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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 4

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JOHN R. FROST, II IUPr ciof tise Towns f ________ itby. I l! 4 SON'SilI telic le.-For the tiro th1.&ason navîga t55 n a OP- I TT~ 'IHE WFITBY GAZETTEài.CHRONIC LE.I~HURSDAY, APRIL 16, 1931, I 's iiEislOltlASi ni. h 1 elubeofllSi. ]3 B1yChurch G r eiu vIu 8 te l4 ndinsructive And 1Man- a db. u ple BUTTER FningZER \I nschBandai, wlao bis ETILZER CitienalDary. 33cand Mill eflda for Steamned Bone Mos!. Citzoui Dir ....... 3e Il, ,ti-monîhs arîje hlos on Wizard Sheep Mhu,.. PoilPcrSunrcmer 33c . nd:l lirt eWIenia.MnSacco--ise COnaplate, balanced Plant Food. m- Stleii and 1f nl. 'p. Wilson SEEDS, VEGETABLË AND FLOWER. jfe Toronto (Il Sâtlrdai -oRnni'i, St.. rla Co, Cllver'a, M int Sauce4 te fornUic1îOWieYn, 5 and 10 cent packets and in uk ;IT i )rot th Re Wekand U î u. Nie. or lab<aniolh'r\i athisoaa, or Oshawa. Special Mixture, and i adF Nook. ALGRAorDieaiUndotox Gardening Toola cf aà ilnde, fam msd lawc Moisis.___1__Thesonbnirdin Juno , whe i2iirs 11recolvo hir iipio- .LACQUERS ma idiiir awarda. it linox8ect- Panii£v Poo cd___ S os mbera of the Anoerican'A&WfrFély%" hodig herannuel nonVOntionlein T,;noI une, and Whno are te E G iiilHopiai harsoilsa abody, 0 i]atntho graduation exer. SPECIALS, Per Dos.__________ ________ NE fRIAIMPIIOVEDOMNT 25e ar~~~vn the fondé.of IbmeS«toatOna W A .H I d y & Co the Oniarin Hopt mitu golf Cour se la :ho1 u. teot n o tbe hopitai grOlîllté2s dto the0Ibm Brock Street SothtiPhone 26 _______________________ recrenatlOii lfacilItitellnow prsvtdel fri iheapatients i tb5IàïttOtion. Thr onan rl bl. lit opoPtlon ____________________________ <II patients ln alto belng pro- ot Cari Rosa,"and the nId favor- Ojur Service 0 A î 11 ie, 'Rock of Ae, A n nouncemnents Tie contributions of tbe choir .IÇIIT O IIT l iAITpJ, bthe programme rere or a Tory CU YO*J BEAT IT? li xetd that Iba ol Rorable -high mlir. h hi a er Il Ilthe nw- ieiâleAr of Noties uner t is b& inogond advantage in the large hall. ________________lu__the Henry qow rnet, neveu censa per uner. sx word. li l a noast crodtahie and efficient > tpyh iraI oftici! ist, Il te à lier, wih -flhiminl organisation. An anbon, "ling Y E euFin 1eOtroHospial bers on Satair- 5charge of -la. Pralne te, tin," resa foillOredby Yooe Dsuoaoaa F[en.iRobh. Il laapectod, reli s duot, "Ros5anna."by IeK.i ria b lt rugh Inspection of the Ward and la R. Richardson. The li' tP. j. suilivan, lceflîtd plomiber net number reae an authon, and tnsinlth. Proch treet eorth. "Take MOy Hand. fllowed by ILLIAM ' ECONONMT RER Phone 117w. WhitlnY. piano solo, "Narer My Ood ta. M- g en lb k dnacRoncert riforonisak, Apri2,ooaÏ loio, "Now the Day la Ovor," thegl i~iechai r îcct ni he UnteS hy Mms. SienPrIco Bld the oIsig o RoSelotstobertson Lod",e. Lharch janLisil nCte riîn athen tonanompaniedî 'Ood ME.KFt,& A.M.fToronto, wvI t ako er, ison th prgr Be thene. So Lcied the Word.rnoa niosi rota f ho ea. îocesîonr, s'l,î, rgs elîes whlch ho thaiheel the Unitedl meiibroîds oanSe boit er ae ak'Churcb Choir frm hir fine con- ______________________ PENYIBANKE SAVINGSOS a i iheir sale oo Aprii 24. Tea-hor t ibution 1toithe programme and reo