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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Sep 1930, p. 4

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.~ i... --. ~ 4,5.4 ~.. 54-'s~iv -'~i~ - s... - 'tSi, - - -~ . .1' -a- John Heard-Short-stop. One of LL '~.the town's coming athietes; a splen-1 tIounobuing .lid player; aLso interested in hoc- key-ail of whlch lie takes a keen WV jth Sport sporting itrs n BYA. FANi Bob Halliday-AWs a Short-stop. --1 and a- good one. George Scott-Left Field. One of TUE TXIS BYS the begt nf the youngsters. He'; FolloNwing la the Personnel ofth fast. and one of the team's heftý Tuxiis Boys' Softball teairn champ- ssi1yeCnte 'ii.The best ions i! the Oshaua Induçttrial Lea- utilîty ylfgnaonteea; C-11 g"" iplay almost any position on the field.> uc. Mli, manage r. and i < t weli.; specially good at Raymonld le;an <~'.an the back-stop position. The taîl-.sI good one at that. pla'vor atid voars to go % .et as a jun- Clifford Mayno. Pitchrr. - i.; lor pae -young man ish a <ompr ini this dé- LsoW lsnr-Ala a centre fioXi partaient of the popular out-door er. He'i cone aster as thp vear- sport. He îh. houn'l to iîmpro'-o asroi! .arund. he becomes older. He's gnod ron V roi Nov ran-1Zight Field. strike-outis, but it'i thr pitcher who gonod hattpr atil aliays anxiou, can keep hit-s w cIl -c,3ttered that h. (, lîs ;bitto'ýardF the çuccess of ne in the greatest demnacd. and young te arn. inngtFed Mayne ili rcach this tags- hetore 1,ft' <4i-rcdn-gtFl.I he reaches thé, pin'acar :i :therîtrdc not kn"w,\ thîs yn-nig nîound. tnbut. I-c wouidnft htherke l' William Baker, i atchrr. Baker w as n ot of soini Ur-e. has proved himiself tho sto n Hn -aroM Aiiusu.tU5Thgh t I:e fluence to Maynir. The t% o w ork Tli~i: a) or h:îs cinot takeri prt' together weli. .rnany gaines thi; s so~n. but h- Walter Brown-First B.o.Ho an adoppt (.iireachirg firrst base ' fields his poeition weii and is a:so th, .four-ball*' nethcid. good at the bat. Th-w tcnn ha., brought ceY~ Norgrove Cieinence-Spconri Base. the tic n 'n jde flrst year ini outc --1 Always a willirt.g and read\ plaý r- leaguise cM pan v%. a,] of .%hich sh' idpendable-a splendid characteristirc .h;t capable managrnirt and tram- in a player.pivcr o Keith Cooke-Third Ba.,e. '.He l re*s hpinz thit tho:. ili 4n- knows how," but is, attimrer. jirone tinur as a uni t .1nd(j o on to 'r to forget wvbat it's ail about. In an- ther -succO5- nr th< conîîngyvear-, nther year he'Il st.eariy down andf make any of thern hustIc to catchI 1w bprcr.OrC' of the Sea-1- J1ý plac sa'k. hby T~ nleaguç- Chazopici s. j isplc at thr, thirîl akV4, - r dV*lten 0 i c 'i il >11Mb *cames irat. gentlemen ? i ssk )ou thot! HesîitIt ef courke! Now, tuhat nue fnoïo, l -estfor p"ole -linga* taat.,asiortwicde or isarroA., >ouîg ors ai', s-niior iek? Efllrest farsMl! Su re: 3111k isu't only for babIes-lum gond fou- the whi faindy. GEO. HAMERS Tinsmithirig, Sheet Metal Work Furnacee, Eavetroughing, etc. Have your furnace cleaned amd ovntauld Ow#.ý -Do you loeow thet Myt7 urnacesames pipes cole dampuasa md cause ruai. Look after theoe uio aneiIave thenv deawam d repased. Woek guao, j I t GEO.