u4u -1931 ICTQRS MOTËOR Day anti Night Servie 7: Ing fr ontsui Settl i 1; ara(,nga Ocor followed Ly 'lie treaCà lic. patient' fralicture bh morotia wt] t,1îo fracttîc In another lal,ýats, or N rcutmcOt fo0 lvid loulii ai aiil, tn] catitit .rllca'log thté Lie Caîîodla iiiiparIFoooo nbi justlhed. AST OSH-AWA PHONE210$. ;MITil VOTTERIES Z IEVERgY PURSE AND PURPObE" ilIed tlituNPia] Il lu thie P.R. He the* clt. ritit lied ldt net Y. but to U watt. rge, 1 ea of n-Complote ig la Table. ond les to Mlth-g 'S ini thie Sactio ,ughout the Cou M. West.-One tion la Thiis Jea Fas Been, ut AI cs andtiWelface tese it Rentiers a Mecomti et Facti but, hrn'eriSlnag T'hie'evorsge ecieteuof lie b,ý. gelv4:i a Cts . coutit>' 1mw tht. 11cm to ho feu R.i 'CPt.dtibeon o0f tise eosenttetletator n luthectam- le iIetiYnyg Iseif vîithmép'cIaiant i nduetrial .orgauloa- aasti waukIng foc CanoeIq. ttong o! the o tenualty anti b> ,ohipeny ied met ttlitiimraaonef te publia opîrîteti polil- itton antirleti on rosuettesIofo the muanagemont It bas ai- iifipcalongi, is e eon conodened une ait the .w ould nt ake a bail seat aubstaetiat1 anti valuotietetr- port of'Chus, Coatlon Na- piseoafhthis locatit'. Do 'Yeu uo.mettor wiieetutlaadmît roOlzei et vIaat an Importantt cas for tho'Cauaillau Peci. part OJie>'pIelai the pragnaoa the Canadiien National a and advaucenî'ent of0!tubt oua- * lied beeanncesary b ta rauits't XC lu the pulrtiose efChue Ai, uidertaking anti ho ne. pubtioher toabiere tibroct the opaq à loyal to it, cJl attention et ever>' *eatier ta ýtc' Caagreîn Interlette Iltle tact hat Cliba contera la one ot 'Idle Sîr George caulti trace the ossuotio ant i vtal enfen- ueItoa vda it te C P RCpiseof a lae ction. 0 1i81. lbatibeen aesooci- The Smiths Potterles bal1Vte, rt tIn 1874. * roadera or h i bone Co vliC Choir factcnY . show coom,,locateti on ter Black bhoUevedt iat theo Kaga5tan Roati'West,. blocs vîti riions mode bY Se Ocutr bho eeneo h.fînettousbctilisof ach wre aOttuiC. art auti gardeni uvîre Inttatig itoncludeti the dehote. Jardiniers, heisutîfu haveqr' boxes antipats anti oct patter>' of al kindu. Art Poters', Ta'blé OCt çoulti get ae ilio rm anti Boudoir Lumps vitit Parcu- quitter than thse supour- piountSîtude a at ucrh and 'bho thbtgisthe vind owV' à Bauha largolit aaortmolit 0f "Giftd fer, er ýThe rein pourîne It avec>' purge.anti evecy turpoe." hI the roof. tao ho founti soywhers Inuttlo 'epuc __________________ Cou. ;Tîte produtte orthie couo- eeru are konva 4ttueîsottise country endi voauggattyenoa i thliscoîcecn vW in lu Ghswaý witîtlad etoqote prîtes .to ouý one intereutet i te Cliiichaos a sesîli issu Locatieti ai24 "'Theceai aîaccrîty, blilît 01011C ains Toronto i 819 ____________ o Boute 'aned Fp-s 9aliy.-iiiEtaE Buoines,-A-MasiH 41onStas Rpep~c <> 'W IERE ,EVERY LADY W Ias. Auctiloeerntg, Offera an Efficient A Moisi Complete Store for-Wu d Citizeni and Çae Newesi anti Most lashlct Hia Support laAlil the Garmenis iaud Mateerh opto Office-Phonoe 10008 ant i ivduallty of TrascleCentre for the Peul ilt coaveniaotOe. 