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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 1

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VOL 66-NO. 37 Manty Matters at With by Town Coum_ Train Orders arefi Council ]Fece That Service on Wbuitby.Lindny Uà tbough Da»ly, Is S-ilJ Unsatsfctry"ouuýf Way ta Give Financial He'p to Whitby Pulvm pital-Applications for Water and Sewer-Ok ters'Dealt With_____ ______ Dr Io Nt (Pro' il P1,0. ON MONDAYNIGffl Recelved report e1t du.'T#" Audirsansd referredIt te lie Finance Commttee. Received aad 6ied aglvy Board orders r. traIu.rvie M Wýhmby-lndsay am Wbab11. Port Hope and Oroo >C %. IL Unes. Authorizet i ugalng of agres ments fer righ-fwýy ifeg privai. landsis a Wamd fw duplicate iwater mi. Dec.ded that I1h had nspoer te fiuneally assIst h b p. vate Hospitalbutel vJtad t- ther isuggestio n a Coammis. l ion. I)ecîded net te partisse W year a muiigrapi t ealtgM&.ý chine for hou-n oflce. - Referreti virW»e c*muumir.. lions le the die Ce«Mawt. tees. 1-RB~I S1931 Ciredit Note ,f $Z 237,20 3 From (»ýtario-Hy dfo mi. ~ thT<>~'of Ilt~ um" g ii to Yesr cf Or$500C sojet rot l g IanI lof Ttywu Cou*a eor~tO< eailb b i.r.A Z»etry, d41ýr..t te e stary vlaI D .ertieftrlt et (att. &Pd Di> ffltNtb, 4irtot of tii. lâbor- attu. ett a Je oint tate eMe la tus Loun-lCb*lnb.r OU yriday- e*tWg& A nmber et ýùtere*t*d dttesas re aloo tla aumdaue IUoh- prov1»tl lbeautir-depart- tatai t »ertu t"-"M or tiieberne. fit oe i.towa offIcla-the wboi. 111810V? et mli utfY8tOLDr. D*m Illustriteil -bis remaiks wtl sci ot s0fIsatern sudes sbowlng thi lp»rop*bd proper ltItry aiitÃ"dsta andlg be mi1king Co» And ase oth, Mt1 upply". V1.w*aýet ditereot typeset Pastbor- Iat~, lon me *r. tbtexou "t hé mo!ft, »dntibeir mthtet paeu ation emplat..Di%- wry v«r *Utgty erapbaai dtha WIIFTO Bniaeurtlon bati bean 1*1.4 1 bu* evn ffortire as adisom . gyftiy. >leW.. au old catim tri« methotiofiue t vlketlmtîlo tmdLIoe .w~bbmid Mbe-atieptel iiW OVW act.fly.Dt>4-Serry, #.4dDr. Miilibb mae t verypilae tbul1ee weto prusut te hatll tbo' eou O iothba i isboultide.obut ta r te ire tnore*tleu. Tbile - .tiýý* tl@u 4 ffthe. tiqsutment j»,er as umilhk vs w» ea4 **u eeO*piy wu reir hrtii Ȕ'Jo. em, cRo.aoutatir -, A peaszitgarns.hithe tarn oa-oa t Z8¶ame tte ii.oices MissakIon.wuhvasWbtby's muahanti-- tm a te hhrteùth r' tram the f or tii yoar endint October; 3104, 19Xê 1ncIdentefly, Tbesay was the. bîrthday ot Supen=*tendlent G.ý . P.Every. and h. loked UPOU' thene t as nier.or 1*eu ot a bùrtlw day gUTi. Le -munt, la the. Iargerst- foi w" hie tiP.U.C. bam been given, audit 'in .non 0» etx sinc the towin pt Iit beca*= a parnner in,1 the. gre a 4roenterpnre. IThe. note fer $=7» Z20bri4atht] k*mmnWt of the net operating surplus: of the. CommIsson in the electric. Utandi power department to $51-. 4?&79.adCIIaWIs eISing taken car. jr w5 333 per borse power. tRie yes.rbefore,- so ttssubsanutWair*ductlan bas botu mati.e. l tià dSte more ecozz emicaioperation on e ,pateof the, In uùjtemth bm» shows aiu ainouht of 34M4 forljutercat-el~ Lered on 1lm alneWh" inl, et !V0urse, the amUnt ofthé. credit r'htowur8, equt> it It 9e0Hydr f0yat bffer JeA y enDlngOctober r~&,1930, WusPMS7.9. Tii. ,tQwur*atotal eqalty,,lnUke systezu -P*w stands at $K,67.