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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 11

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-'rt~'Wl4ITflY CAmTt & cHRONIQX.NU~DAYS D~MUR 17. 1~3t PAGE ELEV NewsBudets romGaztte n'dclwnid,~rrsod t ,' * *-I oEWsoSYBOK q.e1931 Subject: SBORN" Sýb je ct: RISTMAS VD SOLOSa the och 20th oni "THE INN lifts ini Sundlay ryjce. ER 23rd ntat~a entitled and'the An- imment. di, B.D. 1w s hurch R 20 o Suhject: Fleah." pIanned by each. urch ývices r 25th Born"t to Bethlehem" Pr 27th, 1931 the Lord" ni1 thrnee cti, vilI bept as n nrt>oklin Commpnsnty Il on 'ruesday oavening, bec. tutis, by st. Audta'g5Y*un; Peopie'ç ao- cýory of Osava, imdar atspices o'f Pookliii Youhg Peopîcu Léa- F, tir esides the play. M . EIder. vioiilt.mand Miss Mpry 1 i rer, oprno viii tilcOpart. Ammisiofl 3&c and 25c- SAVI Arkry, preaident. BrookliluLéa- Mi. sud Mm. J. N. Csapbll, <'f Westflcld, ceiebmatod tir diamlonitwéddlng but' IVeM 1 this weais et th. home Oetl da'ý-gbter, bItis. RÃ"y tOiiisi8.. GodortCh. Mm. Sud Mr$.. Qspp- b)eli wore masrrled et the home o'f the bride'@ parents, Mr. and .&F Williiami Hiles, cf Hulît Township, ln 1871. Mmr. Ctmpbll wau born in Brooklln. Ont.. §à vonrio ago anld Mia. Campbel Wis barnin IDEnlud, 80 years &go. c-irniurtot Canada vlta ber par- entm' nt the ego of tbrae. Mr.n.îd Mr (ampbll'a sumvvlng cltI dr-n ire: Mrs. Ã"I. N. Ainsîte, ,Nînnroo. Mdih.;. W. F. Campbell, Wc.stl¶ld; Mnr.- Bort Taylor, w.et awanomh; and NMms, Stone' Gentlemein, koop ln mind Our 11gb h S 08f tAiloring mits aSad maei'iu nde tb mosuro, st *2 ôOO caci. M. Rosi. C'hrlietma - Day hoc beon pro- clalmod a holiday foi' post cf- iVeu mi nd couriers. Tb*ee yul be un local or ural delivomy ou thît Nfaktnyour friUe da hppy Ibis Chrlstmas With lectrical itt». 1103-d Il. flradioy. ~1r.and Mrs. J. - Wagg.-of IjrooklIfl. iDhlouflcethe nagr.. merit of t.holr oniy dsngbter. 0411. W'agg, to Mr. Stsuier J. iRos,. »a of NIr. and MX-r. M. flots, itotuff ville, Ont. The maftlhîgo iii take place theo lut ot Deeo!nb84. For your eleetrie wlrtog, w.e. p. lring and electricil- appltisuco& sea Lloyd B. Badley, BtooKi. Bote - At j3rook1in ou Thuri- dm7 Duc. 10 . to Bir. &ud uns Perey Maynard. a daughter. We Cifl UV@ on7013 4ty 1 eluer gyour Chilstmats gifa fromn oui'stoek.. M. Rots. ,00 Mondar. ZW. T, a i tfe.tlme retident of this oomeAgultr' ?4r. Don White, Pa"" ***yayil is home qo concession S. a1<1v a brietIlU*sa. Héa viiib. greatti' = SinIiibot t th c11reb ansd cOiiUUty wbere ho bas slwfye aken i very sotivo'part, belug se elder la tho former 1presbptariîu Chtwota, u Wet i luth* v0r95 ' lUatted