1He çteel insOshawa ai 7 Simn tingiya atilao'Yeu ' lgaln& î'ou ln, as> Beam hut ibis ver>' Le aîip man a public turtlaer tsn tat. os Ch% publi cWhuo ka boulet ai;d farine orý stoerai o Igh it anti get onotben. diaoikeBo sScting O vhom toest, 5015 it-aud ti tla to Mc- lpeoplus et Chu sort e ta Ctot mlune oua, E to h.e luanent vWho tg iu renC, Tiie large ltin&$ blis hos a ln et the couftielic if tbIs e0onuitp 1 If Yeu wluh ta 41di humaea vlit i oit t, vo lltmake no ýalog the natter F.lOBERG a. Yeu vîlI f104b ialn ro! Thr Vir.I',Suucue tRg qaluititi or anil CtmtC puatb isba.las ond,oe rt, butinesou mus ig 0, o th oadlug tailea' If. lu dgvsted tu etaab-t.uscunclething ec etbtic lna a onsiai- et the rit>'. rLycetC stands ont !onsene mo Recausa Thua Pair Store la Ooghava, osc- 'Uem. baith ali-ciiiiies a distinctive place,0tu Che 09il dutrlhution ofsf uart.veut tati ~ga bO tacli~ ctotu a a fooiton centre o to "Bd i te anlale lies anà rti Roset[ram ail ovel' rmi «ema iil Clhiaa îoTbigoretoce hertC- ýsplace Ifililit coi tatbcvS th f Csc!mtliune li reordi toc [ilti arat iasl ti)asu.ceoitrulîli as tilei lu o a etînoe istea donchaIlt Patrons are nom- -!Yhe eeti a te'housardo',noct onl Y,à » tba gncere tr-am SItea' priaor. but ftrin 'the muogt Offic i- Cieh. coî is ttrict, «Ol-H a pabice Day iland aut 4'outthrangouai ý1teet whichliee oath.et oesrthCey seits e e ,ttl y bopc prou.!Picous Virasare Isard Cc>qial Jta v j I8 Return[ng and: ,pes to H-ear It Siuig' ain 7-Si " ing tBeach, moneoo it cPIl-bateti hîthlng plâc- lie Unitedl t tes anti the anelelak of thîs *town, liags volte. Most 0f the famjous tand hat when ltUfflted 'rth tin odcl aid s trikiog 9 beau. carrieti out-Ca aea 'lrce nortlheuoterly otoruis. a' cOuparativelty uarro* - ymPhonic,aand remainF. tlece romtitug aroundtheii olracpu et fthe beach lit lm f a tollar forLfie or.ý i,nd hiit.' 1 fok whçmie pride ln point- thiebreaia r generatioaei 1 l Itm beedOulotaInterna- cnaawu, alfa'praying 'foo Stormn toe re8torq thè Ulthelugli It was; a uces- 5tcos that SWept OICAy tIi. lattcloo.local geographçr.b ,ather riharps are certain, bdO aouthoater Wth uvldt d fromthQ bottontothe ti suad ellee 1C. up ho t1je, dec slbro aRga.' Intact o are auxiouuly watchlugr rto of eveiry. tide dectulreë luý lready havye hegijo bt M4as hoi Setitor tîmmU ie C liai iiitod raiîaoy >or avry della liolderu, la A tiroogla au Sir theôî ME i Orot a- Blouse ut, liart aI a I Lad alsoo llan, when, %vai was al hat houiet .aaed. that liTOe 0000 sesilial lr daE te plu abl bu ehta da sp' AMBULANCES tlie Cao ,Il iva.q ln liei had Plont>'e, hocolntrata qnd lia Lineof eltaArtPottery an a orhero,'but It cannjot8Aatlîfyýb d Boudoir Lamps il Parch'. local f OIL Sloaling. Beach -had; fet' -One of the Best Equippeti Pot. comtîetttoro iltoaghot C h world. un a4 Tansct aLare Rai.OnIy thrée oloular ones, located. bil nd rà nsct Lare Bsi*on the West toast, >'rauce.atlelJof. untryý.-uLéated in Oshatwa on paon, aro kinOwn luiere. of the Firuas tlut Merit Prom-. ue Not OnIy Because Its M aný Bc BIMY pBOVgD BEST COtà log feedîag test8, eo td LIl Timtes Active, binProinôtiiig h. relative. value' 0frufanmer ! fihte Cotmnaazity, but Eipèc. oeeiofr orpr trouctloù ndoer i Valued andt Essential Service. Pralilo côndltionH, thé DorninIoni tory Shtow ioôm at AnYý Time. Experimeutul StatIon at scott, Saus#,, Inîleolioratlotiglaot yeac or mateialaetogethor vîtis mono- a gala our à Iïaoesp factoring efflclency' andTi rae or, ou