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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 16

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satvise", devices et ibs advanced< wth foot itover. ta the fineit ITf f fge, In a fe minsutes,:tsdue,, ,the eiectricoiiy apertaed machine, by 14 "moderni housewifs cnao ctimpiih eoinga s alaiaiment cown. [ë',m Co oaa Singer, eswing: machine the If YQu have been titinkiatg of le' Q*woirk hat used <tebe hourai Undt gÇtttng an se noaa"eine, or Ifth semetimes dopa. Can yen imagine pregent machine- ais flot beeni isoessuai tyipg your %vire ori yoifr mother operating as snloethly a s .1 cdl la Oshava honis for ait<ly Uid lite linoshould. it ivill lhe ta yaar ai1-' 1 -tlo leeal- th~'e ilghdoig helis ir<l]Y s voltage te alrailsubflrm. Yen e irai of cis iai5 will find tlaem ta ho ans whô ispaying the Oae demonstrationi he < etc- ondersando ail tbàt pertoas ta C. W Verde, Stient woefhoro of tIbsrompany scwng, machintesaind 'anuewhogo li agecy, Iii rWonvin ce tflic niot exaëtlng soin ceaire la ta renaler yaa 'the aîsihority on liousewviea <that licea s aàmach- nmost efficent service pasdltoý 14 s mplrIe <lat t-timany îimes ovar 'ihey aperball'ze In hemîllitch, tie lomun poiai' syfor Itteif Ila oshort tme. . toc nd.are p repareci to tarn but Hasr~Iere las.car ery mutlot a eexpert, varieon sort ~atire at .55C0< sein branch office aof<lhe larcet fand an eronoîîîiral rail. 'th thé saf. eîrem-i'a ~ b:t makers of neing machines eer-groN.ing emooci 'for hçm- Rai imolngtr e ln ntrodiuctioni. Thle naine sport frocke andl the dreaifiup" so "Silln. ngdeir"lu. the sewilifmachine frori, <ey-rs prcpored, etakue world Inana the lmoil 0f volai e <a er CY demoald.. Tbey aid' aUvthe fomily -the best la, ocwig mficiiuel. the ivamen of the Country la boa- eh1. . 0 -nf The Snger.-Svlag, Màchine, loe;the tyllois 1'deas incrporoted, *ep sonIy and Compay bai a cîteent o- b <1:.beir frocis at a vcry emaiui o#attf Und ce- nient plan fortbc beirlit of their otiey f pînosey. osb h anal e tomero. Acroriliif t te Jositler feotîre 0f thec service Todoy <bhe plan- any pereai con seléect aty ceaidesrd by tim local hciach bIjne stands. nodel oof cielejomaciie. fron Iceletîtelr repilydepaistmet. caliing wlfe. lie stardy, machine tht opertes 'Haro are crrlied al <ha necesfi )F MOFPA BUILDING, SIMCQE ST5 t 88 Sinacoe St. Norths andà ase Iastiitçtd tand Carried oe ;tableshment. iti a Fitin pl. m6tor. caa. - Now 81 » eictai uly art greateat Eet. ilatr and mass zidvancementg. IL j?.ont <te fanees vall cors are kanies Anse the lieaalla& aitetnobïi, Letý se suggesatt compatiesit 0fabaiwo, <acre are flrs fit once forc« A ew if seyt' hat eiau show tha rap- -MOBtILES ARE - dprogreei tiIs firte ba$ mode ANDi McLÂiJQi for thcy are the offIciai represen- BUtILDtING TOIC taiven in thîn tcrritory foc. the wonder car ii sce Postier coco, G.MI.C. Trcksa sci a sesaione asiýt<ho foiaoo MeLauchla- slows. A phesc Stick vatve-is-bead Moaor Cars. peeci wth y Stact laorecslre frma aidd On avatar ataIt huit où uifle oleasure ta the coatîni- Grnerai Meoon commninty oe la the t. ýTQthan lb1e aredt ausînoso 5- loint tapro- 1a moden Ion as bey St. North, ,hý <bey are cti Os unt- Soe ose of ltasof e. ba the many' vltb a -bcad en- <h <lie ea- bave a mde ostotanti- 'aero-megh I latmper- irelor alid lobs drive, hock elm- ,,,Iportant esd na la- publie for lad mter 'orId ever. nu ses ibis 'ER AUTO- G BLILT ICK ARËE ire Clie s crealsat !ver at vos sPeeui cor eplanta 0, d. TPie uusFwtnq o nt aiaaiyie n ia.