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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Sep 1930, p. 6

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WHITBY GAZETTE. AND OHRONICLF, THURSDAY, SEPTMBER 11, 1930 A t t - -'-.4 n'it ScIieme to Imperial BUI<NING wWDows A réntury ago an act waa loa&sed Conference dçriaring -"tttat the practife.or humn- - ~ing or burying slve tb ire wa aori Indo -Th turi i<itl m11- Htnutiîbc illegal and Punîistable vn-tî.uîon rof Canadîin fortitUr in-bY the <rimitial court&,#' Io jîiiihii 1lîîo'Irougiîî ili'o 1hçP If wap a bold steP bY the Govern- îinrelîgîiî by thé, a rit a I411, thu' fir't <r-<',eoeral of the Iii»,e eng te mlliprntt i f C i a dtif t tille 1 ri boliah the custom Oet 'Suttee' or thrFtý pnar,. anti l Iv¶fne rtat'mrnt ..Satr 'ncdentsliy, t-hlî.word, or Ilrofr.q tr it ) Bn" r. n îin ni,,ai ng -a pure or r-Uous wo- prea-irentii adtlrenrr1(?O ime 1Briil i nka ri. wasaaPPlied strict!>' Io the A %ýori a i ( r. l. ait 11, et'fliOflin 1-i-s'n nmmelated. flot te thje rite. thp northrrn lilmits of irboat 0w-Iliigh astAHindu widows deeanedi ing 'wRea partlv reepoiible for sa,-1L a 11acred datY Io butu lenerO ing the- rr-rld froin a tI1rat famrInà. ;111%p, on thc% funeral prsc hi The Ntanîidr-rr Guariliautiirt iirri"ibatids. writc" GeraM d Grifftu lu- thst lrlsh ifarmeri-. .whom upply tbbc'London DalIY Telêgrapb . much ctUArIne btht- Yrtinh nrarkat. This trdeous culîtom vas pra- rire aireadi' blaming irr it-w cattlp rîs<-d Pariicuiariy in Loirer Deng' loiplorbation for iii p1)our prIu"i A lbore for centuries the turner of Il whlch irlezh îti are no t- it uneg pih- womnen alunua&lly burnt. TO FATTKN JN l-;N(1.I1 _ ome voluntarllY and even eagerîy, Tbe lrt hlu~lnîiof ('aitadtîll oint- dragged or beaten tO the pyre. cattlp. w)iîhh Ii ind(îl i 2t ieor 1led tupefied by dru"a. flut--i Manchester dek. onFllstid rP!' -11'd bewe G600and 800, I 8. iead. which moiili- ;inýjj-t I n trit' wtre !>5 V;ido Iun 18lu lYnglrtî f,.rmq bor t' r orni-;re4, î"îgal 10 theinwiburn thei Munnihi end tht-tn of iitdas ~ <> jurigdilct[on Ofthe (ah-ut- to rt't-'tn freah .Iitpinciti îi N,(OT h'IDýI JTE near future.iPm fliot' of n i niorrvorthil, klnd w. 110 th e M a n c h* te r 1t.i qrit çrm p all ' r nir il a n eâ E e îtia l p rt or tn e i ln boittis an <arrnit lo ilt, ~rr- du religion ihau the burniniz o!l portri ookirs it rtti, .wt h,>s vaiçau Integral part or rrofez.nr friterr adr--'.niion 'hrit;tian ritual. lHow or Ifhu miry Catuuadan ti,-ltnir tir i hi-a, ame lu1toIn dla Ir, flot cIC\S/. but gorinflluuiSmt-eilog et Irm-t0I arld. ttitaîniy lf va& IPrîctlged ai the~ dramuatirally fndicatrd r ln larre ui- <if the inv-asion cf Indtj by part Canada had 1,la ' ed Ill Fat-mg AIlexalider the Gret. and tht-rt-, arr Llîo- world from x %n h«t.afamine. 