 4 1Mak-c rareful seareh eof places sciiere the six akeltons were found. iii çcarch for coins or oîiîcr eta.lic articles wnhich might indicate date )>r nationality. Rn the nicanîtime the Ins-esîigaing part;- of threc haNe antîounced thrir personal conviction that the Miss- 1t1sagi ssreck hI thàt of La Salle', jIÀ- onet r sessel and reeonîmend tha, ,teps shotid be takru b 'the authori- tirs tn protect ther iminanî f ronm PORT PERRY Port Perry. Sept. 6-A areat mnati, Port Perry resideuma attend- ed tbhe ehibition this year. Durint the etorm on Tuesday afleruc-on thie bouse belontlugtet Jas. GallagRier. on Rose Street. masý @truck b,' lgbtenhng. but no serieus dainage me.s dou*. Owlngte tô théprenaient. of ln- fantile paral>'sls. the Port Penny schools do net open untîl monday. September iStRi. Miss M. tMcDermoît,, of Montreat. ls vlsiting fianeudtu Port Ferry sud 8.eugog. Miss Eusa Yarnold, of Toronto, vsiai! Port Ferry f rieuds last wec k. Mr sund Vrs. Fotter and Miss Doreth,'. of Torontô. &peint thie week-end at thair sunmner borne. Mmma. hMîton Goode aud M.. Tf '.Nell mere tRie hoste»sesat a most enjoyable ententalcmeut mheu a Dart,' ef about aixt,' Port Ferry Young people motorod to Mn. Atlani o*de's bush near Utéca for a corn toast. The Misse. Jean Svitso ndu Veda Ormers, Who menu on tRie oe of departure for a three year train- lug connse lu thie Oshawa Ganonal Hespit.al. mens theo guestaet oueonr. Tb@e Rarveet Fstival SanvicesKt tb. Chumch o et RsAàScnson mli le beld on September Iat. Thee Mev. C. P. Muinhead. et WilemdaIe. will b. tRie spertal preacher at the evon- log serire, MmrS. Little. et Toronto. vas tRie igueut of triends lu Port Ferry on Sunda,'. %flot Ethel Dodd Ris. ns<urned home &(ter upenlina coaePbset meeku witRi friad& lu Oshara 5and Little »ritale. Mns. L. C. Gordon snd dauglâter Julila.eofPort Credit, spent th*e w'eek-end mith rierts.inPort Por- t-y. Mm .- S J'effre,' te vuis frinelalLoitde. - ý Mn. G(o. Scheil andI Olive art visitta nieuîdala isDetroit. Gmad aus ald OtierVp6a8es, Mr. sol Mra& W*a Srevft and sosi. «t Toaos t M r K. B& Ofble. er omRava. #e"eat lm* yc-eu lu Prt Frm. Mr. WlRtnde Sewmsbual hlat- feroueto bit" Rtb# I r&us'.I "Are you Our competitor?" Saine Peoplie are -0t1t ing with home mïathode t0 Compote wltb the 106oçI., laundry - b« tChade the number boeame amaliaiasi uuemllew i Toronto os ,ourlDot Of customer-e poffl a lm4 grow&s cierice hIe4Mtpê the advanage-to the iie4 'en a Iubdsy ineft p&I dope. thttisa0 wclaag are doue baiser ed asl ber, each Washing h do"e iiin»t eqatt .,widbout marking or àbezchke We have 6v. d et s vie" from vrbsI y« MÏw chaos. toéai #U»>as sud purae. day orswt-pr eut coutou e4Mm We hope ho wll be able to be about satuinsoon. )mIE George Jackson gave R Trousseau 'Tes lest Frida!' for ler daughter, Marguerite, whoO ma"- niage to Mr. Arthur BrOck tOOk place on Mondai, S*PtSumb"111lt. Mr*- Jackson, recelved i L a gem Of black lace aàd bils Mgu5dla, who recevY" wlth ber mether. vore & cWaMlug rock ot powder blue seorgette. The drawilDS rOOlflWu5 beautnilwith autumnu towern- Tho lïmisesPatricla Jackson. Bal" "An dersen and 3«ean »mCSIOtt eon- ducted the guesti upstairs whee the Trousseau va sahowu by )4N,, J. M. Jackson and Miss Marier!. The te& room w&s rgedor b,' Mn. John Croier, Mm .FreOd Brock and Mrs. M. L*tchef. They wers asslsted hi Mns. F. C. Ta&- gart. and the Misses; Annie Farm- er. Frances Christ!', Margaret ]For- man. Lots Lundy anudIabel Lucas. Ty.