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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 10

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1DAr-'r 'rtPi. -Not Forgettig "Hobbies" iSoppers Go Seeki âg ideal and Use fùi Gifts tAte. s ander bers andi there Iu tIns landtor etgtt.anti collect our itiepa mbo as brief a spart 'as pos. si.111. Iirst thfng that strikes us aýé,these doxgyrbeelcenda. Did yoù orr see such a season for decor- ative dogs. useful doge that hoid tttrip and doge-that are just cun- xnbut bits of bronze or china or Oive a man a do&. or give any- body oue. and you'IlI e iiippily re- IMabered Scout bottles corne next and .peakiu.g et the. ievely andi unique glasevare, 211ln the saine * as'wIththeb.doga; It ls everyvliere a u a a thousaud suggestlons for yq.Nov ve've coame te seviu k and pictu re frarnes and If yon ~ber aemetbing besides leallier, -11 id them ln lass - the fàfen, w. ,nean-and needilepeint. bWof Rrgisare se very brighl sud utefuL. Don't ask for a litt of Iu- Édik-Kerea aud beatte braisa; Itlat mals.Nov, have vo meffttoned %-sden china has made a debut fi3amp stands. FIgures aie fairy- ilb.and quaInt. They sand aud ait ~ oefor lamp bases and light. ors of aIl types. Little. tricks l.tbie. are mnade te delitht the lwke.per-sheart. Asy voms.n Xegu«ay:she ea another tàbie. 4lîvervare entera th. Chriatmas ln l a nev roi.etorextremely vs$n -and sometinues termed *"med- stiiver. Uns near relative is Ip ors pewter, vbieh ta prefrrod naybostesses. ,.4bero are alms, ail th,#*hobby' ~ttt think about. The favorite may Rie receguiseiln the gifi logisésasos. SucRi gifla range ~éapictures te outlng s tlt ~u1a»Uc prdener znay1eVznýb ~s bered uy aàar-deon baset vitb Wols. Are books the' hobby? WeI.L te anuver to LChrislrnas gift then la easy. the bootliers' Disaor sk fthe sfolk lun teshops. srbaps triena Marory&', chief uret la bousehold Unes. Thon' Syonr tank ta easy. Wbat ~ty vork te shovon luncheon asdthelb nev bits of rare laces are eoml"Ing vogue fer a dja houuehold almd tabla usée. ~mes» deu't overlook the labor- botl inluhouseholil tanks and i~endl car faeclilttes for keep- Ulu Order. CIIRITtAO PIN NER 9urkey il £004 - Vary nour- a>irg aznot bard -to digest, but ou are over forty. ask for a USIl helping and aee that yeu It. Oicken l t at ood qedv-ara Iuc» if vs bave n. Sausage andi a curi 0f 5onare il right but If you are mbv.rou for tRem. you need ?aIF smail belping of turkqy ehikea. Do cet forget the ~EIeBibaa4a ltle craaberr. .~mpudding anti mices-pis. are W*h,,autritious. IThe nouriab- ~ptlï thonul la na conoentrsted U If yom vaut te feel bet- !ter 4 inuer tban pou-au,e- ~îaer uiltako a'sciai ts'taoc ettber 0f Ibhs. Chris- mu datales and cefinish p with StrÙMAitrrange for a tiglil, -lkfast snd à ligbt supper and pet, wilii eJoy your Obnltinas1 iter *ail lhe more and ti ilU do roc more good. Ilusbanti: ",Wbat. Ffty dollars 'for tRat bat i Womsan, are Fou Wtt: "No,,but iI's pliOn to e ej smu tRialFoun re.0, Reindeer Now I'. M Iron Horsea -m Reindeer are Iron hOTSIS tu Claus would trudge a % (,Y W07 and belated path. SWitheut flie broad and wIlUab back of the trou herse. therel0tld b. ne Christmas as we kneoW t-**ô choice foods frein other lands, no delicate gifta (rorn the iope et far. nff crauanu, no tide of hunultl surgîiig bnk and forth acrou te Continent to reacb home bearthàs la the turne for the holiday of ail hoU. days ini the year. The mechaulcal stéed le gallop. Ing on magt nov kt a powertulýpBdB. Despite the time4t. largP nuxnbus ut Canadians are returniig Io thetr homelands for the celebWa lien of the Yuletde mesou. Pas senger oMcers eft te ratlwayl la the West report a goodh' nuame of new Canadin making their vaY to Continental Europe wbile, la tb. Euat. 0142 Country folk are b»e tiiiig te take lb. lust salinn ble. tore Christmas ftramn Raif ai. Thoe are on D»ec 13. 