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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Apr 1931, p. 7

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t - 1- .7 - Wýý 070 , l THE WHITY GAZElE CHRONIC L, THURSDAY, APR1L 16. 1931PAES News Budgets Fromn Gazetteand ÇChronicle Corresbondents .y . nGodFiea it nSgbb" go ingt toBrougham teteee NEW 0F BUSY BROOKLI MCCfasd Is Ma:le ikq.uitt~te ~ ~ gE.la.e sI. e:r siste ..-1L . .'. to lber duties idatler Jlater .va- ~ m beeadSlooo rM adMHg raham. R. V. Mowbiay and tain1ly iylt MnGeai Sloon 'IBeiton, Miss Blia Pengeiy, of Tor- Mr and Ma.degl iasns> * r. ad Min. Medley, of Toron-i aud sprtIr Mis. Ciarecçen Cwey ~C utSbeh spent Suuday witls Mr. and Mrn. . O tt, CieBr ltsoidays wti ber and rfarnily Ivore Eater visiters, ai - té. rlrt bte eotthtMe Tbopso. edpenî, . udMs.Jathe home oi the latlcespatente, lICi EusS 1etieu repanortthrteMi.i M isT g Omiom p e o n .o f' e n g e l l y a n d M r a . G e o r g e L e e . tn u i u a l e . S h e l l a n de s o tter f MaisaAef eorietoek-nd.f ltth Mr PercY %Il nard je unnlcg a Mns. Donc and daugister, jean, ,rrlum m M1unwnoe ete waehoe fr isewek-ed. bogueticoul,',,n with is garage. eeot REster wetk with relatives inlcandb e u enri e uchagSein Prie s ossithig weoreailSchOOI OPeried ~oMonday wth ail Miss Iren lc uiur.bas baren vie. s w.acli.. g rioseir her ard Citres. tihe.trachers io ei laces. Se an itissg with relatives« an Tosonte for hage.Sh palVrt fe wi240 thd moerildliv- rooco. e nlÉisthe tiant twe weckeln Tronou'r ht ber Eanter hnlitday, et or- lgepie ihtheset ildei-Gepe rom.Mr. and Min. Moody, cf Oshawu E '~ tavra, vith lbar famliy. neotoring ered te your door. S N. Griffen Ceradbigyr fisd.o odFia, lbdv u as Y. flous. Coine nd bMnngyortlerleds.eMM.andTomff-W. rall A vrry happy Cisse rasos Hto ai.Mr. cneGoodmaen and lriecd ---Mr.------ ul biogltt M.Th sdug Tuedayrevroing ot tise homeeof Mr. Au 5terestitig addrenseon "The Ralph Nixeon, of Osha" s~were svi ~UoSitad bl ghas te ebt-yeo and»Mrs. John rahamt, whru about Advenure o of otb' was iven on ors on Fauter Monday at the homemAsS, Uh leutliiiheal snd hoor sxty uofbtiup i3rsie GarbuttsIriesdeSunday evenng t inthe ofte ~W. Balidon. £cMadies18e tl e ando!hort y met and resenied lher wts ous a bais, Cleesch 1hY lMrGordon Lapp Sec- Miss Violet Mail aPeut acuerai day a Mact Of soucis younger yoo ru. and aliouos jrior tln lier irovoug ou a ietary for rhet Boy' Work Board of last t&55k with Mr. Maandte Mn.n rturtd tcm trip te Engiood. She expecte to a eauOntario. l'lier, was a good attndof Toronto. M ndM. aMM >'J.Aj Rai u Cuet est abba rt hedroint tlisc ast seeh in April. oece of boys, nclsditg tbe Brookîlo Miss Miidred Brown, of Assisy B o k i F o r M n hé bcttrlstlcg bar suCer. Mcte Mn onDac, o ekro.Boy Scout I ce' v usder Scouesmaster §P etster weelr vacation at ber We kep on blond thse foUlowins Gods Gu.uvsn e ise.M Mr onDaeof irkndgetias.Agar. horntehore. IM.Vco ebn n b. besu vistug witb TMr. atendhurc, Re.WP.L.lMr. Arthsur Loach bas gente t i t aescard omeboynd o Drpr h ntdCucRv .LNew Liakeard viser, lho wilQjoinhie andh esonad he Creua s frpr uil, B.A, paser. Sunday, April 19 brothers. -. mim flemb à- 11W.