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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Dec 1931, p. 3

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I t t il- 1 1 e.' conseiq t4d~lisOqd ima8s eson with sol capc 60frthis prçtty Ilowu: Tb@ can4lla the star wvý4c# tbe #, lu the Nat, and t ln* tbraugll the 12 whieh the wte» M*81 lg the star on thefr e pmanier wliere the produt 01prepared. se, tu the patientset- trovcrsy,. and tile dyr ment 01 the forces i ei t Hbév#. 701W EýSETS, -,$198 ATES Sodel froms O0S1U1 war, 1~ e uction OU a ONSUMIERS Whitby .ani& fuel in thou. l ad cIenl1 oiions, sud btrbùtion ta cet or51 VL67-N0 26 TAXRATE CHRISTMAS FAIR IS OUTSTANDING EVENT 0F YEAR IN WHITBY PlansArm Cmpleted For Commuaîy Event--onTown'Clerkq nd Tlbwsdny, December 24 Engineer H41P -Many Entfiite ' n Local Relief IDDIES LOOKING FOR SANTA CLAUS St. Nicholas ta Arrive by Air and Parade Int the Town Witb Great Pomp ,and Spiendour Plana Cor Lhe Whitby Christ- mas Pair aud horse show snd COMMUnity Christmnas Trea ho ho b'd ln Whitby on Thursday nexi. December 2411, have been coi- trleted sud Indications are that 1he Fair viii ho the largersi rom- nitinity eveut staged her.v for mauy 'yeara. The business peu- ple et the own are behind It sud there la much enthusiasm, FEu- tries In ail clxasset are coniing ln tu A. E. Kearney et the Royal B&nk. Only good ireather la nov ineeded Lumauie the Fair a nue- ces-, The Fair offetrs prizes for owu- ers uf horsea, agricuitural and racing. lady drivers. dressed -poul- try. home cooklng and dairy pro- ducLs.- acottraft aud oLbcr evente. Au outztanding feature of the Pair viii be the community Christmas Troc Lu ho erccted ut the Four Corners and dismantled by Sauta Claus oni Christmas Eve.. There wmli ho gifts for boys and girls ut the towu sud district. 'The troc wlll lie au im- monse affair. Iliuminated sud ladên wvth gifle. S auta iélaun wiii arrive lu Luvu by seroplane, Norman lrwin 1 av- log kindly cotisent cd lu pick hlm up apdl brtug hlm luo Whllby land- lug bina liJ. 1B. bttchiVa field. nI tour o'ciock lnthe î afiernoun. Bacta vii lîad a parade withi 1h. Citizeus' Baud, sud on bis irrival at the peut off Ice about 4.20. willl b. weIoq.d by Ma1ya C. E. 3ovuanaunsd memabers of thie Qeuncli. sauteviii arrive lu tovu early lu the oreDi ind ld sure -te bave a large fulevWIng. Decerate Street@ Merchants are invited to ce- operatevlthbthie Pair Commrittoe l% docoratiug the business streets. il la suggested that eacb merch- sut plant a Christmasa tree lu trust of his place, putllng orna- f Mental lights on IL. IPlacing et Exhibîts The peultry sud home rook- log di«plsys wiii be ln the Cûon- cil -ChaMber sud tho horse eveuts ou thée treetoq. It la expeed tbat the Fair vill briug hundredi of people frouna'aIl parts uftheb County lu W.hitby. Irosidait Geéorge M. Rice sud thoso assee- atmdwvtLh hlm vere very uopt- tmitlic when seen by tho Gazette and Chrenile o" Wedussday. re«tl looecd Ligbtî 9,1*1. Q- W. P. EI'"ery. et bhe Publie UtiltY CommIssIo, base Mon at vork Iustallilng tbe nov eoiobrid, ltgtiu< aystem la the basinesdistrictad expecle le Slave # illaoperallon on gaturday even; eofthis veek. IXRANIE TOU ' IIIiII5UUOW9 Wbthy &Md Port Pffry i Roard.Malte Agre.