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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1930, p. 1

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0e 1 .. k! Rctý. spc- ort E * $1.25 Jiice, pr. ed fi r' ai t ti m a' art 3of t- i'- Oe iîii ca (-ln11 i r and i Miii 1-1 mi i t .tlin ti thi % fr l1- ha 1 Ki1LLED -1 t1tîiîr r i1 i l,.1il tiCsc ai'r ii m h 1' -I of 1111-i L1"iilrii Ilv wail reasonable O.Tihe ne ilwsys "TS I jet1 ise you te 'S AL. disgpoint 'rkei las, 210 ,ut Resuit, prices. le mnarket ,'il1Ty VOL. 66-NO. 14 WhiÏtby *Chambcr of Carnmerce Annual Meeting Next Week I)ficers Wil Be Elected And Important Malters Discus#*d a.t Meeting Calleci for Tuesday Evening Next in the Council Chamber-Store and House Numbering, arnd Programme For Luncheons WiIl Be Brought Up for Congideration -s- i an 111u1al nieettn. :ul '.\ bihv ,;itilb e of onîerc'-, fo0- t h - tinHon of offleers and transactioti othier business. wili bn held or> ,T«:cdaY ceventng ofrîe:t 'eel<. ýrp:enibcr .30L1. in the Councii Chaniber. This date was o de ,Pou at 'a inetinz eft t e Exe.i- te Conultteo lîirl ouNMonid'. .tening and xrenic'-< ( uer h1 I'reuident fi. A. Hutch1i>).. Th ue .eulon or îîunîb"r'.nl;tliu iusiineis p1arc aud lousem Of llV*iitby . whicli mas taken ut, ias.t1 .ear vill bDo lntrodu'.ed-for diiacus bfon l y IMI.. I . M r% iz,, witt- I lie Done biat moue derinit e art ion Miar'bc takf!x;. It l% fct <Dhat In a town of %N'blviîyhumiro-, this row. %enliiiCimls long o"i'rd- M.r. %.V. A. lilliîday will înt rai- duce the e ast if) n r.f holding nionthiy luncheons, and ai. oneofo theriî lnvIitng the bo> E of thé trjws of certain ages an be rupecil u.ests. Nir. Hliday bçlieveu tbai Wh1:110 son»'. othpr organiatiow Lulglit- underlake this work If P; not. being dune. H. lu or the tiplilon tial <lie buainess and pro- fess1onàI Men> of the townNi sho'.ùld bhow the.boys that tbîey are luter ested lit <Deni- A suggestion ruade by Mr tG NI. ÇoodfeIIow that ai rntle of (ho iunrheons localinen, instead of outgide speciai speak- ers. shouid b>' tnvited Ici gise bripf talks on Ihelr partîculai business, or profession. a plan foi- lowed l'y ' arious aerv.irecim i <> v-iii alan lte tntrodliced Thig ;ear. and ln 1929, se'erai '.ery surcres. 'i luncheons cere hebd. A uornînatlflg- comnittee o! J H4 Pérry. F. H. MNI.rwin. tý M. Goodfeibow and Frn-d l'owe '. naned L recommrend a board of L'lre<tors for the year. Tho b ard c levta <lie presideut and ot ier of- lbcrs. 1AN A~t thiti nîeçtilng a miottin"1 De lhtrodueed tu anmcnd tlhe Con- stittitoua provi(lipgihaut flvc ln- etead of elglit o! tii> Board ot (n fer thie tr4DsMatlohi f gerai CALLED TO THE BAR I< l( l it 1)1)% ,-%,n tir l1uïtiteatind -41uc' IdI> a%11o "Di Iri4Dai L..t ..ne ralird Io thp bar .,ît 006zoo.e Hall. Along VUSi WI[L OBSERVE A1RMISTICE DAYI Annual Parecie and Service November 9th-Arrange Winter Programme At fi %itou atteuidert rrcetlng 9f dit-l.' Winthy branch of th'e Lg0 held un Thtirdav isut, teut.tluvare WVHrTBY. ONT.,1 DAYLIGHTSAVING ENDS IN WHITSY SATURDAY IH uat Saving Tme, vbich bas l efet inWbitby sinc,<the<Md of April, viii end satqrday at midaligbt. or uilI -a.m. Suuday to b.e eact,. This ians that citifena Viii bave to usove <heur vatiies a&Mdclok barh an boer before retiig on saturday. ais.