&@serdhoeby.f9 W e ba ndi e a f ul and com p te litre - 10 a-ni, Sun ay S c ool Il a. n., M r. Joh n B rcait, 0 f F ortier, M a , ses Fo f r C ue ourse5 R At . W. e meUn th e pa re dn o ws rs o i of lonther. Roofissg ioBritishl% 11=11111119scaWortloej,3 sP.M., Young Po- isited oeSsraBt iebu f Mrel PriyFFn' lowm. asfdneoI. butre a. aedyo ot c unmbia cedar and Toronto As phait'lpies Cas; 7 p., 'heWod o on P. aradot. tehm i UO oatyFor rhmadWoe.PV .Snr asdtiul atuvays rarried irn stock. Al1-2 and God' in Story Tuesday April 219t. Mn. BereetteIvas ealcd bomenai OUtasso Bran and Shorts, Whsiî leuCircu70i t, wtorattend a od a 3 piy roll rcofing, and toeke'aîe 8 P-sM., Young Peopils Leagua. le -days ac whes fe,, htriersei, te5attnddaChop rooloor iin green and cd co]IOre. turc o Asoti~omy" hy Rev. J. R. baty iidis bDetr wan as . lleggMaho, Corn55wlow b stantl kille in Deroltc nf wanme of bie frîenot 240 is an easy number toercneel. R. Cooper, Ph.D., of Columbus. bu-ught t ortpuc eur>',bia former P MareWha, Rofleel tra, v^uL E. g bar c a s me eno eom Jue tcp once ansd be cogpvissced S. borne, ou- berhomiandlon. N. GreffroLenir C., Port'Pary Mu-s. Joncee landotinand MisseP.u-buTise no Eistt, cf London, Ont.. aile have he Young ladies Cass eterlirged oi, Swicos u fnvelbl an et homo utulo. Mor. Cragg, of Grrrnkanb, with bien vssint oseh her pinter, lie 1e ai escua uo hl W eaueboumt of as Coud o cote.C Mr.pro urdyeeiglun it e1 rocleChorn, cu#illTilbrsry va lhlsb as cou ssebirs of lis Snndsoy Selo l Cans,. A. Lawrence- and family, bave etara- îhureh. A veecy heurt>' supper vewBu& a Fse. sto h at.b lu antenid h ere 0on suri l iec ai.essoyed by ail, Aler supper the o d. Sg w!onrdollyo aa Usssed Cenrle o Sonay. Silas sud Hilelary Redmead, of Uts. yons mes preided a ahort usialOur Chop la OaaIy $1.25 Par Hsmds.ef iUs 5 ii nolpus .Mc, Shortniolge. of Burkeon. is bridge Oece funsUover the Reterprogramme and gantues vhîcb w'sUVURT1NG FRESH meg*ber uud gtva yeuaileh e priv- vstrgber daugbter, Mrs. John hnlslaysaiathSe home ai lino. A.very tterestiOCindeed. Sasses thir- Comeansd îion or sgleuns as au ies ynrqon. oe l Blsbt.Lacine tsau wec reset nd liage IIPHONE-MILI,, 26; HOUSE, 2713. Suaigut a iamurksbly Iow ot. W. mas a very Profitablea Tig pnto. -tevMous la the obliîlng MoisAicr Moore, of Otanathae Is N$ togetber. vesîg stont OruSasRLlb hcen visstsng ai erhonste. LOD rlu Mr. Dryden Matheot, uof Windsor, Giad rpeîî thrat Mc. and lir,. A. iE oriy b newn %petitsflos lîolidays at Mapie Shade W. Richrso n 5suare skie te o as--oubt la eligrtd.diga ela a fan.again aler Seing ronfined l'or the The Club hbodt!ioir regeler BALSAM Mu. Roise Murison visted frienda isparhl a uceao be pn l- an Mrst weekwor5h isshauesmoz sestlasg et tihumore cf >red and osMadnc flrau- Iew 'fr-q. or tour bandreo baby chiche and lsa poer Bucfadloi r sir.uJiamel. ns er H slo' as r.lr. Cafr oeMa vn r n c M naadasiMrs. Gregory Cias returseed frocsturiot for serne.a Bflo arc OcissC r Jms î oifTorouto,Iverte Visitor» On s-g A zplscdld essaie6 cf amen famltly vaalod Ssnday vieShber rste eiioasTcne hs Plgs.Good Fnsdlac wvtlMr. asd lira. 