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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 18 Jun 1931, p. 5

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MontD 1be du niresla. tseiyo iautoqolonon. I O ilVe anti dohusins. týade-tcimsesl batsielagirs, Tinstwounfortanates *fil le.,poplarthiasaminur," -n oys v e yawrd on earth ni A taRiion ntcECét2cp< aiti yDnaglnsed aganint tineta r5the pi .mea ef-ceue. s * ~ ter anthetnspoliticien, .ý.COOER- SMITH )deier id laya: "Erca sugg tac paticalarideas of th teiuirg. Tins. manageqxa abls O!tiosîiginx o!f115151 ifaviet lbÈInmlportant 'iia@Iyca an EnviableRpoaii aCrfuii htd Oncy for the Duco ptecas , lte Then great cars le ansrcils*4 t,. ýa ln easo a service bta- th in fatsing, te Insrarlij ob tinat n' tfor 'the Canadien Carrlage wiii ho tirest eiaso.ln ôvey 5, îrMtarItégIant: ail Itinds et btid. A rpais ttepskrtseunt lamails. ' are bulltbotin of standard and 151usd and in tisatlsy ItertOïe Bal dedagil bath 1or automo- publie the igihest typae t, arviin* so and boraedrevn type. Ail' antiaccommodaUtion a on& lèý rta cet repaira are made, and a rates. ciaàlty o et theplant l isr- William; Mérrit, thé, pritor. ring of vrsckoanti putting le& livet I n Oshava a1l lisa,'fit im là gond shape for servIce Hlfiwell and tavorably kuawi ln. sume 0ftinh oson em- toelthe people <ef chio comnnunity, ,y iopelesso assortineOts o! udn&lie hn salwayo boe atatidt ckage are brougint lire t rom square lui ait bis buafs 4êtil. parts etrtine province, oniy to loger. ýbrougint out lsater 8SO veli re- 1lInmaking tMisreilwov o!'ss» it that tihe ordiuary observer ouvard progrens veare plesast tit suspect Magle. tlu complimbnt tins Most officient Thne snquipmsnt at titaplace ls manager. sa amasnetfttheirsuent ry complete andi inciuti.nuai l]de.a an askopt iaestaiuis- Snecesnary squiipment for tins ment thor'ougbiy alireosa ti Iding o! bodies ana caisrne Uantion' dnd>la meeting the.o neodo ,,aimpleatconsatruction rte éand^ti tnsprobiems cf tins 45T.Ia et intricats demanda. of ins amont tinorongisgoig.flag nor. ýWe tieniré ta reter inia-ssiablïob. he materfais useni bers are et mnent te, ailtthe people o~ i t i ec bout vootis tinathave been du- flio ftinscountry and: ask ion i«sonstiandi are lu excel;ent lb cal for speeIftcatilomi asti-ý Aition for vorknuanobip. Tnes nwate on couténspiateivr, a csretsiiy workod up accord- viii BOndi hm courteaous aadssieat to th esigna demanieti. coMmmatitn ausIghly effiienst. woo H. TUCK. s-nu aurkt siseprises. Oulnicgsn edss 51 anoither". spciats vitthtlao 4eetintafirni cas I;e of eV5L iwr-ice' ta tin o ple wvine-M1 'pu lociateti as t10 inablhe I10 hep ciicleens or otelinr ovîs lu the it>-. 