<bat church ser. % ices o ou mdy viii h. on Standard Time. la Oshawa. To- ronto. and other cillez, old lime wili b. reverted <o ntthl.etsm * ime au la Whhby. Da7lghl eaving bas b.. longer li <fret in Whitby thia year tau nfer- mer years, lhe extension eof<mue bcang arrangéd on the smages- Maon of lhe Rallvay Associa- tion of Canada. A mumber off rallvay train Chantres go Int efccl at tbe end ofthlb.veii. and partlcular. of thes. viii be f ound claehbere in Ibis isu.. WHITBYMIITR PLAN WORK FOR W'INTER_ MONTBSI Interdenooeinational Bible Clasa and Relief Discussod Elect Off cer At a meeting or tue Whitb - Min- ai.trisl ANmoiation h*ld <-n Friday aft.'rncon at thp hnnme of the Sec- r.tary, Re'-. T. F. Sest, offiera for t he season v crp elected and s nuni- ber of important matterrs discussed, relative ta tie Associations plan of work for thie vinter months. Ru'-. John Lîndi>. <of St. An- dre%' 9 Pre3byterian Church, uha, ha$ Wen president for the pat two y cars, ret.red. and Rev. D. B. Lang- ford, cf St. John'# Churrh, Fort Whîtby, was elecfltedt the presi. dents chair. Thle Association dii.cused the or- ganization of an inter-denmunation- ai bibe clasa, as augrested by CapI. Best. Wbîle fanerably inprgssed mitb the proposai. It mas fet <bat the better plan for Its ultiate r.- ali=ahon was for catch cl'ur.l' or- ranes a Bible Clasa of its owm 'og toaards ulot cof Ilun U bate on, a -k iei soloed, a banqu 'nugti w-"- -s' Notîcês are iblna S&ft'ouft te sLIIi -enînov on meptins .111 1* b; Plans fer ne*r>ig onuer. atane eru<bste oek . dalreheld on thfo hrt tandl third Tiursday 1 a iliet ewor% _40r the vwinter at endncel~leoed or.orcac;i tnntlî. tl,,-nt-%-tt iredinÇ mtha vM iredscuased and agTeed b"rýachaldtileul fr T'î ',oc. upon. Thle AseocIation wiul do smre. ~-12,. ;at _- '. PriTht m#et- thÎng towards meeting t»e.uany BLD R SI~[~ B' alleul fr 31p.nt irAitad etiliamadie on indvidual milters O.114 REMUENT- "'-îin an tretacit hungrymen. The Association antI- f "..niat oi %%h îich !s t'.'. - . iove-t'.d cipitaJ thit tiiere '.'iillie a greter f,'#,Tt, ii. înlrfeiiiit.demnd ultii*n ver for relief <turing1 i.-n'..-n'.e' ' t '. unc ~ h el- ecomlni vinter, o- lng ta se LIDiTui)RIST ofI d (tra ' v h'!erth" *are1,much uueniplormen<. Many Attend Funcral of î:.s '1",a> '.î.iý- "Itbrate SOCIAL EYENVNG AT U1NITED ".>1ç P 1: illt ho îîual an'CHRH -rs Mis. Westlake on r> i i :l' t' Ii itr h ~rieaif 'Ilre' in-r. t rSr îNover- Thfait ansd vinuter prograni of Monday brr h#,i. ..t'.!1- itîrritui ,-lbanquet vill jte United Churcb N'outS ig Ple's jh-i.il ' #1, 1eui k'aArnistitoilorttey commences on sMondai <lv- in the unilon Ceiilt (r> Moi1- Nigli' r-l'fi A prilct ext aemiig next.ta 8 a'clck. The open- day imorning thiere waru laid to re$tt <'. i r1 -, .11 f a ' . ( t umilt. iig uilght viii feature a niglit cf one of Wlitltbyloldesi and trItf- l'hî4 -. -tià-ýn .'re..l Luarranc. good fon and feilowahip. after i-hkb l<nown residetits ln the potion ob t lfot 1~tilirar.' .ane1t'Veteran., refreahrnenU vii be serv'md T'Fol mar>' Ann IRogers. 