Ohurech. Riev1>9 a go. friand sud nelglibor ai4the Yty tarte nutuuber vito ded- bill tunerail éuWe4n3eday. arr. i-I douce or Ibilielueve tb meurt hi. 1-., his widov, tormerly Sara (Xiver. £and four-so=s. Cintn snd Russel. of Ottawa; lialpb of Newmarket &bd acide., of Osba*s..Tbe surviving*etate sud broîbersa are Urre. Nall end Mrs. Graham, of Fort Parri,,Mme Allin sud Myes. Ru44y. cf 'toron. to; Mr. Job White. of Droohln. Mr. WIi Whiteo f Mirah 11111. The tuners! servic, vas cou4ue't- Pd by etv.P. LU Jul i&Bd Bd*. Rtobert Blapion. the btertSbo.. lng taéremalit lsgoders ofthob* Urited Ihurebî, Ilesas. W.. Bat' euh'*. P. JOB«s.1M. Iporto 0. W. Sauith. W. 8. Crosili. J. Garbett, W. Morrison. Tisecxt meeting cf-tào Wo ADA JCNE«.SADLE 7 A. H.OF M4f "Phone OIaemmt ue g' I -0LU~Mws men'a s i4tttst viiib. bold o# tVedhtoday utt.fflos Dec. 80. Dr. ideKtauoy yuil iveau a 4«, dieU on "1reventtblva M*dl.. ceS" ,,MissAiles nld Vitit report tiseroceut co8uetll ai Toronto wlb mise stt*nde4 1 Uiry (b*Wt, gave a compl- meut*ndiniOr to bis g*troiit 0 tise EB okih itsto, ilàtis lirooktitu 6loase. on saburda>' e. enai. FOlIO*tng tise dtanni lite 1tt (tf ie daim>'busle "4 B*ta Clasan lPr étore on Ssturitay. ý. lOIfa. t'omp And brlmg tise klddg*t. Mr'. sud Mrs. A. C. Xlisott auÉ Ur. inuî is.C"&as liiott, '.10 amongtha eforWto teeues*bp :.nd4 t» ermvise 0f the*rtk Mille CiaU on Sada>' In Tofos. .%Irs. Ilutranrd DM .Csesldp 'ipeut tht e is-o at £1Nspis40 Mr. hF. Batty was à,moug tise suctessful aghbitoms at Guelpis !bast wek.1 Ur. aud lim N. J. White aient the week-end ln Toronto. lirm.Cooh vlste4 frienda la roronto on Tueaday. Reeve lickay gave bais animal dipuel'te, the tthvnship offlceet et 'Tceodsy nîgist et the iloola '"ho Unitedt Cisumei. Roi. P. L. JlI3Apautor. Sada'. Poec. Jolis: 10 Is.. eSanda>' Sqisol; il &.M. morain; vomaip: 7 p-9. evealig s 66icé. 'todeedy. Dec. M3d. $ p.rni. Soudsy Beisoo ci tta"iawent VW>ita OIft setvltg9. offeru, for- 6.8. fUiti tovairds Wtoms morllet. à cordisi havi- tsiion t» Ait l rrc. UssIet"- ali. isesîti>bion" for toi feed. WM. R. Agat,, fouet Peoplei L*fesu aWied on Toud» Oess. Rp.4a sl.Ov4 a0venscemeli iar' vôcis. Tise Iteà1stuTed Lake: ralkrtàd liaéI *ltugM e- u' éo bila 106.04 lovards tise»bi. * Id." 1wîd cf liserosmai, sa4 bai à balaeo<*ô£ .? o« baU. Tise off eruig Of lise elmlg am- oulting te 014.40, vas girionas i spb.iaî oterfng laelise WO0ter reief feund. Tisetoiio*4 et- Itm err eolected for mutye* aud dduly Installai by 4liselis on",' pnçedql. 