21 ILa net annetlezaItiat lainbtis comaunit>- viere peultr>- raisins lias taenson Linadimenstiosetf ta-uIyl> ase dusti->-tinat thie M-saniesinhouhti b. se populearin tble sectio, lIter a great <Iii :et tudy and experinsenting and ru veuwokt hie local Com-. pany> bas ssuredtheinse prod ct& viloitino ponitr> mcet ori",ta anti adjlacentterritor>- may Iainsa- 101017 i-el>-ont as tin s at Pou- fr>- fed tat nions>- can proti es. It inakea ne tilfereace viners of Yeulire, It mires no tiuiterenca on Mrielier yoe are aporatlag a blg1 reti dc-meriai pouitry>-farta or an- cft 1> iteopicg a tev birde la your ara- hack ieI-'itmaieno e ilfersc ILa-t lhOw sanasensfas Yen have bea-Kf Ced FOye sa-stslna soatry asti baes bal folt adepte t alisa-lina et FarI11a insiers- id the lal t2eyIno - e uinder of! e i .-Fer- vn feul.' P bilidingi Wood left su às encre. W for tara' 5C Boise.Ce tât mATr-sa auti Nor- Vp fides lu bi ina Indus- j, ns smpeak-'7T is >asti. in ia Cfolin- as lnltory Of' [aoi t" ré e' W. train Ph tu enaatrs 01thib iaaissaj li tana servie Of t aciorer la affsred the 'tci 'sIon b>-' tlinlsa e No mattor Wh&;p nia>- inka4sla,'tkat ),av taet do"'IZté tinansandti tn>,aill ire thons' or-'ou te 'o. ofQawa'a Lead Cas y. at STERçED OPTOMETrits s Men and.- Author of Suc Eyes & Health" ' "The Eý ,Clilit and Ets Developm lim, the Wbiltby Gezeti )tômtry FetureS tis-vi asghout 3Tig tïti .- pposite t îe post Offlée, Hi, 5.a- ic te the Clou . sc'n.a asàçuiipaoue, "A.- " -, ' ' -n "un» uv c V eru igo! Mdatortita &ývéry Arr#iIga4-No time nat Effrt liasbeen Speared to Pr liasinea g*andti t e aai ete d Satiàactory Eqi uiet That Money Cen Bui keîsatifleail>- .1*do tigo Kaawledgb e akes Rim »g - liatInlu ye Trcubl* tthe o, Tland 'n .i-5 Tla.sDelleate Organs w vs >- oll Mutin Inceslvelsio 'mast attrastivo. Te atmf Speapli the hie ity of Bis Serice-Phý L col and ai-s inova bd tetucertain tiofects. Othere proimpt*,anti efficent et as have ltokn bati cars ut osa" .yes vinea vs e rschiltirea. a6 re et thtin abt An lteon eaakusas or:an>- etearactor &asi théenlsta-etmont u!tinse eyes niay n of! tins , satlafylaig - aln»sus ta neeti giaaaea.Because lit tins von d.os-ihn ofet1h. teieistesa of tlin s 5. no0oeuot an expert eheuitilie cmst ilatera alive t luexamine andi correct au YenWitl findti ula os=- viaion. A mislake les>-men 6.'tioan a-b the liaSetremsiy tiefective sigini. a.noevicae.ITseinoato x saineatti e saurcesut great atie saifos.TCins -boft ]De. t . I, 1<1t"l aftation ta tins People ofth!bi t tins musI rassanainle ;Tire 'loaue stionsbut tinat vmunl-tatis>basc- Ible are fotarsa tligt this *yesa are linsensmet inipotteelt vaSnt>-locatetihlise an nLan a ven ron nsr gaeessesWbhIas oiefe t lcfnieai siili anti taJZ sonpîtsi orgitat esspotetoail sclmn.jaoux e xperieiticmakehMisune- it a tct )meji - t ailtiatitititit ille$ehet itnO lu t isssa#ssfattr ikth-tglefoat. Dr. Tuci et Oshava te We automoile ln. sU stneali0in'elr te eil astifarerahy isionnoaand Li feTor linesaoi Y e nl fen hout heenialtiv e ra' a-it jatroalueti. andsti 151>-se. Be oia-the rer isinoabas apent ysare etoita ifslela -iSks i a il Thosetacts mains It a matter eaking a special stuti>o-teetin ye t. ]POrT& andsIliglef a-m. e srfS a-.n5 llnd 4~ in oranihi>- compelent un %o aippil n bypar eys bukwD lnpsfecîteeoduiin, aver nietali. 