%rone. Sept. .-MisGrace ,, n i"»Pera 1là110w Permultted te housemld. Ap_ïly Gazette Ofice. 'eavêthe flgutaff and fppracte -N K a ,', of Beavr ton. bas r tU I- hrdlet W lthth @tRe blp et tRi, dteJ a t. - e n l ed arter pend ng a Pleasnt bo- .b, Dn nnh.p the muet day. nî-' tOurh eitRier tRie dog o h WANTED- COI(PETNT COOX M isa Florence Do v. Of s h va&. %h en. M c, a,, know b or th e ne a. R f n n e. A p, h sp e n t th e w ee k -en d vtb % r. a n d h o w u ul e t ~ -v îe r to p Wyip Oby ?~r. R se cvl h , iuîh. but oe u ou ht t e behold A G E N T S W ANM oD Mr. and Mm'.. David Noble, ef & shfeep D<>K Trial tn appreclaite AW N E Orono. vlalted Mnà. James Stor.y what a healhb, retspect fOe,. dolng EITHER BSEX $75 WEEl'KlLY >EASYr reconti,'. i"at he la wmanted ils nene.red1 la lng FaRe products. .Sýpoethiné Mr'. paul wiliaem. of Port Per- the mnont Obstinate Ofthte sheep spe different. Fast sellers good r*Peat-' r,', spoa>it the week-end at Mr. E. -les wben he h"a wl vse Old dot a&t*@r& Exclusive territorl*..i.l'roe StruttUs. hi@ hoeel. Thie latter ha5 oee ys Samples .P A. Lefebvre & Corn- Mr. sud Mrs, David HOOPer. 'DI for thie sheen snd eue for his mas- pany, LimItel, Box 2, Âlexan'irla, Orono. vlalted Mr'. snd Mrs. Luth, tam' and neither shepherd uer dog Ont. rer Hooper necently. eilow th@euelves te ho flustered Ejneffltie Sciemen te maniage a Mr. and Mr%. Sberwood Rutdie Wthout hur,' or fus he shs Un e of 175 Noizahold Product u in r nd famly, of Bowraanville. VOre are lbonne4 vithin 8 Minute or 80. thie toma et Whltby. Bi g money-( Sunda,' Cuesta of Mr&. E. nlgbt. 5and thie e hurâj@lu la d@ fast. maln proposition for thie night J OUc Mnr. Wealey Little, Of WaIker- Thii,nu ta almplest elemenI~s. is man. Detlî turnled vithout oR- '111Ue. sPent the week-end wlth bier the manner Of eeuductlug sheep ilgation. grandmether, Mm Little. T'>ogTrials. There are extra tests The I. P. Wathlns Company, Mfr. aud Mna. Bort %ortlock. et In mucat C)lfqsuch &» epara- Dept 1, 749 Craîs We.çt Bowmanvllle, -lslt* ed l. ltter'. lng sR DrtîcUlar aheep tromu th@ereat. Moritreal, Que.-l15. siarents. Mr. and Mns.. Gibbs. on Thie gre&t ob'cit atePen thie sunda,'. h*P. or to divide themu. ln thie 'i Mrs. E. James sud friend of sbrte.t "ie. N"to wCttorsD n' Gonii. vlslted Mr. and Mrs. Non-___hadc Man Woodl1ey aud otber f rienda. adc hilrs. Msrrv reéar. et Betheada. , I1 P IN THE bMATTER of the 551510 Of Wageto M.adM. Prct. LALoulsa Yul. late of the 'Town vin the M.and gu fMr. H WM. Pecy et Wbtby, dcesae Ruth snd Herbert, ci Enflold. NOTICE 1If'IèIft penson bshn u, aims Ilor de- sPe t undy mth Mr..Presotts A U Y R TI I N G per NOT IE ls.b rey give a t ar lShde- sister. M isa Viola Short. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ M andea aginst the ate L ulsa Y tile p le n ty %fias Sadie Virtue, of Toronto.2 wbe dled on or about the 7tb dai,' la bolldayhng wltb bier augit. mi"s For 5%anda To Reni of Marci. 192b, at the Town ef buildsi Vlnîue. - Whutby, la the province et Ontartp. Mr. and Mri. Johuston. etof ne- IAR pUa R.une&rs rqulred to teud hi post prspald sud mee. are vlsltlnt Ibeir daughter, IlS caue,lo« 18.j. iekosg er te dlemr t. Thie Torento (04n- try Mn.. H- Stinson. tewaabIp, tua gooj ..lte of oultà- ensI trust Corporati. 