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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 12

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êj I T -E WH1TBY CAZEITE & CHOILL THURSAY, DECEMBER 17, 1931 8.P.-R-Ts il i A WEEKY R2VIEW .ON CENTRE ICE s 1- i ;;~sïi j A £ If * A 7 i 1 'i i.] .i j I ~ j; ~ i-f 'f i Sa- 'J LII - I Ir VVel . lks,te jurniars cîay tlac opcning game an icwnnal.on .New \car's nflit. fanuary Ist. The bovs iantend start ,nci the Net' Year rigliî, cJts go. jack KinR attended the mecetan in Boiaaanvilir and he sure lookcd .Ater Vi htbv an thc arraaaziniz Oi ..ames ili tItis groutt. The havs are sure workiniv hard an trainine- and scem Io hâve the (,ea. Scott is back an tawn and looks ina good condition and reaaiv Ai jack Kinig would sav,.«"If Abi' Irîti k'& s no tnc',re. whv the" its fimrar fr titi.l1Orkf- ls, cla tobacaso I The ice rnaler ture iaaked gioomrv but lie blanie%, t on the wcathçr. Clar3v Rire sure lias been burninp the wircs the last :ew davs. rraakanRz i.sre this' driat put arivthinky ovrr junior Schedules Are Ana ounced for District Wbitby Team Op el'Soso at Bowrnanville on Janu.1 ary I. a nîee fir 1-î;wlnManville on JFhurvk-v night àrai s'ch rracticallv al t ha club %%r r lrI 'e5ented lte stchrd 147lfor thi ::,r rSection cf the 1.ake,<"rr l t Of the O. il, a-a err.;"a:.The *oniv iai chinste an tah' i raina which %vas fî,st z1eîs'era <w: at Oshawa uvh as to ~da "second Ilir ob4'-tfight it 'ri- ri gtf 'r roup vii ""a rar4 a, r-11 , ["-Ce raber 29 or I sth( ;rg:plaving1 F t Jtop Bs'.an rand XVit- Ycârar iv an 1a i'le as bas r:excird file k r- - r ound the ý-cal 1ai-hrr ('c:à Du)(nc' MIntarc w-il1 bav-e ho )ral a n l) rueres p daî-*Jrck An fers ')Ir117t a n h li t arf k - the bava, IZ M on - '.is stuif. a ck Scott %vas beâaý ta aav:- raie boyS s ont k-rr, -' rmseives cri thes' ha: the ice Ncwt. Jov-nt*s woc 1% s U't beRin- --'iz nov that the cer';.tîcaic have Lizhteen players arc t-lv:ng eut ; rt his place. %Ve understand that S-- 'Tv Orm- .-,on as takinaz a keen a1r1errt in otkev thIa w siiter. Comr,. on the ,st off sau councilmen and bark UP ie boys. Bill Brown sure knom-s ho-asto ý-*It water and manv thanksý f ýr bas 'atch this $Dae Y(fi-r h r.c eV been the custorn in the pait. It bas been arranged that the teauis finishi.ky first and second silU play off for the gZroup hanors witb these wzamtes to bc finasbed by February 5. The schedule is as follows: Junior Sce.u Dcc. -19, or Jan.* I.-Cobourg at Port Hope. (Clubs ta arrange). Jan. I .-Wb'itbv 'at Bowmanville Jan. .-Port Hope at Whitby.r Jana. S.-Bow-nanvilîe ait Cobourg. Ian. 13.-I>ort Hope at Bovuxanville Jan. 13.-Whitby at Cobourg Jan. 19.--Cobourg at Whitby Ia.i. 19-Bowinanvilie at Port Hope Ja-. ZI.-Cobourg at Bowsianville 1 an. 26.-Port Hope at Cobourg Tan 26.-Bownanville at WVhitby Jan. 28.