- Ment 'Nov mIe. g overutinif1g Soboolentrant» lu tbts district loto *dopted at a joint meeting et tbee Rait -Sehool - rtrase IWWdSe t Whflby sud Port Perryý blsd- aI tbe latter place an Tue.. duy Vrenia, vheu au Impottant yesoUtioft vas dooted. p)rncipal ArIbirA rchibald. et M oo>e ire nn A donation of fivC f' ft.t cf thefr nionthi> eairies fer Lbe relief oetovaid dîstreso camed by unempio) nient vas ofle,-ed by Town <Clrk snd Tr-esurer John R. Fro-o'. and Town Englaer H. L.. rrlugle, and &at-epted wfth albp.-eia.- tien and commendation by the Town Council on Tue»- day nlght et a sprias aNeet.- Ing. The letter stgned by oh t@Owi t fais lua a folova: 'Feeling thal e inehlubte ce. operate ln senie nu-score ln the work heing carried on to relleve dus-eau caum'd by un-. eMPloymnemt condit tous. e, the uMdersillned, hereby of. fer <o contribute tire per cent, ot eur respective mOutb.. iy »Iels ato be ued as ch. Couneil»asa It.,We fcl"I tai ire viii be uuIllin; <o make thA. otribot Ion until sert l-ime as te (ounril decides that lit la qpmnr r necea-» ~[IEBRATES ISq ~.86TH BIRTBDAY R. G. Oke Ahnoat Life- long Resdent and Higb 1 Iy Esteemed- Hale unit i..îi . Jme. oue ur Whitby's oldest and Most hfghly esteenaod reuideut.s, cn MNondsy ceicbrated bis 860i birtb- day vhen a large agimher ot bis folends caii.d toe ixttid their cen- ta uitieus and gCodUi). 1eup4oeWIsbold a 4 ýhg)nd on Dundb* Bte. Eash 'mrli< the 4tbui'aon sd eTentiI. sud t», veéTran ot Se sumbidra greeleod bis many <ruests, asslgted by MMs 0k* sud membors asud fri«edeto Lb. tamily. Born lu historie Devonshire. Ifr. 0ke carne te canada 77 remr aguti sccompaniod by parecstio brothers and Ivo ululerg. Tic trip vasmade on s a llsg Voetl aud iasted aine veeks. Tbe taxe- lly ilanded sI DaitIîglom., The Parents and ose sièeor 1"v Iiepý thbW. last sloop lu tie to itorie SI. Jo4aus cemetry snt PotZ Wbllby. Mfr. Oke CraI .etti et aI A monds, Ibea Slabeatr Imm came le Whbby, ver. fer 19 7fta bu vea tute elumabir bbisIR.. operatia; a yard sud mI lvte,- lte plant etofy. L. Psereft "wo tIandi. Ne va ua M k»aov tea an «uPart tradesmm SeR.bas lived retîrc foCetthe pat eleva ysarm.'but. for a Mai eif bis 7515 la'017 acti", t"bes a walk %îspiovo vry day. Re vas Imar.d la 11 os&" fdet it'union ther rertIo sons. Udvd. et ose daugbl.r. lts Ç te Uiet- tes. et Wittby. Tattlus a kme ltvu tb relti ion Ifet 1h. ou.sStly. Ur. Oke bau bffn à ebat ont. c<lifrUn tor m 4 UtS th seis &Ires- te Setsionor lb. pest b Oka, vIte bu, le»: Whve v (roui a amailaetflt à *M toWvu vstiraet. . wt Claceit aIAosUi*Bes l"uuwIm blbo .» bnla a et stmau i 4~ builingsouf b 1- - Wbm C» .OMM ta:, aed. su 1»»th b ie . w m'1 îPm =îým R EDUC TIO N IS EORECA ST Fine AMdre bY W. J. Dunlop of Higb Sciio0i Coenmenoaeft - *That tbe boYis and&gI'rls Oftat- day sbould make educ ti0fl a sert- ous business. and stri 1e to obais as much of It as îhey cao 