-cau ýxpezîenced Autontive lSUat #tosi Of Enal>e .Reputat ion -Phocne' 915. - <I cobi M* VicePresident and General Mea 10<85< triumph 0f Mct.aogbilin- es e on1 Baide crsftsnieolip anitengin- vtosaiyoi cecin. bnw t1 The ase Pantins wlIh ts le- esperta. ,nouas e noermght nptly ho cars iaoS tonmnait"Thie Car SnperlabrY Wie tt est a0000 Oye body styles ail trlklngly the naît beautif ul, and wth ne.taindwrIaf focaleitln etf Ponfort ait'performasnce, <h-i la <hel Iti Fd Pntifci tawiOnllOg popauiar lhsy arfe ntlalu. lNotwlthstaoalisg the values fat bat the nsw PontIie ta lac- vhlch or ger than befere*aind has a nom- a ew bcr 01 engineering'limpiavemetto.anisas c It l b lîcng otfeceitfor legs <lien friand heorc tai-is 0vhch aY mh cio'io semothiag P,tlsc vas ever sld, yet itPc ianurse et1 oesees se ropatation for déepend- lion la c ahie performance <t le thoens-vy convisat., et theo mtor cr cInduîstcy, eee Throagla <ha .M.C, purchai e y offe plan <beyhave arrangeaiEgo0 <lo: choir ca youea see wn omit drive ytur sthei.ar Ciiolceo f eth6r <he MeLaacug!usitd Stralgt Elght or <hoeaew Ponti. Morley srs, es-on thaugb yol do not . aesal. Xsw <ho reaaiy cosh on band. A mrin idelt of t cf preferreal poymenta Os provia- benon ee eoi for a <is plan nit ton ca- ansi puil nt fslly onderolanit haiecore- la onq of, teait boy.have madI11<tti 'sn mn of tc stop and let <hemx explain t he<G. buoissil M., A. C_ prceao piseLt tmain atIve l t cl Y00 about the genereus urss-O- Cino thl siens ft'ho Ornerai Mtars O0%7a- ment oet erServlce Poltcy -ne. bpros A seiltefatu re ltuliacire- sn'me Unt vice ta Sirt and Pontiacr ewn. onieair ers. Thît mens tat ttasy bsvs tien of t] mrn whe have bad acide'ex'eq. enviablej THE. NEW MARTIN THEATRE' Trhe -Populter Playhouse of This City, Offering Feature Productions and Bringing the World's Greatept Stars of lic OslsaiweA Home Owised Institutinthait Mernte the Most Liberal Patronage of tihe Publie and ContitulÀ of the Most Importent Fetaturea of the Commerciail Organization of tise Comonaty whldt Brin"g SodiaI taiment anod Tratie Activities to tue tIty,-LTnder Direction of Ernîe Marks, one of tise Promissent Thi M~en of titis Part of Ontario. 1 Anotable axaaise cf eabatai- plaiea at laanalfe arr lisede- liti procras'la heoinbaptac- ,jtaid aat oly for he ctetala-J -ire voris of hla ascctin f lhe ie-t af lhe public. but as wel fac country itgIbiie ? par tira hie dcatialan aad Iatellectual au- <ce. mshtch haisa rePtatbon tliant i lIraofh îe rare-.t sLatreadOeg far astI v. ait hoie-c There bu î..,taboae wilb hadits Wa' ti part ef the country and Os4 a geaiby le tho pragreofi of ha popular place fora' enina uto00- csmsaaobiy as doesa a vOcvie" imobile partiIel. ibroiresaeh ase tts oae. 1fMot The theolco tla