9rruujnd,4 for as-tiing that t r as Wlh i-),dq îtrdi<l ¶t i-sir N%-il- orlizinaili- R legacy et borele, <f b- dam ('ook£eR lu is addrc.Rm bo ihpa' îd.-rt Long hellore tbe time or 3î%8mcîaîinuurIn, Ili 11wira i <ni r LordViill'aflfl inck eITor-rs hart .Sir WtJllii rl eclartr i t vu lt, thelPehen otadtr by eulight*ned Orl;-ntala, ;nidatlfnizamre ylî'ld. 1hQ ut moaf fini- trirtiipesi -I. aws were pas. cd sibte o ipply womld ht-ri pane uvi tIt"110 fiue nt fAkbar. tbe greai Mo- ht increaislg vorld ti îiiluîiln or].- gui etiperor, forbldding Hlinduns to t- untîl 1931. î uirn '1dows unbeejýq Permission msersk Nom, howerepr. Pr(ifeyÇr 3o liii,r'rimnred by the local "orerrnilr% at lan poinic'd oui 1 hât 1tît-re h. noflht- req unet of tht' w'Idou'g A.beat ahnrtage owîrurc b fle lorrc.- NO Instructions. expressed r )n- duttion <of artificIel Prtlllzsrilmuid Pllt-d. cSI be found la thç> ),-das 'ni the exte-nsion lu the nom-trn Juafltiu"g a custnim whleh long b.- tfmlt. and alno In surceuraful wttat fore libs suppression, w-as abliirrod tuitiure by the pro.ducetion rof -w bY inet civtlized Hindua. Yee cer-t Vrains, wltlr rhorter -periodn be- tain Bectiojis cf the -Brabman ,m-ttn r.owîigi end ree,,plng. prieethoed trled to deter Lord vvii- t TO SURINITT S(HEINE liaru Beutlnck frein hie tssât y de- Mteanwblie,, the- Dally Tttiiruiu- ctaring that self-Imamolation '«a, a IilY wOlt lnformed polt-ai corres- rite enJoiued on ail hIgb-caate l- î-rndent forecants that the Go'rern. du wetnen by s divine ordiosuce. nerit wili subiîut t b the, ImperlRan sd that the intentiOo f lte Gor--b mErn!rne a ochemn for bth e n-.ernor-OenersiL o suppreft e It as ab roi of food Imports b y national 1d irect att.ack n the Nindi religion.V Mriort carda. If correct. thîn wilIt Te support their coat*senUn tbey -e Moust Imtpottatit for Canada as i Quted"-a garbWe extraet iromu the As cougldored tbat w-haat w-ilb. 1Vedas. But. despibe itreir protesai he tlt commodlty whose Importa. thi.e Ct w-s paxoed. snd the form ýnn ohortd be Roverned. bodintsa t riote' would toIllow T'he action of the Trade Union1 proved unfounded. Ouly ene t».- -- - - Co. lea "Y tf& 4 duit*.tion et dme MW Ail-ft,,. RADIO u1I60 Pms$e, - dé lue qmahy Uduecdeg The new &'Prneas Helen." whlc ~the serviceeof the Canadian Pat n uagbetween Saint John, .,.,ix worthy of ber titi, iifl eNS the Iaat word in apped and r.ý,-ýfoT moô*tion. »s in shcrwn by the a: pam sf avorably vntà I ler-clas latip moift grt the Art -;r rd waF madi'. and ihat msin whon anuappeali axainri irt war. d mimied by the I'riqrv rgouncil BIRITINU ACTION Long before Lord WlimUeo- linck had defilily tackied th" Pr(> bleui lt liad befn apîrroached eau- tiouaiy by Jrtishi ruicrs In Iodia- Under Lord Cornwalliîs publie of- ficera wore instruted to refuoie coy%- sent to the buralig of a widow. il this was aaIed for. but soere