'I. aauieassea n3oydisy e large parenté le Toronto. M LMr Belor you Stont t,, kosii, rail Sam Morîosuhr, aseîsMisses liable Row rnsvd. Mev. Mr. Silton moas Mr. aid l .M.Harpar, oet GREENiPcIOD MYRTLE M N, Grffefali ec Cg., Port Perryand Libbyc Colesuan, Tnrosto. a relier durîng lb. «vantait anad Goodveod. cisitai Sucday vilh Mr. m'otreoevs cPt oa h Johnu 240~ ~ ~~~~ry MSsapcsscpec oies lra. Onebyand Masser fiOser Lee ingretuiataai the Oclb 0enItirsSi radM. Cadi josesa. Iss h utrvcto i.aaleiierlie ts o e M and o-Ii cusrsocsr sotisfaoction and vers Esster viitorg wih Mr. and vork. A votae of I WC5 Pas eSDn uettIad-m 0lomars.ofteilr. .cg.iun vs laplars sagen Cv ort d .,illter Miss tecsosnpî dcl, ccci - Mis. Camîco, aI Tonoatu, tea"ssseMr. and lira. J.Fa haOrebieWo 1 rar .c W.î cuiB. advle p5555 ia A aumber of fiends mere enfer- In thaîr régantoetbs uagiren by theBoki oio mro eeasuosmwr*aPéée ldyvstr Mrc. adeî blocCha.s. lioionooandttained asothOe hume of Mr. andi Mrs. AuSIay sbn rpI, ihcn tituts, enîtteai "Tha RRhaillon tsa fou-masparentsa ieprsn c.Caie fAhsro a oTm fl.siolp and sl ltolceo,, of New W, Hall one Tbur4day berstiftht ni . S. S. Nu. 6 la as follcws..... cg f ToutS. ln Mount Zise Ciurcle tbe; Miss Oliva WillsarlSge. of To- week-end arasci' Mos. Pa',so A ci fcsaclî, spent Suiod.ey lts Broohlijo, caiion of Pics. blila brsisay. SBr. IV. - ..Jaîb Asuan.li ,Do Ibis WslFrday avanitsAprîl 17tk. ruaIs. vilS A. TrImbleaund family; AMis.Dewney, local sagent f or the fCoidtfi MassbMailile Mailesy, of Toronto, Heige 79.sca Mr.' Oea. Weat, of Asihurso DisM Bagouo fWaCvlD ors cuae oos a uaca Mcr. Jelei flrett, ci Fonsien, mas a boleday vlisiter ere ber tro- Jr- IV- - Mauguerit* en mmkgave a vary loterastlng telis:ut tish vIS ou anaa, OfWn. u s uaD inst f 0 oerdos aon a îr Ort Mn.las e brou oiteinglees ln su her hero 92, Donaldi Sîanct esion L TYPE ose T uaa vringl. M.ra Ord; Misa M. Graisa of dIl Bsoesckliîî. Mr- sud thandu-Mr.o ToandgelîPukrn,77 hse . - braieofTrontoeaislu , ri Fy Min, ,dan )id dI'rno .Hb asne aed Mrn. ofuTootoPueSilo 771, Ma. MoatgeofT3rant.udated liremont, aed lire. Nicsola, cf To- aÀIs Freya Hahn. ofl i escesoAo Moi îi,îc .sii Isu .1 esncto ~reset, ueiseo 1 rau-5seua ashe we vek-end mIOb banrsMter. MM .roonto, w K. Boalby and fumity; Pont tisawek-end i athOe famsies' s mise Im-bell -tigethMlirda. .wee iRav. ecnty iW.icbM.eofkL5u RbisPrrotulirei(esommer. hemendsume hmehhecSuda tibiiMa. T son . eJh ae -Gog I ises a Banl Wilson, efClure- daubtarDoretisy, failHlt.U. Wil1 Cook andt sous hase psur e Mr.AnieiHall ansi danabter, 11ii.omVaseOîmacà, (À)meut, Mss-Ils andost c; h llsaisioer! a fotneo Pontiac sedan cor. Lane IeCeni sîî Cor ai tise BrooklisaDonotlsy. of