ermed bc the splendid service 'opls of Whllby Publie Sehoola 4 P I.. heng rendered te,1h.e onnonlîy baloit huo f $1,324.41 on dopoit Th rgnier metngofnIthe ivo- by lb, Band. He nade an Appsai In othe Penny Biank At lbe end of mena Crltian Teisperasce Union for donolcal aisanc eih Mee ~1'i. ~Feriary. acordlng 10 lbe monthiy Iliih beid In the publie lihi'517 on wnh a generoba responser The W eek l anereot esumd fron bak head- April 2 1. i 3i 20 . il tbfnîariers. The percentage of pupl li nm hnrepiease rtng lu Iheir 505V j~ ~ 7l~ T ongIteb aik et Klng St. SBelli ,,,ors.l 0Is 7; ondas Sreet, 68 and Brock ""' In___ JN ý,'nlhTHE I1LR(II Sariailocreane lin the t lbres tiven cIWl andtldistrict for Son Mr. and bra R J. Yarood, ci D'oniha. Lile AsrncaCo of Canada. F fl f Toronto, and Mincis Jeanî anS d enroy""Phoo L Yarsold, of Halihurton, ne cc rncent rî ND ST. HOME A» ZW 850L St Adrw' ldis i have Ail Sainte' Cbuah, recteur, Rov. vWstora nýi-i Mrnd so i. j 1. <31MB mre derlakenh. tarte and . Raipb .&dy, Llh, aecond Son- Lynd. The rglir meeting ef the Don- @Orndieaon bs eihe on dayii irsotater, April e.9 ., ;îî. d.l tetH mead Shool Club nyltec o hs ot Hniy Comntron. iam,-ao Mma.Rani (olcisoe' .î'ni, d ri, l bhe bld on Taesday, thie 2liii Frldîy, Auopsemon.P chr.b. ereweekhn n tb benoîlt, i t tifisAieahead froen the Onario Eeg. Prroii. pumblaf, beating. the recior, auhieci. "The Cbrlstir hais.îspital La napecled Ici give an ad- oil humera, band p umpo, pressure n ni af tbe World". Psala es, s if r. .iierîo.lbait1 iil e lkna saeoc i-pmp, etc. Pe b )m. bymiln 169. 728, 163.quo. ià m.,j i~ ~Oi.ila ïj. fu,~i.onoyIn ho 6~.aîn eojcp 4ronSudayîSchooi . ndsenjm i.,_rel tonî, f onel ' a,5 ïce dit cuJri Wir unitsd nd sah i. forncvaparoil Mr teoii/nino l i rtday esren- t Apof In" ein9, y canngu n olite. 732, 41, 605 Anihnm. h. L. Joont _11d on Sondaî.i the -Vof1104 isls 1t . Kt# Pthi1,. iivn mongs b F ,i.TIII-Iî lovlng monory deer anoiher, Mrs. P. M. tti«,wbo depariod Ibis lite y-t hein là a picioro, monre ths ciliver or gohd; sýtars ot ny donc Moihor, ,-nr3, will nover irrmold01. iindly halemed by .lit. p, il ]Y Vit l by, on l loodtay, 1l' 1.1931 te I, rnd lIra Arriga, Brook Si. ,\Il lthe Oshawea ien- ri ilispitl. Saîorday, Aprîl 4i o iMr. and lire. Elvis Kan. rîluc inee Dornihy Southsvoilî, .,-Rnhert Thomas, - At Birampton Geaiemal H ,5îîtah. on Tunday, Aprîl 14. i,.%Ir anSdlira .Y. M.pans, ,,,Mary Hhilel i tina-hoy WVhitby United SUNDAY, APR. 19 Mr. W. IL Gowin of Slontreai Mr. Frak Mawell ef Victoria Collaige, Tsronto An Ililslrstmd lecture on Mission seoris la the Pence River country. Special Music By the Choir You A»e Welconie Town ol itb NOTICE COURT Of ~EVISION enotice tsaitithe Court Revialon cf tise Town %htyfrtise year r31 w rlllsoldlîtu iraI ait- g an tise mci.Chamber tl 10 o'clock &.m. on *esday, April 28th d further take notice tl aIl peccons wbo have pealed agujinut their nte are bereby ue ted tetend. lMtissRea timnnaas.J e TelelhtIiO safi vwho su~I I Port Hope Mospital ftrmtill the resui of an acciden t 10 hen foot rebde aligbtiie ram a car, bacibilt- ficently recanerrd ta o cahi nta te &orne hcr duliesabrie. hM. Richard Saioy lias i nnqa'In 11aibis hmre hem i fi1ntho loin os'ek. Thc founatitocn b bing tainen r-t for a ccv heuýc t,, ho rcîei. St Joho nretb R ies v o' O Qabaa. tcinnol'y 0 Q' uai igsue nl hoc a 't.i mini ii, h i cen strocturon e. snob norand U pirlora and attaolrod gordE,n,.