-Whitbs' at Port Hope The games for the intermned» de sect on in wbieh Oshawa wili l o1' have nat been arrangzed as vtt but t i5 extaectcd that It vili be a six team group wiîh Oshawa, Bawman- vilWe (1oboura. Trenton. Peterboro and Lindsata taking part. The teamns In the northi ha' e been anxious to plat. wath the trams on the laIte front dtnd therr ish may be ad- hered ho. The zaraes for the juniors is as folova: Junior Croup No. 4 Der- 30 -Aurora at Oshawa 1Ian. ý.-'-WiIlowdaIe ah Newmarket an. S.-Oshawa at Wiliowdaie Tan. 8 -Newrnarket at Aurora Tan 1" -Wa'liowdale at Aurora Jan. 14.--Oshawa at Newmarket Tan. IS,-Aurora at Wiliowdale Tara. 18 -Wdîlowdale at Oshava T.in. 19.-Aurora at Newm-rarkct T- .~ ZZ.-Newmrnarket at Oshawa Tan. 28-Oshawa at Aurora Tan-. 29.-Newmnarket at Wilaowdale SNAKE IN CAýRDbOlOM Ceylon. - Durlng a çame of bridge aIt the Matais Lavi Club ri-rentîr, a large Polonga enake entered te roam cbasin..ga trot slttbertnx over the foot nft t vlayers. The Snake tsvlng cangbt and rvalloved thse frog, stelter- ed behind a vle ef soda vater bottlea, viser-e It vas eventually abat. TflS -,& *sur*e bel ý ticlo u ue 1 inaaisnoe&d such V" musmp4 2ea faser..m «t psam cS*Wollo Au ilb *qS fue (Contnu"4 tros Page 1) ho bad nom uasmembet et tis Pire Cempauy te carrout. cou net be tMie la a court et la. f« ani damages wbieh numarle arongm *Ulcton Mlgt -bave oe* euired. muNeutr.ite4 ao- courts on the question, 54 s*I dfcUs a" Ohe54.bgpects-lot the rromIsed te oo 10 0S O cases . ctaIby botb souasel for tbf plaattif&M d««W$=,t 88 s'escved $Mimelat tok twly. 7h. pWatl# tlar4a ter loto stS Ibst.8 wIsp a msa te isha. Tb* tfl*Urt te bis 1.515 a.4 seu% s re de- (*1*u ettoW tstatemeati et ciais. &vd'etOututa. MÀ-xtbr Mebwl end Capt, N1,010 7-sze1sbon 11. l'ire us. saIdta Ihay heer4t IIIUetbetwees 1111= î- ore ,1"6"aptaut "taa m4ér hb-ula to tasr 151 lqnwWeaîmmi v«esdi .115 unft s (e moufl Iw Ie ?aUaOUyw A *uru*. 1ew Uým fat MW Ie lOre et fi ma* rmileU a1bm b. taoè *UW4 i »q"na lti erNillu*. Captaw w Do"ese~rao*t, tm out e l v ta a"tmu O 5oeW~ ~ __ b. mo. ~ u~l ehM W~ - ~S~a1m - ~ a puses or ~ a.~ flus ~Up *ij -. 8 ~ about turaing on the water, Hemard rocbtlug orr 1>et hlm as bl vAs8 holding tiz o"seteget at UovE., chiot 0£ Police I. W. Quantrîin. ttsrlfledthat- suoke vas comlng eutt fthe- burann building thus cbpeurlng vhat aetually occurrea agringt the dispute. - Se aaw iffcerd reuahout'te grab some- talas bt could not. tell whether hI vs:t&,e bine or a -man. tYnder- cross-examination by Mr. -Kennedy. tIi. Chief iLdmltted a conversation with Officer Ruai- àcom alter the lire.i whlch the ofticer testlfedmtwypetaolnrdîuJ officer stated tisat Mavat sbould have been arrested. The Chie! statcd that ho told the trafflc ef- icér tbat hbcvas looklng af 1er thp case& 'borevas no arr-est. thé Chiot suld, as b. dld flot deam uucis action necessary. . Alter arguments by counse! fer bath aides, Judge Tharupson re- served ludgment. -The b-,arlng'oetbte case was Iistened to by quite a nuuiber of Interestsd ctîens wbo decor-at- eid the court bencheLg. «*Jesste, 1 have told you again ana again not to spen-k whien aid- er persons are Lalklng. but wait ufiti. tbey stop." "'y. etried tisaI alroadvy. nfum. They nover do stop." à TOI, IVFO (OoitIu54~ tempage,*) £114 the numerus& awenues