a. feod for growbor pliu business actOmen elltlugulo3hëe ta etlier auto aietao, or a mixture tlî o nocoro, and it lu îaa'ely if O harloY aod oato. Sarle:r gave evor eQuallod lu an>'line. 1 alceiter, gaina, tout beau ta feood, Ta prioduce a qoalît>' prOduct anti ahoveti o atrlktng lucreaco la alwà ys au ucletoment weli lunliot rotîrno Por hoat ovor tout %orti while. Plie>'have prodllceti Orf eeti. a quallty troduct ander e uyatoou" ' tîsat permlltu thenu ta couder a ABIG YEAICS 1VOEK rcllab1o' and a sulpéerr eervîise to Durlng the fiscal year endeti Pheir patronus t a tout that la Mardi '31. 1911. the pubtîcationo ter bolow. hat or elmîlar cooý Brautet tf he Dopartant or o4e- corna long offlcleutl>r opecatad. rttulturn5 t Qttawa Bout out a to. Thoy vers, no' cat ton ,e t f,2071409 bulletios,pen- wilIL maklog theirproduct thse lto lcrèu;aro, Markeat reports iscry bout-thot could ha prodluceti and &Imiter 'hîatrlal tofrer TLo wutfatior nddaelpo Crougboot canada. 0f hla'hute a system uof nariang, *a pro- total e2,117,026 Itemns won, çopleu Outcl r&8olatluanti a Man- oabi lltutii ntipampituet oubI- ageuient pyhiclienablea thom 1toeti "fromt:Ottava ln responso Ce ;Uuacuefully comp1 o te', îttuany direct. rqeitafroutaforerar. lit ote otci! e Ionature in tour sooaattuýssbues 2,1.34,2j1 Lh oto.copiesoft: *saéonal lno liOu bôegadatloo ryad.' a wece:malled; Vhlle a total of 1, b8'tr homo, gardon ryad on 01,i 4tpls market ceporto, Liilicotflei >' elttlg 0100-letiedtib>' tie varions, Branchei tlîtlag front thlu tcèutern. They 0f theo Dopottouét, veo en> lil bue Pîeti to0'offer uugs- Tht.ros oene Ye reeOu tioau ona aoy uhhect of yoot oeryéprtsan la ChIe pheo0 tho ,ot. Art or gardon :potter>' of the vonar ett inr 1 . I aî vialtery acceptable, gîi t thla lui ety Cht CBurouo.t Ji , andulnr. lo ho apprecilted by, the Ceroo 1ch ,d aprl ea mos0t dicrimloatlog. tewon:ftbua ardeeBrucealo Leot utlon direct yoor u poclal wr u hesouerUBîat sýo attention Co Chia concero. Lot us tohCedamnt. a aoed Altog pui)st yeo Co appretiate tiiat ti t a lainfermer», "a vito1 part of t 1he o OMualtc. TCEAIC Anti lot os ouggaît Chat yoorIn burenit abolie for Ctao very b 'st TheOilplltufldn 91a d tallit@l and Yor Civeloyaty btteacae orut rop rotation Il haoai c9lmîuntltîhould prompt 1yout 5l1 aniprtn acoInT. ail tlites epPoct, patroulte ganti etlng feed coats. Thé ehiet ad- bppeat for tlîlî weil kboovuco- vna~0 ucte are.: ce1> Mglttntng and I iprovlug teroli ,0 ifertIt,th' Cuo tatreulagr ________________________ylelds; (2) A.tita a 1 Wood' centrol; (I) AcuIoltin la Ckacon. trot'ut oainet and- crott timals b>' haLNng 'vgrlouz cropu on treetu $bit eaci;Yoar 604 dit makee a& nore even distribution ef labour F'sS~IF~. hr:::rhou: the >'aar possibule. l'o. [4 SHOP-EVENTtJALLY" croaeing the. ylelid pier acre ba One senani ioce Festrlg Or P sucto,ýtd lu Chia reupect rienandMises, Fëiturtigthecro roatin tltaysa e eai Port. bic Dres aîn-ýVee--DePt. of Agriculture, Ottawa. à are Knowto for their Satant- Deslgu -A Real Ecpnomical TUE Ithir-1,COST ?ACtoIC le f te Etir Cônty lýo * 11Oorder ta redoce Cprduction * et hc Eatlre ountyLta. tIl OfIlice Stock ant i tie stock De ýS S.proîtuetu hîgli acre yielda et huime-rovu ifeada are Che prima tpy, utlîcicloCilalîfStore in10thliroqulSlte, animal huebandre i. x ¶a t; fOntario,. 