'uidow- of1f ! la >li 1w -îit 't.".I l"étlfnal a8- r'oUP s*iadiu OMernneon Monda', late William WentliIk>'l .ereased, Irag"r'",nU tl'r",ugh athr i- fltf'.i v,'n Oct. "t. oe" a courve lan-F'irst ki 'aD led eu.chd horipe sge tof ,the l'a"'.. m air'.' irr triantandntiisnt' anWl Ilother a course 80 years. vas practtcrAll .41 ltw ita rnh ~ ~ pie e'booi"eitte long realident of thte tusi. She huit l'or thé- pirnNr elurirany. are axk 'T=a ont oftMud.Y Fuil par- been ln failung beailh for a ronsld- cal i 'ttwEl t1itiýnd te -'<>41 Cie t- IUtar* "Iii k giron on Moay e".-ý erable lengtli. 0f Lime.but a. j i Ol .e. t iiilb..L it lu()' 'cltgge cbararteristiCalY briglit ai Tiirtd' ra t.Octrbor 2t,,. at7.30' citeerful andi bad a large niuniber et f riends. lier huéband.t. he late H iïgl School Fi -Wm. Wresilake va" for manx >eara tl a well mou'lu Wllitly contractt flLTl " lR r and owner ef several <rns 'ln ON R LU miss Viias this Coujuty. Site wae <ho uotiser INU L cfMrr. IR. W. Talint, WblthY. u'y uu -The tuneraltbock place rom <the ua-mi-îîL pourDUAIS faMlly reslditawe, Brock Str'eet LET FOR WA Te usul pmee e! ro soutb, e on cda-y te sî beraard.&- i crsi fe - uewbiaby ilaib rb oanCatholle Church Wvherc T i .IQlT I srseYom~eras a <IboTous nuesé vras cclebrated by <t.he llleIhyI'n. A U I0vltliAl b a *Wamu elure d o r'ather RYan. aller vhlch Inter' yteobtd ï*u ud Mnent took place ln the Union--- < <.bl .' Th «ti v as ai- Goyernment WiU s«Ur l l. ae ru o tt tqodjed b! a large number et t gtb rI ai<a l ,lreftd-swho' aeebled te paY Bricks For Builing 1* inS'I e<îrtia"Ysi tilr last tribute o et set < t<,> e'. ate s De 114umwais*4t desed. Thers e es uany beau- opt " t vor e bel t1fu'. Wreaths pflce ti<ho cash>' - At the'. bouge. and i uthle.gravit. ".lbouth aoucne' ' reui tut~ w»tesuu ffl~ aiso smpiritual offerhaga. The, madie ton 1Sat1rday by IIte Ontariote bu' d LI<et thuttoeta tIi beaj*?hlwer<t A. W. Jlackson.. Al- uoi'crnmneit MAI tni.brifk <ote tb Rte Uhmtu 7,A' a " bort Gen ti-oe Ba..Esdml. 9P.Ymuooug4etu tptublte buildings ilea- t>ro« .« *M es ~ bau te whtnï3y, F. Sonley andi A. Bau*- pated te b* re<ltl*t'dl.' leî ~- cW# 4em"o- l 0te # lm "Sud. tel. t c- luda; <Ibo large storae vai.- *M D$cea.d Ji s urnl yd b' os0iboumeet' Wbiutrr. w iibu . Pq - T OUM la t"e <bt*sson' eff -flaukhter. idrs. IR. W. Talilus. of cbalit ai < p tu i' narhsc Iuustooti v..,' "r. fa ecS9% s Whitb-y: four siselu. Mms.Ifanu e1 f toie& ecured (rom prolnçitai I .11w' fl a '0Ibe tus mue te NteDfonajd. Mru.Haroldi Audffli. prsons> no0vorti bus1bens rer*'4 te. m eOob'. ll* tut Ni.laa*a Elisha end n.auey P10*11i. et &a<rOStrtI btitaviwid'.dfer Iqeta *-a 01 e, t db" **'.kt Toronto.