fore' inur' vhîieli et suit 1118 iPRrtio'llar Ose3 of the neede any mors thsu le lkoows reeponsible "viat laid ai medlcal treatfllOit ng 'vîtiout. ls go od for hlmfi,: ail tise.t4lings se liecaUse arethtie work of eperts. Ansd t la more and lirs wiere tihe moern lOsur- certain aie- auce agents; suds 5 ýb represent r have very thise office do tiseir Worlc. o Mau eauf y net taes ut consut hlm jut as Yeu tek. No 1n- soOsuit your lawyer, TOn tel lli t ha Is lo your rtuattofli, your rsurcz e t n sd tise amenâtOtyou 'vfis te mteratir 'spnd. for lusurance aud ie 'w1i1 ail letvrien ytellyenlut tise hud ut issur- Ils, ne-.srsyo eau. 1I-ta leivua ln tlie oues prutec- y nOYsle caisssldldiu la rleDtL61 whu licli lise coolducu ln tise suý agency andI eblois w iii lisfar tha posSIlble niore veisaisie tisas a rciStele omehhis la- gequired-oaeiy b>' sq.caiicd hIgls or growth poer sillsg methods, years tisas Sa,0' .viether yo u als te ltu- . Tise great sure your car or sîimpi>' a peta f theseu000glass wlodow, yoju casot igo a truc 0om- woran, b>',cousiltîse ie etflè5ý nation. This Mr. Dudley :*fl i slnd>'your proi- man5 Tiglt lame,lut s a a ucoeefui i:w yer Il a aie ont- lstudios ýa rase.,Ho lie iitell yOei ail tisaI i anacti>' 'viaI yor feed lmandII aijd lie Mr. issw 7nu ea Meet 'tisatnesd at tye f In a milnium cs. oaiy irst ýrY fine. Mr. tiudIsY la a an OfDa- e basoa ei en viable, du rad t0o, s40 buoresesalla Pti tisetil etable, ae ing Oise. fershoa s.u, vo1l ,hioeWasaona tise toundatilnet mer@enoasagosd coRI, COas1 Lhtisa vii gîvs is uers greteal servIm ansd ho knoala alere te obt&in it ie soervice, isowsasVr, does n t enl vîtIs globg es u$- toers qoe& roi t*mot reOsn- abi prîce. Mo places lisi inoal- q dgo.of tise côal situafet, t tis diposiai fite coasseu iY. 139 wlli tell yon u ssIl tise bet tIms for yoe ta buryoyur coelinsu yon wi» make Ou itake lau1fol- Ilt bis adyles.ý Ulis coai Yard le, o et tise Steaual ui-eet'co15m0rcIi 01coûtaisluitise IWghly I co2muiOty. Fitsfiol e0'Wagons fatsa E inaure prompt peilverr. Ie ado- i quae syard sat orpita hlm te et kie» a large suppli 0onland, Tisey Carry a çempletelifte oir emte a1eo higisgrade feado. ihi Inciodas peopele 'visadi Lvot oisi tise local feesbut tse paiprel, of diat IsporlaI! feeasivecisbaveaiss t>' bI hos testaI!and tfasesu ersler trous a eecured tisîr i scdenîlôc tandpôiit.a A teature of the s inesla tihe af tisaatoneb Ieaipoultry supisOanti teeodsthse nssiofaI 'vhicis are.oitiualiahors lIn barisginifai man>' varloîles et as>' lIme of tstis Ite me h y-erT. Ie tise mon 05 1 .,'t. Ftclirdasl .tish e a- tIve suer, bhtemdlied e 4acqueint- ole fliroos ance tsrugisout t ection oflprésent 11555 a tcoty natla oe ,ioutheaaî>' ea moun. 11f e »ttI1.5 lao bsiness'ai- sben -Tisse slter Uieatie isousa etn- legssbavecreesfqA thébuesin saesarnive andmodernva s-- pie h ttio' fns br erna 1' oty xobec isIa tssvsiuad c c~erl andeston'osie ex clusieas!meIas- iep stuO 50lfje t4se le nosubstlittstofor gonfotito- hlm'a pyolnsnt place in tihe aheratise>' lissa th,distincietl and 4b"&'a ,ultit, ooiars, tic casi and!cokes. 'eTisehsquai- comsmercIal sud lslustrial Ilite oansusperlor lxte te hl. InsL leiIs lI4,1t5IsT4sýbatsandJ4ait It>' fuel auppleet bIt tie 'Wblthýy I hlse usly. cramuabsty J.. Fr-ak Booth~,tishe .1 t OOhfsres. mensapa1soe aop. ial Méritée M lit sProrestlesIan( the proi0500t positinUeasIfli. t- tareis. Lot un remark ai S s talienthetsacontimeVfil and jul- m0151cistprielba s eosQ viel orgasîctatas o tehe ar'aWofcareful contildaration aas Illa scion. Yeu do nt psy asy mer WR BY8PROMINENT BAKER AND CONFECTIONER' buiess, it la neo t cUiRe.tisaIta ocom5plment Mr,. Pooel la&ers of Quality lBred aned P-ctries of AH KiMds.