1 1. b5~ ~ ~~~ta aist bb-sa tri Yovr,'tinag omde islie tduas nu reputatian as an sysaisint S"ato te r"atsa t) 0reltise stua-fle tr ain abs>- speciauist ta net limtledto te Iis lIsttagsat asefflan, Paed- ndr tIbis U5oglracemmuptty. Perse ram oser>-- ,that tins people nbottld1 a-5ad sf etticisty a- e th*W etin tlasecton o! Ontan'lo m epas tinsvrioSns mon tta demladte o ves>- façiti- cca e tomene teOganaa A« Lhek isiastîtla- 1>- hata emain flaa6l .>tebave i inir ysp'eainead reg- Somns of san ineit syesasali- aL1àrIy .Mis office te eninipped LlI ir i:h Weil Known Worha ,u -yè Eyes: linModern Lit.", "Optm-ý lnt, ett, SûmaetofWhlclk AV tte and Cbroxlcle s l s thes [c laAalbet te Publie àt -BsOfie àÉhawa la Located ,Where gBysry F4aclity tae -in. pie - f This Section Hlan Dopa -ovide the Ment Modeïnis.Acev- Ly,--Long Expmescand Wide o, -,Innun Att m ta enah« l Eksmeo- À A LI boue 152,6 for Appointmeint.- fit You PsnfeclY. HeStes.bseiiii> dine tineut niakes of left, pa- pared& Batin et I a wrkj. a at ou>- bis long saparienca bat: bis guanates. Bis #glaises enset givë satisfactio. If Yaun oes zare cauasI gysn any trouble vinasvoirth insn- st moire la tu sehies luemasi- ateiy. Tour -trouble inya pls> siigint asnd capable et beag cor-. rected t oCtce w ith tins prapor Siasses, Imniediate atteationtat sncb matters na>mars«Y os ucke elpense ast ndlcason co,« If youbhaira chltiren, St ta, a vise thlag te haro a asialar s- asainallon matie of Iboir aseh aloua- villia negularpysocat - aJnioatian.Dr. Tucin liasmadeiaa particules study etlnt-enouls ettecting cbuldrenVsaiees and'. viii lie giadti 10irs >y@n tins ct expert stiie on tins malter, In compiling tits Rerîi et c tins 'omnaant progreas oft"n Caty, this publieatioiaul X" le racansaendth iis expereaed leptonsetriat tu ail or Ste lotiers- Hie 1,e a profenniosal uman <or ide knuoviede a andeparleneoand a %alueti ritizsenlIn the comnmuxi2' pý&CE SEVENTEEN Ciiadian CoStes Hston. Tinis route muet b Como'e . ovsreciin a sîngle day, ansitib 7 i ing'& Cup Racte air navigation difficu lies r ft ~ British Air Cliassie Mà'.~y nototi pilota.lhave o thia rata minge- itg,.iBouga*ilo a lu're. i 122. 1-at ;'you;lMien Brovn »tinhe tinsia une 17: iyisg an' Âvc Arien, aoinisvst thatthe Monrea, Qu.. une17, an average speeti ef 102.7 iniiol caps""r-, Olsnida viii haie a reprýéeate an, hour. Tins race vas .orrà r iy re Ins ¶ol thes clasiic of, Brittih air tus f70mlsfo fan unit dore raeeo, th ins igs, Cqpta bu vurtin ta Bristol t itaMachestesr mî> e ýe on.Jai>- 25,' for thi Lra luNetocautta ut ulnsd back tia 7ation eft Uie, InYistoryi, John C. Wcfr PtiLwortbi. Ms' Brown bat s iinterestu steri' Montreai sportsmani andti inadicap alioveuice ef 2 boum - amateur filer,. VIII PilotaIbisamati 25 minutes 51 seconds. Alan S ted ch o-bp ans.tin salue D. P -'- 10Butler, viti a ihandicap ef 46 Ontario i'on atai -DPrnmon 'ninutoti, 45 seconds,. sas 'accond' et notin- iéëètilty stabllabed a 0ev Cen Let i.R .Wg rdlimarcb sianitaltitude record. - and 'iigit-Let f t ;W ga uphar. vith a anidicap o!'2 houi a-ity. Be- - The: Kting' cpla raCrifafor 5' minutes 6t seconds, vus eketi by ow i otrcunlaroaad Great Britafi, cinrd. n ratu, m - il g.n ret.