- andl ou. neplt- uet.B tbe W*ltby but1dues; le t mo te lagm b" ea s INtiier IWtlilam hora. !1tret. VsIIo Il* roitst liai"'t boMe tlfo&Wu ose& *W ____________ Il. vert Wu#i buspineed I tb isseImd tb S 5 IAlysIs CAM% JamhilWB bu*ýtt- 4lit u bt iabota e boase laI411, It* I154 Cob>Urg,--A Caseof lintile he"of t s b bcId<ag eforee t r m .1am '> t g ,s areporlîte rm'oIou .ti.85 i lîo. eeablag e«saci. C 1 t on.'. hésenor rom lu tihe C»uti.M. O w10 tx* s vS urt gÎl W. ton sehoot bau bMenplaeld lUdA r Miets I efiL lad - a. mecs.,. Braisai MY,SEPTEMBER 259 1930 Whitby Schoôls Have Atten&nce of779;' Largest_..on Record public School Haye 8SR Pupâà WithExtra Large Entrance CIass-Hlg e ho1 tt0dIl é f 213 Exceeda AUl Former Y.,,ý-Thfft=An- Taldng the Agrculture and Faim MechanicaCouimý -%Uool FiUed But No CrowdingExit _ _ _ _ _ total of 779 opos te no in NEW PPESIDEN'r attendance aetiithe 0bPubUi n Separate Schoole Of Whitby, accord- ing to figur.sfuTDished bytheaPcil cipals thia u«Ce lus total ate - anc. constitutes a retord lWin - bv. Every achool is ftili.d o'tp city. aithougli there is no =cua cron ding. The figures for thie &Cho*l are~ Seol....... ......5 St. Bcrnard's ...... .... ..... Toa......... .....79 1.i the Public Scbools the, &*0&ti a=c la divided as foUavas: KS Street ...... ..........4 Dundas Street....... .....10 Brock Street......... At the King Street ScJiooi Îhere is an exceptioually laffl £n== Clan>- this year. thereheiflg40o t he roll. A division basi nût bÇOu r oundt neoessany howger«, irinCi Sennett reports. fThe new Public School teaO»nr ar im ylip, at Kng Streetý'am M r. Jeranyn. at Sroclctreet. Gidj progrI4 il, b.lng mae in ail tie schoolo. witb the terni work Weil under wuy.11.1> LL? Oll At the High SCIhoolan enrolInuit Wb_ ba < el«ednew PI'?. of 212 pupila la tW .largegt li the &mt of #ho Wlby 3Mialtecil schools' ha;tory. Theteil a 900d Aunelatto. INela rerer o t it county pu]pil lisI thus yeTar a Iob*s a m ntPor Wî bl good rexistratîon for li dod~~p- 1 turai classes. Thirteenl pupils x gtudying agriuture. artn iutu- îc.etc.. a.nd a good term nti â ii departmnilqexp.ed St..BradsSPMê'hdh anormal attendance tiis Yeur. !The f enrolinient îlun otquilleas IarVs aM last v'ear, ausmre ferndes à're iu eiW l, AIl mCvea awuy durinseg ii ,MrIiP. 1eMM a asana1u guauàa u LOCAL TRAVE[LLE john C. nogerS. a realde»t ot Wbttby for the Puat fîtteen yatiý passed MW y et the St. Th0%A8 Ilenorlal l..apitl en oU nday. toi vhkch he b.d been contlned'for Iliree %-**ka.He vas u)<jsert- ousty 111 vble on a b uul rp: te Leaminttol' and vas tak»m by frtendii ta Si- Thomàas.Thed.eeai.,4 wau a commercial travails? sidud a large number ot me"*d la WbIt-by lie vas bi la IDWsston 48 e m * a.9. but spent the greater part of bit Ille la Wéatern Ontarlo. The fumer*% *aailueld oit Tuuaday afIC1' noona frois bil lae*redalnes on Brock it i tNortb. ServIce vwu condurted at the bouxe l'y Rei'.DUe prem Utiure. pastor ot Knox Prssby- tal*q Cburb. Oshava. and lnter- ment wu s ude lu Ororealde Venue- tery. Tic...servrtiat ane th, vldov. 6» eo. ÂUr.d C. Rt«* nt P.terborourb; a brother. LoIm. e t Mant*e n. b. ietuatm IItbeT te Westoa. snd tue sist«it. W uckliau and WMe CaUier. Ws teld Day. ucces fu Eqt 804t. Mr. lutebwlpo. 