2si Bay Miss Elva Virtue, et Bowman- valuostbomwghly qu1p.4 t«s Bîeet. Toronto, thie admlnlatrator You d< ville, Mr. aud Mn.. Sort Plindla dam1j o aitIa taoetag. Modem wlth the wilI &anned et thie prepen- sud ORs, of Thorahull, &pent Sunt- uaiw în vateril -tom cl lv.ty et thie salILoulsa Yule, d"48a4- ei o daY wftRi Mrs. Latins Vînte. SiRes. Thère ane 160 acres cf votai- .4. tiieir s a nsd addrems sud S;eront girl f iends ef th@ bride- &ble land. bellvoi eales'dral uiU partiosiars ta vrtting of their te-be *a-aged a *iacellaueeus and 16 WUS or ltm Pver pnk. l C an t atomonts ettheir 5e- aboyerld&tthehome of afil p a'tIoUi'apply &Z' the ViSai euns&cadtthe as.ur !thi e uri- Mn. ad W . .Blgelov r or.(ttii tien. if any, held by tlb. TburadaY evenlus. The. guots m S. I.ALécoNVaNI4 . And tak@ e motîce tRiltt 1er thie lIn Tynone. came lai & bedy. sa LAT roiAp- 151hday et September, 1930, thie vrer recllré bylire j. t. T ties. mmedateA a.Il The.Toronto tionéral Trusts veurs bnec Il , rs J.*.,T' 01YRjL 41 baU44Wm. w"' 1- Icorporation.vll! procoeelte dis- -NLses Lois Richards but , ~ItO UT MUN BatU Ud rbute thi e MM&tthfIb Mdde-i MC0y preduced a Weil tUhaû5» I 5@Uhbt f t*t'00up1.O l "W PnextM ket sud lnvite. adj#& Mary Bnîgla- IRoyal SaaI. Poseu drM sz- t.. ohreto, haviug regard ouly te the moli teo pen the levely wite hun- I £9917L & sBandeRWbItby Bous«.e. aimiaof vhlch It thonIRibave di«s. Mns. Thee Dow»s asaisten "OR SrALE=BXRQAIW -BRfIt Rad notice, ald tRalt the smil The lier May, ontiind r*M uldToronto (Oerai Trusts Ccur&aton- original verges as me» a&&s ood sentb, vonR locclol. Pr,"s $1.40. w oýntcas' part ifereothe 5 n IWLshe sud congratulations. Thie TenOas. »ply El. Sommac. Wbit. I e'r*n'» toot o" gitft e mre elabenate an » faul &Sby.(If>ponon otfvioe daiIM bi l DotJ wellas butl-ui.bave th« o eevel otice. 1 vel as W beuifleFOR MENT- 000»mWARAGE. Datel aI Toronto<Rie eloeutb Mhe..ia W emncaol5tcetraUy Io.afed. good drivewaiè. *ay et Agut. 1$30. tRopA. lot! lu chorus and song Roasonable rent. PhonJ..Or ToeoGal rst aud thée evenlug psaaed Very mer- ne a.iO- Tb T 1» ortra71,u mls' lu euit Chat and mule. eu""-2040 R-efnsshments vments see. Mn.PUR BT258 B B M ftas' Street ?oront.-11 C a a ad Y . e t T o r o n to . u& Mo R e ~ ~ ' * t d l l gAt h ed . m illih c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bride-to-be, acffl as ttc botéus, movabove. ppy-t on ïhxCIR Mien Lcla Ilichans. mi"s Bota e.O t Mr Cole, )444 Bant and bgr FOR B...umsemj nasa8 e 7'bee DovaSs erve&. Dund Las à 4 of, çeeutej. impl *.1et Î.. on" ' mens t-osent t ram To- oWs3uW Op3bM Mt the a i tout*et li ronto. Oab awa P - i M.g> iJs j. lk i " ( b ~ M i W~ andnIlles. e. FR_-SAE - Nks»iîmilm lAve. m mco. ? .m An laeUg au b cturutbi et tue m PWuîn 8W bill, «»d maonties. 19800te t is FO R NpO K wOIUE 1W"r Slàg ttveî' I-OSa oof-bh ck St,, Pbffl b. lejol Wa 181-Âe 01Torieamanteoau j $# t4i"se HtR . III w di-I 0 MW m « ti, ale.itm~à brtearg boit e 00 u es. ced4 eengrLluat* ompéar îp~iit tT± ~ -r~,, faresabs'ott a of oo s "1. ud fdtma aise ~ DeTu cl cani'mIarm ; osne US hstn R gig 4 LtiltL1, tuu, ?e1 Md. lbtus 9sbau. 1ar*sa w ciiior sen p.e>sy . 