- HAMERS (Rw 1 Mdtyohm -dw Ph... 60mm WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRC :)NICLE,ý THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 will appear1 in the next issue of the ter wlien A. WalkOir doubled to Ieft son (3 fît. 9 in.); Julia Neskel, Gazette. fi teld. H. Rolmes was sate 011 an 3 Mary I)Oniis.7 SPOTIN NOES error by N. Taylor ln centre feid,. Bigh J111111> Sr.)-1, Ilarguer. SPORING OTESB. Morgan ftied to centre. V. Fui. Iite Mehrthur (3 f4. 9 in)j;2Jean N*o, the Tuxis Boys have not re- ton drew a walk, wblle E. Elliott bMacConnell; 3, Marion Qaborne. ceived their trophy yet from the of- popped in the short stop. 1 Goold Throwing Basebali (Jr.-l. ficpr.- of th*- Oshawca Industrial made the third out, short to IOrat-. Oa Wilson 146 WL 2 In.); .Julia 1,eagrue.- Perhaps there's a reason. Ater these Iwo Ininîgs It iras Neakel; 3. Suale Adams. The mriter hopes not. Nothiniz so jmst a breeze- home fer the Cher,. Throwîng Basebali tSr.1-1. llestroys true s;.port as unsportarnan- They allowed the Owen 80usdag LortaCni.13t.&l.2 -hip. * arpgation taso ras In the third. one Ioel Baey ,MrnU-- ini thro slxth. three In thé' seventh t'ornel rwe .Mro s Oi1 Ne'lnesîifaY e\kening Of ia--t and one ln the drighth. Bealdes bre week the lRed Aces f aied tii shom liant they added in their owu total Tbrowiflg Basebaîl (Jr.>-1. up f-r the second garne in Whitby. ty gettiar one In the fourtia, two Joan Wilson. 57 fI. 2 ln.. ,Rm after having defaulted the ficst onein itheiasfifth, two In the aeîenth aud Wlsber: 3,.- Elleen Gît-son. n Oshawa. There'.; a niggec in the four in thé, eigiaih. Tbrowlng Basket Bail (Sr.)- - nriod-piie somnewhere. More about Scoro by Inulg:- l. Betty Lêwler, 55 fi. 5 in. 2 thislatp. 1 ") 6 79 9 Marion Osborne; 1., Violet Hall 'Cr~.R 2 0 i120 2 4 x-19 Forai Relay Race Jr.-1. The Whithv BRovprs are rmakinz ç%wlva!;. :20R:20 1<1) 1 o-qpCommercIal B: 2. Form il., z'irraligemnikrt-s to kee.p in trînt thui Box Score Form 1. ce'ming wînter so that thcy mil! 1w Porai Relay Tia ci (Sr.) 1, fit andi reai fefr a strenuou.- sort- Ilrh..Il. :.'ti"I, - nail Frason neNt -,ea r. It h. the I 'ri id. 13r , Àn~ H Loi 1. 2 oc .Fortu rtentioli of those t'ilcharge tritako n1 r' 6 i1, uit bowl.ing throughout lhe %%inter, end i i62 Gr2Ateno a very goodl idea indeed. Therr îs VEioi >6 t Iuun ra un ci~ a report going the roundz that the c i i.2 . 2i622'i in.l-i. Joan Wilson; 2 mnanageciuent of the tcam %icil brin rWabr.: 1i 4 iElizabeth Soutiawell; ,,. Julia Ses- . difTlrernt ha'ids next seasoin. 'ch.-. H lionines. r, 1t1 i2 ïlaI. 1cftvWîih. thî seaon scoach. If i l' Norian. ss ý< unn ra Icp<r-. rucb is the case ilt cili) he a change'V Vuliloi. r--t2O4 1 1 fL'2 Iin.- 1. -,jargueritcoNic- i the rîgbt dirction. If thilç oung F ilti f .Iî'cS2Zt Arth ur; 2, Mary Darton; . ar mari vh thoolugh! undr-qund; 2 '. arySpedal ScilIng of man. who horought un'ierstands - - - f mcConneil. NESOE<LSA! tho- zame incii; finor pointst. unider- Toil Z7 15 49 19 li SckN*ace, 25 yardsAND taks l' managemrient of the tcari-. Wa IVa S akRCC3' q(Ii-.SOK as %% P as coachin;z thcmn. al lIo-%ers lC A Y AB R H JlsNae Black, Bluc. Khakl and Blue cf thse gins' g in I hitby an, i rrrdbxy 11.it-2 cIn Sack Race. -Z àyards S 1...., Sirîpe Overalîs andi Smocks district vaii ho highiy pleasopd. an(' T1 pi eBetty Lawler; ",Marguerite M-'htleIrglai I 15 %%rel imav- thry- l-ok fer a chamlp- 'i;:.1 2 .2, 2- *Arthur. 