1claubs of V.,vs.-Mr. ,cq; mu01ar i<11 sMd m r sl.U * fruauhe Sre4l up 44 - I II~ ANNWLKMKT Un~d ciurc~ WUM4~ ~I Sera Ite aamiorary rn7 savi voa endt. 14f. A. ?dajisel lrv'i,, &.D., io t Oshaa asd tormerly circuit. vIii h. tb. 'apoewalpruec- ai- st botit services. llam. andi 7 p>m- The.Charcli ha.un Isterest- lns bIstor>'. la 1826 lhe 'Wbltby circuit ef the tien Mathodift Church i, o1 pýlsod the Tovuihipa of Hiopa. Clarke, l>arltiit0iio, WhItby. ZUt Whitbry. Plc.kelu;w. Soiirboro<i msritbau, Reacb. l<axbrldg., Brocli aud Mariposa. The.recorda shou tuer. ver. ulaoty-four rmnubura lu lfflOshuva vas set a offfri lhe ciel-.ull. barne aeeed a sep- arta rneabersblp oet adreti and eigiity-et'.ul lu 1874 tto citai-ote vuturtiier r."d<jed o Wbltby. Almusa !3ookIun. C'olurnbt&s nd MXoo &bd b"a m neuberobtp eof 43,Twe Y«earslîlaa tu174. MmUsoaated Wbitby bo.u seag',hais; a uumborabp tp 4 40. Tb* d v ril bappally b4»sr ou I m aa.Ah»oedaatIl Wap art@of L:a lt*uy ire«cuitTIc. at th* augu ubteitDow yus av ciere dbub*vfer r ma, ta* theLia -(kiaW PENNY RANK IN.ý PUBLIC SCHOOLS ON OCTOBER lat Tiie Penny Bank S eteu ii ho inauguraled tu tlb. Public Schoolu of Wbkhby on October- lai, accordiew to au aucounce- ment made by Principal IL A. Sennett. This veeb, il la ex- Peied, aàumeeting for organisa. lione iilbe beld at the echool. E-arly lasI Sprlug. the Beurd cf Education. on petilicu eoflji. Dunda Street Home and Sciiosi Club. sanctioned tb. establsh- meut of lhe Penny Bauk lu e.. clM ebool&a.nd appoluled a commitlee te main the DOCCO- bary arrangements. Tii. Bank, wblch bas as k~a chief -object thlb encouragement et hbrifI amans bchool cbuldren, bau b... Very nu fui througbout the Iprainm. and uchool ebuidre MW bave over tvo million dol- larn on 600,81t. TiieBanik iii no doubt prove uucceaafi i err. .NOT BEEN BRISK RERE THIS YÉAR Permit& I.sued ta PDat.Total $14,750-Som: More, ThXrIMhas not been a1 by, accordinfeto4ures of nurits lssed su 1 edby Buildittg Ipect- or If. L. Pingle. Upurmmli tus week seventeeti per. mita b.d been lssued thus >ear, witb a %ilue of $14,760. Ther. are stil souuo permiste o come. some ala-> ing andi repairlng being under way sued m0 far. Te only large work eent.mplate>d Ibis allis le are-i bouse and storage bulldigat thé Ontario nospltaetmate o cou Pernuts lssed se fti tusyea.r Fred Mliii, addition te dweUlup Centr" tr4= $00. . eN.Cobe, tame, dwellibtg, out talde Greelu stro.t a". '.0 P. -oeri, adtion ta houait on M .WW all tiaultgbul Georesaura. tielulngarc*I Sbt betwWelen Viril and Smtond Strfets, S$3.