1 d <II* WIYTCliAS V . P uO ma" ubeep, m itRi hein natural simpli- City. walcinie their relusse and stralghtmsY set about 10 browse. But ouly for au odd'mlnute. The. ahepheni at tRie fiagâtaly huit a Mile 'myLwahs given the sett mord te hIe dot, vhc starts off at bis sPeediesi. But by ne meaus lu a straJght lIno. Wary elI tastician, hoe Dales a fianklra.gmoveunent et a vidh iSucb as ara,' commandonrs latRie van vntl7 used le Ires,» ef. TRiodogt's smft sud ameeplng iutrney brn"g hla veil toteielest oet ti he ep. Fan as hR i ufrom thêm tRie heep have sense hlm aud are btuulnlng te more lu heoin usal erratic tauRi- Ion. Thée gre>-halred shepherd. tied by tRie nul.. 0f the conleal le thée fiagstag Isa vatchîng keeuiy-. go &tIre a sefI but penetrnar g vsa- 'tîs. Ou tRie Instant tRie dot fiat- tenu hinalugitou the boatber. Yb*i dot MOre" off agalu. Anothen Whittle snd one more ho liéses at At RoîgiRi Riebas imanoeuvered tRie ,hee» inte Position fer a atraigRil FOR RENT_-6 ROOII HOUSE, ON Byrn St no1th Good garage, gar- den Mid ail conveniencs. PossesIOn at Oume if desired. Apply Lukre's Restaurant FOR SALE - FORD TOURG car lit good running oder snd new Set certains A bargins $12-00. Ap- ply A. E. LuIs, WhUty. ilOUSz TO RElT - ALL CON. v enle ces. A pply Lag Bros, W ht- FUR ALE - A OFFAT TW- burner eletrie range. No reasnable offer refused W. Arnitae, ine st., Whfty. WANTED-POSITIOt As mousE- keepe or ogm r, f nyid. APIPIY IRe 60. Gasete. ROFIG - SLILTE SHINGLE. tolt &MSud relaspWat Wlndew caukMS Oc ar foot. H.» Quint WhlITb>, ox $6.-' EPET found in a wel kept ho 1.30 Oclocli Sharp. Terni Mcm, auctioneer. TXEASURER'S SA LANDS FOR ARRE. Notice is hereby given thât the list of lands now liable te b. sold for arrears of taxes in the County etof ario has been prepared and- ls beilg Publihed in an advertla- ment in the Ontario Gazette upon the tiventieth and twenty-seventh days of Septembcr, andr thie fourth and cic"enth days of October. Copies ef sutth list of advertisement mav Rie hati upon application te me. On defaull eo payment of taxes as ahown, on the said liaI on or befare Mouday, the 22nd day of December, 1930, nt 2 o clock in the afternoon, R shailnt the said heur aI the Court Houa.; Whitby, Ontario, procoed te soIR by public auction the said lands, or suck portions thereof as hall be PAGE FIV% ome. Sale at necessary to pay sucli arrears, to*- s8 cash. Wzn. gether with thie charges thereon. Î E. A. McKay, m Treasurer, County of Ontarîop Trcasurers Office, Whitby, -COUNTY 0F ONTARIO : TENDERS FOR BRIDGE Sealed tenders plainly marked ad, t. contents, wi Il be received by htç2 undersigned up titi tweivc o'clock Neon, on Tbursday, the 18th day oc' September, (E.S.T.), 193, for th!ýr construction of a Reinforced concretèê Bridge situated opposite Lot 31& Conce.meions 6-7, of the Township oi Whitby. Plansý and Specifications may ie- .seen and aIR information obtaned ae- the office nf the undersigmied. The. County of Ontlario -will noS' necessarily accept the lowest or an3F, tender. l.un vil hW Amee w v Sigmed, D. J. Kean, Engineer, Whitby;, )we this to the children start them out with pliysical aps. Build their littie bc4es to Drace of life--give them ail the lied Whcat they want withi of milk-a combination t1iat sound teetb, good ihpnes and bodies. And ho-w they love it! xi't have to, coax them to cat.' )Us for any meal with freuits. RED CFe VLM f J -I mars. 5~Stch Fu&.5lb. ----------- y-

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