de- barred from effidïahIv prevenîIrttc ii being cariecd out. bIn ýt'bUlrd ,Wellesley aultoutay considered khe probleni, and tirew out feep~-ra r. lhi A Vlew Iitsiattire ilh,.but sethit gPratifrai ensued A[[ERD UIQUR . RUNN[R 15 8WIER Pïul Cornet, lnpzed by Po. lire Bullet, Expected Io Recover v'auî oit if Soulh 1 ihoretti. W-ho mse hel througb rtre lune tu en ffra,- s-ilhl roci, l loir en the- i'ingstoio Renrd ve3t of Whtthy carl>' Saturday iiirsng. )» makint *mOmo procctreoyard te- corery un tirti Ostew-a Geniea-l Ho,- pttai, le wu*ie.smaed thîs utoralni. Cornet bas rea'<nered fron tirs $,bock r<-ntîngesru baithe, shoota t)Ut ther. e ablîl aoflrq (bar O le-iS betîcu froint te .cowad. Dr.-J. L- Ikfiotàgll, et Wbltby', à# Sfteadl» tho w0anidd mati. - etýw-s &bot b"lwy Tratffe Offke'r JleKa>'. W-b*,# be srude a# eti.t to mlaespe ai- rwt sftr ibe et (ca sbaci a*pp.4 t!r. car te w-bleu b. w-as drtvtlim'. Officeiste aa su o1 lb. et ar (oued l1i lâ10t fiahlla elt It la tbo*sglut tirat the .nrebe. «1«s et Cw»pusqud E412w-as-4 sy- 10.- i, bla 00M it wm Viii towe4.tbqe$s-p0.tÈ tl¶uev 14 mi CANADIAN CATILE ARRIVE, IN ENLIL4NDI Firat Shipment Sent Over ini Three Years; W1i Be Fattened Overseas. CONTROL OF IMPORTS British Governmeint to Sub- The Elighway TraDic Amen<Inuwnt A«1930 JConres in dencunelng free trade Ig ezpected te prove the aalstep t owards pernuading the Govern- ment to take action arding ta r- iffs, of which R . ro. P,,,,,p ,-înowden, Chance or or the El~che- q uer, lm the btggest opponent in the Cabinet. Plans discussed in-volve state control o! imPOrted Rud howe food- srufTii acconipanied by bulk pur- As the Labor Government has annuunced iLs Intention nover to taN foodî5tuffs. It 18 Prestimed thit Sf te r t he home. wbeat VOrar bave1 bcen cared! for. foreigu bulk Pur- .ttastes VONIle made lin the cheapest rna r k et k afn md kilied 257 persons. i îiivl the mrot persistent htîr- r. èlrc Cvecr repi rted vwas that il, lis» %%!'içh 5W Cpt the Lccwarrl and Virgin 1-l.rrds, Pcrto PRc. the Bahamas, anîd part of thr Ullited Stâtes coast. It lasi more ihan.î.1 uronth. The U.!. wcathicr bureau bas keot a sys1rleatîr r ncrdofhurricanes trvcr itle PCrîodl879-192F,. whilr re- certl was arialvrerd bv Charles L. Mitchell, nctcoroogist. M an official STATE SA[VIES- DAN5 EROUIS CARS New Jersey Acts to Remove DilapidatécI Modela FrO<n Roads ih thr i': ii'~ rJT - IjH f i-le; iu Newr¶fv!nr*ilrt Jct zt'rrts a-id roial -J; o a, vij--' a t in zrrinu; % 'f â<ar' a uc 1 n . 1 oi cjlr . 1hith.l "r- ' ' Vcd I, rd ni ti turtd t ji). b,rned at *an irr ii. rC 1,1,11 i t * Îye r trv Ci i t q ~ C r-IfPi-ri in"î. ':~'i ~ t i-ir'ci- tir brizn-i,nn %.r f itr c r-ir-a-rii Thr cxîr i. *qt'i:. i.. I>.ntlrýit b, ;ý% f,,irr, - f i thu' açrido-,,'. i ý î4-ý tliratil tha! r-n Irr I TI, -, r % fPi0 hn t r rt.~ Cîtffri.