Peu-t Whitby, vert vieil- Jr. IL -PaulnIen - 7. oio Vetthe week-end vttbJoi*ne , ofvilS N ru. h . N nd Amnissfrnese ttn M r Hue. ont (ie and hcîîîg pour fieude. ors ulGod Friday wlhM. and Br. 111. tiu ameir sud in. Wilson. Mes. PagguMissejus*sad anSMr- Ciurie Turlor's salenornth of Asb seuls. B Ir. W. Mil. 87, MaY Redgire8. Mn. Wiifrsd SadieY, et Kcsie, garet DuekvoutS, of Tornto, ville burin on lioaday. Ib larepocîod hat Kalita@ Pics. C lloc an Godon.ofbîecishiglj qullodoen of of he abin. -eoisaCquit.e 8.theitortederk-edewthher Jr. n 1and M- oguaendtacg5 Ilednsgave nlassa, bacc breiiiiotloîg irs. çdeyslow, but tles fislters and thle de- Mary Ravey 7,Nacy visI3RotaS tiler. WaonCb e o5~ e. idMi.Pggar.ralo eossisrsuilshavemoeoa Shie. ssaifor bois amsîh greater tIsse 2 1' i -- ;Cédille h lbuey 53. ru.adiers.b. Leran eu-th r, DanSesy aveee ihoone bgB14BhJY lywît aS coadlut4. taayeoseonunty club heis 5 em,. l ln OaS i!I.at)i,.Mauàder of Oshawa 70. * SA Prthur PIsage disigblsr, of Whttyr, vitaed Suntise svasth conessiona. Mstsl eetnghCe masda M i. a~?~-ILr-anMra. . Mooreopistisa, eoishere ucFu-ioc s Mmicn iunlag£poli~u~4~ Wu~cifate-sn oca MmiCas.HTaiCherfGI are olovlns ente Iheir lfisejouit pluiy I irehments mitre Bseau-, su-auMassà Ctfhre oshura, .t Tuc, V. A~pflîIy. Mao. visllad Sundis mth hc eatad Sp Mn. Hanrs. sreThetprase vinners were Mca.i md woincelieasMa. M.andhtU-.ArthnurOlaeabscrendSHBIJtr , n cdMn.s. D. Vrl . eD ineau sponta à newOmnki- F. Beadit anu MGeorge Paine Ms DENTIST M.aM ia rIurWbteao iur.,ndira. R. Darrt. o Aii- 'Dse h ot'slloaySsiter.s io, ___________________________hum vsItS tsuy ilSRuetJ. ROY and family have rctendar e holding tises- nnthhy ring aiC noam ch _________________________________________ Mr. salnd a.r&H. Doblesadsainf- alM . s-sotisa J. hrlocs farse anS movelts pruag s tsuaday alîcoogo cuc i Yli M .M r e C larenc e R d m an an ol u s I î e S f th is ee a.- ti d y ii asiM-.adMe. .Paretts, Susr;.ýer have littircas homenn ,W 551r aes TaofraI Tor ici si eoierbichag s*etc SaMda and Mes. smithfleld aflas- spacdlsg IopWlo Inebaa a aMisaWilla,etTuncoîaicTten f Y Cnet BIc a-"oe 4 0O chargerigo : Robe. Parsotof Mt Zis. mulnth suieS parenté, Mu-. lacd MiM gti:gasetted la the spurtmanî lu-endsaliheon Saterd aso Ou-puai Fo 1e3lajrs UT IER MIiKs Vi:t-cMr.a lite. T.lJ.liarir ara D. Beoosua.abytesor.-- u-a. M.reaiesi aroafco F., ebdirlîlues IisesslsBudtt re, ermaitsusssik. e-M.ai Caooadyp peot lise P . Woclward and smîîy vsit- MYRTj.E STATION Ise . Ao 1lr rftsaBîasil.Mri,.0 OU BS iu ia snraprnsa hl eh Fo dlicon isutsan auagrsuieBvilSl. e -d hMna. M. Parker u- S e o ocdars prnt. bi lier. W .8. and Unr. Smnr a- D JnL- Hughes, ut To- White I 'tCn orItee cintbao tng-fedInteusaC.Srile. laRuina Chuneis On Sasun amaSa ni rtglatn D1. Jmaies-a.Huges ere "tg"% ferthOtr selct baon 1,093-eed utterilk.day, Aprîl l9tli, et ut e.su and7 A prasevsnuthé"M a e'«sifrBigonu@oOfr.edMs .E.ea [-'le urthe Inoratin P1m. akseby Miv. Bouton, ofRIT-aspce l sfvith es .S. ai tis. ouraap