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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ____ fri j4l-it a 193 I Thanka and'I Gcooci WishesI t ZS :ZZ7.éi j BE LL'S f Alun a u Stoe ScaIAttractive Package For Christmas Ppipe, Pimoket eu wrrNI-OW .1 SO to $3000 B'ya>l, ElIsbc'ie, A ubes A" .aiRomes - bwwn sscypéqs sud odbuila il IOUNT aI CEd hai h.W* om-*fo 340, 0 10 amrV*w? I;»wKn 'T a or e e TI-WHITY CAZM l&~RNcE TlURSflAY, DFCMBKR 17, 1931 Flu Ociock SIOM.OMO-Bb- minaeulenusdaY a m 05 bas tured -ou »the iighft Ot of the. dI li ilesof sieep ibey are drawuý- aCistips5- 1" xcwms a uqak. .xstsd vobbs.. ÂUd llttl* luds lump Bt 0u0 trut efortiu ltteit W V49. ToMble Out Of bd. CalldOeBt tyi b.drom door. 8tfak bad- long down the staircas. Pause ouie tsinçdnUU b@3y Moist a abs outnce to the golr5OÏM tis- CqUte chBUhbe?. Theou lly IMArTU- cutate aboutsansd crie, asRipapar eotriflgt,lbbOflS »d cards fly la ovin olreiitol, sSiT7 qas vides vitii joy, and pas-demos- lUui de««"ds But ine more joytcl tbu utheu àetr'asand ad lS. dean .14 igotpy.beadu andistar-abods, vbo- aoue dovuWn bld &U lthé . t sund a0re 1d witb vouder at tii. »Otfd558Of Salut Nlck tW Iho.. dean littIeossOu01thuy- eau eat abs feet et the. îtt. ,,%^& 0.16. tmoaueiiS, and Urni Bt tii. teet of abs babas: 4qhold. a synubol. 1 acrameit lu .membrsnee of turee vise men wu<i came fr051 out the East tW lay gifts aet te st of a Babe lu Bo ebeO. In the Land ofI Present" ,Nov, la the L4id of Chitmtias priset thers la absolutaly uothlugj teO vers'about. You omai baethat "préeet"' ta van lisObru Wc novadays or jui plia ptceez wbicb mn>' aisoE ean g1ftL EverY- body lives lu that land--SORhU bave bsen lu Il for a monts; sons. are $M st ouls In nov. ndtbbss Whol Sdegon' c StI i lyl brins vorryi gSd tUge aid varlpeàa. If tises are ast viicaret., Il vws about t ho plesant goo lImes In the Lsand of Chistmnas prescRt tissu vubegan 1tta. You <Wieibet' 014 Scage, vise an tisu Itasosd ChitaaEv. marthc et otcf Chnîsîma Prtet and bieObeel of brltmpu- Ail be oou.R4do to make ltigscorne slItboth ifor htuiseifand f6r oliifoa, lia@. Soi Cratebilt ud "m..s'Tit vas bo PUyattention to ClraaaPrusuto Is led. f /the SvOls' tirat ubus e .1> tii e Do moalag. mterbIs terrible druns oftbbi ad uTalS. Tit la ail va ousdo. 100-ma attltéa teChritmaPrisent: Isud. bhil la wiiat ougblt. be dont ta hem abat land ti e». de- laidl taliell tlii CbdrltM»asSpirit. Tot' Su A to" its9Mdocrs**p, uae bu u thle i a" t O VerY hom dres. OtMcbffslUpa wict às 8be ar. a bas'vas ', iby »WW$Mbavirsbl bà" drepped W nlatter 110Sauta 41"s la -pâ.mlmse t s7M Cbliatua *Slru *les',Y~ M u8O **Mo .fl lis 1 0te" o l!It'g "à b te assV Fohi u t 4s' t ver 1ewr ite. « te tu lullb aM 'câiiutSaaPr*. o- isoi u a~o ~- b« thé M451 dste a tic ua 9*n il s a' w - ne"V 1iUITYa"bute..