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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1931, p. 4

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e -~ r IIsdascseid te Sulton &km secount of the dest*b M (21e.) . F.est lanspend- inel Mo;ntrea wth lbe M. >1118 Kthleen Best. LW. Beaulsi spersding a flew wM lbfrienda In Lindsay ansd Alex Brown, of AshStreet. =infortune te fali and break lieregular Monthly meeting of 1 = ~uty of Ontario Old Girl?' Association will be held lu the lib- r*y buflding on Tuesday, Match 10, at 4,p.m. Mma.3. Patteracu, who has been tic..&thie. moutha' trip te Ireland, lxretuu home on Monda>' evenlng, )algspent a dellghtful holiday. Mmra.J. Stiner, who ha been vizit- lhg In Toronto for several weeks, han returned t6 thse home of her dighter, Mrm. W. H. Kennedy. Meurs. uDick" Walters and Jas. Èimpn,ýof Pont.iac, luth., were Yiaît- ors lu lewis on Sunday nt thse hone of' Mr. W. G. Waltems Um Doroti> Long, acconspanled, lyMseRus and Jean Robert- o of Toronto, spent thse weci< end aI ûebomne of the formers mother, ltrs. James Long. M . PWebster, of DB n St. suZ ad bis brother Mr red We#ster,, ot Toronto, uet on Monday for Rloopeston, 111, t. be wlth their brother, *ho fTuserIously fil. li1f. husGraut; ex .reeve of Wbitby 'TownsUspo'and Mr. Oscar »owney,C'iousuBorer Inspector, were &ttsudAig a budlous rmeettng In W tbnTueaday afternoon. 21erv. T. IF. Best wlflcenduet a vo Iô» aptotCu eh. Toronto, iv e $dm lndà iàs a in Toron- X.-Êa1eOII has Purchased a 1 *O~qsIOIs~>tore inwisrtm nd goa soff I s«erarsweekrs -xraeý Pirsou with- br çmfcient wM aarsgethe, hitby store Opimm m adPeptimx" la thse nmict 'Tlslalb. ,§rot Ime Osi.Boi basu eeUdreet1 W1 tbZ 2iho' d1Id"I be greeted bj aI Miss e&MnGrhffths,]DI., cf: the Chlamgo Law Sehol on F"Iât>,asd Mr. and m s. ld dCooch MetRam- lIONa u ila Ms>'Coc, Of the Blsop Bethure Sehool, Of Oshwa, ôn Baturda',wae visitors at the home of Dr. &udM s. J. I. Van- We are desirous of obtailat twen- ty copies of the Gazette sud Chien- icle, of Feb. 26th. Anycue havlng "o0ies of thst issue pleatusetste thia office. W. wiIl psy 6c peu ce» for smre. NEW DAIET Mr. E. U. Patterson, cf Brooklinu. is st.artlng a new MMIktouite in Whitby, on Monda>' zext. Mr. Pst- terson has a fine herd of pu» brvd l Jerseys and wilI oeil pre jersey mîlk. Mr. J. Tomns will hy* charge of thse Whtby route. NEW FEATURE IN GAZETTE ln keeping wth Its polie>' of con- stantly improving lthe paper snd making it more interestng,the Gaz- ette and Chromecle 1h1 fWek *a augUrates a new festulrlentitled "In the Garden," b yGdolndsay Smnth, the Onrt aeQs ~gon page two. Thse feature wrll ho f ound o ut lUf value to amateur garden- ers and citizen& whe take a pride iu malclug their homes snd grounds beaut1ful with flowers IMPROVING -BUILDING Thse building forxerly occupied by thse Bell- Telephone Company, and owned by Mr. I. N. Baatt«, 1 un- dergoing extensive ixuprovement. Mr. Basst: is renovating thse entire buildng sud putting lu two uew store fronts, as well as fitting up à nies apartment on tise second floor. SUPREME COURT MONDAY Thee s1ttînsgs f thse Supremne ourt for Ontario Cit>' i~ll open st thse Court lHomseonMonday before IMn. Justice lKelly. There are no criminal cases te ho disposed of. The civil docket contairis several jury and sojur>tsions, oite cf thexu an ap. =lcto for a divorce deree. Thse court, it la expecte, wIlI sit aul week, unleas s Pme cf the listed caffl are settled bcfore tritl, whleh often happons. At thse United Gisurcis on Sonda> aI both services thse preacher will ho ,the Rer. E.. S. Bishop, formerly of the' metropchitÉn Churcis, fegie. Jas -tie aftemnoms at Almonàdatisé preacher will ho Rer. D. B. Lanmg- ci B t t. Johns Churth, Port