visgeUM. aurt cbussent ilr.suli.J.EBa eudoe.Ques.,, us e candidate le Ibi Saisi un SundaY ovaussgin t*&oe tth ia e ismonp. slitveuhai. o saa itizensn abahShoiltIocucew r.MCuea r1 eanSn u nbyteLns r5 de adentartaiseot t lestze at msaakwith Mltr. OCionr Ciie sDairy Limmd .. Albertyîertitaîîon la arteedai Csrgei îeitiooary tfros en'tosa d i onaAcg t os andlth. l'htteô2 hy te everrone In altend. si csseîî a large audience. Mie soi- mon shnABrigtutfiHmiltod W. M. B. uaLand lsde' Qualamet sirels tvas mont inîcrestilteandM 'a Bib. Claus vue qut. i a nilbniHoîo CI Tédéat n htar avleitisg with ber aunabohen. ln th*be iaseeet of theo clsrch ona hroughC certainaes fhems,del t@@LPbe dabata@Pot opar Wsdneela3raftersuoose lait.About siowrk ver Viai. Shevins, hou ahu l rit tt iateanîc.or nTeof the boliaiîblousoseWt lerî Imn3ecebuepssn.Mu-a. RoIsi. religioen sIII permunte ail modien gailtce ber Ohaa Do!! preeidein andSogcnai business tonial, edurationul aud busnetsle. deeeclenuht W*a sioalai ol tiaiulla R ioy.bJ. . Tt.o rde e ~~~~~ vue ~~W& dsait vIlsSu many are uat satisfisiled isci vb-Bnsilawu# reseisd. Tis hsi-eiTlt, fnci- Soea EotrifrOn hou-e attenaiai tise heatisîn worgghip and rl lserasthey once skwoteh. "ÀAPoula it8Iuation'Chiliservi ice bor.ehs-e t Bea e S. a ,,0610 iMu- a. Tplor'a u rsan msaa a uuda 0 W on Mondai. thcy are willing la gisesUP uai andsi Bveraihave bSton sltfiariro ir 's Ma o Ms, 2. Marmiseaid Mr&. R.Clip, aciept the Christ"asureligione. Hteer.l fs-on clla.e Hitoans,despe SuNnda vitaIs Meor ~ tToronto, au-e oPesailng the wesb pIsasatedl siipoint, nom ies nons- lira.P. BresanSdingisteandUr.RBright. ha te ati »o aicni, se ily eb&g ailS Mss r. J. Reutlay. arusy ta ailiateChrist ta otleces MroivstSTmnoinu.sa ia o . ilsetilaay ll abarmtMal bviiai orno Wrane lmre.f TOO.cto, addut u- hea h i&U M. LRiebardes setthé u-C5g tIeservicetht choir sainusil da" luit wmueS ir, os ikeaa iuht bu use iants"bost01ITh"a ijle s tse.oLtweek-end mACSh be u-siun, Mien a fiue susbeo, 'Tise Smetst Stery> Levi uaS ndr. Linlen anS fua ', e t r.À for dsualop and grossee s~a de t» o>t anon. Scage land. sang a solo, "Opene the Gales of thse bouse oa tisâra vsti. ai Msh.aSVotMis . MeamaI Dusforn lin.ed Mn. A, Buedy andi fam- Temple." miIamu mS ejayesi Tise Mission CisSe vilii mueut ett Osava aaatL oaiî u 1iY, MUr. andai us J. lisng, of The ofierang mas icceivesi bh*ylisas the. homa of lils jugle Baeiisy IemernIshe Iba amna etiltinit Toronto. Mis. C . A. Lynde anSdMr. E. Lavrence ad Miss G. Rosé. Re. Ibis Salurdap uflueron il .30 'lira. TC5be of Shuntylowna". t tcA R NIL Re115 LYnde, of Saggotisvsus mer. Dr. Cosoper Sud! charge of the se--luss SudYVslosuit r ndUs ice andsinsuciosing mid huismucb _________ tisa basanennt of tiss rburrb tihs Aaaa istr Il n ns i.Dr. McChure'sad uesaa WrlaiaY Oevizaisa. Af uiltlth, etier Waltsr Traitot 1 ms oteisie- Ail report s apislai Ime a5the iaedandstw géitpat teteasie fteLde' Mrs. W. Truli on Wsdnesdave ee ien luginorpitso teballat lBtrday. Ur. W. B. tutrsorIrdiso 