501118 they wIl ho titied wheD jearning' days are putt for the varied duties ot Ilie. was the burden ut s mes- sange brougbt Lu the students <of Wbitby 111gb School by W. 3. Duni )p, drectur uf University Ex- tension. University of Torontolu a tlmeiy sddress dellvered at Lthe annual Commencement Exorcises heid ln thée sehool on FrIday even- ltg. Mr. Dunlop stresaed lhe tact that mauy nov fields ut endeavor in science. art. Industrial re- search. huusebold science. engi- neertag sud many otbers ere open tu the vouth et to-day. but lu ail. of theni they wuuld b. hend- IrspPed if ther lacked the edu<da- tion whlcb wai avaliabie to-day. The sieaker was iutroduced by Dr. H. flancom. chairman of the Doard'ut Education. wbb bad wltb ulni on the platform. Mayor C. E. dowman, Reerêe Jackxon, Princi- pal Arclibald outhlie 11gbSchaol, aud severai zuembers ot the Bloard of Education. The Kymnasium hall. where lhe gatb- erlng wa.s held. vas weil fIlhed. an encouraging feature belnc the prestence ut s large Ilumbpr uf parents. aud lutorested friendi et Üiop's addre@ts s along ligt of Ue2 vwnin lthie echool snd on eathletIreld hily quite a curm- et atudents vere precented bv e yror. reeve sud sebeol trus- te«s. fle the srbool LIterary Sô- cieti provlded an excellent musi- cal and literary programme. Dr. C. F. UtgilIlvray voleran secr- ear>' of th. Board of Education, vas absent ait a-ceunt i e 10 He bas mixsed few gotheringa of this charatter In tho at twenty- i fve or thlrty yc.ars. A l're.bem tes l'oeiL One et lhe gr"test probiems Outroitt.iuq boyrs and I<[ris to-ay, uu14 lit. Dunlop e1t te Commenes- nt t 1sl»sEdmes. vas to daeel ditriag soirool day< on a futur, M"001 u .teosi<ry gl éludent sold eooe & "an e sOuld be decidod tao. It vas always aCo<0*4 hia; Cor Yeutii<o haro s01eit in Mid. 00l09 A stop fnrtber Sinliais di- rection. 1Mr, Dunlop deelared that every Jligb Sebeel boy and titl abould lok torvard ho a tjîiver- ulty education. îPeple trou etbft ceuntries r.queatly calao te can-. b ad ud ld as that1vo are edu-. catiux Our youCtb tee higbi?. but for th1e mt paf, rt hesi pfle rame troua couattta vhoreOly a tev tould <et a uciverty ede- cation and *ber* e t aglllesla liait regard ver, sot vhit tha, Stel Iu C*nada. 11t £ vie c. ."Y hbat only tes ipmus out-et WhiI- 4a 141gb fkboolcaied bhar, a uni- vcrmty edomt»n, a, Iter, vould imm.)dtioy I W.49 *tdec*red the ëffuko, as ho use. auappuai for oq«ulty et p>atquuiy for dard et N oe.e Town Fnanc*i" nin931 Shown Here. in Nubthell Obs6e"g imm ef lthe i"d atmmaîpr..bte ah. Tra" Cau.caI m Tends, vestwine ch. wmw m h. eummawiad se .1mw.:l Coma eilIvd viii ithiaia l& *mtua emeib d m Umm fa for*0b.y«.. ya., Win cios. wlt asuplo f M44-8. t ch. lfor aa, a ber of ymwm a. A,&lssIdt f $I&u asvwid 'M& the rate b f ht" tva mdw "a y~h'0 tlm c ahe ofest f Net delwmtwe damt of th.e v u& . wed etwichat&aUia ch. " Osu'f smem.v ewéraetfs chia e ce «m et..1relis work doe t"yeBT. With ch.deflit taUkes sm» f, vm- im i th. ome.sw âme s lalmest «r ta b a uUduscism i ch.t« c af Io=13 Aslces absown n - .tu»,$ capital assois or.'lest ooas f DO-e sec eàm » ai pati uaaed th,..sh aL ies te tbc. ch sava 5uub b. d C.maa.i.sfer a am glI aiemht. 