for Ob- talnlng k am 10teyollth. In the arts courseIaOI20 at the unvet- altY. embrscing mathemwjoe, sei- ence- COMMercIal, Phy&IMsbotany. and many ether subjeets, a bo or girl could obtain a -general educa- tion. Thete vas a deumnd to-day far mon and vwomen ln th field of research, for Canada was a Young and mgt tgCountry. The field of meicine w2s C1owded, the univeraitIes gett ztoo msny $tu- dents for the oDllrtualties open to, them. Âpplied science sud en- gineering vee rea9tt fields for routlt of to-day. For youg men, h. recolmmded egintfeering and commerce, and for Young women, houfehold science whlcb embracea many subjects. In closing Mr. DUDlOP asked bis vouthful bearers La make tFd1ca- tion a serious businies t tbout lea'ring Out the social aide clife. IL was Do disgrace Dot -0 hv unlvelty education, beas tDSDy parents wves fable ta pro- vide L for their cilidren. but (hOse who had theoOppartuntta attain higher lesrtug ShOifl4d d so. Tt vas disheartening t. bave ta listen ta many men and wnien who came ta hlm aaking for u opportuDity ta get edueton whicb tbey neglected ln their boy. hood and gilbood days. Any unlverslt.# a beY and girl wisbed ta attend vua al rigbt. TIi. main (hiE vas te maire the best of eià cationai fadillties plmced at theîr. disposai. Mr. Dunlop et the close of hie addresu waxs iven a haarty rate of apprectationi by students and visitors The progrtame Provlded by the atudentgv'waaau fellows; Piano duet, Madellne and Betty Mihaîko; reading. Ketth laChion: piano aralo. Uuderde Godiel. loy; VOCp.j solo, liunies SIulutt balm; readlng. Winona Mc£,e,. valedlctory address, e xn.tb LoTnaL W)URT AI MON, People malte population: cood -'t'rem as rsi a city.-Port Artur SA session of conurts qsualiy oip- e-- with praver and vlnds un vwith cursissg.-Ouffalo Couriter-Exaress. CLEVER STHluENTS m BVENIES (Cetlned romPage 3) at Departmental Examlnatlons. Thse sublects passed muat include Lover and Middle Scisool Hlstory and Middle or Upper School Eng. lisit. - John BOtley, LYndan Crouk, James Glieux. Wilitam Lamax, Helen Lave. Marguerite McArtisur. Ma.y Merriamn Eliza- beth Odtum, Marioi Osborne, Jean Parker, Pauline Prie, Mar- garet Puckrtn, George Scott, Don- ald Staton, Kathryn Th*armpao. Charles Webster,'Rath 'White. COMMEDRCIA4L DIPLOMA S The followlng studenîs com- Pleted the Commercial Course and bave been granled diplomas. EUDice Auderson. RUda Burt. Muriel Little. Kathleen McRabin- son, Ella Mfuir, Miidred Smnith, Alice Threadg3aid. Then there 2re the Riris Who rrake aimast any style cf bat Iook prettv. - Qisebec Chranicie-Tele- qraph. Thei hors d'oeuvre is a aide dish in Pari5, The horrors de Hoover is a 1,1X dieh ii aiahinztn. -Toronto Star. vire sueceastul lu brlnging honze the. sliverware donated by Farm Both et these trophies are Put Up. for yearly % competition » an4 maY b. en Multl the time-fo. the nt Ceinpetft4on cornes, round at the,-office ef the' Âgri- cultural Repr«enaýUÎv, At Utx. BULET FIRED- AT I~INDSH1ELB TEAI VON' TROFNY. Had FIra PIac. luJudging of Twe Casuseu of Heavy Hors« . In the recent