-lu nior tier vinners wers:y19122,2, fpr-tance. since ils institution ultc r. L Barnartin fly;niug B U6 nies Co'.yeÏrseago. bant. yeara vnmsa* '0oàrelentr>-, a »H 4k l è.,tiie ri,4o . he rst UnelMiig a 56horsèpower BsllaeRoyoo up ins nifred Brown detieai;ý 87 - ine.ve Mil 2O 'hp;n ob fother pi lûte. rgin, W outteagey,12.0 'P ng con- 'Msr. Webuterlo planes, dne, Sitdoisys . entry, a gfiiehin vI;tin signet andtbhtn',Cunâda. He a, 150 boriespsvsýr'Jagntat eàts nul 1 tinî as tain omMcluîrcul bta ncitp ino avorageti J49 m.pý.i 9 C: atin- èfty.inere illii ie placel ou A. 3, Cobinam iyiag Sir -ChaiéS huea th in iia Empeoren <fAIns- Wuksflelat'a- onts-, a DH,. sûvrti viain ta aci'mailing, Iunq 2*.9a d hbron a 220 Siddeiy Pubma îy JUP -irin t Sçutbpmpton lie viii eagtas, Who, aveagdl10 m.pA.in Iylt ta eston-Asiodrome oser 1925: W',. .1b.Barniard, flylng- Sir, ommer- . ôndo.Tinoline viii haire prat- Bis Getites' entry;' a Siainnwilin .ity. antid t à ataitaçn o*pe ara a39 5 iornopower Jagarsengia sinboutti fCoin efoae tins ns>-of tine race. vWho averageti 141 mpi41920' nt, thet 'rho Rings cap viii be raceti, R. S. Broad, flyiag Sir t2liis vwritten ooe"-ýa' circuit etf 900 musa j'ln Wakefili's entry' a D. .mott, aupetent tiei*th, startine anti radiug ut withn a Cirrus engins,. ver -- )-bave HMton. Ascotrome, sabout 20 sceti 5M4 m.ph.-:1927".- L- plitary miesWestet oLndon. Tins Iligint itepe, fliSg bis qwn DH. M)te Indiii- WIltAke piloas northin lsli- vithn a irrus engins,,'whsp a-sa-- s6 tano- cester anti Norvichn, tins ti-st cou- ai'ed. 92.8: supin.; 1929: W. L, I aa-at trl-centre wviieeàadeaent lau Hope, fdyïtigphi. o;vnI DM Matin il nb enssairy, thon ta Nottiainansm, vîitin a' ipuy engins a-ho'avai- upinatte: r ud Leeds secuai 'cou- agoni 100.75 .ph: l ha tioot centre) cotiuinir to Bics- Tins S tbler enta-y eor'Mr- hiniself itiani, laanchester, menola atiWshter's fipoveresi sitin *,of;: Reton ta h <in contrai centre) OSi,,ý enginsr, snd liast a tois le eaad oithto hlefiorea nd wCu t te10 peti of 130 miles ais inuri andi sasadIfamble ssni Bristol, f fturtin;ou-ancriaingspéedo tiaaound los. erer>- trol ce5ntre), asti ten bac urnt _________ wratt at Tins vell-drèisedi man ime silo vrittes Wear clotine'tiet look as ittina gTiney perfencer n ahe tiseuti> 0f ..comi bati cnet a.lot Mors mSs tin5y 1014* les an- imuit> lie andtihtnsentorprines as If tins>-lined' ctst.-Sap. 'fore but ,on- vintoligo ta mains upIbal lits, Utnion.- Paint&'Auto .,Repai"YShp Illttliea. vin' lIt tinir antic Baisent erer> ,able amoag:M t la aImas unit thers la ires ta in 01, tai-yard-it eus-grou> 0f1 tiad na-ht lis lit>', i hewhi 'Commerce ,n praititng sc tier lins tuine. tisti inc,'s LPe. l aul y ôi anti brajva Tins uni Sshunt'tbig thearti, if lave tineir ceonse.t ment Sa the civir litCel peapiée coni taitedi>' .fi tempt, r itaderq f cedentet.iln 1Speait eioqu qI Ibis fiae tien eul MeBnt& dent

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