5ev. P. L ,Jul:t llsProse; at. 0«4 1is4heen Vipouâ. ttoasa« iuy. Misses AlteoAtÀ l 4hp- bie Gubutt; tece Mt"" - 1lqq UrnaCeatsd Dodo BSi Metr tise mot sW «1iaoM c udedtiMe balaPgOmt t e'S lui was spet lt~e f.lotýU$4tdl thé lataortilpet l0$A814 lalwo Ofs sud Doris 34. Un Ta"Ida' ~ Toupe. e&pbo' estvatse is ?breeu lxOre bafes tIls fox ivoer rot vo pieke on T*medar b' b>' is ldwes9t 15 sultesIa or ser>'m#W et tis 1- .- ýl - 1 , ' t: -, i '0,4 ', - , - - , ïï , * , - ý. - mm" leaci ountulEa? M other- Sphso othIe iliirtl fadq' rlivéBe'.AW W ébrds w, a is ewbat lit PORT M'RfY NMW Xr. s6*4lis 'Gardon vet )au *bd fiait>' isp4ub nada>1 wiii flas.44 lai IleBita Walters' lire. F. L. Q.Uacutt, Otan, Bu- Mm. sud lira. MoKessie md bor sudMr. >oso u$ guu cft and Mmf rinda o WS g9i of . and Uts. aon' suk nid fr andsputguidar ibit rands la Sagrave. friands inha Uisidga. Ou Sunday. li.iru-On SaIpdy Datipisbu Sîa.i b.tePofrt Piry i losptil. W i. aud ?4Ms M. BYes, a sou- 1fr. àati4 tle D. W. Iolntosis vrel In Va W oàSuda>'. Christmas t0 lat s"IUd"J lit. i wfl i et- b boÉtsa'tssin l 00"831tIWI bau Tms Obt i6Ifg --Imm n ts catharlua vlelted Port Pi>' fritenus, on Sundi>'. Ou Tueuida>'avauiug the P..A. of UxbrIdse vera entertalpe&t, b>' tii. Port Ferry btaneb'lutb parisb hall. Au excellant N!. gram vs but ou by tbo ia istotb attar whicb rttr4shmeutu e Wi% aelved bi the local imembldilt2 brlnting a plessînt eTeuiD ti close. A uieetlng- 0f the -Port Hockey Club was hld lu thea Town Hall on l'miday. Dec. i S pecials ~~tue ws ot'uat> w O butv leq paror.V *i'vf id .'th és ;i 4 t ta4l tà "17,* buautsisbu;a .i t 1' ie. Un ê~ Il. jteteMis et Me. Iéwo tedo-b mmst K . $ot*; afl; 4. .*tult bamertrs. T. Pote: mât; 4massuf ionthly t184 .. rid brieuasoctary, lits A.fl osa;Sraugers $ecrettfl,1 .4mts 1>79r &ad Mmm. oodàn.O1 &mssoMeiflpors, sottlrl. ..,ri W. BI.baimpo; Bacrotar>' c 4,isrUsUa towartaIip ud in mutO. #m G. akts; buppi!Cou. Sluae, lira. (Railyé&, . éi là. ..,aUIh .5Mr-tsJ. liasaOP; l.Aoo- 'unI Commiti.. ts. mW. lt#iead- on,1 ML. bi..llai, lim . ut- 4u.4 andlira.IL. Pauoo; pro* 4iame commttee. 4 iresld.Di and pemm4I. liMa"Giais .14os; Âe8xOroSo U4MM Gla, Ut -% Batfo; iems ge.rotamy, Mita .4. »eroo0iu, Coruupoudl0g 11dé rotary, Iu»K. Cooper. T46 reguler m"404 softishe Y e.4. vau iold WqdaemeTO's's .44. OU>.. 4<1er the 46vougas 04 -ààafi cf tuae a &49g tie PMo *%.sINfl bO.dU4 %*"M O se1 e*i 1t 44. e4 tgv#4 .ogU~pg.tmaV64 sqe»-W5 o 01 80 slos, msul ,aui Md* 4. b* ieromolOaIPuti W" à'n ê chrg t lis LB» *Md5e .wpi.er, qvr»00i esboYIg tise .ssas,4 oofflea M N1 .ato vaers olveté 4tbq 0x1bot . Tsare vêt s recod at- us bu£d&y »st it etIl s.a. ,b.r* viii o4-4secw uaVbr*a&. .,o#ece »d t -je 14 b. soPed stybo V111~ u"lmeat viii b. is1d 4MUs e 8 à g li. le III'll.".roma. A q0o4patt S Ii i f #ema aa ~m~IP4 tabs8. f4 «&76.4Y it*btansOehoël mêiollbtl Ogéo & drawxi. gvos "lilduaa w 1oqe o M$4 axmii iut vitl ad"4 Xt. and4Xm uIL VI44<7 *ad dlleraet aui.it imuois. Uilai»&17D»Ver. O11sva. apda Tise $fIWmi4o4a, Bsarepoirt 4<thse Jirltms umts&ttemsof C. isbas Public soêF:. lu. I .