Inter-County Live Stock Judging Compet.ton hsld at.the Guelphs Winter 1"air the team of three Yaoung fareera celected and trained by Agricul- tatrai Rerpresentative W. M. Cros- kers. *ore succesaful le. vlnning the Olen Oreend Trephy. an fim- mense aliver cup donatcd by Rab- crt Dellory given ta lte team ,whning t.he ighest nueber of points ln judgIng tva classesot Hsavy Horse. The usebers of the isue vere Kennetis Halllday, Walter liolliday aid Leonard McQuay. ail et Wbltby Township. Kennetit Heiliday the high Mai On the tm Wai the second higit mon la thse vhole eoepetitIlanln Judging Herses and van a eub- statial cash prise. I the general Cempetition the team dld not do se vell, standing lSth amous Z6 Couilles compet- Ing. The boys» child veakness bohI.g tWo nos Classes t h lc tbey toi; rater tadly iwisted. This ha thse second occasion thi. 7ear visa a trepby put Up for Inter-Caunty CempetitIon bas corneb te ontarlo County.. ln the VIter-County Junior Paripers' risixi bIY heId at Presqu'lelaslu 1summer th. local boys and girls wdh tk; c/,*ieei tq/cd Pro. the.NoeII., S" ~a"i Wut-4vm trm 'tii. faruof b"mu et th.Orimt-A &p bus eoftw i ti Ii eg tptbw 41g W 4us. mii aiIb alwstpba food@ t usom y boU.y dtaut opt-u « ..........rt.IwuIyozmtpIuI & GOO CFE FR HETALEAN GO D NEWSO HEPUi' w w w w w w w w * w w w w w w w w w u oeuuoe, za. a~ 2~v~19é ~at1 24Jtô 43* t v le a te - I fi :1 H TOROflTO vS * ILL ENJCY CSbIavica IF >'UU PRIE£ A OUIE1 IV!L l40TEL (IP 1 NMIX IME YOtJ ARE IN fORONTO. Cwru,.omovabl. ,oms. Taae; food, tebd u.noan»p GARAGE ONE MINUTa V«AU Rates Lor'B.o HOTEL WXAVERLEY, %m.dfta veme se .iIsf SMead DeLuxi lex,-P j-'! GiIVE HlM? r'N 's - di Tl t-p( ti b t ARD w U I r c -s s r -s '-b 'I -e -t i., R --t t il t t 'y A - i j '-i Afrlend ia one who can for- rive you for everythi ng except clir.bing above bTS le' el. A few per-sons depend o ranch on themselves, but as lot maore dePend Lao much on others Hubby - Do you snean ta tell me yen baught that expetioive fur ceat mat hecause I eaid 1 ikeitho seo you veil dressed? Witte - Yeis. jear, I Isaugit u on your aeccuat 'rhe driver tor the Port Perry Creanierv rcported to Chief of Pol- ice IL.'IV Quantrill, of Whitby, and Traffic Officer Robert Hawkshawv. of the north highway. an Saturday., that whilc proccedng home on IFn- day night some uxtknown persan fired a bulle; iuta bis windshield 'as he was vassinîg Groveside cemetery. about threc miles north of Whitby. The bullet abattered the gzlass but fortunateiv did net strikë the driv- er. who did not izive bis naine ta thxe officers. nei driver told thxe oIffipes tiat as hc' pased the cmeiery thcrc was a car pariçed on one aide of the road, wbile another coming nortx vas travellinx ver slow, and hc bas reason to believe that a holdup was. olanned. SteDpoing on the VIJoVw- ever. the truck driver çco ~y as quicklv as nosible and so as -he kiovuws unot foUoweAd. H. was proceeding ta Port Perry. WVith »olUes te vorh on ithere wa4 vey lite tceofficereScud de. PAGE TWELVE- Y t 4 I *1 . 1 d 1

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