-a t"it là w1oing eacb yer. ltma.v 1itby anti vanlonaothuer unct,1 aes wilova tue gseut dse vincial ydre system ne R. ydre *cnWya trutft fr tbé mulcleli ~~t-nhing loch, stock anid uamgs It hg ntemaigtto me ucI wbwt iysP. U 'a àgnçu saees yer from acli omàrua as $,X ZK wh?9, the. oegthht unllua val& tire ~ i ne làeain ura rot lb teC ta ghe tua Mdi.0,grOs M- greelg nins vauaKeyeer alter Dr. IL RMcbir.T*l ONTARIO COUNTYS LEADINt WEEKGLYý ùuncialBooks hm Fine Sape isRep SA of the Town Auditors eof~ Dr. L.B ucCIus% a inediasinùs-, sioliiry r.oumly, retWme re h= For- ZM 1 4 ~uandu1»w spending a Eu1tf eo 0dC 11 o 3uiday suIn& andi a e of hîsl&pzv îmwh1I. carry- Dr. KteCinide tMt"wnatives of For«a.satir t viiom mma Fo~~rn whh.rb.d"establhed Ils e* asetiêl n wubth ImIIy l seli b*t e a St .wmubm 1ul but ihIwho We aa1e hxfor a mne 8 aue*t aitof hWx care of beggsW& l'wouk b«Ma in a . asag ie deeleti t tmS thepdaeI akd.1 l Utand led apnthing liii .we iaoe mk10 nd asttutlen for beggam wviI.b h ~ hiffumies Maube Tii. moou W a vas.ntve F*r- = À Ir1*~.e, b.artWýS. Dehutue ebilaReduced by Over Two Tbôusand Doa.- Ian Duning l930--Statement of Receipts sud Expendi twr. Shows Use Made of Civic Fwids-Cotunci De- chues to BuY Puiing Machie for Use in Town OfIes--ConaidlersLoca Industry Now Doimg Prin$ng CIZENS' BAND SACRED CONCERT SUCCESSFUL EVENT The. saced Cencert given by the Whltby Citimaend' htith ti own nial ons Suaday eventngr, tire firist af lie~~~~~ sesn r ttthose is-ho at- tendedte be an evenuof very en- laboe#lensiament. Tii. attend- anc, vll not large, vas good, the balbelig about iralt filled. The bandi, nu*ibeling thirty member-, and uàdený lie bba t oBmniter J. Broabiot, nend.ed seeral excel- lent nu Ihs.listeters aoted a very 'manketi Unprovemenî ithe bandi. Several rnev snd dhifit tnumbera yen.renrre exeptionely welI. A feature vIs the appearanceet meV- "ra Juniormenibeis vie are ne. ýclng a vabs exnn. t ambin ieuit oa eeton, by L«nautd wth Habla iclo at hahy FIli" Tlured. MOI Jamu Ra luwa e ton. The report of thitowu auditerc, W- M. Jermyn and C. A. Fre=m covering 'the bock» o! the ITomWjf Whitby, Board oit Education, Pubic Utilîty Commission an« PublaLi.. rary Board, for the yeai' endig De- cemnier 3lst, a1930. Was preseated te the Town Councilomnts>«MeO ing and referred toe eF1 ac Comuittce for conuideration at 5 port. The unditors repettbtte faune te v ero&Ukeedftbo'pàëy been fuliy maintatncd,'and 18a scei it tg ïour town clerk "reitis 'A. clause in lhe rept. Thre assessinent,:I t ýAZMIase and Collecter H. L IJiginM theaÙd- item reporteti, wne "efJy <*eek-e ed viith thi le o r's ai OUas *ts sesSutents entereti ýth ~1 i m r found- correct. Debeuture Dhebt ,Rduceoi< TI% Atitesreporlti a redqcUe In the t*wii's debétmitar.4e1Mý $&9669118,se a- bbbh'I34 mert $art «; OiiZS4LB hr à . Board of Eiontù 4 LIi For' 38C 48 c 79c 79c t'.5 0.J 98Ç 75c loo The- Town Counicil on 'MondaY t eveung recelvuçi fro' m the Do- cnInion Board uf Rlailway Commis- gnesa copy of the erdera pro- vldlng a dally nxed train seffir Du the Whltby-Inoidsay Une of the CeLnadian National. and a tri-week- iy service on til.,WhI yOqo Port llopc llne Couricili oiîi-j]d oiv re orv tee offered un 1 ',%V Wlrr U-Iindeay Une to he very tintatisto (tor). and so far a thf- northoouifd train wae concernud, jriu ically uir.ini astnucl as t h. rohool ci dren comtnq r-or I la the moriiing ta Whlthv. w id 1w- imaloie to re- turn by t rai. 'the ïrirth train, it Was Shür i, wr h1i l% ' titby ai 11.30 ai u! rvn r-îorning 'Fouth w ou di i iylit tle tlMEr to stay in N% Icr Ah nothing else corid bk ull-. hotu arders wili be flled. A < r rt nra Io -ac receelved fl*om tIir Corporat ian of t he town Of Port lalhorrsl.'