attrartia ly -fora- Oel bg-4 the wva ria'eateat lobait tastafuliy de.arated ad stars hece te entestain ne, bat il1 ceasfortable lus os-rs voy bras brnieadfflc b usinesa ectOvity 1Ilcaging to ho oie. res.frl <o the- irai Iliasbeasits the soltre casa- t ire asresem and ateil seüsand nmiiOu. lehoald have te mnt ire amit aLtretise 10 rauisaiigs laherol Patronage 0sft c sature yen arsestranmeat by excellent paeople. ýfid dresai music whie <he -Oine ta r. tarabs f oreigit world'ai gresat ftartara f ebaotiianald but',he 2taioproaduction»i étage play the preituct'-usoot the of the Cùant tudios, t astI an <s ho men5t eneaned poorirlebts or coa-rn uotalOsareffss-ed bers the contssot. foc taS atetaliet o<hOpals' b - a ses ,romin "i trae-t 1.T1'.et or cLr b s-se 1 var ramo n ad lb s.i-i lac sud nal i rs suare -, flIrtait upon thae peap ye mai seesthsleudiî productonsthat ais a famaus. tettibis"liu s-si, roeei, news--ail iraymi here as sose est I frein ho tadioe. ta <is day oflth il living <ho nanager of1 tre hais neyer 1a ersui- dard bot tn-ib-ts Ilat i nons ýtee goût! for ibe <is Part of tiei raontt] tise claiS 0of pr,,daricp osdearn bled. et la hg au Ceer any i.iohdrdx. cavard pro-ce sof thes are glad ta ûrimpilbmcx agemet Up"11i1t, goý accSstbmg 1,t l ie ±brougb the P .er-n fsrnilabing <b h pt <t l Ie ta Tii "bc" buma idLes.',a lit, ich Mr. T. A.darton la prc tor .10-ose ort he leadts cetcans5portaieaa imes 1: Lt Bowiaillle, 'eut ofil moral Motel on Oflag Boî Siarton MIttr ltz eae he& cb anit garage are localed buIIiiing, oitIrely fireproui <vwo stonies and basement.1 oati socs-ou as <ho malateà e 1.150< forthoelino, but - of th lst out Ipspeit garag 0Ol'vJrta ttioliS hetwecel Ost and Kissuatoai Sterage for 1 le taros-cbIde. send ts sers-h Ioea wlth two doahtêe-wiaus IPS eoaitorma to the latest as > garae racie. TheaiBei ton glati ý 'à bubt sa ha$ ais *a iIL hieh begins at 6.15 ai. charter a. Caaton Diuat take .s ad 5< ss.llnlght. tisora ote oFalls, te ose es-r?- ,t bat iloimanville and thifig of Internet <bore omit on -o- Wit<iia mine miles remte, lacludli <hoeillminations. LWa, PIe st h iptlii To- ThIn trip tcinlgstona nd ?Thons-. laton tlgbwaiy, hais ndusdlan l aais01e Iot tItefes- flimai factorla ithe de- IOa tlu poosalarty. e f Mrc. Gactoa usobit'AUl ef Gartom'o baiss aare 0100- cc 1i5 emlployeesu ertrie lighted, ettibabqai th nttstY lotore of Canadla. L<d., ait hakes, ansi are mst cona- a. malte round - ripa lortably farhished. Th'e nov lbr- ?eea bath Bowloaursil10frcoacheos wbtch bandethé is cai, NbIch Io a totalchaster' bualses s-my largely, f nearly 60c peopte. beiusg equai toa coi. rior service. forIpartes, e55cec,. &.a .5..- bat and ceinfectal cas arrange tc ve amy tins.1 ior rip 1< Ivatago t<> su are ataiO ii doe aW fosr Jt thi as Re- i poli- iy e' litO FR oe cf the~ a Cm w- ay Yeaan t te cbaracicr,S 1coutput fond in ien of. hia hu lil laid. tiEecry Saý <Cal Ibroogli niai 1more efficient me yeas-s been ptil acte ta itspavv oe. C cfý abe <ami onal cahaact twiCh1 iary. D. 34. Tu i. prailucis are l& T,.( bat cati1 1er, loy ni alaceeso. M. M

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