3. Mary %IçConnell. andi 195. Moctilh$ 2 'bein-sp tea managemenrtT-si.& : N, et 'Rce(Jr.)-!. E. Glil FEnd Sale $192 heLeo,.undr sri ar.goner' tikio. ~ - -~ 1 3, son and IB. hMeltyre; . H.Fo; - and coachmn:. that the Rovic< 'ii roîn . .. il ,~~ 1 tonandi R. Wilsher 3. R. .Tas_ L)EjW4 -ot. ICO -TS, turnthoictk "ithut ouih iwiu'O Iorlso. -~ - boki ntiM. tewrt.Friday and saturday only - -- -- - iaddri.p Z. i 1 I Novelty Race îSr.)-1. Betty 'r xoe l tc nsl <-HEVS WIN ~eî;t t P' n.~-OOO4 -o0o Las-ler and Mary liarton; 2. Mary Cor lines Istockys lo sart - - - - - - - ! - a n d J e a n M c C o n n e ll: ri. % a r g u e r - f r'-alu ile d 6 . 9 5 uan d . 0 r - (T -odlius~1 ' 'otl i 24 Il n 40 9 l i 1e McArthur andi Sheila Las-ler. an$4$69 adS .95 Fi ThouCh<1w i- - f "hama. 1;-%rd i mîcres --B-aLccmbe. plaie- J.; Jotato fRac-e îJr-)--¶ Julia aan up In at\i#- ni c -r sin îhetr zrm >cti.sso Neskie; 2. Margaret Sleep; 3. Rose ___________.. _....__$4.95 5oucnd W aiWaIv ' cnt' ide nVaraboltl.i Soun d 'yaNîrît; t sîl i h Oten I otaoloRare (10-r.'- a ry ToNsE U L GEi Stâdiun ndci am ir l rit iw iIl 'McConanurIt MAr Ï I il Aco d run r!trRU RAI s um F I hurn 3.îDeb?; Lawler. Vest.RguZ r -4* tl A f1 p 1 e R(on inin;ATBROOILUNI!pRlZE WINNERS I vl a oli u hs tcher- %%as Uile doubf s' io !'he final (Continucti from Page 1) no-as1'Alflfte ila I 11% - fhai *<'r o bte hreire nlanv enlýies ýthis 3vear ai; last. T>llfltqi [iiTi Li an li '3 h tz vag alv n tbiptttino pen tclasses, third i. lnkd lioas i a: iIrrîliý i operii nthe J:t BROOKLINTo st::lv' 45 loko1l 1 N% ieiPat ntttnerg %%.ro: Mar-Y WilsOn, S. S ( (I ai ir iizic' h n tc hm fioid a"1d No. 2., Whîthy; Marjory l. S.i45 pi-nmiîci 'h- 1otS-r il. F, ast Vhitby; and MarionMe'Swar B,ý gaine ticile herf t'a.4<quliioas lfubbard. S. S. No. 8. East Whitb>-. fCoutnued (rom page 1- i }eaftu'r hadiathat %el] regula ai-o rzaihprîing cf fanl. the rmajor. AIl1 of the contasrtants -ere girls., gr3,EienR!S r>o ' t3 0 fo olrsy ;ii. ntwhoin mArn fronti Osianaa. n IThrs "'as aise a r"cibatlon ron- Agar 3 W. DeSîil'e'-t.,ain ra olcllrsy ' ýâtict i Re Il'e team Ithe rneceîoniny test.,'nith fiv-e prise -Piers, Ra)- Csa St-Beiin tse2W.-nr -'nruîagrn"" The'- u r- als Ycet1. NO. 2: M3rgaret Lockypar, B<>okBlanche Blair FEIAr - icroero!Tnoctîî fan. s-ho No. 6. Helen Jacksonî, No. 6. An e16,6B . Amylso I2n- c tameoal PSin cthe whopfof mseeîng Grahlanu, Ko. 4, snd Nora Nesbitt,Babr lsnS,$ e3 -omen ha( rut of îbhe ordicisry IniNo. i. t li-gwaretW Lockyer 6W, Gladys li ah av ,ef hall gamn;and ai ifThe .ioneistic science exhibits we"i'5 me&5E.LemFad Srs eF.d~--Ir1 .crned oul Itht' acre tint disap- erY good this 1 eàr. Sonue of thi, rd Book-Mcrn lndBuesEEli "pne.It mlght ho said tiioiigh %airle" of hoime cookiiig miade maD PrcutaSk 6E rina ltpgrahanu iV that the Toronto erow-ti%ère cheer- a ioulb