14 and 17. Wie lb. more spectacular pas. senger business gees on. the Iron herses are Steaily ptling Up food. alufs Iu dormestie and Import, vare. bouses. Thousands of boxes of ja. Panese oranges, for instaLncie, are beginning to move acrescanad" on tbe Canadua National RaWl vays. An initiai sbtpinent of 17 cars lotI Vanc -iver for the prairies &Bd East early Ibis montb, foi- lowed a week lier bY a further 32 Carm Mdany caadhM sha"e SoIv. tbeir Chrtstinsaprobl«m fer ever-' scia relatives .andfriendi. by ssnd- ing them boxes'bf Mg. Julcy Cana. d"a apPlea. Nortliern Spies, Mc- bleu Reffls andi roY aldtvis by tb. scores ofet casare beini ban. 41.4 byr the expres compaules for eport to P Fnad SIn ndivIdual crates. Tbey are shlpped aM rasAi as 'mailingIR Cbristmas oi n nt lienee. theIr.groiwIng pepularity as Chrfstmus gifts Theusanda of chidren &ail er tii.«n" cu tryitsyear recelved ope- et*, teregrapbed Messages from, gauta ClIfs hbMAMif. On.e ofthe Iron borses avilteet minions are l t 1 llnklng copper strand.s that parmilel bis path. TRies carrIed meaes UMfrom Santa Claug an- uounctng le the eblidren tuaI le bail recelved -their lettons anti 4f vilngtbern be vOUiti bave tbe pi%> se ton banti on the eve or Dec. 26,p Chriatmas Ouar Savitor v& bOra ta tMOI la onden t. tqacb Us smthla W. IuMM 100k fer a liseM'58 a 1»0"1" glit vuba he lio did. tfrer vlol* 1.v»s bMa on usrt eCb « îe I.ut#, * Wall U ach 01 SI&s v«64a ba a deeP SaitkmMfes.,aWbU ý414 Christ meaa to tub us. "a by betng 11la& a sae tb. hooe 09Moeab & Iwly sab& 1% Wau bectuse 8.Uts.I nueslLabdIOt I Oly t Oti, as love o te ReVUtb iM"14 W-,l. lIV. 0t1la0 <UtlU0? la puer 44iy eu 8 1 chrlsit10"s4 a sI.peU -îI Gine FrMit Chriabn ~LOO LA,0 4seslIegft4Mh o A Iuaw I I I i i i I I n£E WHTBy CAZETME &CHÎRONICLEý-THtJRSDAYs DECEMI3FR 1ý7. 1i93 1 ShopNow orCh rita En Wh itby Sto res Whltby Iwo0aIlàber et C@ ewOe, Alwets te- ~ ateWlf And ready at al times te promote better business, M spectfly asks thu citizens of Whitby who have Christm Gifts to bi4y to do so NOW and to exemplify thé Chrisit mus spirit of gtpd wiilby ptai i 00g Whitby mercants You wll find -stocks replete with Christmas suggestions ai pnies that will compare witb places elsewheme Shol NOW. Support the Christînas Fair Thm Chamber of Commerce as promoting the Christma Fair to b. held on ThursdaY, December 24. Its obj.ct ii to brins town and tountrY People together and promot betterbuies Merchants and othersare invited to gf- the Fair thei supr. Youm for botter business mnd a Merry Christmas. The Whi'tby Chamber of Commerce W. A. HOLLIDAY, Preidenit. a ahane ef Ris grea lioving boa"-. ad ant.ed us te love tem for MiAs ste, says a vriter lui .,Our Animai Brohers." AnMaus are very easy te piesse.Kint wordi are mucb te thesa. aitdamais gifla go a gimat vay. Why ahouit not eveny hors. dokey. dog an est.a, ffl 04 ail the*farnu ereatures. 10o, bave a Christmas lt agsu shateoun lJoy? Herses ait ton. keys love sweets. appuis, carrela* a114 bitse t brut.i. asMdto thlak tbal Maur apend Cbitum 10»e and fongeitea. vsuturlu about tla" IbebitewVàjiei'1 &M im .r cd .nmse to SUrIV fR Areie Tb*h.Ire ef arcue vsStm té te tihe bis et Eewh amee. si<oue aft r eu mpuix luthe ttusoa Satte vagies b. ia eagontyir 06luxg fervrd te mt a viroles, tlrwtiau«ats autltamesg saliveigleos t a trattsgPm* -ta sue e« Vasas' oupse lsu mui cf 0» liotb rala usi b b »îb ett fer am sislgu mnchis. tp ltgb*e dm*a.