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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1930, p. 2

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- ~-i.,-.---. 7le ýPAGf£ Omo 3.0 9 v- lm vus pou YOVNfi MECHANIL FRON SUNDER14NU 1 MLLED IN CRASH Câ»dian Natàoiul Coing West-4.36 a.m.. daity. 5.36 a.m., daily. 5.48 a.m.. dally. 5.18 a.m.. dally except Sunday. ".19 P.m.. daHy «eept Sunday. 6.56 P.M.. dally. 8.19 p.m., dally cxcePt Sunday. GOIng Ea3t-8-10 a.rn.. dally ex- cept Sunday. 12-44 p.m., dally exrppt sunday. 1.49 P.M.. dally. 5 -2 9 p. m., dally exc@pt Sunday. 9.27 pým.. dally. 10.58 p.m., d&lly. 11-39 p.m.. dally. GoJng North-8.26 a. m.. and '.30 p.m., dally except Sunday. Arrive from North-7.60 a-m., an d 1. ! s p. m. Arrive from orono-S.sd a.m.. Monday, IVednesday ud IrridaY. 10-30 a.m.. Titesda,-. Thursday and Saturday. qui NEW Highway Nlfic Act Reqirements NOW IN FORQE (a) LAW LiaWlity for Bod-3y Injuries or Death tc, the Public. Fmnk Doyle Crashed Into Bridge& Near Canningt*n And Met Imtant Death Frank Doyle. 22 vears old. garagc iiiechan"c at Sunderland, Nas ainiost tnstantl.,, killed %%hen hir crastird into a bridgé s 'x miles N-,c,,t of Canning- toit about midniglit on NVediiesday. Tliere was no one in the car at tÉc time of the accident and it 13 not k-nown what caused the %«oung man to hit the bridge. lie %va% found tâter by another niotorist %%,h,--, inime- diately went for a doctor but lifc was extinct on the arrival oi the doctor froni Cannington. His body was orderr.d rcino%-cd tc) Sunimer- beldt's Undertakring Parlours at Cannington %%here a jury qunimoned by the county rorontr Inter viewed the bodv and then adjourned until a latcr date. Doyle hasi only been in Sunder- land for a fe-t%- nintiths and liad bcen Nvorking at a local garage. lie %%>,as believed tc havé becn réturning to his boarding bouse at the tinie of the accident. He is survived by hl% mother and father and a siuniber of brothers and sisters vvho réside on Grace Street. Toronto. It ,%-a % t o this address that thé- bLAy was tâter reniovrd and froin Nhich the funerai Look place on Monday. (11PHA tw WA WOMAN SUEqS STIIEFJ Ryo ANU nnRUn,,,r LU, mm Mat Toppî,ng aaims Damages For lnpmi« Re- ceived in Accident rotect Youruë by Insurance. Lownt 'Rates Avaïtable Obtained. P p La We Dudley 1 C"n" h»Wance Fire làfe Wu* r -y Ontario BuainESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS IL XWYNEDY wetévlie moi MM ange »it" -ti«i e 1 A. X ROBMN FUMO Dirmtthr Md Fwwtqgro Droomine Ont. ý. n.'e wqf ce TOWN bki ý -- -'-- --- --i "ILWAY TM T"M Rallway iume tabies tor the Canadian Natlonal and Cuadiau Paelfte R&Ilway& ehowine trains arriving at'and departing from Whitby istationn'are as toUows: AU tratns run en standard time. C.&"di" Pacifie Gol ng West, 6.67 a.m. dally, 8.35 a.m., dally ex-cept Suaday. 3.27 P-rn.. dailir. 6.43 p.m., dally. Goinz east-9.40 &Lm., dally. 2.ýS D.m.. dailLy. 7.45 p.m.. dally except Sunday. Il p.w., dally. 12-01 midnight. daily (stops only to ]et off vaasengerv for London and the ýr«t). SAND and GRA VEL riret.eka gmvm am atid for cowx*U vork. debiu" zt Ùea6% mou et ZF We hm thm tméàm Md eu make prompt miffly., Alu LOAN SA» AWD LoAu m GAROU pulrom Al» Suint for Wu es kwas, old vellg, abc. TAXI sionvm to Md kofi au trl*$. bu»drM te« *var. ne tunwi ont pa**d <*r »nb ot ILOY&I Mu* h terama «t tbe tmm *b»W et ibt uq* wlut «« tbo Mr tfflu "d- *9 imr Wb«l* boum kwWM oi t» rAlb due to kY tmdltt« et Un pa'v«»W. BO gowed do» «d MM *nn tlt«t to ag t» M% ode of eb"ught fflu*ý bt: fte **,tm* vbtmlw te it " ttmo t" Mr lm* ow» b»dr*& fou mr b4 atiàw*& TU trua, w» won vroteow-- Votbl mal" » wu tbe twi« dut a lm# tmwb& ywt » be -co*W MIt drtv« ý« tbeSr «mld tbw4tnek ou t" la1w »* utd'tW Ow force ot tbo*dMdoa SwW tbe "agoir *9 tbotracU Wbgé »Mi- 1;l" ý ýýt lý ,qmt *bo*t, & mr bug* w#b bmbw *DPUO& t» dar eft« tbe bt«bg V*dýv- CANADUN PACMO av. RAIL & ORAN TICK&Tst Connections vlth &Il Railways and Stemahips. bionoy ordo" lesued. For all Informatton. phone, vrite or caIL Tickets dolivered if destred. S. R. BLOW, Afflt, Broek Str*«tý South, Whltby. Ont. P.O. Box 403, Phono 434 of the '.tien'& Orgwùt&tJ« of AU saints Church. Wldtbr. above represent chameters 'ho iseen tu the lx)l)ulni Play **.Itull iurys to be maged ln Whitby Friday eveniup of urit TOU-11 M&JI on Thui 1 OciL 2 and a. under the &uvpiýl- b'dcration in the case. - Ris Lordship coiiinicntcd on the fact that the Kec- nail car had skidded 3uch a long distance m-ith the brakes locked and had entered the ditch and uoUhedi off a fiftten inch teicphone pore. -ln commenling on thi.% Ilis Lordship stated that on the facts it would sccin as if die estimate of Oswald \\ cirký-. who said the Kmnan car %%as travelling at Icast fifty-five mi- les ail heur was conservative. **I t1ililk it very fortunate that instead (A onc. iIrrý were not mort killed,*' HiN Lordship continenttd. There were th-ee courses open to the jury in finding a verdict, justice Raney said. The firit of thest oil brin ing in a verdict of not &%Ilty, dir] tlýn sceni appropriale- The sec- Ond--Course was to bring in a verdict oi 11l'ansiaughter, while tbe third car- ried a less serious stignia than. nun- sUu#bter. to find Keumn had been g lit of causing eevou bodily harni. The jury retired and is ilow considering its verdict. ý Th 's aiternoon the suit for dani- axes, laid by )Jm Mac TWping, of 0-shawa, against the Osbawa Street Rail%%-ay and the Smitb Tfanîpgrt Ce.. foi pm«W înjuries will bc heardý - Mm Topping was buti isi a calision betw«n a Muet m Qwn- -ta -t4- tire drivea Iýr Iffi Ski] fra., Lý; ý-g" fýý'c pavcniclit îP frit % -m ilf lect 1rimil thf 'j'(01t v, 'C1-ý 1 Krenail ctitered flic ditch Keciiati. mho tovk thc siand 1-1 Ii;ý o%%ti defrtice !kayil lic liad bcc-i itig -;nýc \pri! ý,i« thv; ]Tc fýa1d Oial hf 11.1(1 dincil lits (ai alnio5t dr.%Cr,ý- tilglit -clurirg flic f.1)1-11lg ;illf-1 cariv çutiiiiier. 1'l, iold Ille court lie mas 'f'. 110 hurry un JuIy wh ait] had noi On Ili, way frolil Toronto. At the mile of flic accident he thotiglit bc ll;ký! of tillie to pas,ç tire lýirce car% ahtad. Afier b1cý%v îng hi% lyrn, bc iIrcw -out. sprrdex,' up, but crîd not drlc lie said. WhC çýj-qx)sl- the Icading car his -,%htels shininty and he was unable t(i '01-1 ilte car Straiglit on the road 1-le ai once applied Iiis brak-r,ý aiid tlic rrâsli 1,lacc ai- most at L#Ilcc Cro!,s exâtiiiiied I)N G-un- 5ci Kernân could moi tell rxactly how fast his car mas 1 but flic spced mas -.11>0111 forty lillirs an hour. lie eti-pliatt'caliv àtille(j the statcilient made by one of the \Vecks fatnd)-. whc, had said that$ flic ap- Proaching cars liad siowed 81111ost to a &top to gâe hilu a chance to grt bý.ck into the fine of traffic. and fre- iterated his statement that he bad plenty of time to cet back into h4 place 1,4 bi&--a4dr*,U I»tdship JLjýteC'ý luney teïvicwed shCý Points of law W bc taken into cou- on Jul), ôth. on the Kingston Iligh- %vay, two miles rast of Pickering. Kernan picaded not guilty tu the charge througil b, courtcl. M r 41arnni. Thc thici mitnesbcs for tht Cro%%n %%"C r C the nieniber% uf the \Veeks fatiiii), of Oshawa. l'lie drivicg lictile f roni a picrlic at Frerichnian's Bay, i %vab statcd They %,,crc sortie els!tatirir cast oi l'ickcr- irig, m-1tricssrs !,aÎd, wlitn thry licard the (if a horli behind thriti and - car driven by Kecnan shoi by at hlgh rate of siSed. wittimrs who %vere rading in the car bchirid said that ilicre m-as traffic eoming froin the Ca-st but that Ft m.