5SY befu' a me p.usly am es t'eeet CLEVER S7TJDE NTSA T HIGI-! SCHOOL GIVEN L ONG LJST 0F ) vPRIZES T~hé preetatli er vu vards, dilploMazs, seh modalesud sPoec'a'Pr scbeol students vbo bav, prulshed themasire dutl pasî year ta baule et lesi en th@_ field et athietici peasa»nt tetai'etofthé Hiib School Comanicd erciaes held lu lb. schbel day avening. sud te vi ther reterence lo made la sue ef tho Gazette and Ch' The presentallonsvol by Mtayor C. £. BovmsIL Albert W. Jackson, Trua don Whltfeld atid G. M. 1ev, P.. A. Hutchison. "01inellspietor, abd Fr1s Areblbeld. The ebairmar Ifr" etEduties, Dr. ten. preeld". u" th.« vsïnb lv et ame: arltisa- ~Junior Champliistbp- îirhPWon ily Nul. ordon. rie ~ Girls' Senior Vhansplnship. rinuthe Ituna-Up - Won by Dorotby rats; or Lorkyer. 8, vas a OlrGils Junior Championsblp Il annal bsuner-Up---Won by Margaret Ment 32- 8lee. > ou F1- Senior Cbaiaplonabip-XToeph lcb tur- Kng Cup-Won by Oreille Dcv- 0 Ibis Mo U ad. irnicle. Senior Sapesi unr ere ~*0yp-WOcby Cecl 0 aOlaiOd. timýGï.Won by -Leomard oay Oocidf*oi- : rt01¶ed1t0 Champlenhip ouablie ýtunaer-UP-IYen by gfexad HRa- 1, uc && of et b az"Il 0a umrks laay -ppes thi' L'pper Sehool ExanduatlOtuS. DOn- ated joiutiy by thée Ubard M 84e-1- c*tien suadthie ltw sF Sý 4y Won by Marguteite McA i ceoma vue.q This prise la avaded- le11* studeats vite matie Ib t 1 marks luagrteaitmat saIiMI& dis Sebhool Esasul»ul .Dnatsd1 by Ibe laIe COL. J. Z. Fe*'eviL K..Prt-NEya irdl; JOnd' xmrarm tW.sly.- Thea. seholai'ilpe vero. ided for by titevi o latt J. I. CaLter. et1SeA%4is. '11ev ar arflddtua24 Om icgoslu two C>n"tme o ii thtre a udtbib* mar» 0s t os fl oles PP Sichool sue vasct mes44 itru t eItars"##* i 01t he valse« 1 q# 1 l- __ abotbom >m *br, AvahI . Scc"*it *bo tctheorma ý i bl lIe »g yens Ww 1 ampieaehlp-~Wes by hsiuplensblp lannet- Won b? flm*a DavSy, d i 71014 Da.- dodo wmêe .Mmlenahle- I 'i NEW SEDU -ARE, ISIJD SHORE iAS W hidustriaisu macia User ini Whitby ta ..T. Mliier, ylW-pieIt and generai managelr of Ontario fibore au COMPs.Y. LIMited, saounce that the eomnpozy bas estabiished a amy schedule of rates for <au used fori, ldustrlal and commer- cial purposes, witb the bblect 0f making <as available for Indus- tries and commercial usera at very favorable rates. coples of the nev rate scedule bave been sent te ail present snd prospective iuduitrWan ad commercial gis usera lthe Oshawa, Wbltby and flowmanvllle terrllbortes covered by the comp*my's systeai. setting out the achetule sud e2pIltDtng thi. method of computins the rate. The nov rates are graded fromn a maximum te a minimum figure. based on the amouâtt o oamp- tiOn euhb moitIt. snd are., ln the Opinion et Mr. Mituer. sumctontiy loy to moa ts use economical for Induatrial purpoees. He la con- fident that. vb e l. Ciiiofect or these Dow rate.l ist. ibere vili ho a sufficlent lacreas la con- sumption hto maka possible a re- detion ln the domestie rtes. Mr. tilnerns tatement luncon- 'noction vith the Innovation of the nour rates. la as follovu: Syste'. EXtcad *'Slnco Ontario Shore Cam Comn- pany. Limited, acqulred theo 0,11 ava GaiS YsheM lu April. 