~i7q lt la lhk*f.vr 10 ti th:eés, sUd tii-oe wa tt Um- qqusi lt la a resi plemie t. etlIbis eariy siop-, Us ers a lng Wo uniihem tbat.Tm'ar rsfly juxt lte fbuv.ti abo I iffl eery. vit-bave hbu the PORT pFERRYIAN LSIAPI'AII Convicion for Diviog Au appeal FdSiio Pon t r"s. rn svc suds &pai# hMlis'Kagbatrats pa#Wi. or Port Psm, f« dnlv- lut a mon rcar ' vhs lu as u.u tiicatsd eondltlooom uJluîy Io* of melayear. lia eo*vlctlon carr- ing wubli l a sbut»"uof o!svu dayo. l8absheeouutY 1511at Witbr, was dbmniiased vitb 00018 iii Ifi f lonor Judg. ?soipmu lu Con»-1 t>' Court on TbursdÏe atternacn. Tii, ebarge agalut et Sii. r t. rred by Provinclal Ceuniei tiiomas Mltcbefl. vio lnveatlgat- ,-d thé case for tiie Clii.!of Police of port Porry, vasulad.under sec- tIoj. 289. subasctou 4. o! the reiaiCode, a"ù.the. convie- tien vua relst.t54by tiie MagW trate aften tires imes bad tuati fied tluat thu aCCUsed Seheh vas intiomicat ed on théi.d&Y ln u es- 'Il h.earlng of the appuiam r- 'au'ited to practleali7 a ru-triai of tie case, as both crovBU ad de- 4-Itrse wltneses tver. caiiud. TbreCrowls vîtua« ssère -elled wha testilled tist sceued was lntoxlcated wvile drtllabis ri!r on the nigbt ut Julry iOt in l'or Perry. wite for tiie dtfins umq wltnesses vereS caid to tes- tlfy that on te ii ght 1l a sé- tion tiiey iad bea là touch vitii gctiell ainsn*way or anotburatid ti'a & ser ar q the7 coud judoe. ewaï 1Dot îutoxrat& Bot!, rou and daeu w It- dsss voe v eli kuin etuita f the Village. The crovus case vu aily is- euted by Crova AttOieSU J. A. Ncoibbon. white fur lt" deteus Mr. Hucmpbrtes, 62 Ofeià& 14m- tibriesk. Oshawa. loft 1>0 steuna- a urted tW proe tiAt ils .14%W %&,à bess wrroagly couletM bty thse magistrats in thet the vulgt if evIdeinc.8st1duced et the, rI1 vi la bis fliot. Sebeil. it la undîntood. «Ii 6fi, e tevm 5Udaysla lu et o ,ylig ecOit cMesto 140 cbuweisttodoa i bt tbc til'.. i 'Mpo t ho tb, ehuion LiaI.,Malc hl mm8 b.uaval'. oos 60d u rm a tn d -tetg vou" *sets'e m lov vu te a tas'rer < ist« . e« ea busliaiS f« mllSaroual. va i luagisi biletabOut wu t' ers la ti4ilve. IN hasl trvt OU aclad alIt~ oeusld mm e iiag tp âmo- olias'Lod l fbu* te -0»< thoug ba b dvî dqlpo StL .And vb7 Cbriétoise box?" ILa tallainw vie a* e6 mev- boy M aa$, «litSua aChristmas bo«, piaae% sr usMt Wbe able to tek l OÙBt lhWsword 'and give Ulm onoi- -" . iie Mars. And st lsu't as tboug'i tiies ser vas au BoIsai box: f os th receptacie dulboa "Cbrtttnmasbox" via, lu restityp a jgst-a £nctesquely ta- sldowd ssntbouvai'eJ=a. vbt to p sient te leuor "borrov- qui " or gUIs plmosé thensfi.bal o other aporture han tise st t'Vlt wh vicbL a cola could b. tarte&. Thoe Jars vers csnrld as far U&adk&.. ticb IStolitu?? by tic apopctaitlor c Ldois. vie r leaofflaly a4 p»orrau durc MI's s"d wvii*èves ilovsd tu cosqueames, bcolseet Uou"e trou aybody *ad sverybodf vis could be tuduced t. glve. At au mppolte4 lits.tios Cbrlstu bmxeswtns opsssu and the &poil eq'tally dM404 amoig tie p- prtatice TEE BYOE ou CERISMAS The. sie Pherdçs vatobsd tbslr fiociuby nlgbt And pee