îI, ti lit-t '~~î;e în149J~ mntl &; îlrtr- I-î i t t% , f i t-il i to bu tave e la. on-nure-d35~hurricranfs ore-f .lIc tic I tnmurrgett Tîttug»a nd orier t ice-ce teIo c e oi tu r st~t l m-a tihusi r-iir. hitorrs o f thr rrer e - rf i-ti~- Ih.- S'î-Atnsh fet cf tf-nr rke temit lxdin the t(4y-ci îeriraas 'fvu rr lq.h<itd frmui 'cCrus gteatet an d ierarleuu s-.h- it &" aAtiOM isparin a-s <est-ed mtade by ppet-pfietrt- Vpaît of a--asi -u-shurrierape in 17<1K, ç,e-hi. ataîritnet te -rat toi-c-s . T. mn -en retmt ri*tr se- tuaaurc.file "1141t brrfe cyclône IhE t e Duriaugt tre tact Ka.f-teneair>' <-r tg- uet7 -d cr111 refeseto s-4 %Vc*t Inittai >.rrtcsswmi tha%?ttc ttgets brkM'ousu4s arsenataaîv ecaS4ed antida*%'s-si r-I - l. m < 1 It sta#ted aE Barba- la> Luoci Siats wraier epeueMVIjd nn *e0, * 4t-0usawee t thât thxe lune natfatîte f tutil5bre- u-'eo ddm% movqse-nd #oltrwd t oj vîeofte Cis yiffuimJi cerpete. i~-eIL~i ta tqcga i st (eltnirbut rteae4 thait m Ii-i r eitet. and ooe4 00peu- un îI Z t w*4 di Cii-teen h ,u>e wn- e--tn a-s M r$aube wwti *teris % wp~ig uIoib e j ee -ai I 4Oe> 4.f Wt babom i u4 ispreI eteul 4a et#,e umf ilstia f*uob*sr b erluaps z b &*"tlu«t " I', la »') Widtqa picW 4A The problen et1 buytr and t< puill>' um»lil iot#acb fU rst e q fort th e wav b>' orgailuc R i tnt uîenl~uetsituation, Aftger a i'i"T* GRADE 'w<'vci-ee-e> eto n4 eout the un er thre Appleu grow- i otuntirer of ihps ir ;t etwork iti- roiilitu rili ho mrtt- -:n'14 ; riklty spftrOned thre npetn- ft,4d wiu.rn the rîl¶uitmîIf e of $»I.>OW Uon local IntprtOteý W D)omtnion t>»pàrt. - <,entis Thls ta eproutôt anti biti rulture pou i b tup- uCîu-ik aarit ýâni caIiiu wilhth pple grdes i -cte iratie ld r4 oe wrich a'hotîli h growers tiU.btrijrsse byuevecry 4îïy la Canada. eprovisions of the new law îarge f rom the agent of any ýn Automobile sAssociation VarioseVeins RapidlyReduced ý 4ibrurr lÉh e a. vaariiie-ULInsu#i du G Is-tag ArAlng Reauit If you have vYarr'nuto veina or hunches ycu can abart tu-day te turing th-ni hai--1<ta normrulalsire. and lt-ir aire wiso> - otI ailI uc so t. Jusl grit ant originai bottle et Moünes I1Emerald 011 (full1 atreng- ti at ilny drux store and apply lb niglit ant i somlng ta bbceoun- larced veini. lIm u venry pnwerfîîi and ie-net rating, andi ont>' s lit IR Atter a few etayV treauixeint tie velus wvii in nte groiv imalter snd 11b'9e-gutr ti8e W-lit SOOn Te- duce ta normal. Moonp, I; r.nrnlid 011 la ~ao na maryp.tous heariiug agent One ap- pliration for Iitainre stops tbIt li- -n lif e! taa anti a few appilca- tiensq ca-tises the eruptorîs te dry rip, st-ite off, and eompletely dis iappear. Itlbnl uquatly as effective lu barber*% itch.aiît rbeuin. mcd- nree, a-nd lnfiustmabory skin troit- People w-ho wnt te reduce vart- r <ose veiniq, or st rid of sczeîns, nileera. cor pites ln a tew daymS ahould net hesitats tta e! abottle at onace. [t te se powerfjut thît a AllIa ~ ~ ~ ai neidtadlg4u tores 4011 lots otijt.