* 1« erAnale beu steak. baMnuk W .ssVeutaset bis 49lluass4,00*4*km.e i *4 1 L tae451tagfl Keihyomnoa vum A. E. KERNEY, Secretas %2w I 'i .1 'i £ I :1 i i i J~Yj "Thnere Was No Rom Foir Them in, the Inn, And it carnet. PMInlathos damys tRialt tere vent out a deens trum Cauar AugutbIat ail tit verS. sould b. taxaI Au tti«us asArtmate A,ien Cirulas va. Gut*r ou tut* bbs om ettv And -Joeb ais. vet 'p trà,ma Geilbeýt a t etyetp c4IfWreRi ltt J"0s., ont. tis.e 0#7cf IDavid. vbkle 1 cltaI Eetbk bom"qecue M. vaset tbeic h ;"des itae et To oeIdvlb MaWIbis o& Peuset ve belggriaIm t ebliM& AUim s. i*& via, *%n vsie lbe> ver ter t tRi tapa flvan*00a. 4'llshed bat ab*eahouli Sie tltvae à" ot a bs ugIt tstbar tri* roem fr hlm la iUs»tM Au t b" ."erstu th*0 a oouitp i bepheds b lse la' ibe t lb. *ang>et et be Lord MMqM* Ib#4ï4 &Mt ge»al1i>et Lm& LUibm ros4 bea«t tent.1 U» 634sda404, M thm<e.1 IN THEýCHURCHES Soses a&ppropriat. te tie irhristuas eison vii b. hlinl lte chumche of Wbitby on Sun-1 day nont. Spoolal messages by pastons, amt musle by soloists andi choirf, vIl imark the day. Thé, notices for the vartous churchea for Sunday are as foi- Iowa: The Unitedi Church. minister, Roy. A .U Richards B.D.. Christ- nm Sunday servies, Sunday, De- rember lOîli: il arn., merniDg worship. sermon lteme, "Tihe Inn anti te Manger.',,'There vill be spécial Christmnas mustc frorn the choir and a Christmas story at. the Junior churci. Anlhem, *Songgtfthue Augels"; soloist, ire. R. R. Richardson. ladies' octotte. "Obhristmas Luiiaby.- 2.15. White G1(1 Snnday in the SaL.bath , Sebool. 7 p.tm.. A Christpas Carol service under the auspieek-f the choir. Everybody enjoys the singing ofthIese oid canois snd you shouiti plan te attend Ibis speciai servie. Au- them, 1Joy ienlte World", moin »*0 Holy NigRil", Mi"s K. Ward. Wetiîesday, A Chistma Cnntata. entitted -Croas Patch Fans"by ltee liuîdren ot the sunday Sceeol. Visitoera are es- pecislly Invitedte 1asiars tu the joy et tRese Cbrlstmastide ser- vies. Almond& United Chureh. min- liter. Rev. A. L. Richards, B.D., 8nuday, Deceinhr 201h: 3 p.m.. cDtrtst uorrire. Chrisimîs eanois anti a Chrlstmsasmessage fromthebMimnisten. Tuesdal. 8 pm.,the e iàfuai Christmas Iropt andi eloo»te Santa Clans. To -sta sea ont uvIii nele te me St. JohiVs. Port Wbltby, reeter, Royv. D. B. Lanstord. StRi Sunday ln Ativetit, Dec. 101h. Il a.m., mornilg pnayen, a p.m. Sundar achool anti bible classes. 4.16 P. m., baptianu. 7 pan., NiryCoin- munlean. Christmuas Day. a a.m., and 10.10 a-n. Hoiy Commun- ton. ne 1~Tl "G Peau Dot'. tor. bRioid. ins Y" ore foot tÙIiaga t pMatJor>'. vhlcb Fer ual e aborqut letsdey, ~ la th itse t l Pt V t aSudlm, Ant I» t mm bu *alu #t* *uai .atttcOb*bes. living laau t A" i sndeay Iher evu i tise»Chi Pâo a muIIIIwu * t'the beaveni cler> <o 004 àtntlibLgbsi ou urth pose.ON 44 owoant AMeu » < tasa»»&gais, a*Is~ 00M avou avsp &tic ba laie bmoae. UI bsbbs Mit r uto &oomsu. am se ibsl".ugav v$bis comultéiasevhlbe Ilord bath mis basantevte u&. b. ,fom mayu tibueat fou it taryataJc.at s sai buova aaimélb. *ls bol vbio& w i dtbm Ieu cessaau teb ît b» OP b v Wbttby Biplial ChurRi. T. Fr. MI. piston.ChrlstmusaPro- tmme. 8*ta inol10 .m. r &Ualms ssq utcas cýIl a-.uzpsI'31pu t. "'Wondorful * 7k. ebe idtee l 1saewbp 09R te*ms. 35515,'~Is a grroup et our you4 00Psêi Chbtms Ev. A ay tnialm a *. It. M<1tieDt.Io. - s. oX attoas ber suit.4 ,At 'lItasabea -ebiiros Ala ent ltit Decona t Ch*tn. Sea, r.tm-iioM Whitby Baptist Church Rev. T. F. Bust, Pastor SSUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1931 ilam.-Morning Worship. ujet "UNTO YOU A CHILD IS BORN"Y <i% 7 p.m.-Evening Servce. Subject:O deWQNDERFUL THE CHOIR WILL SING CHRISTMAS I ANTHEMS, QUARTElTE AND> SOLOS Christmas at the United Church SUtDAY, DECEMER 20th At21%Piseuto of White Gifts in, Sunday At 7 .n-AQwsmdrlService. WEDESDYDECEMBER 23rd At 7MC 1~S PATCH FAIRIES»asd the. Au- ~-.,RevAL RicbdLD. MMma P 4bt«iinChweh- AY -DEI. EMBER 20,~ '~~eWord wu. made FleshY 2 P.m.4 4' "*bth SohooL 7 PJELkC 0a0 il ~ I IJu Und lir es Ine I da. trot ,,hm froii *-1 ans and .O 8=1 .

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