- ,WilliIagmeeIser, additon te bou*s on Gilbert Street soull, i, mO A. J. Fluke, cabinsmimfd touriat Place. f anecai. n GeoreAllin,trm aî an ur.i'..A.melntoubh.Olflveflts te dwellimw, Cent tr ë* W Ger" llarr1s.I1Pfflmets toi Mm-s-Campe, refreamut boots> BrouIs South, 100 John Varmniioe.dwellilsg eat ad Gpane' tmi4$180. Mmra.George I>avey. dalelnt. cai ide Dyron streai1 p,50 D. A. Wilson, aMm -MmrnOnufel- inDFundas Eut, $W0. RldgIey. double garage, Dun- di street. $150-a0 DM1 F. NTM? - o" Pc9 n. A.' up.se LE ONTARIO CQUNTY'S LEADING WEEKLY. P1urat School Fair At Brooklin The Best Ever Hetd In County. Substantial lncrease in Nuniber of High Quality Exhibits in AUl Depurtments, Witb an Attendance of Over One Thouand-Agricultural Representative Says Fair Bet He Hsa Seen ini County-First Aid Work and Music New Features CAilLEnDTO THE BAR' son cf Db bar a t &InngW attendanc, and a substantial in- crese ini the number ci ex>ibits of *th-e highest quality, the. anuitial Rural Sehool Far, heid t Brookil on Friday last wa iag o success Ten chools ?artclpated ln the Pair, which W . 1. Croskery, B.S.A., aq- riculturl reprentative for Ontaro Couty, In conversation - %Vth the. Gaette ad Chronicle, declared .was the best F ir lie bad iv r s.» M £* fc ho camne ho Ontario County. c The. day -was idealfor thé. i1'irp th e wcather boîng al that ,_o ld h doaired. Prom &oki i il parla of the. district Ox wbltrs and r tro>it came, andl ut two eeied tas es. aatml liaI ove n0,111 thouuaud -ol wr i i.Cô»-, uuuty Parkwhre the pair vW" lv i. T " -. Waltir o4f the exhibis I~ ~~~e a- CIuOS 11Mir., )V Cros- ksry stated. wu outmatading.aid tbe tente swonsot, bien'? t boial them. Tii. #ffits c U*da 1~ ~ ~~~u' theILUA na ii UMM progtuý uud es. a P.11k.Th*. Stratite ou rt geoie tien -latut k y ac oo ta ing part,:u i i i ' m eliii o iila The ltdWeu 1a11u isteal liai they are in ut*" d.vn -at m FIIJ' IDA-I ne eture jlas Matches Bl~d tht lbai-n amtd'i id< sa<jetlng,-on wu, .~ the, Proprty et )MA - LuSky' Gardo îl* wq Sîrcel, Whliby. - icr. vas t> - Ù. 7gpb] ouranc,Accrdungt 1q)Fire Chidki Wuii, The, 1 liant Sinkth isbamatie an investiga. tWalt The blaze -wu j sprctaculal ont #W lam atndi could W sciai for a coiîderable' MW DeI distance. ht stattçd inat s ay sick Wltwy anti î<reud to tac adljoitaîlast&csct. ; l'he 'the fircîtacu fougitth le blase for'fui- idu ir 1>' thîce l'ous vutla chicials and ie> waier, andi ly goeal ork savedl the < barn-anal baick houie. As there la mto ii>'raatit hat viciniurllic large !lI puiuper b.dgo bho îukterW hote creek uJJ sou:, diSt3nde away Ott the M te 1 tho creci the heu">' machine veau e' ilurouglu a v'poalc civert, 411d il vas H e4es>'tatt grt 1t, 04t. I1< liadu- ntIJ "ute and tiieO t oaNt t oth eam i m'ee put IitsrMb msi many 91 touns of C kah itsere 15 i 9o oie ou tihe flates. 1li ns sliaig<o 'Finn -oiw f <the Siacks. MUt. Liui.Féru-B ky. lias W, A arsucnt of Whi,îby f'or vmaay y 1f~lie operate% a S"W1 faim i 'alibis thei. <cvIi UsÎO vsAt 'i-t'rk v licu aboy c=ie fiain>g fr*icet ut t ilS tacip a cui- G iu'g sitafýtlO o te iii he i.bouse thes cm, il$0s cW fa t i at i+hIl bel, Sçru'gdon « l. b>' ibe tw'&- ; waîcîvor$ks sYsin. t ýte The. Ore bra*ra eut shoot ltire b'- ai-t un clc .4Mt 4 vas tes rcfo* tbitfort he j, <la flrrm#".<i ot the ipparallti back X Mét in th bitnýý %wa ram coatha .1<4v 17,5 Aluuoadu au tel TelIwln le var Dam~,P qui 1- i '4 tder t 6fiÀ at FI, .L il*, L', - 1

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