-vas quite dose. Thrre were two cars ahead nf theni mith a space of approitiially two car lerigths I)et%%ecn jheni NVmicsec,ý $aid that instrad of %lOwil1ý; do%% :1 and goitig back into line. the Kettl- ait car kept on ai ils hig*,i -Pted an 1 swcreýJ into place in fine 1)ui falied to stav tlicrc, and-veered to Ille crri- trr of the road and thui ,ý%xerved back Io the South aide of Ille road and cnterrd the ditch. wlicie st lut a tcleplione pole, illapplilg il off close tn the greund. The Keenan car turn- rd ovcr pltining Krenati and licln- tosh undernrath. ît was 3uted.- When puiled out Mcintosli «s unconsciSs and died shortly afier",,rd. H#Iaway-T-r»ffl ' oirlc* S. ý,AAfj11 liard, ý%%-hU Io* =e of the aco- dent, told the courir- that there wert FOND fiuluy or NiNfi 6RIEVOVS ý HUDILY INJVRY James Keenan Tried at Whit. by Following Hijhway Fatality ,(b) Lffll Liability for Damge to Othem Property of James Kee' nan. of Toronto. chargod-with MiLnolauighter as a rt#ult of the death of James Mc- Iritooh. also of Toronto. in an autàmobile accid«i near Pick. eringr en july a. was on Thurs- day aftemoeu fourid guijty by à jury before Mr. Justice Raney ltn, supreme court haro of doing trie. vious boddy -barni. On Friday moming ha vu riven a sentence of six months in jail. Aiter the conipletion or the rv'- --dence in the Morrison trlàl tilt lirM criminal case oit the docket of tlic Suprerne Court was t.,liat of Rex vi. James' P. Kccnan, of Toronto, who ýlauÛhtet,.' The çharge liaving Men put of the*death ci Yames blclntoshi T-he afternoon session of the Supreme Court lu teuton at Wbit- by lazt Thursd&y benn the firat of the Civil Cases en the docket. The case taken was that of Mm Mao Top-, ping, an Oshawa lady. who ls ukins damases froin the Oshawa Street Etýallway and the Smith Tra=Port Company. T>e case arose out of a tolusion betwem a atreet car."d ý a tnmqmt tmek «wwWý by tbe Omittt on pe OVUL et J4PrUý , 71ht' "bfflK I 'ad injurtu -from WWeb tt il allot- bd ehe, le Dot yet foll'y retovered. NIrs. -Topplag told the court thut Îhe lm a pm«ger .« a etre« car bound soutb on Slmeoo stm« en tbe avenlet of AprIl Ttb. Sbe - uld. abe was alttlog la the, -frcat ot tbe ear. sud was tbrowa to tbe igoot Whou tbo Mr car" tato collision With the transport truet »tw«='14*p> Ar«» »d Roye Sout TM W*rt« lubleb the Te- 0elved te ber bad ow*Wtat- 04 ber stalInc la-tue 0"*,Wa a*> Dm tor au» tltue aftff wblc-b. me V" Inot able to carry -ou ber bmm«lt U SU bad dm btftm "M *&Ad«t 'btd Md* bar Very maim &ad #» bad e« r«pbod ftla u» et *» of ber Umba. uedw*4 «Woffl *U alqrýt*ý. by Dm pro", xeuf4il" "d sto"rtýl or #U*'a* au, et 'Wb= effl tbeft *U a vm»m of tbo ýffl km "d - tbu I» Wu, « à mieu M. ýpoofttm id*» tb* *«Idtttt 1 cbarlés Imordý of T««to. ddt« tb* tmek told th* e«rt tbat b* ïWaa «Mat nomb M gt*eoe wie« *V«ùos trivl»g bte trut,#. ý lit Fe Ne MWIN F, 0, NLAWN la Umigei »Il paffl bftàc d*U*«" to pur taid«os *Itbut obUotm leu "u te; boy; or me «mgt« ot rWducb C, am -IMM &àcmïýý lama - ý r -pp"vi SOU& 0 IlOntarw* Countys Leading Weekly'-' Printé for 52 w in the year all the' news of thè County, Town'and the farmînt district surrounding it. Hundreds of people reid the Gazette and Chromide week- ly to keep- infornwd au 1" and dîstrict matten. It is botter a letter from home. AU Home Print. Mmy Dqm.rtmmt& f ilimil-1 mal " ONLY, $2*00 PER WHITBY GAZEI 1 -'CHROM 'THURSDAY, SIP17EMBER 25.1930 Mr. 1 and Lir Miss end at Mr. spendin Miss her hol Soupd. Mrs. week ir lý'l r. ; and 31 i witli M Miss week ci can. Mr. à Mrs. R, in Broo Mr. 0 rie, we for the Mrs. Miss Mi, day wit been -i man, o Mrs. has bee ham. - M r. rl Mrs. M friends night. Mr. Warren -of Suti Mr Jo( The- e-vening Mrs. 1 Miss and M charge absence Quite atten4e Mr. days. Mrs. Vera R raine Sanday, Sed at 4ËFhuréh 0 of t S- Tùésdaý cert wil Corners numberi cordi Mr. zn, rdative Mr. 1 ily. of titi ETTE GAZ -AND tn DY fer ana iovu acmerumS. À Àvortiotre, laffl or-MM& uni ««ria if and utisf«tSy rmulte AS -A,

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