î i liane ail rocdei- i Traffic Ofliccia iI mnet wiboa sorinan i1sît.,., i itFiLsU Ina seehi agas near Lient Hill, Illich confine5 in tato c la-iral 1lir tinte, canie back iý, \,î, iIlc day. Althnnutot ccii . i i a abrento rri ta inn miscsii., nby Uinpis aaapionnýý pi t li "ts Lpndn. Wbîtb, b an i, i)O orshbri rnamitîeaitin, Mr Har,,i l îini, ai hem Ricbaodcac, B-1, Mr.andr. Mary-ti., i îi., it-roi Lakcheld, hli bine breni r tie f- o "0 -m" Miss tGertrude M,liti. s -ut iof rends iniM.ii, t An iaiîmairtd addrrý. -IlI bn, en hy Mr. Black, ai hoheiBel 1 i a- phone iCo, ai the regniar-t tiii01 XmL ' Isi V ,MEETING My tltrl a-lB',î,ootl ni lib nori c Ti îl ,,,,ing Aprl 1lti. I,< rstian cu! offm-o "til1 - 1 nd tIiîi I il A HuA cry. ViHIIBt WOMAN GIVCN AN IMPOiRTANT POSI 1,1,.,1 i c1 . ,iiisng liolci @el1 h iýl 5 of il . - ' s abri' u rou hnII - l-91 ;T 1i l owms M Ii "i uIt Mo s, e Ni sa î o n tan in taen i .t s' The Allun Drug Store W. W. ARMSTRONG Phone 48 asSeye WshSfety sttise Rexîfl Store REXALL lc SALE Thursday, Friday Saturday April Iraq 17,e 18 Xhtiy Unitrd (hurh, RaAL Richards, B. A , 'ti SSnl Aprîl 19. 1i a8nW. Hý.î ny ce Motrei. 7 pm.SOcMr e,.k eloraIIra UPPli o o Io o ra. II ' "I sprOu, eZc, a lb. he neuiaartiice Maxwell, of victoria Col.ue; &Ptb S, aOTIW'u maie April rosie AnIllustrated lecture on b415, laStis oinlCeier iaon wr aPeece River country. Specinl nmust, by the jea Macdonald. ontertainer. rchoir IttOffdODaMorao M . iss . WR., st.John's. Port Wibi' nectar, 1110brd1114 8PrIn p is K.WadRer D. Il ,anginrd, IndSuSndai caniraRO' fUt 8aaloy Montgomery, cter Essir Aprii ihnh. Il a.,. tirttàlioMr#.' A. B. tesriuey, l . igPaer 3prnSna ,,lit, oil th@ choir et concern tonncnpri 3po.onF hShldl i ted Churcr0, Fri- 8Sool anSduduli Bible Claos. 7 pl day evgilf,AprIl 04, ai O p onsi Hi omnuio Thfale., Vl haeloIdso! pchiee. Aimondo 1 rîteS i'hurrh, mInis. ,marvuasde, fmui, boumai tinotio, Rer' A I }llobardn B.D. ,onrlty bootl, St-AI. §air uco Sanday. A rOI s9r1 45 Pmiii,. sn'ý ib* GCO*OSCh(Iambler, FriSaIt, day Irbool i Prnis, slrnO111j April li, t a l 5p.M, Ponohpie i Fl,ia0n i. yun TIs APril moeI@lle of the '0 nous hInstitut@ vIII eh brISln the i0i ocd, e n, oresbnoter"a Canne11 l isinllr on FlidaY aiter' ('bic cai fieot Js 'OilI îdc. ,Mn- ncon P,&pil11h, et 3 p i Po- 1 luter Sanday, hytil1«4iIi a.. ~ n 11,ngassOs' Mni unday Mmu.W. LS'el &Bd Mr@. F B rbol i i 7 n,ioIg .it. aor., AOLyun-N nitation l is5nors aI la o'.sios gvaa In Lail ladIi o! Ihp rnIson N I i tsi "I' A'i arsaml attend. MedIII r ltîbt i ,îc.î aciai nutrition am th0 thaîsb liseIlnlsthOfsymputd field and tiesetsltutea InomsLime thon rrceaut tot MeThfie iltua. iaunt soit basiiiutr4eilk t ipari- sce et ain50enlng Cos MNI buepnniramodell ng, foc uihnean sd decietlig I S A gACa» ZL> SlO CONC ERT 0 h ml5110 o I n JE 1 e aison isiel snd&Y veI f a! Wbtby CteO, Bad.tie uâ 'tae 5Isf5 la" Idteabec ane. 