as ovur tb*M A.nd ose aIl thie nltl vod Thnt bord-ed Baeteem Ansd oas mont tiss u sa lad Wiio 414 bls fteisspart, A lîtRe lad *îtb shlalug eyos Tat spoko bis eags beart The bush Ocf rnsgit beld Lbe plain Wbsre flochsanad shepherde Ths littI. lad vltb sbuulng e liubold ne tbn stiU. Wieu lot about tbm'and above. There glowod a voudrons llîglt; A glory fleved acres. the plain. And sv*pt avay the a"'mit. The. sihenede ail verssors ',Wbat eau It maess?"" they "id as ti. Wonder flilol tir Aot soe bat tbrtled tait":d 'IthoMt. '41a Bot a titis for fasir Thé, ttdlugs tiat va brin« Lut!Star thcae &OS ellt Aro tics ftouiontihe flammîn a»i. As trou a ulg bty ù*us Ibers roIlet tthesau& tihs"nu une, 't 4 gatrium0.aat.0, =9ngof PMI»Le~u tbe g Who rolimu land audeu-. ASont Of Place tiia bali prevail WbsnurnMasusha i e. t~sg I dm.d aid dledi O ehime cf Qbrlstmaa boiRa. ureplace BM conaumed, tus end- Wièback soroma tii plain once Tii. mttftûlsbt rolIed.fta tido. Tet wus the m$llgbt net the, For lu thi.eUt star There suOns a llght uuseen bc- tore., A briglit and voudrons star. - CAuLE ITES The maudisla tie trot symbol of Chisltmas. Ita fllcienlng taper ilpltnt on the. mlii o the. City bsonne or ths country cottage eien&ont lb. Message of **Peace on ear(ii' quit$ as mueci as the. ÎSPECLA IIIolcs'Ip A cbharil»geldériy lady girls cadicbllbd in tise elSuborboO(t- every ysai' a 'Tvelfth Nlght" candis. Tbis 1fa a ierY -large ca- thelrai candis. vbiobh laW be lighted on Chistmas egy and placed on tise window-ill set luas wreath of'hoIýY anld 80 placed tisai Iîg fame hurna at the cçlltrqof a Christmas vreath hangg ln the wlndov. i la tieon kept burang svery evenla; until abs ove of Twltb Nlgbt. JmtiuBry 5th. The, Tvelttb Nlgbt ur., the uuburgled portiov i the. candis and all ithe Christ- mua. g?0688 areplaced lu the epe 8 n4 11.FrosWedLampe 6 troI 1,00 lng tii. Chrl'stm'as sasn wlth soi- einq ritual. The si gfls of this Drett3' rite la as follOWs: Tii can4ýe is symbollc of the. star wiebc the wlie men saw lu the icast; and la, ket it ihlg ttilaugii the.12 days durtug whicii the'wt4s men ewere fallowlng the sar on their lourney to the manger where the- ;oung Chlld lay. Peace is the produtt cl pretiared - nes f'or defnse. to the patiet set- tleinent of controveesy. anad th~e d- namie develo ont of the forces of ôOd wtlL-I4.ident Itoev. 'I "5&ml IadusWg ami - ~nu Oahawa.WhI~by- t. $je I~ a CHRISTMAS TR~SETS SATESI LNwmodelsfroe com 55'! ,~laer wiiu yea foui crs ccii sc J ln aide &bol Pu upot ci LIHTUP for Charistmas Whedi.r you reluire a but- fer 7Four Chrlstmas Tee t or ablh powered lump for yourstr or house we have them IEE SETS *colored coussh"u D~~d $1 tas'~ -W. Repair Chlu ta à 0Trotes ELECTIUCAL GIFTS lr.--, Toaur«.NH.atlu Pada, Raehll Rats. . eattee, Tcb.eetc.CuJo Mad B&a", The Fi JeeintyaireHardware t I -A Il t f È 0 -am-leur 7iý75, ikzkta, &raft 1 e eb«Mt *"ni t

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