- ALL chmm I leuo b kisi et Cnoaw M e ,1 tirl, kn4 me u*i. p-* lf4 $Ott p - Lvieqs.k~J e-,' 'i il PAGE SIX If you are directly or inldectIY Iivolved «q The Safety Reaponsibiliy Law eff ective Septennber 1. 1930, among other thiflD gaeYS Thot y-osa muu resssain a4 or reiurn ai once t. Lh. acene of th. e mden. Tisai v'ou inuatrede aU possibLe assistance, giees yoiti naine and as&r.. and a wriUen state mnent il r-eqtsesed. Tisai if the. damnage appareaily exceeda $90 ,-ou must report to the neurei police Offlcer, Tisatil fiou are at foula an& <do 8 nOt , o d*a«e don* go the peraon or pro poe ~ thera ANfD HAVE NOT INSU&4NCE to indemmify others on vomir behall yoaa sdllha»ni your Lices sus pende-id -~c4i~ "Princess Helene" is a Princess Indeed A pamphlet explaining the lii r with- Mr vaation by, 'and are witt bray- Miss home or clownti Mr. a te, spen S. Lock: Miss week en Mr. a have beq Smith. Mr. J tending The has exh faocy w Mr. a guerite. froni a *ern Car Miss iting in Walter Mir. a Lidsay Mrs. L' Mr. turned --'rmos, duet "f ,vice lai Greenbl Wilson'ý Mr. j Brooklii Emprîn The 1 Sunday was we .MrIý. home ai vislting Mrs. D. Mr. à Ily -visit -misse et, of P ing witI son, a- coup] friendir Mrs. ýVLsited ter, Mr end wit We a Joues a week ih Mns. K, XI - - ~ ~ c d-;n.r:îtrt- <.m* ~ ~. - 'n i cliflbe procured withOut eh' unfcir' turort ,! 1-te r tien'r~ih comnpany a niemberof ______________________________ i,-rnosattent as Ie lt- rk fitThe Canadiai l u tn 'tstpiru (arada Ii hu oâriv 684 < days or! ettiltmenu hî1%r-.c ten vivimutUndter it rh has just entered -roin cembrnunglrurY andi acconrrodatJeir 2 Th*ira vItre-eircted thr' *pring ilithe- ýcifir Railway Coin- observation r(Xini with c-enifortabie chairs andi rpec- i'ec-a lnvor r-nrrrirr- - N)ritirrn I NýB- and Digby. 1 îafly conutructed mindows t- aid paafengers un "e- ur-ta, H stsi'rurieiockîi . -- u-y reapeLShe la! ing t-het ea T The grac0ful "iPrlneq es. ene" bl hyit,îndredir and tnroi errotwagons n rt, andi hem accori- cutting dOw.n t ie î'me b-t--%Wn port&. 4. The dining accomau¶ert bV drovf-itne! t't'1i<t<k aptrtuî <iît.riýit On iîtio.Queîr. -epictux-es, ceai- aloon; jmat as rntm An'mmd p-te-date as an>' restau4- are In houliri' nrtna "-yiea iwtrî~'ikadNr ct sbips. I. A Wd & nt ashore, & Thec rnokeroomi reËaicoi£ot. su f-al odn a bl-t t'lrliiy wrn e Tire oea- ca nd ît fNo ,ctat - -- - t-oit-e tarie aralaiiît' LA r te t I.m - r The pure'liriry an-J <e-"' bit't du iii uc it-~ -aiou' ta; ~ numbe*rur arr' rcogîiog lutu h'trult inourrenîntal;nri rîlirteth ntI111:11- i ~tri r- ltnîrîr tat 'e î-r nd no;eng lu wr h their jvc tAr o ri!aw , dt,,qtr th t br iretr n w ; iuj ln wil ih ir lvr ttock fui suîprlt-'ent th Ile prisent bar- îuihrr~c'-'r' 1rinÏ< - uitc ui u-t of e n ,; And houirehoiiti t-flotte irok up lanrel r-packagit. lNn.iuortlerr au kcrr hit ba Tth'r-ý ioct'n dlam ve-ar. but ti tt najoritv o et lc-- Ilv Ili inn i Imînpn< rrttber Ait ii.iu~ ilnon çuirastrtetTî% IhroUý,iin nwramitv-ais uore, ieoking for land. m-uriuuricirnrt urrio-d A ar-CC,-.