Wbitby. Tise niulter, Rev. A.L L Richarde, lisDSw mcli mpved-r if tii.mem ag i« eAbe »mlb Cash anid-I Ends Saturday, arh -14, opàn ~ .sladvertI5 %m lim o em usqu cas ~ ~ ~ iifs "air m*-,s yad oe -M9 Grante waque, neled Ware mmryEa"ed Pnc lmé i m e»ui«n iaes fou demi .Specw& bargai....... a........am...m $9J Brock Stret SoithWitby r*ns- . Huteblsnreelved a wa= dfi 'Tm e wekos»ebsé to bistpnemr town, mnsId bis atori Of o«gaizaton mi,= le-vtme4uta imasd obJecta Of à* Md Whltby ChamburetOfCOMs»biree, b- j~ tbo wib aMM -siggutious for, tvsd la t MOrmba .som dlb. coin. É6:. h tn=x m ultapet Of iecanber, how r rIt 8brt busiemers togletier in »oo aWaWY, mmd how a live Bard ~rg ~'rxd.could, bybrakg deo n ~h. mtem o ettcam hut. lb. iv. eptp W.taeM. gnaduating citas,4 members guests inrIuded thse frienUa -College Board sud theïr wive bers ofthUe fa"at sdsa "At Home"' waa h1eid lu the lwn, where potted plantsan ations in thse college colom.l light blue, made a eharnM ground for tise ocesaon. 10 of thse junior cli* assisted I ereshuienta. whlch vres the beautifui common tom supp¶er table wss altrtleval at îhbowls of Iris, cp and mezuidis n the coilegop GOLDEN ANNIVEUSfi OBSERVED 1IN LINUS Former Mayor sud Mr&.- aanç*m, f resay vwe.Idng o0TM ad>, e tisci %vre rarried lZn b rexndd by'terfsfyl presmiled vti a puer,»! bîth«5 aI.& ir. ikinmn e ýO Ï -scldîn Mv. Jr. Wi h». hm ,a r l. ?cantq "rved Inbds>' as Aldf rmas t me ra b19"0 an4 11-97-ifi e. -&eadiqg«t ef WliI1y tort tise Ltudsmy, Pott Ileiy 1 et A Ëmdti,-'Ïe « e wiaii5 taeape t. alim, la beadlug uts mIa&~m tSecalCIIPrlu m 0 rubbez - t".Coulsno' M som- The dramatie chas of the ontarlo Ladie' Golege wîlfl #poMumo uStt ' Mi SimlhayhteS* PM, ISoutb, 9.'PIfclnvite& d. mini P. X. &Imlvan, nIlm dpluube, Mnd tumtBrick strict ortb. Ilqos 1w Whtby. The Randflouectator maya: "w., etlaapleaain, ernetsud li. Ipmessve speker.»Hearm lu hi bw letureinla theBaptiat in Witbyand dstrforS=Ufe *mSCo. 1of ada. Phono 8u -ut cet ymOMMTsupet athe St. Pet- rick's Baisar on Thumday, Match -12th, at United Church, . Me of home codklng snd fanc chunh bo ms.reh b121h, lSth. The Ladies' ld of thb. Baptiat Chorh wMhold a alWe ofHomae C"king, wn r aid&M St. Pst- rWesteaIn b. GuncilChamber Rcg. Parrott. pfwnblnlu betlngcil burnem b and pucm pres urepmps etc. -Ph= e4«L. Be sune to ttend the SL t. atich Buisai, luthe United Cburmh ool roin on Thursday sad Frday, Match 12th sud U3tb tomanimPalaeeKSLWbltb. Phono 54. licarCpt. lest PneWedrsesdy Opuùimtals» sd P.'p#mùmlu h.To- wuisto"lbe a s of MdE ptsmïn, pâ ii& 36lnqu 4y".qm 4 yar MERcHAMRISEAT RFM" PDURDE NEDIN 1 226im wide ADnwps* LADIS'«UREy". Aheel.Pr 9.- "ODCOFORTER BiTS,- LADES ÀN CHLDR Snan shade&oS adIcqar 3el Pair . ..... CRÉTONE & HBA 366. u.w flo~ iTSn wing du~el $1L00 $1,00 mw ENR ~ IMMD SHIRTS LADIES' SILK HOSE Pure aL ruin-«àwffco wit aran Lâ, MWi owsss.Sb f tdm.79c 3 ýPair ...ý $ 0 C.HLREWSI~lO RUNSL y.usR~ MEN 10 C.49$1 00 IS AND $1.0 for Cidiens U,00f 0 Ldis auce orj mmet o! -o!elb. 4 simd a W.&w.dsiy Mavch 18~ COIN'SO STORE TLJRNER'S IREPÀJR STORE &urge'Bread soéa =&ade 'An WustImy wIth the Vut ater. ment 0 outa poL si t the. une t6ae bis~votIun lyou Sêurgen lBwssd ê#4,sud t eudo<lL0.Tbd selfbepaj lmt.Bet W- amuslt" T btisel b Mythext Monda>'sw lutg sMd pis>'a picW âtoam rem lise co»UmMa*od, lfis IbCou . yrwary. 1 3th, Wlstbr lever of the musaI game vi joa »rmq tg34 Toromato tePlay tise relus s-lM Aritis *N*DW$sp suboten lesm. Y4d ST. PAMThII lis*"A UNITED ifIURO ardu sud Ms.Casehl work. 'uprsvdb uqa 5.80,foîiwei !cood W*u -rx gràs dslnIe. *e. . uta am served @on Tid"I., 8k AI W#ca auspices etlu» WOOa'a . c.SimV, and Xm , udM *i i Il i I r I t f t j AT ~1I j: I.?l ttr. 17

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