1931, vo have devoted our onergies to rebuliding lbe Oshawa gas plant. *bxteudlng the Oshawa distribu- tion sYstem and iaqinsga<s pipe transmission Pipe Unes le and eouatrncung the distribution sys- tOme In BOvmanville ad Whitty. With a "a~ plant in Oshawa cpa- hie et produng 400,000 tu. Il. of pu par day vltIt adequmtu a distlbutlqnsystema la <114 <as three atulelplltlo$ e.,v.fee that vo are Dow là a positon b. oî tbu. cessUiltl u t 09ol bis en. tire district., 'Wé btieltaI tbis 0distrct la du t tebeemebueet b« at , fcâ1 .sutwyAm~ OLCScb Tie Eplila psgcaslcy et e tanS halA aur la. Ity. CHRISTMAS SHOPPINGEDTO 'FOR1932 COUNCIL WILLCLOSE THIE YEAR 1931 WITH A SURPLUS 0f $4460O0 Con trbute $2241 For Local Cheer Welfaqe Fund Tb* vuni of che Cbriscaie Chee »ud WeflfaeFsdin Whcyh.berna reaty tiîiu. tye wPa"d sMd cveecy-mee doum imbîs.teih.t.he c.- h.Ontaui. Haiai uesigven h, cL.m. in Jehm IL Fotm, u «de..iy Ma. J. j Kien uashrrai ch. »bsis.sd ae.4.a.le eMW.it begIa ,adim tet .che fas. et lch.oesw. Lest yr a shmaleramouat W vagieb? latS arete;h. e eesamdd feS chafr ePk* of. hlmdâu eand ayptyfer ch0..in Whlth wh a hemelves ia ammdet che- Chriscmusthe. Oum er e tie-t1e amch Fuud WUI be suvegsa MUIY FIREMEN Altermatti ofsum hgodW Asska#>FrmSefor Au oh emoet aapu4t. vboh os- eurred botelvcewov.Wbltity tire- mum 'on tbi ortng oCf' "1»r I111 vbile eaCire vas la. prestus. la fl ..Ladon hock "on'-E-re struatNorcI4 . vas4«4h1uard l i~e D" itcd $10,000 Ha Been Wipe4Out sud Tax Rat. eduto 1932 la Possibl DEBENTURE DERT WAS DEcRAS Coupa lKept Wef Wt Esbimat. ie , iit~ fw the .Yosr -CqbIm Snuies veemuch la evidencon the faces of Whîtbys toloa ltera on Tuesday nagzht vhes t' t fasur- er, John &. Frost. presenied is lfin- aunai statement for ch. year lPMI. shoving ameeg otiters ibiail t t a dçficî:,of $1>,00had-bc= wiPed out. te year cdsed yuL aasuries of $446.W;0,the lovas debeatfire - debt si*ihtly reduted despite acw issue& for relief vo-k doue 4st Yeu; >the yeuaastintes dI« mainncansd lait, but 'Dot lcpt. a predielsea chat che e vond bt-a ubaantiali ieductiou intahei 4 C yic rhe Me vrui Sal, Cisa, hringing a Chrismma 6fit wh ich i, vlbe umnt atÎplbW t bie. cO=*unclsd the tasyî The Ireuriet ; talemOt tW"il Rtes go <hoeralepayers e«nema- Jion uùcht qcoatairthe>b. foM=p bevord vitick ilietnll- tbwom clesit ye ar>s saee-a b=tu tomnp1*teiy sPed -ouI tii clla butoe ltai.-. edul ingor t rte nekt posa, S'eul- Dospitl helb . t , nov debepturei avae béom 1* durîix;the outrent voir -f«r e vorks undertaen bltyoar ,> ddbetuedebt shoysa a lizti *e Tbirdfr-Ctntton loueS, t aswcser swer - 1sl' et atalIép.ê Selaimed ltaI tou argnata et brl#p( dir Se, viliutprmv eue bol>e lIe Wil. Ktn eerd vas lte &0 li b.graibibe ld-l JOUS, ifflFy 5 the bVtIU 41 an'ï <usE « Wu5 wH4rIByONTL.- CAADA. TH45DAY, ECEMBER4.179 1931 ez- UMM" 1 A to " -

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