>'- 10ii'- !r!Csnr- iti.t nife h-tr- oî rnnhe<fi~%i~TtCTs ptaîtuiot; :a e-ctul' rrtt'tc--ldv;e.na tui i how a t-ater uurnb*r rof! trrie' (Ct-ail 11ii-ciono!t ho Dinulrnion a* i'< i ;clirally an . à I' tiur.r to1 rtrrcic.thon s-i-m tint' duris:x ilbi- or-leprtt n t o!Arrlcrurlors r MS i 411d Hennit--rt-ds îbr' rpodig ericdof à 1<-v. or ,nthing tv hegriruellng 0tI) Il 'ertl ta rrrk-21 bti rt quarter r un!huIs y-ar terhcIhîli 1 iti ariszïtbjntted utItînt' tuinrit, I-irlfIiuiicuet% il Ilre W\Vestnimber of fic ren grn iuouuoettndm of twertn o ef the w-rde oistand- naa --- .alrl It 2'3 5 tirfe rec1kcd takern %p tntal 4.tHî, s rpmct,,entInc Ilitnufhnrlle ou i nilnr, and bak- otît ?Si- Etil 47:0 oairt-e. Tht- record fer the liniz ln u;rear [Irilain andI oiu th" 1Tý'î 1Il ianrd -f (sauduicboupeane peri<rd cf 1i1~9 'ta-x4.047 i on¶InenfI.' Not (it l y k f Carit ami tioirm leaaeadu. mren t-i lg tt7f2irirly estatbiIshed mus a high uli îly n 16 uii74, e'rrtr"crd 3araren tiIomi-ttending ltn !imry cou. 'tht-Altbut ami an 'Iiproqrem" of ere e r g t « a tl <o n r i n t - t l t n tS p e h n t r o d î u c t i n i n 1 9 6 I t m o uhDDrMrist; ht- ilrtit a i r.nrnf141t upîrçA iet n'rt,%tU4cd the ae,&lnoh 1111IIIfhIIa I~tJ 'it%-a% le*t"'-ed i Itu16-11. thre ftgrnrt-ofor flic "iamorn iho brdtre tittlrut w-beat cari ho mat- FOR U 8 Nma fl j I ttnu(4f '-miRt vit, i jaiiveaf &go. -n r#4t vithO4t dànger nt d4tmage hy - - rht' hi a hurrirane in 122 Figurt-n o! tir- Etlnotculand fr nil'y5 ptrcent. mbd lb a)ready Mny ~ Ct~ro i~ i !<k~ nes rti ndklil- offi-e aloetifor th"tiritih nft.lîly. roitîint tt Iera rethati cii-1th et 1 rujutt Isaut-ti. how ail recoirda tr a (odas w alpatrop. It tua o elf- H-ave Occurred There ll stancest Weatbevphe... hemestead entiey4 for f li te-I ntrrIid nrhent fothbce erly frost 'ontit I lýjt ýti7-rM tnjet of<he stra telnany year to eqat v'e .ntinrokuru. !nt tht- PralrIeg. and ls provlng tbt, Lai t40 Yersî-î î-alîr pcnao-tn~'rsfi-m e-a- totaloet6682 t-mines titelnt ruad . h'r i eldrtheg bcwbcabs - -.---- . -e-tt-d Atri-i-v mk ~ie- t ooepare<l w-lth41M!in iruiy ni lait Iown Ilui Estera Canadai. I{urtreanes have scceuîe J .t - t- . t f qrcof a il h erU. No ether i'rerfloua -mr ln otithe rîlbt.a ors -ât il-n' 'i 1-- t itisbiegutb>'Traite the £dnuo-titi ofile bas, apçroath- T4 ntuY -of 1-[lt bas maib n i n. ~rniug f ttt~v Fcwî i-tunîî- ni -rit h. GnlfcfMene. h u rt<guti it<liaire.ad practical effort le. tucife i. 1 i ýj

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