watpr. Thtis contest requir- PNreem 6Eon7e, nia rantone . E Icig Ccir 0- 'IA*aas nt the stan ifrO Pupils not onlY f0 diaplay CtleNr =0W ruthoomn 7E.la rno but shîfleti thPir ilîegîance atter c'OOking wares, but also show ho 2,RuhGs-M F th gie a gu arupeof lu- tables should be sraet.s. 58->'Evenn"--4tli Book- Pom 1 nings.There is an increafed luterest in Heleu Brosi, .1.Doris Davie 1W, ('bevo. go( 19 bits. eîghî of!h sl" f wes Teewers e B M. FGisher 7,2U. Tr li7W soute creditable exhibita thia vear. E W ihr7,Rt rl W 1 hic-h we for extra bases.- The belte dry speIî does nual em to b~ave Ciass 57-Crayon Drawing of higit lîgits of (ho gaie w see tbe in#terfe < ith S* eýu Dsw TddyBor- h»Y sMa- mrn home. ruas ogaron.r.d h i ,Choes. exest.o W RTli dy aa pit 6W ark RDI ITIIM iII V RlltIla te (lds-Il f-o The. boys take a peat dotal of In. =-kyr 6w. Leslie perry <Vw, mia, fIfltl Li4IM E s-ble Goldaci A.Wakerecaiatorat iipet- stock. There uwere ome1bcezmY 3W. Jadcle L-nde 7W. Coi onc .Two hgl iss îti aiea play- fice eXhîbit.s this year, s-hile ini fliC4» 68 -Crayon drus-i cfnta Q ed a piartiniiiblieCh"eus,'x uirbry. .%. tix-estock departaient there %ras i&*îih i-lt bock.- l R ac akson and È. Ellint es-ahgettlng ans- the humbeyand qu*Iity of exhibite. PVOUSS 6W. lCaiith ma>'nsed 6W. Tb@. punuch. dticrlayed h- the Chou- T h e wirmuereof the' csautpîonship Peari Gîtbert . ,Vitoria Agar 3w. ta n lie geîîgepd Ib otue estoai hy silvelr ehIeld awardeJ t.o the scho. Cil49- Pd etanil or blrd In uls CntbêsCoTa th. fa-i ihai four of the p~layers winning the greafest, number -of PIi< rC m> t fSyib.2l5d boo- Bar- th C tûes a T - bit 11%0 htcýndrPd peneenl. for lte points per pupils on thsermil s-ill b. bam ilso SO W, Mrgauet Lookycu- Vai One. Hundrsd Milca gaisue I Goold, V Elîtot. M. El. annolunW dliter. Thîst sbield Miut6W YdisyBll 3.Lewis ird ln" and A alr ld bceam tu b. s-enstissee tlie*before b.ecamnsg MW.Doethy ROMd4W. ,Leesard Pat Hour hittinîg a ilht ire- bits ach In laix the pernn t j'roperty of thse s- l MltM 8 limle% alt'ai Figlît of thse nias uer. #Mse sbinerl o et ise . Raton C"au 60-A Bird on a Brmnth In- Qaiî.wt s-o !m.te.*btd te*% tes; 1 biL Das-las. 1 m ,s- - - - l#w - 1 j ii 0.14 tIosa«m lt e ea-. mi Pd» I* iSJt1 uG. Sommt> 1 Grtssldbr leokscd ai icrtai balla .'t ' Nsi:, tt& %.1 And uît a lbad cns $a.-t tNr'd bn esli hd;OiSI WIidsoig aaufte bit bae cet tnu*). Smie. $88S4 'l e.îE »Mt e~* bita uer. ctlu p osa;I A aerm;2 . a double ta-o wte ibi*de«nlt** ii. 0 T.Dm&s (3w.-. iNarÏarw out. pI.idte o frsi %n- Mil . *l& a " %eoal it ~ir bLotet (b. ssu Ctls oi . oi tî ,,N ,Pm ut bou» aite Oe(oud~ Id Umm,*.toMM~ - v« b ea i Oo. *,A * Umte os a 6bu Se amp1. v i -I.. # Nim m selonmr. O" , à, I-------e-------M-----c PrAR E!G m- MO¶TH -ENDSA 40 LA-DIERS' SILK DRtESS1 AT HALF PRICE N. %Montb End Sale of Ladies' Dresses that la realy wortb All colom alsid a Coudassortuient of sizes in the lot. V >12.W5 tu $1.95. On Sale, HALV PRICE SAVE $5 ON ANY COJ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A specisi reduction on our newv Fait and WVinter Coats foi da)% only, jupt (o star t he season rlght. Any Coat In the ValucNes,0 t2~O o $55.00. Ail the. latest and best we car cure. &53.00 off Any Coat For Two Do» (July. Vali l'lild Cisck and SI ripe tilES', ILANNEL-S lues up in 31.00 yardi. Sein,2yards for............ .$1000 CONIBINATION OVERALIUS Khaki or Blue Comblnatlon Oî'eralls thiat Pri rnt $2.94. %lont$2End Sale ............ 21 NIENIS 1îAlRhIGGAN, CUMUl NATIONs Regular $1.2b Combiuatlons. Heavy weight !lalbrlggau for (aIl wear. 'Month End 8 Sale. Per suit ... 89 1>I 1411 IK FG fo Yrd.%.O fo ..ar . ..... $ 1.0 ., in. Rayon 4 vars......$10 PRulE ISîi, 1FTLL FANIMONEI) 1105E SArvice 'tVeght, tlr.,t qualitî,. Fuît Fatkhlatnd Hote that la -Illiig regu-lar nt $1 2 pai r. Flrur VIN 1l1% Bramnd$j 9 "ýpe<ili.pat....$1 9 Men's. Fine Shirts ar- SeParato Collar or Collitr A-, W tacbed st',lets.alues .So 50ti $1M5'.onth End Sale. 'LAND LTD.j WHITBY Freak Kittetu .nd Cata That Fuà ?4:dleorî N.~-Acurions f reak ef natutre bas accur-conuteinbfa"i ef 1. A. Duxigê. ntîar lieue.twvp kit- tens born in tir. i>odge's barn art czch equipped wih double forepawsî. T he extra paws grow out directt y trutu the. ankie joinbs-ard appau-entiy dot itat iscotîîtiode thea hiffens in the 11nîglitt. On--the saute tarm $sortie (-f the cati bvebeeri goirig ia-ing Mf iste. Titibrook wLmkh runt- ihrouagb(lie tarm i$ lm boit entiuely d4r-:d up andridssalli brok-tmW have bmt leit stranded inth Ie srmUl pools. Thse cati have msade a practka of go. ins to the. buo6k andi catcinu thcsc ist te lied their kiticer MORE rpREST faIlE cAuta, Me:.-Tw4ica as maity fer. est L#es bave sWept ihruugh thâ stsui *dils thie carrent ycar at ln the tise periit M.9st.i as hen. tiW irouned b.tii. Forast Contsiuslou.ý Its totaltit* forit Pafrot ,ivicibat 1 ba,« bs-rfflad-,ud11 poatihi ce.- 04 ipf Ibo pisbtk. Su 14 tiet s8-,44,aamtcýt M.say b. abt uikrNeiaLae. GIRLS' SILK LIINGEJ SI'ECIALLY BEDUCI Vests aud Bloomers. 2 10 6 yrs. Reg. 49e for N'eàta and Bloomiers, 8 to 14 yrs. Reg. 59c for Night Gowxîs. 2 to 14 yrs. Reg. $1.00. -for Slips, 2 to 14 years. Rleg. $1.00, for It will pay you to pli these now for Xmas Gif GlRLA' NAVY SKIRTS NIIi)DIES ON SALI Navy 1'ieated Sklrts. i Io 14 years. Tiegular also White Msddlos witl or Red Coilars. Sizes 6 rears. Reg. $1.50. On Sale. per garment .... CHECK Di)INITY PYJ.4 Regular $1,19. On Sale ............ LINEN TEA TOWIi 1Eeg. :c alo $ q for..$. Tormenïts You' DO Tufs for QUlck eu1ft Meut digest ive mUfrhl5 ýta êi ta *tab mu-eh &Cid" 1l1 (b, 8tam. -aviç causiti; gis, heartbuin, ito0iý sels pain sud -other d itrosa14 eyiptozu, B>'tabla; a Uittle Blel. arated Magneoia &fier eatlg t o whenever pa eltfY.041prompet- 1>- rimoe a tht cause u-t. titi troubla. fltarated Mgul ê- trels e cesa aid lnattly. Te digestive ergasa are sothelc, Wal- cd and strouitbfened lt Wüir- fui wey, and normal bgalt4 lbp 4fr aaf. esuai la-endlu" dItére tiroirble., <acters rftzeoMap$ls- ar.4*Mgrse# and - - â-d- use i ll oyat th1e c1vI.IUU41ý Tbaca fi - nu-- botter i- -~ -.-.-,~,-'--.--."-n t Si.t "i ~ :1 e -~ I. 't t J Dr tWO store. m pro- 38C 48c 79c 79c rehase 4 A .%*D uSies6 5 te 14 98C AMAS 75C Iu~ Et- mi II~ LU

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