-WhererOsaxeeut thom 050 Cie mreCiv himlns thi i elw tl baininanai Art aand Service a Plesurs.-Bakers of tisscusua attentoataa t tiseir tieu plaece aeesg li P*00i, Cakes andI a Completsesne ofBakety flentesa peruosel appearance. It lbas made st eaiteigseaousese ethî Made trorn the Very Biut eofIagrdlenst.TIeePopular au exhusUtive study oet dothbfl5 musty wlittis tiePro$ and Attractive Cofectionery ln Whtby Esjoying the aud boise ie tauck is 'ustise r- stock and servie merise. Cuastom ofethtie Town aind Ail thse 8urroubn gTrrnltary, This Beleg Onesetftise Social Centres of tise Towandslî5 eu'tsi.Wr ue tpsa saieaot s Oiesof tise Featuresg of thse Caomercial Orgailzalion of t?-sîr drivers, telepliODC tiles or naln 5tise mucis largot thse Coos nmuit y.-Perfeely Appojasteel andI Under Popu- ait thselr tere. Lotis lu ervice anti pupul, litanaed Campeteat Direction.-Telepoe Q Odrs Given set great blises n 5the carsin15 Wliea tbe people Issu TroMt Atenton,-CaliWhiby 20. hpir effot Ote gîte tisa people tise Important articlels out fusil Promp Atlntle,-CuI Wbtby 30. sçt wouisosse f0041 I-SiItisir place Ilis asiiatise>'are:1 iioft tof rustansaru bave luarnsotitea re s daeprîetaboi,, it ThIa osetbsyandtiissleryl tcrtstlis ail kinofaiwOiUi5i refusa gondisfront, as>' oISn @se- af(vaser tiet aisest tey I1 One ai tise plicier;ctabiivi.- lYsare pleagte compl5551ient lsitneua.lissassge iabave efa, lle 111 utamarsj, ris mmet ftise Io-fi snlere eselru- Issu. un lise piogioelve esbtablis- .-sndere is tiseir tisatmomey cein bo". pelitau service î e nl rsd-isdtisesmet and pubicieslrted polir>'. In addition toa aful Ue a et lda euraietsfor il pisilu. Tise laka.r>'depeitsuv t a. vualty eoueretiane -, Smilse a vasa aýs tliodu. tars Tis ecelse 'su ou";uu- um els li for coasto ni rieu- cllsuviler, Nelians Choc)olatos ln ervirce ced tisa11Isfut hc trcatiuent, Mr. SBlmoresm astf id 111A5,< and t le qete popussir w'vîtis uir r ies, thpy isli Ice cr0111' 5roulito, tise Propritr i s,.WsriOu.t carks are iios vise te IJtOle tram Ibers ai,-s asEle us huitor bli k.If 7<10are peso- gns tri îense elsussuti. I otis a s isais ti tsss t ssui, t utisr arounitiluî tuseesIr. S itInuluandI!bave ae 41* or ai mqeoseu lsh, uFioma I.g r paturonase oafahih isey Siurge-es lreati sed1 ali are ai- t -lkefa auppi>' iomse, Tam hI li lunp repitily. puy -Si lie p st. Thie place ecys tresli asti tiaty. RS -bilse, telilgbtati ailstise lIsser oft 55 Tttg Onese Ofthrise hle ,4IP5ippd' lstise lltOt ant igSaitaeso. teiclousnessuft fteste rcris e ses i dtise purty ntftie wviolstise cssisseosssllys I-apýt itztrmat Lad Poei>'aie- ai iz or are sisaratsristie utl cher ngrdionsa 'icisgo Ito pascoti- in ilTt. if il1v coalandsi uesos- it oIfie Otet>' pratinu-Saitou' 55 Su. askie- i.St H sg-slie - tyreis-ee hoput! allr. le Iosausd ters Tie>'areVsrsatis ri Atilt Ifs1 e assa eusfaurei" 1 le u ortis S-e cs' psestbe or bti d lef- f;d iyaI i u vuv~Stu ys ue reefriaussI trli'uslo u edesmi iail-apt îe~- at i lee oi, fesOStlSeu ou-ttieutlrtt Cu ise moisisý - ýb ý lI ire h ot er i-dat2 $ace ra4tri ýz ît:ctu: Th!j istsa>eeg&el:oraî t a t ata"Ibs mu-air. t4i as i bitot-Ã