-P« ,sueRS 4k. KO*t: U>mtês*. les§#ma4,als. dom. ioe.ebde'ao. *t. ;*tu4 D"Ortt> aps . lsei->N Ka U.X4, .asu »«.. A" le trumas. ma ~~IW. st Mr. duat o ue~4~ àdjo4ekm ftatitllnrogao vét thes C.)tu in ssothe Kf84a rit otIiS 0 t 04 r.om' bi iatsa4tn tte4b luttt V0<Y $P* 'Irt Waue évfs5 u t cO OW.r* 0«r %W,.ci hrraiu ia ~n u wth Sf 5ti f t 6C148 sodation andt wosbilp wltb us May btber itlot:. Slgp._O y pastor and menmbes of thearmd- MMs. XLV. Itowbràv mu pnt e4 organisI *1of urchuitlI at th* t itTruttet Doad mestias. Mis. Mo*ray bas acteain luthi. capacity befot'e aadil se111Ïtecapabble to lti jeitake thse wOr)c. WM .Sîdieîc s bodina is &Ow foty wel but flot ale to dO snY Ivrt l t .belu uktiv ai" redfor thei Cbtistmo& 5tr aad oul!tiOfiLitonM'KdY, tht 3111t. V4in oiudc1*o'Sait' tn lbhOas A tttiIB Pbtttlie hlmquit. sev'st'sv. Dr~'.e Fants ar ti fer pfu evat. :mor t~rodk ,ia ta bda i' fr pol 4, MM4cit4$ ?bx. flo lv ai dalad 14 **4 ri.d1 t 'o lads. ~ 11,r - *là.0 ats4P tise lmut o1 bas LIe Ih ltuti*bobrte basfrO à" .0 bis b0 -Ot is ïulq. KIe J.i b its@S vas owIl c.aura4;tne xIes . w 0,lsk. 714Iqà e<iMI Ovib1 0 a as &IfMW .1di vrokpad by 4< UVO 0.,te. VW*$ *ý.o'. I*s U7 ...-.. di ln the cCýrner. yesms KaIal spreid onthe ýrWdlSh asud PfJl0h VUle ustraw hall .5Omy temed on the gouw ia abarren t0.14 prodc- Uid ta'btud .trau It emfruitf<lesat 'ia trîvi ont b>Oca U as inU>' uodgsIýn m0 inu>' vii b. is ye st bamvest, çYem two htmdr4d vai. Lv. ud v. 9...nir . LMADIP' UA'm 1RormVS, d $2175 SSIîrviauh*e aoe 14-30th$. LAD"ES'RAYON SIMxLOMR 8~,4c, g079o $1,75 mud $2.00 CHRISTMAS FANCY G WIN 5c LAD"ES 1ANCY HANDKERCHIE 1lSeto 75c LADMI SJ SIC 6CA 39e to 2*5U $.9to 7I ~a~smcsFORHOLIDAY GWT PAaCAGESP« t ous bit.t.utes têts Kv. MiOn aatees saMie. d to.lit aatév19ora.8lvy , mti kt wr. Bowtbt oasmet mibUbot 14>bt a bic ti ns. is ai vitit te iS" .htsa are*Il rlgbt. 04 l5 5.0 vIg i bit 5s8. S. Oe44*r4. P.om*nbrtis brtetufas Tvee au4 emleftim«tatmsites-lu'lt Sim Cbefti hldas wia.D. tt>A o04 p.rtumau f04 bo m,tlt't W 611 *4 6lul 1 "b. . a"* «Idre i T" â. a1»ua1 iO aasn m a 6 Yard* for 1 Oc Gr..n a d.. iSc or 2for Z& $7.90 to $19.90 7colo'.a".uonSe S.puww .Cams et 75c and $L.0 RAYON MxLESmT8 Vesi mad Bou'. TOWEL AND WASH CWTH amT Met, 75.41.00o- L'ADIW COSfflai .o Ph 7- AmD PUMRE 59ct.1 '-i Tibu. 1 1

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