2eadIS aatnlasaiti c AIdE lis.llusofeeickfring, Ladt t'eAnue- puc ta t rMrfSciaiat otiandoma i a Ie eae vetmsso.eis lr.1vaunitn aemi I'n u eutCdjM.Doeti CfkcI< S tait&peit sellionWcdnssday, tise 8mi t e m is ho god ciour mas__ asapso esulaionsà,eeltinU.adUi.Rb.San h oeo iis.Lv liswt 'rett otebdig WWlydiesile ltcntins oelbl adMtenrs uvsy Spenes, ef Tol- gond aieedancîs.ln. John sNeabitt Rer. .. B.1. Wilson. BA.. B... SoIs C eued usioigharii aller preýalufuisa, wtmeta uleaui, vhmngu recoDent a few urauIsaakueslt vce pueient, conduetesi the ef Oshwa, mai thu speake ur ue tschsh.daca mitis a laareatoco dance anW rubhytralm, a dh-sfjlysopc s ilShig.usunt.lMrs. Ch«s. SCec5. nmeeting Esaterprogamms guervre lat SaSSatS lu the Ilaleruala of Itae ce40 bisa preare. Quit, a u fus-ttis dmIll Nope ~oaImerOU; U. aud lira. H DuSl ser!ts sesIllsîhreejooniva scrinesure lesson Tesperautu taurn e. 5egavea erIsoîaratageol s oisol-csh MarmilChc SaermlblciauovIll e rlativelnSuelaisîndton ani hymsuseter îles reading ef tise eplondîd Slsceeue, Raturai mai-inmary dpmncîsqioan Ch.jearaasa Cc esec mb nidse, ciiAMTued idasts. minutes, ans i pIll eIl businesis mas lut an appealat ttie nrdgumalc lMtrenua Se. lOseigobBrch te thor êlr]tuMami Gown )OO gaMmU. aaid lirsChas. Mlnty. aI To- siserussedsifor immoli aistace. oitatîcnu- osa,,in uas1 isi ectetiv tOUzaalM chîGuù<nhm.ang Jisse t bresta, lilas MSl Edth BattagIs o! WiI- Excaieent reports of tihe raient tlit on a smnus occasionltat r.suRio b aips1 enw ual>'asa uaeln hap a ie l blby SpvisiteS on Suoaia ate he o PresIsytersailebelli in OshuaamerevYasar, milS àaifférent speaker, i-* li r.inlberPeai pu n sHe pi B~. ..*. oetlira. . Fliter.___ ven b he ossgae5C5 lis. f @Pe.1.0.nd ftesOaktaecceopccMroand Be yslp ivig heaftrnosssionSailem Cense.îery Boar-dmet tat spanaei tstnrWindso soi ot n BAGGTSVILE saidlira. F. Goodma mbo wvaslngratuitsud nai. fullus-ranemanta Mr. Dean Debhenu. a."esupou.-a SconGoesOTosVMnapu-na5Toronto, bat sent leri report ni tisafo 1931 Mr.u- uelCarlton lu Sp Mr ndao lra. SmtCadk unsiega fOU. q f -AIDSho pn o odymrnameunigansi evenitsacsina asitain cas-glaiser andi antheastouat per i Jean ilIsgaverai semocanotise rosi. ss mas reas iy Mlir. Lchis-sisec. The SabbatSta lune*tisa annuel mun- dey altO Mca. Pitlipe and si eBtru. wu gMu-. Jacobs Brycit nI Whiohy, la inereste3home by tht deiegauinialon service mi luise place. DUe dis.Tu noeig M a hcif backIs oo bisethere hu-sugesartoussncb asinthuiatic ce- uai tiaty notice wviiho gven ta jlMhary Matstbs s r0tire riz M sie.ai.n mi, Md .dhomo after a Or-. mû g!i -cuIr meý-I arlesOs. Toronto, cliens Sssday an Chas. heaty cote aifIleunki mai givea tissuc Mr. Lieh anS Saungleer Dorothy mttbhserdaugislrsinothaerite octneaaue e-skiislasM.egaiseseeseo5h ,, i~ Lynie's.h Mr&. Lamebert. Miss Gertruda f UuitO4 culleat on frienuihoSrs rieC aGEBS AME. IaMMABZZA14 ON There vmrs a siiid atendane ai«obhier san.géa oloIn-ernsu u nS~ e.W .LtSt - 5

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