'l'e baud hlthe Uilcol aitat'Baorthse wihe SlUnied likIth tI ? ldO, rtth MI, F o! t the' pino. Th- E.KfaXmTeIb'e yp)ll1, R 10 S a e avmippua 11o'etin. ead Il mnai he epcici. et fnîire Conet- TlabAILda nndem >5er. j 'r aS OS poblna i-cui sucve ýmm aroet s 0010 it e baamn l- b citsli "% eciven h.s ie Iylg ~l imd imr elviau Snd 1 aUlo, an v-a y th~ogsnm C oe an0 p !eibe '. Tbr I ad or tbB8g e ere -1 M'UOZWoMp&l'ELDIRS tmpr"etei i l. Cacib anolit a oO'the" - CE ta tire c' the geiion lad asetes s a I MILK& EAM DELIVERED IN Y DAILY ta Mnh beec oeey Ila&aie isc, sa fp in à modiern ORDERS TAKEN AND CREAM Luke's urant Ph- PATTER S DAIRY T LJRSDAY TO SATURDAY N w SPring Merchanclie at Prices Nou Can't Afford to O)verlook Smart Spding Suits and Dresses Suite are baîr lime strîpe and navy tricotine' correctly btYled. Dresses ini plain or printed- i crepe in modela which are new. Special for thîs sale CTAE$ 10.90 CTAEPRINTS LADIES 'SIL I P)MAS auceplts a new 1081 pst. . 0f non rua cloth ini a noale'r of differonni t e. yardr.ce. ....... 17C colo, combinations. $3.05 qcltY. *'f L 4 HIOSTRGLOVIOS Sale Price ............ . * $.3 tr back raft. Glrey, 35 IL'SL LOEi ND VEJTH Ion oriaak aePrice. pair .35c lIOYH GOLF HOSE la Wlaite, Pink and Glren. Sîzea 2 tu 14 Zna lig a hade witîî fancy to,8. eurs. Regnier aft caid 411" lbeg.29 9SaePis,î . LC Sale Price, garment... .... 3C FUJA SILIK GIRLS' SILKNIT rAME8 That p+irar fabrie 0ft8noimaly l"ses* 39c AIl colora, each ........25 liera it Ima naIl shadesaie, yard PRISTI? CRA YSioEEN Shoreer eptpatterns of groom, red or blIs -n a grosnd of whbie. $ie P,]imo. 7c J4JDRS' SILK SLIPS Shedoreltrof hem. A&U.tbadei. sale pie.7n PURE LINN ROLLE14 TOW. ELLIIiO. Qaod quality, color- ed border.îpi jla. 'vide» 12c Sale Pe-cepl. .. 511cR IfsIII4E elislaian and priateil ille, pretap styles, nome hoaag the paplr jacket effelët a6 sale Pile.. $46 BARGAIN ANNEX Ladies'Polil 5aaiomed PURE SLK HOSE Laeederlini. and Fleur de lia are the brande. Goo r0< ange et ahades. Sale parc 93c GENt hEM LIATHEIi PUSSES geppe fat. ener coin 410198 Sal $1.95 Clearing Our Stoc-k of Lover's Form Corselettes d lainiisrmraîso n iii a tdirrer",i modls, .thch'iniiregler- IF up tau, 00 e.. $2.98 CORlnLE..TTUS t A goidr i andsgeu a plendtîl oeamlegf lun5c harh asil dlowanisiri. S hnmef %Mi sopsnir Bargain Annex ea PLOOR OPEl AGAMi ON Friclay and h.aturday SvrmlblrS Penil 7 ince 'saie, Sets, it.reen or Roae 'liea. set......... 95C PriaI Aimans, fast 25 roînra, .rh .... 25 Huroin Joliet~ mit t Tisse 6 o> 19C Turn hîr-, . 6 far 25c Caps 1ed smucers - Conforter lc4a 72ilgo ... ..... Only a fent of the îoasy lBer. gains in ha found lu tls d ept. A Group of Tweed IFeatucang ngfe'w llar andà1e le v e îles Reg. up t 50 Dewland imited WHIIBY f Field & Ga den Seedq We are now e ofsing a lime requialles for field, garalpi on luren. BEST GRAD 0F CLO VERS AN!) T OTHY Garden Seeda h kages and in bulk OnoSets FERTILIZE, LIME, SALT Cail and Get 0w 'ces on Poultry and stock Go A. C Phone T1 ýNN1NG Wbitby f=ýt doncb, ai Point An., ci eaier Colli-ndockte rý' ýai usloadeda ca o ia Good Home F or Rent or For Sale smlld brick. ne-n hoogalOa tf iiu, P lalloon m h»d ai..r usmaa'letra Solel u re uwlov on groued fîmîr Wired for rlctzicramng, psre*eurly gond cezle. g"ai« garage. large lot. A es)ii0, lhome ta a foool dienrî, i .4pplp lHolliclay'c Hardware Phouse 25 15 ii. PAGE FOUR I A M FI F- MMMMýýý z ;9 ý-ý ý m. 1 j1j L_ ---Il il il

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