1Perte of the Dominion Dcpart. ici cl1 catI, sotte, guanO and' meut 0of Rgritultuce aseart-. Oe. Ù05808, aisWell as fore and, ~aoMosu t nea8ore th@s Tallrodut:- Oucpbto stok of noîilluery In att Clou ut te: bord -Outaisa nma ,he, ne00anad latoat styleu are toutialDer cow, bot par acre 0f a0a baud ia tislustore. 'land thut &Te*- thse "cr o thut la tadtivdulitly and ti tiîtlucttue rait ihhed. Gyel> hn î*I ies of deîlgn lu nated In thse thèéliot 10 proper reîatlonaiiip. lecIalitics and ready-to-Wegr Tht Masa tborongh cultivutton md tChia in a large degree et- and efficient îarm Prattite-bit- out.s for flic extensive radoe ot Car th"navec hafare. le. aliop. %Il tht goodo for the op tours frout the arhîters of MItxICMsCOnIW OL?[ tasbon et(tthe cIsC anti lu of Titevalue of mllk retorduIl are lieauîli.TTislu astoco avec>' Iaprovlng herd production la Ciie oaman oiaolit lu Inesa, Iotaiouu asubiect et an lntaresttag Tofsr- icýoughout tâta ooctlou for: il-enta lu the anoual report of te aâYs 1buu'mg uometblng nov. yor o! Illutration tatias foC 'ho lateot taîblua are pow mal- 1930. vhtth-Oaa bjat bean lu. g Choir appacrance In Cblo store ouedbaIn1918 h, Average pro- id 11Itu a bt-if It tomes froni ductlon from-elgiteeo tet bordi 'h Falc. vau0,442 Pounda o almitI; t Iu the rîadyt-leaear dotiart- 1930 tho Indivilduel avanage woS ont *ilILe oontilaIthe fioa- 7,073, an iocrease o! .631 poîîndi ia and iîaterlals a b opular of talltpar cow eovel a liorieati a ugue odat,, among the volt tva l'ours. Guly b>' actuel knovla 'ouaiti voiro, and the mono t f f hat eech cava Ia hIo lsureatlse af Chie modistgar- dola'>'bord ilu predociue cau a Ch is theC haie met wvitt.uolor- fomer teday' eltmluate he C approvel. '"boardere" ant ilncrease. totat Intiti Cha#goeaihigh pricea tblii production andth e.earnlng poir- .re la alwayi rocogolued #t au r e t tisIaphisaof bits farmtag 500e "hers the people of te opratlobeu-Dept. of Agrcurl- esnt> caourstce C.best mer- ure Otae. £nrdIueol lie day et a roasots- ______________ )e fiuae. I'eopte mariol et the. taellent merrchaude hat ca ail coispetîtion as taqulat>'. Sobtaliieti hatro et prîtes lover iatylo ant icSe. Thaa secaunstefer usn IDiio lre'iltic i o tse he ctthat Cthe otablisismeet mausa ia etmerreitle o! the.1-1 theseafor Ltsevol 4roà ued ty. Isladesof Che tommunialî. The piecip,!eu po l icla Chie It la s pleiefor tnuta tdi-' re fi operati laxChat o!for- recttattention te thii.sCore ce eue thi$ug udihoidualt ati distinctive et thse Important feateru. et tie ueialtIl and aut trettMnoet CmutOiu'ty's0 commuercial effici- asoiabl>'antiMeetng n a a1W car'. cesstial 'liaicc îîlth a tioool, ite-. teuitti Cita a anlOir Cl .'hi 1m Lon are div. tel 1, aoe vWho viii 8 anti tarms vb'h ibuheti thtY w RF tue isluttr 1.anp heIn etforiîbl5 hoeme and e; 10eu abri- -i rlidicus. Il ,hema have a ia'du hon adh ieo m c l tL eaun ivtr are1 ril &et ftac , of lite, Le tise odti emala plae kaoas hbcrlisse ut ia beau- areSI t bare. alu vo tlue art- moer wa hoinas,hlm indivldu. alîa st place hobe o -M;as Os 1 douae aty hite a rite tilsoW 'ery 40Cr- I cada nat 'tonit Clie &&mne Iluit tlisC arteuettse uflta t hia aytite li1aM at Con -4we SSINUS NO MORE'