. a!kJixg ald froin thre town to carry a n artion to the Privy Coun Il, follnwing thne ap- peal of a juluinrnet lux their favor that had bfrou irrntddd down hv Jdztice \Vri-gi. agairIbt the Cotinty et Lincoln. l'le communication istated that the couniY had appeai- ed againrrt Liii decloin of the Jus- tice, Who lîad upheld the conten- tion of the town that there aboula b. saine rebate piaid by the coun. ty ta the ,corpnration on. moneys Vald ln for county road purposes. .TiheMcit ulstrtucted the. clork te com-Muricate witth Port Dàhhou- 31. villagrd atirte effeet that the Coutity (of Ontariola I.noN takini rtbate paymnenta ta thre town ot Whitby tI roads accouut, and tumt they were nçt ln a pouitloo that 'wo'ud ibc effected.by thre does of the Judges.1 caninot HeIp Hospital The IFinance .Committee, ln ,LU report, preseîîted by the Chair- man, W. M. Pringle, recommend- ed the payaient of a number ef sccuts ta the- amount ot ever Oix bUnd Md- dollars. The om.rn tdittOO aiWO atated la their report tRe>' çPIuid see Do way iian lc tii.>' *Cnlld entend inauclai #id to hbati luse pEtd ôi' b>' Ka >b44I owuu, at ture 4îst u. ta, t tÇý cùtu.-They hg ho-ne,#er, tuat It 1! et tbh o l1pa Id «suage8t sou moins 11V whlëh'aid 'onîd ,bo giv. en that the committec wonl& bp ready.to constder such. vMiss Me-. Kecabd OUtiined a, proposai .ta provide _-QUarteris for indlcent p%- tientas,1 The. finante comIn Sttec r e- coiemendeti that thre usual charge Of $16, Pet night, be madle tir thre use a! lhe town hall en %jarch 111, 20, 21, and 23, when the Canadian Cbautauqua Ijans to nuill tus@ town. Mone>' For Water rtai» A letter froin tir Publie ttlity COMIninipon asking for t6:367.62, ta, psy the coet of qu eilt-.ncl, cast iran *ater main on Contre street sentit, bel ween Ketb and Victoria sitrOots. Thtis Main la paîrt of the duplicate main aygtem new under construction as a relief meurean sd for which th, e on Weilirecel,, hait tram thi e >Main- ton Qoenomnt unernpleymoa RtelIet Fond. 'The requost wa Tii. Conmtt en Town 1>rperty submitted ai JQort, iwhieh vas adopted, o mne»nclng that no&a.- tion 1»s taken a thi esnt Unme ou the prope'ra1 ho plrchzie a print4nt machie fo te town afqkee. This machine wau demtnstrated bto th Council two web agi, and whUle COIýncti waS VOry 1tavorabi>' Itpres- 0scd witJ t , toqetiior wuthtii. fie thmtby I se Mtue tewn miglit, aa polatect eut by iaget, mare on ts . !nnual PnnlWl Il vas toit tat. terferfiî Ijn- âp the to*n gooti t Blileville,...'-La yc'ar, ttp<rSpe Lions in rites w by thé local -c Cession et the Rcio anitii. Commission « the li d y4cnm ovcr $6OGinu canse forýyi, & thre coinçe 1.ind values Over 00 N CULd Tbat ý th md mata u lte poi5 tfroi"he b"hati v«it«tMr44ôoan0" Tekhxg for hWi.tut, 1ýÂsd Jasas tri Lb. rmw*t," -r. iKasi stress.d tRe t tbtt i.Prs- tortan Churebiffvsl askle churciandudlauatbeg id i t t chldrena. Tb* ehIIl4 mtt e la thie nutisImdati sa't MinI hw maue la lie berne d the Ibysra &aem oateo le f afI 11*be .4n agli* et todar ares o te oom ftte eitamand et h u supporters eotti.ei~% ls- uasla plu.d thet put qs« *W #otiy fras 7a irntu rale whlcb ta olmn1iine 1a ae th eda.-U te" .'eereet pew..a 4»se bo » Vreausc tbir ream voom 1. toenfl euday. Th* faluneor .t bUCUs d$Meeu e ie si*os<«_t» benys ant gnsor to«yi fb MlI'. seisa -"*ntu et, pu4#4lewis- ed ér «»W ci#e Mj la aau4 rn~ mêach Y ou :t.îlng 14 du8 t ther, rioti riburi i Mtoir disti esslag aliti!. Bi,, reatng orr tîgnesi ileu- "san't1>*Thre iti a ' d' Ihcalthy dil- Lt e-it m - ig dige rive enimend BI. d thesands vilizoci e orld. Irndigestilonr irectîve. Xot r powder or t good dru'< anci trouhles tet fllruratfed d again ecirJcu -(r e palnlepr. sgcr itet [93(1. 1

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